Karu Covers - Juego de Dioses [God Games] versuri traducere în engleză
Translation God Games
My Father, when have I asked you for anything?
I've come so you can help my friend
He's very far from his home
It's Odysseus
You ask me to impart Divine Justice
That I shorten the sentence of that dual Greek?
You fight against thunder for a filthy mortal
But, if you want to go on with this
Would you like to play?
Convince 'them' that he is deserving of this
Win and I'll release him
And me!
What do you say?
Yes, sir
Bring it
I love listening to melodies
The sirens are no more
I know Ody did wrong
They tried to attack him, he tried to negotiate
He gave them a warning
And, thanks to that, they finally sing with some precaution
If that's true, release him
All must be forged
Why should I help him?
He left his cohort behind
Don't forget they didn't listen
They stabbed him and tied him
But, if you do what I ask, he'll forge a destiny with his loved ones
Fine, release him
Your apprentice, my child, Odysseus
Loved his mommy so much he abandoned her
He was leading a fight!
Or was just getting distracted
It's thanks to that Cyclops that know he knows how she felt
Reconsider this
Really, Athena!
Play by the rules!
What kind of brute leaves behind his own, alone and dying?
He didn't try to attack Scylla
Didn't act with rage!
He relied on a stupid wooden horse!
Doubt in every decision!
His son is a loser!
That child is my friend!
Maybe your lover still has much to learn!
You want blood? Release him!
He'll get to his kingdom, there will be bloodshed all round!
Agh, release him
Hey, baby
I know of brave ones!
I know how they are!
What could he have that makes him the best one?
He has the mind of a prodigy
Is that all?
He's well spoken
You want to lose?
He's hilarious?
He's never cheated on his wide
Release him
I played and won
Release him
You're very bold
Have you forgotten who I am?
No one beats me
Only I win!
Lightning, attack, I say
My will will be done, until I give the final judgement!
You think she's...?
Let him go, dad
Let him go
Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist:
Karu CoversToate versurile în limba engleză de pe acest site pot fi utilizate numai în scopuri personale și educaționale.
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Mai multe traduceri de versuri
Cucurrucucú, dove
They say that in the night
When the moon appears on the hill
The shadow of a dove
Returns to the sky
It returns to fly
They swear that a sweet song
Passes in the wind
Like a lament
They swear that, in the enchantment
It seems you can hear
The echo of a cry
Cucurrucucú, dove
Cucurrucucú, it sang
Ay, ay, ay, ay, dove
Ay, ay, ay, ay, it cried
Cucurrucucú), dove
Ay, ay, ay, dove
A Gentle Breeze I Once Saw
Crimson bus path
Someone's rolling up their sleeves
Pretending to sulk, I
Count the small lamps
At that walking pace
You plan on leaving me behind someday
No longer even touching me
A gentle breeze I once saw
Enveloped the two of us
I thought we'd always remain together
I don't want to mistake
Becoming a grown up with
Showing a bored expression
After rugby jerseys are taken off
A somehow lonely school ground
The words we exchanged fade away
The faucet is running low
A growing shadow that I'm nestling against
Those wide shoulders
Now appear resistant
A gentle breeze I once saw
If it were to blow once more
We can regain that feeling...I believe it
You looking down like that
Makes me weak, you know
Before knowing it, I was just waiting
A gentle breeze I once saw
Is an illusion enveloping us both
So I'll now softly close my eyes
What I want to have radiate
Are things that aren't memories
I'll bid goodbye to the weakling in me
And tell me that you love me
And tell me softly,
With a sigh,
That you love me so much,
And then kiss me.
If you say it in a whisper,
It’s so sweet,
I lose sleep and peace
If I don’t hear you say it.
Love is like this:
Those who love always want to hear
A little word, a “yes,”
A sincere promise.
So say it softly,
With a smile,
And I’ll rise to Paradise
For the happiness.
Love is like this:
Those who love always want to hear
A little word, a “yes,”
A sincere promise.
So say it softly,
With a smile,
And I’ll rise to Paradise
For the happiness,
For the happiness!
Red, red
Red, red
[Verse 1]
No words are enough
When I try to describe you
They won't even reach half of it
How you excite me
Whenever you lie next to me
I can't calm down
What's going on in my mind
I can't suppress it
You're so hot, it's almost too much
And all my gauges are red, red
Red, red
Hey, what are you doing to me?
I'm on my knees in front of you
My body is red, red next to you
Red, red
[Verse 2]
Here, no scale is enough
A big number is not enough
To tell you how beautiful you are there on my bed
I'm falling apart because of how much I want
I want (you) so much that I lose my mind
I'm in danger, I'm in danger
You too
You're so hot, it's almost too much
And all my gauges are red, red
Red, red
Hey, what are you doing to me?
I'm on my knees in front of you
My body is red, red next to you
Red, red
I'm falling apart because of how much I want
I want (you) so much that I lose my mind
I'm in danger, I'm in danger
You too
You're so hot, it's almost too much
And all my gauges are red, red
Red, red
Hey, what are you doing to me?
I'm on my knees in front of you
My body is red, red next to you
Red, red