Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 105


Your prison

You go, llove
if you want
What am i going to do?
your vanity does not let you understand
that in poverty you know how to love
I want to cry
and it destroys me that you think like this
and more that now I'm left without you
what you are going to suffer hurts
But I remember, nobody is perfect
and you will see it, more than a thousand things
better you will have
but sincere darling never
forget about this
that you leave today and want to change
that in the adventure
that you will see
it will be your jail and you will never leave


Barcelona, ​​Barcelona
Barcelona, ​​Barcelona
Am avut acest vis desăvârșit
Un vis m-a învăluit
Acest vis era cu mine și cu tine
Poate că ești aici
Vreau ca toată lumea să vadă
Un instinct m-a călăuzit
O senzație miraculoasă
Călăuza și inspirația mea
Acum visul meu devine treptat realitate
Vântul e o briză blândă
Mi-a povestit despre tine
Clopotele sună
Cântecul zboară
Ne cheamă împreună
Să ne călăuzească pentru totdeauna
Îmi doresc ca visul să nu dispară niciodată
A fost prima oară când ne-am întâlnit
Cum aș putea uita
Momentul în care ai pășit în cameră
Mi s-a tăiat respirația
Muzica a vibrat
Și ea ne-a unit
Și cu voia lui Dumnezeu
Ne vom întâlni din nou
Într-o zi
Să înceapă cântecul
Să se nască melodia
Să cânte muzica
Lăsați vocile să cânte
O mare iubire s-a născut
Începeți sărbătoarea
Veniți la mine
Și strigați
Prindeți viață
Și zguduiți temeliile cerului
Zguduind viețile noastre
Un orizont atât de frumos
Ca o bijuterie în soare
Pentru tine voi fi pescărușul mării tale frumoase
Sună clopotele
Deschideți porțile către lume
Cu voia lui Dumnezeu
Cu voia lui Dumnezeu
Cu voia lui Dumnezeu
Prieteni până la sfârșit


Vreau doar să fug o noapte în Barcelona,
Acolo putem face totul,
Ceea ce vrem cu adevărat.
Sub cer, sangria,
Trupul tău peste al meu,
Să mergem la noapte!
Vreau doar să fugim
O noapte în Barcelona.
Nu-i nevoie de un motiv să stăm la noapte,
Nu-i nevoie de nimeni să-mi spună ce-i bine,
Oh, ești mai mult decât un sentiment și nu pot nega inima,
Tot acest dor de tine e partea cea mai grea.
E divin, iubirea noastră e ca o dulce, plăcută melodie,
Nu-mi da drumul niciodată, căci nu vreau să fiu eliberată/liberă!
Femeia pe care o iubesc are un chip drăguț, drăguț,
Și dansând ah, are o talie răguță, drăguță,
Fără stilist, ea are ah! un stil drăguț, drăguț!
Legată de mine, ah, suntem drăguț, drăguț înlănțuiți,
Ochii atât de mari și plini de grație,
Fată, ești calea să mă destresezi (?)
... deci îi las locul / mă retrag,
Fată, ești calea să mă destresezi (?)

My Little Yearning Heart

My little yearning heart,
Stop beating so hard!
You say you like a little babe,
But I don't want to believe you. (bis)
Don't take me, little heart,
Where you know I want to go.
Even if my soul will die of yearning,
I'm not listening to you now anymore.
You always squeezed my strength,
'Cause you did just what you wanted.
If you break, my heart, in two,
And I still don't believe you. (bis)
Don't take me, little heart,
Where you now I want to go.
Even if my soul will die of yearning,
I'm not listening to you now anymore.
My little yearning heart,
Let's make a covenant:
That you will not let me die,
As long as love will live on earth.(bis)
Don't take me, little heart,
Where you know I want to go.
Even if my soul will die of yearning,
I'm not listening to you anymore.
I will dream night after night
What would've been if it could possible
For me to do, heart, like you want:
To share my love with him.


You told me “I’ll do what I want”
I’ve spent three lives looking for you
You know I’m still scared of flying
If we argue before takeoff
And yes, Tunisia, police
How you’ve suffered, oh my god
And your fans still insult me
And how’s the new album coming along?
And listen here, I really can’t stand your mom
I wanna break your phone
You lie when you tell me everything’s fine now
That you stopped smoking, too
We came out of it devastated, covered in insults
Say hi to Gucci for me, I hold you and you slip away
I hold you and you slip away
The last time I saw you was there
How weird seeing each other here after check-in
We ended up in a blender, after this huge love
I’d like to at least get a song out of it
What a prediction, toxic love
Love your neighbor
What if we were in a different place?
That night, November of last year
Don’t tell me: “everything’s fine”, I know you
In the neighborhood I’m still the same boy
You say I smoke with my friends, I act hard and cool
The age gap, I’ve never felt it
I open my heart to you, you open the minibar doors
Hey, when I look at you you leave me speechless
How lucky I am to be loved by you
And you’re a virgo according to the stars
And when we do it it’s like you get your virginity back
Don’t reuse those messages
Oh baby, no, don’t tear me down
Delete my works if you miss me
Where are you? I can’t wait
The last time I saw you was there
How weird seeing each other here after check-in
We ended up in a blender, after this huge love
I’d like to at least get a song out of it
Maybe there isn’t better fate than this
Smile, it doesn’t take much to get lost
We ended up in a blender, after this huge love
I’d like to at least get a song out of it
You told me “I’ll do what I want”
I’ve spent three lives looking for you
You know I’m even more scared of flying
If we argue before takeoff

Inima ta îmi aparține

Mai bine m-ai uita
Și nu m-ai mai suna!
Sufletu-mi va arde,
Dar nu, nu suna!
Te doresc, te doresc iar,
Să fiu cu tine e interzis,
Te doresc, te doresc dureros,
Chiar dacă asta ar fi ultima dată.
Chiar dacă toate femeile au fost cu tine,
Voi fi iubirea ta pentru totdeauna,
Ia-le sufletele, construiește un templu,
Inima ta îmi aparține, amintește-ți asta!
Chiar dacă toate femeile au fost cu tine,
Voi fi iubirea ta pentru totdeauna,
Chiar dacă o viață întreagă ne separă,
Inima ta îmi aparține, amintește-ți asta!
Bei? De ce nu dormi?
Am uitat să-ți spun ceva,
Vorbele astea te vor durea,
Dar trebuie să-ți mărturisesc repede.
Te doresc, te doresc iar,
Să fiu cu tine e interzis,
Te doresc, te doresc dureros,
Chiar dacă asta ar fi ultima dată.
Înnebunesc, ce mi se întâmplă?
Ți-aș da totul, totul pentru tine!
Înnebunesc, încerc totul,
Dar „tragic îndrăgostită” e scris în mine,
Așa îți place să-mi spui.
Iubite, mă dezgolești cu ochii tăi,
Iar când mă îmbrățișezi,
Transformi camera asta într-un rug!


Ily Wonder
I didn't want to accept it, no, (no, no)
but you and Earth have something in common, (common).
You put me on the ground, oh
though I didn't believe it, you affected me.
You didn't put in water all of the roses I gave you
they dried up, just like you.
You turned gray my blue sky
I wish you never get to experience what you did to me.
Enjoy it,
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl, enjoy it
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl.
Friend1, you left me alone
and know I'm falling in love
with the ass of that beautiful girl.
The face of an angel but damned.
It was all your fault, you turned out being a bitch
you turned out half an actress.
Didn't know you were clever.
It was all your fault, you turned out being a bitch
you turned out half an actress.
Didn't know you were clever.
Enjoy it,
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl, enjoy it
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl, enjoy it.
'Cause I'll be enjoying.
Better bitches than you I'll be fucking,
one that loves me and is faithful to me,
not like you who's useless, you knew how to take off.
I let you go2, so now baby, give me a smell3.
You are two colored like a panda,
now let's have it, let's hit the bong,
it's no longer for love that my heart picks up the songs.
Enjoy it,
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl, enjoy it
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl.
Don't open more crystal or the presidential suite, no
there's no one to swing you to the ocean,
I used to make you scream like a lost castaway,
those moments are no more.
It was all your fault, you turned out being a bitch
you turned out half an actress.
Didn't know you were clever.
It was all your fault, you turned out being a bitch
you turned out half an actress.
Didn't know you were clever.
I didn't want to accept it, no, (no, no)
but you and Earth have something in common, (common).
You put me on the ground, oh
Enjoy it,
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl, enjoy it
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl, enjoy it
Mamacita (enjoy it)
Papi Juancho
J Quiles
Tell me, Lenny (Yah)
Lenny Tavárez, baby
Tra, tra, tra
Maluma, be-bebé, ba-ba-baby
Tra, tra, tra (Ja)
One thing, ay, my love
Enjoy life, I don't five a shit, ¡wuh!
Maluma, ba-ba-baby
Ily Wonder
  • 1. Parce is Colombian slang meaning ''dude, bro. In this context since he is talking to a woman, this words don't seem to fit, that's why I chose ''friend'', in a more formal way.
  • 2. Dominican slang
  • 3. I have never heard of this slang before. So I tried to put up with what I found on the Internet, though help of someone who knows it would be appreciated


I asked the rain where’s the shore, and ever so quietly it whispered:
In fogs of lifetime your shore had withered,
You lost your hopes, and lost its dreams
this ship of yours set on an obscure course.
Ships, like people in the sea — people-sails
In fogs of life they float into the distant sea vales.
Deep is this path on my own course
Ships at sea seek home shores.
Once, I was seen off heading towards unknown worlds
In fogs of life I wandered and got lost.
My mother’s parting words: son, may your return be quick.
The shores were rain washed, or made by tears slick.
I would become the endless sky, become a torrent,
I would become a salty breeze - just to return home,
But for the infinite time that washed away any trace of the past.
In fogs of lifetime the ships didn’t last.

De la Ebro la Dunăre

Lumina lunii a dezvăluit
Unde s-a ascuns întunericul
Cântec, dans și muzică
Noi jucăm în zori
Înștiințați pe toți
Care este acest cântec
Când picioarele sunt obosite
Noi cântăm toți până în zori
Ooopa țupa
Să bată fiecare inimă
Să se întoarcă fustele
În toate curțile
Ooopa țupa
Să bată inima mea
Să se întoarcă fustele
În curtea noastră
Lumbai lumbai lumbai la
Veniți veniți veniți
De la Ebro la Dunăre
Veniți veniți veniți
Acum, toată lumea știe
Care este această melodie
Când picioarele obosesc
Noi cântăm până în zori
Ooopa țupa
Să bată fiecare inimă
Să se întoarcă fustele
În toate curțile
Ooopa țupa
Să bată inima mea
Să se întoarcă fustele
În curtea noastră
Lumbai lumbai lumbai la
Veniți veniți veniți
De la Ebro la Dunăre
Veniți veniți veniți ...

Am venit să mă închin

[Strofa 1]
Tu ești lumina
Care strălucea în întuneric
Îmi deschise ochii, am putut vedea
Inima mea adoră frumusețea Ta
Speranța vieții ești Tu
Am venit să mă închin
Am venit să îngenunchez
Am venit să spun că ești Domnul meu
Numai Tu ești mare
Numai Tu ești demn
Ești uimitor pentru mine
Am venit să mă închin
Am venit să îngenunchez
Am venit să spun că ești Domnul meu
Numai Tu ești mare
Numai Tu ești demn
Ești uimitor pentru mine
[Strofa 2]
Tu ești regele
Foarte înălțat
Slăvit pe veci Doamne
Ai trăit umil în lumea pe care ai creat-o
Iar sărac te-ai făcut din iubire
Am venit să mă închin
Am venit să îngenunchez
Am venit să spun că ești Domnul meu
Numai Tu ești mare
Numai Tu ești demn
Ești uimitor pentru mine
Am venit să mă închin
Am venit să îngenunchez
Am venit să spun că ești Domnul meu
Numai Tu ești mare
Numai Tu ești demn
Ești uimitor pentru mine
[Strofa 3]
Nu voi ști niciodată
Cât a costat
Să-mi văd răul
Pe acea cruce
Nu voi ști niciodată
Cât a costat
Să-mi văd răul
Pe acea cruce
Nu voi ști niciodată
Cât a costat
Să-mi văd răul
Pe acea cruce
Nu voi ști niciodată
Cât a costat
Să-mi văd răul
Pe acea cruce
Am venit să mă închin
Am venit să îngenunchez
Am venit să spun că ești Domnul meu
Numai Tu ești mare
Numai Tu ești demn
Ești uimitor pentru mine
Am venit să mă închin
Am venit să îngenunchez
Am venit să spun că ești Domnul meu
Numai Tu ești mare
Numai Tu ești demn
Ești uimitor pentru mine
Regele uimitor al gloriei
Uimitor de puternic
Am venit să mă închin
Am venit să îngenunchez
Am venit să spun că ești Domnul meu
Numai Tu ești mare
Numai Tu ești demn
Ești uimitor pentru mine

Come And See,What Happened İn The Home Of Heart Which İs Place To Hide

Come and see,what happened in the home of heart which is place to hide
Every daytime and night has been a long year of grief
Even the breaths of my life who i took,
has been a nuisance
İ can't handle the trouble of separation who has been enough,anymore
Day by day,the state of my heart hss been worse

It is an adventure

And it's an adventure to know you,
Walk with and obey you, and live for you.
It is an adventure to be with you,
Walk with and be your friend, and live for you.
And it's an adventure every day if I have you,
If I have you.
It is an adventure, I can cross the sea,
I walk on water, if you go with me,
It is an adventure to cross the threshold,
That leads to the impossible if you go with me,
If you go with me.
It is an adventure that doesn't end,
By trusting your word and following you,
It's an adventure when I believe regardless
Of what I see because you are there,
It is an adventure every day if I have you,
If I have you.
It is an adventure, I can cross the sea,
I walk on water, if you go with me,
It is an adventure to cross the threshold,
That leads to the impossible if you go with me,
If you go with me.
It is an adventure, I can cross the sea,
I walk on water, if you go with me,
It is an adventure to cross the threshold,
That leads to the impossible if you go with me,
I walk on water, if you go with me,
Nothing is impossible if you only you
If you go with me.

I Sell Dreams

I haven’t forgotten this melody,
although so many years have gone by.
I remember onlookers and a crowd of kids who, like me,
were standing there, being all ears.
Every day at the same time
an elderly gentleman used to stop in front of the house.
He used to play resonantly a colourful barrel organ
and sing us this song:
'For one penny I sell dreams,
for one penny I change sorrows into laughter.
For one penny I take away your tears
and I bring you joy instead'.
Today nobody knows what happened to him,
when the sound of the barrel organ died down.
But since that time sometimes I long for
the resonant melody of those years.
'For one penny I sell dreams,
for one penny I change sorrows into laughter.
For one penny I take away your tears
and I bring you joy instead'.

The Prisoners' Song

At the thought of the holder
of my love
I feel a delightful
All blessing
to that rogue
that brings me it
I love my guy
because he steals hearts
with his grace and his charm
He makes me proud
because there are many (girls) who desire him
and they're left with their desire
I was born capricious
and I want him just for
just for me
To pluck his love from me
is like plucking
the little petals from a flower
I die of joy
when he looks at me
it turns me to jelly
when he sighs
If he throws flowers at me
I feel my heart
die of love
Because he makes little eyes at me
with them half-closed
very cute and very mischievous
and they say to me, 'Oh, star of my eye,
how, for that little person
I melt and die.'

45 brains and one heart

They found
Where they always knew
They were
45 brains and one heart
In front of such a discovery
And the amazement of the present ones
They saw the light, conserved
Like bodies of pharaos
Here, without myth or rite
Left to time
Wrapped up in mud
Near some urbanization
45 brains and 1 heart
They're still there in silence
Their longings suspended
Dirty fate
Their dreams whisper
Dirty silence, yes
They're still there
They found
Where they always knew
They were
45 brains and 1 heart
In front of such a discovery
And the amazement of the present ones
They saw the light, conserved
Like bodies of pharaos
The soil made them of themselves and ours
Heaven had them alive and dead
Jewels of modern fortgetfulness
Who forgets, who remembers?
45 brains and one heart
Tell me, death, little death of mine
Where will you burn?
The lady answers:
'I will come at dawn
I will come at nightfall
I will come where you will be'
My time is not your time
It wanted to explain
That I live in the stones
The ones of today and the ones of yesterday
I am the course of the world
I am only a second
Afterwards there will be no afterwards
After eighty years
After eight decades
While I sing
While he plays
While you listen to me
While you breathe
While, during, afterwards
They're still there
In silence


It might seem innocent to you
But even so, it is evident
that not even the most eloquent
and not even thousands of serpent's tongues
could answer me
if someone, among so many people,
including the claircoyants
with their budding visions
sees in recent history
of Orient and Occident
a reason that nourishes
this insane dimension
if my mind does not lie to me
someone among the listeners
could answer me
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes:
If water has an owner
who owns light?
Who owns this soil?
Who profits off of our
who profits off of our


Older than hope
More common than chicory
It's dismem...ory
Like a false accusation
The most faithful story
Is not always mem...ory
This treadmill turns
Swing door
There's no glory
If there's memory
If you stay silent you kill it
It's like a skin
You find it if you scratch
Fertile orchard
The flower of the present
Will be born in it
This treadmill turns
Swing door
There's no glory
If there's mem...
I lost the thread
The thread to this story
I lost the thread
The thread to this

Your Prison

Versions: #2
My love, you're leaving, if that's what you want what can I do?
your vanity doesn't let you understand
that in poverty we know how to love
I want to cry and it destroys me that you feel that way
especially now that I'll be without you
it hurts me to know what you will suffer
Just remember nobody's perfect and you'll find that out
more than a thousand better things you will have
but sincere love, never
go on forgetting what today you leave behind and will exchange
for the affair that you shall find
will be your prison and you'll never get out
I want to cry and it destroys me that you feel that way
especially now that I'll be without you
it hurts me to know what you will suffer
Just remember nobody's perfect and you'll find that out
more than a thousand better things you will have
but sincere love, never
go on forgetting what today you leave behind and will exchange
for the affair that you shall find
will be your prison and you'll never get out

If the sky fell

Somewhere far away, she's waiting for me
A whole world separates us again
Time passes slowly, always alone
A whole world separates us again
I'd stop time and the moments
I'd live the memories today
Just to embrace you again
I'd find the path and I'd follow you
Wherever you might go, I'd fight for us
To embrace you again
If the sky fell
And whatever happens
I will not let anything separate us
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
Ever, ever . . .
I couldn't live
If you didn't smile at me
I see a whole world in your eyes
When I embrace you
I can dream again
I see a whole world in your eyes
I'd stop time and the moments
I'd live the memories today
Just to embrace you again
I'd find the path and I'd follow you
Wherever you might go, I'd fight for us
To embrace you again
If the sky fell
And whatever happens
I will not let anything separate us
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
Ever, ever . . .
When the horrible storm tries to take you from me again
I will offer it my own life instead
When the storm tries to take you from me again
You'll see that love will overcome
Love . . .
I will not let anything separate us . . .
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
I will not let anything separate us . . .
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
No, no, no, never . . .
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

That flame which is lighting me up

My beautiful fire,
Whether I'm near
Or far,
Will be always burning
For you, my dear eyes1,
Without losing its heat2
My soul really likes
That flame which is lighting me up
And which will never put out
And if my destiny is to be with you,
Wandering rays of my beautiful Sun,
She will want no other light,
Nor she will we ever be able to
  • 1. Most likely referring to his beloved's eyes.
  • 2. Might also be interpreted as 'passion'.


Because you have blue eyes
And your hair enjoys challenging the sun
By its fiery glare
Because you are twenty years old
And you crunch the life just like a red fruit
Which we grab while laughing
You believe that everything is allowed for you and you can do anything that comes to your mind
You get sorry for an instant and are ready to start again
You play with my heart
Like a spoiled child
Who asks for a toy to smash it into pieces
Because you have too much love
You come to steal my nights from the depth of my sleep
And make my days cry
But take care darling ! I do not respond anything
If my reason goes astray and I lose patience
I can scratch our hearts by a spear from existence
So you are the sole aim and unique linkage
Because I do not have anyone but you
Heart is my only master
Love makes the law for us
Because you live in me
And nothing can replace the moments of happiness
And when I hold you in my arms
I do not give a damn neither to God , nor to men
I am ready to die, if you die one day
Because death is only a game compared to love
And life is nothing without the love it gives to us
Because I am at the doorstep
Of an eternal love
I do not want my heart
to mourn

Fiece micut lucru !

Mreasma ce lasat-ai pe-a mea perna1
Sunetul alei inimi-ti batai
Privirea-ti , precum o fereastra
Gustul sarutului tau , aromat de vin
Fiece micut lucru
Imi amintesc fiece micut lucru
Culmile, durerea, stralucirea, durerea
A fiecarui micut lucru
Presupun ca ai uitat ceea ce mi-ai promis
Caci mi-ai lasat inima la pamant
Iubire, imaginea ta inca ma bantuie
Insa nu vreau sa mai dorm cu el
Fiece micut lucru
Imi amintesc fiecare lucru micut
Culmile, durerea, stralucirea, durerea
A fiecarui micut lucru
Imi amintesc fiecare lucru micut
Culmile, durerea, stralucirea, durerea
A fiecarui micut lucru
Se spune ca doar timpu vindeca
Doamne, sper sa nu fie asa
Fiindca in asta clipa , viata mi-as da , sa nu-mi amintesc
Fiece micut lucru
Imi amintesc fiecare lucru micut
Culmile, durerea, stralucirea, durerea
Fiece micut lucru
Imi amintesc fiecare lucru micut
Sunt bantuita de amintirele a
Fiece lucru micut
'Culmile', durerea, stralucirea, durerea
Fiece lucru micut
  • 1. Personal Adaptation/Translation/ Work allowed under the moral and written rule , found under the section of 'Website Rules---Adding a translation----Paragraph no 10 'As translations can be a mean of knowing and understanding a new language, it's better if you keep at least a colloquial (Though YOU'RE FREE to keep an informal tone in certain contexts) language that's easy to understand - and you may use footnotes to add general explanations and comments in certain parts of the translation.' So that being said , my profile is the place for the non-literal translation's and adaptation so people may like it or not , still that won't ever change a thing , so like they say in our dear America : Deal with it !!!

Girl Don't Be Discouraging

She's strong, her grace is divine
This is not luck, her Father made her blessed
And she shines, great girl
She can just didn't know, she just didn't know
If she suffers, she writes poetry
Neckline for what? If she has sympathy
She is not even noble, and the king calls her daughter
She wins by stubbornness
Who gave you all this boldness?
Who stirs up such joy in her?
It's not the prince of the lame horse
It was that King of the White Horse
This is the secret of this girl.
Not everyone will love you
Not everyone will appreciate you
Yet you have everything
Go and conquer your world
So girl, don't be discouraging
Close your eyes and you will find
The strength you need to achieve
The sky on you will bet
If you fall, get up and walk.
You're beautiful and have company.
You're strong, you just didn't know
Don't be discouraging
Don't be discouraging
Don't be discouraging
Don't be discouraging
When they decide to believe
They are strong and know how to dream.
Imperfect princesses made of royalty
That in their stories chose to fight

Nava mea călătoare

Batista albă din mâna ta
A rămas cu tine lângă mare
Și sărutul tău scurt și azi departe
M-a ars cu focul său nemuritor.
Plecând cu nava mea spre alte plaje
N-am mai fost vreodată fericit
Fiindcă oriunde mă duc
Am impresia că te-am pierdut.
Femeie frumoasă
Dintr-o țară depărtată și orientală
Este pentru dragostea ta
Că voi ancora și nu mă-ntorc pe mare.
~ ~ ~
Îmi voi opri nava călătoare
Unde-am învățat ce este să iubesc
Schimb destinul meu pentru totdeauna
Și dorința mea de a călători.
Femeie frumoasă
Dintr-o țară depărtată și orientală
Este pentru dragostea ta
Că voi ancora și nu mă-ntorc pe mare,
Că voi ancora și nu mă-ntorc pe mare.

Because It's You

Like a torrent of lava
Slave of flames
That burn, consume
Without ever tiring
You came
Into my life
Into my days
Into my nights
To burn, to consume
All that I was
Because it's you
Who put all that music in me
Because it's you
Who made my body sing
Even better than my voice
Because it's you
Who gave me the rage to love
Because it's you
Who made a woman of the child I was
You are my life
My soul
I'm only a woman
Caress, tenderness, sadness
When you leave
I am flame
When you take me
Dust when
You return
And my flesh, and my blood
Burn only for you
Because it's you
Who put all that music in me
Because it's you
Who made my body sing
Even better than my voice
Because it's you
Who gave me the rage to love
Because it's you
Who made a woman of the child I was
Are you an angel or demon, tell me
Because it's you
Who put all that music in me
Because it's you
Who made my body sing
Even better than my voice
Because it's you
Who gave me the rage to love
Because it's you
Who made a woman of the child I was
Yes it's you
My love
Yes it's you
Yes it's you
My love
Yes it's you
Yes it's you

Israel returns home

/: Israel returns home
From the east and the other horizons
Today, the Lord is calling them to the dinner table
They come from the four distant corners of the earth : /
Ref. 1: On horses and dromaderies, they were filled with strengh
With money, fortune and with great riches
They keep coming, the Shepherd is calling His flock
The route is mapped out by Him, He's waiting for you to come.
Ref. 2: Deported by enemies, got killed and burned in ovens
When the cruel death was lying in wait,
Thirsty, they were just shouting to the Lord
In your love, You've always heard their cries.
The people of the world have struck you,
And you've suffered much trouble and pain
Today, the Lord calls you again by name,
Israel, your trouble is over.
Get down the shroud from your face,
To see for yourself the salvation
The whole Law speaks of Him,
But your eyes could not see Him.
I love you with a mother love
My anger against you is over
And My merciful voice calls you today,
Come home, My beloved people
And you will forget the mournful songs
For new songs will be put in your chest
Not to go down the valley anymore
For God Himself will be with you.


You're the water that refreshes my summer,
I can hear your voice in the wind.
You made melodies that open today in you
A place inside my heart.
You're the air that refreshes my summer,
You renews me from within and I bear fruit.
I know in every season I'm sure with you,
Your grace remains upon me.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
You come as a cascade,
You love me strongly,
Like no one else can.
The size of your grace is indescribable,
Your love is enough for me.
You're the rain that awake my hope,
You're generous without comparison.
Infinite, inexhaustible, you are love,
You're my eternal abode.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
You come as a cascade,
You love me strongly,
Like no one else can.
The size of your grace is indescribable,
Your love is enough for me.
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
oh, oh, oh, oh...
You come as a cascade,
You love me strongly,
Like no one else can.
The size of your grace is indescribable,
Your love is enough for me.
  • En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .


Fly Away

I'm far from home for too long now
And with time you learn
Being proud is so useless
The word is ephemeral
And what is the importance of fears
If time makes them irrelevant?
Life is just a rehearsal of an eternal life
In this life I don't get anything, my emptiness is as big as me
I'd just want to fly away, leave everything behind
I'd just want to fly away, leave everything behind
I miss what I've never seen
I yearn for what I never felt
Why did they stop talking about heavens?
We're thinking a lot about this life down here
You didn't give me wings because you knew
That I wouldn't stay down here
After I knew everything up high
I wouldn't ever look back to the Earth
I'd just want to fly away, leave everything behind
I'd just want to fly away, leave everything behind
Only you know how to care for me so much
Only you will ever love me so much
Only you know how to care for me so much
Only you will ever love me so much
Angels, sing louder, so my soul can hear
It came from the sky and misses it so much that it wants to come back
Angels, sing louder, so my soul can hear
It came from the sky and misses it so much that it wants to come back
It wants to come back, it wants to come back, it wants to come back, it wants to come back
It wants to fly away, it wants to fly away, it wants to fly away, it wants to fly away
It wants to come back, it wants to come back, it wants to come back, it wants to come back
It wants to fly away, it wants to fly away, it wants to fly away, it wants to come back
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Friendly Advice

She lost her ground, sat down and cried
Where's your heart? You gave it away
And it went off, it went away
You trusted him, and him, oh, he lied
But let me tell you something, girl
It's better to cry now
Than to cry for a whole life
God rid you of those who didn't care for you
He really loved you all along
Could a father give his daughter
To a liar?
Take what is yours back
Take what God gave you back
Don't let anyone take
Don't let anyone say your worth
If he doesn't love, he doesn't deserve your love
God made you so whole, God made you so wise
Now, try to mend it, take this as a lesson
More than just a pretty smile
Less promises, more character and compromise
Take what is yours back
Take what God gave you back
Don't let anyone take
Don't let anyone say your worth
Take what is yours back
Take what God gave you back
Don't let anyone take
Don't let anyone say your worth
If he doesn't love, he doesn't deserve your love
Stop hurting yourself
If only you knew how much God loves you
You wouldn't beg for love
If only you knew how much God loves you
You wouldn't beg for love around
I'm not the wisest one around, but if it fits
Take my friendly advice
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

I'm The Difference

My Mom told me
'Do everything you want
Just don't disappoint God
And don't lose your faith'
So I realized
That I don't need to sin
To be happy
Much on the contrary
I wrote a list of things for my life
But it is so big that
I haven't done half of them
I put some smiles on my face
And filled my life with friends
I jumped from the bridge that drew us apart
In the sea of forgetfulness I drowned the hurt
I revolted against the lies
I got addicted to your joy
I took revenge by forgiving
And now I go, not feeling any shame
The opposite way
The opposite way
I don't believe in hearsay
Fads or theories
I believe in facts
Jesus Christ and the Bible
Call me old-fashioned
Christian or believer
In a world of similarities
I'm the difference
I don't believe in hearsay
Fads or theories
I believe in facts
Jesus Christ and the Bible
Call me old-fashioned
Christian or believer
In a world of similarities
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I dreamed
I achieved
I got here
I cried
But I'll sleep in peace
That's why I sing
Because I know in whom I trust
If I get tired
I get up
Because I love a challenge
And those who think that I lost
Don't know half
Of what I've been through
My life with God is an adventure
I've been through so much
That it barely fits this song
I don't believe in hearsay
Fads or theories
I believe in facts
Jesus Christ and the Bible
Call me old-fashioned
Christian or believer
In a world of similarities
I'm the difference
I don't believe in hearsay
Fads or theories
I believe in facts
Jesus Christ and the Bible
Call me old-fashioned
Christian or believer
In a world of similarities
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I don't believe in hearsay
Fads or theories
I believe in facts
Jesus Christ and the Bible
Call me old-fashioned
Christian or believer
In a world of similarities
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Your Prison

You want to go my love
If you want that what can I do
You can't understand
That even if you are poor you know how to love
I want to cry
And it destroys me that you think so
And that I am now without you
It hurts me because you are going to suffer
But remember
Nobody is perfect and you are going to see that
Maybe you will have thousand better things
But true love never
Go forgetting
From what you leave today and what you will change
For an adventure that you will see
It will be your prison and you will never leave
You want to go my love
If you want that what can I do
You can't understand
That even if you are poor you know how to love
I want to cry
And it destroys me that you think so
And that I am now without you
It hurts me because you are going to suffer
But remember
Nobody is perfect and you are going to see that
Maybe you will have thousand better things
But true love never
Go forgetting
From what you leave today and what you will change
For an adventure that you will see
It will be your prison and you will never leave
But remember
Nobody is perfect and you are going to see that
Maybe you will have thousand better things
But true love never
You want to go my love
I want to cry
You want to go my love

Închisoarea ta

Pleci, iubire...
Dacă așa vrei, ce voi face.
Vanitatea ta nu te lasă să înțelegi
Că în sărăcie se știe să se iubească.
Vreau să plâng
Și mă distruge că gândești așa
Și chiar mai mult căci acum am rămas fără tine.
Mă doare ceea ce tu vei suferi.
Dar amintește-ți.
Nimeni nu e perfect și tu vei vedea,
Poate mii de lucruri mai bune vei avea,
Dar o alinare sinceră nicicând.
Du-te, uitând
De ceea ce azi lași și de ce vei schimba
Pe aventură, căci tu deja vei vedea:
Va fi închisoarea ta și niciodată nu vei ieși.
Pleci, iubire...
Dacă așa vrei, ce voi face.
Vanitatea ta nu te lasă să înțelegi
Că în sărăcie se știe să se iubească.
Vreau să plâng
Și mă distruge că gândești așa
Și chiar mai mult căci acum am rămas fără tine.
Mă doare ceea ce tu vei suferi.
Dar amintește-ți.
Nimeni nu e perfect și tu vei vedea,
Poate mii de lucruri mai bune vei avea,
Dar o alinare sinceră nicicând.
Du-te, uitând
De ceea ce azi lași și de ce vei schimba
Pe aventură, căci tu deja vei vedea:
Va fi închisoarea ta și niciodată nu vei ieși.
Dar amintește-ți.
Nimeni nu e perfect și tu vei vedea,
Poate mii de lucruri mai bune vei avea,
Dar o alinare sinceră nicicând.
Pleci, iubire...
Vreau să plâng...
Pleci, iubire...