Miley Cyrus - #GetItRight versuri traducere
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[Versul 1]
Simt un val care mă cuprinde
O simt în jurul coapselor mele
Și frisoane urcându-mi pe picioare
Asta e cel mai rău lucru care iese din mine
Când am venit, am simțit că aș putea muri
Și-mi dă fiori pe șira spinării
Ești sexy, sexy
Am lucruri pe care vreau să ți le fac
Fă-mă, fă-mă
Fă-mi limba să meargă
Flexează-ți, flexează-ți
Flexează-ți mușchii până la acoperiș
Arestează-i, odihnește-i, pentru că ești un criminal
Am stat în patul ăsta toată noaptea
Nu crezi că e timpul să o facem?
Dar trebuie să o facem bine, nu putem greși
Nu vrei să simți acest foc înainte să dispară?
[Versul 2]
Simt setea revărsându-se în mine
Lucrurile pe care vreau să le încerc
Care-mi răsună în cap
Aceasta este prima dată când am ocazia să văd
Lucruri pe care nu le-am văzut în viața mea
Tu faci să crească flori sub patul meu
[Pre-refren și Refren]
[Versul 3]
Pentru atât de mult timp ai fost plecat
Am fugit înapoi acasă când eram în brațele tale
Ai cântat la corzile mele ca la chitara mea
Când mă uit în ochii tăi văd toate stelele
Ai crede că
Dansez în oglindă
Mă simt ca și cum nu aș avea chiloți pe mine
Aș vrea să te pot simți
Așa că grăbește-te, închide telefonul ăla nenorocit
O vreau, o vreau, fă-o să dureze pentru totdeauna
Ce vrei tu, toată ziua
Atâta timp cât suntem împreună, iubitule, nu mă face să aștept
Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist:
Miley CyrusToate versurile în limba engleză de pe acest site pot fi utilizate numai în scopuri personale și educaționale.
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Mai multe traduceri de versuri
Last Tango
The last tango
to remember
is that tango that is danced
quickly and goes.
You, romantic that you are, don't know what you want
but then you'll be happy
if I capture you to make you do a gigolo tango,
a tango will be fun.
The last tango
drives me mad,
this rhythm of the past returns for us
and goes.
You, romantic that you are, don't know what you want
but then you'll be happy
if I capture you to make you do a gigolo tango,
a tango will be fun.
The last tango
to remember
is that tango that is danced
quickly and goes.
Abishag, Abishag
I see everything in you
Abishag, Abishag
I just can't stand it anymore
Why are you smiling
And making me signs,
Sending your gaze towards me
Abishag, I love you so much
Abishag, Abishag
Abishag, ho Abishag
I can't do without you anymore
Abishag, Abishag
I long to be with you.
Why are you smiling
And making me signs,
Sending your gaze towards me
(prenti ti pre mai
o volto piano pri verrai)?
Abishag, Abishag
Abishag, Ciao
What Are You Looking For?
What are you looking for
around you?
Look carefully,
someone is there.
If the rain were to fall,
it would dream of the clouds
that cover your face
and then you would see in me.
This love of mine is so great
and I can't stop it,
I'm a prisoner of your eyes
and I can't change myself.
What are you looking for
around you?
Look carefully,
someone is there.
If there was the moon,
it would give me courage to
give you a sudden kiss
and then you'd say yes.
What are you looking for
around you?
Look carefully,
someone is there.
If the rain were to fall,
it would dream of the clouds
that cover your face
and then you would see in me.
This love of mine is so great
and I can't stop it,
I'm a prisoner of your eyes
and I can't change myself.
What are you looking for
around you?
Look carefully,
someone is there.
If there was a moon,
it would give me courage to
give you a sudden kiss
and then you'd say yes,
you'd say yes,
you'd say yes,
you'd say yes,
you'd say yes.
I Was About to Tell The World
I was about to tell the world about our love
now that our love is no longer of any use.
I was showing our sky to the sun
now that our sky no longer shines.
If you want it like that,
I won't insist oh-oh-oh-oh,
the moon turns
and perhaps you'll return.
I was about to tell the world our love
now that you're leaving.
I won't give up, I'll leave the door open
and I'll wait.
If you want it like that,
I won't insist oh-oh-oh-oh,
the moon turns
and perhaps you'll return.
I was about to tell the world our love
now that you're leaving.
I won't give up, I'll leave the door open
and I'll wait,
I'll leave the door open
and I'll wait.