Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 34


I won't stay

Everything's been gathered up in my mind,
My mind that's going to go mad,
Everything's been gathered up in my heart,
It's all tiring me
I shut off the lights, I closed the doors
Before I go mad
Something broke inside of me, and I'm no longer here
I won't stay, I'll give my life to others
It's not worth it for me to be in pain,
My heart is turning a page
My life belongs to me,
So does everything I loved with all of my soul
And for you and me, I'm telling you this:
It's wrong for us to live a lie,
I won't stay
Everything's been gathered up in my life,
And nothing else will be taken
Everything's been gathered up in my soul,
And tonight, it's exploding
What happened and didn't happen doesn't bother me at all
It's all over, in my heart I want to be happy again.

My Dearest

I really want to know how you’re doing recently
Hearing about it from other people, how about you tell me sometime
After that period of regret
Please be assured, I’ve gotten stronger
No matter how desolate the world is
There’s no reason to fear loneliness as long as I've loved you
My dearest one, how have you been?
Those days without me, how have you been since?
Still, my dear, I have not let you down
Let me kiss you for a while, just like what we would used to do
I think you must like the fact that
I've learned to be more cheerful lately
Now that I think of your face
What other mistakes are there
That can’t be forgiven?
No matter how desolate the world is
There’s no reason to fear loneliness as long as I've loved you
My dearest one, how have you been?
Those days without me, how have you been since?
Still, my dear, I have not let you down
Let me kiss you for a while, just like what friends would do
Although time in the world after leaving you
Seems longer than the times we’ve been together
We can always make it up
Because the empty times in between
If that can still be shared
It’s also romantic…
Although this relationship is no longer the same
How is it possible to terminate our care for each other completely?
My dearest one, how have you been?
Those days without me, how have you been since?
Still, my dear, I have not let you down
Let me kiss you for a while, like what a family member would do
My dearest one, how have you been?
Days without me, how are you since we parted?
Still, my dear, I have not let you down
Let me kiss you for a while, just like what we would used to do

A girl like you

A Girl Like You
Now in the holy night - I stand alone and I
think and I ask you to have for me such a valuable angel
I glance at heaven - G-d gave me a joyous event
The dear Manager in Heaven is only destined for me
My girl is a girl full of grace
There has never been prettier than my girl
I look in your two eyes - they are exactly like two twinkling stars
It brings me peace [yir] each of mine on [yir] face there is the beauty only
Oy that I could [sich] to me right now
That I was able to rule
Such grace I take possession of, everyone is here for me
With luck I want to write in the kesuba (marital contract) and
then you will always remain
My girl dear girl will be mine at the right time

Our land

I can be at peace
Love and die on your lap
Breathe clean air
Listen its echoes quietly
We have to do something for our grandchildren
Protect the waters of seas
Before our shores wither into death's marshes
We will together prevent it
This land of ours is very far away
But it will still be needed
Earth so beautiful and stable
Even treasures shares to us
In the valleys along protective stream
Rapidly flows clear drink
We have to do something for our grandchildren
Protect the waters of seas
Before our shores wither into death's marshes
We will together prevent it
This land of ours is very far away
But it will still be needed
This land of ours if comfortable
If it is taken care of
Properly now
(We have to do something for our grandchildren
Protect the waters of seas)
We have to do something for our grandchildren
Protect the waters of seas
Before our shores wither into death's marshes
We will together prevent it
This land of ours is very far away
But it will still be needed
This land of ours if comfortable
If it is taken care of
Properly now
Properly now

Your best friend

Yes it's called self-injury,
You know this thing you're ashamed of when you say its name,
There are no laws, there are no rules in its game anyway,
Just hate yourself, you know the song.
It starts from nothing,you go out of school , the heart very damaged,
And in your head it's the war, the problems make it worse,
But you don't think, you have no choice because nobody is there,
And then you break up, you burst into tears and you look at your arms.
Alone in the room, sitting in the dark, you don't stop crying,
You think about everything you've undergo since you arrived,
You just want to chuck and swing everything,
But trapped in this hell is you that you will break.
So you take that fucking blade and you make the first line,
It hurts you but you don't care, because you feel relieved
Why pray for all these people and to kneel,
Because your heart suffers, but it is your body that takes all the shots.
Yout think nobody understands you,
What you really live,
So you take the one that replaces your shouts, yes it's your best friend.
You think nobody hears you,
Screaming at every moment,
So you take the one that fills your desires,
Yes it's your best friend.
This masquerade will continue every day,
You prepare yourself psychologically before going to class,
The skin burns, the eyes sting, the night have been so hard,
You hide in your closet, your instrument of torture.
You make up, erase your dark circles, to look good,
You put the dose of product to cover your sorrow,
And in front of the mirror you train to make your most beautiful smile,
So that no one will guess that you just want to die.
You come out of your closet the only long-sleeved sweater you've got,
You say bullshit to your friends when they ask 'Why?'
Most of the time you answer that you're way too cold,
And the wounds on your wrists come from your cat.
But shit, why are you inflicting so much violence,
But uck, give yourself another chance,
Looks like your body has suffered the Second World War,
Stop cutting yourself, I beg you, throw this blade.
Yout think nobody understands you,
What you really live,
So you take the one that replaces your shouts, yes it's your best friend.
You think nobody hears you,
Screaming at every moment,
So you take the one that fills your desires,
Yes it's your best friend.
Dry your tears, listen to me, you see you're not alone
There are everyone around you and
Anyone who wants to help you and will always be there to help you
So leave this blade it is not this who will save you
Yout think nobody understands you,
What you really live
You take the one that destroys your life
And you name it a best friend
You say nobody hears you
Truly deceive yourself
You have a lot of real friends
But it's not your best friend
Yout think nobody understands you,
What you really live
You take the one that destroys your life
And you name it a best friend
You say nobody hears you
Truly deceive yourself
You have a lot of real friends
But it's not your best friend

To Our Kind

There lived once a being of light
that was smothered in the swaddles of the night.
Thus only moved about
in broad daylight.
Because the being only wanted good,
to remove from the world the sorrows of the lonely,
it left to take to the people of the shadows
its flame to be their torches.
The being sucked in a ray of light*.
Broke off a piece from its tailbone.
Multiplied off the glowing snippet.
A copy of itself
begot a copy of the copy,
the entire population.
To your lust for shining leadership
You are the light
I lead the chanting
Hey hey hey**
You are the light
To the dark side
you are the light
To our kind
you are the light
An insatiable rowdy people
in a stream pool of civilization
felt its fate was twisted,
thirsted for words to put it right.
To your lust for shining leadership
You are the light
I lead the chanting
Hey hey hey
You are the light
To the dark side
you are the light
To our kind
you are the light
The copies of the creatures shared
their light to the people of the shadows,
[and the] duty to spread
in his/her government***
snippets of their tales.
To your lust for shining leadership
You are the light
I lead the chanting
Hey hey hey
You are the light
To the dark side
you are the light
To our kind
you are the light
I wish a better tomorrow
to our kind.
To our kind.

Love will not die, if you believe

I miss your voice as a silent prayer of the heart
Nobody understood that, insight is far away
Those nights are restless, forgotten paths home
Why is your soul fluttering? You are so precious to me
I tell you every day
Be with me
Time is helpless, I only hope you will come back
And will touch me, reach my hand when you come back
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Divinely good when the forgotten old returns
Dive into the abyss and come back after passing through the fire
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Silence will kill us soon, you are farther than I thought
My thoughts, perhaps, will not know where you are
Nights are asking what will happen, if two hearts get lost
Other continents and times are other too
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Time is helpless, I only hope you will come back
And will touch me, reach my hand when you come back
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Divinely good when the forgotten old returns
Dive into the abyss and come back after passing through the fire
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe

The Indians of the Meia-Praia

Meia-Praia Village
Right next to Lagos
I’m gonna write you a song
As best as i can
From Monte-Gordo they came
Some of them walking on foot
One arrived by bike
Another went astern
When your eyes stumble
On a seagull flight
Instead of fish they see pieces
Of gold falling in the fish market
Whoever comes to live here
Don’t bring tables nor beds
With six feet of land
You can build a hut
You work all year round
At the fish market they leave you mute
They rob you up to the bones
They take away your scalp
I wish we had
The bravery of Agostinho*
To feed the rage
Of strangulating the bourgeoisie
I said goodbye to Monte-Gordo
(Nothing holds him to bad memories)
But nothing holds him to the present
If only he is fooled
Eight thousand counted hours
Were rigorously laboured
Until it came the first
Certified Document
They were women and children
Each one carrying it’s brick
'This was an orchestra '
Who says otherwise is a fool
And if the spiteful tongues don’t cease
I won’t leave here alive
For nothing erases the nobleness
Of the indians of the Meia-Praia
It has always been your trademark
A shark with a thousand scraps
Leaving everything suspended
When you’re glancing the pray
From the finished elections
From the expected result
Came out what you have seen
Lots of withholding works
But not by one’s will
Because the fight will carry on
Since this is his story
And the people took the streets
High finance leaders
Make everything go backwards
They say the world only moves on
Having a foreman in charge
They were women and children
Each one carrying it’s brick
'This was an orchestra'
Who says otherwise is a fool
And let’s get on with the paperwork
In the toing and froing of the ministries
But they will run away from screams
And band is still in the streets

My Best Friend

We've known eachother
For some time
Even if we haven't talked
Very often
It's true, you read me
Like an open book
I feel that you're fragile
The discovered heart1
I want us to say it
All our little secrets
Because I'll stay, your best friend
I'll be there, always for you
No matter where or when you want
I'll be, always the same
A little bohemian
Ready to do crazy things
I'll be, even if life
Separates us
The one who gives you hope again
We'll leave nothing to chance
Because you know I'll stay
Your best friend
And if sometimes we bicker
Over a boy or a detail
That means2
Everything for me, everything for me
I have the impression
That we're birds of a feather,
We flock together.3
I want us to talk
Of everything and nothing
Because I'll stay
Your best friend
I'll be there, always for you
No matter where or when you want
I'll be, always the same
A little bohemian
Ready to do crazy things
I'll be, even if life
Separates us
The one who gives you hope again
We'll leave nothing to chance
Because you know I'll stay
Your best friend
  • 1. This may be a reference to a book or TV series of almost the same name.
  • 2. Literally: that gives
  • 3. This sounds very close to the expression 'Qui se ressemble s’assemble' which in English is the equivalent of 'Bird's of a feather flock together.

Take a Bite

She turns on the radio
And the DJ says
in his clean-shaven voice:
'It's a new week, folks,
Today is Monday!
Take a big bite out of the new day!'
At the office for names 'A through K,'
Where she has been fifty times before already,
The lady tells her, 'I haven't found anything for you.
It won't be easy,
But we'll get something for you.
See you tomorrow, child, maybe it'll work out then.'
A new day, a chance like a new workbook,
With nothing on it, except for her name
But when she goes to bed at night bitterly she thinks to herself:
'Again I had to be she who sold off on a second-hand day!'
Take a bite, take a bite, take a bite!
Take a bite, take a bite!
At human resources:
'Well, what skills do you have?'
On the desk, forms are waiting to jump at her
'Have you put in an application?
Do you accept authority?
And what about job experience, how many years [have you worked]?'
A rejection, as usual
'Don't take it personally!'
On her way back, a man on the bus says:
'They all just want to be lazy,
Have an easy life at our expense!'
She gets off the bus, she'd rather walk
A new day, a chance like a new workbook,
With nothing on it, except for her name
But when she goes to bed at night bitterly she thinks to herself:
'Again I had to be she who sold off on a second-hand day!'
Take a bite, take a bite, take a bite!
Take a bite, take a bite!

Left Behind

I enjoy watching you walk ahead of me like a child
Exploring the world as if for the first time
Telling me how many vibrant colors there are
You were never able to rid the habit of stopping and turning back
As if to confirm something out of habit
Like you were going to hold my hand or walk together with me
All the way till the world around us fades away
I will be right behind you
Watching over, as you find out what's behind the end of the road
The skies above us, and waiting for life on the other side
Can you promise me
That when it's time to bid farewell perhaps you'll go first
Please leave all the pointless sorrow to me
And let me deal with the loneliness you left behind
Can you promise me
That when it's time to part ways you'll look back without a worry
And help me understand that once I have held your hand before
I would be able to wave goodbye to you after letting go without letting the tears fall
Remember you have loved, you must remember that you have loved
Remember where you have been, and remember to keep going
Remember that my eyes have seen you stay
And that your silhouette will always linger in my world
Can you promise me
That when it's time to bid farewell perhaps you'll go first
Please leave all the pointless sorrow to me
And let me deal with the loneliness you left behind
Can you promise me
That when it's time to part ways you'll look back without a worry
And help me understand that once I have held your hand before
I would be able to wave goodbye to you after letting go without letting the tears fall
Don't be in a rush to make me those promises
Don't say those saddening words
Just enjoy this peaceful gentleness
Can you promise me
That when we meet again you won't recognize me evermore
Don't let me endure having held your hand once
Only to have you wave goodbye to me when we meet again

Stay here... Close

You left again, again you returned
You flooded me with love again
You are my smile
You are my every dream
And I love you from the beginning
You left again, again you returned
You came one night and you spoke to me
What is it that takes you elsewhere
That breaks your heart to pieces
Let's go out in the rain
Let's love each other again
Stay here close to me
You left again, again you returned
It was dark and you kissed me
Don't deny with your words
That you are love and truth
Together this season
let's love each other anew
Stay here close to me
Every 'why' like a knife
stabs my heart
Like a lightning everything you've said
Arises in my soul, it spreads
You are my smile
You are my every dream
And I'll become a wish
To love each other anew

It's Mailer Daemon☆ You Know

Hi everyone! Do you use emails?
Not things like L*ne or Sk*pe, do you use emails?
Jeez! People these days are so quick to cheat
I'm gonna email bomb people like that okay!?
Well then, let's check the messages we received today
Let's see...
'You have the opportunity to receive 100 million yen. For details see the link below...'
'I am searching for a sincere person who can enter a relationship'
You guys again! I'll punish people who send messages like this!
Undelivered! Undelivered! Non-delivery!
Re: Fw: mailto:(Yeah!)
Re: Fw: mailto:(Ye-Yeah!)
Re: Fw: mailto:(Yeah!)
Re: Fw: mailto:(Ye-Yeah!)
Cursed emails are going around and around
Attached documents are fertile land for ghosts. I'll exorcise them with a 404
Right away, bang! (bang!) if you mail me I can read the next one.
Text corruption bugs, screwed up conversions and various 2nd version emojis
Are comparatively good If you can read them
Delete with a bam! (Bam!) You can't mail me now
I want to know the password that secures your heart
Tell me! I can break in directly by phishing anyway ♡
Important messages (messages) without looking at the contents (without looking)
I immediately return to sender, that's right I'm Mailer Daemon you know, you know?
If just one message (just one) can't be sent (can't be sent)
Then i'll send you 100, 1000 or even 10000 messages
Arriving at everybody's computer terminal!☆
My magic spell is a script that operates in secured computers
I'm sending it simultaneously to every mail address in the world
(ooh it's sending!)
Re: Fw: mailto:(Love!)
Re: Fw: mailto:(Lo-Love!)
Re: Fw: mailto:(Love!)
Re: Fw: mailto:(Lo-Love!)
POP the MIME via SMTP Spam, Spammer Spamist?
I'll translate the English emails
If I notice, Bam! (Bam) You can't leave your mail unsent!
Lightspeed begging university graduate emails always have incorrect addresses
I'm tired of you scatterbrains! S☆O☆R☆RY! (Bang!) let me reply if you mail me
I want to know the password that secures your heart
Tell me! I can break in directly by phishing anyway ♡
Send messages (messages) Even if they don't arrive (even if)
I can see them, that's right i'm Mailer Daemon you know
With this kind of ringing (ringing) I can't share these messages (I can't)
100, 1000, 10000 messages aren't enough!
I'm gonna crash!!
With viruses worms and malware I can monopolise your secret data
And receive your smiles, voices and delusions
(ooh I got a message!!)
'It has been one year since my husband was killed by a giant anteater.
He was always travelling towards Singapore,
but those trips were not just for vacation.
In order to acquire an income, he was secretly working away from home...
A year has passed and I have finally recovered from my husbands death.
However, though it's rather embarrassing to say, everyday in the lonely night
my whole body... b-burns...' Eek! Don't send me messages like this!!
Perverts! They aren't decent emails anyway so put them in the junk folder!
Important messages (messages) without looking at the contents (without looking)
I immediately return to sender, that's right I'm Mailer Daemon you know, you know?
If just one message (just one) can't be sent (can't be sent)
Then i'll send you 100, 1000 or even 10000 messages
Arriving at everybody's computer terminal!☆
My magic spell is a script that operates in secured computers
I'm sending it simultaneously to every mail address in the world
(ooh it's sending!)
Re: Fw: mailto:(Love!)
Re: Fw: mailto:(Lo-Love!)
Re: Fw: mailto:(Love!)
Re: Fw: mailto:(Lo-Love!)
The messages have gathered up again
Hm? This is...
'Mailer Daemon-san. Could you read this mail for me?'
hee hee hee... I can read it, but I won't send it back
Undelivered! Undelivered! Non-Delivery!

Kiria tha meino

Θα προσπαθήσω, όρκο σου δίνω,
τη θέση σου να διευκολύνω,
όταν σημάνει η ώρα του αποχωρισμού,
δε θα σε κάνω τύψεις να νιώσεις,
να σου ζητήσω να με γλιτώσεις
γιατί θα βρίσκομαι στην άκρη του γκρεμού.
Κι αν με προδώσει κάποιο δάκρυ που θα τρέξει,
μέχρι να φύγεις η καρδιά μου θα αντέξει,
μπροστά στα μάτια σου κομμάτια δε θα γίνω
κυρία με γνώρισες, κυρία θα μείνω,
κυρία με γνώρισες, κυρία θα μείνω.
Θα προσπαθήσω, σου το δηλώνω,
θηλιά θα δέσω κάθε σου πόνο,
ένα χαμόγελο στα χείλη μου θα δεις,
κι όταν στην πόρτα θα πλησιάζεις
δεν θέλω ούτε να με κοιτάξεις,
διπλός ο θάνατος αν θα με λυπηθείς.
Κι αν με προδώσει κάποιο δάκρυ που θα τρέξει,
μέχρι να φύγεις η καρδιά μου θα αντέξει,
μπροστά στα μάτια σου κομμάτια δε θα γίνω
κυρία με γνώρισες, κυρία θα μείνω.
Κυρία με γνώρισες, κυρία θα μείνω.

Listen to The Sea

Do write a letter telling me
What color is the sea today
The sea that accompanies you every night
How is it feeling?
Grey for reservation
Blue for depression
Well, where will your wild, drifting heart stop by?
Do write a letter telling me
What you want to dream of tonight
Are you torn between
The two versions of me, in reality and in dream?
I grip upon a rending heart
Couldn't close my eyes the whole night
Why won't you come closer
Even though you obviously have feelings for me?
Listen to the sound of the sea crying
Sighing about how someone has her heart broken
Yet won't snap out of it
That definitely wasn't about me
I'm absolutely calm, to say the least
But the tears
Even the tears wouldn't believe it
Listen to the sound of the sea crying
This sea is somehow too sensitive
To cry until daybreak
Do write a letter to me
As a final promise
Tell me how you feel
At the moment you left me
Do write a letter telling me
What you want to dream of tonight
Are you torn between
The two versions of me, in reality and in dream?
I grip upon a rending heart
Couldn't close my eyes the whole night
Why won't you come closer
Even though you obviously have feelings for me?
Listen to the sound of the sea crying
Sighing about how someone has her heart broken
Yet won't snap out of it
That definitely wasn't about me
I'm absolutely calm, to say the least
But the tears
Even the tears wouldn't believe it
Listen to the sound of the sea crying
This sea is somehow too sensitive
To cry until daybreak
Do write a letter to me
As a final promise
Tell me how you feel
At the moment you left me