Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

YOASOBI - アイドル (Idol) versuri traducere


Click to see the original lyrics (Japanese)
Tot timpul facand ravagii in media
Cu zambetul ei iti ia atentia
Ceilalti vor sa stie misterul
Vor sa-ti afle secretul
Chiar si cand nu e ea, are tot sub control
Esti o mincinoasa, un geniu de idol
Ce ai mancat azi? Ce carti ai mai citit?
Daca ar fi mergi undeva, cum si de ce?
'Nu am mancat nimic' sau 'E un secret'
Nu conteaza ce intrebi am sa te evit
Simpla dar si complexa
Acel secret al tau sunt aproape de a il afla
Asta e, nu nu nu
Si asta tot , nu nu nu
Ce persoana iti place?Ai iubit?
E timpul sa raspunzi, nu mai trebuie amanat
'Sa iubesc pe cineva, nu stiu nimic asa ceva'
Nu mai stiu ce adevarul si minciuna
Cazi in propia capacana
Ii faci si pe ei ca tine
Le rapesti privirea la toti
Esti idolul cel mai perfect
Nimeni nu a mai vazut cineva ca tine
Esti printre cele mai stralucitoare stele
Cu acel zambet ii rapesti pe toti spunand 'Va iubesc!'
Acei ochi, chiar si daca minti
Aceasta este Ai
Da da, fata asta e speciala
Pentru ea am fost in plus de la inceput
Suntem planul B, acoperis pentru minciuni
Nu are cum ca totul sa fie mutumita ei
Nu cred ca nu esti geloasa sau invidioasa
Nu e nicio gluma, nu data asta nu te pot ierta
Nu esti perfecta, nu te iert, nu am sa iert
Nu voi accepta pe nimeni inafara de tine - mai puternica decat toti
Nu pot sa iti gasesc nici o slabiciune
Esti steaua cea mai stralucitoare
Toate lumea are incredere si te da ca model
Esti perfecta de neividiat, un geniu de idol
Fara sa iti arati din slabiciuni
Nu arati nimanui decat cea ce vrei
Doar ce este unic poti sa acepti
Precis asta este in realitate Ai
Zambetul ei e peste tot in media
Asta e secretul ce il ascunde orice ar fi
Toata cariera ei sunt doar minciuni de 'Va iubesc'
Asta e iubirea mea
Pentru baiatul meu Aqua, prin perseveranta vei straluci
Pentru micuta Ruby care o ascund sub ochisori
Dansand si cantand ca Maria
Cea mai buna iubire e creata din cuvinte dulci
Care sunt doar mincuni
Nu am putut iubi pe cineva
Sau cineva ma va putea iubii
Dar cred ca minciunea mea
Intr-o zi ma va elibera
Intr-o zi voi avea totul
Sunt lacoma ca si idol
Vreau sa ma iubesc si sa iubesc
Intr-o zi pe toti cum ar trebuii
Ma mint si astazi
Asteptand momentul cand aceste cuvinte se vor adeverii
Chiar si asa,
Voi doi sunteti singuri cara nu stiti asta

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: YOASOBI

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Mai multe traduceri de versuri



Tears dissolve under the rain, wandering on the path of rebirth beyond the pain.

Can you hear cry your heart?
Let me hear cry your soul!
No pain! no gain! Don't fear.

Unable to look ahead, stopped and blocked by fake days, a facade of 'once more dice.'

Can you hear cry your heart?
Let me hear cry your soul!
No pain! no gain! Don't fear.

The reality soaked in the rotten rain is still a false breakdown.
This pain will eventually turn into a white future.
With a soul that needs no adornment, dye my heart and find me.
Livin' on the chaos.

Can you hear cry your heart?
Let me hear cry your soul!
No pain! no gain! Don't fear.

If you're afraid of the past and not seeking ahead, it won’t begin – a cloudy smile.
With this sorrow in my chest, toward the sky where light shines.
With a soul that knows no fear, open your eyes and find me.

Livin' on the chaos.

The rain wets my eyelids, showing the path ahead of pain as I walk the path of rebirth.



I think you were sometimes an egoist.
The smell of cigarettes and those words still linger in the classroom.

I can't throw away this dark past.
I can't throw away this terrifying present.

Why did you disappear?
That psychopathic smile of yours...
Why must the life of a mayfly be short?
Why did you disappear?
That psychopathic smile of yours...

You're always there in my memories and in my heart, I won't forget.
Even if my heart hurts,
Even if I feel the lessons,
I’m happy for the things you left behind.

Why did you disappear?
Why did you disappear?

The smell of cigarettes and those words still linger in the classroom.
Sleep peacefully, I’ll leave it to you.
I’ll carry your thoughts with me.


fu uh

Still, I haven't given up. Is it the same for you?

I think the world is small.

No matter how dark the place is, I can hear the music. In the attic with my eyes closed, I feel you.


Can you sleep tonight? I want to see you.

A necklace shining around your neck.

The things you gave me.

Suddenly, I think like this: I like the air outside, swaying. Even though there's a different, opposite side of me, I feel hope.


I'll stay in my heart.



In front of the phone, I was searching for words
I just wanted to say one word, 'Congratulations'
The love that disappeared last year
Your birthday

Gently, 045
Just the area code
I dialed and placed the receiver
But no, tears started to overflow right away

A quiet dream, you told me about it
The café on the hill overlooking Marine Tower
The seasons slowly
Melt away like water

Gently, 045
I entwined my fingers and walked
The mirage-like hill
The foreign ships swaying in the blurred sea

Gently, 045
Someday, to you
I want to smile
And say thank you from the bottom of my heart