Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 101


Ever Green

The world… flowers…
Stars… the palm of my hand…
Dreams… the future… breaking into a run…
Strawberries… (New leaves… buds…)
Meeting… sparkling… (The shining world…)
Romance… wings… (Tears… daybreak…)
Pink… rose color… setting off on a journey… (Flying off with the breeze…)
(Buds… the shining world… daybreak… flying off with the breeze…)
Strawberries… an Indian summer… crimson…
Strawberries… (New leaves… buds…)
Meeting… sparkling… (The shining world…)
Romance… wings… (Tears… daybreak…)
Pink… rose color… setting off on a journey… (Flying off with the breeze…)
(Buds… the shining world… daybreak… flying off with the breeze…)
(Buds… the shining world… daybreak… flying off with the breeze…)
(Flying off with the breeze…)


At first glance, I'm already obsessed
In your shining eyes
You are a star from heaven
I can't imagine what you have in store
It's just fascinating
I can't explain how it feels (Ooh)
My happiness is blooming
Whenever you get closer
Hold my hand
Oh, My Muse
I will take you to
An unexpected paradise (Hoo-hoo)
I'll always sing a Kundiman for you
Won't get exhausted, you'll not be neglected
I will dance with you forever (Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo)
Memories that always come to mind (thought)
Peeping (peeping) is set by the mysterious
Light that you caused
Shined on my dark world (Ooh-ooh-oh)
I am very different when you're with me
The moon and stars are sleeping
As if the galaxy agrees with us (Galaxy)
My happiness is blooming
Whenever you get closer
Hold my hand (Hoo-hoo)
Oh, My Muse
I will take you to
An unexpected paradise (Hoo-hoo)
I'll always sing a Kundiman for you
Won't get exhausted, you'll not be neglected
I will dance with you forever (Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo)
Para-pa-pa-para-Paraluman (Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo)
Para-pa-pa-para-Paraluman (Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo)
Para-pa-pa-para-Paraluman (Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo)
Para-pa-pa-para-Paraluman (Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo)
Para-pa-pa-para-Paraluman (Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo)
Para-pa-pa-para-Paraluman (Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo)
Para-pa-pa-para-Paraluman (Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo)
Melody of Destiny (Ah, ah)
That matches us (Matches)
Melody of Destiny (Ah, ah)
That matches us (Matches)
Melody of Destiny (Ah, ah)
That already matches (Ooh-ooh-ooh, hoo-hoo, hoo)
Oh, My Muse
I will take you to
An unexpected paradise
I'll always sing a Kundiman for you
Won't get exhausted, you'll not be neglected
Dance with you, Loved you
Forever and ever (Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo)

Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit

Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit,
o noapte amară mă-mpresoară
și aceste ore de tăcere
îmi întunecă drumul.
Am rămas fără buzele tale,
ochii tăi, zâmbetul tău,
și nu știu unde să te găsesc.
Ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici,
ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici.
Ce greu îmi e să te iubesc atât!
Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit.
În caz că nu te mai întorci
să mă vezi în privirea ta,
în caz că niciodată n-ai înțeles
motivul cuvintelor mele,
îți las în cântecul meu
acest gest într-un singur sens
al pielii mele care te-a iubit.
Ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici,
ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici.
Ce greu îmi e să te iubesc atât!
Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit,
timpul nostru s-a sfârșit,
timpul nostru s-a sfârșit...

No One Like Me

Versions: #1
So many lies that love hides
I don't know
So many secrets without being resolved
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
With the desire to see you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
Without being able to have you
She left without leaving any reasons
Choices without any thinking, she made
Even though she greatly destroyed (greatly destroyed)
And the days turned dark and into depression
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
I was in a place where the loneliness (affected me)
Trying to heal this pain
And I never knew how to walk (with effort)
of being able to be who I always wanted to be
Even though I am without you
And I tried, I tried, tried, tried
To get into your heart
Your skin, I penetrated, making you my woman
But it didn't work
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
With the desire to see you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
Without being able to have you
She left without leaving any reasons
Choices without any thinking, she made
Even though she greatly destroyed (greatly destroyed)
And the days turned dark and into depression
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
Well, good luck girl
Well, good luck girl

Nobody's perfect

On a ball in San Vicente
All the dudes were horny for a bombshell
And the dude Seed Face
the boldest for picking up came near.
He said 'Come here baby,
grab my waist tightly and let's dance'
And among the elbow hits,
the pushes and the kicks, they went on.
And after the fifth song
The kissing began, necks here and there
They danced all night long,
the impossible, a kiss comes, a smile goes.
A profusion of arousal
that they could express without censorship.
And before such desire,
seeing that people were staring with a frown,
he said 'Look, baby,
I'm shy, let's continue in the dark'
And without hesitating
The girl went straight away to the private room
The girl was too hot,
So foxy and Seed Face couldn't believe it
A wild gaze
with a tattoo going from the navel to beyond
White trousers
showing that those curves were dangerous
And two eyes like headlights
that she turned on with just winking.
The dude had experience
he said: 'Baby, sex is my field, come here'
He gave her a passionate kiss,
without questioning put his hand on her side.
A blow in her ear
was the trigger of such atrocity,
and she, taking his hand
said: 'Let's get to the point, but not here.
We'll be cozier at home
get on the Renault, that in two minutes we'll be there.
That ferocious session
of testosterone where hormones
took part of the fine art
of the kiss in the neck, put the seal
that after the drive, tonight
was going to be awesome.
They reached the house
and he went straight to the shower to not stink.
Without wasting time
she went to the fridge for soda and then to bed
and the dude, once clean
went out of the bathroom naked to start.
And in the moment of carrying out...
But, what happened?
Nobody's perfect
Nobody's perfect
What goes up comes down but what goes down doesn't go up
Nobody's perfect
Nobody's perfect
The truth is that gravity defeated Seed Face
Nobody's perfect
Nobody's perfect

There's No One Else

Every time I see you pass
They make me delirious
Your beautiful eyes
Only you can make me tremble
You are making me fly
You drive me crazy
I want to caress you
Just one more time
And always wake up next to you
With looking at you
I breathe again
You are here in my mind
Presente the whole day
It's that I don't want to stop thinking
Of your smile
It's the way that you kiss me
It hypnotizes me
My day shines when you are
You are my life
There is no one else
You are someone so special
I never felt anything like it
The sky is little
I don't have to imagine anymore
I don't need to dream
You have it all
I want to caress you
Just one more time
And always wake up next to you
It's that I don't want to stop thinking
Of your smile
It's the way that you kiss me
It hypnotizes me
My day shines when you are
You are my life
There is no one else
Only you
There is no one else
It's that I don't want to stop thinking
Of your smile
It's the way that you kiss me
It hypnotizes me
It's that I don't want to stop thinking
Of your smile
It's the way that you kiss me
It hypnotizes me
My day shines when you are
You are my life
There is no one else
There is no one else (ahh ahh)
There is no one else

There's No One Else

Every time I see you pass
They make me delirious
Your beautiful eyes
Only you can make me tremble
You are making me fly
You drive me crazy
I want to caress you
Just one more time
And always wake up next to you
With looking at you
I breathe again
You are here in my mind
Presente the whole day
It's that I don't want to stop thinking
Of your smile
It's the way that you kiss me
It hypnotizes me
My day shines when you are
You are my life
There is no one else
You are someone so special
I never felt anything like it
The sky is little
I don't have to imagine anymore
I don't need to dream
You have it all
I want to caress you
Just one more time
And always wake up next to you
It's that I don't want to stop thinking
Of your smile
It's the way that you kiss me
It hypnotizes me
My day shines when you are
You are my life
There is no one else
Only you
There is no one else
It's that I don't want to stop thinking
Of your smile
It's the way that you kiss me
It hypnotizes me
It's that I don't want to stop thinking
Of your smile
It's the way that you kiss me
It hypnotizes me
My day shines when you are
You are my life
There is no one else
There is no one else (ahh ahh)
There is no one else

Goodbye mister teacher

Children are performing farandole dance
And the old schoolteacher is quite moved:
Tomorrow he will leave his dear school
He won't go up anymore to this platform
Goodbye, mister teacher
We will never forget you
And deep in our heart
These words are written in chalk
We offer you these few flowers
To say how much we loved you
We will never forget you
Goodbye mister teacher
A tear fell on her hand
Alone in the classroom he sat down
He saw some children pass by
That he loved throughout his life
Great prizes are awarded to students
All speeches are over
Under the covered playground, the audience rises
One last time the children will sing

Nobody like you.

I can wake up with you one morning,
I can do for you, whatever you ask of me for love,
I can rescue the star you were looking for,
I can do everything, as long as you, only if you are.
I can understand your world in every letter,
I can answer what nobody answered in your life,
I can be silent, if you speak in my ear,
I can do everything, as long as you, only if you are,
Because nobody,
Nobody but you, nobody has been able to me,
Nobody convinces me like you have convinced me,
Nobody but you, nobody has been able to me,
No one has overcome what you have done with me,
Out of this world, no one like you...
I can make of your wishes my reason,
I can turn your loneliness into pieces of cotton,
I can write a metaphor in your book,
Let everything forbidden be with me, because nobody...
Nobody but you, nobody has been able to me,
Nobody convinces me like you have convinced me,
Nobody but you, nobody has been able to me,
No one has overcome what you have done with me,
Out of this world, no one like you...
Nobody but you, nobody has been able to me,
Nobody convinces me like you have convinced me,
Nobody but you, nobody has been able to me,
No one has overcome what you have done with me,
Out of this world, no one like you....
I can wake up with you one morning...

No one will stop us

A song wakes me up
It gave me back love and strength
And I discovered that dreams
They only come to you if you take risks
Don't let anyone tell you
That now everything is lost
And let it out
What you keep today
Don't let nobody turn off
All the way lived
And let the beat
Reach your heart
Come, come, come, come
Dare to dream again and again
Come, come, come, come
Dare to dream
That no one is going to stop us
That no one is going to stop us
That no one is going to stop us
No one stops us, I know what I say
Look at my life, that nothing is lost
You just try a little bit more
More, more, more
I know, at times, life is hard
But with claw, we'll reach the moon
I know you still have a lot to give
Give, give, give
Come, come, come, come
Dare to dream again and again
Come, come, come, come
Dare to dream
That no one is going to stop us
That no one is going to stop us
That no one is going to stop us
Let's go forward (Let's go forward)
Never back, never back
Take my hand
What are we going to get
Let's go forward, let's go
Never back, never back
You just let
Let yourself go
Come, come, come, come
Dare to dream again and again
Come, come, come, come
Dare to dream
That no one is going to stop us
That no one is going to stop us
That no one is going to stop us

Radiated nights

We used to wake up
And sing
A flame was burning in our soul
We laughed
We were careless
Until a new era caught up on us
And then we lost
Our magic summers
On the night that the stars were falling
We hushed up
And got into
A deep melancholy
To radiated nights
We were exposed
We got lost
We met again
Nothing was like it used to be
We changed
We tore to pieces
The dreams, the oaths, the loves, the kisses
And then we lost
Our magic summers
On the night that the stars were falling
We hushed up
And got into
A deep melancholy
To radiated nights
We were exposed

A fluierat vaporul...

A fluierat vaporul şi focul l-a-nteţit,
Brusc, ancora se-nalţă,
împinsă ca de-o vrajă,
Talazul spune - 'adio' vaporului grăbit
Când vine-ncet din larguri,
ori pleacă de pe plajă.
Vor naşte trandafirii şi-apoi ca-n ţintirim
Vor putrezi-n grădină, sau poate în tot locul.
Adio! când ne naştem, adio! când murim,
Şi când, ca fericirea, se duce nenorocul.

Adio, scumpă Candy

Adio, scumpă Candy! În Orly
Se sfârșesc vacanțele la Paris.
Adio, scumpă Candy! O voce te cheamă,
S-a făcut, deja, ora să pleci.
În acest avion,
Care te duce în Anglia.
Adio, scumpă Candy! Tu o să-mi scrii,
Spui tu, dar mereu zici așa.
Adio, scumpă Candy! Am să regret
Surâsul tău și greșelile tale de franceză.
Dar acest avion
Te duce înapoi în Anglia.
Adio, scumpă Candy! Adio, scumpă Candy!
Voi deveni un suvenir, o poză de vacanță.
Adio, scumpă Candy! Cel care te iubește
Acolo, are mare noroc.
Adio Candy!

Înainte de-a ne spune adio

Să facem dragoste înainte de-a ne spune adio.
Înainte de-a ne spune adio,
Să facem dragoste, de vreme ce s-a sfârșit între noi,
De vreme ce s-a sfârșit între noi.
Să facem dragoste, ca și cum ar fi prima oară,
Încă o dată, tu și eu, de vreme ce iubirea se duce.
Să facem dragoste înainte de-a ne spune adio.
Înainte de-a ne spune adio,
Să facem dragoste, de vreme ce s-a sfârșit între noi,
De vreme ce s-a sfârșit între noi.
Să facem dragoste ca și cum ar fi prima oară,
Încă o dată, tu și eu, de vreme ce iubirea se duce.
Pot să îți iert orice
Și să mă prefac că uit.
Sunt gata să închid ochii
Și să fac tot ce vrei.
Vreau să împart cu tine
Și nu vreau să te implor,
Dar mai rămâi!
O să mă fac atât de mică,
Încât n-ai să mă vezi,
Și voi fi atât de tandră,
Încât mâine tu mă vei iubi.
Voi fi toată numai iubire
Și voi fi numai a ta,
Dar mai rămâi!
Să facem dragoste înainte de-a ne spune adio,
Să facem dragoste, de vreme ce s-a sfârșit între noi.
Să facem dragoste, ca și cum ar fi prima oară,
Încă o dată, tu și eu, de vreme ce iubirea se duce.
Să facem dragoste înainte de-a ne spune adio,
Înainte de-a ne spune adio.
Să facem dragoste, de vreme ce s-a sfârșit între noi,
De vreme ce s-a sfârșit între noi.
Să facem dragoste, ca și cum ar fi prima oară,
Încă o dată, tu și eu, de vreme ce iubirea se duce.

Adio noapte

Tu, care mergi cu capul plecat
printr-un deșert fără miraj,
într-o zi, într-o zi va trebui să spui:
”Adio noapte!”
Când crezi că ești singur pe lume,
când ți-e teamă și de umbra ta,
trebuie să încerci a supraviețui.
Adio, adio noapte!
Am parcurs, ca și tine,
drumuri fără glorie,
am băut din izvoare fără apă,
dar încă mai sper.
Voi deschide ferestrele,
am să renasc.
Mâine, mâine aș putea spune:
”Adio noapte!”
Vino, căile ni se intersectează.
Prinde-mă de mână, te însoțesc,
Căci în doi totul va fi mai ușor.
Adio, adio noapte!
Eu aveam nevoie să vii,
Tu aveai nevoie să vin.
E-adevărat că soarele există.
Adio, adio noapte!
Adio noapte, adio noapte!

Atunci adio

Iubirea mea, ochii mei fixează firul apei,
Iubirea mea, asta-i ca un pumnal înfipt în spate.
Iubirea mea, unde a început, unde s-a sfârșit?
Să acceptăm că viața-i doar un joc?
Iubirea mea, acest gol imens în jurul meu...
Iubirea mea, indiferența din glasul tău...
Iubirea mea, e prea târziu ca să întreb de ce...
Din moment ce tu crezi că e mai bine, atunci adio!
Atunci adio!
Nu pot să cred că aceste cuvinte
Sunt făcute pentru noi.
Eu, care trăiam doar pentru tine,
Doar pentru noi doi,
Eu, care trăiam doar cu tine,
Eu, care trăiam doar pentru tine,
Atunci adio!
Iubirea mea, am deja toată iarna în mine,
Iubirea mea, sângele-mi îngheață, e-atât de frig!
Iubirea mea, la ce să mă mai aștept de la viață?
Ce să aștept, după această noapte...după acest adio?
Iubirea mea, va trebui să trăiesc din amintiri,
Iubirea mea, ca să nu mor definitiv,
Iubirea mea, voi suferi un pic mai mult, fără-ndoială,
Dar dacă asta ți-este vrerea, atunci adio!

May Nobody Know My Suffering

Don't be surprised if I tell you what you were,
Ungrateful with my poor heart,
Because the fire/shine of your pretty black eyes
Lit up the path of another love.
And to think that I adored you blindly/tenderly,
That at your side I felt like I never have before.
And by those strange turns in life
I found myself without the kiss of your lips.
Love of my loves,
My queen, what have you done to me?
That I can't console myself
If I can't gaze at you.
Since you repaid me poorly
For my love so sincere,
What you'll get is
That I'll never again say your name.
Love of my loves
If you stopped loving me,
There's no concern that people
Might find out about this.
What do I gain by saying
That a woman changed my fate,
They'll make fun of me,
May nobody know my suffering.

May Nobody Know My Suffering (With Mon Laferte)

Don't be surprised if I tell you what you were
Ungrateful with my poor heart
Because the fire of your pretty black eyes
Lit up the path of another love
And to think that I adored you tenderly
That at your side I felt like I never have before
And by those strange turns in life
I found myself without the kiss of your lips
Love of my loves, love of mine, what have you done to me?
That I can't be happy with myself if I can't gaze at you
Since you repaid me poorly for my love so sincere
What you'll get is that I'll never again say your name
Love of my loves, if you stopped loving me
There's no concern that people might find out
What do I gain by saying that a man changed my fate
They'll make fun of me, may nobody know my suffering
Don't be surprised if I tell you what you were
Ungrateful with my poor heart
Because the fire of your pretty black eyes
Lit up the path of another love
And to think that I adored you tenderly
That at your side I felt like I never have before
And by those strange turns in life
I found myself without the kiss of your lips
Love of my loves, if you stopped loving me
There's no concern that people might find out
What do I gain by saying that a man changed my fate
They'll make fun of me, may nobody know my suffering
I will die of love
With nobody knowing my suffering
Love of my loves, if you stopped loving me
There's no concern that people might find out
What do I gain by saying that a man changed my fate
They'll make fun of me, may nobody know my suffering

May Nobody Know My Suffering

Oh, my darling
Don't be surprised if I tell you what you were
Ungrateful with my poor heart
Because the fire of your pretty black eyes
Lit up the path of another love
And to think that I adored you tenderly
That at your side I felt like I never have before
And by those strange turns in life
I found myself without the kiss of your lips
Love of my loves, love of mine, what have you done to me?
That I can't be happy with myself if I can't gaze at you
Since you repaid me poorly for my love so sincere
What you'll get is that I'll never again say your name
Love of my loves, if you stopped loving me
There's no concern that people might find out
What do I gain by saying that a man changed my fate
They'll make fun of me, may nobody know my suffering
Don't be surprised if I tell you what you were
Ungrateful with my poor heart
Because the fire of your pretty black eyes
Lit up the path of another love
And to think that I adored you tenderly
That at your side I felt like I never have before
And by those strange turns in life
I found myself without the kiss of your lips
Love of my loves, if you stopped loving me
There's no concern that people might find out
What do I gain by saying that a man changed my fate
They'll make fun of me, may nobody know my suffering
I will die of love
With nobody knowing my suffering
Love of my loves, if you stopped loving me
There's no concern that people might find out
What do I gain by saying that a man changed my fate
They'll make fun of me, may nobody know my suffering

Never Goodbye

I will never say goodbye to you.
I will never close the door
even if the wind carries me
too far away from your eyes.
I will never say goodbye to you
even if life takes me elsewhere.
I will always have in my heart
room for two.
I remember that great country—
so beautiful in Canada.
You seduced me like a lover
with your accent.
You and me, it's a beautiful story
and you know I love you—
I love you.
I will never say goodbye to you.
I will never close the door
even if the wind carries me
too far away from your eyes.
I will never say goodbye to you
even if life takes me elsewhere.
I will always have in my heart
room for two.
I have not forgetten the first time
we met at the Saint-Laurent station
and what you did—you warmed me up
in your arms—how good were were like that—
and you said 'I love you' -
'I love you'.
I will never say goodbye to you.
I will never close my door
even if the wind carries me
too far away from your eyes.
I will never say goodbye to you
even if life takes me elsewhere.
I will always have in my heart
room for two.
I will always have in my heart
room for two.

To Stop You From Telling Me Goodbye

My only weapons
are my tears.
I no longer have anything
to stop you
from telling me
My only war—
a prayer.
I no longer have anything
to stop you
from telling me
I had my joie de vivre
and my bursts of laughter
and I wanted to follow you
all of this—
you no longer want it.
My only weapons
are my tears.
I no longer have anything
to stop you
from telling me
All lights off—
I offered you my hugs,
my sighs, and my complaints
all of this—
you no longer want it.
There remains for me
only a prayer.
I no longer have anything
to stop you
from telling me

No one is eternal in this world

No one is eternal in this world
not even for having a heart
that feels and sighs so much
for life and for love.
Everything ends with time, 1
tell me, what do you take? 2
when nothing remains after time,
not even a tomb nor a cross.
When you're all saying farewell to me
with a last goodbye from this world,
don't cry for me because no one is eternal,
no one comes back from their deep sleep.
You will suffer, you will cry
until you become accustomed to loss,
then you'll give in
when you never see me again.
Goodbye to those who stay,
I always wanted to sing to them:
good luck and enjoy it as much as you can,
there's no time to cry now.
Don't cry for those who die
because they're gone forever,
watch over those that remain,
if you can lend them a hand.
When you're all saying farewell to me
with a last goodbye from this world,
don't cry for me because no one is eternal,
no one comes back from their deep sleep.
You will suffer, you will cry
until you become accustomed to loss,
then you'll give in
when you never see me again.
  • 1. lit. 'the years end everything'.
  • 2. what do you take with you?
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


Kneedeep in Paradise

I run into the neighbourhood, many live here
The city is crammed with people and animals
A dog shits on the lawn, cars are being repaired
A tramp sits down on the bench, a cock dove perishes
It is how it is, that's reality, every morning
Although we are kneedeep in paradise
Kneedeep in paradise, kneedeep
The primeval mud of this republic debates in talkshows only
At home no one speaks, speechlessness on broad fields
Politicians only manage nowadays, they can't do any more
And it's of course a lot easier to rest on the laurels
It is how it is, that's reality, every morning
Although we are kneedeep in paradise
It is how it is, that's reality, every evening
Although we are kneedeep in paradise
Hey, I want to better the world and I begin today
I will measure it and go ahead
It is much too late to be a pessimist
The rose-coloured glasses fit me far too well and it's five past three
It is how it is, that's reality, every morning
Although we are kneedeep in paradise
It is how it is, that's reality, every evening
Although we are kneedeep in paradise
Kneedeep, kneedeep in paradise, kneedeep in paradise

Goodbye, Angelina

Goodbye, Angelina, the bells of the crown
have been stolen at dawn—I hear them ringing.
And I need to hurry—I must catch up to them.
Goodbye, Angelina, the sky is on fire,
and I'm leaving.
There is no point in making a lot out of it.
There is no point in letting everyone know.
This is an empty table on the seashore.
Goodbye, Angelina, the sky shook.
I must leave.
Kings and queens leave the barnyard.
Two hundred gypsies entered the court.
In the room where anything goes, nothing is fine with me.
Goodbye, Angelina, the sky is falling,
I will see you later.
Look at these pirates in the Milky Way,
who shoot boxes with a sawed-off shotgun.
Neighbors applaud, shouting for joy.
Goodbye, Angelina, the sky fades.
I have to get away.
[Nana and Roch]:
King Kong and the elves will dance on the rooftops—
long familiar tangos, even while, with their fingers
makeup artists try to close the eyes of death.
Goodbye, Angelina, the sky is too dark,
I must escape.
[Nana and Roch]:
The machine guns spatter—dolls mobilize.
C-4 bombs explode in churches.
Label me as you wish—I will not argue.
But goodbye, Angelina, the sky rages—
I am going to look for peace.
Goodbye, Angelina, I am going to look for peace.

Goodbye Sir, My Love

Goodbye sir, my love.
Goodbye sir, my love.
Goodbye sir, this is perhaps just a “see you later”—
out of our goodbye, another love could be reborn—
he who parts, abandoning the one he loves
by saying 'see you later,' knows perhaps it means goodbye .
Maybe until tomorrow, maybe until forever,
goodbye sir, my love.
Maybe until tomorrow, it is you that I loved—
goodbye sir, my love.
Here is my heart—pack it in your luggage.
It is a flower that I plucked from my corsage.
If by chance you keep it safe in your travels,
then this is only a “see you later”
even if I still tell you goodbye.
Maybe until tomorrow, maybe until forever,
goodbye sir, my love.

Long live the Canadian

Long live the Canadian, steal my heart fly, fly, fly, 
Long live the Canadian and her pretty sweet eyes 
And her sweet soft sweet eyes, and her sweet eyes (twice) 
Long live the Canadian and her sweet eyes 
She's really Christian, steals my heart flies, flies, flies 
She is truly a Christian, the treasure of her husband 
Treasure of her husband for her, treasure of her husband palipatouti! 
She is truly Christian, treasure of her husband 
She shines and shines flies my heart flies, flies, flies 
She shines and shines, with or without jewels 
With or without jewels jou jou, with or without jewels mouah! 
She shines and shines with or without jewels 
Whomever steals, steals my heart steals, steals, steals 
It's up to the bride, the boys are crazy 
The boys are crazy crazy crazy, the boys are crazy (twice) 
It's who the marry, the boys are crazy 
What children she gives, steals my heart flies, flies, flies 
What children gives, to her happy husband 
To his happy husband, to her happy husband mouah! 
How many children she gives to her happy husband 
Until the last hour, steals my heart flies, flies, flies 
Until the last hour, his life is all ours 
His life is all ours new, his life is all ours (twice) 
Until last time his life is all ours. 

Paradise, Where Are You?

First a look, then a word
Then a letter, then a 'you'
Then a kiss, then a heart
Where are you, paradise?
Have I found you?
Then the day, then the light
Then the slap in the face
Everything over and done
Oh paradise, where are you?
Am I so alone
I stand there and cry
Like a little girl
Lost in the city
Then music, then a scent
Sunshine in the air
Flowers bloom, dreamlike and beautiful
Oh paradise, where are you?
Da dada… ta dadada da…
Dada duya dada… ta dada dada…
Didi dudi… didi duda didi…
Dadi day…
Am I so alone
I stand there and cry
Like a little girl
Lost in the city
Then a person and a word
Then a letter and a 'you'
Then a kiss and a heart
Oh paradise, oh paradise,
Oh paradise, where are you?

Adio, te iubesc

Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Spune-mi adio
Şi apoi du-te
Nu mai este timp
Să-mi spui te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Spune-mi adio
În seara aceasta tu şi eu
Nu mai avem dreptul
De a spune te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Şi tu revii
Este prea tâziu
Din povestea noastră
Nu rămâne nimic
Decât puţină dragoste
Puţin de ales
La lovitura de durere
Este prea târziu, vezi
Pentru a spune te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Totuşi, tu ştii
Dacă ai vrea
Am pleca
Amândoi împreună
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Nu spui nimic
Tu nu vrei obligaţii
Decât puţină plăcere
Să avem împreună
Şi apoi tu vei pleca
Nu mai eşti tu
Mai mult ca niciodată tu
Care mă vei ţine
În interiorul braţelor tale
Deci du-te
Nu mai este timp
Să spun te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Adio, te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Adio, te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Adio, te iubesc

Farewell, Paris

Farewell paris, I'm withdrawing to the country.
Boredom sets in, enough champagne already,
I chicken out of dining and wining chicks1,
feeling the pavement wave and swell2 on my way home.
Farewell Paris, I've had it up to there.
Partying, oh, that's such a bore.
I'm off to the country, to live like a wild animal,
sleep early and drink nothing but water.
But still,
before I take my leave
and live like an hermit,
so far away from you,
O city of wonders,
let's empty one,
then two, then tree bottles
once more.
What do you know?
No sooner a cork popped
than you see la vie en rose.
Let's make the most of it. Waiter!
Bring me the menu.
We simply must enjoy
a nice casual dinner
before I go.
Farewell Paris, city of dreams and terror,
naughty city, charming city.
The bill of your happiness is quite stiff3,
but we forgive you with our loving dying breath4.
Farewell Paris, farewell Montmartre and Notre-Dame
and pretty women and nasty drama.
We hand you our souls for all eternity,
their paradise is the sky of Paris! (bis)
  • 1. lit. 'I've had enough going to dinner with [dating] the chicks'. I did a rather lame attempt to replace the pun on 'souper' with one on 'poule' (hen / chick)
  • 2. lit. 'as if the pavement was swelling (like a sea)
  • 3. lit. 'You make [us] pay so dearly for the happiness you give'
  • 4. lit. 'as we die, we love you so much that we forgive you'

I won't cry

I won’t cry, I won’t cry now
Even if you’re not here
I won’t ever cry again
It doesn’t hurt, it really doesn’t hurt
Even if we break up, even if we say goodbye
I’m not in pain
I loved you without missing a single day
But from now on, I will try to forget you
Tears don’t come now
I can do well by myself without you
So that you won’t ever
Struggle because of me
So that you can live comfortably
I will leave from your memories
I won’t cry, I won’t cry now
I will try to meet someone else
Who is not you
I will meet someone
Who will love me more than you did
I loved you without missing a single day
But from now on, I will try to erase you
Tears don’t come now
I can do well by myself without you
So that you won’t ever
Struggle because of me
So that you can live comfortably
I will leave from your memories
Even if the remaining memories hold onto me
I want to stop
I want to quit you
I hate you for shedding tears
Because of me alone
Because of good-for-nothing me
I can do well by myself without you
So that you won’t ever
Struggle because of me
So that you can live comfortably
I will leave from your memories

I’ll Smile Even If It Hurts

I still can’t believe it
It feels like I could still see you
I tell myself that it’s a lie
The fact that you left my side
Your face that’s smiling in the photo
The past days that seemed would last forever
But one day, suddenly
You left my side
But I won’t cry, so you won’t feel bad
I’ll try living without you now
No matter how much it hurts, even if tears keep coming
I wanna smile, I wanna think of you and smile
I tell myself that I forgot you, that I’m okay now
But no matter how much I pretend
I keep thinking of you
And tears keep flowing
But I won’t cry, so you won’t feel bad
I’ll try living without you now
No matter how much it hurts, even if tears keep coming
I wanna smile, I wanna think of you and smile
When my heart was aching and hurting
Many good people comforted me
I hope you have that too wherever you are
I pray that you’re happy
But I won’t cry, so you won’t feel bad
I’ll try living without you now
No matter how much it hurts, even if tears keep coming
I wanna smile, I wanna think of you and smile
I’ll smile even if it hurts

Goodbye Scene - The Umbrellas of Cherbourg

But...I could never live without you!
I won't be able to!
Don't leave, I'll die!
I'll hide you and keep you!
But, my love, don't leave me!
You know that that's not possible!
Don't leave me!
My love! I will have to part ways!
You will realize that I think only of you
And I know that you'll wait for me
Ten years! Ten years of our lives!
Don't cry, I beg of you!
Ten years! No, I cannot do it!
Calm yourself, we have very little time left!
Very little time, my love!
You mustn't spoil it!
You must try to be happy!
We must preserve our final moments,
A memory more beautiful than anything!
A memory which will help us to survive...
I'm so scared of being alone!
We will meet each other again and we will be stronger!
You'll meet other women.
You'll forget about me!
I will love you until the end of my life!
Guy, I love you!
Don't leave me...
My love, don't leave me!
Come, my love!
My love!