Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 131


Between you and me

Between you and me , there was no you and me
We were not talking about being apart
Now between me and you there is me and you
We are talking about being apart from each other
Any wind that comes from laylakh mountain
I will become intoxicated from the same wind
Any wind that comes and the flowers get used to it
I wish the same wind comes across me
Any wind that comes and makes flowers to distribute their fragrance
I wish the same wind comes across you this time
My dear (newly established plant) , my new flower bud
May all you sorrow comes to me
You are coming and crossing me as a gang member
Without saying hello or hi
Tap the drums for my shamefull attitude
Distribute the news of me being in love through the cities and villages
Get the seal of shame on my forehead
Get my lover and say to her that I am crazy about her
Or get me crucified like Jesus
But I can not think about being apart from you

Google Translate Cântă: ABBA

[Asumă-ți un risc cu mine]
Dacă o schimbi, asta e prima dată pe internet
Iubire, sunt de vănzare, dă-mi libertate
Dacă ai nevoie de mine, lasă-mă să fiu
Ajungi la faptul că de obiciei obții același impact asupra sănătății tale și aceeași problemă, întâmplată ca înlocuitor al lamentării
Dacă nu știi decât despre sprâncene
Iubire, sunt de vănzare, dă-mi libertate
Sunt proastă
Încearcă să dovedești asta
Dă-mi libertate (asta este cererea bebelușului meu)
Dă-mi libertate
[Mamma Mia]
Păcătuia în fața Domnului fiindca avea credință în El
Îmi place acest DVD
Și casa va sta cu mine, okay?
Nu știu cum să creez o forță de business
Nimeni nu e în inima mea
Vocea poate auzi numai un ochi și o turmă
Am uitat regurile, o
Maica Maria, există un cadou
A murit Bessia în această vară?
Sute de mamifere apar din nou
Obrăznicie, trecere, cum am făcut asta?
Da, sunt alergică
Albastrul e foarte tensionat
De ce mergi la întălniri
Mama Mary, nu sunt ochiul WiFi-ului
Nu te voi ucide niciodată
[Regina dansului]
Lumânările sunt dureroase
Uniunea Europeană vrea să plece
Ea se joacă bine cu grupurile, ai o colibă?
Ești o statuie?
Oricine poate fi un bărbat
Umiditate, un băiat Pesica, minunat
Cu niște muzică Irlandeză, e okay
Depresie și dans
Când ai o oportunitate de consolidare
Regina dansului Hula
Proaspătă și gustoasă, de doar șaptezeci de ani
Regina dansului Hula
Crează muște în mormânt, da
Nu o poți face, poți să te scufunzi
Ai timp să trăiești?
O, femeie, uite-te la câmp

Let's go, Abbas

Let's go, Abbas, time is up
You said evening, now is evening
Set our drinking bout
Let our heartaches end
Along with the pool
Set it beneath that tree
Tell moon to rise
Let it demonstrate as I wish
To magical scatter of mine
Show us that you command the distance
And time
Kick up the dust
Let's go, Abbas!
''That's what Cahit said''
Go, bring the new lover fron Beşiktaş
I want to live my youth over again


Bahrain is a sunshine
She is like a Pearl contains a beauty
Added to the universe more happiness
She walks like a bride if she walks
Bahrain is a sunshine
Bahrain is a sunshine
The sky loved its land
She gave a life to the flower, so it gets more beautiful
In her eyes, all the stars twinkled
Her captain took her to the top
In words and deeds, he leads her to become bright
And her people led her to glory and fame

You Are the Only One

You're the only one
whose eyes just stole me away,
then set me on the path of your nights
and left me there
I've run into so many
And met so many people
But your love still won't leave me alone
Because you are the only one...
I never used to fear for my life
nor were I ever a lover
But what were my days worth before meeting you?
Just a bunch of hours and passing years
I swear by your love that called me,
and stole me away to God knows where
Your eyes embraced me totally
You are the sweetest life and the most precious tenderness

Do Not Abandon Me

Love, my love, if you love me,
do not leave me again.
Therefore in this fateful moment,
no, do not leave.
I don't know the destiny that awaits me
but I have to go far from the border.
You don't see the worry that grips me.
Whatever my fate is,
you must not abandon me.
I already feel that time is passing.
I feel that the hour is approaching
and the great hand of destiny
appears up in the sky.
I go to speak with death
and in my heart it will be stronger
if you will not leave me alone like this
and you will know how to wait.
Love, my love, if you love me,
you must not abandon me.
We can always live together.
Whatever my fate is,
you must not abandon me.
Stay here
sweet love
to hope,
to dream.

All languages, without your eyes

The letter begins its journey, from your eyes
All languages, without your eyes, are lost...

Love, in your body

Love, in your body ..
Old and eternal ..
As salt, is part of the sea ..

With the curtain lowered

When I loved you I dreamed your dreams,
I watched your eyelids sleep,
the lashes slightly trembling.
At times
it is with the curtain lowered that unfolds
with unprecedented actors and illuminations
- the wonder.

Nu plânge Zarê!

(Munții sunt martori, fântânile sunt martori
Copacii de ienupăr rămân, vin, bărbații rămân, nu mor niciodată
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Mă duc dimineața și vin seara
Dacă mor, eu sunt partea din loc, iar dacă rămân, sunt iubitul lui Zaré.)
Ia-mi capul și unde mă duc?
Te sun pe drum.
Voi suna vreodată dacă nu te văd?
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Mă duc dimineața și vin seara
Eu sunt sclavul altcuiva
Dacă mor, eu sunt partea din loc,
Iar dacă rămân, sunt iubitul lui Zaré
Oamenii vin și văd!
Nu mă condamna niciodată.
Mi-au transformat prietena în felul lui.
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Daca cine o ia pe prietena mea
Un șarpe i-a mușcat inima ei
Nu vă faceți griji, lăsați omul acela să moară
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Nu te juca cu durerea inimii mele.
Nu mă condamna niciodată.
Nu-i dispera prietena noastră
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Mă duc dimineața și vin seara
Eu sunt sclavul altcuiva
Dacă mor, eu sunt partea din loc,
Iar dacă rămân, sunt iubitul lui Zaré

Who or who ?!

Who or who .. Tell me who should I take ?!
Do I take the smart guy or the beaut or the rich ?!
Who or who .. Tell me who should I take ?!
Do I take the smart guy or the beaut or the rich ?!
My love is worth them all
My love isn't anyone of them
But he's smart , He's beaut and his love worth millions
Who's worth him .. Tell me who's worth him ?!
There's isn't anyone like him
Who's worth him .. Tell me who's worth him ?!
There's isn't anyone like him


I have nothing to do with you, don't go
I put you on my eyes
You are still a support for me
The death of this life without you is one day
Stay tuned
The bead of the snake of the times is the love of the soul
It's a simple thing for me to die for you
The bead of the snake of the times is the love of the soul
It's a simple thing for me to die for you
Be sick of bad love
I want to stay with you, baby
I depend on the size of my breath
You relied on the throne of my heart
Who is more crazy than you or me?
The bead of the snake of the times is the love of the soul
It's a simple thing for me to die for you
The bead of the snake of the times is the love of the soul
It's a simple thing for me to die for you

Un An Nou fericit!

Versions: #1
Şampania s-a terminat
Şi focurile de artificii au încetat
Iată-ne, pe mine şi pe tine
Simţindu-ne pierduţi şi trişti
Este sfârşitul petrecerii
Iar dimineaţa pare atât de mohorâtă
Aşa că spre deosebire de ieri
Acum e momentul ca noi să spunem ...
Să aveţi un An nou fericit !
Un An nou fericit !
Fie ca toţi să avem din când în când un vis
Al unei lumi în care fiecare vecin este un prieten
Un An nou fericit !
Un An nou fericit !
Fie ca toţi să avem speranţele noastre, voinţa de a încerca
Dacă nu, am putea la fel de bine sa ne întindem pe jos şi să murim
Tu şi eu.
Uneori văd
Cum lumea nouă, neînfricată soseşte
Şi văd cum prosperă
Din cenuşa vieţilor noastre.
O, da, omul este un prost
Şi crede că va fi bine
Târându-şi picioarele din lut
Fără să ştie vreodată că este pe un drum greşit
Şi merge mai departe oricum ...
Un An nou fericit !
Un An nou fericit !
Fie ca toţi să avem din când în când un vis
Al unei lumi în care fiecare vecin este un prieten
Un An nou fericit !
Un An nou fericit !
Fie ca toţi să avem speranţele noastre, voinţa de a încerca
Dacă nu, am putea la fel de bine să ne întindem pe jos şi să murim
Tu şi eu.
Mi se pare acum
Că acele visuri pe care le-am avut înainte
Sunt toate moarte, nimic mai mult
Decât confetti pe podea.
Este sfârşitul unui deceniu,
Peste alţi zece ani
Cine poate spune ce vom găsi
Ce ne aşteaptă
La sfârşitul anului ’89 ?
Să aveţi un An nou fericit !
Un An nou fericit !
Fie ca toţi să avem din când în când un vis
Al unei lumi în care fiecare vecin este un prieten
Un An nou fericit !
Un An nou fericit !
Fie ca toţi să avem speranţele noastre, voinţa de a încerca
Dacă nu, am putea la fel de bine să ne întindem pe jos şi să murim
Tu şi eu.

Overthinking hurts me

I sleep with skeletons in my bed
And I almost don't look at myself in the mirror anymore
I take everything that I told you back
I don't know if I'd do it again now that I think about it
In this room the air is tired of being wiyh me
I drink one more glass even though I can't handle it
So that I can turn my brain off earlier
Ovethinking hurts me
It always ends with me thinking about you
And I haven't heard from you in weeks
Just the time to disappear
And I can't breath
I'm not out of breath, you are
And I'd need to get away
Overthinking hurts me
I'm not under a train, I'm under all of Trenitalia (1)
I put a hand to my conscience and it bit it
And I built my prison by myself like Pablo
But always high the hangover lasts more than the fun
I, me and no one else in the space, Star-Lord
She shouted at me 'You're a bastard', always at war, Star Wars
All of those conversations between us
The promises that then
Immediately aren't worth shit just like bitcoins.
In this room that has an air almost as unmade as me
I fall asleep watching the weather forecast
And another winter has already gone by
Overthinking hurts me
It always ends with me thinking about you
And I haven't heard from you in weeks
Just the time to disappear
And I can't breath
I'm not out of breath, you are
And I'd need to get away
Overthinking hurts me
(Haha, Marracash)
Overthinking hurts me
(Bye Fede, don't think too much about it)
And I'd need words
Those beautiful ones that you shout, shout
At the top of your lungs at night
That echo with no end
And I can't breath
I'm not out of breath, you are
And I'd need to get away
Overthinking hurts me.

Look how much I love you

Breathe istead of me
Because I’m alive for you
Because my heart does not beat whithout you
Stay with me,stay
Because of all of our memories
If I don’t see you even as much as an eye blink,I miss you,stay
I’m in love with this lovely look you giving to me,just look how I’m crazy about you
Look how much I love you
For your love,I devote my self
Just for your love I’ve closed my eyes on the whole world
Look how much I love you
It’d never happen that I don’t be aware of you
I’m breathing because of you
Call my name suddenly again
My heart’s beat sound is because of you
I’m in love with this lovely look you you giving to me,just look how I’m crazy about you
Look how much I love you
For your love I devote my self
Just for your love I’ve closrd my eyes on the whole world
Look how much I love you


Schimbând, mişcând într-un cerc
pot să-ţi văd chipul în toate visele mele
Zâmbind, râzând, din umbre
când îţi aud vocea, ştiu ce înseamnă
Ştiu că nu contează doar cât de tare încerc
Eşti motivul vieţii mele
deziluzie, deziluzia e tot ce mi-ai lăsat...
Cum să te pot uita când lumea mea se face praf
Eşti tot ce-am avut, eşti tot ce vreau
Deziluzie, deziluzii sunt tot ce mai am acum...
Dorind, sperând, alergând după umbre
oare văd chipul tău undeva prin mulţime?
Gândind, minunându-mă, oare ce faci
Pot să mă opresc din a urla
Cică rana mea se va vindeca şi ar rămâne doar o cicatrice
dar apoi, nu şi-ar împărtăşi dragostea noastră
Deziluzie, deziluzii sunt tot ce mi-ai lăsat...
Cum să te pot uita când lumea mea se face praf
Eşti tot ce-am avut, eşti tot ce vreau
Deziluzie, deziluzii sunt tot ce mai am acum...
Deziluzie, deziluzii sunt tot ce mai am acum...

De ce atâta durere? (Dumnezeule!)

x 2
Dumnezeule, Dumnezeule!
De ce e umbra ta în visele mele?
De ce inima mea este plină de singurătate?
De ce limba mea este atât de liniștită?
Nu poate găsi voința de a vorbi din cauza iubirii.
De ce este atât de multă durere
în dragostea ta?
Dumnezeule, Dumnezeule!
De ce este atât de multă durere
în dragostea ta?
x 4
Dumnezeule, Dumnezeule!
De ce ochii tăi sunt atât de indiferenți?
Ochii mei sunt, de asemenea, umezi.
De ce te-am pierdut găsindu-te?
De ce nu am reușit să facem relația asta posibilă?
De ce este atât de multă durere
în dragostea ta?
x 2
Dumnezeule, Dumnezeule!
De ce este atât de multă durere
în dragostea ta?
x 2
Dumnezeule, Dumnezeule!
Share music and kindness! :)

Why so much pain, oh God

Oh God, oh God
Why is your shadow on my dreams?
Why is my heart full of loneliness?
Why is my tongue so quiet?
It cannot find the will to speak because of love.
Why so much pain
in your love?
Oh God ... oh God
Why so much pain
in your love?
Oh God ... oh God
Oh God ... oh God
Why are your eyes so ignorant?
My eyes are also moist.
Why have I lost you in finding you?
Why have we not managed to make it happen?
Why so much pain
in your love?
Oh God ... Oh God
Why so much pain
in your love?
Oh God ... Oh God

Ca să ne vedem curând

Versions: #2
Unde-s primăvara şi vara
Care erau ale noastre cândva
Unde s–au dus iute așa.
Pur şi simplu nu ştiu eu,
Dar iubirea mea pentru tine va dăinui mereu.
--- R ---
Hasta mañana, ca să ne vedem curând
Nu ştiu unde ... nu ştiu când
Iubirea noastră n-a fost într-o doară
Și era mult prea puternică să moară,
Vom găsi o cale pentru a face faţă
... zilei ce vine de mâine dimineață.
Hasta mañana, zi-mi că ne vom revedea,
Fără tine nu pot rezista așa
E timpul să uităm și să salvăm ce mai avem
Trimite-mi o scrisoare, ceva.
Spune-mi că mă ierţi și pe mine,
Cu cât mai repede cu atât mai bine,
Hasta mañana, și curând să ne vedem.
Unde-i visul pe care ni l-am făcut
Şi nopţile petrecute împreună-n trecut
Unde s–au dus, în ce loc pustiu,
Pur şi simplu nu ştiu
Și nici nu pot să-ţi spun când dorești
... Cât de mult îmi lipseşti.
--- R ---
Hasta mañana, ca să ne vedem curând
Nu ştiu unde ... nu ştiu când
Iubirea noastră n-a fost așa într-o doară
... Și mult prea puternică să moară
Vom găsi o cale pentru a face faţă
... zilei ce vine de mâine dimineață.
Hasta mañana, zi-mi că ne vom revedea,
Fără tine ... nu pot rezista așa
E timpul să uităm și să salvăm ce mai avem
Trimite-mi o scrisoare, ceva.
Spune-mi că mă ierţi și pe mine,
Cu cât mai repede cu atât mai bine
Hasta mañana, dragule te am în gând
Hasta mañana, sper să ne mai vedem curând.
Hasta mañana, zi-mi că ne vom revedea,
Fără tine nu pot rezista așa
E timpul să uităm și să salvăm ce mai avem
Trimite-mi o scrisoare, ceva.
Spune-mi că mă ierţi și pe mine,
Cu cât mai repede cu atât mai bine
Hasta mañana, dragule te am în gând
Hasta mañana, sper să ne mai vedem curând.


Iubitule, cum mã cuprinde al tău dor,
Iubitule, aproape simt cã mor.
Am mai auzit de tine înainte,
Și am vrut sã aflu mai multe.
Abia acum mi-am dat seama
când au vrut sã spunã că nu-i ușor,
În dragoste esti ca un motor,
Of, mă faci să fiu confuză-n amor.
Iubitule, lasã-mã sã te simt și eu,
Iubitule, nu te ascunde în tine mereu.
Felul cum mã sãruti de noapte bunã,
felul cum ne strângem în brațe împreună,
mã face sã vreau sã cânt și îmi placi,
când îmi faci... ceea ce îmi faci!
Nu vreau să te rănesc iubito deloc
nu vreau să te văd plângând în acest joc,
Rămâi fetițo unde strădania te-a pus,
... mai bine nu te ridica prea sus.
Dar băiete, voi rămâne lipită de tine,
... nu vei scăpa niciodată de mine,
Nu există alt loc în acest pustiu,
... unde aș vrea mai degrabă să fiu.
Iubitule, atinge-mã ușor,
Iubitule, strânge-mã-n brațe cu dor.
Te porți ca un star de cinema,
dar eu stiu că nu ești numai așa.
Măcar să spunem o vorbă cinstită,
... Ești ca o fiarã dezlãnțuitã.
Deci rămâi fetițo unde strădania te-a pus,
... mai bine nu te ridica prea sus.
Nu există alt loc în acest pustiu,
... unde aș vrea mai degrabă să fiu.
Iubitule, cum mã cuprinde al tău dor,
Iubitule, aproape simt cã mor.
Am mai auzit de tine înainte,
Și am vrut sã aflu mai multe.
Abia acum mi-am dat seama
când au vrut sã spunã că nu-i ușor,

Sang To Görel

From Skultorp Görel sailed
to Sweden and Polar
She came, she saw, she conquered
and therefor she is staying
Now she sits as director
and Stikkan's great comfort
and she'll sit there until she dies
and hear Stikkan's voice
Where is Görel, say
Where is Görel, hey
I manage nothing without you
Where is Görel, say
Where is Görel, hey
Can someone answer me
She manages the hardest
We have a star
And you call up and she answers
that 'This is Sweden's voice'
Agnetha, Frida, all of us
Björn and Benny, too
They cause her stress with small cries
Yes, who doesn't
Where is Görel, say
Where is Görel, hey
I manage nothing without you
Where is Görel, say
Where is Görel, hey
Can someone answer me
In summer night's happenings
In Autumn's rain and haze
She talks, always smiling
with her licensees
They call from Brasil
from Japan and Iraq
and she always has the same style
and they have the same business
Where is Görel, say
Where is Görel, hey
I manage nothing without you
Where is Görel, say
Where is Görel, hey
Can someone answer me
Yes, Görel is thorough
and she checks on what happens
She keeps her little hand in it
and much, much more
And now is it still the one
who should have a little hand
When her Anders afterwards calls
sometimes we catch it
Where is Görel, say
Where is Görel, hey
I manage nothing without you
Where is Görel, say
Where is Görel, hey
Can someone answer me


You pull me to see the stars
You had the moonlight in my eyes for once
Every time I look up in the sky
But there's no star
I won't leave you alone
Don't let that moon lonely
You drag my hand to see the stars
Sitting on the rooftop with sunset glow
Every time I look up in the sky
But there's no star
It's OK, you are my universe and you are shining brightly
If this lyric can console you
I'll hold the pen
I can say more sincerely
than irritating
All day
You were waiting for me
like a dog than a cat
What made you so sad all day?
You are the most special in this planet
You didn't know that.
You want some more
Why do you keep lock you up?
You want some more
Sky is nothing to believe
You drag my hand to see the stars
Sitting on the rooftop with sunset glow
Every time I look up in the sky
But there's no star
It's OK, you are my universe and you are shining brightly
You know
I flinched whenever you make things heavy
I don't have a hand to console you
Now I'm a lost star
You are the power to pull me
You are wandering like a sky without stars
Just like the constellation we've been through
You and me follow the road
Remember me
You want some more
Why do you keep lock you up?
You want some more
Sky is nothing to believe
You drag my hand to see the stars
Sitting on the rooftop with sunset glow
Every time I look up in the sky
But there's no star
It's OK, you are my universe and you are shining brightly
Girl I don’t know why I’m leaving
Girl I don’t know why
Let me know again from the beginning
Girl I don’t know why I’m leaving
Girl I don’t know why
You drag my hand to see the stars
Sitting on the rooftop with sunset glow
Every time I look up in the sky
But there's no star
It's OK, you are my universe and you are shining brightly
I went out looking for you who looked just like me
Even if I tried to pull you
Every time I look up in the sky
But there's no star
It's OK, you are my universe and you are shining brightly


I walk around like an ungovernable ship
In the blue waters of your eyes.
It's been a long time since I lost you but I touch you
And when I mentally hug you at nights,
I think that our ways never separated.
And as days pass by
And as hours pass by
I don't want to see anyone,
Weekends without you, are dead.
Our weekends,
Drunken kisses and caress,
Our dreams are past history.
Devastated weekends
Nugatory nights,
I can't take life
Without you, without you.
I walk around like a full round moon
And I look for you between the stars of the sky.
I whisper your name day and night
You took my heart and mind.
And I hope that you will come back to me.
And as days pass by
And as hours pass by
I don't want to see anyone,
Weekends without you, are dead.
Our weekends,
Drunken kisses and caress,
Our dreams are past history.
Devastated weekends
Nugatory nights,
I can't take life
Without you, without you.

Mustafa (The Chosen One)

The Chosen One x16
Leader of the first (of all creations), leader of the last (of all creations)
He is my Prophet, favourite Prophet of affection
He is the radiance of the Sun, he is the smile of the Moon
Seal of the Prophets, most fortunate are we
The Chosen One x12
Leader of the Prophets, leader of the messengers
He is my Prophet, my heart’s Prophet of affection
He is the best of creation, he is a mine of diamonds
Face of illumination, the leader of the two worlds (Mankind and Jinnkind)
The Chosen One x12
In his path I will remain everyday
I yearn to see him in my dream
Standing in front of the Rawdah, my heart filled with the deepest of respect
With flowing tears, I send my salutations
The Chosen One x16

My Queen

She wanted to meet up with me tonight
I told her to just be herself
Because we’re the only ones here
Baby, take your time, yeah
People will often ruin things
She said let them try
She’s loyal, yeah
Her body is brutal, yeah
She’s the only who 100% understands me
So baby come with me tonight
And let’s sing along with it
I’ll give you everything you want
It’s you and me forever
She’s my queen, yeah
She’s my queen, yeah
Taking me up to the sky
I’ll do anything for you
Because you’re always there for me
She’s my queen yeah e
Eeh, eeh, oh
Queen, yeah
I’ve seen so many girls
My chick here has a lot going on*
She’s tired of her ex
She wants someone who knows how to flex
A real woman
I’ll make your worries disappear
She’s what I need
She fights till it’s over
She’s the only who 100% understands me
So baby come with me tonight
And let’s sing along with it
I’ll give you everything you want
It’s you and me forever
She’s my queen, yeah
She’s my queen, yeah
Taking me up to the sky
I’ll do anything for you
Because you’re always there for me
She’s my queen yeah e
Eeh, eeh, oh
Queen, yeah
She makes me eh oh eh ohwey
No one like you eh ohwey
I’ll do anything for you
Because you’re always there for me
She’s my queen yeah
Eeh, eeh, oh
Queen yeah
She is
She is always there for me
She is
She is my queen yeah
She is
She is always there for me yeah
She is
She is my queen yeah
She is my queen yeah
I’ll die for you, she is mine
She’s my queen yeah
I’ll do anything
She’s my queen yeah
(For you)
Taking me to the sky
I’ll do anything for you
because you’re always here for me
She’s my queen yeah
Eeh eeh oh
Queen yeah
She makes me eh eh oh eh ohwey
She’s my queen yeah
No one like you oh eh ohwey
No one like you
She makes me eh oh eh ohwey
She’s my queen yeah
No one like you oh eh ohwey
No one like you
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Proofreading and corrections are encouraged// Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

Honey Honey

Versions: #2
Honey, Honey, wonderful, a-ha, Honey, Honey
Honey, Honey, sweet darling, ah-ha, Honey, Honey
They whisper such sweet words
You are their everything on earth
You shouldn't believe that
Just take it easy
Things like that are just flattery
Honey, Honey, not so bad, ah-ha, Honey, Honey
Honey, Honey, little girl, ah-ha, Honey, Honey
The mill that grinds is empty
and it is a pitiful show
No, guys who talk like that
No one trusts
It tends to be them who let you down
who have eagerly gone along with
But when you know
then you can probably make it
Don't believe in wishful flattery
and watch out what you do
And keep yourself down to earth
Yes, whatever you hear
Honey, Honey, everyone whispers, ah-ha, Honey, Honey
Honey, Honey, easy to fall, ah-ha, Honey, Honey
But believe whatever you want
And don't pay attention to
everything sweet you hear
like so many do
Don't believe flattery
No, watch out what you do
Yes, keep yourself down to earth
Yes, whatever you hear
Honey, Honey, wonderful, ah-ha, Honey, Honey
Honey, Honey, sweet darling, ah-ha, Honey, Honey
But sweetness is not everything
So take it with a pinch of salt
and if you are sensible then
then you don't take one
No, then you take many

It should be stopped now

It should be stopped now,
To run and run away,
I feel like it won't be possible from tomorrow on
There should be a get across now,
To take our strength,
And declare that its a - Farewell!
There should be backing down now,
Not to wait, not to hesitate,
And go, go with common sense.
To step on a different path,
Not to look back even once,
The farewall wouldn't hurt today yet possibly.
This will not have happy end anyways,
You deserve a 100 times better than me!
It should be stopped now,
To run and run away,
I feel like it won't be possible from tomorrow
It's folly to stay,
It's impossible to go,
Anyone who loves you like this, is living in handcuffs
It should be stopped now,
To run and run away,
I feel like it won't be possible from tomorrow on
There should be a squarrel now,
To take our strength,
And declare that its a - Farewell!
This will not have happy end anyways,
You deserve a 100 times better than me!
It should be stopped now,
To run and run away,
I feel like it won't be possible from tomorrow
It's folly to stay,
It's impossible to go,
Anyone who loves you like this, is living in handcuffs
Anyone who loves you like this, is living in handcuffs

Saturday Night

And what wouldn't I give to have you
However long I wait, I'll endure it
But you're running to him again
And I'm crying on a Saturday night
And what wouldn't I give to have you
I'm falling apart and I endure
Seeing you in his arms
And I'm crying for you in front of him
I'm fighting waves alone
The excuses are finished now
I have no control, you're everywhere
And the paths lead to you
Beat harder
Put a mark on the left
Open a hole in this heart
That beats only for you
How much I want to see you, to see you, to see you
I go, I come, I turn around and I mention you
Give me just one minute to tell you, to tell you
How I'm going crazy
And what wouldn't I give to have you
However long I wait, I'll endure it
But you're running to him again
And I'm crying on a Saturday night
And what wouldn't I give to have you
I'm falling apart and I endure
Seeing you in his arms
And I'm crying for you in front of him
All my problems
Mistakes that became lessons
Didn't prepare the way
And I didn't expect such feelings
Beat harder
Put a mark on the left
Open a hole in this heart
That beats only for you
How much I want to see you, to see you, to see you
I go, I come, I turn around and I mention you
Give me just one minute to tell you, to tell you
How I'm going crazy
And what wouldn't I give to have you
However long I wait, I'll endure it
But you're running to him again
And I'm crying on a Saturday night
And what wouldn't I give to have you
I'm falling apart and I endure
Seeing you in his arms
And I'm crying for you in front of him
And I'm crying for you in front of him

Oh, What Times

Oh, what times
Paradise looms
You may call it fantasies
But it sure is a dream to remember
Dreamt a dream, I remember and I know
Water turned into wine and enemies into friends
It was wonderful to live
Everything was free so who would miss anything
No, paradise
Naked we were, like Adam and Eve
Oh, what times
Wonderful days
Amuse yourself like a king, feel like a prince
Enjoy all the good things available
Oh, what times
Paradise looms
You may call it fantasies
But it sure is a dream to remember
Nobody was angry and nobody was depressed
Everyone was a brother and a sister
Oh, what I dreamt in that moment
The magpie1, she sang and the cuckoo2, he laughed
You see, nothing compares to that
We were in the grove of paradise
Oh, what times
Wonderful days
Amuse yourself like a king, feel like a prince
Enjoy all the good things available
Oh, what times
Paradise looms
You may call it fantasies
But it sure still is a dream to remember
  • 1. One of several birds in the crow family known to make a chattering or laughing sound
  • 2. A member of the cuckoo order of birds known for the goo-koo song

Another Town, Another Friend

Versions: #2
The dawn is breaking, I have to leave
Look outside the sky is blue
And a morning is awaiting me
So goodbye, maybe we'll see each other later
I want to get out and look around again
Because I'm a dreamer
And I go wherever the path takes me
To another town, another friend
Maybe we'll see each other another day
Don't shed any farewell tears for the journey
To another town, another friend
To the great freedom
Life is short, the world is waiting out there
Life is short, the world is waiting out there
The day is an adventure
And I set out on a journey towards sun and sea
Nothing can blind me
So goodbye, wipe away your tear
Look it's already spring outside
Yes, I'm a dreamer
And I go wherever the path takes me
To another town, another friend

I Loved You So That I Forgot Sleep

Versions: #2
I loved you so that I forgot sleep
My fear is that you will forget me
You locked me up outside of sleep
And left me staying awake into the night
I loved you, I loved you
I loved you, I loved you
I miss you -- I can't see you
Nor can I speak to you
I call you behind the streets
And behind the windows
I try to forget
You steal forgetfulness
And I think I have found you
Return for me what was
And everything is lost from me, I didn't find you
I loved you, I loved you
I loved you, I loved you
My fear is that I will still love you
In the coming days
And I run away from your forgetting
Don't look in the mirror
My jail is you, you are my jail
And my freedom is you
And you are what I hate
And what I love is you
I wish I had not stayed up and put you to sleep
I loved you, I loved you
I loved you, I loved you

Ai uitat Napoli

Intr-o seara, oh blonda, te dusei la mare
Pentru prima data la Napoli vara.
Stateai cu mine la prora si ochii tai albastri
Spre golf se incantau
Unde, iluminat, aparea Napoli
Si cate o voce se auzea deja.
E Iubire, Iubire!
Blonda, ma intelegeai si te intelegeam si eu
Cand, mana in mana,
Tu vorbeai franceza, eu napoletana,
Te indragostisi de Napoli,
Te indragostisi de mine.
Trandafirii Manastirii Sf. Martin,
Balcon care in cer e construit,
Noi priveam afara in timp ce, dimineata,
Bisericile deja sunau
Si nori de caldura se imprastiau
Si Napoli se trezea vara.
Si Iubire, Iubire!
Tremura aceasta inima a ta pe aceasta inima
Si cand, de la valurile clare,
Vazusi soarele ca rasarea in mare
Tu sarutasi Napoli,
Tu, ma sarutai pe mine.
Si cum, cum? Dupa multa dragoste
Tu ai putut sa uiti Napoli,
Tu, cand pleca un vapor,
Cate lacrime varsai
Pe aceasta inima si, cand iti scriau
te-am vazut rupand scrisorile.
Si Iubire, Iubire!
Intr-o seara pe neasteptate,iti spusei: 'E adevarat
Ca pleci maine'?
Tu mi-ai udat de lacrimi aceste maini
Si-ai abandonat Napoli
M-ai abandonat pe mine.