Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

PNL - Autre monde versuri traducere în engleză


Another world

[Intro: N.O.S]
[Verse 1: N.O.S]
I want to go back home
The path isn't the same now that the world is ours
On my last flow, in my building, skunk
Only cockroaches and my dreams will remain1
I take a picture of my life, a bit more than before, doubts are being confirmed, a bit less than before2
Angels are opening up and you, you will never know who I am3
Even I will have trouble figuring it out for the rest of my life
So I'll need to come back here
I will give you time to disappoint me but time will allow me to see
Will you still be drawn to me in the dark ?
Last in the ovens4, looking for a gleam, a few roses, a lot of thorns in the heart
The same kid without the dreams, without the tears and I have many questions
For my Maker5, in the meantime I wander, I make many mistakes
And the past resonates in my heart
I don't want us to survive anymore, I want a better life, I don't want them to deny themselves anymore6, live your dreams and die
[Chorus: Ademo & N.O.S]
Only family7, only family, only family, only family, nothing has changed in my fucking head
I'm outside of the codes, I'll not pick flowers for you, I've got the rose but you're dumb, I'm not playing Saint-Valentine,
Only money, only money, only money, only money, nothing has changed in my fucking head
You know the street charmed me, told me 'a liter8 costs that much', I'd like to explain you but I'm counting, I don't have time
Only family, only family, only family, only family, nothing has changed in my fucking head
There's wealth in our souls, there's misery in our eyes
Only money, only money, only money, only money, nothing has changed in my fucking head
Beauty and charm, we're thinking that we don't deserve the heavens
[Verse 2: Ademo]
I want to be gang9, fella (fella, fella)
Life made us weep, I want to be dumb, to not think anymore, not forgive them anymore, nothing in the head anymore
And I keep all of my tears, sometimes my eyes are wet, I want to be empty, not have a soul anymore
Become the beast10 again
I want love but you can't buy it, when I hand it out it's free, these bastards don't give it back
Funny concept
And I can say that I have a toned heart, a bit of a lost expression, man
I can tell you that we're afraid to love, Tarik Clark11, AD12 Superman
I want to end it all but hess13 traumatized me, people who followed me, I can't abandon them
So I guess I'm doomed
[Chorus: Ademo & N.O.S]
Only family, only family, only family, only family, nothing has changed in my fucking head
I'm outside of the codes, I'll not pick flowers for you, I've got the rose but you're dumb, I'm not playing Saint-Valentine,
Only money, only money, only money, only money, nothing has changed in my fucking head
You know the street charmed me, told me 'a liter costs that much', I'd like to explain you but I'm counting, I don't have time
Only family, only family, only family, only family, nothing has changed in my fucking head
There's wealth in our souls, there's misery in our eyes
Only money, only money, only money, only money, nothing has changed in my fucking head
Beauty and charm, we're thinking that we don't deserve the heavens
[Outro: N.O.S]
Only family, only family, only family, only family, nothing has changed in my fucking head
Only money, only money, only money, only money, nothing has changed in my fucking head
  • 1. Double meaning here: 'cockroaches' can both refer to people in the ghetto or literal cockroaches (not uncommon in projects). N.O.S left all of it behind him when he and his brother got the opportunity to reach for success, just like they'd always dreamed.
  • 2. Now that he's famous, his life is way more 'instagrammable' than it used to, both professionnaly (since he used to sell drugs) and personally (since he's now able to travel the world). Life is also less uncertain now that he has a stable and legal activity.
  • 3. PNL are known to be pretty elusive, they don't do interviews and only open up in their songs, as it is the case here.
  • 4. In the French drug jargon, an 'oven' refers to a point of sale (for e.g, a stairwell or the hallway of a building).
  • 5. PNL are Muslims
  • 6. Overall, the two brothers mention the fact that they've had a rough upbringing quite a lot in their songs. See the translation for 'La misère est si belle' to find out more.
  • 7. QLF ('Que La Famille'/'Solely family') is PNL's motto. It means they'll always put their family first. Here, the slang term for 'family' is used ('mif', which is a contraction of the word)
  • 8. A 'litre' (lit. 'liter') is French drug jargon for a kilogram of a given drug
  • 9. Understand 'to be tough' or 'toughened up by the street', I don't want to kid around, yet I'm smiling from pectoral to pectoral
    On MeccaThe holiest of all places for Muslims which is why swearing on it as Ademo is doing here is a truthfulness guaranty. Also, there's a play on the French version of the name ('Mecque') and the French slang for fella ('mec').
  • 10. Back when he was struggling as a drug-selling North-African man living in projects, Ademo had to be ruthless in order to survive.
  • 11. Tarik is Ademo's real name and here, he's comparing himself to Clark Kent, the real name of Superman
  • 12. A variation of Ademo (read 'Adé')
  • 13. 'Hess' (with an aspired 'h') literally translates to 'will to harm' but in French slang, the phrase 'C'est la hess !'/'It's hess' means that you're struggling financially. In this context, it thus takes the meaning of 'misery'.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: PNL

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Prietenul Imaginar

Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)

Cine sunt eu? Revoluția
M-am născut în mintea ta
Diferite forme ale iluziei tale
Oh, pot fi visul pe care l-ai avut mereu
Odată ce ai gândit, a devenit un sentiment
Respiram, eram acolo
Cine sunt eu? Ai crede
Oh, că sunt un înger căzut, și am spus:

Strigă-mi numele în miez de noapte
Când ți-e frică, strigă-mi numele
Strigă-mi numele în miez de noapte
Da, strigă-mi numele

Știi, sunt prietenul tău imaginar
Știi, sunt aici în seara asta să-ți dau putere
Când sunt monștri pe tavan
Te voi ține în siguranță și te voi face să visezi
Știi, sunt prietenul tău imaginar

Știi, eu sunt
Tu și cu mine până la sfârșit

Cine sunt eu? Evoluția
M-am născut în visul tău
Crede-mă, nu sunt o iluzie
Oh, eu sunt tot ceea ce vrei să fii
Vino și dansează, dansează și nu te opri
Sunt o mică scânteie norocoasă
Păstrează acel sentiment în inima ta
Tu și cu mine, vom fi împreună, nu mă pot opri să mă gândesc la ritmul nostru
Putem sări, putem alerga și voi fi cea mai bună, yeah

Strigă-mi numele în miez de noapte
Când ți-e frică, strigă-mi numele
Strigă-mi numele în miez de noapte
Da, strigă-mi numele

Știi, sunt prietenul tău imaginar
Știi, sunt aici în seara asta să-ți dau putere
Când sunt monștri pe tavan
Te voi ține în siguranță și te voi face să visezi
Știi, sunt prietenul tău imaginar

Știi, eu sunt
Tu și cu mine până la sfârșit


L’amour, c’est comme un marlou
Et quand t’as deux sous
Ça t’met sur le sable
L’amour, c’est comme un vin doux
Qui te rend tout fou
Et t’fout sous la table
L’amour c’est comme un filou
Qui t’fait filer doux
C’est la femme du diable
L’amour c’est comme un vin doux un marlou
C’est l’amour qui rend fou

L’amour c’est comme un voyou
Qui met des verrous
Aux portes du rêve
L’amour c’est comme un joujou
Si à deux on joue
À jouer sans trêve
L’amour c’est ta main qui coud
Des fleurs de bijou
À notre vie brève
L’amour c’est un souffle un rien un joujou
C’est l’amour joue à joue

L’amour c’est deux pommiers doux
Que tu portes au cou
Quand j’y pends mes hardes
L’amour c’est un p’tit licou
Tout fait pour mon cou
Quand je m’y hasarde
L’amour c’est comme un toutou
Qui fait les yeux doux
Quand tu me regardes
L’amour c’est ça qui vient d’on ne sait où
Mon amour...aimons-nous !


Assis sur la Butte
Devant la cahute
Où, folle, chahute
La chanson d’amour
Je songe à ma mie
Lointaine et je prie
Pour l’heure bénie
L’heure du retour

Le jour qui s’achève
Attriste mon rêve
En cette heure brève
Où tout s’alanguit
L’horizon s’embue
Et là-bas la rue
Lente s’atténue
Dans le fond des nuits

La lune s’allume
Et jette au bitume
Son rayon de brume
D’argent pailleté
Les arbres s’allongent
Et les fous qui songent
Dans leurs ombres plongent
Pour mieux rêvasser

Mais dans le silence
Une voix commence
La douce romance
Qui vient me bercer
Et d’une guitare
Monte une fanfare
Plaintive et bizarre
Qui me fait pleurer

La chanson s’est tue
Encore très émue
Mon âme éperdue
N’est plus qu’un frisson
Et pendant une heure
Triste je demeure
Poursuivant le leurre
De ma déraison

Mais la maison ferme
Cela met un terme
Au rêve qui germe
Pauvre fou d’amour
Je songe à ma mie
Lointaine et je prie
Pour l’heure bénie
L’heure du retour

J’ai tant besoin de toi

J’ai tant besoin de toi
De tes grands yeux pleins de rêve
De tes baisers pleins de fièvre
Qu’un seul jour loin de toi
Je ne suis plus moi-même
Car, loin de toi, il n’est plus rien
Plus rien que j’aime

J’ai tant besoin de toi
Que mon amour et ma vie
Sont une extase infinie
Où tu es dans mes bras
Rien qu’à moi, toute à moi
Tu le sais bien, j’ai tant besoin
Besoin de toi

Pour voir briller en tes yeux
La folle envie des caresses
Je donnerais la Terre et le ciel bleu
Et toutes les richesses

J’ai tant besoin de toi
De tes grands yeux pleins de rêve
De tes baisers pleins de fièvre
Qu’un seul jour loin de toi
Je ne suis plus moi-même
Car, loin de toi, il n’est plus rien
Plus rien que j’aime

T’aimer, oui je veux t’aimer
Pour oublier que demain
Tu peux partir
Me laissant tous mes chagrins
Et mon amour brisé

J’ai tant besoin de toi
Que mon amour et ma vie
Sont une extase infinie
Où tu es dans mes bras
Rien qu’à moi, toute à moi
Tu le sais bien, j’ai tant besoin
Besoin de toi