Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 20

Număr de rezultate: 748


One Thousand Souls

One thousand souls rest deep within you
Sometimes you can feel them,
So wondrous and heavy
One thousand souls
You fight in the storm
And the earth stands still
You're not afraid to go through the flames
You remain persistent
like sapphires in the embers
One thousand souls
carry you through the flood
through the flood
One thousand souls
They offer strength and give courage
in the vast sea of love and anger
You fight in the storm
And the earth stands still
You're not afraid to go through the flames
You remain persistent
like sapphires in the embers
One thousand souls
carry you through the flood
through the flood
Upright and proud, you ascend
Fathered by fire, born out of ashes
One thousand souls
You fight in the storm
and the earth stands still
You're not afraid to go through the flames
You remain persistent
like sapphires in the embers
One thousand souls
carry you through the flood
through the flood
One thousand souls
carry you through the flood
through the flood

Come and tell them to me

I hugged you, you hurt me
I believed you, you deleted me
the mistake is a weight in my heart you say
to me, come tell them to me
You never understood
who I was, what I offered you
the responsibility was mine you say
to me, come tell them to me
Come tell them to me
to me that you never spoke honestly to me
but I am not like you/don't look like you
there are some people who still love honestly
don't talk to anyone
after what you did the only one you deserve is silence
come tell them to me
and after you finish while you leave a sorry is enough
Our friends think
that I was the one who blew it
everything in a night in the air
to me, come tell them to me
To whoever knows us
they learned us, lived us
I threw the last bullet
to me, come tell them to me
Come tell them to me
to me that you never spoke honestly to me
but I am not like you/don't look like you
there are some people who still love honestly
don't talk to anyone
after what you did the only one you deserve is silence
come tell them to me
and after you finish while you leave a sorry is enough

1000 Questions

There are 1000 questions
my heart sets me
and I'm looking for the answer
for my little world
there are 1000 puzzles
Miracles that happen
tell me, what lasts forever
how to understand infinitely
Is there a power that watches over us?
which touches the heart when the soul freezes
which determines for us what the future holds
wrapping every dream in bright colors
there is a power that watches over us
who gives us comfort and love
and our fate guides
There are 1000 things
that we do not understand
what comes after the morning
how will it go on
there are 1000 things
they are full of passion
we make out of love
who gives the strength?
Is there a power that watches over us?
which touches the heart when the soul freezes
which determines for us what the future holds
wrapping every dream in bright colors
Is there a power that watches over us?
which touches the heart when the soul freezes
which determines for us what the future holds
wrapping every dream in bright colors
Is there a power that watches over us?
we become what we once loved
ever see again

No more Dalaras

No more Dalaras, Parios and Alexiou
Ritsos for the nescients, cafe culture
Discotsifteteli, for the Americans
Neogreeks, are dancing, doggystyle
With bells
No more songs, plastic full of fat
Immigration and poverty and in the depth a garden
All the songs, just for you
My sweetheart (1), my sweetheart, my sweetheart
For you
For you wearing black
Strass and spikes
The crown of thorns
The Rayban glasses
For you my angel
I'll go to the calvary
To perform a concert of gipsylaika
Hendrix and Kazantzidis, 10000 watt
So that the cops and the SWATs will shit their pants
No more songs about motorcycles
No more songs for vampire rebetes
No more songs for the low-income
Free, free, free
And beautiful
No more songs about the huge masses
Bubblegum songs without bravery and morals
All the songs, just for you
My sweetheart, my sweetheart, my sweetheart
For you
For you wearing black
Strass and spikes
The crown of thorns
The Rayban glasses
For you my angel
I'll go to the calvary
To perform a concert of gipsylaika
Hendrix and Kazantzidis, 10000 watt
So that the cops and the SWATs will shit their pants

You're Missing Here

Versions: #2
Like every year, when the leaves fall down,
We gather here and we give a toast to you
Year after year, people come, and everyone is here
But your seat is always free
While one eye laughs, the other cries
Like a film, my memories flash before my eyes
And they pass me by
It hurts everywhere now, everywhere you're not anymore
I miss you
You're not here
I'm seeing visions of you, I hear you speak, wherever I go
I miss you
You're not here
You're not here
I still recall when there was so much warmth, so much light,
So much pure love in your eyes
Time passes by, I can only hope you're doing well
Wherever you are now
The light is gone, the pictures stay,
Like a filmstrip, memories pass me by again
I recall again
It hurts everywhere now, everywhere you're not anymore
I miss you
You're not here
I'm seeing visions of you, I hear you speak, wherever I go
I miss you
You're not here
I see you in the mirror
I see you in me
And it feels like you're still present, as though you're here with me
It hurts everywhere now, everywhere you're not anymore
I miss you
You're not here
I'm seeing visions of you, I hear you speak, wherever I go
I miss you
You're not here
It hurts everywhere now, everywhere you're not anymore
I miss you
You're not here
I'm seeing visions of you, I hear you speak, wherever I go
I miss you
You're not here
I miss you

Shadow Zone

There's a shadow zone you illuminate
So you know
The one that's looking for confirmations
And never grows up
Keeping quiet is a talent
But I look at you
And wait for
You to say it
You are beautiful as I know you
You are beautiful as I know you
And this need is a trap
'Cause I never know
Whether my love is more unreasonable
Than what you give
Keeping quiet is a talent
I don't have, but
You can do it
And I, I can't
You are beautiful as I know you
You are beautiful as I know you
Don't ask me why
And what's its sense
You only do it for me
For my vanity
To make me feel good now
You can say it
(You can say it)
You are beautiful as I know you
You are beautiful as I know you
'Cause you're beautiful as I know you
(What's its sense, you only do it for me)
You are beautiful as I know you.
(For my vanity, to make me feel good)
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
Say, you are beautiful
As I know you
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


Seeing you was a work of god, that night under the rain
Yet you left and this loving heart easily was broken
Farewell, farewell, oh most beautiful desire of mine
Farewell, farewell, oh best desire of mine
Your leaving became part of my heart in the height of falling in love
You left but it's impossible for my heart to forget you
Farewell, farewell, oh most beautiful desire of mine
Farewell, farewell, oh best desire of mine
Farewell, farewell, oh most beautiful desire of mine
Farewell, farewell, oh best desire of mine


Nine worlds are standing still (very still)
Bound by the tree of life
known by mortals by the name of Yggdrasil
Every tree has its rings, old tales tell
Under the shadow of the tree's abyss, we remember the name Yggdrasil
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Pentru această iubire

Uită totul
Chiar și visele care nu pot deveni niciodată realitate
Doar trăieşte
Ca și cum nu s-a întâmplat nimic
La fel ca în trecut, când noi nu ne cunoșteam
Ca floarea fără nume, înflorită pe drum
O persoană pe care nu o mai pot vedea niciodată
Este mai departe decât stelele
Uită această iubire care doar te-a rănit
Pentru această iubire
Dar chiar și când îmi închid ochii
Lumina nu dispare
Amintirile mele orbitoare sunt doar despre tine
Promisiunea noastră care nu poate fi ţinută
Strălucește ca o lumină tristă în cerul întunecat
O persoană pe care nu o mai pot vedea niciodată
Este mai departe decât stelele
Uită această iubire care nu mai poate rezista
Zile care au fost fericite datorită ţie
Lacrimi pe care nu puteam să le opresc la sfârşit
Pentru această iubire pe care o voi aștepta pentru totdeauna
Pentru această iubire

For This Love

Forget everything
Even the dreams that can never come true
Just live
As if nothing happened
Just like long ago, when we didn’t know each other
Like the flower without a name, blooming on the road
A person I can never see again
Is farther away than the stars
Forget this love that only hurt you
For this love
But even when I close my eyes
The light doesn’t disappear
My dazzling memories is only about you
Our promise that can’t be kept
Shines as a sad light in the night sky
A person I can never see again
Is farther away than the stars
Forget this love that can’t be withstood
Days that were happy because of you
Tears that I couldn’t hold back in the end
For this love that I’ll long for forever
For this love

Spre cer

Spre cer
Mama ta ti-a creat un mic rai
Am fost acolo doar acum o ora
Puteam sa imi dau seama ca vei pleca
Atat de crud, dincolo de toate puterile noastre
Du-te spre cer
Cum toti ingerii de pe pamant ar trebui
Te voi celebra pentru totdeauna
Ne-ai invatat lucruri pe care toti ar trebui sa le invete
Yeah, te voi celebra pentru totdeauna
Si voi dori sa te vad cand va fi randul meu
Du-te spre cer
Cum toti ingerii de pe pamant ar trebui
Te vad dansand mai departe, dansand mai departe


Monday, the first day in life without you
On the table there's coffee only for me
Your cup is empty and your seat is empty
Monday, the first day with silence everywhere around the house
But you know that my heart belongs to you
Why are you changing now the route?...
Monday, oh my God, how I hate that day
From now on, it will be a nightmare
Four wheels and a blank look on my face
On Monday I will not have your good morning wishes anymore
Your absence is driving me crazy
I can't handle being away from you
Monday, the first day I'm waking up without you
How I would like it all to be a lie
A bad dream I've seen
Monday, loneliness is a pistol with one bullet
That takes my hope even further
And shoots me right in the heart...

Spunei ei

Mi-am pus capul pe un trotuar
Perna era intenția nu ai înțeles
Cine știe nu spune eu pe cine știu
Din nou am rămas uitându-mă la stele
Nu mi-a rămas răbdare spunei ei
Ți-e dor cu siguranță de încrederea ta de sine
Numele melodiei noastre promit frumusețea mea
Dar a fost dependență rezolvă frumoasa mea
Nu te uita în ochii mei
Sunt de vină dar nu știu de care
Mereu vrei să zâmbești scăzut nemernicule
Acum zâmbetele vin false
Nu mi-a mai rămas entuziasm pentru a trăi
Ieri așa am spus în fața mamei mele
Ura mea a crescut ca mine
Pe ea am lăsat-o înfometată dar voi sunteți hrană pentru animale
Încă nu sa terminat totul arată-i ei
Și dacă aș fi orb pot face o melodie
Nu am căzut în problema ta în absolut nimic
Nu-mi strânge suferințele tale dă-ți o singură doză
Dar spune zvonul care îl ști despre mine
Ce persoană frumoasă încă nu a aflat nimic
Lan paginile de Facebook nu sunt ale mele
De aceea lăsați-o adaugă-mă
Vino prietene vino și înrăutățește-te
În ochi umiditate în mână uscat și în vârstă
Toată lumea se duce și vine de la moarte prietene
Eu cred că-s degeaba cuvintele tale de adio
Uite nu mi-a mai rămas răbdare spunei ei
Ți-e dor cu siguranță mereu pleacă
Nu am tras la dracu o frână de mână
Acum îl asculți pe cel pe care la omorât pe Can
Ege Kökenli


Fire 1000cc engine get it started
I took a deep breath to fly everything the wind
Run yeah message all alone Yes
You are misunderstanding I ain’t no waiting on you now
Why do not you know? With that all it's ok ok
I have hidden sexuality that loves solitude
But I do not need to worry unnecessarily
Ain't thinking about you Oh just living it living it up
Already free from each other
So no I ai n't thinking about you Oh I got no regrets
I keep it 100 baby
No I ain't thinking about you
Ain't no, ain't no I dare say it but will I make it at all
I'm already on that train though my destination is none other than you
No I ain't thinking about...
I'm feeling as if riding feeling like flying
I will not block anything anymore spreading both hands in the silence (like ooh)
Girl ai n't it funny What now?
You're calling me wasted history
Are you sure that you're lonely?
Why do not you know? With that all it's ok ok
I have hidden sexuality that loves solitude
But I do not need to worry unnecessarily
Ain't thinking about you Oh just living it living it up
Already free from each other
So no I ain't thinking about you oh I got no regrets
Keep it 100 baby
No I ain't thinking about you
No I ain't thinking about you
Now I clearly understand
I don't need I don't need your love
So baby you should know that...
Ain't thinking about you Oh just living it living it up
Already free from each other
So no I ain't thinking about you Oh I got no regrets
I keep it 100 baby
No I ain't thinking about you
I keep it 100...
I ain't thinking about you


Briza caldă din acea zi
O pot simţi când îmi închid ochii
Este respiratia ta care a trecut prin nasul meu
Am crezut că tu vei dura pentru totdeauna
Chiar dacă lumea mă înșeală
După ce timpul trece
Tu te vei îndepărta și mai mult
Dar atâta timp cât trăiesc
Nu te pot șterge, tu crești profund în mine
Nici măcăr nu te pot striga
În fața acestui frumos apus de soare
Îmi amintesc ziua în care noi am zâmbit
Și tu mă colorezi și mai profund
Am crezut că tu vei dura pentru totdeauna
Chiar dacă lumea mă înșeală
După ce timpul trece
Tu te vei îndepărta și mai mult
Dar atâta timp cât trăiesc
Nu te pot șterge, tu crești profund în mine
Pentru că toate acele zile trecute, sunt foarte prețioase pentru mine
După ce timpul trece
Totul va dispărea încet
Chiar și momentele în care eram îndrăgostiți
Chiar și inima mea colorată se va șterge în cele din urmă.

1000 Years, Always By Your Side

I have to tell you something.
How I wanna be with you… Be with you, girl
The things that can’t be seen still have a form
If you force your way into them, they’ll break
Love is the key to the heart
Look, its the same, this miracle
It’s okay to open up your heart
My feelings begin to pour out (ah ah ah),
this is my love (Ah ah ah)
Additionally, more and more, it continues to grow
Right now,
I can’t tell you everything (Ah ah ah ah)
I want to tell you one day (Ah ah ah ah)
Even if it takes a thousand years,
always stay by my side
I’m also gently putting the puzzle pieces of memories
that you spoke about together with mine, that are so similar
It’s not something anyone can see
I’m drawing a map of our future
Hidden in your eyes
Look, its the same, this sea of tears
It’s ok to show me
My feelings begin to pour out (ah ah ah ah),
this is my love (ah ah ah ah)
Additionally, more and more, it continues to grow
Right now,
I can’t tell you everything (ah ah ah ah)
I want to tell you one day (ah ah ah ah)
Even if it takes a thousand years,
always stay by my side
Taking a ride on your name,
like going on a long trip
I want to go back before we met
and repaint our memories
One day, surely, I want to tell
the snow-white mountain campus
about you and I again and again
My feelings begin to pour out, this is my love
Additionally, more and more, it continues to grow
Right now,
I can’t tell you everything (ah ah ah ah)
I want to tell you one day (ah ah ah ah)
Even if it takes a thousand years,
always stay by my side
My Heart Is Yours…
My Heart Is Yours… (So You Know I Wanna Be)
My Heart Is Yours… My Heart Is Yours…
Oh my baby


People are laughing
But my heart is crying
You can’t hear me
The stars are spilling
But my heart is crumbling
My night is only filled with you
I think I can really tell you everything tomorrow
But every single day, I stop at the same place
I threw out my hello countless number of times
But what I wanna say next is
If I quietly call out your name
It’s a different feeling
The liar wearing a mask of a friend
Actually, it’s me
All I want is you love me, eh
The timing
Love me love me, my time is good, eh
The timing
Love me love me, my time is good
I didn’t believe this but there’s no such thing as
Just friends between a male and female
Now I wanna take off my mask and tell you the truth
I really want to make you feel like honey is dripping
I waited for the timing, bae
I wanna fill myself up with you
Yes, with your scent
Even the coffee foam on your lips
My love is smiling right in front of me
But every single day, I stop at the same place
I threw out my awkward hello
But what I wanna say next is
When I quietly look into your eyes
It’s a different world for a moment
The liar wearing a mask of a friend
I wanna quit now
I thought these feelings would go away
But that’s the biggest mistake
With the name of just a friend
I’m circling around you again
All I want is you love me, eh
The timing
Love me love me, my time is good, eh
The timing
Love me love me, my time is good
My heart for you is growing bigger
My heart that is filled with love for you
The timing
Love me love me, my time is good
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Go back home

I'm walking through the city, the wind is blowing hard
I left everything behind, the sun's on the horizon
I see houses from afar, they closed the doors
But luckily I've got her hand and her red cheeks
She pulled me up from the ground covered with thorns
With a thousand snakes' bites, motionless through the coils
She didn't listen to those bastards and their cursing
With one look she convinced me to pick up and move
And this is a journey no one ever made before
Alice and her wonders, the mad hatter
We'll walk along this road and I'll never be tired
Until time brings white onto your hair
Just a paper sheet and half a cigarette are left in my hand
Let's stay a little longer, we're not in a hurry
Because I've got a sentence carved in my head, but I've never said it
Because life without you can't be perfect
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back home, I don't want to wait anymore
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back, because I'm afraid I'll disappear
And the sky is slowly becoming transparent here
The sun is lighting the people's weaknesses
A salty tear wets my cheek, while
She sweetly caresses my face with her hand
With blood on my hands I'll climb on every peak
I want to get where the human eye stops
To learn to forgive all of my sins
Because sometimes even angels are afraid of death
Just a paper sheet and half a cigarette are left in my hand
Let's run away from those who are too thirsty for revenge
From this dry land, because I'm feeling it stifling now
Yesterday I was quiet because today I'll be the storm
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back home, I don't want to wait anymore
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back, because I don't want anymore...
Before you I was just crazy, let me tell you now
I had a creased jacket and cuts on my wrists
Today I feel blessed and can't find anything else to add
This city will look out when it sees us arrive
I was in the balance between being the victim and being the judge
I was a shiver that brings light to darkness
And sets you free from these shiny clear chains
And not the doubt, whether they were dead or you are born again
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back home, I don't want to wait anymore
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back, because I don't want to disappear anymore, ah ah ah
Ah ah, nai nai nai nai
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back, because I'm afraid I'll disappear
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


When I close my eyes
I can feel even the warm breeze on that day
Guess I was feeling your breath
Passing by my nose
I though I would forever be with you
Even if the world deceives me
As the time passes
Little by little
You will get further too
As long as I breathe I won't be able to erase you
So you're thickening even more
I can't even call you out
In front of the beautiful sunset
With the thought of you laughing on that day
I paint you even thicker
I though I would forever be with you
Even if the world deceives me
As the time passes
Little by little
You will get further too
As long as I breathe I won't be able to erase you
So you're thickening even more
Because for me each and every past day is precious
As the time passes
Everything will blur little by little
Even the moment I was loving
Even my colored heart - all of it will get erased in the end

Grand Bleu

I wanna run to you and hug you right now
I want to hold your small hand
And walk by the ocean oh yeah
The sun is setting over the ocean, past the pacific
After the long journey ends, I only need you
I’ll run to you right now, I’ll go to you
Just stay right there
I see you from far away
Feels like I can reach you
But right when I got tired
You disappeared like a mirage
Faraway, where the sun sets, oh baby
If you can see me
Wave your hand
Call my name
I’ll always be standing there
For you I’ll cross the grand bleu
Oh there’s nothing else I’d rather do
Oh for you I’ll cross the grand bleu
Oh there’s nothing else that makes me new
I’ll be honest, I’m missing you right now
I miss the little things like walking with you
Whenever we met eyes, my breath stopped
My heart pounded whenever we got close
I’ll run to you right now
When the ocean wind blows by you
I want to feel your scent even more
I see you from far away
Feels like I can reach you
But right when I got tired
You disappeared like a mirage
Faraway, where the sun sets, oh baby
If you can see me
Wave your hand
Call my name
I’ll always be standing there
Across the ocean (no matter how tired I get)
Some day, I’ll reach you (some day I’ll reach you)
Shine a light so I can see you from far away
Baby shine a light
Baby shine a light
Oh yeah
Faraway, where the sun sets, oh baby
If you can see me (I’ll run to you)
Wave your hand
Call my name
I’ll always be standing there
For you I’ll cross the grand bleu
(Girl I’m searching for you)
Oh there’s nothing else I’d rather do
Oh for you I’ll cross the grand bleu
(Girl I’m searching for you)
Oh there’s nothing else that makes me new
I can see you from far away
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

And what tomorrow?

Like two glasses, two looks
touch at the same moment.
And every time those two eyes
tear a piece of my heart.
You have him and I have her,
an oasis, tranquil and safe.
But for one night our hearts would like
to try an adventure.
[Chorus] 2x
'And what tomorrow,' hundreds of times
I ask my wounded heart.
And what tomorrow, after the morning,
when each of us returns to their own?
Like two sparks, two smiles
ignite the gunpowder in a second.
In that moment I'd give it all
so it could become a fire.
You have him and I have her,
an oasis, tranquil and safe.
But for one night our hearts would like
to try an adventure.
[Chorus] 4x
'And what tomorrow,' hundreds of times
I ask my wounded heart.
And what tomorrow, after the morning,
when each of us returns to their own?

From Now On

Hug the hurting me, but not the kind
That is too comfortable
Plese pretend to be a little clumsy
The pureness that you hid
Let me see your fantasy
Your smile when we were together shines the most
Amidst the dark moments in my everyday, it was the drightest
I can not express the feeling
That i feel right noe
So now on, I wanna show you
From now on, how much I love you
I'll make you laugh more
(I’m gonna make you smile)
So now on, I wanna love you
From now on, I wanna tell you
Please love me to you heart's end Oh oh yeah
(Want you to make me smile)
It's reaching closer and closer to me
When your hand shyly approaches
My heart is firing like a light
I’m sure that you’re my destiny
So now on, I wanna show you
From now on, how much I love you
I'll make you laugh more
(I’m gonna make you smile)
So now on, I wanna love you
From now on, I wanna tell you
Please love me to you heart's end
(Want you to make me smile)
I can feel your eyes that look at me
Does the way you look at me ropresent the love you have for me?
That much of how you feel
Please tell me that you love me
I’m gonna make you smile oh oh
I do love you oh ooh
So now on, I wanna show you
From now on, how much I love you
I'll make you laugh more
(I’m gonna make you smile)
So now on, I wanna love you
From now on, I wanna tell you
Please love me to you heart's end
(Want you to make me smile)

Shall we not

I come home late in the evening
And I light the candles
Lie as always in my window
And then I think about
About the time when you were still here
And about how much I miss you
I would have never thought that living without you
Is so pointless
And then I see again
Our old photos
And I dial your number
And I check the mailbox
Shall we not meet
On a simple glass of wine
I often have to think of us
And sometimes I feel alone
Shall we not see each other
As old friends or so
Call me and just tell me
If yes, when and where
Since you aren't here anymore
I'm actually fine
And time flies by
Has it really already been a year?
Okay, that's a lie
I say that to myself sometimes
I've even tried with someone else
To go out again
With such trial I understood
No one is like you
I just can't forget you
No matter what I do
Shall we not meet
On a simple glass of wine
I often have to think of us
And sometimes I feel alone
Shall we not see each other
As old friends or so
Call me and just tell me
If yes, when and where
Can you tell me
If there's something like
A great love
One loves forever
Can you tell me
If you're feeling like me
If your heart seeks the same way
The way back to me
Shall we not meet
On a simple glass of wine
I often have to think of us
And sometimes I feel alone
Shall we not see each other
As old friends or so
Call me and just tell me
If yes, when and where
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

A Hundred Faces

Dear treacherous people
who sold out our love
I pray that God
would give you exactly what you deserve
Because there are so many people with a hundred faces
We actually miss two-faced people
Forgive us, we made a mistake, we're sorry
We won't do it again, we apologize
Oh God protect us
from the people who are around us, even more than from strangers
And protect us from the ones who know us well,
And hate us but pretend to love us
Oh, so much darkness and many grudges
And there's no mercy
Kindness is lost in all this chaos
We used to be together, in happy and sad times
And your hearts used to feel ours
Why do our hearts now
only see you in our happy times?
Two faces, two faces
So what, it's fine
At least those people were clear
Two faces, two faces
So what, it's fine
But at least they used to be humans
oh eye, oh night1
Where are friends?
Where is safety?
You are not my friend
nor the one I loved and knew long ago
When you are by my side you praise me
But the opposite of your words is apparent in your eyes
Every day I think,
Why did you go away from us?
I couldn't sleep
Until I suddenly remembered
My mother's prayer
When she used to pray for me and tell me
Oh son I pray,
for God to keep the people with bad intentions away from you
  • 1. Just a line that is there for melody, doesn't mean much.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

I'm Falling in Love

I wanted to meet you
Because I saw you dance
Are you new here?
I didn't know you
I've been dancing while I'm breathing,
Ever since I knew how to walk
Music is an empire
I want to dance on
Can you smile again
With your legs and your arm
In the dance of desires
My eyes don't believe what they're seeing
I know nothing about life
But I dance with more beauty
I need a symphony
One which gives me wings
I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love
I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love
I don't want to talk to much, (Because you're pretty)
But dancing is my entire life (You don't dance, you fly)
I know I have to work (You're so weak)
We have to pay the price (Come on my shoulder)
Do you want to dance in front of me (You intimidate me)
And answer my questions (I only know how to dance)
The who, the why (I couldn't love)
Once upon a time in the opera (I don't want to cry)
Oh, yes, I want you to smile
But I feel my beating heart
You make me swoon
But I'm dreaming, dreaming of the opera
And tell me all about your life
What a dancer, what a young lady
You are a symphony
As if you had wings
I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love
I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love
I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love
I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love

Free Albania 100 years

Tears are rolling (on my cheeks )
I don't cry I'm smiling
Free Albania 100 years
In the blue sky there are clouds
Today there's only hope
Free Albania 100 years
Kings and Queens were there for cemturges alive
That's why you smile ,smile
The beautiful future is waiting for us
That's why you smile ,smile (x2)
La la la, la la la , la la la ,
La la la, la la la , la la la,
La la la, la la la, (x2)


I looked for you once,
But you didn't see me and you made me sad
Today, I tried to tell you
That I have no way anymore
To go down the same path.
And the song is so that you don't forget me,
Not even when you get very old.
Out of a thousand perfumed flowers, I picked you,
Out of a thousand colored masks, you chose me,
Out of a thousand thoughts which torment me,
And don't let me sleep sometimes,
It hurts me the most that we loved each other
Only a thousand times.
I just want reconciliation
With the love that destroys you and then left
And one last try,
Is it still worth it to truly love?
And the song doesn't mean 'bye,'
It's a gift for your birthday.
Out of a thousand perfumed flowers, I picked you,
Out of a thousand colored masks, you chose me,
Out of a thousand thoughts which torment me,
And don't let me sleep sometimes,
It hurts me the most that we loved each other
Only a thousand times.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Love will find a way

We're now here
In this world we
We will fight for life
But only you and me
I want to be
Always myself
Maybe I'm no that strong and I'm scared
But inside my heart I know
Love will find a way
No I won't lose ,we won't
We will always be happy
A way and harmony
That I feel in my heart
Because it'll find a way
By itself this love
If you want to be you
You won't understand
Where love is
You won't be mistaken
Everything is full of lights
I see you eyes
(Both )
With the happiness we have
We will tell to everyone
That love will find a way
No I won't lose you
With you I'll always be happy
A way ,love will always find
That we are like a flower
And a way this love will find
On its own this love
This love

The 2 of us, for always 1

I'm not myself when you are with me
All is turned upside down, don't know how to move on
Just your eyes and my knees are weak
I'm totally lost, something like that never happens to me(ya, yah, uhuh, check)
Your eyes amend for everything with me
Will let you believe cotton candy was part of me
Credit card burning but for ya I would try it
No breaks, let's go shopping and later to your place
But you're so far away, oh, yaya
Searching for ya with my hightech nav
You need a guy who'll forever be da one for ya
I'll be standing in front of your door if I remember your street
This feeling, you're turning everything upside down
And I'm standing between so many questions
Way too many, too many words in my head
Hey, I got to tell you now
Come on, tell me, tell me
Only the two of us, only the two of us, ohoh
For always one, always one, ohoh
I want to lose myself with you
Only the two of us, only the two of us, ohoh
For always one, always one, ohoh
I want to lose myself with you
I've got this gut feeling about you
That it is right when you are with me
You are smiling all my sorrows away
You are every holiday, my secret hideaway
I'm only gonna listen to what my gut feeling says
We're gonna share popcorn on our bumper car ride
Don't look at me like that or I'm gonna make a crash
Something's in our way I'm gonna honk and honk (ya)
I'm gonna jump straight from the block into your bed
I'm gonna smile your sorrows away (yaya)
I see your look is so soft
Then I'm just gonna forget about myself
Way too many, too many words in my head
Hey, I got to tell you now
Come on, tell me, tell me
Only the two of us, only the two of us, ohoh
For always one, always one, ohoh
I want to lose myself with you
Only the two of us, only the two of us, ohoh
For always one, always one, ohoh
I want to lose myself with you
And if the weather changes
I'll have an umbrella for ya
Just let the raindrops fall
Look at them and just let it happen, happen
But you're so far away, oh, yaya
Searching for ya with my hightech nav
You need a guy who'll forever be da one for ya
I'll be standing in front of your door if I remember your street
Way too many, too many words in my head
Hey, I got to tell you now
Come on, tell me, tell me
Only the two of us, only the two of us, ohoh
For always one, always one, ohoh
I want to lose myself with you
Only the two of us, only the two of us, ohoh
For always one, always one, ohoh
I want to lose myself with you
Only the two of us, only the two of us
For always one, for always one
Only the two of us, only the two of us
For always one, for always one

The fastest in the world (Sonic SatAm Theme German)

So clever so you know
Sonic the Hedgehog
Unknown hard to lose
Sonic the Hedgehog
He always knows it
He is really clever
He's the fastest in the
Hold on tight when he passes by
Sonic the Hedgehog
Don't doubt what he can do
Sonic the Hedgehog
He always knows it
He is really clever
He's the fastest in the
He's the fastest in the
He's the fastest in the
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Our way

Du you think you're a better person?
Do you enjoy playing God?
Are you the one to decide about life or death?
Are you the one to tell us which direction to go?
You can't convert us (to your faith)
Because we don't play your games
Our life is the greatest gift (we've been given)
And death is not our goal
Our souls are dark,
Our hearts are golden
We take pride in what we are
We live our lives
We're going our way
We'll never want to be different
The world is on the edge
And there's no common sense
It's time to make a stand
You can't convert us (to your faith)
Because we don't play your games
Our life is the greatest gift (we've been given)
And death is not our goal
Our souls are dark,
Our hearts are golden
We take pride in what we are
We live our lives
We're going our way
We'll never want to be different


I used to dream about you but I wasn't the only one
Then back in '95 I got you into my flat
I hadn't felt a connection like that
Immediately I was like a fish in the net
You can definitely feel it when you just click, click
No other girl could offer the same
And though I had to share you with others
I'm sure this is pretty serious
I don't care if it's filtered or real
I'll have to change my keyboard soon
And cables melt when I drool over your picture
You are #lovely
Finnish girl, duck face, sexy body, fitness baby
#LOVELY (It sure is lovely)
Bootylicious hot pants belfie sexy lady
Electricity in the air, can you feel the ray
I'm melting into you like a mouse in a hand
In the evenings I inspect you privately
Although taking care of the latest virus took a while
Oh well, sometimes love takes your energy (energy)
The most important thing is that the connection works (works)
If I leave you BRB
You're a ready-made fucking wife VVV
I don't care if it's filtered or real
I'll have to change my keyboard soon
And cables melt when I drool over your picture
You are #lovely
Finnish girl, duck face, sexy body, fitness baby
#LOVELY (It sure is lovely)
Bootylicious hot pants belfie sexy lady
Hey I'm Petri, hey Petri
I'm hooked on you just like everybody else
I'm an addict, I can't be without you even for a quarter
McDonalds is my aisle, Steve Jobs my priest
Facebook my congregation, Zuckerberg my best man
When we say 'I do' there's nothing stopping us
I don't care if it's filtered or real
I'll have to change my keyboard soon
And cables melt when I drool over your picture
You are #lovely
Finnish girl, duck face, sexy body, fitness baby
#LOVELY (It sure is lovely)
Bootylicious hot pants belfie sexy lady
The internet is lovely
Hey baby, what's you Wi-Fi
The internet is lovely
It sure is lovely