Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

The Weeknd - House of Balloons / Glass Table Girls versuri traducere

Casa De Baloane/Fetele Din Mese De Sticlă

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Am fost la un alt nivel
De când ai venit
Nu mai există durere
Uită-te în ochii mei
Nu-mi poți recunoaște fața
Ești iubita mea
Poți rămâne
Poți rămâne
Dar îmi aparții
Îmi aparții

Dacă te doare când respiri
Deschide fereastra
Oh, mintea ta vrea să plece
Dar nu poți pleca
Aceasta este o casă fericită
Suntem fericiți aici
Într-o casă fericită
Oh, asta este distractiv

Muzica te-a pierdut
Nopțile se termină mult mai repede decât zilele
Aceleași haine, nu ești pregătită pentru venirea zilei
Acest loc te va arde
Iubito, e în regulă, sunt frații mei lângă
Lucrează în capcană
Așa că vorbește mai tare dacă vrei
Doar nu da vina pe mine
Că nu ai sunat casa
Așa că nu da vina pe mine, fată
Pentru că ai vrut să te distrezi

Dacă te doare când respiri
Deschide fereastra
Ține-mi mintea
Ce se citește
Pentru ce ai venit?

Aceasta este o casă fericită
Suntem fericiți aici
Într-o casă fericită
Oh, asta este distractiv
Distractiv pentru mine

Du-mă în al nouălea cer

Două fumuri pentru doamna care se bagă în asta
Orice, împreună
Adu-ți marfa ta cea mai bună, haide să facem schimb
Rulează una, aprinde una, tușește o dată, gust-o
Acum uită-te la noi cum o urmărim
Cu un pumn de pastile
Fără urmăritori
Falca se încleștează pe niște hârtii supradimensionate
Și e ceva șmecher în capul ei
Evadează, dubița ei merge spre țara minunilor
Și e șase și jumătate
Iarba e frumoasă pentru că timpul nu există
Dar când stelele strălucesc înapoi spre pătuț
Linii de superstar înapoi pe pătuț
Și putem testa mesele
Am niște mese noi nou-nouțe
Toate din sticlă și sunt late de patru picioare
Dar e o necesitate să ajungem la înălțime
Am făcut sex într-o geantă de mână
Am udat-o mai mult decât un vis murdar
Și fără uși închise
Așa că am ascultat gemetele ei
'Am auzit că se droghează acum'
Ai auzit greșit, am fost pe ele pentru un minut
Noi pur și simplu nu ne prostim
Asta e doar modul în care am de viață
Și atunci când ne prostim
Este, probabil, pentru că am amestecat-o
Da, eu sunt întotdeauna pe acel okey dokey
Și băieți albi știu afacere
Nu e nici o glumă
Big O știe care e treaba
El e cel care mi-a arătat
Uită-te cum conduc acest ritm
Cum mi-a spus el să o fac
E cumva iubita ta? Care e povestea ei?
'Ea e neloială dar mă călărește ca pe un ponei'
Nu mă compar cu iubitul meu
Fac parte din povestea ei
Yeah, despre asta vorbesc frate
Nu e cu jignire
Îți promit
Dacă ești sincer, frate, tu trebuie să decizi care e adevărul
Dar sunt doar un tip de treabă cu niște vise frumoase
Și le-am putea transforma într-un coșmar, Elm Street

La la la la la la la la la
Sunt atât de pierdut, atât de pierdut
Adu mesele de sticlă acum
Cu aceea marfă bună

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: The Weeknd

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Mai multe traduceri de versuri


Anor Anor

Pomegranate, pomegranate, my fresh one
Oh, my pomegranate, in the hands of my love
His dark eyes winks at me
Oh, I’ll go all the way to Kulob just for him
His dark eyes winks at me
Oh, I’ll go all the way to Kulob just for him

Pomegranate, pomegranate, my fresh one
Oh, my pomegranate, in the hands of my love
His dark eyes winks at me
Oh, I’ll go all the way to Kulob just for him

Blessed is the heart that turns toward me
That I become restless in his searching
I become like the lament of the spring nightingale
Intoxicated by his fragrance, oh, the scent of his soul!
I become like the lament of the spring nightingale
Intoxicated by his fragrance, oh, the scent of his soul!

Pomegranate, pomegranate, my fresh one
Oh, my pomegranate, in the hands of my love
His dark eyes winks at me
Oh, I’ll go all the way to Kulob just for him

He walks gracefully, filling the air with joy
My senses are filled with a desire for its scent
Like a bud, my heart's collar is torn
I won't make a needle to heal the wound at his feet
Like a budding flower, my heart’s collar tears apart
I won't make a needle to heal the wound at his feet

Pomegranate, pomegranate, my fresh one
Oh, my pomegranate, in the hands of my love
His dark eyes winks at me
Oh, I’ll go all the way to Kulob just for him
His dark eyes winks at me
Oh, I’ll go all the way to Kulob just for him

Pomegranate, pomegranate, my fresh one
Oh, my pomegranate, in the hands of my love
His dark eyes winks at me
Oh, I’ll go all the way to Kulob just for him
His dark eyes winks at me
Oh, I’ll go all the way to Kulob just for him


Fat Woman

Ah, a fat woman
Isn't suitable for me:
I don't want to walk in the street
With anybody else's lard!

And a skinny woman
Isn't suitable for me:
I don't want to walk in the street
With anybody else's skeleton!

Oh my! Oh my!
I'm in love with that woman!
I want to keep them by my side,
Kiss her whenever I feel like it.


Oh my! Oh my!
I'm in love with that woman!
I want to keep them by my side,
Kiss her whenever I feel like it.


A tall woman
Isn't suitable for me:
I don't want to walk in the street
With anybody else's ladder!

A short woman
Isn't suitable for me:
I don't want to walk in the street
With anybody else's crutch!

Oh my! Oh my!
I'm in love with that woman!
I want to keep them by my side,
Kiss her whenever I feel like it.


Oh my! Oh my!
I'm in love with that woman!
I want to keep them by my side,
Kiss her whenever I feel like it.



A married woman
Isn't suitable for me:
I don't want to walk in the street
With anybody else's wife!

A vain woman
Isn't suitable for me:
I don't want to walk in the street
With anybody else's pretensions!

Oh my! Oh my!
I'm in love with that woman!
I want to keep them by my side,
Kiss her whenever I feel like it.


Oh my! Oh my!
I'm in love with that woman!
I want to keep them by my side,
Kiss her whenever I feel like it.


An attractive woman
Is indeed suitable for me:
I do want to walk in the street
With those curves on her!

A pretty woman
Is indeed suitable for me:
I do want to walk in the street
With the beauty she possesses!

Oh my! Oh my!
I'm in love with that woman!
I want to keep them by my side,
Kiss her whenever I feel like it.


Oh my! Oh my!
I'm in love with that woman!
I want to keep them by my side,
Kiss her whenever I feel like it.



What's Next

We making you hear our voices
Cross the country, onto the next
I don't listen to these rappers their shit boring
Go beyond where they've gotten

Still a long way from success
There's more songs I haven't finished
Specialized in this, don't know nothing else
It seems like this is all I got

Back then, no one even knew my name
Now they flying across Japan just to see us on the stage
Used to be the opener, now we are the main
Crowd look like a riot, these kids too insane
They go kyaaaa
I just sing my heart out
I can see your face from the stage
I go yaaaa
I've gotten here,
Just doing what I really want to

I wanna live in a mansion with my crew
To go up, we taking all these actions
STARKIDS, my accent Japanese
Gonna keep going faster until I take it all

We making you hear our voices
Cross the country, onto the next
I don't listen to these rappers their shit boring
Go beyond where they've gotten

I wanna always be searching for something only I can do
In the end, BENXNI is the hardest in the game
I just don't wanna lose to them, that's all
With brute force, climbing up the ladder in this unjust society
I'm always making moves, like a nomad
Someday I'll be rich, like I'm Chinese
Keep on writing songs, every day of the week
The people that get in my way, they going straight to hell
If I don't have this, it'd be too painful
If I don't have this, it'd be impossible
My heart wavers
You hum my lyrics
The songs I wrote pulling an all-nighter,
Y'all are listening to every morning

I wanna live in a mansion with my crew
To go up, we taking all these actions
STARKIDS, my accent Japanese
Gonna keep going faster until I take it all

We making you hear our voices
Cross the country, onto the next
I don't listen to these rappers their shit boring
Go beyond where they've gotten
Still a long way from success
There's more songs I haven't finished
Specialized in this, don't know nothing else
It seems like this is all I got


I know what you're thinking

I know what you're thinking
I know what suffocates you
In your most horrible secrets

Buried dreams
tears breaking your voice
lost teenage years

I'll come to find you.
I'll always be your man.
It's all me
Your love and death

I want to cut myself
to pieces with you
I'll come to find you
so I'll be your prison

I know what you're thinking
I can see your dark mind
Black ink whatever you touch.

Beautiful void
Your heart is full of thorns
you hurt what you love