Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 567


Whatever Her Try

Whatever her try
She's still a copy of me
Whatever she's go
Whatever she’s come
Is not in my mind and my attention
Whatever she's go
Whatever she’s do
Is not in my mind and my attention
Whatever she's go
Whatever she’s come
Is not in my mind and my attention
Her mind is now addicted
Let her always imitate me
But of course the difference was clear
The original version always this is my nature
I talk and I'm confident in myself
I saw her in a romantic scene
When she wore the same my dress
And did the same my hairstyle
Her mind is now addicted
Let her always imitate me
But of course the difference was clear
The original version always this is my nature
I talk and I'm confident in myself
I saw her in a romantic scene
When she wore the same my dress
And did the same my hairstyle
You laughed for her
You saw me in her
Let her saturate in you
Whatever her try
Whatever she's do
She's still a copy of me
Whatever she's go
Whatever she’s come
Is not in my mind and my attention
Whatever her try
Whatever she's do
Whatever she's go
Whatever she’s come
I hope she focuses on her soul
Not focus on her ambition
If she saw me, I cough
She will do the same
Tell her why she was embarrassed
When you saw her brought my things
and imitate my movement
In all its details
I hope she focuses on her soul
Not focus on her ambition
If she saw me, I cough
She will do the same
Tell her why she was embarrassed
When you saw her brought my things
and imitate my movement
In all its details
you wanted her to make me angry or upset me
Really good work (Bravo on you)
Whatever her try
Whatever she's do
She's still a copy of me
Whatever she's go
Whatever she’s come
Is not in my mind and my attention
Whatever her try
She's still a copy of me
Whatever she's go
Whatever she’s come
Is not in my mind and my attention

Am nevoie de cineva să mă țină în brațe când plâng

Bagajele tale sunt făcute și așteaptă la ușă,
Dacă vrei într-adevăr să pleci, e-n regulă.
Nu-ți face în ce mă privește, iubite, căci mă voi descurca,
Dar am nevoie de cineva să mă țină-n brațe când plâng.
Și am nevoie de cineva să-mi spună
Că te voi uita,
Și am nevoie de un prieten pe care să mă sprijin
Când sunt tristă.
Așa că șezi aici, lângă mine,
După ce-ți iei rămas bun,
Căci am nevoie de cineva să mă țină-n brațe când plâng.
Taxiul te așteaptă ca să pleci,
Dar iubite, spune-i șoferului că te-ai răzgândit
Și stai până mâine, căci știu, la noapte
Am nevoie de cineva să mă țină-n brațe când plâng.
Și am nevoie de cineva să-mi spună
Că te voi uita,
Și am nevoie de un prieten pe care să mă sprijin
Când sunt tristă.
Așa că șezi aici, lângă mine,
După ce-ți iei rămas bun,
Căci am nevoie de cineva să mă țină-n brațe când plâng.
Căci am nevoie de cineva să mă țină-n brațe când plâng!

In the Vineyard of Yemen

In Kerem Teiman the moon is shining
The wind is blowing pure
And here I am in my Shabbat dress
Sitting on the doorstep
My groom comes
Young with beautiful eyes
I sing to him
And he claps his hands
My heart is racing in my chest
Hush, don't wake my mom!
Don't worry, Tamar
Mom already knows
She already knows
Don't worry, Tamar
Mom already knows
She already knows
You will sit in our apartment, Tamar
As speaks your groom, Se'adya
And wear only expensive silk
And play what's on the radio
Eat pistachios
And play tunes for me
Both are nice
As you move with your bosom
Give me your hand to caress
Please don't wake my dad!
Don't worry, Tamar
Dad already knows
He already knows
Don't worry, Tamar
Dad already knows
He already knows
In Kerem Teiman the moon is shining
The wind is blowing pure
When our eyes connect
A flame ignites within me
My heart beats in me
Hold me and don't move
My head is spinning
And I don't know why
And my soul is shaking
And my heart is scared
Don't worry, Tamar
It will pass tomorrow
It will pass tomorrow
Don't worry, Tamar
It will pass tomorrow
It will pass tomorrow

The Duel

Versions: #1
Tybalt, Tybalt
Your death is nigh
Tybalt, Tybalt
You won't grow old
You're a fool - no, that's not quite true
You're nothing but dirt, and I'll throw you out with the trash
The sound of your voice, and above all, your presence
It all makes me sick
You wretched dog
Tybalt, Tybalt, your hour of reckoning is here!
Mercutio! Look at yourself!
A few brain cells don't make a man
You're just a clown, but you think you're important
Your mind limps along, but you think yourself a poet!
Since childhood I've only had one goal
To defeat you once and for all, you charlatan
Mercutio, I'll kill you!
Stop this now!
You're all mad, you're forgetting our rights
If you continue to fight, you'll be breaking the law
Stop this now!
[ ALL ]
Life, simply to live
Life without violence
Give us a way to live!
Life in safety
United as one!
Free, we are all free
No one can make barbarians out of us!
Forget your family ties
Only love can lead us into the future
Freedom from hatred and revenge
This is our only desire!
[ ALL ]
Life, simply to live
Life without violence
Give us a way to live!
Life in safety
United as one!
Free, we are all free
No one can make barbarians out of us!
To be, just to exist!
To be free, free!
Stop this now! You're all mad,
You're forgetting the law!
Let this all be a mistake!
Sheathe your weapons
[ with BENVOLIO ] Freedom from hatred and revenge
This is our only desire!
He's hated me since childhood - (Freedom... freedom...)
No, Romeo, he hates me so - (Freedom... freedom...)
The coward thinks he's brave (Freedom... freedom...)
But no, he's just a rabid dog! (Freedom... freedom...)
Don't involve yourself - you cowardly boor
Your moral lessons are worth nothing
You're nothing but a coward trying to hide behind words
Look how you stink of terror
And fear for your life!
[ ALL ]
Freedom from pain and torture!
Now you'll pay!
[ ALL ] be free!
Life, simply to live
Life without violence
Give us a way to live!
Life in safety
United as one!
Freedom, to be free!

Not Long Now

Paris, hereby is Juliet promised to you
My son - and this oath remains unbroken
Her cousin's death has hurt her deeply
I can't bear her to be in pain
Now she will find new happiness
On my honor
Not long now, not long, not long
And he'll be your husband
My child, the love your father holds in his heart
My child, has guided him to act in your best interest
He's looked into the future
And seen you married
He trusts in your heart
So you'll be Paris' bride
Not long now, not long, not long
And he'll be your husband
Women have no say in the matter
The groom decides it all
But you're upset - how strange
Don't disappoint us
Behave yourself!
Not long now, not long, not long
And he'll be your husband
Oh, no -
Not long now...
Nurse, hear what they're ordering me to do
And he'll be your husband.
Please help -
Not long now...
They want me to get married
You should be happy!
I'd rather die!
How can you say that?
I'll never agree to this
Paris will never call me his wife
Because Romeo is mine...
Not long now, not long, not long
And I'll be her husband
[ (spoken) JUILET ]
Nurse! Help me!
Think of what Romeo did
By killing Tybalt!
I'm begging you
Just take this man
You'll be a wonderful pair!
Not long now, not long, not long
And he'll/I'll be your husband
Not long now and he'll be your husband
Not long now and he'll be your husband
I can't!
I'm not allowed to
I don't want to
I won't do it!
Your father commands it!
You must obey!
[ ALL ]
Not long now, not long, not long
And he'll be your husband

The Hostility Of Freaks

I was born different
That gives me suspicious looks
Nevertheless I am not
Deprived of any pain
When I walk in the street
I feel laying on me
The gaze of people scanning for a prey
It is because I am a freak
That people make me feel
I must not leave my house anymore.
And if I had the power to change minds
To switch roles and normality criteria
We would see all the freaks unite to create
A better world unbeknownst to those
Who wrote them off.
That day they will see
How difficult it is
To adapt to this sort of exile
And I hope they'll understand
That indifference
Is as hard as intolerance.
But I don't have the power to change minds
To switch roles and normality criteria
Stop looking at the freaks
As if they were lepers
And may they never be excluded
And above all respected
Stop these malicious hints
When you talk about them
Your fat replete animals
Are treated better than they are

Look Now, She's in Love

Versions: #1
How time flies by...
But I never have complained
'Raise her as your own!'
They told me
But once I laid eyes on her
I knew I would never let her go
I prayed to heaven for her happiness
And even more:
Now her life begins.
Look now, she's in love!
Look now, her life begins
And in an instant
Her childhood's gone.
Will she leave me now?
Her nurse, her support?
We're not similar in any way
But she's always sought safety in my arms
Look now, she's in love!
Look now, she basks in the sun
Look now, her life begins
She is my world
But she's not mine alone
Her mother calls her 'my child'
And I think that she's mine
How can you not see?
Would a mother begrudge
Her only child happiness?
Think of yourself at her age!
Her life is just beginning!
Look now, she's in love!
Look now, her life begins
And in an instant
Her childhood's gone.
And I can only stand by
Watching her, and seeing clearly
I would give my life for Juliet!
I love her so unconditionally!
Look now, she's in love!
Look now as she dares
To tread the path
That her heart leads her on!
And you who know well
That fire that burns from within
Lend her the strength and the belief
That this love will endure!
Look now, she's in love!
Look now, she's in love!
Look now, she's in love!
Look now, she's in love!

The Joy of Loving

Versions: #1
Her mask hides her from view
But I know her face
Pure as an angel -
Who could she be?
A strange power
Has taken hold of me
Who is she?
I've never felt this way before
When his gaze rests on me
He shines like light in the sky
Brilliant and grand
Just as a new star shines
Can this be? I can hardly believe it
Love is all around
Can it be? I can hardly believe it
So beautiful, almost like a dream
Is this as true for you as it is for me? Just say yes!
Can you feel this as clearly as I do? Just say yes!
Love is everywhere!
Destiny has brought me to you
This is the feeling that lovers speak of
This is what they mean by love!
Can this be? I can hardly believe it
Love is all around
Can it be? I can hardly believe it
So beautiful, almost like a dream
Can you feel this as clearly as I do? Just say yes!
Is this as true for you as it is for me? Just say yes!
Love is everywhere!
Destiny has brought me to you
This is the feeling that lovers speak of
This is what they mean by love!

Creatures of Flesh and Blood

Ha, ha, ha - you laugh without a care
Ha, ha, ha - it's despicable!
You don't understand that love has meaning
You just laugh it off, always,
'Ha, ha, ha' - well, keep on laughing!
Laugh yourselves straight to hell!
You haven't thought twice - don't try now, you might strain something!
You can't even comprehend
What's happening right in front of you
Ha, ha, ha, look who we have here!
Standing there in her turban, is it another swan?
She wants Romeo?
Here's hoping that he chooses his friends
Over the pain of love
We're creatures of flesh and blood
Sometimes bad, sometimes good
Life's full of riddles
The way forward leads high and low
Often life is more illusion than reality
You often know this deep down inside
So if love happens to draw us in
Ha, ha! We walk away unscathed
Ha, ha, ha - animals, the lot of you!
Ha, ha, ha - oaths mean nothing to you
You live jealous lives, but you pray for escape
Stupidity reigns here!
Ha, ha, ha, 'they're in love!'
Ha, ha, ha, - ridiculous!
They're just spoiled kids, it'll never come to love
Romeo's fancies change by the hour
That's a man's gift!
We're creatures of flesh and blood
Sometimes bad, sometimes good
Life's full of riddles
The way forward leads high and low
Often life is more illusion than reality
You often know this deep down inside
So if love happens to draw us in
Ha, ha! We walk away unscathed
We know exactly
Who we are!
We have no doubts
No one can take that from us!
We're creatures of flesh and blood
Sometimes bad, sometimes good
Life's full of riddles
The way forward leads high and low
Often life is more illusion than reality
You often know this deep down inside
So if love happens to draw us in
Ha, ha! We walk away unscathed
We really stay unscathed!

The Fear

Versions: #1
You, my friends, related in spirit
Who call me your brother
Do you feel the same weight as I?
As if death is breathing down your neck?
You who laugh everything off
Always ready to joke around
I, Romeo, am never at peace
I must admit, something weighs upon my soul
It's fear, the fear
That our easy existence
Ends in cold stone
That the stars above that guide us
Hint at an emptiness beyond
It's fear, the fear, the fear, the fear
That tomorrow, something will be gone
And only life's suffering will remain
Don't you feel the danger?
It's lurking nearby!
You, my friends, my brothers in life
You've never known any boundaries
And even the women you've pursued
You left without thinking twice!
You, who only know the summer of youth
And regard laziness as a virtue
I, Romeo, live with this fear
I see, I feel my demise at hand
Fear, the fear
Of the unknown curse
Of parents' lies and deceit
We can be sure of ourselves by day
But happiness is easily destroyed
Fear, the fear
Fear, oh, the fear
That our arrogance
Stokes the fury of the gods
Once we incur their wrath
We lose everything! Oh!
Fear, the fear, the fear, the fear
That the stars above that guide us
Hint at an emptiness beyond
The fear, the fear, the fear!

Proudly My Boat Sails

Proudly my boat sails on the rough sea
The sturdy hull rocks to and fro
It carries all of our lives and our limbs
far out to sea wherever it goes.
Proudly my boat sails on the rough sea
Storms and billows can't destroy it
All of us love you, you have our love
We're approaching Iceland soon.
Iceland, old Iceland
Beloved motherland.
We strengthen your finances every single day
In storms and blizzards, each year, for all time.
Proudly my boat sails on the rough sea
The sturdy hull rocks to and fro
Iceland rises proudly out of the waves,
the island that's named for ice.
Proudly my boat sails on the rough sea
The sturdy hull rocks to and fro
It carries all of our lives and our limbs
far out to sea wherever it goes.
Proudly my boat sails on the rough sea
Storms and billows can't destroy it
All of us love you, you have our love
We're approaching Iceland soon.
Iceland, old Iceland
Beloved motherland.
We strengthen your finances every single day
In storms and blizzards, each year, for all time.
Proudly my boat sails on the rough sea
The sturdy hull rocks to and fro
Iceland rises proudly out of the waves,
the island that's named for ice.

Lydia The Hottie

She drove in the heart of the city
she confused the air
red lipstick and wild hair
a drop of cologne and a cutting look
Lydia, tell where you are going1
Lydia tell, tell where?
A sculptured leg in nylon
is attached to the pedal
passing stop sings with ease
and at lights she simply gallops
Lydia, tell where you are going
Lydia tell, tell where?
One hundred and thirty kilometers per hour
in a red Susita Carmel2
there aren't any restraints for the lady
she ignores all the rules
Comes closer, turns around
fakes3signaling right and left
the district cop emotionally takes off his hat
she doesn't have, she doesn't have any competitors
She drove in the heart of the city
she confused the air
no chance to stop the lady
perhaps only if her gas will run out
Lydia, tell where you are going
Lydia tell, tell where?
tell where?
tell where?
tell where?...
  • 1. lit: to where
  • 2. type of Israeli car produced during 1960-75
  • 3. lit: steals

It's my right

It's my right to think about you
And put you into my mind all the time
I won't be able to live
If you are thinking of someone else
Could you imagine that if you left me
And our love was over,
Life will end and become
A life without joy?
And more than that, I reached to the extent that
I'm now living my life just like you do
I'm so glad with my destiny which
Brought you to me someday
I always hide you from people
And trap you inside me
Your love changed me
It taught me how to be selfish
Because of your love l began to do things
I've never imagined myself to do
Taking clothes in my arms isn't something I've done before
Now, I even talk to them
Only if I can, I want your voice
Not to be heared by someone else
I have a huge love for you
Just try to understand that

Cherry Blossoms Flutter, Flutter

I don't need anything extra
I don't want to talk about something like the weather
There's no such thing as too much time
I don't want to bargain anymore
The cells in my body, are making a fuss
The scent of the body cream I put on,
I want to shorten the time and distance it takes to reach you
Maybe it rained down unexpectedly
Maybe you were swayed by a sudden wind
Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...
Half-hearted kindness,
That sort of thing just makes me feel unwell
Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...
I can't do anything extra
I can't become something like a cute woman
There's no such thing as too much pride
I don't even want to act strong anymore
Wrapped in moisture as if I bathed in mist
The scent of the shampoo I lathered in,
After thinking about our height difference, I want to go to a certain place
Standing right on your line of sight,
I want to stare at you with suspicion
Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...
I'm enthralled for just a moment,
Like when I see the cherry blossoms bloom
Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...
You're reflected in my eyes
Am I reflected in your eyes?
A prophecy told by flower petals
Maybe it rained down unexpectedly
Maybe you were swayed by a sudden wind
Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...
Half-hearted kindness,
That sort of thing just makes me feel unwell
Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...
Because I can't hide it anymore,
Because I can't wait anymore,
Because I can't just say it,
Because I went and loved you,
I'm enthralled for just a moment,
Like when I see the cherry blossoms bloom
Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...

Ce ai pus în cafea

Mi-ai spus, vino sus la mine,
iarna e cald sus la mine
nu simți frigul care este
în acest oraș al nostru.
De ce nu vii sus la mine,
vom fi singuri tu și eu,
pot să-ți ofer o cafea
până la urmă ce e rău în asta?
Dar ce ai pus în cafeaua
pe care am băut-o sus la tine?
Este ceva diferit acum în mine.
Dacă este o otravă voi muri
dar lângă tine va fi dulce
pentru că dragostea care nu era
acum este.
Nu știu nici măcar ce zi este
dar în toate zilele voi fi la tine.
Este devenit un obicei de-acum pe care nu pot să-l pierd, să știi.
Dar ce ai pus în cafeaua
pe care am băut-o sus la tine?
Este ceva diferit acum în mine.
Dacă este o otravă voi muri
dar lângă tine va di dulce
pentru că dragostea care nu era
acum este.
În dimineața asta, iubire, gandindu-mă la tine
prima floare mi-a spus că
de-acum iarna pleacă
dar tu rămâi cu mine.
Dar ce ai pus în cafeaua
pe care am băut-o sus la tine?
Este ceva diferit acum în mine.
Dacă este o otravă voi muri
dar lângă tine va fi dulce
pentru că dragostea care nu era
acum este.
Dacă este o otravă voi muri
dar lângă tine va fi dulce
pentru că dragostea care nu era
acum este

Happy Happy Greeting

The sun goes up over the sea where stars sink
In the middle of the rays of light, I embraced you
It's wonderful to live
It's different when you're by my side
Leaving the old past behind
To turn over the pages of time
Now let's run to the future
Happy Happy Greeting
Congratulations. Congratulations.
A new year. Something begins
Surely will have good things
My chest is merry with a premonition
Happy Happy Greeting
Congratulations. Congratulations.
Birthday. Blow the candles
When I live with you
Dreams are born everyday forever
I was used to loneliness building a high wall
Until your tender hand started to pull me
You're the miracle that erased my troubles
You shared your bravery with me
Leaving the old myself behind
I'm reborn when I wake up
I want you to look at me
Happy Happy Greeting
Congratulations. Congratulations.
Valentine. Let's check ourselves
We look sweetly charmed
In the flow of time
Happy Happy Greeting
Congratulations. Congratulations.
Wedding. Let's get together
Dreams are still little birds
Let's raise them with care forever
Together, together
Forever, forever
Happy Happy Greeting
Congratulations. Congratulations.
A new year. Something begins
Surely will have good things
My chest is merry with a premonition
Happy Happy Greeting
Congratulations. Congratulations.
Birthday. Blow the candles
When I live with you
Dreams are born everyday
Happy Happy Greeting
Happy Happy Greeting. Something begins
Surely will have good things
My chest is merry with a premonition
Happy Happy Greeting.
Happy Happy Greeting. Blow the candles
When I live with you
Dreams are born everyday
Forever. Congratulations.
Happy Happy Greeting.
To you. To you
Con gra tu la tions

No, My Love

I'm thinking about you day and night, my life will always be yours alone
And yet you still believe an envious hater
They told you jealousy increases my love, and with tears and confusion you can own my heart
No, my love
Only with love are you precious to me, only with love are you the light for me eyes
Only with a little bit of love
No, my love
When I loved you I considered what happened to me and what will happen
I imagined my happiness and bless by your side, my restlessness when you're away and the fire of my suffering
I never said how and why I loved you
and I never said if only you or I
With all my heart and all my mind I loved you
Love is amiability and kindness
It was never jealousy, suspicions or harshness
Love is what molds your identity
It's not in your hands or mine
Who said your pride lies in my submission
or that your value in love is in my tears
If I accepted being insulted, what about my heart
How can you betray it and control it
Only with love did I surrender my heart to you
Only with love, not by my jealousy
Where is the kindness and safety, my love?
If my mind is clouded by the buzzing around you
Being apart is easier than suffering near you
and seeing a day that I regret being at your side
It's enough for me to live in memories while you're away
I lived more than my lifetime in your love
Only with love are you precious to me
Only with love are you the light for my eyes
Only with a little bit of love
No, my love


am I the strictest person today?
am I distant or am I bald?
Like a grumpy grandpa that can't understand a word
I looked and I was in a pretentious trip
I'm in the most hurtful place in the universe
what kind of struggle is this, it's good that I didn't strain myself for nothing
like a wisdom tooth buried in my mandible
There's no way to run to but I'm at home
ooooo ooooo Hey captian, the net has broken
ooooo ooooo The fish stinks from the start (even if fresh)
The storm has come near
equally came my last shot (of drink)
Now I will make an arc like the prophet Noah for god's sake
a sail made from bed sheets
come and see me
in the middle of the room there's a devilish Bermuda triangle
Me and all the creatures
it's very spacious here
I wish it would always be like this
But there's a monster coming for me
hmmmmm mmm The net has broken oh Captain
hmmmmm mmm The fish stinks from the start
In the bottom of the sea
I'm in my iron home
I'm in the leading role of this complicated story
Where can you see such a scam
Don't ask how is it gonna end, nor am I telling

My Lord, Hear My Plea

My lord, you have triumphed over my father
Who stirred a dark storm against you
Light and glory to your name
But do not despise the ones you've beaten!
My lord, hear my plea
Give my dead father out to me!
Let me bury him in the ground
Let his peaceless soul rest!
Be our true, understanding ruler
If on this earth, we serve you
Console the sufferers
Forgive the sinners!
Don't be afraid, your request is not shameful
Your voice speaks to my heart
Good lord, my heart is yours
The heart replies to the heart
What are you thinking, foolish girl
Your request is almost treason!
Forgiving traitors on this earth
Is not a custom
We will cut Koppány's body in four
And put them on our castles
Let that forever be a sign
To the revolters!
Get lost or die!
Cut him in four! Cut him in four!
Cut him in four! Cut him in four!
Cut him in four! Cut him in four!
Cut him in four! Cut him in four!
This is what happens to those who dare revolt
Our swords strike their stubborn heads with power
We need the strength so that the nation will see
There's no more messing around
There will be no sorry with us
Cut him in four! Cut him in four!
Cut him in four! Cut him in four!
István, my son, there is no other way
We have to sort this out, there has to be order at last
We have to sort this out, there has to be order around here
Leave me
Everyone, go!


O my good unison, sing so that I sing,
My life is you, stay so that I stay,
A part of sky is cloudy, another part is starry,
A part is sunshine, another part is rainy,
But, without you, everywhere is cloudy and gloomy,
Cloud of the sky doesn't have a drop of rain,
If you are present, sky is clear,
Glooms are behind the Ghaf mountain*,
With you, I'm the spring,
Without you, I'm a salt desert,
When you are present, I feel good,
When you're not present, without you I'm a broken frame on the wall,
In the other side of world it's night time,
On this side of the world it's day time
In one place the sun is not present, in another place it's burning,
But, without you, day and night...

How Much I'd Like

How much I'd like you to send me a message now,
(I'm) sitting here at home and waiting, and nothing happens at all.
Why does it have to be so difficult? Just say yes or not, fuck it.
I don't want you to fudge me, enough with this game.
We were sitting in front of candles on the beach, drinking beer from plastic cups.
Before I even had the chance to start talking, you got a phone call from someone else.
The heat got slowly to my head, the Moroccan side burst out again,
so I took the chair and hit her head with it.
Jk, no, that did not happen, I am not that insane.
It's just bummed out the start,
but I said, let's go on with it, it isn't too bad, yeahh
So we continued talking, but really, I was just looking for a moment I could get close,
and kiss you on the mouth.
A big and sweet kiss,
to give you a wet kiss and to bit your lips till we both drop off off our feet.
But none of this happened, instead I chickened out and chocked like a little girl,
now one has to go back to the beginning and to realise the mistake isn't you.
What did I ask for after all? You screaming on a plastic bed,
so we don't dirty up the sheets, maybe the face a little bit.
Now I'm going to sleep alone, with a bit of soap and the sexual member in my hand,
instead of writing another love song, I decide to attack back.
Sweetie, don't take it personally, the wheels indeed turn
and when you come looking for me, I will no longer be here.
I'll be in South American, with a joint in one hand, and a beer in the other.
Instead of being satisfied with one out of a thousand, I'll spend every day with someone else.

Cheating Is A Crime

Versions: #1
I don't wanna hear that you wanna die,
Caught cheating and you say that YOU wanna die?
Tellin' me about the reason that you gave it up.
Fuck every single month of this fake love.
Bet you feel great after all that you did~
Flirting with all of the girls that you hid♡
We'll never be again and I don't wanna restart
Feel the pain I did and suffer all the same as I was ripped apart
If you woulda told me what i did
Maybe I could try to change it.
Tell me why are we dating in the first place if looks are why you're interested.
You coulda had a couple friends to do it,
Havin sex without the love,
Are you fucking stupid?
If you only look at bodies when you're dating maybe,
You shouldn't tell me 'inner beauty' is what matters, baby???
Hey~ Look how the seasons are changing
The people you're kissing are changing idk why
No medication can fix you, the only alternative is that you've gotta die
Happy for you, look for the fool you call the 'perfect bride'
Loving someone, monogamy's better than somebody new every night
First of all, what's a perfect couple
Jealousy and honesty, is it worth the trouble???
Is there reason left to live, do i really wanna try
Giving birth to a baby after you left me on the 'first time'???
I already know what I'm gonna do, Wow!
Drink the whole bottle down, see what you've done now
Who cares, feeling great, I'll overdose too
Just die so i can feel a little joy soon
Baby, think I wanna skin you
Maybe, cut your fucking dick off and then keep it,
I been thinkin lately
You're so fuckin lazy
Eat ur brain today and save your liver for another time, tasty♡
I really love you, I think
but now I'm losing my mind and I wish that you would just die
Sorry I know I'm getting emotional
I'll show you that real loves unconditional
I don't wanna hear that you wanna die,
Caught cheating and you say that YOU wanna die?
Tellin' me about the reason that you gave it up.
Fuck every single month of this fake love.
Bet you feel great after all that you did~
Flirting with all of the girls that you hid♡
We'll never be again and I don't wanna restart
Feel the pain I did and suffer all the same as I was ripped apart


O mighty God, look upon us, and upon Yourself
Poison is breathing inside Your home, and it has a name
Hatred, hatred
A poisonous snake within the soul
Hatred, hatred
Judges and reveals all
Hatred, hatred
A cold stare in your eyes
Hatred, hatred
None can be happy in it
How I hate the hatred
I have a confession, I feel no affection for who you are
Why must it be so? Why in this city? In every glance?
Hatred, hatred
In the name of knowledge, in the name of wealth
Hatred, hatred
It shall destroy us all
Hatred, hatred
Is meant for hopeless cowards
Hatred, hatred
The yielding sister of love
I shall curse you for nights on end (Hatred, hatred)
For always refusing to listen
You have forgotten how to enjoy (Hatred, hatred)
Only hatred is good for you now
Behold, O slaves of yesterday (Hatred, hatred)
This whore of hatred swallows all
Look at yourselves, a bunch of nothing (Hatred, hatred)
You conscienceless puppets
In the name of hatred, one can commit (Hatred, hatred)
Countless of crimes and victims
Now is the time to listen to the women (Hatred, hatred)
Now is the time to listen to them...
(Hatred, hatred)
(Hatred, hatred)
(Hatred, hatred)
Now is the time to listen to the women (Hatred, hatred)
Now is the time to listen to them...

The world is this way

The world is this way my soul.
The only thing right is you and death
Come let’s love each other
Come let’s hug each other
and work and live along
Let’s die in each other


Une e kom dasht ton jeten
Dhe sot e ka nji tjeter
Kur se provon, thon se kalon
Gjum per mu nuk ka
Kurr s'kam me ta fal
Si m'ke lon, si m'ke lon
Mbaje, mbaje per vete
A mendon e gjete
Per ty u linda une
Per ty u linda
Mbaje, mbaje per vete
A mendon e gjete
Per ty u linda
Une per ty u linda
(vuj - vuj - vuj)
vuj vuj vuj vuj
Ke me m'dasht ton jeten
Vazhdo gjenje veten
Kur me te fle
Mua me sheh
Gjum per mu nuk ka
Kurr s'kam me ta fal
Si m'ke lon, si m'ke lon
Mbaje, mbaje per vete
A mendon e gjete
Per ty u linda une
Per ty u linda
Mbaje, mbaje per vete
A mendon e gjete
Per ty u linda
Ume per ty u linda
(vuj - vuj - vuj)
vuj vuj vuj vuj

One Should Go South

Should the world come to a end,
I'll make the most of it all of the time,
wandering heart,
I'm going to find me freedom.
I've traveled by land
and I've come to realize that
where there's no hate nor war,
love becomes king there.
I've had many experiences
and I've come to a conclusion,
living in bliss is better off done
in the South.
To heal love, one should come to the South,
to heal love, I'll go wherever you are.
Without a lover to console you,
without a lover, life is hell.
To heal love, one should come to the South,
the important thing is to do with someone you love.
And if they leave you, don't hesitate
to look another that's just as good and fall in love again.
To heal love, one should come to the South,
to heal love, I'll go wherever you are.
Without a lover to console you,
without a lover, life is hell.
To heal love, one should come to the South,
the important thing is to do with someone you love.
And if they leave you, don't hesitate
to look another that's just as good and fall in love again
to look another that's just as good and fall in love again
to look another that's just as good and fall in love again.

Understand Me Betrayer

İ surrended while i endured
İ split into two part,i have became your half part
İ have became a scholar,i have became a cruel
İn my dreams i have became your lover
Didn't i have no a chabetrayer,ayer with us?
Didn't i have no a chance cruel?
Understand me betrayer,understand me
Don't break me cruel,don't break me
Understand me betrayer,understand me
Don't break me cruel,don't break me
One day he asked How i was?
He doesn't like verbiage
Crazy boy,tell truth
Your presence was more than love,it has befallen that me,wasn't easy
İt has befallen me,wasn't easy
İt has befallen me,wasn't easy
Understand me betrayer,understand me
Don't break me cruel,don't break me
Understand me betrayer,understand me
Don't break me cruel,don't break me


You woke up at the crack of dawn
To pack your suitcases
And to burn in front of me
Those small things
The letters of an old love
Dawn hurts
You 're saying goodbye and it's raining
Look me in the eyes
Now, no tears
Now, the heart must hold on
Close the door behind you
Don't say you're sorry
Ask your conscience before you get out
Close the door behind you
So I can turn the key
Since I know you're not coming back
Because I don't believe in miracles anymore, miracles
Because I don't believe in miracles anymore
This dawn
Shall never come
If only the wounds of
The debris in my mind
Would close early so they would redeem me
Close the door behind you
Don't say you're sorry
Ask your conscience before you get out
Close the door behind you
So I can turn the key
Since I know you're not coming back
Because I don't believe in miracles anymore, miracles
Because I don't believe in miracles anymore

My Rights

In this world of yours,a man is wrong at each step
Even when I try to do everything right,
You call it wrong
If I’m so wrong, than who do you think is right?
(Who is right?)
To live my life ,the way I want,
Do I need your orders (permission)?
It means each one of you,
Have more rights on me,even more than myself
*My rights, keep it here (give it to me)(X8)
My rights,keep it here (x4)
When in the que or when in need of a loan
Why do you wish to control (manipulate) my ways of life
I’m mannerless(blunt),I belong to that particular street
Which is full of indecent and shameless (low class)
My heart says these customs(rules) of society are controlling life
This world is an enemy and nothing belongs to us (materialistic things)
Let it all burn into ashes (fire)
I say just follow your heart,follow your heart or we should all just die
My rights,keep it here (x8)
Oh saviors of this eco-friendly nature
Even I’m suppose to be a part of this nature(I’m nature)
With all the rituals , customs...
Why are you trying to separate me?
Why do wanna divide me like this..?
Why do you try to preach me so much about truth...?
When you can’t take the truth yourself.
When someone tries to speak the truth,you try to teach them rules & regulations (law)
Your fears, your love,your praise
Just keep everything to your damn self
My rights,keep it here

My Mother, My Mother

My mother, my mother, what did I have
I dreamed of pigeons
A wave passed me
My soul is chanting
My soul is chanting
A wave passed me
My soul, my soul
My soul is chanting
My soul is chanting
My soul is chanting
My mother, my mother, what did I have
A pair of pigeons (1)
A beak and a beak
A beak and a beak
Suddenly I got light
Hovering, hovering
I flew in the light
I flew in the light
I flew in the light (2)

One Step

One step
Take even one step for me
You hold dominion over my heart
One look is all I ask for
and you understand and can see
Witness my condition
Look at what's happening to me
I am wholeheartedly in love
Ten, one night passed, then ten
You betrayed our relationship
I score you ten out of ten in keeping a distance
One wink from your eye
A wink on the cheek
This is sensitive and meaningful talk
One word is all I ask for
and you understand and can talk
Witness my condition
Look at what's happening to me
I swear that I'm in love
Your approval is a blessing
The days of your approval were pleasant
I hope whoever envied us goes blind

Let the Light Come

The heart will beat, even when it's been torn apart
Your tomorrow will remain, even if your past has been rewritten
The colour never fades, just lives on in different shades
The brave one will stand up, and has no fear
The Son will speak again, because there is resurrection
And many more are afraid, because judgment will arrive
The bell will toll, because it can feel it too
The time is getting nearer and everything will be taken by the tide
Refr: Let the light come, after the dark
May a new flower grow upon the ashes of hatred
If the tide takes you under, if passion gives you flight
I'll be here, until the wind changes
Our prayers rise up to the sky for a nation
Our past binds us together, and our future has reached port
The son takes a rest upon his mother's lap
Mary's country bathes in light