The Weeknd - House of Balloons / Glass Table Girls versuri traducere
Casa De Baloane/Fetele Din Mese De Sticlă
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Am fost la un alt nivel
De când ai venit
Nu mai există durere
Uită-te în ochii mei
Nu-mi poți recunoaște fața
Ești iubita mea
Poți rămâne
Poți rămâne
Dar îmi aparții
Îmi aparții
Dacă te doare când respiri
Deschide fereastra
Oh, mintea ta vrea să plece
Dar nu poți pleca
Aceasta este o casă fericită
Suntem fericiți aici
Într-o casă fericită
Oh, asta este distractiv
Muzica te-a pierdut
Nopțile se termină mult mai repede decât zilele
Aceleași haine, nu ești pregătită pentru venirea zilei
Acest loc te va arde
Iubito, e în regulă, sunt frații mei lângă
Lucrează în capcană
Așa că vorbește mai tare dacă vrei
Doar nu da vina pe mine
Că nu ai sunat casa
Așa că nu da vina pe mine, fată
Pentru că ai vrut să te distrezi
Dacă te doare când respiri
Deschide fereastra
Ține-mi mintea
Ce se citește
Pentru ce ai venit?
Aceasta este o casă fericită
Suntem fericiți aici
Într-o casă fericită
Oh, asta este distractiv
Distractiv pentru mine
Du-mă în al nouălea cer
Două fumuri pentru doamna care se bagă în asta
Orice, împreună
Adu-ți marfa ta cea mai bună, haide să facem schimb
Rulează una, aprinde una, tușește o dată, gust-o
Acum uită-te la noi cum o urmărim
Cu un pumn de pastile
Fără urmăritori
Falca se încleștează pe niște hârtii supradimensionate
Și e ceva șmecher în capul ei
Evadează, dubița ei merge spre țara minunilor
Și e șase și jumătate
Iarba e frumoasă pentru că timpul nu există
Dar când stelele strălucesc înapoi spre pătuț
Linii de superstar înapoi pe pătuț
Și putem testa mesele
Am niște mese noi nou-nouțe
Toate din sticlă și sunt late de patru picioare
Dar e o necesitate să ajungem la înălțime
Am făcut sex într-o geantă de mână
Am udat-o mai mult decât un vis murdar
Și fără uși închise
Așa că am ascultat gemetele ei
'Am auzit că se droghează acum'
Ai auzit greșit, am fost pe ele pentru un minut
Noi pur și simplu nu ne prostim
Asta e doar modul în care am de viață
Și atunci când ne prostim
Este, probabil, pentru că am amestecat-o
Da, eu sunt întotdeauna pe acel okey dokey
Și băieți albi știu afacere
Nu e nici o glumă
Big O știe care e treaba
El e cel care mi-a arătat
Uită-te cum conduc acest ritm
Cum mi-a spus el să o fac
E cumva iubita ta? Care e povestea ei?
'Ea e neloială dar mă călărește ca pe un ponei'
Nu mă compar cu iubitul meu
Fac parte din povestea ei
Yeah, despre asta vorbesc frate
Nu e cu jignire
Îți promit
Dacă ești sincer, frate, tu trebuie să decizi care e adevărul
Dar sunt doar un tip de treabă cu niște vise frumoase
Și le-am putea transforma într-un coșmar, Elm Street
La la la la la la la la la
Sunt atât de pierdut, atât de pierdut
Adu mesele de sticlă acum
Cu aceea marfă bună
Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist:
The WeekndToate versurile în limba engleză de pe acest site pot fi utilizate numai în scopuri personale și educaționale.
Toate versurile sunt proprietatea și drepturile de autor ale proprietarilor sau proprietarilor respectivi.
Mai multe traduceri de versuri
Confession Of A Hooligan
Not everyone can weave verses
It is not everyone’s fad
Like an apple to roll
And at others’ feet land.
This is the greatest confession
That a hooligan has ever had.
I purposely walk unkept
With the head like a kerosene lantern
On my shoulders,
Your souls, that bare autumn,
I like to enlighten in darkness.
I love when at me a raging storm
Of rocks and curses is hurled.
I just hold tighter with the hand
Shaking bubbles of my hair.
It feels nice then to remember
The overgrown pond, the soft murmur of alders
And that my parents dwell somewhere
Who do not care about my poems.
Who love me like the seeds in the paddock
Like the rain that turns the meadows green
They would come to stab you with a pitchfork
For each shout and curse you hurl at me.
Poor, poor peasants!
You must have aged and become ugly,
And still in fear of God and the swamp bowels.
Oh, if you would only be aware
That the best poet in Russian country -
Is your heir!
Weren’t you worried for his life when in autumn
He was walking barefoot through the puddles
He now walks with a top hat on
And wears lacquered shoes.
Though inside of him still lives
A village rascal,
That bows from afar to every cow
On the butcher store’s window.
When on the square meeting a coachman
And smelling manure from his native fields,
He is ready to carry every mare’s tail
Like a wedding dress train.
I love my home countryside,
I truly love my homeland!
Though its as sad as rust on the willow
I am even fond of pigs’ soiled snouts.
And vibrant frog croaking in silence of the night
I get tenderly sick from my childhood memories,
During April’s night I dream of the misty veil.
Our maple tree, all crouched and leaning,
As if getting warm by the sunset fire.
Oh, how many crow’s eggs I stole from the nest,
Climbing up its forks!
Is it still the same now, with green branches?
Is its bark as hard as it used to be?
And you, my loyal freckled dog?
Blind and panting from old age,
And not sniffing the threshold from the barn,
You wander around the yard with the tail-down.
Oh, how I loved our shenanigans
When stealing a bread crust from mother
We’d nibbled it together, two of us,
Sharing every crumb like brothers.
I am still the same,
At heart still the same.
My eyes sparkle in my face like cornflowers in the rye.
Spreading the gilded sedge of verses,
I would like to convey to you all my tenderness
Good night! Good night to everybody!
A scythe chimed on the twilight glow grass …
I have an urgent need suddenly
From the window over the moon to pee.
Blue shine, oh, shine so blue!
Even to die in your azure will not be bad
So what, if I look like a true cynic,
With a lantern strapped to my rear end?!
Good, old weary Pegasus,
Why would I need your gentle gaits?
I came here, as a stern master
To sing praises and celebrate the rats.
My head, like August,
Pours wine of lush hair
I want to be a yellow sail
On a journey to the promised land.
I pretended to joke around on the spinning wooden horse,
Watching you, laughing, as your little shoes made a sound.
I casually opened a big door,
And it felt like an old, treasured toy box of mine.
My heartbeat overflows,
Now I’m leaving the deep forest behind,
On this moonless night that I can’t return from,
Along with the melody that started to flow,
I’ll send it to you.
With ordinary words and cold eyes,
You gripped my trembling hands tightly,
And soon big tears began to fall,
Filling up my little eyes.
So that I’ll never let go again,
I began praying deeply,
On this moonless night I can’t return from,
With the melody that broke out,
I’ll send it to you.
The dry sand of time,
Even if it overtakes my yearning,
On this moonless night I can’t return from,
Like the sound of the moon’s melody echoing.
My heartbeat overflows,
Now I’m leaving the deep forest behind,
On this moonless night I can’t return from,
Along with the melody that started to flow,
I’ll send it to you.
Behind The Blouse
Ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku
Ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking
On our flight today, welcome aboard
Our crew will take good care of you
But we kindly request that
You tie your blouses tightly
So that your hearts will not fall out
Fall out, fall out
Wanderer, take me far away from here
My heart beats to the rhythm of your footsteps in my chest
Wanderer, take me far away from here
My heart beats to the rhythm of your footsteps in my chest
Wearing those earrings and feeding the buffaloes
Wearing those earrings and feeding the buffaloes
Has made my life so much more difficult
What is, what is, what is
What is, what is, what is
What is behind the blouse, what is behind the blouse?
What is behind the blouse, what is behind the blouse?
What is beneath the chunri, what is beneath the chunri?
What is beneath the chunri, what is beneath the chunri?
Oh, my!
Tell me, girl, where did you come from today?
Whatever is behind the blouse, please spend it on me
I have truly been gazing at you covertly
I am restless, you're too much, baby, too much!
Please be careful so that my heart doesn't fall and break
My heart is hard to fix again
Please be careful so that it doesn't fall
My heart is hard to fix again
Give my heart to your lover, to your lover
What is behind the blouse, what is behind the blouse?
What is behind the blouse, what is behind the blouse?
What is beneath the chunri, what is beneath the chunri?
What is beneath the chunri, what is beneath the chunri?
Oh, my!
Ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku
Ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku
My lehenga is silken, my lehenga is silken
My lehenga is expensive, my lehenga is expensive
I shall walk with my lehenga lifted, I shall walk with my ghoonghat down
What else do I need to protect while walking, O Lord Ram, O Lord Ram
Oh, girl!
Hey, oh, girl!
Oh, girl!
Tell me what is in your chest
I've never encountered someone like you before
I am so drawn to you
I will be rich from the treasures of your eyes
Tell me what is in your chest
I've never encountered anyone like you before
I am so drawn to you
I will be rich from the treasures of your eyes
Oh, my!
To Kachalov's Dog
Jimmy, give me for luck your paw,
I have never seen such one I swear.
Let us bark at the Moon in awe,
And the time of silence in Nature.
Jimmy, give me for luck your paw.
Stop licking, dear, reason prevails
Try to comprehend the simple.
'Cause you do not know life tales,
And how hard is to live with people.
Your master is kind and respected
And many guests gladly visit his home.
Smilingly they are all too contented
Your soft coat with fingers to comb.
You are devilishly handsome for a dog,
With a charming, trusting face of yours,
Not asking or waiting for a nod,
Like a drunk you embark on kissing tours.
My dear Jimmy, people of a great variety
Have passed through your visionary field.
Is there a chance that among such a company
A girl, the saddest of all, once appeared?
She will come, be assured and do not forget
When without me you gaze at her fondly
Please lick her hand for me as a regret
For everything I was and was not guilty.