Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 15
Număr de rezultate: 107589
Coast of Paradise
Different ways
Different skies we are looking at
Everything is so quiet
Once we were loved
Now we are at the other side of paradise
Oh, how quiet it is
The waves are telling me
To let go
All of this, all of this
Your red roses
Are already withered the next morning
Aren’t they? Aren’t they?
I’m here alone again
I love how I’m here
Without you
With the dawn you disappear
I’m here alone again
I love how I’m here
Without you
You’re not here, I’m not by your side
All of our kisses
Stayed in our breakup message
Oh, how quiet it is
We touched love
But we lost ourselves in the search for paradise
Is everything wrong?
You’re my sun
But all of these colors
Are more beautiful without you
Here I am, I stand alone
I found peace up in the solitude
The sun, it slips away
Here I am, I stand alone
Our love the coldest distance brings
The memory of you is just a whisper in the wind
You’re not here now, you’re not here now
Different ways
Different skies we are looking at
Everything is so quiet
The Strange Adventures of Vladimír Unlucky
Beautiful experience, picture and sound
Especially Ládínek, a nifty lad, wishes to you
I'm secretly making a stellar Gulliver
He talks about it all day long
To ascend toward the stars, cruise through the space in a rocket
to stop there on a planet
We're taking off!
Another plate
What does Mr. Farthing say about it
I'm sure he'll come complaining
Look, Zoro is reading the newspaper
Snitch, mind your own business.
I've created Gulliver 2 out of a mix of rubber
and concentrated sulfuric acid
If I forbid him from engaging in his hobbies, he'll runaway from home
The third model didn't work either
The wrong kind of fuel, into the sewer with it
Hey, is that a sirup?
It's a struggle with my brother
He might blow up soon
We should take him to see a doctor
He doesn't even watch the TV anymore
How could he, when the TV's broken
Come, we'll visit neighbour Farthing
Watch out!
Beautiful experience, picture and sound
Especially Ládínek, a nifty lad, wishes to you
In a moment, he'll go to the roof with his violin
engines will set off, high above the ground
A wonderful space flight is awaiting him
So let's fly with him without any hesitation
Right now!
Mașinăria Germană
Click to see the original lyrics (German)
Din valea trecutului
uitat, dar totuși pregătită
a venit să se elibereze
până în eternitate
Ea strălucește așa minunat,
îți face visele realitate
Ea cântă și dansează și râde,
fiind că Tu îi dai noua ei putere.
Viitorul și-l cumpără,
pentru asta te vinde pe tine
Așa mândră dar micuță,
trebuie să fie ceva german
Mașinăria Germană trăiește
Mașinăria Germană trăiește
Mașinăria Germană trăiește
Mașinăria Germană trăiește
(ea trăiește)
Mașinăriile lumii ăsteia
se luptă împotriva inamicului greșit
Ori Kremlin or Casa Albă
scoate-ne din priză
Mașinăria Germană trăiește…
Pietrele sunt Pietre
Click to see the original lyrics (German)
Prima oară vine aurul
Apoi vine lumea
Pietrele sunt pietre
Fără ban roșu [mărunțiș]
Prima oară vine oțelul
Apoi vine nervul
Pietrele sunt pietre
Fără sânge roșu
Prima oară vine mândria
Apoi vine țara ta
Pietrele sunt pietre
Toții la perete
Prima oară vine războiul
Apoi vin alegerile
Pietrele sunt pietre
Fără chin roșu
Prima oară vine ura
Apoi vine noaptea
Pietrele sunt pietre
Fără putere roșie
Prima oară vine mândria
Apoi vine țara ta
Pietrele sunt pietre
Toții la perete
Fiți mândrii
Nemți, fiți mândrii
Timpul nu se întoarce niciodată
Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Zilele noastre devin adesea complicate
În timp ce îndoielile rămân aici
Și ne îndepărtăm
Într-un orizont străin
Iar calculele deja făcute nu se adună niciodată
Nu, timpul nu se întoarce niciodată
Și ieri nu ai fost tu, azi cine ești?
Ce schimbă viața la noi
Și ce ai acum
N-o să-l vrei mâine
Conștiința noastră ne murmură adesea
Expresii pe care apoi le ascundem în interiorul nostru
Și ne simțim afectați de modul în care suntem schimbați
Cuvintele ascunse nu ies niciodată la iveală
Nu, timpul nu se întoarce niciodată
Și poate rămâi, cu ce ai
Ce țipă ascuns în noi
Nu vei dormi diseară
Dar nu vei înțelege
Nu, timpul nu se întoarce niciodată
Și ieri nu ai fost tu, azi cine ești?
Crede, timpul nu se întoarce niciodată
Nu, timpul nu se întoarce niciodată
Vezi tu, timpul nu se întoarce niciodată
Viață frumoasă
Click to see the original lyrics (English, Portuguese)
O, viață frumoasă,
Viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc,
O, viață frumoasă,
O viață frumoasă...
Vino la mine, te doresc
Continuă și lasă-mă să te iubesc,
Nu spune nu paradisului,
Suntem tineri și liberi împreună,
Nu spune nu, închide ochii.
Dacă îți place ce vezi, vino și arată-mi cum e rumba,
E fierbinte/ arșiță, dar mereu ne răcorim vara
Și toată lumea o simte, din Chile în Cuba,
Ritmul, lumina lunii ne învăluie.
O, viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc,
Viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc
O, viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc,
Viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc
Continuă și lasă-mă să te iubesc,
Nu spune nu paradisului,
Suntem tineri și liberi împreună,
Nu spune nu, închide ochii.
Dacă îți place ce vezi, vino și arată-mi cum e rumba,
E fierbinte/ arșiță, dar mereu ne răcorim vara
Și toată lumea o simte, din Chile în Cuba,
Ritmul, lumina lunii ne învăluie.
O, viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc,
Viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc
O, viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc,
Viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc
O, viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc,
Viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc
O, viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc,
Viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc
O, viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc,
Viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc.
O, viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc,
Viață frumoasă,
Vino la mine, te doresc
Iau Ce E Al Meu, Iei Ce E Al Tău
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Baby, te prefaci că lucrurile nu sunt ceea ce par
Toată această tensiune pe cale să explodeze e exact ceea ce ar trebui să fie
Acum, nu mă deranjează să fim fără obligații unul față de altul
Ascultă, tot ce vreau să fac va veni peste mine și va prelua controlul
Poți să-ți pui mâinile pe talia mea?
Vreau pielea ta pe a mea
Îmi mișc soldurile pe ritm
Lasă-mă să iau ce e al meu, tu iei ce e al tău
Pune un semn cu 'Vă rugăm, nu deranjați'
Îmi pun spatele într-o mișcare lentă
Îmi face fiori pe șira spinării
Lasă-mă să iau ce e al meu, tu iei ce e al tău
Dacă mă vezi cu un alt bărbat
Înțelege că nu îmi poți pune întrebări
Sentimentele pe care le ai nu sunt din vina mea, nu îți pot vindeca gelozia
Dacă nu poți realiza că
Ceea ce avem trebuie să fie fără angajament
Atunci vom ține asta ascunsă, iubirea va veni ascunsă sub așternuturi
Sub așternuturi
Poți să-ți pui mâinile pe talia mea?
Vreau pielea ta pe a mea
Îmi mișc soldurile pe ritm
Lasă-mă să iau ce e al meu, tu iei ce e al tău
Pune un semn cu 'Vă rugăm, nu deranjați'
Îmi pun spatele într-o mișcare lentă
Îmi face fiori pe șira spinării
Lasă-mă să iau ce e al meu, tu iei ce e al tău
Acum ascultă
Deci, vino și mulțumește-mi corpul
Putem fi perverși, murdari
Toată noaptea o petrecere privată
Trebuie să nimerești locul exact cum trebuie
Fă-o de parcă ai lucra de la 9 la 5
Nu este vorba despre săruturi și îmbrățișări
Pentru că aceasta este o iubire fizică
Direct transpirăm, corpurile noastre se freacă
Trebuie să nimerești locul exact cum trebuie
Fă-o de parcă ai lucra de la 9 la 5
Avem o chestie fizică
Vom face dragoste, dar nu ne vom îndrăgosti
Lasă-mă să iau ce e al meu, tu iei ce e al tău
Petreci destul timp
Încât să iei ce e al tău și eu iau ce e al meu
Fără obligații
Vreau corpul tău, nu inima ta
Lasă-mă să iau ce e al meu, tu iei ce e al tău
Poți să-ți pui mâinile pe talia mea?
Vreau pielea ta pe a mea
Îmi mișc soldurile pe ritm
Lasă-mă să iau ce e al meu, tu iei ce e al tău
Pune un semn cu 'Vă rugăm, nu deranjați'
Îmi pun spatele într-o mișcare lentă
Îmi face fiori pe șira spinării
Lasă-mă să iau ce e al meu, tu iei ce e al tău
Poți să-ți pui mâinile pe talia mea?
Vreau pielea ta pe a mea
Îmi mișc soldurile pe ritm
Lasă-mă să iau ce e al meu, tu iei ce e al tău
Pune un semn cu 'Vă rugăm, nu deranjați'
Îmi pun spatele într-o mișcare lentă
Îmi face fiori pe șira spinării
Lasă-mă să iau ce e al meu, tu iei ce e al tău
Vino aici
Nu fi timid
Nu voi mușca
Lasă-mă să iau ce e al meu, tu iei ce e al tău
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
El vine dintr-un loc străin
O insulă îndepărtată
Mă intrigă cu fiecare mișcare
Până când sunt fără suflare, sunt neajutorată
Nu pot să-mi păstrez calmul
Îmi fură inima când mă ia de mână
Și dansăm pe ritmul trupei
Simt cum vârfurile degetelor lui îmi prind șoldurile
Și alunec în timp ce ne cufundăm într-o stare de fericire
Mama obișnuia să mă avertizeze să mă feresc de acei iubiți latini
A spus: mi-am dat inima prea devreme
Și așa am devenit mama ta
A spus ay mama, se pare că uiți
Că nu sunt îndrăgostită încă
Vorbele lui dulci nu mă cuceresc
Dar îmi dau seama
Ochii mari și căprui mă hipnotizează
Când spune:
Sunt un *boricua de sânge pur
Citesc tatuajul de pe brațul lui
Îmi spune 'Mami, am nevoie de tine!'
Și bătăile inimii mele devin tot mai tari
Mă pierd în ritm
Îmi șoptește 'Te iubesc'
Te iubesc
Încep să cedez fără ezitare
Nu-mi pot îmblânzi pasiunea
E pasiune pură
Pielea de culoarea scorțișoarei
Ochii lui se aprind
Și mă simt bine
E atât de bine încât trebuie să fie un păcat
Nu pot opri ceea ce am început, cedez
El dă viață fanteziilor mele
Stârnește o pasiune în mine
Găsește cuvintele pe care eu nu le pot vorbi
În tăcere, bătăile inimii lui sunt ca și muzica pentru mine
Mama obișnuia să mă avertizeze să nu mă grăbesc să mă îndrăgostesc de altcineva
A spus: nu încerc să îți dau lecții
Îmi pasă doar de fiica mea
Ay mama, se pare că ai uitat
Niciodată nu aș lăsa
un bărbat să-mi controleze emoțiile
Când zâmbește
Mă simt ca un copil mic
Când spune
Sunt un boricua de sânge pur
Citesc tatuajul de pe brațul lui
Îmi spune 'Mami, am nevoie de tine!'
Și bătăile inimii mele devin tot mai tari
Mă pierd în ritm
Îmi șoptește 'Te iubesc'
Te iubesc
Încep să cedez fără ezitare
Nu-mi pot îmblânzi pasiunea
E pasiune pură
Prinsă între cuvintele mamei
Și ceea ce simt în interior
Vreau să explorez lumea lui
Dar o parte din mine vrea să se ascundă
Ar trebui să risc?
Nu pot rezista
M-a luat prin surprindere
Ar trebui să-l las să mă ducă în Puerto Rico
Nu mă mai pot abține
Să mergem în seara asta
Sunt un boricua de sânge pur
Citesc tatuajul de pe brațul lui
Îmi spune 'Mami, am nevoie de tine!'
Și bătăile inimii mele devin tot mai tari
Mă pierd în ritm
Îmi șoptește 'Te iubesc'
Te iubesc
Încep să cedez fără ezitare
Nu-mi pot îmblânzi pasiunea
E pasiune pură
Nu-mi pot îmblânzi pasiunea
E pasiune pură
Războiul Submarinelor în Estul Berlinului
Click to see the original lyrics (German)
Războiul Submarinelor în Estul Berlinului
Îți iau mână și rămân pe loc
Ei cad jos în Friedrichshain
Așa dominant, așa puternic și superb
Ca tine
Războiul Submarinelor în Estul Berlinului
Ne mutăm pe acoperiș pentru cocaină
Vine bomba, se aprinde limina
Așa atomic, așa răcoros și feminin
Ca tine
Iubește-mă în pivniță
Iubește-mă pentru totdeauna
Iubește-mă în pivniță
Iubește-mă pentru totdeauna
Iubește-mă în pivniță
Iubește-mă pentru totdeauna
Iubește-mă în pivniță
Click to see the original lyrics (German)
Ajungem în port
un far ne amintește
că, cândva
lumea se sfârșise
aici stăm câte doi
în lupta pentru timp
pe cât de grea e libertatea,
atât de ușor e gardul care o înconjoară
și împușc eliberându-ne drumul
atâta timp cât pot
prietenule, rămân de partea ta,
căci noi suntem armata
de la țărm până la mare
pe cât de încinsă arma,
atât de răcoare e mâna care o încălzește
Eu mor în tine
inima ta în mine
Războinici ca noi
învingând lumea și pierzând
eu mor în tine
inima ta în mine
Doar dacaă vezi
cine îți simte suferința
nici o dată nu vei scăpa
daca frica îți conduce gândirea
viața mea devine a ta
iar suferința ta, a mea
pe cât de puternică durerea
atât de slab e omul care o duce
Eu mor în tine
inima ta în mine
Războinici ca noi
învingând lumea și pierzând
eu mor în tine
inima ta în mine
Războinici ca noi
învingând lumea și pierzând
Eu mor în tine
inima ta în mine
Războinici ca noi
învingând lumea și pierzând
inima ta în mine
Războinici ca noi
învingând lumea și pierzând
Războinici ca noi
învingând lumea și pierzând
Alle Mädchen akkurat
Räkeln sich dem Tanzomat
Sie kämpfen um die große Welle
Marschieren mit auf allen Vieren
Wollen, dass wir sie regieren
Triebwerk an, Motor läuft
Alles Gute kommt von unten
Sieger ficken keine Tunten
Kampfbereit Kugelblitz
Deutsche Liebe, gute Liebe
Deutsche Liebe, gute Liebe
Deutsche Liebe, gute Liebe
Deutsche Liebe, gute Liebe
Stoß um Stoß
Vom Scheitel bis zum Schoß
Lassen wir die Männer los
Tausend Kilometer Beine
Von Bratislava bis nach Peine
Alle wissen was ich meine
Alles Gute kommt von unten
Sieger ficken keine Tunten
Kampfbereit Kugelblitz
Deutsche Liebe, gute Liebe
Deutsche Liebe, gute Liebe
Deutsche Liebe, gute Liebe
Deutsche Liebe, gute Liebe
Stoß um Stoß
Vom Scheitel bis zum Schoß
Lassen wir die Männer los
Stoß um Stoß
Vom Scheitel bis zum Schoß
Lassen wir die Männer los
Omul Tanc
Click to see the original lyrics (German)
Pașii tăi, așa frumoși
Dansăm la revedere
Privirile noastre, așa dure
Toți dansează cum le zic.
Picioarele slabe rămân pe loc
Oamnii tanc înaintează
Sărbătorim energia
Puterea asta nu va dispărea
Computer, Mașinărie, Omul Tanc
Mergi drept înainte
Mergi drept înainte
Computer, Mașinărie, Omul Tanc
Mergi drept înainte
Dă-i drumul!
Luptăm pentru câștig în lanț
Oamenii tanc nu se satură niciodată
Războaiele sunt pentru a dansa
Libertatea noastră e așa aproape
Computer, Mașinărie, Omul Tanc
Mergi drept înainte
Mergi drept înainte
Computer, Mașinărie, Omul Tanc
Mergi drept înainte
Dă-i drumul!
Fiți pregătiți (mereu pe fază)
Fiți pregătiți (mereu pe fază)
Fiți pregătiți (mereu pe fază)
Vine omul tanc
(Compuer, Mașinărie)
Corpurile noastre sunt așa fierbinți
Foc stroboscopic, sudoare mândră
Trăiește ritmul
Mergi drept înainte și dă-i drumul!
Вот Божий Сын
Вот Божий Сын льет кровь Свою на Голгофе, на Голгофе.
Там душу искупил мою на Голгофе, на Голгофе.
Но я противился ещё, Иисус сказал: 'Свершилось всё',
И в жизни утро началось на Голгофе, на Голгофе.
О, если б каждый поспешил на Голгофу, на Голгофу.
И бремя тяжкое сложил на Голгофу, на Голгофу.
Разбойник ко Христу пришёл, спасение себе нашёл,
И так со всяким, кто взошёл на Голгофу, на Голгофу.
Хотел бы я всем рассказать о Голгофе, о Голгофе,
Чтоб каждый мог всю правду знать о Голгофе, о Голгофе.
О, церковь Божья, вставай! И в мире всем провозглашай,
И никогда не умолкай о Голгофе, о Голгофе.
Angel of rock
And for how many centuries has it been spinning aimlessly
Under the sun
The night always chases the day
There’s nothing new for me
But where has the angel gone
The domestic one from the past?
In the warm countries and in the churches
I search for it
It’s inside the juke-box
Angel of rock
Angel of rock
And, hidden behind a screen
To protect myself in my heart
I see again the primitive days
And the innovations of civilizations
But why in this world
Do I feel different?
I call my domestic angel
And from above it will fall
Angel of rock
Angel of rock
I stay here with my tears
Watching the twilight
While the children run to play
Once again by the sea
I want to meet you and tell you that
I feel alone right now
And I search for you in the streets
In the houses by the sea and
Inside the juke-box
Angel of rock
Angel of rock
Angel, angel
Of rock, of rock
Angel of rock
Angel, angel
Of rock, of rock
Angel of rock
Angel of rock
Angel, angel
Of rock, of rock
Angel of rock
Angel of rock
Angel of rock
A Kiss is Magic
Just by lightly, lightly waving
Some lipstick
Turning a mere friend
Into a lover
After going to the movies with everyone
Just so happened that you and I
Were heading back in the same direction
All I did was have you walk me home ・・・
Deciding to take a shortcut through
The park at twilight
It was at that moment
I had fallen for you
And then
I closed my eyes
And quietly chanted a sweet spell
This feeling is strange, so very strange
To the point it makes me sigh
I’ll change these days that are going by
Into romance
As someone who was group dating
And didn’t really stand out much
I never thought I'd
Choose you on my own
I felt that I was waiting for this
For the longest time
Just by lightly, lightly waving
Some lipstick
Turning a mere friend
Into a lover
This feeling is strange, so very strange
To the point it makes me sigh
I’ll change these days that are going by
Into romance
I've got some good tobacco
I've got some good tobacco in my tobacco jar
I've got some good tobacco - you won't be having any
I've got some that's fine and some that's thinly shredded
But it's not for your naughty nose
I've got some good tobacco in my tobacco jar
I've got some good tobacco, you won't be having any
I've got some good tobacco to stuff my pipe
I've got some good tobacco - you won't be having any
I've got some that's white, some that's black, and some that's grey
But I only give it to my friends
I've got some good tobacco in my tobacco jar
I've got some good tobacco - you won't be having any
No time no space
Talk to me about the existence of faraway worlds
Of buried civilizations, of continents drifting
Talk to me about love that happens among men
Of unusual travelers in mystical territories... more
We instinctively followed the trails of comets
Like vanguards of another solar system
No time, no space
Another race of vibrations
The sea of the simulation
Keep your feelings in memories
I love you especially tonight
Air traffic controllers ready for takeoff
Giant telescopes to follow the stars
Navigating, navigating in space, in space... more
We instinctively followed the trails of comets
Like vanguards of another solar system
No time, no space
Another race of vibrations
The sea of the simulation
Keep your feelings in memories
I love you especially tonight
No time, no space
Another race of vibrations...
Keep your feelings in memories
I love you especially tonight
The Cat Doctor
The Cat Doctor
The paw holding the scalpel is shaking
I wonder if it'll be alright
What are you even removing?
Do you even know what you're doing?
The Cat Doctor
The paw holding the scalpel is shaking
I wonder if it'll be alright
Cats want to be doctors too
So what if they can't do medicine?
What are you amputating?
Do you have any idea what you're doing?
Hymn to Beauty
Did you spring out of heaven or the abyss,
Beauty? Your gaze infernal, yet divine,
Spreads infamy and glory, grief and bliss,
And therefore you can be compared to wine.
Your eyes contain both sunset and aurora:
You give off scents, like evenings storm-deflowered:
Your kisses are a philtre: an amphora
Your mouth, that cows the brave, and spurs the coward.
Climb you from gulfs, or from the stars descend?
Fate, like a fawning hound, to heel you've brought
You scatter joy and ruin without end,
Ruling all things, yet answering for naught.
You trample men to death, and mock their clamour.
Amongst your gauds pale Horror gleams and glances,
And Murder, not the least of them in glamour,
On your proud belly amorously dances.
The dazzled insect seeks your candle-rays,
Crackles, and burns, and seems to bless his doom.
The groom bent o'er his bride as in a daze,
Seems, like a dying man, to stroke his tomb.
What matter if from hell or heaven born,
Tremendous monster, terrible to view?
Your eyes and smile reveal to me, like morn,
The Infinite I love but never knew.
From God or Fiend? Siren or Sylph ? Invidious
The answer — Fay with eyes of velvet, ray,
Rhythm, and perfume! — if you make less hideous
Our universe, less tedious leave our day.
The Ideal
It's not with smirking beauties of vignettes,
The shopsoiled products of a worthless age,
With buskined feet and hands for castanets —
A heart like mine its longing could assuage.
I leave Gavarni, poet of chloroses,
His twittering flock, anaemic and unreal.
I could not find among such bloodless roses,
A flower to match my crimson-hued ideal.
To this heart deeper than the deepest canyon,
Lady Macbeth would be a fit companion,
Crime-puissant dream of Aeschylus or you,
Daughter of Buonarroti, stately Night!
Whose charms to suit a Titan's appetite,
You twist, so strange, yet peaceful, to the view.
Sand Mound Reaching The Sky
I was watching a red flower.
Contours turned to shadows.
A thin thread got severed.
I've been living on my own.
They're just vanishing again,
the footsteps of an ideal.
I have to go, somewhere far away.
Forms are breaking down.
I'll do it over again.
You're piling up
a mountain of sand reaching the sky
which the waves demolish
as the sea reflects the clouds.
I was watching something blue.
It makes a streamline shape.
I could see someone I love.
We're living together.
A train shook and rattled
as I followed it
to a far away place that was coming closer.
Goodbye. You get further away,
but you're still looking back.
I too am piling up
a mountain of sand reaching the sky
which the waves demolish
as the sea reflects the clouds.
Someone's voice echoes.
Someone's voice is echoing.
Someone's voice echoes.
Someone's voice is echoing.
I want to see you, Nono-chan
I love you, Nono-chan
I want to see you, Nono-chan
I love you, Nono-chan
I want to see you, I want to see you, I want to see you
Tantan, my bed arrived today
I'm so happy
But I thought it would be a pain to move
The mattress is white and looks comfortable
But it's kind of shiny and dazzling
I feel a little lonely
Maybe that's what white is
I wonder if color and heart resonate
What color do you like? What song do you like?
What kind of dreams do you have? Who will you fall in love with?
I close my eyes and remember your voice
I love you for telling me what you think
I want you to hold me again, I want you to hold me, I want you to hold me, ah
I want you to hold me again, I want you to hold me, I want you to hold me
Can I ask you again?
I Want to Die
[Verse 1]
Suddenly I wake up,
In a hospital of white walls,
I don't remember climbing,
Until the roof, my memories are gone.
You helped me, you reached for my hand,
I waited for too long to grab it.
My numb arm, now,
Is the death the one embracing me?
I want to die, want to die,
But in the end I’m afraid.
You are there, your smile
Pierces my heart.
You hurt me, you leave me,
I smile reluctantly.
Not enough, not enough…
I want to die, want to die,
But in the end I’m afraid.
Because the one who makes me laugh,
I do not want him to cry.
You hurt me, you leave me,
I smile reluctantly.
Not enough, not enough…
[Chorus 2]
I am all alone,
When I hide so that I won’t remember you anymore.
The mirror reflects this past that is, for me, imaginary
Red eyes, what a pleasant gaze, but sickly.
Say it, I want to live, I want to live,
I truly want to live.
I don’t want to disappear, I don’t just want to survive.
Amanita* gets tangled in my hair, it’s so close,
It doesn’t matter where you are.
I want to die, want to die,
But in the end I’m afraid.
Maybe you will be able to hear my heart.
Many times I have tried to erase your smile.
Not enough, not enough…
I want to die, want to die, want to die,
But I don’t want to disappear, that is not my desire.
Because I know that your smile will do nothing but subdue me.
Lalala lalala lalala lalala
The pain grows,
My memory fades,
But this wound makes me suffer to the point of oblivion**.
They are two, and they walk, they are two, and they return
To the spring, to the heart, to life
They are three, and they walk, they are three, and they return
To the spring, to the heart of life
All the words that are spoken, hours pass, they pass
Until all the weapons return to their sheaths
All the tensions that are felt, the children feel them well
And now is the time to make peace, not just in the Middle East
They are two, and they walk, they are two, and they return
To the spring, to the heart, to life
They are three, and they walk, they are three, and they return
To the spring, to the heart of life
All the words that are spoken, all the obstacles, what do they mean
To come and gather up the pieces, praise from neighbors isn’t enough
No matter what they say
All the children growing up in homes
Absorb the tensions of the parents
They grow up to be exactly the same
In the shift between innocence and infinite love, sealed since the covenant with God
It’s quite amazing to see how you complete me
And how we grow, and life dictates the pace out of sadness
What rhythm here foams up with thoughts of money
Maybe we’ll make a hit here
(I strayed off topic, maybe some sensitivity—we’re talking about family, friends, friendship...)
Wait here a moment
Don’t get stuck
Break the silence
Make an impact
She waits
The anguish
So nagging
Like a sting
She wants awakening
And not idling
Like in a swamp
She doesn’t want
A bomb at home
But light as a feather
And therefore it’s created
Thus, a lesson is formed
What a treasure
Distinguishing the trivial from the essential
Living in peace is so precious
Sometimes it rarely breaks
And at home, the tension rises
How strange
Sometimes it doesn’t seem possible
And you fall into the illusion that it’s over
Believing a person who’s troubled
And forgetting the light in the hidden
They are three, and they walk, they are three, and they return...
Fake Life
If you leave one day, don't you get upset
Don't shed a tear, live
a life of leisure
Consolation is found in every new love
What'd you think? That's life!
What a fake this life is!
People understand when it's too late
Years go by
memories remain
Infatuation is a lie
An angel-faced devil
I've always been the one under the sun being fooled
La-la-la, laa-la-la
La-la-la, laa-la-la
La-la-la-laa, la-laa-la, la-la-laa
Youth is gone,
if I were born again
I'd stay away from love and the past
I'd console myself in a fake life
I want neither love nor consolation
What a fake this life is!
People understand when it's too late
Years go by
memories remain
Infatuation is a lie
An angel-faced devil
I've always been the one under the sun being fooled
La-la-la, laa-la-la
La-la-la, laa-la-la
La-la-la-laa, la-laa-la, la-la-laa
That's life, if I'd known it before
I'd have easily canceled your love
The past has already become a handful of ashes (ie wasted)
What a shame!
I've buried our love without any flowers
A girl's secret is a secret forever (Next preview)
My name is Minako!
Now it's too long ago, I creared a club called
Pink Bitch Club with my friends
Please continue to support us!
If you find the wrong secret mind
What should I do? Ah
Please! I can't show you
how I really feel
The moment I meet you
in the fog that never clears, I can change!
Even if we're apart, I can find you!
I want to share even a little joy with you
I'm attracted to you because you resemble me, Jewel
I can always smile even if it's a mess
A girl's heart is always wobbly (Because of you)
A girl's secret is a secret forever
No Doubt
Girl, where you at?
From sunrise to sunset
I keep feeling uneasy
By the end of the day
I'm going crazy, miss you
Dazzling daytime feels like
I’m forever waiting
What a cruel fate
Seeing you in my daydream
The more I want you
I feel so lonely
These delusions that have started
To the edge they push me
In this hellish time I realize
Day or night, ain’t no doubt, I love you
Ain’t no doubt you’re my answer
No worries, I’m alright
I want you, it’s so painful but
Oh, I’d burn myself to prove it baby, no doubt
No exit to this daytime thirst
It's just instinct, all I want is you
I want you, it’s so painful but
Oh, I’d burn myself to prove it baby, no doubt
Yeah, no doubt
Yeah, baby no doubt
Yeah, no doubt
Oh, I’d burn myself to prove it baby, no doubt
When night falls
My nerves ease as soon as I hold you
Yeah, I’m good enough
Lay one finger and I melt like anyone else
Tell me what you want
If you want me to prove my love, I’ll prove it
A hundred, no, a thousand times replay, girl
The sweet night ends and
I let you go again
Follow you as you drift off
Seeping in, crazy
Caught in this endless time difference I realize
Day or night, ain’t no doubt, I love you
Ain’t no doubt you’re my answer
No worries, I’m alright
I want you, it’s so painful but
Oh, I’d burn myself to prove it baby, no doubt
No exit to this daytime thirst
It's just instinct, all I want is you
I want you, it’s so painful but
Oh, I’d burn myself to prove it baby, no doubt
Yeah, no doubt
Yeah, baby no doubt
Yeah, no doubt
Oh, I’d burn myself to prove it baby, no doubt
Little Simon
Little Simon,
You're a big boy now Come, give me your hand The night is beautiful
Let's go to the yard
To see the stars in the sky Little Simon,
You see up there
How beautiful the world seems
But you'll see
When you grow up
One day you'll understand
Stars aren't always beautiful
They don't always bring happiness
Stars aren't always beautiful
When we wear them on our hearts
Little Simon,
In your recitation tonight
You talked to me
About the nocturnal song
Under a starry sky
Of Pierrot dreaming of the moon
Little Simon,
It's true that the stars in your poetry are pretty
But you'll see
When you grow up
One day you'll understand
Stars aren't always beautiful
They don't always bring happiness
Stars aren't always beautiful
When we wear them on our hearts
Little Simon,
Learn my song well
And never forget it
A long time ago
When I was like you
Sometimes, men were mean
Little Simon,
You're still too young
To understand it well
But you'll see
When you grow up
One day you'll understand
Stars aren't always beautiful
They don't always bring happiness
Stars aren't always beautiful
When we wear them on our hearts
La la la la la.....
Stars aren't always beautiful
They don't always bring happiness
Stars aren't always beautiful
When we wear them on our hearts
La la la la la.....
Bro Code
I saw this girl in the city, she was totally my type
Then she came to a show, 'cause she listens to all my songs
Wait, I saw her on the 'gram, 'cause she slid into my DM
I was on her profile late at night, and I saw that you know her
Bro, I'm sorry, but she was flirting with me just yesterday
She doesn't want exclusivity, she wants all five of us
We said a girl wouldn't come between us
But now I'm lying next to her, so
Sorry, but tonight I'm skipping that bro code
We had said, she's a no-go
But she was in her bed and I got FOMO
I know she's off-llimits
But she's into me
So I'm going to lie with her, ship that-
Skip that bro code
Skip that bro code
Skip that bro code
Skip that bro code
She said I was the one, I felt special
Wants a house, kids, and pets, but with all of us
Is she just a groupie, or are we that cute?
I don't know, but it doesn't matter, 'cause she's going with Roelie
Bro, I'm sorry, but she was flirting with me just yesterday
She doesn’t want exclusivity she wants all five of us
We said a girl wouldn't come between us
But now I’m lying next to her, so
Sorry, but tonight I'm skipping that bro code
We had said, she's a no-go
But she was in her bed and I got FOMO
I know she's off-llimits
But she's into me
So I'm going to lie with her, ship that-
Skip that bro code
Skip that bro code
Skip that bro code
Skip that bro code
Only with you
With you
Do you ever think back to that first day?
I still remember exactly what I tought
I felt right away that you were the one
You even laugh at my worst jokes
And when needed, you finish my sentences
Because what we have, I've never had before
With you, I can take on the whole world
I know that love really exists
You and I belong together
I really have at only with you
Just one look, and I've had enough
I know exactly what you mean
Give me this feeling forever
I really have that only with you
Sometimes we're back to square one
Then we go to our spot in the city
Drink red wine and dance all night, oh
You even laugh at my worst joke
And when needed, you finish my sentences
Because what we have, I've truly never had before
With you, I can take on the whole world
I know that love really exists
You and I belong together
I really have at only with you
Just one look, and I've had enough
I know exactly what you mean
Give me this feeling forever
I really have that only with you
You even laugh at my worst joke
And when needed, you finish my sentences
Because what we have, I've truly never had before
With you, I can take on the whole world
I know that love really exists
You and I belong together
I really have at only with you
Just one look, and I've had enough
I know exactly what you mean
Give me this feeling forever
I really have that only with you
Goodbye, Light
I gave this feeling a name:
I decided to call it 'sorrow.'
I’m not sure if it’s right,
But I don’t know any other word.
Goodbye, light,
The time for parting has come.
Though the path ahead is dark,
I’ll walk alone,
In a world without you.
I hurt you in my immaturity
《By my immaturity, I hurt you》
Only the promise remains
By the edge of the galaxy 《Star-lit waters》
Left behind 《Sounds of waves》
in the sound of the waves
Each time I look to the sky 《to the starlit sky》
I’ll always search for it—
A glimmer that can’t exist,
Believing it’s out there somewhere.
I gave this feeling a name:
I decided to call it 'sorrow.'
I wonder, what would you have called it?
I’ll never know now.
Goodbye, light,
The time for parting has come.
At the end of a journey,
spanning billions of light-years,
Until the time we meet again, once more.
Would you come to me?
I see me in your eyes
I felt that heart, this heart, your heart wants me
I want to say that I love you, I want to say
But, I can't tell if you refuse me, so I can't tell
Did you came here by
Breezing wind?
You made my heart
Shake, shake, shake
If you are tending not to know that,
You are so naughty
Would you come to me?
Don't ignore me, would you come to me?
If you like me,
You can hug me
Would you come to me?
Would you come to me, like hot and cool?
You will kiss me
And I will let you slide on that
I see me in your eyes
I felt that heart, this heart, your heart wants me
I want to say that I love you, I want to say
But, I can't tell if you refuse me, so I can't tell
I can't. Understand why I can't. Come on baby, my baby
I feel you
Glimpse me
But when I turn around,
And you are worried sick
But I won't regret of it,
You are in my heart
Would you come to me?
Don't ignore me, would you come to me?
If you like me,
You can hug me
Would you come to me?
Would you come to me, like hot and cool?
You will kiss me
And I will let you slide on that
Would you come to me?
Would you come to me?
Would you come to me?
Don't ignore me, would you come to me?
If you like me,
You can hug me
Would you come to me?
Would you come to me, like hot and cool?
You will kiss me
And I will let you slide on that
Would you come to me?
Would you come to me?