Nicki Minaj - Super Bass versuri traducere
Bass Super
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Asta e pentru băieții cu sistemul de boxe
Capota jos, AC, cu aer condiționat
Când intră în club, strălucește
Are teancuri de bani pe masă de parcă ar economisi
Și e șmecher, e sincer, poate are o afacere
El deschide sticlele și are o notă de plată perfectă
E rece, e de treabă, poate vinde cocaină
E tot timpul în aer, dar el nu zboară niciodată pe auto pilot
El are o prezență, prezență, marinar pe barcă, barcă
Când o face să picure, picure, sărută-l pe buze, pe buze
Ăsta e genul de tip pe care îl căutam
Și da, îți voi da o palmă dacă te uiți la el, târfo
Am spus: 'Scuză-mă, ești prea interesant'
Adică, zbori ca și un pelican
Adică, ești atât de timid și îmi place cravata ta
Ești mai șmecher decât tipul cu chestia aia pe ochi, oh
Da, am făcut-o, da, am făcut-o, cineva vă rog să-£ spună cine naiba sunt
Eu sunt Nicki Minaj, îi impresionez pe toți tipii, ridică paharul iar apoi bea
Băiete, îmi faci inima să bată tot mai tare
Bate ca o tobă și e pe drum spre tine
Nu poți auzi acel boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass?
Yeah, e acel bass super
Are acel bass super boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
Yeah, e acel bass super
Boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, are acel bass super
boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bass
Aceasta este pentru băieții în tricouri polo
Antreprenori din moguli
Ar putea să joace într-o echipă, sau ar putea fi solo
Dar cred că-mi place mai mult când e glumeț
Și cred că-mi place mai mult de el cu șapca pe cap
Nici măcar nu trebuie să încerce să pună mac-ul pe el
Trebuie doar să-mi dea privirea aia, când îmi dă privirea aia
Apoi chiloții se dau jos, se dau jos, uh
Am spus: 'Scuză-mă, ești prea interesant', știi că am o slăbiciune pentru tipii americani
Adică, of, ochi îndrăgostiți, pot spune că ești confortabil cu partea ta feminină
Da, am făcut-o, da, am făcut-o, cineva vă rog să-i spună cine naiba sunt
Eu sunt Nicki Minaj, îi impresionez pe toți tipii, ridică paharul iar apoi bea
Vezi, am nevoie de tine să rămâi în viața mea
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, știu că vei rămâne
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu pleca
Băiete, îmi faci inima să bată mai tare
Nu poți auzi bătăile inimii și cum sunt pe drum spre tine?
Oh, face ceva gen boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
Nu poți auzi acel boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist:
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Mai multe traduceri de versuri
Somosierra 1808
A blade glistened, and through the storm of grape shot
Charge straight into the void, the emperor's order
They reached the earthworks in an avalanche of fire
They raised their banner above the conquered cannons
The drums went silent, dust settled in the valley
Foreign and rough ground will take us in
Trumpet, play for me, play songs of Poland
She is so close to me, and yet so far
There, where I'm going, you are no more, my dear Poland
An army under the Spanish skies dreamed of you
You were a chaotic dream, and your might
The desired goal of a long journey
Eagle, my eagle, the sign of eternal glory
When you visit my homelands
Bow to the grain, and the morning aurorae
Dip into the Vistula's holiest waters
There, where I'm going, you are no more, my dear Poland
An army under the Spanish skies dreamed of you
You were a chaotic dream, and your might
The desired goal of a long journey
Oh God, please give each man a fitting death
Oh God, please give each man a fitting death
That would be following his life itself
With its needs, meaning, love to the last breath
Mediocre Moonshine
I believed I’ve been a genius foolish of me
My little confidence spilled over and shattered
If there had been no coincidence, I’d still be
Dancing hand in hand with a sense of loneliness
Even though I keep wishing, “Lucky you, lucky you.”
Dreams are far away, with only reality in sight
Not yet, not yet, that’s not enough
I’m yet to touch anyone’s soul
A lifelong demonstration of my value, go beyond forever
Damn it! Time won’t stop, no matter what
Will I make it in time? To the end of an unknown world
Someday, please let it be
Go past 340 meters per sec
The unheard-of melody won’t stop ringing out
Even if I can’t change, there's no one to replace me
Shutting the mirror
I glared at a future on the verge of revolution
I believed I’ve been a genius, realized I’m not to begin with
Losing to the harmony of different sounds and breaths
I want to believe it’s meant to be, but I can’t go back
To when I once was a hero, so naïve and invincible
I ask myself, “What should I do? What can I do?”
The me within yells back
“You are you and nothing else.
You don’t need the future of someone else’s life, do you?”
The whole time and my whole being, go beyond the limits
Don’t stop your fingers, no matter how many mistakes
Even if it weren’t to come true, keep on wishing for it
To play ‘til the very moment
As I stepped towards the future of a declared defeat
“Mediocre talented for my whole life, not the genius kind.
There’s nothing left of me, I can’t do anything. neither.”
I won’t let myself make those excuses so I’ll keep on challenging it
Again and again, follow my lead
Go past 340 meters per sec
The unheard-of melody won’t stop ringing out
Even if I can’t change, ain’t nothing to replace me
Shutting the mirror
A future that faces the verge of revolution
Is undoubtedly to me a certain hope
I believed I’ve been a genius even so, I do for sure
Stars are of the Heavens, Flowers are of the Earth
A nice person once told me
that stars are of the heavens, flowers are of the earth, and my love is of you
Winds come from your eyes
and begin to paint a crystal clear picture
Really...don't look at me any longer...
Don't stir my sleeping heart
I turned away from you like I was going to run
and when I looked back, you were gone
I turned over the canvas of my heart
That sad gaze continues to burn me
Why did I give up on you back then?
Even though there's no letter, I'm still waiting
If you were holding me from behind,
the sea I see now would be different
La la la...
La la la...
A nice person once told me
that stars are of the heavens, flowers are of the earth, and my love is of you
Stars are of the heavens, flowers are of the earth, and my love is of you