Rezultatele căutării pagină 20
Număr de rezultate: 1106
I found in your eyes
Happiness that I couldn't find
Seen by my lost heart
When destiny showed you
But it's not possible
We're not lucky
Much better if its a secret
Our dangerous love
Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous
The world will get mad, mad world, mad world
Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous
Let's keep this between us, between us, between us
I want the world to know
That you're mine and I'm yours
And if the time was just right
Then we'd be happy now
But it's not possible
We're not lucky
Much better if its a secret
Our dangerous love
Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous
The world will get mad, mad world, mad world
Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous
Let's keep this between us, between us, between us
Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous
The world will get mad, mad world, mad world
Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous
Let's keep this between us, between us, between us
You've got me like a fool, my love
And you know it
I've got your scent sawed to me
I take you with me everywhere
And I don't know what
It is with your glare
I live tangled to your skin
To your web, just take a look.
You've got me like a fool, my love
And it gets to me
When I want to quarrel
You kiss me and I can't anymore
I'm not the same as yesterday
Who'd tell?
I was your lord and master
Now I'm but your spy
And that's because I'm...
Chained to your skin
And your body, on my bed
Chained to the pleasure
That begins when your gown falls
My prisonmate
My warden.
You've got me like a fool, my love
And that's not strange
I'm sowed by you
by kisses and disillusions
And I just can't escape
From your gentle touch
A mix between beast and woman
with a doll's skin
Because I'm...
Subway Workers
While living in a big city
Having the strength of young men
He worked as an outfitter
Out of his steely necessity he built
Steel bridges, squares and pillars
Couldn't have any delights from richness
Out of his steely necessity he built
Steel bridges, squares and pillars
Couldn't have any delights from richness
After everything was done
All completed and set up
In the bronze plaque that was erected
Only the names of important men showed up
The mayor's, his secretaries
As for the big commissioner's
He couldn't find it
The mayor's, his secretaries
As for the big commissioner's
He couldn't find it
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
It would be needed a plaque
With the size of Bahia
From Juazeiro to Salvador
So it could fit
The names of all those who deserve it
Those who live building
Men, women and children
All of them hard workers
It would be needed a plaque
With the size of Bahia
From Juazeiro to Salvador
So it could fit
The names of all those who deserve it
Those who live building
Men, women and children
All of them hard workers
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
Zabumba, yeh!
Zabumba, yeh!
While living in a big city
Having the strength of young men
He worked as an outfitter
Out of his steely necessity he built
Steel bridges, squares and pillars
Couldn't have any delights from richness
Out of his steely necessity he built
Steel bridges, squares and pillars
Couldn't have any delights from richness
After everything was done
All completed and set up
In the bronze plaque that was erected
Only the names of important men showed up
The mayor's, his secretaries
As for the big commissioner's
He couldn't find it
The mayor's, his secretaries
As for the big commissioner's
He couldn't find it
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
It would be needed a plaque
With the size of Bahia
From Juazeiro to Salvador
So it could fit
The names of all those who deserve it
Those who live building
Men, women and children
All of them hard workers
It would be needed a plaque
With the size of Bahia
From Juazeiro to Salvador
So it could fit
The names of all those who deserve it
Those who live building
Men, women and children
All of them hard workers
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
Zabumba, yeh!
Zabumba, yeh!
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
I said, my friend
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
Beat the zabumba so people make a bustle
The sadness you find in a catacomb
Can't be present in a forró
Zabumba, yeh!
Zabumba, yeh!
Să trăiesc alături de tine
Dacă mi-ar rămâne un minut
De trăit sub acest cer,
Dacă mi-ar rămâne un singur sărut,
O îmbrățișare,
Dacă mi-ar rămâne o privire,
O singură rază de soare,
Vreau s-o trăiesc alături de tine
Ca să mor de iubire.
Să lăsăm lumea asta în trecut
Și să creăm una nouă între noi doi.
E timpul să trăim ce visam,
Fără teamă, tu și eu.
O viață întreagă greșind,
Făcând să tacă o inimă ce striga.
Cât de târziu am ajuns să spunem te iubesc
Sau poate nu, poate nu.
Las în brațele tale sufletul meu,
Dar și corpul și vocea mea
Ca să trăiesc alături de tine,
Ca să murim de iubire.
Dor tăcerile,
Doare adevărul,
Dor atâtea dorințe de a iubi.
Să lăsăm lumea asta în trecut
Și să creăm una nouă între noi doi.
E timpul să trăim ce visam,
Fără teamă, tu și eu.
O viață întreagă greșind,
Făcând să tacă o inimă ce striga.
Cât de târziu am ajuns să spunem te iubesc
Sau poate nu, poate nu.
Poate nu,
Poate nu.
Sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Versions: #2
Vreau să beau săruturile gurii tale
Ca și cum ar fi picături de rouă
Și acolo în aer să desenez numele tău
Împreună cu al meu
Și într-o coardă dulce de chitară
plimb nebunii prin sentimentele tale
Și în subtila îmbrățișare a nopții
Vei știi ceea ce simt...
Că sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Și iubirea ta mă face mare
Că sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Și ce bine, cât de bine mă face să te iubesc
Înăuntrul tău lasă-mă-n captivitate
Să fiu alături aerului ce-l respiri
Și-n fiecare spațiu unește-mi iluziile
Împreună cu-a ta viață
Dacă naufragiu mă lasă pe malul tău,
să mă alimentez numai cu amintiri
şi să mă trezesc din visul profund
Numai ca să te văd
Că sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Și iubirea ta mă face mare
Că sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Și cât de bine, cât de bine mă face să te iubesc
Voi aprinde focul pielii tale liniștite
Îți voi uda buzele cu apa pasionată
Încât să țesem, apoi, vise din nimic
Că sunt îndrăgostită
(Că sunt îndrăgostit)
Și iubirea ta mă face mare
Că sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Și cât de bine, cât de bine mă face să te iubesc
Că sunt îndrăgostită
(Că sunt îndrăgostit)
Și iubirea ta mă face mare
Că sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Și cât de bine, cât de bine mă face să te iubesc
I'll look for you in the depths.
Wherever I have to find you, I'll look for you in youself, in the mud, or the abyss.
I will look for you even if it hurts, even if I lose you and I don't feel it,
I'll go, I'll go...
I'll look for you in your hell, where fear burns.
I'll look for you in the dark, through a dangerous path. I'll go looking for you, don't fear, for through my fall, you fly.
Ally I will be.
Your shield I will be.
Your safeguard, your guardian who will wake love in you.
Ally I will be
Your angel I will be, an ally of your fate.
I'll enlighten your path.
I'll find you in your shadows where nobody names you.
I'll calm your desire and I'll do alchemy in your dreams
I'll look for you in your mind, so confused and absent.
Ally I will be.
Your shield I will be.
Your safeguard, your guardian who will wake love in you.
Ally I will be
Your angel I will be, an ally of your fate.
I'll enlighten your path.
Ally I will be.
Your shield I will be.
Your safeguard, your guardian who will wake love in you.
Ally I will be
Your angel I will be, an ally of your fate.
I'll enlighten your path.
By your side
I think of you
Endlessly of you
I want to be
An answer for you
I think of you
I believe in you
Inexhaustibly in you
Like you
Who trusted in my wisdom
I believe in you
Only in you
And to wake up by your side
Every sunrise
And to roll my lips
Over your skin
I believe in you
I am in you
Desperately in you
And until today
I have endured without talking
I am in you
Only in you
And to wake up by your side
Every sunrise
And to roll my lips
Over your skin
And to wake up by your side
Every sunrise
And to roll my lips
Over your skin
I think of you
I believe in you
I believe in you
Only in you
I instantly knew it was her.
It was her way of calling.
I slowly approached the window.
It was my uncombed conscience.
We went walking amidst the debris
of my unmade decisions.
'Cause time goes by, my friend,
and life moves on mercilessly.
With our feet hanging over the sea on the cliff,
embraced at dawn, you invited me to jump.
'Cause life happens only once and you know I'm by your side
and vertigo is nothing but fear, the fear of changing.
Over the sea of doubts in your eyes,
I could see my fears sailing.
I always see the grey of the rainbow.
It's my bloody way of seeing.
With our feet hanging over the sea on the cliff,
embraced at dawn, you invited me to jump.
'Cause life happens only once and you know I'm by your side
and vertigo is nothing but fear, the fear of changing.
And we jump at dawn with the sun on our lips,
with the foam of broken dreams beneath our feet.
'Cause the wind opened his arms to us, we went up flying
wherever those hearts who know how to lose live.
Dimineață umedă
Frunzele umezite, cerul senin
Farfuria îmbibată în grăsime
Ouăle prăjite, perna ta aici
Duminică, boem, eram doar tu și eu
Și tu care pleci, exact în
Cel mai bun moment vii și pleci
Și eu aici, frânt, înfrânt
Puțin disperat
Flămând, sărat
Spun că obsedat
Te urmăresc prin toate părțile
Mă uit la fiecare fotografie, urmăresc cu cine umbli
Văd comentariile, văd ce-ți place
Notez locurile, caut vreo dovadă că nu ești fericită
Cazul meu e serios, e demn de studiu
Și tu care pleci, exact în
Cel mai bun moment vii și pleci
Și eu aici, frânt, înfrânt
Puțin disperat
Știu că nu e bine
Să trăiesc așa, urmărindu-te
Dar nu e în puterile mele
Sunt disperat fără dragostea ta
Și tu care pleci, exact în
Cel mai bun moment vii și pleci
Și eu aici, flămând, sărat, intens, încăpățânat
Trist, copleșit, puțin dezorientat
Frânt, înfrânt și puțin disperat
Cel care greșește
Eu care te-am mințit de atâtea ori
Nu sunt omul pe care îl meriți
Chiar dacă ți-am furat inima
Dar tu, care mereu ai fost cea corectă
Defectul tău e să fii perfectă
Și virtutea meu a fost să-ți fac rău
Și nu te întoarce dacă nu vrei să mă urăști
Nu pierde timpul să mă cauți
Mai devreme sau mai târziu te voi face să plângi
Voi minți când mă întrebi dacă te iubesc
Când îmi ceri să fiu sincer
Eu te voi minți
Îți voi spune că te-am așteptat toată viața
Chiar dacă de fapt e o minciună
Eu ți-o voi spune
Poate că te-ai îndrăgostit de mine
Dar voi fi cel care greșește
Eu care nu-mi recunosc niciodată greșelile
Voi admite că sunt unii mai buni
Care îți fură ochii
Dar tu, care mereu ai fost cea corectă
Defectul tău e să fii perfectă
Și virtutea meu a fost să-ți fac rău
Și nu te întoarce dacă nu vrei să mă urăști
Nu pierde timpul să mă cauți
Mai devreme sau mai târziu te voi face să plângi
Voi minți când mă întrebi dacă te iubesc
Când îmi ceri să fiu sincer
Eu te voi minți
Îți voi spune că te-am așteptat toată viața
Chiar dacă de fapt e o minciună
Eu ți-o voi spune
Poate că te-ai îndrăgostit de mine
Dar voi fi cel care greșește
Îți cer să mă uiți
Nu mă lăsa să am grijă de
Inima ta când tremură
Șterge-mă din viața ta
Căci zece săruturi se uită
Dar mă tem că deja nu mai numărăm
Îți cer să mă uiți
Nu mă lăsa să am grijă de
Inima ta când tremură
Șterge-mă din viața ta
Căci zece săruturi se uită
Dar mă tem că deja nu mai numeri
Voi minți când mă întrebi dacă te iubesc
Când îmi ceri să fiu sincer
Eu te voi minți
Îți voi spune că te-am așteptat toată viața
Chiar dacă de fapt e o minciună
Eu ți-o voi spune
Poate că te-ai îndrăgostit de mine
Dar voi fi cel care greșește
All good times are past
All those years went by
since your mother gave you birth
They've been passing, almost piling up
leaving their marks on your skin.
I know well you had bad times,
though your holy eyes shone for moments.
And you had friends, parties and rum
you had a man, dresses and bread,
nights and a war, flowers and more,
all those years and fingers to count.
Today I got in your room, I read your poems,
I checked your clothes and looked at your pictures,
I know I did wrong...
I apologize if I wasn't discreet
But I wanted to know more about you.
Now I'm calm, I know you're ok
Too bad for those eyes wanting to say
'All good times are past'
Fighters in the mud
I no longer remember why we fight
How everything went out of hands
No matter who's to blame
We both know well
It's killing us
Days go by, damage report
Months and years go by
It seems to be normal
To stab each other
Besieging each other
Life passes behind a chimera
It can happen to anyone
Because in the tunnel of love
There's the fog of pain
Tormenting us
We are fighter sin the mud
We are losers to everything
Speeding up till the end
Like in a crazy carnival
Missing each other
We are fighter sin the mud
First the finger, then the elbow
The bitter and the sweet
Speeding up till the end
Missing each other
O ador
Când umbrele se lasă și stele apar,
Durerea ce-o simt e de neîndurat.
Dacă aș putea retrăi acea zi devotată,
Nu mi-aș întoarce iubirea.
Îmi dezvălui cât de mult o ador,
Îmi agăț inima de mânecă, doar pentru ea,
De-a lungul întregii vieți îi voi arăta iubirea mea.
În această clipă aș putea...sunt doar al ei.
Când mă gândesc la fragedele-i buze,
La ușoara atingere a degetelor ei,
Îmi amintesc de ochii ei atât de frumoși,
De blânda lumină a lunii pe părul ei pufos.
Îmi dezvălui cât de mult o ador,
Îmi agăț inima de mânecă, doar pentru ea,
De-a lungul întregii vieți îi voi arăta iubirea mea.
În această clipă aș putea...sunt doar al ei.
Aș înălța liber
Aș dansa singur
Dar cineva îmi șoptește
Și pășește încet spre mine
Mă mângâie în tăcere
Cu o privire îmblânzitoare
Zâmbește tăcută
Aruncă petale asupra mea
Lumina se aprinde, de culoare perlată
Marginile petalelor sunt atât de frumoase, moi arcuite
Două mâini îmi ating fața
Dar mi-e frică, alerg
Rămân singur și cobor așa
Cine ești și de ce ai venit
Îmi tulburi pacea mohorâtă
Dansul păsărilor mele
A fost bine pentru mine
Aș înălța liber
Aș dansa liber
Dar am șuierat trecut
Acum se strecoară spre mine
Nu șuiera, ascultă
La urma urmei, ne așteaptă o nouă zi
Zâmbește în tăcere
Aruncă perle în fața mea
Simt că acum e bine,
Ce a fost, totul a trecut,
și nu trebuie să vorbești despre asta
Pielea mea este suflată de vânt
Țesutul îmi scutură mii și mii de celule care simte că e viu
Haide rămân, să dansăm
Să ne avântăm liber
Lumina zâmbetului nostru
Presară peste tot
Îmi place dansul nostru
Îmi place vocea noastră
Îmi place și așa, că
Că vine cu un sărut la mine
Să ne ridicăm în cerul albastru
Este voie și așa,că noi doi, chiar mai sus
Escortați peste nori
Acolo sus mâna mea și mâna ta este coroana strălucitoare în jurul soarelui
Haide, să rămânem dansând
Avântați liber
Lumina zâmbetului nostru
Presară peste tot
El Dorado
A hundred bells
Your look
Everything hurts me
Everything does damage
Everything does damage
To my heart
Lost in limbo
Through your window
All my feelings go
How'd I ever fall for
How'd I ever fall for
Your El Dorado?
Over by the shore I'm missing you
The ocean almost bleeds blue
Every passing cloud is you
It hurts so so much
It hurts when I'm without you
A hundred bells
Your look
Everything hurts me
Everything does damage
Everything does damage
To my heart
Lost in limbo
Through your window
All my feelings go
How'd I ever fall for
How'd I ever fall for
Your El Dorado?
Over by the shore I'm missing you
The ocean almost bleeds blue
The Good Times
Let it last, let it last
Let the good times last
Don't take it personally
After autumn there's spring
If there's a storm it's not so bad
And forget about your problems
It feels hot
Unstoppable, the hot coals
Pretty chilly and something on your mind
You want it and you better not put up with it
I always carry, carry the key
I always lock up all your misfortunes
Someday soon, I don't know and you don't know
I'm free and I like it, I like it
Nobody can take away my good times
Here anything can happen
I bring everything you need
This has got to last
Don't take it personally
After autumn there's spring
If there's a storm it's not so bad
And forget about your problems
It feels hot
Unstoppable, the hot coals
Pretty chilly and something on your mind
You want it and you better not put up with it
I always carry, carry the key
I always lock up all your misfortunes
Someday soon, I don't know and you don't know
I'm free and I like it, I like it
Nobody can take away my good times
Here anything can happen
I bring everything you need
This has got to last
May the good times last for us
Oh my love, 'cause I don't know how to dance
Let this morning last for us
Oh let it last, let it last for us
Nobody can take away your good times
Here anything can happen
I bring everything you need
This has got to last
Let it last, let it last
Let the good times last
Let it last, let it last
Let our good times last
Word Processor
Versions: #1
Caught in a blackout membrane.
Liberation movement for the
sensitivity that'd severed all brain activity, path to recapture.
The consequent solitary armed uprising.
With regards to whether to live or die,
counting backwards from the end, it's a suburban memento mori.
An alley of shuttered down shops, iron bridge on the outskirts of the city,
the spirits of our ancestors always stand watch.
My secondhand car keeps making a hundred thousand kilometers
worth of round trips on a highway from each word to the next.
If I keep nursing my dreams unfulfilled at the beach,
then even those will finally be seen through to the end.
If you are to bury my bones, then let it be in my hometown.
But the final resting place of my words is right here.
Ten years later, a hundred years later,
I'm confident that they're seeds that will bud somehow or another.
I sing the songs we were told not to sing.
I scream the words we were told not to speak.
It must be a passion strong enough to burn
those tears of defeat we once shed.
I glared at tomorrow as if to say 'Like I'd let it end here,'
and desperately shot down my impulse of annoyance.
Without calling it hope, what is it to be called?
Reality and fantasy weigh equally
and become a lead downpour. From the hole it opened in that chest
I can see your faded thing called tomorrow.
The word processor that kept speaking in mathematical formulas.
Even the shortest little line ripped out and thrown away,
now that some years have passed
at last it bores into even rock-like despair.
I sing the songs we were told not to sing.
I scream the words we were told not to speak.
It must be a passion strong enough to burn
those tears of defeat we once shed.
I glared at tomorrow as if to say 'Like I'd let it end here,'
and desperately shot down my impulse of annoyance.
Without calling it hope, what is it to be called?
I sing the songs we were told not to sing. My head spins.
By Your Side
Somewhere off in the distance, stars shining like pearls
light the way for those who are in love.
Take my hand and we'll fly
as two halves of the same heart.
This isn't just chance. We're not just fleeting lovers.
We're flying like planes in the sky.
I see the world in your eyes' reflection.
And now we're drowning in each other.
The whole sky, the whole world and I are here for you.
Our love is exposed against the background of bright stars.
Even if the whole world is fighting against you
I'll always be by your side.
The whole sky, the whole world and I are here for you.
Our love is exposed against the background of bright stars.
Even if the whole world is fighting against you
I'll always be by your side.
It's like we're weightless, hold me tight.
There's no one around, just shadows dancing.
It seems that love is pulsing through my veins
When you look at me, it attracts me like a magnet.
This isn't just chance. We're not just fleeting lovers.
We're flying like planes in the sky.
I see the world in your eyes' reflection.
And now we're drowning in each other.
The whole sky, the whole world and I are here for you.
Our love is exposed against the background of bright stars.
Even if the whole world is fighting against you
I'll always be by your side.
The whole sky, the whole world and I are here for you.
Our love is exposed against the background of bright stars.
Even if the whole world is fighting against you
I'll always be by your side.
Umbrele nopții
Umbrele nopții
Sosesc atunci când luna strălucește puternic,
Îți părăsesc mormintele ca umbre ale nopții,
Când orașul e adormit.
Nimeni nu cunoaște umbrele nopții,
În întuneric ele zboară una lângă alta,
Glugi tăcute sunt umbrele nopții.
Nimeni n-a văzut vreodată un chip
Al umbrelor nopții.
Umbrele nopții
Cimitirul, e unu noaptea,
Un lup urlă pe o stâncă depărtată.
E timpul pentru tăcuții sclavi
Să se trezească spre a-și deschide mormintele.
Unu, doi, trei și patru,
Un mormânt după altul, iar și iar.
Comemorare sau transmutare,
Urmele ultimei generații.
Umbrele nopții
N-au murit nicicând nesatisfăcute.
Ele au plătit cel mai mare preț,
Așteptând următorul sfat.
N-au aflat niciodată pacea de pe urmă,
Viața lor neliniștită nu va înceta vreodată.
Când luna strălucește puternic
Ele își părărsesc mormintele ca umbre ale nopții.
Vântul urlă printre copaci
Melodia tragediilor.
Epitaf fără de sens,
Sunetele tristeții când ele lovesc și apoi pleacă.
Umbrele nopții sunt în zborul lor,
N-au văzut vreodată lumina,
Străine tăcute, încete și repezi,
Fără viitor, fără trecut.
Zburând printre străzile unui oraș nesfârșit,
Către nicăieri, în sus și-n jos.
Oamenii își încuie ușile pe etajele lor,
Umbrele sunt iuți ca un cal zburător.
Un atac scurt, ca un maniac,
Derutat de fantoma în negru.
Când luna strălucește puternic
Ele își părăsesc mormintele ca umbre ale nopții.
Refren (x2)
Dedicated to lovers
who meet again
Dedicated to the poets of freedom
And to the light of a gaze without evilness
To those crazy dreamers
Who don't stop dreaming
To that kid that begins
To walk with his mother
And to the skin of that girl for love
Dedicated to the friends
Who can respect each other
And to the people who walks without treading on
To the bravery of a true caress
To the corner shopkeeper
To the cab driver, to the chatter
And to the girl of life
Who helps to forget
Bad love we give her without thinking
To that happy wanderer
Owner of his freedom
To the shipwrecks of the world
Without warmth nor home
To you who are hurt and alone
To who hates war
To who has good humor
Dedicated to hope and to the sunlight
For you future man is my song
Dedicated to life and love
Do You Realise, My Friend...?
Do you realise, mate
That, ever so slowly, they are placing
Our futures in the past?
Do you realise, my friend?
Do you realise, mate
That they are stealing it from us
With every passing day?
Do you realise, my friend?
Do you realise, mate
That for many years, now,
They've been hiding history from us,
And they tell us that we have none?
That our history is their own...
Do you realise, my friend? Do you realise, mate
That now, they want our future
Slowly, day by day, night after night?
Do you realise, my friend?
Do you realise, mate?
They don't want arguments:
They use brute force!
Do you realise, my friend?
Do you realise, mate
That for many years, now,
They've been hiding history from us,
And they tell us that we have none?
That our history is their own...
Do you realise, my friend? Do you realise, mate,
That we must go out on the street?
Together, many of us, the more the better,
If we don't want to lose everything!
Do you realise, my friend?
Do you realise, mate?
Do you realise, my friend...?
Every Time I Feel
Every time I feel I stop and think
I look at your hands
they tell me just enough and I'm happy
I shake it the think to leave it behind
Even though I know how to speak just to speak
I keep looking at your hands
you tell me just enough
Everything is assumed in silence
till one has to tend to the wounds that friends
wanted to cause
You know its time to leave that wound and just look within yourself
Long outbursts (of anger), fights, farewells to those who will never leave
you know the moment has arrived
we'll close the stories that have to be closed
and now that all is calm again I look
at your palms
Every time I feel I stop and think
I look at your hands
They tell me just enough and I'm happy
to be able to touch them
My Heart Is Put Under A Spell
Your smile is so flashy that my heart is put under a spell
Come grab my hand to fly away from this terrible darkness
The moment I saw your face in front of me again
My memory brought me back to a wonderful sight
That as a kid was so precious to me
I wanna know if you want to go dance with me
Give me your hand and I will lead you through the path of light and darkness
Maybe you're still thinking about him, I can't tell, but I do know and understand
What love you need and the strength for the dust of hope and magic
Of the universe they all seek to attain
I'm gonna love you for all eternity, I don't care if you're still not interested
Come take my hand to escape this infinite darkness
You mean the universe to me
Time freezes when you're around me
I want to forget all the doubts that hurt me
Knowing the way to find that destination I always imagine with you
There's so much stuff I want to share with you
I stay silent because I can't find the right moment
The traffic sounds in the city does not lure me towards your heart
And even though I try to hide what I feel, you always fill my thoughts
I can no longer fake what my heart feels for you
You trap me with your smile, I ain't living this life in a rush anymore
Come give me your hand to flee away from this terrible darkness
My love
With no memory or place to find you
With no memories that help me dream of you
Without you in my arms and hugging you
Without more time to be able to rescue you
Without your absence there is no past
That dares to forget you
If you are my spring
The secret was your real laugh
And your light that lit up the stars
My love
Where do I hide this great sorrow
This wound
Hurts so much that it condemns
To think that God exists
And that in this last light
I will find you, we will be two and no one else
And with nothing, I filled with your memories
And with nothing, your ‘I love you’s invaded me
If I have you close to me
There's no sorrow or silences
If you are waiting for me
And my dream is to take you to the stars
And at night give you the most beautiful one
My love
Where do I hide this great sorrow
This wound
Hurts so much that it condemns
To think that God exists
And that in this last light
I will find you, we will be two and no one else
And I dream that you're coming back
Very soon I’ll be together with you
All my heart
Now lights up
My love
My love
Where do I hide this great sorrow
This wound
Hurts so much that it condemns
No matter what happens
Wherever you go
A game of fate
has been set up for us by the stars
No matter what happens
You will always return here
Like earth and moon
You spin but you never pass
Don't give in
Be the blood inside my heart
Get inside my lane and ask for me
Put the pedal to the metal
And off we go!
Don't give in
Don't let me,
But let yourself go
Let's say we got carried away for a while
Put the pedal to the metal
And off we go!
No matter what happens
You will always return here
On the edge of the dream
The sun is going to shine for us
No matter what happens
Wherever you go
Love will be like a jewel,
That you will wear until the end of time
Don't give in
Be the blood inside my heart
Get inside my lane and ask for me
Put the pedal to the metal
And off we go!
Don't give in
Don't let me,
But let yourself go
Let's say we got carried away for a while
Put the pedal to the metal
And off we go!
Don't give in
Be the blood inside my heart
Get inside my lane and ask for me
Put the pedal to the metal
And off we go!
Don't give in
Don't let me,
But let yourself go
Let's say we got carried away for a while
Put the pedal to the metal
And off we go!
And off we go...
And off we go...
The rain outside the window - it's a gloomy day,
Friends called me this morning.
Do you want to blooze this evening?
We have nothing to do today.
(2 times)
The sun came out, it became clear
The day is so beautiful.
No. I'll tell to the bad habit
Because I'm sober today!
I won't go to my friends
I'm not going to drink with the bride,
Because I decided
That I will be sober today!
I'll be sober today
I'll be sober today
I'm not going to drink with the bride,
Because I'm sober today!
Where is hell, he who judges the dead?
Hateful person, hateful person,
When it rains, it is a late autumn shower,
I wait for the dead of night,
From today, I'm a celestial body that flies in the sky, a ghost.
Hateful person, hateful person,
I fly through the sky, faster then a radio wave
At the end of the realm of the dead,
I'm looking for a pleasant memory to take with me,
Hateful person, hateful person,
Without forgetting my past life,
Hateful person, hateful person,
I am chasing after the next world,
Hateful person, hateful person,
I cannot forgive you,
Hateful person, hateful person,
Because I was too kind
Come this way, let's dance together
I'm not lonely you know, I laugh you know,
The night is scary in this way,
I hold onto your shoulders,
The rain was beating down
It is not cold but I hug you,
Thank you, but I cannot reach you
If you curse someone, it'll come back and bite you,
What is the original sin, he who judges the dead(1)?
If you curse someone, it'll come back and bite you,
If you have three, you'll get the bonus first prize,
If you curse someone, it'll come back and bite you,
Where is hell, he who judges the dead?
It would be better if I'd loved people
A set of three, the big prize,
(Wannabe westerner)
Look at me,
Do you notice it?
(Good children quickly start going to sleep)
The water over here is sweet you know, come!
I tricked the fox, it disappeared mysteriously,
What if the world ended tonight,
A wish to be at the god's mercy
Despite being sad, why do I not cry,
Goodbye, I cannot form words as well.
If you curse someone, it'll come back and bite you,
What is the original sin, he who judges the dead(1)?
If you curse someone, it'll come back and bite you,
If you have three, you'll get the bonus first prize,
If you curse someone, it'll come back and bite you,
Where is hell, he who judges the dead?
It would be better if I'd loved people
A set of three, the big prize,
The rain which soaks hell is as silent as the grave,
The rain which soaks hell is as silent as the grave.
Rază de lumină
Zefir în cerul nopţii - mă întreb
oare lacrimile mele de doliu
se scufundă dincolo de soare?
Ea şi-a luat un univers - dispărut repede
pentru chemarea tunetului
ameninţă pe toţi...
Şi mă simt
Ca şi cum am ajuns acasă
Şi mă simt
Şi mă simt
Ca şi cum am ajuns acasă
Şi mă simt
Mai repede decât lumina în viteză - ea zboară
încercând să-şi amintească
unde a început totul
Şi-a luat o bucată de rai
aşteptând timpul când
Pământul va fi unul...
Şi mă simt
Ca şi cum am ajuns acasă
Şi mă simt
Şi mă simt
Ca şi cum am ajuns acasă
Şi mă simt
Mai rapidă decât o rază de lumină
Mai rapidă decât o rază de lumină
Mai rapidă decât o rază de lumină
Zefir în cerul nopţii - mă întreb
oare lacrimile mele de doliu
se scufundă dincolo de soare?
Ea şi-a luat un univers - dispăru repede
pentru chemarea tunetului
ameninţă pe toţi...
Şi mă simt
mai rapidă decât o rază de lumină - Apoi plecată fiindcă
Altcineva ar trebui să fie acolo
prin anii fără de final
Şi-a luat un univers
Şi-a luat un univers
Şi-a luat un univers
Şi mă simt
Şi mă simt
Şi mă simt
Ca şi cum am ajuns acasă
Şi mă simt
Mai rapidă decât o rază de lumină - ea zboară
Mai rapidă decât o rază de lumină - eu zbor
Nebună după tine
Cameră ce se unduieşte în timp ce muzica începe
străini ce formează mare parte din întuneric
Doi câte doi, trupurile lor devenind unul...
Te văd prin aerul fumegând
Nu simţi greutatea privirii mele?
Eşti atât de aproape, dar la o lume departe
Ce mor să-ţi spun
E că sunt nebună după tine
Atinge-mă o dată şi vei şti că e adevărat.
Niciodată n-am vrut pe altcineva aşa
E totul nou, vei simţi în sărutul meu
Sunt nebună după tine, nebună după tine...
Încercând din greu să-mi controlez inima
păşesc spre locul unde eşti
ochi în ochi, n-avem nevoie de cuvinte deloc...
Încet, acum, începem să ne mişcăm
Cu fiecare respiraţie, mă aflu adânc în tine
În curând, noi doi încă mai stăm în timp
dacă-mi citeşti mintea.
Vei vedea că sunt nebună după tine
Atinge-mă o dată şi vei şti că e adevărat.
Niciodată n-am vrut pe altcineva aşa
E totul nou, vei simţi în sărutul meu
vei simţi în sărutul meu fiindcă
Sunt nebună după tine
Atinge-mă o dată şi vei şti că e adevărat.
Niciodată n-am vrut pe altcineva aşa
E totul nou, vei simţi în sărutul meu
Sunt nebună după tine, nebună după tine..
Nebună după tine, nebună după tine
Totul e nou
Sunt nebună după tine
şi ştii că e adevărat
Sunt nebună, nebună după tine
Totul e nou
Sunt nebună după tine
şi ştii că e adevărat, da
Sunt nebună după tine
Sunt nebună după tine, iubire
Sunt nebună după tine
Sunt nebună după tine, iubire
Sunt nebună după tine
Sunt nebună după tine
Big Hero
Wars, don't happen on winter anymore
Even for us, it's a bit cold to hate
Wars, don't happen on winter anymore
Even for us, it's a bit cold to conquer
Wars, don't happen on summer anymore
Even for us, it's a bit hot to hate
Hey you! Big hero
Come and show me that you can
It is not wise to only be strong in war
Come and show me a little affection
Wars, don't happen on summer anymore
Even for us, it's a bit hot to hate
Surrender yourself to the times?
Come and show me...
That you know how to be afraid.
Hey you! Big hero
Come and show me that you can
It is not wise to be strong
Come and show that you can be afraid...
She knows that you can love.
I'm leaving
Because I think
That I love you too much
I did not ask for a green plastic hero
Who would tie my life up
And who can say
How much time we have anyway?
When I met you, I thought for a moment
That I found a friend.
Hey you! Big hero
Come and show me that you can
It is not wise to be strong
Come and show that you can be afraid...
She knows that you can love.
I'm leaving
Because I think
That I love you too much
I did not ask for a green plastic hero
Who would tie my life up
And who can say
How much time we have anyway?
When I met you, I thought for a moment
That I found a friend.
Niciodată n-am vrut să fiu major
M-am apărat mereu
Din exterior am devenit tare ca o piatră
Și totuși am fost rănit de multe ori
Undeva adânc în mine am rămas un copil
Doar atunci, când nu mai pot să o simt
Știu, (că) pentru mine e prea târziu
Prea târziu
Prea târziu
Jos pe fundul mării
Unde toată viața pentru totdeauna tace
Încă mai pot vedea visele mele
Ca aerul cel se ridică din adâncuri
Undeva adânc în mine am rămas un copil
Doar atunci, când nu mai pot să o simt
Știu, (că) pentru mine e prea târziu
Prea târziu
Prea târziu
Alunec prin întuneric
Și aștept lumina zorilor
Atunci mă joc cu raza de soare
Ce se sparge argintie în apă
Undeva adânc în mine am rămas un copil
Doar atunci, când nu mai pot să o simt
Știu, (că) pentru mine e prea târziu
Prea târziu
Prea târziu
Undeva adânc în mine am rămas un copil
Doar atunci, când nu mai pot să o simt
Știu, (că) pentru mine e prea târziu
Știu, (că) pentru mine e prea târziu
Refrain x2:
White hair like Madona dona dona
She drinks Korona rona rona
Holds 2 phones phones phones
Doesn't care about late hours
I would eat yourr..., you drink raki
I don't know anything anymore
But you ate my... catastrofe
You are shit, I am drunk bro
If the word character for you
Are just three letters
Bad daddy and with me there are no games
Whatever I have to do, I know and I do it
And about the tomorrow I never play
She to Prishtine to Tirane
She gives me her breasts and call her mom
Some days you have it and some other she does
She undresses me and washes me
With her like an elastic band stic
Her chest like a pillow
She is loyal and so do I
I am not a snitch I would never snitch snitch snitch
Refrain x2:
White hair like Madona dona dona
She drinks Korona rona rona
Holds 2 phones phones phones
Doesn't care about late hours
I wink just for you
Just as I see your black eyes
Oh you blondie with black eyes
She knows how to turn me on as I know how to turn her on
She sits in the chair upside I don't know much I have
And 10 gram of C is all that seperates her from her friends
She takes the blame whenever you want for me,she swear on me
I can't buy her alltin! cause you never know and it kills
Only drinks
I will either go to her or she will come at my house
Like in the movies, I have told you that i would like to have with you 2 sons
I returned her heart you have lots of boys
I leave in peave knowing they write at your insta
Holy shit, I love you but you don't give a cent*1
Ziki AKA fratello
If only I had followed you for the rest of my life
If only your name was EURO
but you don't
Refrain x2:
White hair like Madona dona dona
She drinks Korona rona rona
Holds 2 phones phones phones
Doesn't care about late hours