Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 20

Număr de rezultate: 107600



Corps éperdus
Échoues sur Terre
Un pied toujours
Dans les hauteurs
Visiteurs célestes
Privés de leur
Moitié disparue

J'ai ressenti intuitivement
Chacune de tes douleurs
Et vu ma vie entière
Défiler brusquement
Revu ma vie entière

Desir d'une réalité autre
Où la nuit comme le jour
La lumiere inonde
Où des creatures
Muettes et enigmatiques
Gardent les ames vagabondes

J'aimerais que tu puisses
Me dire d'où je veins
Je l'ai demande autrefois
Aux monts et aux riveres
J’ai toujours su au fond de moi
Que je venais de très loin
Et qu’en essence nous sommes tous
Des êtres immortels


Things fall apart
And time breaks your heart
I wasn't there but I know
She was your girl
You showed her the world
You fell out of love and you both let go

She was cryin’ in my shoulder
All I could do was hold her
Only made us closer
Until she lied
And I know that you love me
You don't need to remind me
I should put it all behind me
Shouldn't I?

But I see her in the back of my mind
All the time
Like a fever
Like I’m burnin' alive by her side
Did I cross the line? Mm

Well, good things don't last (Good things don't last)
And life moves so fast (Life moves so fast)
I'd never ask who was better
'Cause she couldn't be
More different from me
Happy and free in leather

And I know that you love me (You love me)
You don't need to remind me (Remind me)
Put it all behind me
But, baby

I see her in the back of my mind (Back of my mind)
All the time (All the time)
Feels like a fever (Like a fever)
Like I’m burnin’ alive (Burnin' alive) by her side
Did I cross the line? (Cross the line), oh

You say no one knows you so well
But every time you touch me, I just wonder I should feel
Valentines Day cryin’ in the hotel
I know you didn't mean to hurt me, so I kept it to myself

And I wonder
Do you see her in the back of your mind?
In my eyes
You say no one knows you so well
But every time you touch me, I just wonder I should feel
Valentines Day cryin' in the hotel
I know you didn't mean to hurt me, so I kept it to myself

Moi qui n'ai plus rien

Moi, moi qui n'ai plus rien,
Moi, je ne suis plus rien,
Car sans toi, au long des heures,
Je n'ai plus rien que mon cœur
Qui crie sa douleur
Je t'aime !

Elle, elle t'offre tant,
Tant, tant de beaux serments,
Mais crois-moi, elle ne peut pas,
Même en t'offrant toute la terre entière
T'aimer autant que moi
Je t'aime !

Elle a fait de tes moindres désirs
La nouveauté de tes plaisirs
Pour moi le temps ne compte pas
Je ne me lasserai jamais de toi.

Moi, moi qui n'ai plus rien,
Moi, je ne suis plus rien,
Et pourtant je reste là,
En attendant le jour
Où vraiment tu sauras que c'est moi
Qui t'aime, qui t'aime, qui t'aime !

Reviendra-t-il le temps ?

Reviendra-t-il le temps
Où l’on s’aimait?
Reviendra-t-il le temps?
Peut-être bien jamais
On devait s’adorer
Longtemps, longtemps
On se l’était juré
Inutile serment

À quoi bon rechercher
D’inutiles raisons?
Notre amour était né
Dans la morte-saison
Des amours

Notre amour n’a duré
Qu’un seul printemps
À quoi bon les regrets?
Laissons passer le temps
Ni le temps ni l’absence
Ni ton oubli
Ne font que je ne pense
Au passé qui nous lie

Nous avons cru tenir
Serrés entre nos mains
Tant de joies à venir
Tant de beaux lendemains
Dans nos mains

Notre amour n’a duré
Qu’un seul printemps
À quoi bon les regrets?
Laissons passer le temps
Viendront d’autres printemps
D’autres amours
De notre grand amour
Reviendra-t-il le...?

Au milieu des nuages

J'ai vu au milieu des nuages
Se peindre aux couleurs du soleil
Tes yeux brillants comme mille étoiles
Sur le fond bleuté du ciel

J'ai vu au milieu des nuages,
Dans les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel
Soudain apparaître ton visage
Venu d'un monde irréel

Je veux monter là-haut,
Toujours plus haut te retrouver
Je veux monter là-haut,
Toujours plus haut et m'en aller
Dans un pays sans soucis
Dans un coin de paradis

J'ai vu au milieu des nuages
L'amour devenir éternel,
Là-haut ne peut pas gronder l'orage
Le vent a un goût de miel

Je veux monter là-haut,
Toujours plus haut te retrouver
Je veux monter là-haut
Toujours plus haut et m'en aller
Dans un pays sans soucis
Dans un coin de paradis

J'ai vu au milieu des nuages
Dans un décor de féérie,
L'azur s'éclairer pour un voyage
Où nous étions réunis

C’est notre histoire

Je n’ai rien oublié,
Je me souviens de tout
La brise qui soufflait
Dévoilait ton genou
C’était un jour d’été,
Une fête de famille
Ta sœur se mariait
Avec un de mes amis

Tu ne savais rien de moi
Et c’était mieux comme ça
Tu me croyais heureux,
Je cachais bien mon jeu
Je jouais l’indifférent
Mais je guettais le vent
Les cheveux qui s’envolent
Dévoilaient ton épaule

C’est notre histoire
Personne ne voulait y croire
On t’avait dit 'Méfie-toi
De cet homme-là'
Mais notre histoire
Je crois qu’il va bien falloir
Qu’ils se rendent à l’évidence
Et au silence

C’est notre histoire
Personne ne voulait y croire
On t’avait dit 'Méfie-toi
De cet homme-là'
Mais notre histoire
Je crois qu’il va bien falloir
Qu’ils se rendent à l’évidence
Et au silence

Tu étais accompagnée,
Je te croyais fiancée
À ce gentil garçon
Avec qui tu dansais
Quand nos yeux se croisaient,
C’est moi qui rougissais
Et je t’aimais déjà,
Tu ne le savais pas

Tu as laissé tomber
Ton mouchoir à mes pieds
J’ai pensé que les dieux
Etaient de mon côté
Puis nous avons dansé
Sans rien dire, sans parler
Nous nous étions compris,
Tout était déjà dit

C’est notre histoire
Personne ne voulait y croire
On t’avait dit 'Méfie-toi
De cet homme-là'
Mais notre histoire
Je crois qu’il va bien falloir
Qu’ils se rendent à l’évidence
Et au silence

C’est notre histoire
Personne ne voulait y croire
On t’avait dit 'Méfie-toi
De cet homme-là'
Mais notre histoire
Je crois qu’il va bien falloir
Qu’ils se rendent à l’évidence
Et au silence

C’est notre histoire
C’est notre histoire

L'eau qui dort

Ils ne disaient rien
Ils se regardaient
Et leurs yeux brillaient très fort
D'un amour sans nom
Terrible et profond
Comme l'eau qui dort
Comme l'eau qui dort

Et le temps passait
Et ils souriaient
Sans se décider encore
À laisser brûler
Ce feu qui dormait
Comme l'eau qui dort
Comme l'eau qui dort

Elle savait déjà
Que cet amour-là
Devait les dévorer
Et lui savait bien
Que plus jamais rien
Ne pourrait changer

Ils ont échangé
Leur premier baiser
Comme s'ils buvaient de l'or
Cet or qu'ils cachaient
Sous leurs yeux baissés
Comme l'eau qui dort
Comme l'eau qui dort

Et toute la nuit
Ils se sont unis
Dans les joies de l'amour
Puis ont regardé
Les cœurs apaisés
Se lever le jour

Et comme un secret
Ils se sont jurés
De vivre jusqu'à la mort
Cet amour sans nom
Terrible et profond
Comme l'eau qui dort
Comme l'eau qui dort
Comme l'eau qui dort
Comme l'eau qui dort

Apele line sunt adânci

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

În timp ce pășim alături și eu o țin de mână
S-ar putea chiar să nu vorbesc deloc,
Dar dragostea mea e puternică, și ea înțelege că
Apele line sunt adânci, apele line sunt adânci.

Ca muntele înalt
Care se întinde spre cer,
Dragostea mea se întinde în tăcere,
Și ochii mei dezvăluie
Ceea ce știe draga mea,
Ah, că apele line sunt adânci,
Apele line sunt adânci.

Ea nu are nevoie să audă
Toate acele cuvinte frumoase
Repetate la nesfârșit,
Căci în inima ei știe
Că aș muri pentru ea dacă va fi să fie.

Deci pășim alături și eu o țin de mână,
Deși de-abia scoatem o vorbă.
Sunt un om norocos, pentru că ea înțelege:
Apele line sunt adânci, apele line sunt adânci.

Ea nu are nevoie să audă
Toate acele cuvinte frumoase
Repetate la nesfârșit,
Căci în inima ei știe
Că aș muri pentru ea dacă va fi să fie.

Deci pășim alături și eu o țin de mână,
Deși de-abia scoatem o vorbă.
Sunt un om norocos, pentru că ea înțelege:
Apele line sunt adânci, apele line sunt adânci.

Apele line...
Apele line sunt adânci

La nesfârșit

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Mai înalt decât cel mai înalt munte
Și mai adânc decât cea mai adâncă mare,
Așa am să te iubesc,
Oh, draga mea, la nesfârșit.

Mai delicat decât blânda briză
Și mai puternic decât stejarul sălbatic,
Așa am să te țin în brațe,
Oh, draga mea, la nesfârșit.

O, iubirea mea, tu ești raiul meu,
Tu ești regatul meu, ești coroana mea.
O, iubirea mea, m-am rugat doar ca tu să fii a mea,
Ai fost făcută pentru ca aceste brațe să te înpresoare.

Credincios ca un răsărit
Și sacră, așa cum o iubire poate fi,
Astfel eu te voi iubi,
Oh, draga mea, la nesfârșit.

Draga mea, la nesfârșit.
Draga mea, la nesfârșit.

Fantastic Fantasy

That precocious girl, so innocent
A sideways glance twinkle twika twika

Mysterious magic that affects everyone
Shake your hips twinkle twika twika

I wish I were a witch
Lovely noble, lovely noble
I'll get sparkling stars
And I will see your face and kiss you in the sky
To be free tonight
Night walk in toe shoes
Standing on tiptoes twinkle twika twika

I wish I were charming
Devilishness, devilishness
You'll be dead soon
Then I'll make myself fit to you in our world
So I make you love !

I wish I were a witch
Lovely noble, lovely noble
I'll get sparkling stars
And I will see your face and kiss you in the sky

You will fall in love with me
Then I make myself fit to you in our world
So I make you love !


My Way at Dawn

I've tried overcoming this sadness a few times before
And as I turn my head, on my back
Rain continues to shimmer
When I run, sometimes, it gets so hard
I turned back and looked at your figure
And tried chasing after you
But, before long, the night will turn to dawn
And more than ever before, the mornings are like glass
A dazzling morning is starting to sprout

I've tried overcoming this sadness a few times before
And as I turn my head, behind me
That's a rainbow swaying in the sky, isn't it?

So, I'm okay now
And more than ever before, I'm having dreams, and little by little
My heart is starting to overflow with them

Yesterday has already become yesterday, and tomorrow is tomorrow
I'll forget about what's happened before
And I'll start greeting
A fresh, petal coloured day

I've tried overcoming this sadness a few times before
And as I turn my head, across from me
A blue sky is in sight, isn't it?

So, I'm okay now
More than the dreams before, little by little
They're overflowing in my heart


The Face Of This Reality

No, she is no longer a child
she has to make a decision
she can see the sun in the window
the insanity has found her

So she opens the fridge again
in order to fill what is missing
and rolls another one
in order to extinguish what is burning

And it's is so hard to understand
when she has nothing to believe in
when she has no where to flee
if only it was possible to forget
that it's so hard to discover
the face of this reality

Yes, he promised her more
but between us it's inconsistent
all that happens inside
is left on the side, doesn't speak
and the years run by in the meantime
when looking him in the eyes
one can see that there isn't any forgiveness in him
that he didn't leave at the start

And it's is so hard to understand
when he has nothing to believe in
when he has no where to flee
if only it was possible to forget
that it's so hard to discover
the face of this reality

Who cares about the children
when common sense is lost
every ending is closed with blows
and the consequences don't matter
and thus another unfortunate generation grows up
no psychologist will fix us

And it's is so hard to understand
when she has nothing to believe in
when he has no where to flee
if only it was possible to forget
that it's so hard to discover
the face of this reality



The secret sign broken by tainted time
Full moon filled with desires blinded by pleasure

Even though I know it’s dangerous
It’s okay
No one’s gonna stop you (Get ready)
Even if the outcome’s obvious
But it’s a game I still wait for

Oh my, red, orange, yellow, green, blue
But I like black even more
Wherever I go, I stay the same
I don’t wear a fake mask

The way I make you feel
Quietly moving closer
Oh, it’s pretty secretive, a body used to the dark

Rising desire
Feeling so much higher
I'm gonna be a bad liar

My heart’s beating more, more like fire
Feeling so much higher
The darkness calls us

Escape, we are wolves, wolves, wolves
Run far away
We are wolves, wolves, wolves, wolves

We’re not foxes or dogs, we’re high-class
We rule the night, everybody say (Awooo~)

We are wolves, wolves, wolves
Werewolves (Awooo~)

Everyone says, aren’t you a fox?
But I’ve got sharp teeth instead of a tail
My first goal is to be a nine-tailed wolf
If I can’t be the best, I’ll be the first
(It’s okay, if I’ve found my prey then here comes my fierce gaze, bam~ this is our way)
(HA!) No one can stop us

The next generation is closer, a situation
With DNA that chose to bite instead of cry
Keep going on and on, if I see my target
Grrr, going on and o-o-on

The way I make you feel
Quietly moving closer
Oh, it’s pretty secretive, a body used to the dark

Rising desire
Feeling so much higher
I'm gonna be a bad liar

My heart’s beating more, more like fire
Feeling so much higher
The darkness calls us

Escape, we are wolves, wolves, wolves
Run far away
We are wolves, wolves, wolves, wolves

We’re not foxes or dogs, we’re high-class
We rule the night, everybody say (Awooo~)
We are wolves, wolves, wolves

(Doom, dark, doom, doom)
(Doom, dark, doom, doom)

Let’s keep our true feelings secret
Time to unleash our hidden instincts

Escape, we are wolves, wolves, wolves
Run far away
We are wolves, wolves, wolves, wolves

We’re not foxes or dogs, we’re high-class
We rule the night, everybody say

We are wolves, wolves, wolves


Here's The Mail Troika Rushing

Here's the mail troika rushing
Along the Volga River in Winter
The coachman is humming some sad tune
And shaking his head
The coachman is humming some sad tune
And shaking his head

'What are you thinking of, young lad?' -
A friendly passenger asked him,
'What torments your heart?
Tell me, who made you so sad?'

'Oh, dear sir, my good sir!
It's been a year since I fell in love.
But the village headman
scolds me for it and I have to take it!

Oh, good sir, Christmastide will come soon
But she will never be mine again!
A rich and hateful one took her from me,
So she'll never again see beautiful days'

The coachman finished his story
And put away his whip.
'Hey, restless horses, stop!' -
He said and gave a sorrowful sigh
'Hey, restless horses, stop!' -
He said and gave a sorrowful sigh24


Just Being With You

Just being with you makes me happy
I'm enveloped in your smile
I want to kiss you softly
Without you knowing, under the blue sky
Even if the huge sun disappears into tomorrow
I won't be sad. As long as I have tomorrow
Just being with you makes me happy
It seems I'll be dreaming of your words

Just being with you makes me happy
Your gaze is at my side
When I gaze at you secretly
A rainbow sparkles in my heart
Even if the huge sun disappears into tomorrow
I won't be sad. As long as I have tomorrow
Just being with you makes me happy
It seems I'll be dreaming of your words


As I Listen to Janice

There's coca cola around town
My hometown sold it
I'm a playboy
Ink vanishes as it's sold, too
On my lonesome, as I hold that girl in my arms
It's just a nap, that's all it is

The sea is Mobil oil
The ebb tide was getting dirty
You're a Peace cigarette
Getting corrupted in my arms
On my lonesome, as I listen to Janice
It's just a nap, that's all it is

Life is a momentary game
When I lose the phantom bet
On my lonesome, as I wipe my tears
It's just a nap, that's all it is

Life is a momentary game
When I lose the phantom bet
On my lonesome, as I wipe my tears
It's just a nap, that's all it is


Offer To You

I'll offer to you my heart
I'll offer to you my tears

Even if the path is smothered in rain, wind, and fog
I'll make a rainbow to you

I'll offer to you my heart
I'll offer to you my smile
Even if the path is blocked by ice and cold
I'll start a flame of love to you

I'll offer to you my heart
I'll offer to you my future
Even if you leave me on my own somewhere
I'll devote myself to you, to the limits of my flesh



A heart the size of a pea
As if in a sparrow
It is tired and worn out
A willow stands

I am a weary wanderer in the wilderness
Shot by the sun, I am in despair
I have no defender
He fell to his knees
It became dark in my eyes and I only scream silently

Shot by the sun, I am in despair
I have no defender
He fell to his knees
It became dark in my eyes and I just silently scream your name, scream your name


Wherever You Are

Summer isn't long enough in Oslo
You don't stick around long enough where I live
Lighting candles and I light ten of them
One for each day since you left

Because the snow has fallen and I'm falling with it
Twenty-four days and I'm counting down

Until I see you standing at the station
That's when I know Christmas is here
It's dark, but you look like the sun
And it's warm wherever you are
The stars are shining in the city
And in the way you look at me
I already feel at home when we're in the car
Because it's warm wherever you are
Warm wherever you are

The angels sing loudly in chorus
I only sing for you
You fly away and I, I fall apart
In the same place where we stand

Because the snow has fallen and I'm falling with it
Twenty-four days and I'm counting down

Until I see you standing at the station
That's when I know Christmas is here
It's dark, but you look like the sun
And it's warm wherever you are
The stars are shining in the city
And in the way you look at me
I already feel at home when we're in the car
Because it's warm wherever you are
It's warm wherever you are
It's warm wherever you are
It's warm wherever you are
It's warm wherever you are



''Goodbye, that's all''
A whistle-like sound stops time
The philosopher's dancing to the rhythm of ion
My thoughts transcend a thousand skies,
Shining like rain falling to the ground
The philosopher's dancing to the rhythm of ion

Let the fruits grow (Switch on, switch on)
The forests buzz with excitement in the dreams of coil
''Could you please write down your name?''
''I am just a machine''

With geometric herbs, I stopped the wind and time
I saw a fire on a roof, standing on top of that hill
The flames crossed a thousand rivers
The accumulated months and days disappeared into the mist
I saw a fire on a roof, standing on top of that hill

Let the river flow (switch on, switch on)
The water plays along to the gyro's song
''Could you please write down your name?''
''I am just a machine''

The train runs to the country I saw in my dreams
Blowing the whistle which sounds like a flute
It runs beyond a thousand hills
So that we can reach the skies of falling stars
Blowing the whistle which sounds like a flute

Let the fruits grow (switch on, switch on)
The forests buzz with excitement in the dreams of coil
Let the river flow (switch on, switch on)
The water plays along to the gyro's song

''Goodbye, that's all.''
''I am a dreaming machine.''


I Will Kill You

I've come back from the world of the dead
To come and kill you
After I've killed you socially,
I'll kill you physically

I've crawled up from the depths of hell
To come and kill you
From all times and ages, every conceivable method of torture--
I will put you through and kill you

I never forgot, not even for a moment
That you put the blame on me

I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I will kill you
I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I will kill you
I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I will kill you


White-Winged Boy

Dancing in the sky like a bird,
grasping freedom,
seeking a place to belong,
a boy's dream
was the trifle
of being content in a loving world,
which, when he realizes,
his white wings will likewise scatter away.

Before him lay an empty world.
The one to create something is himself,
such as the cactuses in the desert,
without asking the meaning behind his being there.

As told in a lyric poem,
an angel's song leading the way …

It will be waiting for you
above the clouds.
Spread your wings
and see for yourself.
Surely the sun you see there
very beautifully
shines forth
and illuminates your wings.

His wings soaring up,
he began his journey alone.
Though without a goal
the world started to move.

Standing in front of you,
I have but one thing to tell you:
“No matter how much freer you become,
there is no way for you to grasp the sky.”

The boy will search for the meaning
behind the wings he was given.

To the ends of the sky
and further beyond,
if you fly as far as your wings last,
you will understand
You will never find your destination
no matter where you look
when you notice the illusion
of what is called freedom.

Will you feel uneasy?
Will you be relieved?
Either way,
you'll find out that the world before your eyes is all there is.

As portrayed by the lyric poem,
the angel appeared to be weeping.

What you see using your wings
spreads out forever.
Only what you touch with your hands
is the real world.
“I understand,” he said, folded his wings,
set foot on the ground,
and stared out
at the distant sky.

Dancing in the sky like a bird,
grasping freedom,
seeking a place to belong,
a boy's dream
was the trifle
of being content in a loving world,
which, when he realizes,
his white wings will likewise scatter away.

He began to walk
the empty world,
In his tracks,
small nameless flowers bloomed,
small, beautiful, pure-white flowers.


Love In My Heart

I can't hear a single word
All that's left is my heart's echo
Even though I try to fix myself in a hurry
I can't live without you
Like a fire, can't control my heart
Just leave me as I am
I'm crossing through the night
Making my way to you
Like I always did

You know us
Don't turn away
We will be beautiful
And we'll stay together for all time

I won't hold back anymore
Give you all of the love in my heart
Feel like the world is mine
Give you all of the love in my heart

Give you, ah-ya-ya-ya-ya, ah-ya-ya
Give you all of the love in my heart
Give you, ah-ya-ya-ya-ya, ah-ya-ya
Give you all of the love in my heart

Thinking 'bout you every day and night
Our hearts are like stars align
Making me dance every day and night
Get lost in the twilight
You belong with me forever
Let's go whenever
Don't you know I'm down bad?
Oh, babe, you got me twisted
Can't control my mind
Show me if your love is true
Shout it out, I'm so into you

You know us
Don't turn away
We will be beautiful
And we'll stay together for all time

I won't hold back anymore
Give you all of the love in my heart
Feel like the world is mine
Give you all of the love in my heart

Give you, ah-ya-ya-ya-ya, ah-ya-ya
Give you all of the love in my heart
Give you, ah-ya-ya-ya-ya, ah-ya-ya
Give you all of the love in my heart (heart, heart)

You and I
Sit back to back under the night sky
You have my back and I'm glad for that
We are beautiful like the star on the sky

I won't hold back anymore
Give you all of the love in my heart (Love in my heart)
Feel like the world is mine
Give you all of the love in my heart (Love in my heart)

Give you, ah-ya-ya-ya-ya, ah-ya-ya
Give you all of the love in my heart
Give you, ah-ya-ya-ya-ya, ah-ya-ya
Give you all of the love in my heart


I Know He's Deceiving Me

Though he deceives me, I willingly let him.
A smile outside, pain within.
Sweet words pour into my heart,
I know he's using me, but I’m aware.

Like something valuable yet sold for so little,
Think about it—does it not wound me?
The love I offer him without fail,
Is it any match for the lure of money?

𝄆 I am a stepping stone, a ferry for hire,
A path he can take to move forward.
When he finds his gold and silver mines,
He’ll leave me behind—I won’t complain.

Loving him deeply, I give him my all,
Leaving only tears in the end.
With a fragile heart, I come to accept
That I was born to fulfill my fate. 𝄇


Pretty Rose

Oh rose! Oh pretty rose!
Oh !
Oh rose! Oh pretty rose!
Oh rose of Alexandria!

You were the prettiest rose out there
As you walked in a pilgrimage.
You were the prettiest rose out there
As you walked in a pilgrimage.

Oh rose! Oh pretty rose!
Oh rose of Alexandria!
Oh rose! Oh pretty rose!
Oh rose of Alexandria!


You were the prettiest rose out there
As you walked in a pilgrimage.
You were the prettiest rose out there
As you walked in a pilgrimage.

Carnations, after they're dry,
Are not useful for anything anymore.
Carnations, after they're dry,
Are not useful for anything anymore.

And roses, after they're dry,
Are even more highly valued!
And roses, after they're dry,
Are even more highly valued!

Carnations, after they're dry,
Are not useful for anything anymore.
Carnations, after they're dry,
Are not useful for anything anymore.


And roses, after they're dry,
Are even more highly valued!
And roses, after they're dry,
Are even more highly valued!


Come Back, My Love

After everything we've been through,
Nights full of both love and joy,
With both our bodies entangled
Making love until daybreak.

Through the window on my chest
Some heartbeat comes in...
Our dream has come undone,
There's loneliness in our bed!

Why is it that love is running away from us,
Leaving your voice within me?
Why is it that love has left us alone?


I destroyed the dream of sorrow,
I wiped away the tears of your wait:
Every minute we grow older
And there's so much in so many Springtimes!

Why is it that love is running away from us,
Leaving your voice within me?
Why is it that love has left us alone?



I spread my arms out to love
As I wait to see your arrival.
My love, end this pain:
Come back, my love, for I want to sing!

As I wait to see your arrival
I spread my arms out to love:
Come back, my love, for I want to sing!


Why is Jesus Christ always a white man?

- and the Blacks?
- and the Indios?
- and the yellow ones?
- and the chicanos (knocked around)
of the State of New Mexico?
- and the cafusos
de Santo Antônio do Itambé?1
  • 1. In Brazil, cafuso is a synonym for mestiço of Amerindian and African descent.


Mind your own business, my Lady Perna

Mind your own business, my Lady Perna,
Because I no longer have to deal with you.

You treat me like an enemy,
Nor do you want me as a friend,
Mind your own business, my Lady Perna.

You want me to take bladders for lanterns,
And the dove for a magpie.

You treat me like an enemy,
Nor do you want me as a friend,
Mind your own business, my Lady Perna.

You say that Hell is for eternity,
And you want me to eat garlic as if it were a fig.

You treat me like an enemy,
Nor do you want me as a friend,
Mind your own business, my Lady Perna.

You say that darkness is a lantern,
And pretend1 that the grasshopper is the ant2.

You treat me like an enemy,
Nor do you want me as a friend.
You treat me like an enemy,
Nor do you want me as a friend.

Mind your own business, my [dear] beautiful Perna,
I don't want this nonsense anymore.


Mai comod

Click to see the original lyrics (Bulgarian)

Ai meritat să fi singur
Nu știu dacă nu ți-e rușine
Așa cum s-a jucat cu mine
Nu pot să mă iert
Te iubești pe tine însuți, nu-i așa
Mai mult iubești să minți
Cu aceste minciuni ieftine
Singur nu te poți lega

Ei, ei, cel mai mult doare când eșuezi de unul singur
Haide la doi, la trei, din viața mea s-a dus

Mai comod în pat, vrei cu mine iar și iar
Pentru cota de noapte, după ce trage, nu mai e x2
Mai comod în pat
Mai comod, mai comod

Nu știu ce e această obsesie a ta
Cu mine să faci competiții
Simt o ușoară doză de ezitare
Zilele ți le vei petrece în suferință
Când te gândești la alegeri
Vei primi sancțiuni foarte dure
Îți las un minute pentru dorințe
Că deja am activități noi

Ei, ei, cel mai mult doare când eșuezi de unul singur
Haide la doi, la trei, din viața mea s-a dus

Mai comod în pat, vrei cu mine iar și iar
Pentru cota de noapte, după ce trage, nu mai e x2
Mai comod în pat
Mai comod, mai comod


Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)

Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm

Visam să merg în America, evită
Ochii tai nu spun adevărul
Viață nu mi-a dat ceea ce merit
De asta am primit-o, nu am cerut niciodată ajutor caritabil

De ce viață oferă celor ce nu merita
Bogații zic că bani nu aduc fericirea
Atunci lăsați-vă întreaga moștenire
Așa poate îmi cumpăr un Cadillac

Am ochi în spatele mâinii lui Fatima
Ești frumoasa, dar sufletul tău e murdar
Nu mai știu ce gândește, nici ce își imaginează
Dar ceea ce îmi imaginez mă marginalizează de toate

Era timpul de a pune punct
Ceea ce ți-am promis am distrus
N-am vrut niciodată, dar sunt forțat, a trebuit
Așa m-au crescut

O facem înainte de a ieși pe scena
La naiba cu toate greșelile pe care le fac
Știu, dar sunt un tâmpit
Adrenalina, a-a-adrenalina

A-adrenalina, ra-pah-pah, ești prima, uh
Pionul tău, ra-pah-pah, domnișoară, ah
Cu sânge rece umplu lipsa de afecțiune
Tip tap în pat, tic-tac de timp

A-adrenalina, ra-pah-pah, ești prima, uh
Pionul tău, ra-pah-pah, domnișoară, ah
E o junglă de emoții în care m-am pierdut
Adrenalina, a-a-adrenalina

Eu nu sap, e la tine lopata
Subuman cu un Submariner
Frate, îl sparg ca Jannik Sinner
Ca gramele în linii

Pe strada fără friendship
Am coroana de lauri, Fred Perry
Vin singur, dar am fieri
Ești pandoro-ul fals al lui Ferry

În Pandora am viteză la două și douăzeci
Sper că omul albastru nu ne oprește
Familia ți-o alegi
A mea seamănă cu cea Shelby

Crede-mă, în această piață
Am intrat neinvitat și m-am umplut
Ea și-a pierdut pofta de mâncare, i-am cumpărat-o înapoi
Eh, ce am devenit?

O facem înainte de a ieși pe scena
La naiba cu toate greșelile pe care le fac
Știu, dar sunt un tâmpit
Adrenalina, a-a-adrenalina

A-adrenalina, ra-pah-pah, ești prima, uh
Pionul tău, ra-pah-pah, domnișoară, ah
Cu sânge rece umplu lipsa de afecțiune
Tip tap în pat, tic-tac de timp

A-adrenalina, ra-pah-pah, ești prima, uh
Pionul tău, ra-pah-pah, domnișoară, ah
E o junglă de emoții în care m-am pierdut
Adrenalina, a-a-adrenalina


Uhh, mein Schatz, ich liebe dich,
Lüg' ich dir ins Wurstgesicht.

Massier' ich dir die Hühneraugen,
Wirst du mir die Lügen glauben.

Du und ich, Hand in Hand,
Ein Rendezvous, ein Kuss am Strand.

Morgen Hochzeit, warum warten,
Schickst du mir die Kontodaten.


Click to see the original lyrics (Serbian)

Adu-ți scaunul mai aproape
Atinge-mi mâna
În seara asta ești muza mea
Și în ritmul blues-ului tău
Dansez fără oprire

Camera noastră e mică
Sunt ca un bețiv prost
Dar n-am băut niciun pahar
Cred că m-am îndrăgostit de tine
Da, eu, care nu credeam că pot fii nebun după cineva
După tine, ca în cântecele și filmele de dragoste, aș merge oridune acum

Doar întoarce-te
Privește spre mine
Tăcerea de la sine
Va traversa kilometri între noi
Într-o singură bătaie a inimii

Camera noastră e mică
Mă comport ca un bețiv prost
Dar n-am băut niciun pahar
Cred că m-am îndrăgostit de tine
Da, eu, care nu credeam că pot fii nebun după cineva
După tine, ca în cântecele și filmele de dragoste, aș merge oriunde acum

Nu aprinde încă lumina
Încă un moment
Să îți admir frumusețea

Nu aprinde încă lumina
Nu invoca ziua
Salvează-mă, gândește-te la un plan
Dacă răsare soarele
Rămân singur