Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 101


Nu invinui pe nimeni !

Niciodat' nu te agata de nimeni , nici de nimic
fiindca in final , tu facut-ai
ce inima-ti poftit in a ta viata
Imbratiseaza greul ce se arata in a te cali
precum si importanta de-a incepe a te defini
Trufia omului desavarsit , se arata din
cenusa erorilor sale
Niciodat nu plange singuratatea-ti , ori ai
tai soarti, infrunta curajos si accepta !
Intr-un fel ori altul , este rezultatul celor ce
tu zamizlit-ai , si gandeste ca mereu
trebuie a triumfa !
Nu te amagi de propriul esec nici
nu-l pune pe seama altuia , imbratiseaza-te acum, ori
continua a gasi pretexte , precum un copilandru .
Aminte ia , caci fiece clipa-i
potrivnica a incepe , si ca nimeni nu-i
asa dezastruos , pentru a se da batut
Nu uita, conditia-ti din prezent
pricinuita-i de trecut, asemenea cum conditia-ti
viitorului e pricinuita de-al tau present !
Ia aminte , de la cei bravi , de la cei cu tarie de caracter
ce nu se complac in situatie , de la cei ce
'supravietuiesc/trec peste' in ciuda a toate. Zaboveste mai putin in
ale tale probleme , si mai mult in treburile tale , iar
greutatile tale , fara a le 'ingropa', vor pali .
Invata, a renaste , din launtrul chinului, si-a te ridica
mai maret decat cel mai mare
obstacol. Priveste-ti reflexia-ti
si-ai a fi liber si falnic , si vei inceta a fi un
pion circumstantial , caci TU
insa-ti croiesti destinul!
Ridica-te si priveste al diminetii rasarit
si simte lumina zorilor!
Tu esti , forta alei tale vieti ,
si RAZBESTE IN VIATA! Niciodat' nu zabovi asupra
sortilor, caci sorti-s ..
scuza pierzatorilor

Nobody is safe

Look, I don't wanna alarm you
I don't wanna cry
but it'll happen
Look, you actually know it
It's part of the trip
Why hold on?
There's a prison inside you
and you don't wanna see it
You wanna believe
that you're the law and you don't see it
Maybe tomorrow it'll come to you
Maybe tomorrow it'll come to you
Maybe tomorrow it'll come to you
Nobody is safe
Nobody is safe
Nobody is safe
Look, I don't wanna be
the slave to my own thoughts anymore
I wanna run and don't wanna be stopped
I wanna be free, people are my flag
Look, I don't wanna
hide from winter anymore
Only if we sing,
raise our hands,
we'll be together, those who once kept quiet
It goes straight to you, it can be the last time
No, there's no clock, the time is now
Take care of yourself
Maybe tomorrow it'll come to you
Maybe tomorrow it'll come to you
Maybe tomorrow it'll come to you
Nobody is safe
Nobody is safe
It won't be today, no, no
It won't be today, no, no
It won't be..
Nobody is safe but it won't be today
Today you'll stay 'til the end, no
Today you'll stay 'til the end, no
Nobody is safe here, no..
Nobody is safe
It won't be today, no
It won't be today, no
It won't be today, no
Today you'll stay 'til the end, no
Nobody is safe here, no


Baby, don't wait for anyone (nobody)
You don't need anyone (nobody)
And enjoy 'cause life is short
And nobody cares
What you do with him, baby
Baby, don't wait for anyone (nobody)
You don't need anyone (nobody)
And enjoy 'cause life is short
And nobody cares
What you do with him, baby
Don't be shy, hesitate and enjoy
Remember baby that you're beautiful
You are worth a lot, you are not small thing
And let that all the envious one die
And if he left, he missed it
She was late, she already fucked
Because I saw in you what he never saw
Don't be shy, baby, you are very hot
I don't know why you feel so insecure
For that lovesickness I have the cure
Trust that you will be sure in my arms
And if he left, he missed it
She was late, she already fucked
Because I saw in you what he never saw
Baby, don't wait for anyone (nobody)
You don't need anyone (nobody)
And enjoy 'cause life is short
And nobody cares
What you do with him, baby
Don't let them play with your mind
Each head is a different world
And be happy that you don't live with people
The one who truly loves you, never lies to you
Let the talk, let them say, enjoy and hesitate
Someone who slows you down, you don't need in your life
Overcome it (overcome it)
That you were not the one who failed (who failed)
To bad weather good face and follow it (follow it, follow it)
That he do his life and you don't need him, tell him
Farru Baby, don't wait for anyone (nobody)
You don't need anyone (nobody)
And enjoy 'cause life is short
And nobody cares
What you do with him, baby
Baby, don't wait for anyone (nobody)
You don't need anyone (nobody)
And enjoy 'cause life is short
And nobody cares
What you do with him, baby
Sharo Towers
Frank Miami
El Predator Gangalee
Carbon Fiber Music

Farewell Soon

[Pre-chorus: Foda C]
I dribbled in the valley, the men and the years
I grew out of control and smoked until I burned myself
Drowned in my apnea, dead bodies in the aisles
Cellophaned faces, they wait for me to turn around and stab me in the back
Farewell soon, I do more gaming sessions than studio sessions
I eliminate, I stop them, take my heart, you bring it back
I'm hateful: I'm the self-portrait of the planet
[Chorus: Foda C]
Farewell soon (soon-soon-soon, soon-soon-soon-soon)
Farewell soon (soon-soon-soon, soon-soon-soon-soon)
Farewell soon (soon-soon-soon, soon-soon-soon-soon)
Farewell soon (soon-soon-soon, soon-soon-soon-soon)
[Verse 1: Lujipeka]
I'm watching my face as a truth, is all this deserved?
Never at peace, no RIP, they only hang around between audited accounts (yeah, yeah)
Life takes it from me, my city saddens me, oh, you have the percentage of a low battery
Fingers in the socket to matrix me, I want to get out of here-get out of here, everything gets lost
And the shop closes, I lose hours, I lose weeks
In my nightmares, you are, in my dreams, I know I am there, why do I stay there?
But if I run away, where would I go? (o-o-o)
[Pre-chorus: Foda C]
I dribbled in the valley, the men and the years
I grew out of control and smoked until I burned myself
Drowned in my apnea, dead bodies in the aisles
Cellophaned faces, they wait for me to turn around and stab me in the back
Farewell soon, I do more gaming sessions than studio sessions
I eliminate, I stop them, take my heart, you bring it back
I'm hateful: I'm the self-portrait of the planet
[Chorus: Foda C]
Farewell soon (soon-soon-soon, soon-soon-soon-soon)
Farewell soon (soon-soon-soon, soon-soon-soon-soon)
Farewell soon (soon-soon-soon, soon-soon-soon-soon)
Farewell soon (soon-soon-soon, soon-soon-soon-soon)
[Verse 2 : Lujipeka & Foda C]
Mama, mama, I feel lonely
Like an insensitive rapper
I tell stories that are scary
My future in a fire
And don't be surprised the day I leave
Far away from here as in Sierra Leone
Used to the microclimate in my hall
We slipped our horns into your halo
You have a beautiful view on my shoulders
Don't say I'm lucky, she's got a good back
I'm going to turn off mu phone to make plane mode 2
Minimum platinum, or I give up
Black ideas in the fog
You're my light, soon you'll ask me how to do it
I don't know, it doesn't matter, I don't know your codes
One day, you're out of touch, meditate on the ocasion
Rainbow in Lacoste polo shirts, I'm far from the sun in the cellar
I hear the bell ringing but I'll leave you at the door
We understand that we're disturbing, but they're the ones who're clearing out
[Chorus: Foda C]
Farewell soon (soon-soon-soon, soon-soon-soon-soon)
Farewell soon (soon-soon-soon, soon-soon-soon-soon)
Farewell soon (soon-soon-soon, soon-soon-soon-soon)
Farewell soon (soon-soon-soon, soon-soon-soon-soon)
[Outro: Lujipeka and Foda C]
Ouch, I'm already dead, hey
If you love me, tell me
I'll try to believe you
Farewell soon
Farewell goodbye (farewell goodbye, farewell goodbye, farewell goodbye, farewell goodbye)
Farewell soon


Let's hide our scars with our holding hands
And make time stop for a while
Yet memories and silence that are left at the end of sorrow
Rob me of my broken heart
Depicting the route of life…what could I see at the end of the road?
At that time I was so lonely
Backing on the wind of era on my own feeling regret and hatred overlap in my heart
Still I chased the dreams with the expectation of meeting bonds of friendship
On the road we walked along together you shed the same tears as mine
You whose name I knew not were so lonely too, you were about to collapse
Yet you carried the painful past and kept on living
You were so tough that even death was scared of you
Let's hide our scars with our holding hands
And make time stop for a while
Yet memories and silence that are left at the end of sorrow
Rob me of my broken heart
Let's walk on our road with the same pace and cut off darkness every time we are hurt by the time, we'd hold each other's hand
The five of us assign each other's role for the blueprint of our future
Till our bodies become ashes, we'll support each other
I'm missing you so I'm killing my heart.
There are nothing so I cry in silence.
Let me convey each of my inner voices to you to show you my eternal love this kind of vow will help us cross our sorrow for sure
I can't wait for our happy future
In the end we promise each other with our holding hands we're unable to say goodbye to each other
My beloved friends, I'll see you again in the future
Don't forget this place that belong to us
If you feel confused or you're in pain then sing the words we left that day
Someday our dreams will continue i miss you so much! I wish you happy forever

I have nobody

I have nobody
Who can give me an advice
I fell in love
I fell in love with a girl once
And as I
And as I didn't know what to do
I didn't dare to get closer
For not knowing what to say to her
I lost her forever
And I never saw her again
I have nobody
Who can give me an advice
I achieved
After so much struggling and suffering
A great love
An illusion that made me happy
But I couldn't keep her
And mocked my love
For not knowing how to love her
I never saw her again
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

It's over (time to say good-bye)

When love is nothing more
than a dying fire
nothing more than an extinguished sun in our hearts
what use is it to search for words
why lie
nothing should hold us
there's more to us leaving each other.
It's over, time to say good-bye
time to forget what was between us
A wave has arrived to erase
the prints we left
on this lonely beach.
The rhyme-less and senseless evening wind
tomorrow will bring other songs
we'll need to learn to forget
make it seem as if nothing
ever happened.
We needed to leave
It's over, time to say good-bye
time to forget what was between us.
A wave has arrived to erase
the prints we left
on this lonely beach.
All the roads that go far away from you
I'll take without really knowing why
I'll search somewhere else for other refrains
And search for other tomorrows
so that I may hide my sorrow.
We needed to leave
It's over, time to say good-bye
time to forget what was between us.
A wave has arrived to erase
the prints we left
on this lonely beach.
There's more to us leaving each other
It's over, time to say good-bye
time to forget what was between us.
A wave has arrived to erase
the prints we left
on this lonely beach.

Farewell My Man

Farewell my man,
Where you are going, I will not go.
Where you are going, no one goes.
Where you go, it is too cold.
Farewell my man,
I kiss you one last time.
Remember my taste of apple,
of cherry and of lilac.
Farewell my man,
I must live without your arms
and in the arms of other men,
in the night, it's you that I see.
Farewell my man,
you see, I forget you already.
I forget your resonating voice.
You see? No, you don't see.
Farewell my man,
promise we will see each other again.
I am only waiting for the death knell's1 ringing,
just that it rings for me.
Farewell my man,
It's life and it's all me.
I accept what it gives me
and I take what it doesn't give me.
Farewell my man,
Where you are going, I will not go.
Where you are going, no one goes.
Where you go, it is too cold.
  • 1. A death knell is the ringing of a bell that signifies someone's death.

No One Is An Island

No one, no one is an island
No one, no one is alone
No one, no one is an island
No one, no one is alone
Sooner or later
You'll understand
That by helping others
You help yourself
You must learn
To lend a hand
And to receive help
When someone else gives it to you
No one, no one is an island (no one)
No one, no one is alone (no one is alone)
No one, no one is alone
No one, no one is alone
No one, no one is alone
No one, no one is an island
No one, no one is alone

In the Hotel to the Paradise

What feels well? Tell me!
A Rendezvous with strictly closed door
Yeah how do you come
To such a Rendezvous
To have the things glad
and having it good together?
Where don't you get ripped off?
I give you the recipe cause of friendship
Yeah in the Hotel to the Paradise
There I always find
A beautiful room
The Stubenmaid 1 hm, hm, she's called Alice
You ring for her,
And she is at the door.
She comes in late at night:
'My Lord, what is it?'
Yes, the Alice (?)
Do I find sweet (?)
Thats why I'm a regular in the Paradise
Husband, Husband
Does your spouse behave yourself now and then -
For reasons you can not
Officially discusses -,
Yes, does she throws you out,
Even from your house?
Husband, then be glad
You sleep much better elsewhere!
Yeah in the Hotel to the Paradise
There I always find
A beautiful room
The Stubenmaid hm, hm,
For sure (?)
You ring for her,
And she is at the door.
She comes in late at night:
'My Lord, what is it?'
Yes, the Alice (?)
Do I find sweet (?)
Thats why I'm a regular in the Paradise
  • 1. Its the name of a song from The Comedian Harmonists:
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Nobody Has Flown Successfully, Ever

I'm going to leave
I can't breathe here
I sealed windows in order to stop feeling
And now I don't feel anything aside from emotional fatigue (asthenia)
I want to decompress
To see clearly, once again
To take wing, like Reichelt in Paris (see note)
And glide and be Aurora Boreal / Borealis (see note)
And revive (and have a comeback, resurge), and levitate, and to finally feel weightlessness (antigravity)
You, you, you, you, you, you
You need to wait
You, you, you, you, you, you
You should give up (desist)
You, you, you, you, you, you
You need to forget (your plans or dreams)
Nobody has ever flown
Never, nobody has managed to escape from here
I'll jump into the void (total vacancy, total vacuum)
I'm going to survive
Nobody has ever flown, never (see note)
Nobody has ever gotten to escape from here
They cling to this place
(They are) Loyal until they die
I wanted to flee
I could no longer put up with it
That constant hammering (lamb-related? borreguil?)
And so much laughter, so much merriment, so much wit (salt)
I tried to stop listening
To that crazy and loud uproar
I went slowly with a plan and I built
A large anechoic spheroidal room (camera, chamber) (see note)
And to revive (to resurge), I managed to levitate, and to finally feel weightlessness
And everyone said:
You need to stop, you should give up
You need to wait, you need to forget about it
And I wanted to fly, I wanted to FLY
Nobody has ever flown
Never, nobody has managed to escape from here
I'll jump into the void (total vacancy, total vacuum)
I'm going to survive
Nobody has ever flown, never (see note)
Nobody has ever gotten to escape from here
They cling to this place
(They are) Loyal until they die
Icarus jumps, he opens his wings
He feels the force, he wants to fly higher
Daedalus (father of Icarus) yells, Daedelus doesn't want to lose Icarus
He begs Icarus to come down, he implores him to come back
Icarus wants to be free, to cross the galaxy
The universe, to see even farther

Acropole, adio !

În seara asta vântul vine de la mare
Septembrie e aici, vara dispare
Și fericirea este trecătoare
Ca florile care deja mor ...
Acropole adio, adio iubire
Trandafirii albi din Ateneu s-au ofilit
Ne-am iubit câteva zile
Acropole, adio !
Seara asta e ultima noastră seară
Mâine dimineață voi pleca
Vei rămâne în amintirea mea
Ca o fericire, ca un regret
Acropole adio, adio iubire
Trandafirii albi din Ateneu s-au ofilit
Ne-am iubit câteva zile
Acropole, adio !
Acropole, adio !

Illness of a madman

You are there
You are like in my silk dreams
Lost in the night fantasies
More than anytime else I've not thought of that life
That my dreams are stronger
That that puts your joy into
The woman of your youth
It's the illness, the illness of a madman
It's the weak one that marries out of love
Illness, illness of a madman
You are like this every night
I am the cold one in your arms
Is there a life if I stay here
Love is dumb but masked
It's okay I know that
So many times you told me it's another life
It's the weak one that marries out of love
Illness, illness of a madman

Nobody is Going to Come Looking for you

Spinning in the room
An infinite space
Don't stop now to hide the writings
How am I going to forget the way out of the maze
If this maze is mine
This maze is mine
When you don't want to lose it all
When you know there's no choice
When fear fades away 1
Because in the end the ice melted
Mark a cross in the centre
180 hits without surrender
I know what I'm talking about
I know what I'm talking about
I closed the doors and windows
I hid an ecrypted message
I let anger loose in this room
Nobody is going to come look for you
Nobody is going to come look for you
Nobody is going to come look for you
Nobody is going to come look for you
Nobody is going to come look for you
Nobody is going to come look for you
Nobody is going to come look for you
Nobody is going to come look for you
Nobody is going to come look for you
Nobody is going to come look for you
Nobody is going to come look for you
Nobody is going to come look for you
  • 1. Literally: When fear is made small.

There is no one else

Versions: #2
I remember that day
as if it were today
There's no one like her
She didn't even find me
I still remember
the time I kissed her
It was my first love
and now I'm writing her this song
There's something more
inexplicable like her look
Incomparable like the way she watches me
and tries to hide that it's not bad
I'm going to care for you during the nights
I'm going to love you without hesitation
I'm going to miss you in the storm
And even when there's a thousand reasons not to
There's no one else
There's no one else
Everything was taken, sadness was taken
There's no more space for melancholy
because by her side everything makes more sense
I took away her tears
I got laughs
When we're together the Earth stops
It stops
There's something more
inexplicable like her look
Incomparable like the way she watches me
and tries to hide that it's not bad
I'm going to care for you during the nights
I'm going to love you without hesitation
I'm going to miss you in the storm
And even when there's a thousand reasons not to
I'm going to care for you during the nights
I'm going to love you without hesitation
I'm going to miss you in the storm
And even when there's a thousand reasons not to
There's no one else
There's no one else
I don't want anyone else
There's no one else
There's no one

Când nimeni nu vede

(Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Am visat o vară care ar fi fost eternă,
Din momentul în care am văzut privirea ta.
M-ai topit cu acea privire. (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Dar vara s-a transformat într-o iarnă
Când am văzut că alte brațe te așteptau.
Am înghețat în timp ce te așteptam.
Și acum înțeleg care e rolul meu. (Oh, oh...)
Ne iubim când nimeni nu vede.
Gloanțele pierdute ale acestei iubiri, (Oh, oh...)
Prefer să nu le văd în pielea mea.
Dacă mă întreabă de tine, (Oh, oh...)
Voi spune că e minciună
Că o viață întreagă am visat cu tine.
Eu visez cu tine!
Dacă mă întreabă de tine, (Oh, oh...)
Voi spune că nu e adevărat
Că în interior doare că nu ești cu mine.
Te vreau lângă mine!
Te privesc, mă privești și lumea nu se învârte.
Totul pare minciună! (Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Tu continui, eu continui. E pedeapsa noastră
Să ne prefacem că suntem prieteni.
Și când nu vor mai fi martori
Întreaga mea viață îți voi da, când nimeni nu vede.
(Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Când nimeni nu vede... (Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Când nimeni nu vede... (Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Și acum înțeleg care e rolul meu.
Ne iubim când nimeni nu vede.
Gloanțele pierdute ale acestei iubiri,
Prefer să nu le văd în pielea mea.
Dacă mă întreabă de tine, (Oh, oh...)
Voi spune că e minciună
Că o viață întreagă am visat cu tine.
Eu visez cu tine!
Dacă mă întreabă de tine, (Oh, oh...)
Voi spune că nu e adevărat
Că în interior doare că nu ești cu mine.
Te vreau lângă mine! (Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Te privesc, mă privești și lumea nu se învârte.
Totul pare minciună! (Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Tu continui, eu continui. E pedeapsa noastră
Să ne prefacem că suntem prieteni.
Și când nu vor mai fi martori
Întreaga mea viață îți voi da, când nimeni nu vede.
(Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Când nimeni nu vede... (Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Când nimeni nu vede... (Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Dacă mă întreabă de tine,
Voi spune că e minciună
Că o viață întreagă am visat cu tine.
Eu visez cu tine! (Cu tine!)
Dacă mă întreabă de tine, (Oh, oh...)
Voi spune că nu e adevărat
Că în interior doare că nu ești cu mine.
Te vreau lângă mine!
(Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Te privesc, mă privești și lumea nu se învârte.
Totul pare minciună! (Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
Tu continui, eu continui. E pedeapsa noastră
Să ne prefacem că suntem prieteni.
Și când nu vor mai fi martori
Întreaga mea viață îți voi da, când nimeni nu vede.

When nobody is watching

(Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
I dream of a summer that would last forever
from the moment my eyes met yours,
You melted my heart with that look.
But summer turned into winter
when I saw that someone else's arms were awaiting you,
I froze as I waited for you.
Now I understand what is my role.
we love each other when nobody is watching )*
the stray bullets of this love
I'd rather not to see them in my own skin
If they'll ask me about you
I'll say it's a lie
that I've dreamed about you my whole life...
I dream about you!
If they ask me about you
I'll say it's not true
that it hurts inside that you're not with me...
I want you to be with me!
I look at you, you look at me and the world stops turning,
Everything is a lie!
You carry on, I carry on, it is our punishment
to pretend that we are [just] friends.
And when there are no witnesses
I'll give you my life... when nobody is watching.
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
When nobody is watching
When nobody is watching
Now I understand what is my role.
we love each other when nobody is watching
the stray bullets of this love
I'd rather not to see them in my own skin
If they'll ask me about you
I'll say it's a lie
that I've dreamed about you my whole life...
I dream about you!
If they ask me about you
I'll say it's not true
that it hurts inside that you're not with me...
I want you to be with me!
I look at you, you look at me and the world stops turning,
Everything is a lie!
You carry on, I carry on, it is our punishment
to pretend that we are [just] friends.
And when there are no witnesses
I'll give you my life... when nobody is watching.
(Oh oh oh oh...)
When nobody is watching
When nobody is watching
If they'll ask me about you
I'll say it's a lie
that I've dreamed about you my whole life...
I dream about you!
If they ask me about you
I'll say it's not true
that it hurts inside that you're not with me...
I want you to be with me!
(Oh oh oh oh...)
I look at you, you look at me and the world stops turning,
Everything is a lie!
You carry on, I carry on, it is our punishment
to pretend that we are [just] friends.
And when there are no witnesses
I'll give you my life... when nobody is watching.

Farewell, I love you

Charity begins
at your home1
To love and be loved
you'd have to love yourself first.
You say we have lots of projects
but everything falls apart.
Before claiming to support me,
try standing up yourself.
Your mirror is broken.
You want me to stay,
but how am I supposed to love
someone who hates himself?
Your mirror is broken.
You want me to stay,
but you don't know how to live together.
Farewell, farewell, I love you
but I'm going away nevertheless.
Farewell, farewell, I love you,
I can't love us for the both of us.
Farewell, farewell, I love you.
No matter how often I say it, it's not enough.
Farewell, farewell, I love you
Help yourself and God will help you.
Even though I cover you with love
and boost your confidence,
you close the shutters during the day
to keep sunlight away.
You say it's an artist thing,
living in the moon.
Man, you're just selfish.
You have only room for you.
  • 1. hijacking of the equivalent French saying
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Come into Paradise

People search peace and harmony
They want to live without walls like they've never done before
Tin soldiers - more and more of them
Are marching lock-step for you and me
The whole world is lying there before you like a pile of broken glass
But even here you'll find happiness
Come into paradise with me
For it's not so far away from here, oh...
Come on, let's walk together
You'll see that this world is beautiful
People dream, longing blinds them
They're afraid of the darkness, just like a child
And friendship and love come to life
And even a little smile makes you happy
Pardise seemed as far away from here as a star
But happiness lies iside of you and me as well, oh...
Come into paradise with me
For it's not so far away from here, oh...
Come on, let's walk together
You'll see that this world is beautiful
Pardise seemed as far away from here as a star
But happiness lies iside of you and me as well, oh...
Come into paradise with me
For it's not so far away from here, oh...
Come on, let's walk together
You'll see that this world is beautiful
You'll see that this world
You'll see that this world
You'll see that this world is beautiful


Where are my strongest girls
Where are my best girls
All my ladies are divas
Drink and drink and drink and drink
Drink all the glasses because they are from Roni
Girls are here
What are you drinking?
You guys don’t even know
I have my friends and they never leave me alone
If one gets a boyfriend so do all the others
What happens between us we all discuss it
If you want, we make the fire
Kill em kill em a hey
Leave me your friends
They don’t like their self anymore
Kill em kill em a hey
We are the same we are the same
Where are my strongest girls
Where are my best girls
All my ladies are divas
He wants me to make him breakfast
He wants to serve his guests
I won’t, I’m going out for fun
Go out go out go out we take the night slower
We went out with no money eyo
We run we run we run and we light the grass and we run from the police eyo
Drop drop drop take off your clothes I don’t want to know where you’re coming from eyo

`Between Two Goodbyes

The Sun brings pain in the early hours,
When the dream is at it's end.
We slept together,
Forgetting we were not free,
To pass away the night,
To wake in the same bed.
We loved between two goodbyes.
Forever, was not for the two of us.
I have to find it again, the truth.
She calls herself 'the other woman'
The taxi took me home
I'll say whatever
I'm tired
I'm sick of the hassle
And of hiding from her
Everything she'd had already guessed.
We loved between two goodbyes,
Forever, was not for the two of us.
I have to find it again, the truth,
She calls herself the 'other woman'.
There were mornings,
When I didn't quite know who I loved.
But the next day,
When I saw you, I knew all too well.
We need to love between goodbyes
Forever, is not for the two of us
We need to rediscover, the truth.
She is the other woman.

Mr nothing and nothing

You lived far I never knew well,
If you had a name I forgot it.
It's five o'clock and palermo has little to tell,
There are two wines at home, if you promise to not fall in love.
We rode a ghost taxi
The five in the sun were appearing
Another night, another pillow,
Far from the nest and me without a shell
This peg leg was always, more bitch than my heart.
And so we're left like Mr nothing and nothing, and nothing.
And it's hard to wet an ear to loneliness
Let's say little precious and toast for what comes and goes.
For being a first time for the issue, it wasn't so bad.
There are no champions in a first round.
Then we slept, I think I didn't even hold you,
Outside was raining like the second to last time.
I pick the glasses of a glass, while you take a paper for breakfast,
And we planned a trip to Gessell, that we will never do.
This eye patch was always, more distant than my heart.
And so we're left like Mr nothing and nothing, and nothing.
And it's hard to wet an ear to loneliness
Don't say anything precious and toast for what comes and goes.
What cures us leaves, always leaves...
What cures us leaves, always leaves...
It stays a while, caresses us, lies to us,
And then leaves.
This peg leg was always, more bitch than my heart.
And so we're left like Mr nothing and nothing, and nothing.
And it's hard to wet an ear to loneliness.
Take the glassprecious and toast for what will never be.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Goodbye my country

Versions: #3
I left my country, I left my house
My life, my sad life is dragging for no reason
I left my sun, I left my blue sea
Their memories still, evenl after my goodbye
Sun, sun of my lost country
The white city I loved, girls I once knew
I left a friend, I still see her eyes
Her eyes wet with rain, the rain of the farewell
I see her smile, so close to my face
It made the evenings of my village shine
But from the edge of the boat, which took me away from the dock
A chain in the water slammed like a whip
I have long watched her blue eyes
The sea drowned them in the flow of regret

So that nobody notices

I know it's an open secret,
That I want something of you.
During the night I always dream,
Of seeing you at dawn.
Because of the fear of denouncing me,
I am my own enemy.
I still don't know which battles,
I must begin.
And I still remember,
The craziness and the fear,
The attempt to keep a secret.
And I can't do this anymore.
So that nobody notices,
I will pretend with my look.
And my smile that's in love,
Will be a thing of only us two.
So that nobody notices,
I will follow you everywhere,
Without advising you previously.
To hide my love,
I will ignore my heart.
And if I'm not wrong,
I don't need bravery,
But I keep being vulnerable,
If I hear your voice.
And if anybody asks me,
How I camouflage my wound,
I learned to live with it,
Without telling you good-bye.
And I still remember,
The craziness and the fear,
The attempt to keep a secret.
And I can't do this anymore.
So that nobody notices,
I will pretend with my look.
And my smile that's in love,
Will be a thing of only us two.
So that nobody notices,
I will follow you everywhere,
Without advising you previously.
To hide my love,
I will ignore my heart.
So that nobody notices,
I will confess my intentions,
But I will say that they are rumors,
To steal myself your attention.
So that nobody notices,
I will pretend with my look.
And my smile that's in love,
Will be a thing of only us two.
So that nobody notices,
I will follow you everywhere,
Without advising you previously,
To hide my love...
Todo lo que dices me parece inocente.

Ca nimeni să nu afle

Ştiu că e un secret deschis
Că eu vreau ceva cu tine
Noaptea mereu visez
Să te văd în fiecare dimineață
De teamă să nu mă dau de gol
Sunt propriul meu duşman
Încă nu ştiu ce bătălii
Trebuie să întreprind
Şi încă-mi amintesc
Nebunia şi teama
Încercarea de a păstra un secret
Şi nu mai pot
Pentru ca nimeni să nu afle
O să mă prefac cu privirea mea
Şi cu zâmbetul meu îndrăgostit
Va fi ceva al amândurora
Pentru ca nimeni să nu afle
O să te urmez în toate părțile
Fără să te anunț dinainte
Ca să-mi ascund iubirea
O să-mi ignor inima
Şi dacă nu mă înşel
Nu-mi lipsește curajul
Dar încă sunt vulnerabil
Dacă-ți aud vocea
Şi dacă vreunul mă întreabă
Cum să-mi ascund rana
Eu am învățat să trăiesc cu ea
Fără să-ți zic adio
Şi încă-mi amintesc
Nebunia şi teama
Încercarea de a păstra un secret
Şi nu mai pot
Pentru ca nimeni să nu afle
O să mă prefac cu privirea mea
Şi cu zâmbetul meu îndrăgostit
Va fi ceva al amândurora
Pentru ca nimeni să nu afle
O să te urmez în toate părțile
Fără să te anunț dinainte
Ca să-mi ascund iubirea
O să-mi ignor inima
Pentru ca nimeni să nu afle
O să-mi mărturisesc intențiile
Dar o să zic că sunt zvonuri
Ca să-ți atrag atenția
Pentru ca nimeni să nu afle
O să mă prefac cu privirea mea
Şi cu zâmbetul meu îndrăgostit
Va fi ceva al amândurora
Pentru ca nimeni să nu afle
O să te urmez în toate părțile
Fără să te anunț dinainte
Ca să-mi ascund iubirea
O să-mi ignor inima

When nobody sees me

Sometimes I rise, I give a thousand cartwheels
Sometimes I lock myself behind open doors
Sometimes I tell you why this silence
and is that sometimes I am yours and sometimes of the wind
Sometimes by a thread and sometimes by a hundred
And there are times, my life, I swear I think
Why is it so hard to feel how I feel?
Feel, how I feel! Make it difficult
Sometimes I look at you and sometimes you let me
You lend me your wings, check your footprints
Sometimes for everything, even if you never fail me
Sometimes I am yours and sometimes of nobody
And sometimes I really swear I feel you
Do not give your whole life, just give you those moments
Why is so difficult?
Living is just that
Live, it's just that
Why is so difficult?
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
When nobody sees me I put the world upside down
When nobody sees me, it does not limit my skin
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
When nobody sees me
Sometimes I rise, I give a thousand cartwheels
Sometimes I lock myself behind open doors
Sometimes I tell you why this silence
And is that sometimes I am yours and sometimes of the wind
I write from the inside of my own existence
Where cravings are born, the infinite essence
There are things of yours that I do not understand
And there are things so mine, but I do not see them
I guess I think I do not have them
I do not understand my life, the verses are lit
That in the dark I can, I'm sorry I do not hit
Do not light the lights that I have naked
The soul and the body
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
When nobody sees me I look like your skin
When nobody sees me I think about you too
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
When nobody sees me, it does not limit my skin noooo
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
Because it does not limit my skin nooooo
I can be or not be
When nobody sees me
Sometimes I rise, I give a thousand cartwheels
I lock you in my eyes after open doors
Sometimes I tell you why this silence
And sometimes I'm yours and sometimes ... of the wind
Sometimes the wind
Sometimes from the time
Sometimes of the wind.

Farewell Venice-in-Provence

Farewell Venice-in-Provence
Farewell land of my love
Farewell cigalons and cicadas
Sing forever in the great pines
Boats with soft colors
Hills with red flowers
I go far away
I leave you my heart
Farewell Venice-in-Provence
Farewell land of my love
Dear small village by the sea
I leave you as security everything dear to me
The endless summer of an enchanted sky
Where one day I thought I could live all my dreams
Land I loved, I must go far away
Farewell land of my love
Farewell cigalons and cicadas
Sing forever in the great pines
Boats with soft colors
Hills with red flowers
I go far away
I leave you my heart
Farewell Venice-in-Provence
Farewell land of my love
The brown-haired girl who often had sworn
Oaths in the moonlight
Suddenly in her pretty hand broke
My hopes and all my affection
That's why I want to forget her eyes
And leave your blue sky, dear land
Farewell Venice-in-Provence
Farewell land of my love
Farewell cigalons and cicadas
Sing forever in the great pines
Farewell Venice-in-Provence
Farewell land of my love

The farewell

I picked this twig of heather.
You shall remember fall is gone.
We won't meet again on this earth
Smell of seasons1, twig of heather,
and remember I shall await.
  • 1. 'temps' can both mean 'weather' and 'time', 'season' is the best middle ground I could find between the two meanings
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Paradice in Head

[Verse 1]
You search for the way out of the town and it leads you past horror
empty remainings
Over Hills from Dust and Electronictrash over weathered rails
Past Cars that are laying between the others
Shouldn't trust Eyes cause it seems like they're
From a cloud wall that are staying infront of the sun is falling a rusty rain. And people that aren't anymore people appearing like Zombies for you
When the world appears for you like that and your heart pounds at the Limit. Then is the least Escape in your own head
Then you get in the elevator with just a button
And you move up back in the Paradice in your head
[Verse 2]
And if you move down dare a new try a new
You're silencing the Voices but they are returning
after a short while
How should a glassy person should hide in a glassy world from the
Just one word is enough and this glassy person is turning in
seconds to shards
When the world appears for you like that and your heart pounds at the Limit. Then is the least Escape in your own head
Then you get in the elevator with just a button
And you move up back in the Paradice in your head
Back in your…oh-oh-oh-oho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Back in your…oh-oh-oh-oho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Back in your…oh-oh-oh-oho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Back in your…oh-oh-oh-oho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
When the world appears for you like that and your heart pounds at the Limit. Then is the least Escape in your own head
Then you get in the elevator with just a button
And you move up back in the Paradice in your head...


Tell me, what does 'goodbye' mean?
Is it only sad, something that hurts you?
Believe me, we won't say goodbye
The same way we did the last time I went away from you
I will always remember you as a friend
In case we never see each other again
We've got our memories
That will never die
Now the time has come
To say 'goodbye'
Tell me, what does 'goodbye' mean?
Can it be any good if everything is over?
Believe me, we will say goodbye
In a loving way if we break apart forever
I will always remember you as a friend
In case we never see each other again
We've got our memories
That will never die
Now the time has come
To say 'goodbye'

Sexy Sadie

Sexy Sadie, ce-ai făcut?
I-ai înnebunit pe toţi
I-ai înnebunit pe toţi
Sexy Sadie, oh, ce-ai făcut?
Sexy Sadie, ai încălcat regulile!
Te-ai întins ca toți să vadă
Te-ai întins ca toți să vadă
Sexy Sadie, oh, ai încălcat regulile!
Într-o zi însorită, lumea îşi aștepta iubita
Ea a venit ca să-i întoarcă pe toți
Sexy Sadie, cea mai grozavă dintre toate.
Sexy Sadie, cum ai ştiut?
Că lumea te aştepta doar pe tine.
Lumea te aştepta doar pe tine.
Sexy Sadie, oh, cum ai ştiut?
Sexy Sadie, ai să obţii ce vrei încă
Oricât de mare tu te crezi
Oricât de mare tu te crezi
Sexy Sadie, oh, ai să obţii ce vrei încă
I-am oferit tot ce aveam doar ca să stea la masa ei
Doar un zâmbet ar fi luminat totul
Sexy Sadie, cea mai nouă şi cea mai tare dintre toate
Ea a înnebunit pe toţi
Sexy Sadie
Oricât de mare tu te crezi
Sexy Sadie...

The Workers

Come on, come on!
Come on, come on!
From Salva to Vişeu,
the man tames the iron,
The pick beats hard,
Thought for the proud lady from the porch, oh-oh!
From Salva to Viseu.
Come on, come on!
Come on, come on!
From Salva to Vişeu,
the man, the mountain and the sky
meet in the narrow path
Thought for the kids in the porch
From Salva to Vişeu.
We are the workers passing by whistling
Neither rain, nor sun or wind can stop us.
We are the workers passing by whistling
Neither rain, nor sun or wind can stop us.
From Salva to Vişeu,
the train has its way
and I always see my father
thought for the kids in the porch, oh-ho
Pass from Salva to Vişeu
We are the workers passing by whistling
Neither rain, nor sun or wind can stop us.
We are the workers passing by whistling
Neither rain, nor sun or wind can stop us.