Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Pinguini Tattici Nucleari - Coca Zero versuri traducere în engleză



Coke Zero

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Ma'am, what can I say
Your grandaughter and her friend
Have come out of the closet
They're pan, and not like the bread1
And as much as you may not like it
There's no getting out of this
The light of reason illuminates
If the boomer doesn't agree with the millennial
And those that don't adapt die
Raise up your head like Lamarck's giraffe2
And complain that we live in a society where
They'll take Jesus down from the wall
While you long for the time when He was around3
We'll sing the national anthem in English
And in the small town bar they'll talk about gender fluidity4
Ma'am, everything changes and you're behind the times
Who knows how much longer the Pareto Principle5 will hold
Ma'am, I see you roll your eyes
We don't order Coca Cola anymore, only Coke Zero
Coke Zero
Coke Zero
Coke Zero
Coke Zero
Ma'am, if your pension isn't enough
With just a bit of passion
You can make bank on OnlyFans6
The ice melts but the glass is half full
Today we won't celebrate with a pizza in Supercar7
Yesterday you saw a clever sentence on Facebook
It said that suits and ties do more damage than tattoos
I don't know, it really seems like bow ties make the most ruckus8
They'll take Jesus down from the wall
While you long for the time when He was around
We'll sing the national anthem in English
And in the small town bar they'll talk about gender fluidity
Ma'am, every idol has his MeToo9
But the established order never stops
Ma'am, I see you roll your eyes
We don't order Coca Cola anymore, only Coke Zero
Coke Zero
Coke Zero
Coke Zero
Coke Zero
After the high of playing Need for Speed10
Your grandaughter will come back home and teach you to use the SPID11
That's all Italy is
A nation of old flaws trying to make peace with young guilty consciences
There are those who would prefer cash today over fame tomorrow
Those who end up like Khashoggi12 for an ideal
But please, be polite to strangers13
And look for a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow washing14
(Coke Zero) The world won't wait for you
(Coke Zero) It turns, rotates, and changes
(Coke Zero) People who yell at ads
(Coke Zero) Are the first to sing
Coke Zero
Coke Zero
Coke Zero
Coke Zero
  • 1. Pan as in pansexual, or an attraction to people regardless of their gender identity. The phrase used here, 'Pan per focaccia' in Italian means 'tit for tat', but 'pan' can also translate as 'bread'
  • 2. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck was a 19th century French naturalist who proposed the early evolutionary idea that giraffes got their long necks by slowly stretching to reach higher tree branches, and over generations this feature solidified in the species.
  • 3. The phrase 'quando c'era Lui' 'when He was around' is used by some older generations or right-wing Italians to refer nostalgically to the 20 years that Italy was ruled by the Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini
  • 4. Gender fluidity is a non-fixed gender identity that can change with time. Bar here is also referring to the coffeshops that are ubiquitous in Italy, but I've translated it here as just 'bar' since that probably better conveys the role they play in Italian society as a place where people, paritculary older generations often gather
  • 5. This statistical principles states that in many cases, 80% of the consequences come from only 20% of the causes
  • 6. OnlyFans is an online subscription platform, often used for pornography, where performers can make money from users who pay to view their content
  • 7. A sci-fi car from the namesake 80s British children's show
  • 8. This is apparently a reference to Simone Pillon, an Italian politician from the right-wing Lega party who always wears a bow tie ('papillon' in Italian) in reference to his last name. In 2021 he was a major opponent of the Zan bill, a proposed law which would have criminalized discrimination and incitement to violence against gay, lesbian, trans, and disabled people
  • 9. Feminist movement against sexual harassment and assault in which women on social media discussed sexual misconduct that they had experienced at the hands of celebrities and other well-known male figures. Here the Italian word for idol, 'mito', is very similar to MeToo
  • 10. A car racing video game
  • 11. Public Digital Identity System, a credentials system established by the Italian government which allows citizens to access public and private services, and which has notoriously caused much difficulty for elderly Italians
  • 12. A Saudi dissident journalist who was kidnapped and killed by the Saudi Arabian government
  • 13. Literally 'use Lei (the formal 'you' in Italian) when talking to strangers'. A common complaint by older Italians is that young people overuse 'tu', the informal 'you', which is often seen as impolite
  • 14. A marketing term used to describe when companies disingenuously use LGBTQ+ symbols to signal support for the community, without actually supporting them in any meaningful way

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Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Casa mea e casa ta (Guantanamo)
Iar iarba e mai verde de partea mea (ah ah ah)
Și toți prietenii mei sunt aici (Guantanamo)
Doar eu și familia mea (Guantanamo)

Hei, chico!
Lasă mașina pornită cât dau o fugă la supermarket
Îmi iau o pălărie cubaneză contrafăcută, Compay Segundo
Facem grătar, știi că îmi place kebab-ul
Doar că de data asta, fără frați de blues
Atmosfera e Cuba

Dau câțiva bani și câteva sfaturi înțelepte copiilor
Sunt un exemplu pentru ei, să rămână la școală și să învețe business
Le spun să respecte regulile
Să respecte bătrânii
Iau cina cu Don
Cuscus cu parmezan

Soarele e pe cale să apună
Cămăși hawaiiene, trabucuri Havana
Cer roșu, briză fierbinte, femei care iubesc chitarele
Și te asigur că orașul meu e un ghetou
Mașini vechi, dar fără cauciucuri sparte, ține-te bine
Sau putem sta liniștiți în Tanger
Nu cel din Vegas, nu, ci cel din Maroc
Traversăm Atlanticul, de la tine până la cartierul meu
Mai mult sos picant, mai mult de băut
Mai multe palmieri, mai mult dans

Casa mea e casa ta (Guantanamo)
Iar iarba e mai verde de partea mea (ah ah ah)
Și toți prietenii mei sunt aici (Guantanamo)
Doar eu și familia mea (Guantanamo)

Casa mea e casa ta (Guantanamo)
Iar iarba e mai verde de partea mea (ah ah ah)
Și toți prietenii mei sunt aici (Guantanamo)
Doar eu și familia mea (Guantanamo)

Acum, în Havana
Străzi vechi cu aer colonial
Problemele nu se ascund (Nu)
Dar e și dulceață la fiecare pas
Palmierii, la fel ca Che,
Înnobilează peisajul
Cânt „De unde sunt cântăreții”
Pentru insula mea, pentru prietenul meu, traversez
Doar în pantaloni scurți, cu ochelari de soare
Cu Chevy-ul meu și soarele arzător
Astăzi e o zi specială
Pentru că azi plec spre Orient

E un milion de grade, abia te poți mișca
Și salsa face atmosfera și mai fierbinte
În acest groove Cohiba, așa că mișcă-te
Viața este ceea ce faci din ea
E simplu și clar
Uneori ai soare
Dar deocamdată, nu avem ploaie

Casa mea e casa ta (Guantanamo)
Iar iarba e mai verde de partea mea (ah ah ah)
Și toți prietenii mei sunt aici (Guantanamo)
Doar eu și familia mea (Guantanamo)

Casa mea e casa ta (Guantanamo)
Iar iarba e mai verde de partea mea (ah ah ah)
Și toți prietenii mei sunt aici (Guantanamo)
Doar eu și familia mea (Guantanamo)

Mută-te spre stânga, dă puțin înapoi, ok, ține-l acolo
O să ne uităm la meci, chiar dacă semnalul nu e clar
Da, la mine acasă îi zicem cricket, pe aici îi zice pelota
Două sporturi grozave, din două culturi mândre
I-ai văzut jucând pe străzi de la început
Unii dintre cei mai mari au venit de aici, știi că au inimă
Modele din cartier, adânc în tranșee
Apoi schimbă mâna, lovește un 6, mingea iese de pe teren

Se sting luminile, nu avem curent pentru restul nopții
Nu ne pasă, ridicăm brichetele sus
Sărim pe ritmul ăsta până răsare soarele
Mai mult sos picant, mai mult de băut
Mai mulți palmieri, mai mult dans (Mai mult dans, hai la Guantanamo)
Mai mult soare

Casa mea e casa ta (Guantanamo)
Iar iarba e mai verde de partea mea (ah ah ah)
Și toți prietenii mei sunt aici (Guantanamo)
Doar eu și familia mea (Guantanamo)

Casa mea e casa ta (Guantanamo)
Iar iarba e mai verde de partea mea (ah ah ah)
Și toți prietenii mei sunt aici (Guantanamo)
Doar eu și familia mea (Guantanamo)

Casa mea e casa ta (Mai mult sos picant)
Iar iarba e mai verde de partea mea (Mai mult de băut)
(Mai mulți palmieri, mai mult dans) Și toți prietenii mei sunt aici (Guantanamo)
Doar eu și familia mea (Mai mult soare)

Casa mea e casa ta (Mai mult sos picant)
Iar iarba e mai verde de partea mea (Mai mult de băut)
Mai mulți palmieri, mai mult dans, mai mult soare


Âgé de cent mille ans, j’aurais encor la force
De t’attendre, ô demain pressenti par l’espoir.
Le temps, vieillard souffrant de multiples entorses,
Peut gémir : le matin est neuf, neuf est le soir.

Mais depuis trop de mois nous vivons à la veille,
Nous veillons, nous gardons la lumière et le feu,
Nous parlons à voix basse et nous tendons l’oreille
À maint bruit vite éteint et perdu comme au jeu.

Or, du fond de la nuit, nous témoignons encore
De la splendeur du jour et de tous ses présents.
Si nous ne dormons pas c’est pour guetter l’aurore
Qui prouvera qu’enfin nous vivons au présent.

Sunset Blvd

You're my cherry pie
I don't care who knows it
Love me till I die
Bury me with roses
I know you're awfully shy
But I can't wait to hold it, to hold that
Big, big, hard heart!

With open arms
Holding you, naked
Middle of Sunset
Making you famous
Everyone's watching
Bare skin, concrete
They're calling the police
Open arms
Holding you, naked
Middle of Sunset

Feels so good, it hurts
But you fill up what's broken
Woman of few words
But for you, I keep my mouth wide open
Praying and hoping
That you quench my thirst
Not just dip your toes in, I want that
Big (big), big (big), hard (hard) heart!

With open arms
Holding you, naked
Middle of Sunset
Making you famous
Everyone's watching
Bare skin, concrete
They're calling the police
Open arms
Holding you, naked
Middle of Sunset

I just wanna touch it, touch it
Try your hardest not to bust it
Gimme, gimme, love it, love it
Hey, hey, hey

I just wanna touch it, touch it
Try your hardest not to bust it
Gimme, gimme, how I love your
Big, big heart!

With open arms
Holding you, naked
Middle of Sunset
Making you famous
Everyone's watching
Bare skin, concrete
They're calling the police
Open arms
Holding you, naked
Middle of Sunset

Quiérela corazón

Quiérela corazón, ya que existe una razón
la razón de vivir por toda una eternidad
Y hallarás un deseo, el que siempre tendrás tú
de encontrar el cariño que de niño nos faltó

Un cariño se hace amor, y el amor es comprensión
que tendrás al quererla como quieres, corazón
y será la compañera en la vida, en la vida de los dos

Un cariño se hace amor, y el amor es comprensión
que tendrás al quererla como quieres, corazón
y será la compañera en la vida, en la vida de los dos

En la vida (de los dos)
En la vida (de los dos)
En la vida (de los dos)
En la vida (de los dos)