Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Queen - Princes of the Universe versuri traducere

Prinţii universului

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Iată-ne, născuţi să fim regi
suntem prinţii universului
Aici ne e locul, luptând să supravieţuim
într-o lume cu cele mai întunecate puteri

Şi iată-ne
suntem prinţii universului
Aici ne e locul, luptând să supravieţuim
Trebuie să fim conducătorii lumii

Eu sunt nemuritor
am în mine sânge de regi (Da, da!)
Nu am rival
Niciun om nu-mi poate fi egal
Ia-mă spre viitorul unui nou pământ

Născuţi să fim regi, prinţii universului
Luptând şi liber, am lumea voastră-n mână
Sunt aici pentru dragostea voastră şi îmi voi face declaraţia:
Suntem născuţi ca să fim prinţii universului
Niciun om nu poate înţelege
Puterea mea e în mâna mea

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Oamenii vorbesc de tine
Oamenii zic că ţi-a trecut timpul
Sunt un om care va merge departe
va zbura luna şi va atinge stele
cu sabia mea şi capul sus
voi trece testul timpului, da
ştiu că lumea vorbeşte de mine
aud asta în fiecare zi
dar le voi demonstra că greşesc, că am dreptate din prima!
Da, da!

Bine, să mergem, să mergem
Da, uite-te cum zboară acest om
Aduceţi fetele
Hai, hai, hai

Iată-ne, (iată-ne)
născuţi să fim regi, suntem prinţii universului
Aici ne e locul

Născuţi să fim regi, prinţii universului
Luptând şi liber, am lumea voastră-n mână
Sunt aici pentru dragostea voastră şi îmi voi face declaraţia:
Suntem născuţi ca să fim prinţii universului

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Queen

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Speak to Him

You're a friend and I know it,
I trust you and therefore
if I ask you a favor,
you shouldn't say no,
you mustn't say no to me.

Then speak to him,
you who know everything about me.
Tell him that yesterday
I went out with you.

Speak to him,
you know what I did.
Please tell him
that I never lied to him.

Yes, I know you're sorry,
but it's your fault that he
this evening
didn't show up with me
and you already understood why.

And so speak to him,
make peace between us
and don't tell me,
don't tell me that you can't.

Oh, speak to him,
you know what I did.
Please tell him
that I never lied to him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, speak to him,
you who know everything about me.
Tell him that yesterday
I went out with you.

Speak to him,
you know what I did.
Please tell him
that I never lied to him!


Tonight You'll Hear a Song

Tonight you'll hear a song,
a song you already know.
The woman you no longer love will sing it,
the woman who will leave you but who won't cry.

A song that will tell you about me,
that will stay with you throughout your life,
a song be will leave a mark in your heart
that will never be erased.

Tonight I'll relive for the last time
these moments that I'll no longer find
but when I disappear and only you are found,
you'll cry because you'll remember.

A song that will tell you about me,
that will be with you throughout your life,
a song that will leave a mark in your heart
that will never be erased.

A song that will tell you about me,
that will be with you throughout your life,
a song that will leave a mark in your heart
that will never be erased.


A Reflection in the Water

It was
a moonlit evening,
under the bridge the river slept
and a woman sang.

the water slipped away
and the image of your smile
the river mirrored.

A reflection in the water,
a reflection in the water,
a reflection in the water,
the current passed
but nothing remained,
but I inside my mind
still see you.

It was
a moonlit evening,
your voice spoke
and the river silently listened.

And it was,
almost a year has passed
but every evening I return to look
into the river to dream.

A reflection in the water,
a reflection in the water,
the current passed
but nothing has changed,
the water slowly stops,
I still see you.

A reflection in the water,
a reflection in the water,
the current passed
but nothing has changed,
the water slowly stops,
I still see you.


A Family

Evening will come,
you'll return home
and without a word, you'll sit at the table
in your place as always.

Then when you have finished,
you'll tell us kids:
leave me alone and glue your eyes
for an hour on the newspaper.

But read inside the eyes
of mom what is there.
Notice that she wants
to talk a bit with you.

You cannot call life
this life you give her
if you have nothing left
to share with her.

I know that you are not wicked,
that deep down you love her.
Don't make her pay for the usual bitterness that
life gives you.

You think about your hopes
of a long time ago
starting when you wanted
to become who knows who.

But look that you are
someone at least among us,
you're not mistaken,
life is precisely this here.

When you come home,
bring a smile with you,
then we'll talk together, that way we'll become
at last a family,
a true family,
a true family.