Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 25

Număr de rezultate: 1106


My sin is to love you

To love you like I did, without limit in the horizon,
Is always a dangerous game
Because, in the end, the one who gave most is the loser
To love you like I did,
Emptying my life for you
I spent 100 thousand words in the wind
I gave myself every moment
To make you happy
My sin is to love you due to not
Understanding you were never mine
Due to my desire to fill this void
That was formed between the emotion and the reason
My sin is to love you
To love you like I did, without limit in the horizon,
Is always a dangerous game
Because, in the end, the one who gave most is the loser
To love you like I did,
Emptying my life for you
I spent 100 thousand words in the wind
I gave myself every moment
To make you happy
My sin is to love you due to not
Understanding you were never mine
Due to my desire to fill this void
That was formed between the emotion and the reason
My sin is to love you...

Avariată și naufragiată

M-am săturat să-ți simt lipsa,
Dormind în același pat,
Separați de gheață,
Să fac cumpărăturile la farmacie,
Să-i zâmbesc dizgrației,
Să boxez cu gelozia.
Și nu pot să mai stau aici!
Acele ceasului
Sunt demonul care mă face să vorbesc singur.
Sunt căpitanul acestei bărci distruse,
Sunt cretinul care abia dacă te cunoaște,
Sunt sufletul bastard a lui cupidon,
Pe care îl îndepărtezi de tine cu fiecare bătaie de inimă.
Sunt ca un satelit orbitând în jurul unui corp,
Care se răcește întotdeauna în același moment.
Sunt doar vântul
Care deja nu mai destramă ecoul vocii tale.
M-am săturat să vând la bucată
Iubirea noastră, care a fost atât de scumpă
Ca și cum ar fi fost furată.
Deja m-am săturat de atâta gălăgie,
De a mă ascunde în dulap
Când eu sunt soțul aici.
Și nu pot să mai stau aici!
Acele ceasului
Sunt demonul care mă face să vorbesc singur.
Sunt căpitanul acestei bărci distruse,
Sunt cretinul care abia dacă te cunoaște,
Sunt sufletul bastard a lui cupidon,
Pe care îl îndepărtezi de tine cu fiecare bătaie de inimă.
Sunt ca un satelit orbitând în jurul unui corp,
Care se răcește întotdeauna în același moment.
Sunt doar vântul
Care deja nu mai destramă ecoul vocii tale.
Știu ce sunt...
Al treilea din discordie,
Prostul fără memorie,
Cel care nu știe nimic despre viața ta.
Știu ce sunt...
O barcă distrusă,
Avariată și naufragiată.
Sunt căpitanul acestei bărci distruse,
Sunt cretinul care abia dacă te cunoaște,
Sunt sufletul bastard a lui cupidon,
Pe care îl îndepărtezi de tine cu fiecare bătaie de inimă.
Sunt ca un satelit orbitând în jurul unui corp,
Care se răcește întotdeauna în același moment.
Sunt doar vântul
Care deja nu mai destramă ecoul vocii tale.
Știu ce sunt...
Al treilea din discordie,
Prostul fără memorie,
Cel care nu știe nimic despre viața ta.
Știu ce sunt...
O barcă distrusă,
Și avariată, avariată, avariată, avariată...
Și naufragiată în marea profunfă
Și rece a amintirilor tale,
Pierdută în curbele periculoase ale buzelor tale,
Îndurerată, pentru că iubirea noastră moare în somn...
Nu știu ce să fac sau ce să zic ca să o trezesc.
Avariată și naufragiată...

Beginner's kiss

Open the wine,
Pour some balm to drink,
You know, stubborn,
The big 'I Love You',
You know, stubborn,
The big 'I Love You'.
My lord, I for You
I'll burn the carpet,
It's a volcano and lava.
Beginner's kiss
Let the cannula run,
her wit to taste,
I want to get drunk tonight,
In the dizziness of getting lost,
I want to get drunk tonight,
In the dizziness of getting lost.
My lord, I for You
I'll burn the carpet,
It's a volcano and lava.
Beginner's kiss.
I'm 'pull Me and Cry'
Don't look at me I am ashamed,
Kiss me when I get drunk
And I'm resisting you,
Kiss me when I get drunk
And I'm resisting you.
My lord, I for You
I'll burn the carpet,
It's a volcano and lava.
Beginner's kiss


Slowly… Slowly… The distance we are separated
How long have we been passing each other by?
Dirty, oozing dissatisfaction, muddy and
Lazy… Lazy… Distorted thoughts
A cherished memory of the un-erasable past
I lay it all out, I face demise
fooling the blind!
I don’t want anybody else to die!
but he said
“Back to hell (bitch) and free my mind”
Until these dirty memories fade
Make sure your fingers are connected together
If you sacrifice, you’ll be saved
Those scars already don’t feel pain
Childish, petty lies
Everything overlaps with that day
Repeated mistakes…
…I vowed in my heart
I want to make an uproar and destroy, am I just mere chance?
and he said
“burn in hell (bitch) it’s now my time”
I cry and I cry, but I cannot go back
Those good old days of frolicking and shining together
I cannot be saved, my character is
As ugly as you are
Preaching lies that you call truth
Greed and pride empowers you.
Through my times of peace, your face appears.
Spreading pure evil that brings me to tears.
Piercing my brain with lies and deceit
Pride and greed is what you preach!
Fuck off and die
Fuck off and die
Seemingly endless time
You also felt it
Even though I know if I exit the room, it will be goodbye forever
Performing together, through pleasure, two people become one
-will dark be bright?
Dream-like warmth does not become cool
Imprisoned, my heart rages
Until these tangled memories disappear
I cannot believe anyone
So, you’ve already been ended
The smiling face I saw before, even today, it is the most lovely
Because it’s changed to memories

Holy (Kadosh)

'Holy' ('Kadosh')
Holy, Holy!...
Holy, Holy!...
Oh, Lord,
Our God Lord of hosts
Oh, Lord,
Our God Lord of hosts
Who was and Who is
And Who is to come
Who was and Who is
And Who is to come
Holy, Holy!...
Holy, Holy!...
Oh, Lord,
Our God Lord of hosts
Oh, Lord,
Our God Lord of hosts
Who was and Who is
And Who is to come
Who was and Who is
And Who is to come
Holy, Holy!...
Holy, Holy!...

Be weary my soul

Be weary
Be weary
My soul
Who are you sending to bury me?

Dacă depinde de mine

Cum imi lipsesc venirile tale scurte in noaptea asta!
Când mă întrerupeai în timp ce vorbeam, când imi invadai casa,
Pe masa mea îți aruncai sandalele prăfuite,
Apoi râsul acela, ca un leac, îmi Îmbuna ziua.
Acela e mirosul zăpezii cum va fi pentru multă vreme.
Unde-s fulgii de nea care ți se topeau pe picioare?
Ei bine, totul e cum era, nu pot face nimic,
Probabil norocul mă iubește prea puțin...
Dacă depinde de mine, de ce nu revii?
De ce nu iei legătura cu mine?
O voi face cu ușurință, dacă depinde de mine.
Spune-mi, ca să pun in loc o inimă nouă, mai mică,
O piele nouă cu o nouă tăietură/ rană,
O voi face cu ușurință, dar nu depinde de mine...
Share music and kindness! :)

I was in love

I was in love with you,
I was in love with you,
But now I don't feel a thing,
nor your look worries me
Like yesterday
I was in love with you,
I was in love with you,
But now I don't feel a thing,
nor your words worry me
Like yesterday
And the thing is that I loved you one day,
like I never loved before
And the thing is that I always told you
that I couldn't leave you for anything
I was in love with you,
I was in love with you,
But I want to be sincere
honestly, I don't love you
Like yesterday
And the thing is that I always loved you
like I never loved before
And the thing is that I told you one day,
that I couldn't leave you for anything
I was in love with you,
I was in love with you.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

In the shadow

Wake me up, after the fight, when everything will be over
When nature, will have retaken its rights
Wake me up, after the flood, when everything will be fixed
If from my refuge, we find the key
Its not that I want to close my eyes on that world, no
Things are the way they are
But I want to live away from the shadows
In the shadow
In the shadow
I need to hear my heart
In the shadow of the world
In the shadow
In the shadow
I just wanna be safe
In the shadow of the world
Wake me up, the storm is passing and so that in the middle of the ashes
I may see, life continue
To see the end of everything, to see the end of time, it does not matter
I prefer to wait, the morning after
Its not that I want to close my eyes on the future
It always comes without notice
But at the dawn of this world I want to smile
In the shadow
In the shadow
I need to hear my heart
In the shadow of the world
In the shadow
In the shadow
I just wanna be safe
In the shadow of the world
In the shadow of the world
I just wanna be safe
In the shadow of the world

Preoții Umbrelor

Ai făcut rost de acele foarfece din sertar
N-ai căutat niciodată așa adânc
Dacă eu nu mai încerc, începem să murim
Mă respingi, iubitule cu cine te lupți?
Cu cine te lupți?
Cu cine te lupți?
Mă faci să vreau să iubesc, să urăsc, să plâng, să iau, fiecare părticică din tine
Mă faci să vreau să țip, să ard, să ating, să învăț, fiecare părticică din tine
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Îmi închid ochii, tu doar închide ușa
Vrei un minut, îți voi da mai mult
Poate că nici eu nu te doresc
Suntem amândoi agitați, creaturi nocturne
Preoții umbrelor, creaturi nocturne
Vrei să te distrugi, te distrugi singur
Vrei să pleci, ești pe cont propriu
Vrei să te distrugi, te distrugi singur
Vrei să pleci, ești pe cont propriu
Mă faci să vreau să iubesc, să urăsc, să plâng, să iau, fiecare părticică din tine
Mă faci să vreau să țip, să ard, să ating, să învăț, fiecare părticică din tine
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

I dont feel like

I don't feel like of keep going
But I also don't feel like stopping
I have to think what is happening to me
But I'm tired of thinking.
I could stay sleeping all day
Or I could also try to find you
I could leave my destiny to luck
And it's likely that I will dress and go out looking for you.
I'm betting all I have
To a horse that never wins
I will have to leave this game
Or change horse tomorrow.
I have to stop thinking about you
But I'm also so eager to see you
I'm gonna disconnect for a while
And let the luck drive my destiny.
I could go out and look for you
Or I could stay sleeping in home
I don't really know what I want
But deep down I think I know what's going on.
How long have I been losing
Sinking myself in this hole
How I miss going out in the mornings
To smoke under the sun with the dog.
I have to stop thinking about you
But I'm also so eager to see you
I'm gonna disconnect for a while
And let the luck drive my destiny.
I don't feel like keep going
But I also don't feel like stopping
I have to think what is happening to me
But I'm tired of thinking.
Guys forgive me if I'm changing
But I feel like Cinderella
Only after the Czech novel
But I threw the shoes by the stairs
And I'm transforming, I'm transforming
How I miss going out in the mornings
To smoke under the sun with the dog.
I have to stop thinking about you
But I'm also so eager to see you
I'm gonna disconnect for a while
And let the luck drive my destiny.
I don't feel like keep going
But I also don't feel like stopping
I have to think what is happening to me
But I'm tired of thinking.
I don't really know what I want
But I think deep down I know what's going on.
I have to think what is happening to me
But I'm tired of thinking.

I'm Watching

I'm watching films about you, and they keep repeating with all the colors
sound, picture and a feeling of safety that will never be repeated
I'm watching all the streets where we'd fall
and the doors of school that we were scared to enter
and the perfume from the sheets that we used to hide under
and time is passing us by, time, time
stay, for an hour or two
I talk to you and get lost in those eyes
stay, for an hour or two years
or for life, you're my whole life
years have passed and me and you are still the same people
sound, picture and feeling safe with you
and you're saying that your love is still the same
and no matter how much we'd change, you'll always have a place in my heart
for our promises to remain
letters and photos on the walls, on the walls, on the walls
stay, for an hour or two
I talk to you and get lost in those eyes
stay, for an hour or two years
or for life, you're my whole life
stay, for an hour or two
I talk to you and get lost in those eyes
stay, for an hour or two years
or for life, you're my whole life
I'm watching films about you, and they keep repeating with all the colors
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا


Eternal Love

The sun may hide eternally
The sea may be dried for a moment.
The Earth’s Axis could crash
As a fragil crystal.
Everything will happen! I may be
Covered by the death with its funeral shroud
But the flame of your love
Will never go out.

Prima Donna of the Lumberyard

In those days, in those days
You could earn 5 marks in an hour
A coffee cost 1 mark and a beer cost 2
And lemonade was even cheaper
When Ruusa came to the lumberyard
Every man got a wound in his heart
They called her a 'Prima Donna'
And I guess she deserved that name
Love raged like wildfire
And it spared no one
Only an ice pack the size of a mountain
Could have cooled us down
'You're the Prima Donna of our lumberyard
Flower of the sawmill'
So we sung on the top of the timber stack
Lead by Aapeli Jumppanen
I guess Ruusa heard the song
I guess Ruusa heard the song
We exercised madly on the timber stacks
So Ruusa would notice
We laughed at the orders of boss Petteri
Though I guess he was right
In an hour we hardly made a pile
For we had no time for that
We did handstands and somersaulted
To draw Ruusa's eyes to us
We felt as if in midst of planks
A most charming flower had sprouted
Though Jumppanen broke his leg
He took no time off
Boss Petteri hollered and nagged
For we screwed up all the work
The men had their heads in the clouds
And we sang to Ruusa:
'You're the Prima Donna of our lumberyard
Fower of the sawmill'
Only Petteri grit his teeth
Our gang just kept singing to Ruusa
I guess Ruusa heard the song
I guess Ruusa heard the song
The wise men tell the stupid ones:
Love is nothing but suffering
Petteri gave us a final speech
In the master's cabin
He just said that workers
Who don't even work
Must leave this lumberyard
You got the money and there you go
'You're the Prima Donna of our lumberyard
Flower of the sawmill'
So we sung as the gates closed
And we walked away
I guess Ruusa heard the song
I guess Ruusa heard the song
In those days, in those days
You could earn 5 marks in an hour
A coffee cost 1 mark and a beer cost 2
And lemonade was even cheaper

Inima în palmă

Știu, suspectez totul chiar și când nu spui nimic,
Recunosc fiecare dintre minciunile tale,
Ar trebui să știi măcar atât:
Tu, tu ești umbra întunecată a inimii mele
dintotdeauna, dar sunt a ta pentru că
ești totul și nimicul meu,
mereu îți voi aparține.
Îți pun în palmă inima aceasta a mea,
Apoi poți s-o arunci în praf și în cenușă,
Iar în acel moment gândește-te la noi și calcă peste ea la final,
Ai zdrobit totul în mine, oricum.
Știu, îmi acoperi cerul cu nori și îl înseninezi
oricând îți dorești asta,
și îmi aduci durerea ca pe un dar împachetat.
Tu, tu ești umbra întunecată a inimii mele
dintotdeauna, dar sunt a ta pentru că
ești totul și nimicul meu,
mereu îți voi aparține...
Share music and kindness! :)


It was dark outside
and the train was late
I have a runny nose from my tears
my train is hurrying into the night
The coffee was bitter without its sugar
and the sandwich was rotten as the evening
with just two words, you’ve ruined everything
when you said you don’t love me
I’ll cry out loud
and jump out the window
in front of all these people
who cares
The first man that comes along
I’ll take him into my arms
and take everything off my chest
just to forget you
I’ll throw your letters into the river
I’ll set your pictures on fire
let it all be gone, my dear, everything
since you don’t love me
It was dark outside
and the train was late
I have a runny nose from my tears
my train arrives at dawn
Everything else is better than you
I’m running, and forgetting everything
all of those bags and suitcases
because I’m eager and in pain

Heart in Hand

I know, I suspect it all even when say nothing
I recognize every single one of your lies
you should at least know that much
You, you’re the dark shadow of my heart
since always, but I’m yours because
you’re my everything and my nothing
I’ll always belong to you
I’m giving you this heart of mine in hand
and then you can throw it into the dust and ash
at that moment think of us and then stomp on it for the end
you’ve crushed everything of mine anyway
I know, you cover my sky with clouds and clear it
whenever you wish to
and you bring me pain as if it’s a wrapped gift
You, you’re the dark shadow of my heart
since always, but I’m yours because
you’re my everything and my nothing
I’ll always belong to you

If you were left alone

Somebody told me today that you are sad
Your pain seemed ironic to me
And I remembered the night you left
And I relived the days of love
The afternoon got filled with sadness
And it hurt me to suddenly understand
How in some corner of my mind
Your feminine warmth remained forever
If you were left alone, it would be because when you left
You didn't know how to measure the love I had for you
If you were left alone, revise your memory
To love is a glory that I offered you
If you were left alone, without anyone to love you
Your fault, my friend, it's time to pay
If you were left alone, you deserve it
To cry the good you have lost is not having known how to love

Nobody grows roses without taking care of them
They cannot give perfume nor color
If it weren't for hands to love them
No flower would ever grow
If you were left alone, I'm sorry
But you should have understood at least
It wasn't nice to mock my feelings
Now, I am sorry, it's not the time to love
If you were left alone, it would be because when you left
You didn't know how to measure the love I had for you
If you were left alone, revise your memory
To love is a glory that I offered you
If you were left alone, without anyone to love you
Your fault, my friend, it's time to pay
If you were left alone, you deserve it
To cry the good you have lost is not having known how to love


To the other side of infinity

I write to you everyday
And I get to meet you once again for small talk,
and I feel you off in the distance
and so my hand sort of tremble.
Everyday here on Earth
I honor it to tell you about
me, you, our home
of my desire to hug you.
So that I feel you right beside me
So that I hear you breathin'
I cradle that baby in my arms
Whom couldn't keep on loving
Nothing's over
nothing has ever happened
You only crossed
The other side of infinity
And right within infinity
I'll be able to see you again
I know there's nothing more certain
than the point wherein the horizon
meets with the open sea
The open sea
In a much less hard life
in much less cruel times
Walking down the streets
walking together, always
So that I feel you right beside me
I ain't afraid to wait for you
Nothing's over
nothing has ever happened
You only crossed
The other side of infinity
And right within infinity
I'll be able to see you again
I know there's nothing more certain
than the point wherein the horizon
meets with the open sea
The open sea
Nothing's over
nothing has ever happened
A letter for you
A love letter
A letter for me
To heal this pain

Holy mothers lullaby

Come, sleep
Throw down your tired body
Those blue eyelids
I want to close them with my lips
Ah, if I could be born again
I would be your mother
Giving you even my life
I want to protect you
Since this city is a battlefield
Men are soldiers who bear all the wounds
Please, remove your heart pains
Return to the child you've been
With a warm heart
Only to me
You showed your tears
Since that day I decided
That I'd live to support your dreams
If it's love, someday it will fade
But I have a very deep love
Even if you turn your back someday
In the distance forever
I'll be the Holy Mother staring at you
Now, remove your heart pains
Return to the child you've been
With a warm heart
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Airplanes in the belly

Shadows in the glance, your laugh is painted
Your thoughts are not with me anymore
You caress me mechanically, completely sterile
Ice cold hand, I dread you
I feel empty and used, everything hurts
I have airplanes in my belly
I cannot eat anymore
I cannot forget you
But even that I succeed at
Give me my heart back
You don't need my love
Give me my heart back
Before it breaks up
The sooner, the sooner you go away
The easier, the easier
It will be for me
I don't need anyone who torments me
Nobody who crushes me
Nobody who uses me when he wants
Nobody who talks to me just out of sense of duty
Who only satisfies his vanity with me
Nobody who is never there, when he is needed the most
When you gasp for air, swim on dry land
Let me go, oh, leave me alone
For this to end!
I feel empty and used
Everything hurts me
I have airplanes in my belly
I cannot eat anymore
I cannot forget you
But even that I succeed at
For me

The poor sparrow

I walk by your home
And I whistle and sing to you.
Like a spring's bird
I will always sing to you.
The poor sparrow
Is always on the move.
So many times you spend the night
With me, my birdie, at your home.
My turtledove, if you knew
What's inside my heart,
You would never let me go
From your embrace.
The poor sparrow
Is always on the move.
So many times you spend the night
With me, my birdie, at your home.
I have so many things to say to you.
They are at the tip of my mouth.
I'll start telling them to you
One by one, my lamb.
The poor sparrow
Is always on the move.
So many times you spend the night
With me, my birdie, at your home.

I wish

I'm getting sad. It's just a little tricky.
What should I say?
I don't know.
Just do it.
for some reason
Maybe it's because he's smart.
If you're so stubborn,
I thought it was going to be awkward.
Just smile
I told you it was okay,
Like a white dream without speaking
Tell me you miss me.
I know you're very busy,
without any qualms
Even now
I must say I was disappointed.
Do you want me to know what I'm thinking?
even for the moment
I want to be honest.
To me to you
I'm not alone in sulking
I thought I was gonna be a kid.
Just smile
I told you it was okay,
Like a white dream without speaking
Tell me you miss me.
I know you're very busy,
without any qualms
Even now
I must say I was disappointed.
Do you want me to know what I'm thinking?
I know.
You're excited.
without saying anything
If you could just look at my eyes and see how I feel,
even if it's not necessary
Tell me you miss me.
I know you're very busy,
without any qualms
Even now
Should I say I like it?
You hold me like that. Like the moment you dreamt of.

You can take my youth away, but you can never take my dream away(내 젊음은 가져가도 꿈은 줄 수 없어)

The reason I dance alone
Doubting what i see and what i hear
Lying in the shade of a palm tree
to watch the pouring sunset
An unheard-of thing
Things you couldn't have done
You don't have to miss it. You have to bury it.
Far away
In the past
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
I have a brigh future in front of me
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
The green spring day that faded away
We just can't face each other again.
without memorable moments goin' thru our minds
I'm sorry, but I'm fine.
An unheard-of thing
things you couldn't have done
You don't have to miss it. You have to bury it.
Far away in the past
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away (X2)
I still wander on indefinite ways
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away


The eyes of a buffalo lit up the darkness,
The eyes of a buffalo lit up the darkness,
And you won't believe what harbors in my house,
You won't believe!
The eyes of a buffalo lit up the darkness,
The eyes of a buffalo lit up the darkness.
A single rouble, a single rouble.
Two people can't pull us apart, two people can't pull us apart.
And you won't believe what harbors in my house,
You won't believe!
Gadopiatkina, Gadopiatkina
I need women, tender women.
I need women, tender women.

kids like that

Versions: #2
you know we were kids ilke that
better at speaking while less at writing
we like taking walks outside and even if the rain
was falling like it had'nt in a century
and lucky there are holidays and you come back
you are dressed in white and your hair is velvet
and your brothers outside are playing tag
so let's go out now to see the sunset
and who will bring you back to me at this hour
who will take care of us
i gave up on everything
and you're not here yet
forget the nonsence
all of this is for us
you know, today it all looks different
and my street for long now does'nt look the same
the green trees were replaced by such tall buildings
and from everything i am left only with the longings
and lucky there are songs to escape
to dive the deepest in to myself
to pray that something good is now hapenning to you
because you're mine and it does'nt matter where you are
and who will bring you back to me at this hour
who will take care of us
i gave up on everything
and you're not here yet
forget the nonsence
all of this is for us

I've been kind of spaced out

I've been kind of spaced out
I don't even feel my feet on the ground
I look around and don't see anything
I only think about whether you want me
I can barely wait to tell you
All those things I memorized
And after the kiss I already dreamed of
You'll feel it, but...
Please, don't take me wrong
I just want you to want me
Don't take me wrong

The Way You Should Be

Don't hide your eyes.
Look what’s left of us.
Everything is not so easy or so funny anymore
just like you thought it wouldn't be.
So, tell me who kisses and caresses you?
Just like me, he'll find and lose you.
You, You're alone, just like you should be.
Nobody needs you.
And for me there will be someone better than you.
Forgive me for everything,
and try to find someone better than me.
la la la la la la
someone better than me
la la la la la la
someone better than me
la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la
la la la la la la
someone better than me.
So now you remember,
and want to come back to me.
Guess I should forgive you for everything and take you back?
You woke up from my love.
I know for sure we'll never be the way we were.
You're alone again, and no one loves you.
You, You're alone, just like you should be.
Nobody needs you.
And for me there will be someone better than you.
Forgive me for everything,
and try to find someone better than me.
la la la la la la
someone better than me
la la la la la la
someone better than me
la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la
la la la la la la
someone better than me.


I easily forget the days
all the insults and wounds, insults and wounds
but in this loneliness
I only remember the nights, only our nights
And I'm turned on by the fact that I suspect the evil
I want you one more time
Am I going mad
everything is white in front of my eyes
I want to kiss you now
then they can make my obsequy
I undress myself for you
I need to drink something stronger
My heart has let you go
but my body didn't
Like a hangover from wine
you're in me, you're in me
I burn and it's late at night
and I can't stop, and I can't stop
And turned on by the fact that I suspect the evil
I want you one more time
Chorus 2x

The lover

Open another bottle
I want a toast for the females
They brought me in love
Purely beautiful cowgirls
I like to have a lot of them
For not wasting time
The world is for me
I can tell them happily
The northern band, the new cars
The best cowgirls, I bring them by my side
Pure Buchanans with the red seal
I like to complete all my wishes
The beaches, the clubs, and the piers
In the nightclubs and casinos I bet millions
I have many friends everywhere
They are good people of high class
And I tell my people
I am in love
If I fall in love with one
I will bring her to Paris
And if I am not pleased anymore
I will bring her to the hotel
I like to be happy
The world is for me
I am very in love
I will tell them again
The northern band, the new cars
The best cowgirls, I bring them by my side
Pure Buchanans with the red seal
I like to complete all my wishes
The beaches, the clubs, and the piers
In the nightclubs and casinos I bet millions
I have many friends everywhere
They are good people of high class
And I tell my people
I am in love
And listen well who I am
All the pretty ladies
The northern band, the new cars
The best cowgirls, I bring them by my side
Pure Buchanans with the red seal
I like to complete all my wishes
The beaches, the clubs, and the piers
In the nightclubs and casinos I bet millions
I have many friends everywhere
They are good people of high class
And I tell my people
I am in love

Like one worships the sun

You want me to sing to you,
idolized woman,
the woman loved the most
by this trovadour.
If I have no breath left
and my soul is sick,
for my poor heart
can´t find peace anymore.
You see now, my life, how big is my love,
love that it is just an illusion now,
I dreamed that you loved me,
believed in what I dreamed,
believed you worshiped me
like I worship you.
But don´t think I will hold a grudge,
I will just suffer this pain in silence,
but you will know, my life,
you will know, flower of passion,
that I have loved you so much,
like one worships the Sun.
I would like to confess
how much I love you,
how much I adore you,
like one worships the Sun.
On the other hand, I would not want
to know that you abhor me,
I would rather die of passion
a thousand times over.
You see now, my life, how big is my love,
love that it is just an illusion now,
I dreamed that you loved me,
believed in what I dreamed,
believed you worshiped me
like I worship you.
But don´t think I will hold a grudge,
I will just suffer this pain in silence,
but you will know, my life,
you will know, flower of passion,
that I have loved you so much,
like one worships the Sun.

Wet kisses

[Intro: Ken-Y, Ozuna]
Go, go running to where that unhappy and then return to me
To comfort your crying
It's not the first time you do it, decide
If you stay with him, don't look at me anymore (baby)
If you want again, then go where he is
[Chorus: Ken-Y, Ozuna]
Wet kisses, invisible lips
Wailing inaudible, that torment you without will
Wet kisses, invisible lips
Wailing inaudible, that torment me without will
[Verse 1: RKM]
She doesn't decide, but how she fucks me and demands
Sometimes she calls me on Facebook so I can shelter her
She is bipolar, it seems she always says
That doesn't want anything serious, but contradicts
And she looks for me, only for sex she uses me
We have a pretty confusing relationship
What a thing, if the devil cajoles me
If I talk to her about love, she always gives me a thousand excuses
[Bridge: Ken-Y, RKM]
And I'm still waiting, the time passing
I know that with him your nights are cold
That's why you come back to me every day
And I'm still waiting (I'm still waiting), the time passing (uh-yeh)
I know that with him your nights are cold (naraná)
That's why you come back to me every day, baby
[Chorus: Ozuna, Ken-Y]
Wet kisses, invisible lips
Wailing inaudible, that torment me without will
Wet kisses, invisible lips
Wailing inaudible, that torment you without will
[Verse 2: Ozuna]
Wailing which I like so much
I want the day to pass
To touch the base
I know you want to
Put yourself up so you can see
What a man does when a woman wants
Wet kisses, that happens only to your side
If you're going, how will I do it?
If you are mine, I know
And if you ever doubt it
[Pre-chorus: Ozuna, Ken-Y]
Give me your nudity so that you feel
How your wet body does what my mind wants
I feel good at your side
Come, hold on so you can see
How your wet body does what my mind wants
You want me (uoh-oh, oh-oh)
[Chorus: Ken-Y, Ozuna]
Wet kisses, invisible lips
Wailing inaudible, that torment you without will
Wet kisses, invisible lips
Wailing inaudible, that torment me without will
[Outro: Ken-Y, Ozuna]
(Wet kisses)
RKM y Ken-Y
(Invisible lips, wailing inaudible)
Pina Records
Mikey Tone
(That torment me without will)
Wallie (Wallie, Wallie, Wallie, Wallie)