Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Stray Kids - Christmas EveL versuri traducere

15 translations

Crăciunul Rău

(Este Ajunul Crăciunului)
Zăpada de peste noapte este frumoasă doar pentru o secundă
Romantic? Nu
Uite cât de repede mașinile astea egoiste au făcut-o să devină neagră
Este chiar greu de mers pe jos, nu este un câmp de zăpadă, este un drum noroios
Pantalonii îmi sunt udaţi până la genunchi
Merg puțin și alunec
Îmi doream să fie specială această zi specială
Dar acum nu, sper doar să nu se întâmple nimic
În timp ce stau întins în pat acasă, mi se umflă ochii
Va fi bine omul de zăpadă pe care l-am făcut ieri?
Ay, asta ustură
Vântul rece mă taie
Brrr până și vocea mea tremură
Ce vrei să spui prin culoare? Nu pot vedea nimic
Doar tușesc, tușesc, tușesc în timp ce cânt rap
Jack Frost vine după voi toți, fugiți, fugiți
Simt frigul până la oase în această zi festivă, liniște
Nu văd nimic special
De ce a așteptat toată lumea atât de mult?
Crăciun Rău
Crăciun Fericit
Clopoţei clopoţei clopoţei, tot drumul
M-ai zăpăcit
Mă învârt și mă învârt, ca un nebun
Pe strada înghețată, e Crăciunul
Cu grijă, ay, cad
Nu am nevoie de cadouri
Crăciunule, termină-te odată
Se face şi mai frig, îmi ard neliniștea în loc de lemne de foc
Datorită drumului alunecos, este și mai mult trafic. Mulţumesc mult iarnă.
Îmi văd respirația, nasul mi se înroșește
Doar părțile pe care le-am îmbrăcat în mii de straturi sunt calde
De ce te sfieşti? Eh. Ţi s-au înroșit urechile(Oh, frate)
Cine spune că este minunat? Ochii tăi trebuie să se fi aburit, filtru de foarte bună calitate
Oh, mișcă-te din drum, când strângi haina de zăpadă, zici că ies 5 litri
Urăsc să-i văd pe acei oameni lipindu-se pentru că e frig
Nu primesc un singur apel, doar mesaje nedorite. Urăsc pe toată lumea
Jack Frost vine după voi toți, fugiți, fugiți
Simt frigul până la oase în această zi festivă, liniște
Nu văd nimic special
De ce a așteptat toată lumea atât de mult?
Crăciun Rău
Crăciun Fericit
Clopoţei clopoţei clopoţei, tot drumul
M-ai zăpăcit
Mă învârt și mă învârt, ca un nebun
Pe strada înghețată, e Crăciunul
Cu grijă, ay, cad
Nu am nevoie de cadouri
Crăciunule, termină-te odată
În secret și în vârful picioarelor, mă îndrept spre șemineu
Cad ca Gyro Drop și văd realitatea Crăciunului
Crăciun Fericit! Crăciun Fericit!
Pot simţi răul venind, dar Felix nu este niciodată rău
Astăzi este o zi specială. Nimeni nu o poate fura
Umbrele mă atacă
Lasă-mă să cânt un cântec de Crăciun
Crăciun Fericit!
Este Sezonul Crăciunului
Crăciun Fericit!
(Este Ajunul Crăciunului)

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Stray Kids

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Mai multe traduceri de versuri


A Girl and a Colorful Autumn

It's the story of a girl and her colorful autumn
The girl is having a colorful autumn

Like the protagonist in the novel,
...I'm going to immerse myself in dreaming
Maybe I'll meet a wonderful boyfriend
It's my September's fantasy

I feel a strange feeling inside me
...a feeling of being attractive that courses through me
I'm sure I'll find a fancy love
Let's enjoy the journey step by step

Suddenly I feel like I become more beautiful
As the season's changing, I'll be born anew
It's the story of a girl and her colorful autumn
The girl is having a colorful autumn

The smell of the autumn breeze from the window...
...makes me a little sentimental
In the end, a beach romance is just a one-summer...
...blip in our memories

The me who could only stare from afar's time to say goodbye to that shy girl
Let's mature up and become more honest with my feelings
I want to have my adventure and enjoy every process of it

The city is covered by dead leaves, everything's changing
I start to compose my secret poem in my heart
It's the story of a girl and her colorful autumn
The girl is having a colorful autumn

Suddenly I feel like I become more beautiful
As the season's changing, I'll be born anew
It's the story of a girl and her colorful autumn
The girl is having a colorful autumn


I loved you

I’m still awake.
We’re already getting closer to the morning.
Not even deep dreams
can get me off near you.
Maybe I’m afraid of.
If I’ll close my eyes
you’ll just disappear away.
This feeling goes along with me.

I already loved you
before we met.
And we fled into each other from the cold world.
I miss you.
Though you sleep next to me I miss you.
I already loved you
before we met.
How did we came up
at the same time and galaxy?
I miss you.
Though you sleep next to me I miss you.

Sometimes I feel like
you’re breathing for me.
And I’m not afraid of anything else than
you dying before me.
And me being left here alone (all alone).
I will find you again in every life.
It will be you always.
I promise that.
Because nothing
in this world weighs on my shoulder
when you touch.

I already loved you
before we met.
And we fled into each other from the cold world.
I miss you.
Though you sleep next to me I miss you.
I already loved you
before we met.
How did we came up
at the same time and galaxy?
I miss you.
Though you sleep next to me I miss you.

You can have my heart
while you promise to me
that if I fall asleep
you will still be there at morning.



Your touch is love, you’re a dream of beauty
You were always my desire, I prayed for you, and here you are.
It was hard to imagine, my hands tangled in your hair
Yet here you calm my soul, forever in my heart

With you, everything makes sense by your side, I learned love
This feeling I adore, for you I’d give my life
Forever feels too short when I’m with you
You’re my compass without you, all goes wrong

Our love’s a spell, obvious to all eyes
Every second they stare
Oh, Our separation leaves us parched
But for now, let’s cling to our name
Yet we’re like unfinished work
We are complete, and we won’t leave things half-done
We’re always together, always together, yeah!
In every crowd we step into, we reign
I’ll always believe I have you forever
Like the sun of the day and the moon of the night, both inseparable
No rival matches our taste, we’re one of a kind
Yeah, we don’t even notice where the minutes fly
I’ll always believe I have you forever
Like the sun of the day and the moon of the night, always together

Every second with you, I fall deeper in love
Your love fuels my fire, blazing wilder each day
If you are my uplifting wing, then I will accompany you to infinity
Closer than my own soul now we’re eternal, as one

With you, everything makes sense by your side, I learned love
This feeling I adore, for you I’d give my life
Forever feels too short when I’m with you
You’re my compass without you, all goes wrong
(All goes wrong, all goes wrong)
Without you, all goes wrong
(Without you, all goes wrong)


White Noise

The peaceful order,
A basic cloud,
White noise.
She looks,
He lies down
And yawns.

Do you see the moon?
Time for prunes.
It's coming, by the by.
To believe in the air
That combs our hair
And disintegrates.

And we let ourselves fall in the middle of a jump
And we empty ourselves of all that's important,
So we'll be so light that whatever we do is irrelevant.
And we avoid the orders issued by our minds,
We choose oblivion as an ideal plan
We remember so little, that what we are could be irrelevant.


The peaceful order,
A basic cloud,
White noise.
She inspires,
He looks at her
And they hold each other's hands.

Round letters,
Nothing disturbs us,
We don't need anything.
Deserted blossoms
Are expert

And we let ourselves fall in the middle of a jump
And we empty ourselves of all that's important,
So we'll be so light that whatever we do is irrelevant.
And we avoid the orders issued by our minds,
We choose oblivion as an ideal plan
We remember so little, that what we are could be irrelevant.