Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 14
Număr de rezultate: 107589
My olive tree
My olive tree, my olive tree
My head hurts
Where you go, don't go again
You'll have troubles
My olive tree, oh and oh
Where will you find someone else like me?
Why you looking thugish at me
Do you think I got afraid of you?
Where you go, don't go again
You'll have troubles
I lost my coat
From my carelessness
Don't hit me officer
I'm not to blame, the poor guy
Afternoon’s slanting light
Filled with rustling sounds
Evening glow through the glass
Trembling excitement
If there are limits
Dreams are just painful
Hey Mr. Dandy, Hey Mr. Joy.
Shining, flowing, flowing
Hey Mr. Dandy, Hey Mr. Joy.
The weight of lost love
24 hours
Like swimming in a magical sea
The colors of the city
Just bring blue summer
If there is light
Shadows are also sad
Hey Mr. Dandy, Hey Mr. Joy.
Shining, flowing, flowing
Hey Mr. Dandy, Hey Mr. Joy.
The weight of lost love
Hey Mr. Dandy, Hey Mr. Joy.
Shining, flowing, flowing
Hey Mr. Dandy, Hey Mr. Joy.
The weight of lost love
A girl, whose dance is everything, climbs the stairs
Stepping up with beautiful, fragile toes
Why do you hate me?
Now I am just falling down
Can’t stop my tears
I dance with the devil
Why do you hate me?
Now I am just falling down
Can’t stop my tears
I dance with the devil
So sweetly
Don’t make me smile
Stumbling, stumbling, I walk while dancing
On the stairs, eaten by the darkness, with no end in sight
I can’t stop, it feels like my feet are no longer mine
Forcing my stiff arms to move, creating beautiful curves
What expression is my face holding as I look into the void?
The end of the stairs is swallowed by the darkness, and nothing can be seen
All the pain gathers at the tip of my slowly rotating toes
It hurts
The tips of my toes are burning
I am falling, falling
At the end, there is once again a deep abyss
I can’t focus enough to see anywhere
Somewhere, the devil is always smiling
My body is decaying
I have already become your puppet
A dress stained with blood, dancing gracefully
Dancing up the stairs of pleasure and despair
Why do you hate me?
Now I am just falling down
Can’t stop my tears
I dance with the devil
Why do you hate me?
Now I am just falling down
Can’t stop my tears
I dance with the devil
So sweetly
Don’t make me smile
Stumbling, stumbling, I walk while dancing
On the stairs, eaten by the darkness, with no end in sight
I dance
Scared, I just scream
Alone, I go crazy in the darkness
I won’t travel anymore without you
I don’t have you enough from us, only a path remains that lies behind, take it away
Take me out of your memory, if I haven't left yet
Oh, you who are unaware of me
Why does the night torment me?
Where are you positioned in this story?
I weep so deeply
That perhaps even God may embrace me
Life is all a moment of farewell
And the sound of your footsteps is the final sound
Oh, the tears that come after this
I can no longer remember where my city is
It is the dawn of departure
This is my body
Your departure feels like carrying a dead weight on my shoulders
This certainty is as clear as death with you
( Why does the night torment me?
Where are you positioned in this story?
I weep so deeply
That perhaps even God may embrace me ) x2
Life is all a moment of farewell
And the sound of your footsteps is the final sound
Oh, the tears that come after this
I can no longer remember where my city is
To the Beautiful Sea
Just waking up
Can’t see anything clearly yet
Rubbing the eyes
In the dim morning light
Not a greeting Not just part of life
A kiss of truth
Straight from the heart
Seen from afar
It shines so beautifully
I’ll make it beautiful for you
This shore of broken glass
So someday you’ll be able to walk along
Even if it reflects in the eyes
Probably no one else will understand
But it doesn’t matter
It's your treasure
Even though always blaming it on love
A kiss of truth
Comes from the heart
Let’s pack only what we love
into a bag
And head to that sea
Frolicking barefoot
On a shore with not a shard of glass
Our village
Our village is on the mountain, drinking water from the springs
Look at the terebinth trees, listen to the birds chirping
Our village is on the mountain, drinking water from the springs
Look at the terebinth trees, listen to the birds chirping
I wake up early to put wood on the fire
I open the windows with my hands and greet the mountain
I wake up early to put wood on the fire
I open the windows with my hands and greet the mountain
Our village is in the heights, near your village
Where I first fell in love, I'll give you my life
Our village is in the heights, near your village
Where I first fell in love, I'll give you my life
I wake up early to put wood on the fire
I open the windows with my hands and greet the mountain
I wake up early to put wood on the fire
I open the windows with my hands and greet the mountain
All days are blessed, people bow down to you
Your home remains in ours, and our home within yours
All days are blessed, people bow down to you
Your home remains in ours, and our home within yours
I wake up early to put wood on the fire
I open the windows with my hands and greet the mountain
I wake up early to put wood on the fire
I open the windows with my hands and greet the mountain
Our village is on the mountain, drinking water from the springs
Look at the terebinth trees, listen to the birds chirping
I wake up early to put wood on the fire
I open the windows with my hands and greet the mountain
I wake up early to put wood on the fire
I open the windows with my hands and greet the mountain
marșul porcilor
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Stai drept și mărșăluiește!
Târăște-te pe genunchi
Te rog, alimentează-ţi lăcomia (nu ezita)
Vreau puţin, o bucăţică mică, cred că o pierde
Vreau să văd cum cade
Nu-mi place cum arată
Nu-mi place gustul
Nu-mi place duhoarea
Vreau să văd cum cade
Toţi porcii aliniaţi
Îţi dau ţie tot ce vreau
Acum că te dezpieliţez
Așa-i că te simţi mai bine?
Bagă-o înapoi înăuntru - surpriză! - minciuni
Ca petele de sânge pe dinţi
Mușcă, mestecă, sugi părţile fragede
Vreau s-o rup
Vreau s-o bulesc
Vreau s-o fut
Vreau să văd cum coboară
Poate dacă îi frică, s-o discredităm
Vreau să văd cum coboară
Toţi porcii aliniaţi
Îţi dau tot ceea ce vreau
Acum că te dezpieliţez
Așa-i că te simţi mai bine?
Porcii au câștigat
Acum pot să sforăie cu toţii
Totul e în regulă
Cine va ști?
Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Voi, prietenii mei, de atâtea ori îmi spuneți
Că în curând nu voi mai fi trist.
Aș vrea să vă cred într-o zi,
Dar am motive întemeiate să mă îndoiesc,
Încercați să-mi răspundeți la întrebare...
Cine va ști, cine va ști, cine va ști,
Cine va ști să mă fac să uit? Spuneți-mi...
Singura mea rațiune de a trăi
Încercați să-mi spuneți care e.
Cine va ști, cine va ști, cine va ști?
Voi, prietenii mei, încercați să înțelegeți,
Doar o fată din lume îmi poate da înapoi
Tot ce am pierdut, știu că nu se va mai întoarce.
Deci, dacă puteți să-mi spuneți...
Cine va ști, cine va ști, cine va ști,
Cine va ști să mă facă să trăiesc alte bucurii?
Doar pe ea o aveam pe pământ,
Și fără ea toată viața mea
Știu bine că de fericire parte nu voi avea.
Voi, prietenii mei, soarele vă inundă,
Spuneți că voi ieși din umbră.
Aș vrea să cred că așa va fi,
Dar inima mea renunță.
Întrebarea mea rămâne încă fără răspuns...
Cine va ști, cine va ști, cine va ști,
Cine va ști să mă fac să uit? Spuneți-mi...
Singura mea rațiune de a trăi
Încercați să-mi spuneți care e.
Cine va ști, cine va ști, cine va ști?
Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Spune-i, fă asta pentru mine, spune-i
Că ziua fără ea
Mi se pare mai scurtă.
Spune-i, chit că ai să minți, spune-i
Că îmi dau seama
Că avea dreptate.
Spune-i că îmi place iar să trăiesc,
Că nu mai sunt singur,
Că ea nu mai înseamnă nimic pentru mine.
Spune-i, oh oh oh...
Spune-i, oh oh oh...
Spune-i...ce-ți trece prin cap
Spune-i, fă asta pentru mine, spune-i
Că am încetat, da,
Să mai fiu nefericit.
Spune-i că iubesc o altă fată,
Spune-i tot ce vrei,
Dar trebuie să te creadă.
Spune-i că niciodată, spune-i
Că nu mă gândesc la ea,
Când o vei vedea.
Spune-i, oh oh oh...
Spune-i, oh oh oh...
Spune-i...ce-ți trece prin cap
Nu uita,
Spune-i, oh oh oh...
Spune-i, oh oh oh...
Je crois en toi
Quand au ciel joyeux
S’élève un jour nouveau,
Je crois en toi.
Quand j’entends la pluie
Tomber en longs sanglots,
Je crois en toi.
Quand les midis sonnent
Au loin dans la vallée
Sur le chemin des écoliers,
Oui je crois, oui je crois.
Quand au fond des nuits
Derrière un volet clos
Je vois briller
La lampe allumée
Au bord d'un front penché
Sur un berceau,
Sur le berceau blanc
Où montent ensoleillés
Les premiers cris du nouveau-né
Au fond de moi,
Oui, je crois
Sur le berceau blanc
Où montent ensoleillés
Les premiers cris du nouveau-né
Au fond de moi,
Oui, je crois.
Într-o Zi Din Viața Mea
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Știu că așa merg lucrurile
Și tu nu ai dreptate, cu siguranță
Ai întors spatele iubirii
Pentru ultima oară
Nu va mai dura mult acum
Timpul mă face mai puternică
Ei bine, nu mai e nimic de spus
Într-o zi din viața ta
Am spus, dragostea îți va aminti
Cum ai putea lăsa totul în urmă?
Într-o zi din viața ta te va găsi
Cu lacrimile pe care m-ai lăsat să le plâng
Și, iubitule, sunt mai puternică decât eram înainte
Trebuie să pui totul la bătaie
Poate că într-o zi din viața ta
Iubirea mea, credeai că o să cedez și o să plâng?
Acest lucru pe care l-am avut a însemnat lumea pentru mine
Cred că am fost oarbă
Nu va mai dura mult acum
Vezi, timpul mă face mai puternică, bine
Și știu că vei veni într-o zi
Într-o zi din viața ta
Am spus, dragostea îți va aminti
Cum ai putea lăsa totul în urmă?
Într-o zi din viața ta
Te va găsi
Cu lacrimile pe care m-ai lăsat să le plâng
Și, iubitule, sunt mai puternică decât eram înainte
Trebuie să pui totul la bătaie
Poate că într-o zi din viața ta
Mă suni la miezul nopții
Cu liniile tale de catifea
Atât de multe nopți nedormite
Mă întreb, este timpul să spun la revedere?
Ooh, da
Într-o zi din viața ta
Am spus, dragostea îți va aminti
Cum ai putea lăsa totul în urmă?
(Ai putea lăsa totul în urmă?)
Într-o zi din viața ta te va găsi
Cu lacrimile pe care m-ai lăsat să le plâng
Și, iubitule, sunt mai puternică decât eram înainte
Trebuie să pui totul la bătaie
Poate că într-o zi din viața ta
Într-o zi din viața ta
Am spus, dragostea îți va aminti
Cum ai putea lăsa totul în urmă?
(Cum ai putea lăsa totul în urmă?)
Oh, oh, oh, da
Într-o zi din viața ta te va găsi
Cu lacrimile pe care m-ai lăsat să le plâng
Și, iubitule, sunt mai puternică decât eram înainte
Trebuie să pui totul la bătaie
Poate că într-o zi din viața ta
Valul Este Mare (Când Am Acel Sentiment)
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Nu renunța niciodată
Nu renunța niciodată
Valul este mare
Dar eu mă țin tare
Voi fi numărul tău unu
Nu sunt genul de fată
Care renunță chiar așa
Oh nu
Nu e vorba de lucrurile pe care le faci ca să mă tachinezi
Mă rănesc tare
Dar e felul în care le faci
Le faci asupra mea
Eu nu sunt genul de fată
Care renunță chiar așa
Oh nu
Valul este mare
Dar eu mă țin tare
Voi fi numărul tău unu
Valul este mare
Dar eu mă țin tare
Voi fi numărul tău unu
Numărul unu (numărul unu)
Numărul unu (numărul unu)
Fiecare fată vrea ca tu să fii bărbatul ei
Dar eu voi aștepta aici până e rândul meu
Eu nu sunt genul de fată
Care renunță chiar așa
Oh nu
Valul este mare
Dar eu mă țin tare
Voi fi numărul tău unu (valul este mare)
Valul este mare
Dar eu mă țin tare
Voi fi numărul tău unu
Numărul unu (numărul unu), numărul unu
Numărul unu, trebuie să mă țin tare
De fiecare dată când am acel sentiment
Îmi dai ceva în care să cred
De fiecare dată când te am lângă mine
Știu cum vreau să fie
Dar știi că o să-mi încerc șansa acum
O să o fac să se întâmple cumva
Dacă știi că pot suporta presiunea
O clipă de durere pentru o viață de plăcere
Fiecare fată vrea ca tu să fii bărbatul ei
Dar eu voi aștepta aici până e rândul meu
Eu nu sunt genul de fată
Care renunță chiar așa
Oh nu (Nu voi renunța la tine)
Valul este mare
Dar eu mă țin tare (da)
Voi fi numărul tău unu
Valul este mare
Dar eu mă țin tare
Voi fi numărul tău unu
De fiecare dată când am acel sentiment...
Către Tovarășul Tău Din Întuneric
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Zile uitate, gânduri uitate
în ora haosului
pasează torța tovarășului tău din întuneric
pentru totdeauna rupt, pentru totdeauna dispărut
prin oglinda disperării
pasează torța tovarășului tău din întuneric
Visul zilei de mâine, sclipea zilei de mâine
e povara amărăciunii
pasează torța tovarășului tău din întuneric
Cerul de octombrie, funzele de octombrie
și liniștea lăsării nopții
pasează torța tovarășului tău din întuneric
Poveștile acestea, distante și nespuse
Poveștile acestea, despre o lume de mult apusă
Tovarășului tău din întuneric
Lumină nocturnă, frig nocturn
pe munte, acum înstelează-l
pasează torța tovarășului tău din întuneric
Fugă eternă, vid etern
cu spiritul haosului
pasează torța tovarășului tău din întuneric
Poveștile acestea, distante și nespuse
Poveștile acestea, despre o lume de mult apusă
Cântecul inocenței
Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Ea spunea: „Să nu te atingi
De păsările din lanurile de grâu,
Voi ucide vânătorul care le ucide,
Te-aș ucide chiar dacă ai fi tu.”
Și violența acestor cuvinte,
A acestui cântec al inocenței
Mă face să plâng când mă gândesc la asta.
Catherine, lumea s-a schimbat,
Vânătorii sunt de partea celor buni.
Pentru păsări nu este mare lucru de făcut,
Vor ucide porumbeii cu energie nucleară,
Lanurile de grâu ale jocurilor noastre copilăriei
Vor fi în curând ca acest deșert.
Cum pot să tac când mă gândesc la asta?
Sunt mândri de bombardieriele lor,
De soldații lor, de ideile lor.
Există gulaguri pentru cei care vorbesc prea mult,
Există medalii pentru eroisme
Nu există o melodie care ar putea
Să schimbe lucrurile, nu, absolut nimic,
Asta mă face să cânt când mă gândesc.
Stăpânii războiului sunt aici,
Dumnezeu e de partea lor, vezi tu...
Ei se deghizează în spatele discursurilor lor,
Ei ne mint din ce în ce mai mult în fiecare zi.
Când lacrimile și sângele
Nu mai au nici un sens,
Mă duc să mă rog, dacă mă gândesc la asta.
Ea spunea: „Să nu te atingi
De păsările din lanurile de grâu,
Voi ucide vânătorul care le ucide,
Te-aș ucide chiar dacă ai fi tu.”
Mă întreb dacă ea crede
Întotdeauna în violență
Sau dacă încă mai crede în dragoste.
Mă face să mă îndoiesc, când mă gândesc...
Zilele fericite
Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Când afară noaptea fuge,
Purtată de caii ei albi,
Când soarele, ca o sărbătoare,
Vine să anunțe noua zi,
Când lumina palidă a zorilor
Vine să-ți mângâie părul lung,
Îmi așez capul pe umărul tău
Și cânt despre zilele fericite,
Îmi așez capul pe umărul tău
Și cânt despre zilele fericite.
Atunci timpul se curge
Ca apa vie a unui torent,
Viața are gust de fericire
Și are toate miresmele primăverii.
Lucrurile mi se par mai frumoase
Când le descopăr în ochii tăi,
Anotimpurile trec repede
Și cânt despre zilele fericite.
Anotimpurile trec repede
Și cânt despre zilele fericite.
Zilele fericite, de trăit în doi,
De trăit în doi.
Oh, oh,
Zilele fericite, de trăit în doi,
De trăit în doi.
Și apoi încetișor
Mă inviți să-ți posed trupul,
Degetele tale freamătă pe pielea mea,
Ca un un val de spumă aurie.
E ora palidă din pragul zilei,
Momentul tandrelor mărturisiri,
Când știm să vorbim despre dragoste
Și să cântăm împreună despre zilele fericite.
Când știm să vorbim despre dragoste
Și să cântăm împreună despre zilele fericite.
Zilele fericite, de trăit în doi,
De trăit în doi.
Oh, oh,
Zilele fericite, de trăit în doi,
De trăit în doi.
Zilele fericite, de trăit în doi,
De trăit în doi.
Oh, oh,
Zilele fericite, de trăit în doi,
De trăit în doi.
Zilele fericite, de trăit în doi,
De trăit în doi.
Oh, oh,
Zilele fericite, de trăit în doi,
De trăit în doi.
Serenade to Sorrento
Gentle Sorrento
Sigh of love
Delight of this heart
You are a bouquet
With the scent of flowers
With the kisses of the sea
You would make me forget
Even the dearest things
You would make me forget
Even the dearest things
Sorrento, Sorrento
This sky, these gardens
This air, these beaches
They are made to enchant
Sorrento, Sorrento
This sky, these gardens
This air, these beaches
They are made to enchant
Gentle Sorrento
Words of love
This sky, this sea
Sighs for you
The sirens
Jealous of the sweet eyes
Of your girls
No longer sing
The sirens
No longer sing
Sorrento, Sorrento
This sky, these gardens
This air, these beaches
They are made to enchant
Sorrento, Sorrento
This sky, these gardens
This air, these beaches
They are made to enchant
Gentle Sorrento
Garden of the fairies
Anyone who looks at you
Is enchanted
Those who are far from you
Think of you with nostalgia
And dream of the moment
Of returning to you
And dream of the moment
Of returning to you
Sorrento, Sorrento
This sky, these gardens
This air, these beaches
They are made to enchant
Sorrento, Sorrento
This sky, these gardens
This air, these beaches
They are made to enchant
Serenade to Sorrento
Sorrento, gentle
Sigh of love
Delight of this heart
You are a bouquet
With the scent of flowers
With the kisses of the sea
Even the dearest things
You would make them forgotten
Even the dearest things
You would make them forgotten
Sorrento, Sorrento
This sky, these gardens
This air, these beaches
They are made to enchant
Sorrento, Sorrento
This sky, these gardens
This air, these beaches
They are made to enchant
Sorrento, gentle
Garden of the fairies
Anyone who looks at you
Is enchanted
Those who are far from you
Think of you with nostalgia
And dream of the moment
Of returning to you
And dream of the moment
Of returning to you
Sorrento, Sorrento
This sky, these gardens
This air, these beaches
They are made to enchant
Sorrento, Sorrento
This sky, these gardens
This air, these beaches
They are made to enchant
Sorrento, Sorrento
This sky, these gardens
This air, these beaches
They are made to enchant
Sorrento, Sorrento
This sky, these gardens
This air, these beaches
They are made to enchant
Nobel Prize in Literature
To depict the mystery and distort the history,
No seeking the truth but can win the prize.
No Truth but full of the fake in the story
It’ll be brainwashed the people and not the surprise.
For a long time the political propaganda have masked
The literature, and the poster’ve feigned the art.
La Bocca della Verità asked
But the stature’s mouth were stuck a tart.
In the world, the propaganda’re winning the literature
And for brainwash, the placards’re beating the art.
The writers’re starving by the prevailing subliterature,
And no comforting to people’s hurt heart.
The false can deceive the people but not long,
The people’ll recognize the distorted history
And literature’ll be back in heaven song
And soon it’ll surely be brightened the history.
The literature’s dying, and the art’s dying
And the stars in dark sky are losing their light
And now, the false and the hypocrisy are winning
But it’s not long, the dawn’s near in dead twilight
But gradually, people start to know the truth
In dark, so long as the people who’re seeking
The truth, not aging and losing their youth.
The people who’re seeking the truth are increasing.
In the world, the propaganda’re winning the literature
And for brainwash, the placards’re beating the art.
The writers’re starving by the prevailing subliterature,
And no comforting to people’s hurt heart.
The false can deceive the people but not long,
The people’ll recognize the distorted history
And literature’ll be back in heaven song
And soon it’ll surely be brightened the history.
This is the Land of the Sun
Today, I'm so happy
That, almost, I feel like crying
From joy
But is it true or not true
That I’ve come back to Naples?
Am I really here?
The train was still at the station
When I heard the first mandolins
This is the land of the sun
This is the land of the sea
This is the land where all words
Sweet or bitter
Are always words of love
A little house like this
My little house at the top of Posillipo
Far from here, who will give me that?
A poor little house
All scented with oregano
Beautiful enough to be in a painting
Here, a little garden always in bloom
And in front, the sea, only the sea
This is the land of the sun
This is the land of the sea
This is the land where all words
Sweet or bitter
Are always words of love
Everything, everything is fate
How could I make my fortune abroad
If I want to live here?
Put the wine on ice
I want to drink so much
That I’ll get drunk
Within these four walls, I’m happy
Mom is near me, and my love sings
This is the land of the sun
This is the land of the sea
This is the land where all words
Sweet or bitter
Are always words of love
This is the land of the sun
Today, I'm so happy
That, almost, I feel like crying
From joy
But is it true or not true
That I’ve come back to Naples?
Am I really here?
The train was still at the station
When I heard the first mandolins
This is the land of the sun
This is the land of the sea
This is the land where all words
Sweet or bitter
Are always words of love
A little house like this
My little house at the top of Posillipo
Far from here, who will give me that?
A poor little house
All scented with oregano
Beautiful enough to be in a painting
Here, a little garden always in bloom
And in front, the sea, only the sea
This is the land of the sun
This is the land of the sea
This is the land where all words
Sweet or bitter
Are always words of love
Everything, everything is fate
How could I make my fortune abroad
If I want to live here?
Put the wine on ice
I want to drink so much
That I’ll get drunk
Within these four walls, I’m happy
Mom is near me, and my love sings
This is the land of the sun
This is the land of the sea
This is the land where all words
Sweet or bitter
Are always words of love
Moon's Great Achievement
He's always opening a mouth about the equality,
It turned out the empty echo, no having sincerity,
And the hard oppression by the name of corona,
To the country and people, it turned out that he's a Jonah.
For long time, despised justice, the law's delay,
He'd always loathed the truth and heard to bray.
He'd changed the national policy for the profit of Chinese
And inducing the acts of the passed Imperial Japanese.
During his period, he'd always served to north,
And at the people, he asserted being a president of south.
He asserted that he's a lawyer of human rights,
He'd used his public power for his profits's rights.
Even he's an agent or not, traitor or not,
The stains on the national history, he cannot blot.
Admitting or not, he's a follower of Wan-young, Lee's words
For ever he'll be praised by carrion birds.
(Nov., 11th, 2024)
The South
A scorching sun in the morning,
I see its face in the rearview,
its carmine lips and its eyes.
We have ammunition, we have bullets,
and all the intention of using them all up.
Travelling towards the South in a blue rocket,
we're not sleeping 'til we get to Tarifa.
Speed up, girl,
press it down - be happy,
be happy.
I don't know where we are going
but I know that I want to go,
I want to go, I want to go.
I'm earning now the time I lost,
the sorrow that sunk me is now forgotten.
We run away from the horror of a material world
and we hate the disdain of routine.
Speed up, girl,
press it down - be happy,
be happy.
I don't know where we are going
but I know that I want to go,
I want to go, I want to go.
Don't look back,
we have nothing there, nothing there.
Don't look back,
we have no one left there, no one there.
Speed up, girl,
press it down - be happy,
be happy - I want to go.
I want to go.
(I don't know where we are going
but I know that I want to go...)
I want to go.
(Let's go to the South...)
(Let's go to the South...)
I want to go.
(Let's go to the South...)
(Let's go to the South...)
Low window
Window of the house where my cruel love lives
How much you've made me sigh!
My heart burns like a candle
Beautiful, when I hear your name
Learn from the snow
The snow is cold and can be touched
And why are you so harsh and cruel
That you see me dying and won’t help me?
I wish I could become a little boy
To leave these grand houses
And go around selling water with a pitcher
'Fair ladies, ah, who wants water?'
A girl leans out from up there:
'Who is this little boy selling water?'
And I answer her with carefully chosen words:
'It’s not water, it’s tears of love!'
It’s not water, it’s tears of love!
This is Lincolen, He is so great
Hi, our brothers!
One, two, three, four...
What a brother, what a brother,
That's Lincolen, He's so great!
What a brother, what a brother,
That's Lincolen, He's so great!
I got a shirt thanks to him
He helped me dress nicely
He helped us u us to buy an organizer
I don't what to sing it makes me irritable
Wow! Do you believe? My sisters are so cool. Even when I don't see Smooch, it is without a doubt a great compensation.
Ladies and Gentlemna, Smooch!
What?! How did you bring Smooch here?!
We learned to be very convincing thanks to several ideas from the 'artist'
What a brother, what a brother,
That's Lincolen, He's so great!
What a brother, what a brother,
That's Lincolen, He's so great!
Wow! The gang will never in their lives believe this!
We wouldn't have believed this if we hadn't been here ourselves!
We heard from your sisters
That they have an incredible brother
This is the end of the performance
This song end with a surprise
Black Jeep
Bastard in a black Jeep not counting anymore
Not taking an acounting, living life
And there are no rules anymore, everything ends quickly
And in the new world everything is allowed
Even the one that fled the city
Came out to be great in the end
Traffic on Ayalon
Starting to adjust
Rolling ciggarettes and again, everything is rosy*
But suddenly I remember and go back in a second
To she that then fought to conquer the animals
Everyone knows that she fled in the nights
And that she has talent
To sing songs
On karaoke with milions of girl friends
They say that she is the queen of weddings
And that she doesn't respond to messages anymore
The mania is lessening
But the sun is coming up
Like always with a first love
The feelings are making her sad
Clock ticking
And again another summer is over
We'll already be late
She'll yet accomplish her dream
Bastard in a black Jeep the day is not stopping anymore
Adrenaline in the body, running all the traffic lights **
Opening the window and nothing burns anymore***
Except for Sarit in this heat of Tel Aviv
And who would have thought to become addicted at all
To this city at age 30
I do another circle when another scratched (person) passes****
Carrying bags on him of broken hearts
Not afraid anymore, that everything will burn
A pity on all the creatures
And life is short
Because I already understood what is truly important
When she flees again
Thousand lives
I still don't have the words, still even less in French
Do you know the ego necessary to go on stage?
We will always be kids, us, we will do what we please
We will burn the curtains that separate us from the stages
I'm nervous that it lock when I rethink of the drawings
That I made a secret, me, a microphone in hand
I ask myself when I will be proud, if my expectation are met
And where my dreams stop, still to go further
And it's always further, further
From far, I still see only hands, hands, tomorrow
I still your hands in the sky, always more than the day before
But my heart reminds me that I must remain grounded
I must remain grounded
Oh, I would like to live a thousand lives
Be able to live a thousand times the same thing
Oh, I would like to live a thousand lives
Be able to live a thousand times the same thing
Be able to slow time, I imagine
All reviving against the flow, without limit
I would like to live a thousand lives
Be to live a thousand times the same thing
And where the dreams stop
Still to go further
You know, us two, we launched, without knowing it
The history that, later, we will recount all nights
It was born in our rooms, transformed in the studio
We cried together to make others cry
And it's still further, further
From far, I still see more hands, more hands, tomorrow
I see your arms in the sky, always more than the day before
But my heart reminds me that I must remain grounded
I must remain grounded
Oh, I would like to live a thousand lives
Be able to live a thousand times the same thing
Oh, I would like to live a thousand lives
Be able to live a thousand times the same thing
Be able to slow time, I imagine
All reviving against the flow, without limit
I would like to live a thousand lives
Be able to live a thousand times the same thing
We admit our dreams and the more we think about them
The more we achieve them, we question them again
We go on stage, the hands trembling
We celebrate the recall and we restart
We admit our dreams and the more we think about them
The more we achieve them, we question them again
We go on stage, the hands trembling
We celebrate the recall
And it's always further, further
From far, I still see more hands, more hands, tomorrow
I see your hands in the sky, always more than the day before
But my heart reminds me that I must remain grounded
I must remain grounded
Oh, I would like to live a thousand lives
Be able to live a thousand times the same thing
Oh, I would like to live a thousand lives
Be able to live a thousand times the same thing
Be able to slow time, I imagine
All reviving against the flow, without limit
I would like live a thousand lives
Be able to live a thousand times the same thing
Eyelashes, eyelashes and cheeks
A smile of goodness
A little girl closed her eyes
And a dream opened
The beginning unfolds and it is entirely purple
Literally the same forest
And the hut sat and waited
For naught for the coming of the young man
When great miracles don't happen
There is saddness in the eyelashes
Eyelashes, eyelashes closed on light blue
With a flash of green
A sweet thumb brings hope to the dream
Uniformed flies appeared as dwarfs
From Daddy's stories
And with them a snarling bear
From Grandpa's story
Great wonders, great miracles
And joy in the eyelashes
Eyelashes, eyelashes and cheeks
Smiles of hello
A little girl opened her eyes
A dream closed
And a bright light danced on the wall
Last night passed
Only the myth of the eyelashes of a girl
Leaves an opening for hte son
Great wonders, great miracles
And joy in the eyelashes
Grains of sand
You, my wild beautiful child
Adventurer on the beach
You build short-lived structures on the edge of the water
Fortresses of wind
Sand castles
Battered by the waves
Festivals throughout the night serve as a dam
For your innocent childhood dreams
And the roof that cracks and creaks in the storm
Doesn't wake you up
A sandman
Who sells dreams
Like a watchtower
He watches over your soul
I've told you stories
About dragons and mercenaries
About mermaids, about plundering runaway outlaws
About magicians from the East
Words on the sand
We turn the pages
Like Scheherazade
I will tell you fables
My wild little child
You're growing up there on the heath
Tomorrow, you're going to conquer the world
And so time slips by
Slips by like sand
And you will forget
Your sand castles
Battered by the waves
I'm going to tell you about a dream I had, Mom:
I was a little boy again, and you were with my father, by my side.
He was reading me stories about the South Seas.
I was in a room with my brother
Who was living his own dream.
Tell me, Mom, Mom,
Why is the door locked, Mom?
Why does the whole world seems like a strange drama
Where people play in their dreams?
Why is it like that, tell me?
You taught me to hold the world in the palm of my hand,
To become the person I wanted to be. You lit a spark.
But the world is too bitter, and so is my soul.
Others reject sugar
But I drink it like this...
Tell me, Mom, Mom,
Why is the door locked, Mom?
Why does the whole world seems like a strange drama
Where people play in their dreams?
Why is it like that, tell me?
Just, Mom, don't cry! Fate will find its way.
Everything will be fine for me, my heart will be my guide,
Where, where, where, where...
You know how it is:
A little salt, a little honey
Sometimes it's a little slow, but I'm still moving forward...
Tell me, Mom, Mom,
Why is the door locked, Mom?
Why does the whole world seems like a strange drama
Where people play in their dreams?
Why is it like that, tell me?
Why is it so, tell me?
Why is it so, tell me?
What’s wrong, tell me ?
How many hangings tonight under the red moon
How deep will it sink inside eating skin that doesn't match?
The snake maes way through the sheets and goes inside the uterus.
It can seem like a someivoshino a cherry blossom petal,
that dances sadly. The stain is the moon that's fullfilled,
and the vomiting at night begins. Don't you remember?
Colour of faint...the night begins and people start to awe
Colour of pomegranate...sting with the prick and disappear far away
How many secret hangings of the premature baby tonight under the red moon
Bloody Baby&Sacrifice
Don't you remember?
Colour of Golden yellow...want to be the spider that stings
Colour of tears...remembering the memories
Colour of faint...the night begins and people start to awe
Colour of pomegranate...sting with the prick and disappear far away
if you don't learn from history's byword
if you don't learn from history's byword, you will never learn from other educators a word
Toward the Moon I Bark
I have tons to give, I promise that
I don't have nine lives, but everything feels new with you
I've had a good life, found my own way
There were many things I didn't know before I met you
Like when the wind touches your cheek. Up toward the moon I bark
The best place is where you live,
Because it only belongs to you
Woo, woo! On my way. Woo, woo! Home to you
The best place is where you live,
Because it only belongs to you
I've also had problems, without understanding
I don't have colour vision, but I can see the grey
I've been so many things, not all of it me
Everything that happened to me, it was so strange. Before I met you
Now the sun will rise in the East. But toward the moon I bark
The best place is where you live,
Because it only belongs to you
Woo, woo! On my way. Woo, woo! Home to you
The best place is where you live,
Because it only belongs to you
The best place is where you live,
Because it only belongs to you
The best place is where you live,
Because it only belongs to you