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The Younger Me
Sometimes I will think too far, about where I will be in life many years laterEvery cute face in front of me will have their tomorrow
It's inevitable that I will say goodbye to many things
Sometimes I will get a little tired, realizing dreams is not the end
I hold my head high in my long walk and run wild at the end of the world
But I miss the younger me
Some people I won't see again, some dreams have faded
Every song I sing has kept its happiness
Some roads are hard to walk, some wounds need life to be healed
I can still live with a smile
Sometimes sad things can happen again, like people always explore through mistakes
Time tests the depth of love, trying to prove that nothing will change
Change is always constant
Some people I won't see again, some dreams have faded
Every song I sing has kept its happiness
Some roads are hard to walk, some wounds need life to be healed
I can still live with a smile
Sometimes it's too late to rush, years go by passing faster than the soul
Fortunately I still have a little faith to accompany us to complete the day
Don’t forget the youth still in your heart, the wild, brave
Youth you once were
We will win
We are the ones who get up very earlyWe are the ones who turn the wheels
We are the humiliated and the insulted
We will win this fight
When we overcome our fear
When we say 'enough now'
When we want to win
We will win this fight
They buried yesterday, today is dead
We will get back our tomorrows
We will fight for freedom
We will fight for freedom
We will write slogans on walls
We will distribute leaflets in streets
We will tell those who don't understand
We will win this fight
Your Season
Close your eyes and feel itIt’s a song just for me
With your breath in it
and a sound of the wind
The sunlight above my knees
that shines on you
It’s enough for me to see it
You embrace me on cold days
and become an umbrella on a rainy days
The sunlight that resembles you
Please come and smile to me on and fine day
You are soaking me
in your scent
I’ll always be with you
for covering my side
The wind
Your hair
It’s enough to put it back
You embrace me on cold days
and become an umbrella on a rainy days
The sunlight that resembles you
Please come and bloom flowers to me on and fine day
The cloudy sky is clear
And you reveal my mixed feelings
With so many seasons
When I look back,
I was covered with tears
At the end of my day,
You were always there
Even with the word of love,
I can’t fill it in my heart
Please stay with me as always
Hold My Hand
If you look deep into my heartThere’s a small hole in it
Without anyone knowing, without even me knowing
It was growing
The love that will fill my heart is you
Please hold my hand
Don’t leave me alone
Until this night passes
Please hold me tight
If you look deep into my heart
There’s a small sadness
Without anyone knowing, without anyone knowing
I was crying alone
You are the love that will wipe my tears away
Please hold my hand
Don’t leave me alone
Until this night passes
Please hold me tight
Please hold my hand
Don’t leave me alone
If you stay with me tonight,
I think I’ll be okay again
They Said Tail And Went On Head
My people took a gambleThey said tail and went on head
It fell into the pit
Wounds all over
Wounds all over
They said white , it turned out black
We removed all the caps
We saw their fake faces
We literally looked for their pockets
Money came out all over
Money came out all over
They said white , it turned out black
He searched our bottom
He took our rope
He Didn't like our type
So Our eyes turned purple
So Our eyes turned purple
They said tail and went on head
They squander what they hold
They tighten your knot
They're burning hot
These turned out to be a complete tinder
These turned out to be a complete tinder
They said white , it turned out black
to hold someone
to throw in prison
to lie in jail
It was our turn right away
It was our turn right away
They said white , it turned out black
Wait for us Anatolia
Always the way of a mind
Prime Minister Kılıçdaroğlu
Now it's his turn
Now it's his turn
It's time for CHP
Now it's his turn
It's time for CHP
Daytime moon
A midday without soundthe wind is just bright.
The petals that seemed a little sleepy swayed.
This unintentional feeling that I can not explain.
Look, how do people call this feeling in words?
The story of trapping the white sand moon.
Tell me the story as if the light falls. Gently.
There will be a time to know the pain in my heart.
And I'll be kinder than I am now.
This warmhearted feeling that I can not explain.
Look, how do people name this feeling?
The white sand moon is too bright to see.
Tell me about the distant future. Gently.
A house on the moon
A sky,a distant sky,
and a muttering voice.
Your dream now turns the wheels of the stars.
I felt I exist nowhere.
I felt that way
until I knew your eyes.
There is one crescent moon
in the corner of my chest.
it shines to illuminate even the narrowest roads.
The stars
are gently pointing.
Your destination
will be a crystal forest.
I someday,
with the palm of my hand,
I want to protect you from everything.
At a warm night,
There's a house where a small growing moon lives.
However when you sleep,
it shines with a gentle light.
There is one crescent moon
in the corner of my chest.
it shines to illuminate even the narrowest roads.
Please grant me a wish
Please grant my wish.There's a glass lily in my chest.
Please shatter it, with your fingers.
Far away to the new east.
Your heart is like a flying bird.
See the dream.
It's far away.
Your wish is reflected on the fountain at your feet.
My thoughts have changed its shape
before I knew it.
Until the time when we meet again in the blue morning.
Ah ah.
I know
it hurts like
flowing light dizziness.
Far away to the new east.
Your heart will be sucked in.
See the rainbow.
It's solitude.
It will be gently embraced deep in the sky.
Where does the silent midday breeze sleep?
Unreachable prayers
will hide their voices.
Ah ah...gently.
Submerge in the bottom of the air.
Soak in fragrant ether.
So I will not let anyone else touch it.
My thoughts have changed its shape before I knew it.
Until the time
when we meet again in the blue morning.
Ah ah...surely.
Please grant my wish.
Please grant my wish...
This most beautiful season of mineI want it cut off by you
Because my heart’s pounding, tells of my spring
It seems I can have dangerous dreams
After the words have been cut short
Only the sadness comes along
Until it’s suffocating
You’re fine, if you want it
Don’t mind you spoiling it, if you want it
Awaken my eyes, cause I’m a young girl
I will not regret it...
Even the meaning of love
Is a season to be changed
I’ll remember a strange dizziness
Embrace me tight, without thinking
I want to leave everything to you
Anyone, a girl, yes
If it comes to it, leaves it to others
You’ll pretend to be uncertain
Breasts shaking while trembling
Enjoy it however you like, as long as it’s you
Awaken my eyes, cause I’m a young girl
I will not regret it...
You’re fine, if you want it
Don’t mind you spoiling it, if you want it
Awaken my eyes, cause I’m a young girl
I will not regret it...
My Bêrîttan
Versions: #1No matter how long I will be here I’ll never forget, my Bêrîtan
Her mouth was full of chants and anthems
A flower of the meadows and mountains, my Bêrîtan is
Until she surrendered her soul, my Bêrîtan remained intrepid
You made the battle of life pleasant, my Bêrîtan
Like [raging] waves she made her attacks , my Bêrîtan
She was not to abandon her trench, she kept defending, my Bêrîtan
She condemned obscurantism, my Bêrîtan
Ahead of all in frontline she was, my Bêrîtan
Ahead of all in martyrdom she was, my Bêrîtan
Like twilight vivid and lightsome she was, my Bêrîtan
She was the embodied red wedding dress, my Bêrîtan
On the way
Again the dawn is growing up behind the housesMorning haste disturbs me
At the taxi driver's question:' Who am I really is?',
I simply answer: 'at times me, sometimes not me.'
Can I smoke? I'll try to retell
How is hard for me here and what I'll wait further
No, I don't need your advice
I know by myself: the dreams remained as yet
Many years I sailed but I didn't see a sea
Summer has passed kinda the fast horses raced
Look into my eyes: they're shining like the stars
I don't think about marriage: I'm not rich as yet
And it's so hard to explain, how I've become here
Yes, they pay not too much but it's enough for me
Go on, do not slow down
Turn the music louder, stop talking
The dusk is downing while I'm looking
I don't sleep at nights, think about what and how.
But it is trouble: in the words is a real depth
My hyperactivity is armed
And then I'll become weaker in the next few days
Squandered immunity, drowsiness again as is
I tell you, dude, not on theme
But I'm not guilty- you started first
Many years I sailed but I didn't see a sea
There is no truth anywhere - they just talk about it
A body isn't mine and my soul isn't mine
A long, close tight loop of my life
And where I will be gone with my life
I'm ready for everything that my fate will bring
But I can't say anything more as yet
Turn the music louder, we will dance
Plouă atât de tare, pare că va ploua toată noaptea,Și acesta-i timpul când îmi place să te strâng în brațe.
Dar cred că trebuie să accept faptul că nu ești aici.
Aș vrea ca noaptea să se grăbească și să se-ncheie, dragă.
Plouă atât de tare, chiar toarnă cu găleata.
Stând la fereastra mea, privind ploaia ce cade pe pământ,
Acesta-i timpul când îmi place să te strâng în brațe.
Cred c-o s-o iau razna în noaptea asta.
Plouă atât de tare, îmi readuce amintirile timpului
În care tu erai aici cu mine.
Numărând fiecare strop, pe cale să-mi explodeze în creștet,
Aș vrea ca ploaia să se grăbească și să se oprească.
Sunt atât de deprimat, de-abia pot să-mi țin răsuflarea.
Cu cât plouă mai tare, cu-atât mai rău îmi e.
Acesta-i timpul când îmi place să te strâng în brațe.
Cred c-o s-o iau razna în noaptea asta.
Sunt atât de deprimat, de-abia pot să-mi țin răsuflarea.
Cu cât plouă mai tare, cu-atât mai rău îmi e.
Acesta-i timpul când îmi place să te strâng în brațe.
Cred c-o s-o iau razna în noaptea asta,
În noaptea asta.
Mi se frânge inima
Tot ceea ce spui,Tot ceea ce faci,
Mereu pare că mă doboară (mă doboară).
E ceva în neregulă?
Îți mai aparțin?
Doar mă duci cu vorba? (mă duci cu vorba?)
Nu-mi spune că nu e el motivul,
Căci atunci când sunt treaz,
Numele lui aud că-l strigi prin vis.
Credeam că-ți va părăsi mintea
După atâta timp
În care-a stat prins în fantezia ta (fantezie)
Cred că mereu am știut
Că el te va bântui,
Furând ce aveai pentru mine. (aveai pentru mine)
Nu pot rămâne aici, lăsând ca asta să moară.
La fiecare pas pe care-l faci
Voi fi acolo, lângă tine.
Căci mi se frânge inima,
Îmi vine să mor.
Mi se frânge inima,
Îmi vine să plâng.
Spune-i unde să se ducă,
Arată-i omului ușa,
Căci tot ce faci îmi frânge inima.
N-am să te las să pleci,
Iubito, nu vei ști vreodată.
Nu-ți poate trece asta prin cap? (prin cap)
N-am să-ți dau drumul,
Tu îmi aparții.
Ce-ai simțit pentru el a murit (Iubirea a murit)
Iubirea întreține un foc ce nu se răcește vreodată.
Nu știi că
Iubirea arde oamenii care încalcă regulile?
Căci mi se frânge inima,
Îmi vine să mor.
Mi se frânge inima,
Îmi vine să plâng.
Spune-i unde să se ducă,
Arată-i omului ușa,
Căci tot ce faci îmi frânge inima.
Nu pot rămâne aici, lăsând ca asta să moară.
La fiecare pas pe care-l faci
Voi fi acolo, lângă tine.
N-am să te las să pleci,
Oh, nu vei ști vreodată.
Nu-ți poate trece asta prin cap? (prin cap)
N-am să-ți dau drumul,
Tu îmi aparții.
Ce-ai simțit pentru el a murit. (Iubirea a murit)
Iubirea întreține un foc ce nu se răcește vreodată.
Nu știi că
Iubirea arde oamenii care încalcă regulile?
Căci mi se frânge inima,
Îmi vine să mor.
Mi se frânge inima,
Îmi vine să plâng.
Spune-i unde să se ducă,
Arată-i omului ușa,
Căci tot ce faci îmi frânge inima.
Mi se frânge inima,
Îmi vine să mor.
Mi se frânge inima,
Îmi vine să plâng.
Spune-i unde să se ducă,
Arată-i omului ușa,
Căci tot ce faci
Îmi frânge, frânge, frânge inima,
Îmi frânge inima.
Spune-i unde să se ducă,
Arată-i omului ușa,
Căci tot ce faci
Îmi frânge, frânge, frânge inima.
Îmi vine să mor.
Îmi frânge inima,
Îmi vine să plâng.
You're beautiful sweetieBut at very close range!
Folk wisdom
Neither backwards nor forwards in rowsLittle piglets can fly through the air.
Or perhaps they could fly years ago
But today they are flying nowhere.
Their hooves got too sluggish and narrow,
Their tails got too stubby and crude.
All they need is to scavenge and burrow,
Dully filling their bellies with food.
Heavy blackness descends like a cloud
And they're having a dream full of fun:
Flock of piglets just lifts off the ground,
Flying South to bask in the sun.
And the people wake up in the morning,
Fetch a couple of logs for the hearth,
For they know: the winter is coming
When the piglets migrate to the south.
A fantastic day
Elsa: You never celebrated this famous day,You only sighed behind my locked door.
And so only if you laugh
On your birthday
We will enjoy it together,
I can't wait.
Anna: Elsa, you're sneezing, do you have a cold?
Elsa: I never do, besides...
You know how I'm always one with the cold.
And now follow the thread!
I plan to laugh a lot stupidly with you.
Who would tell me that I'll handle everything?
Your party only offers amazement:
Even Kristoff and Sven took a shower solemnly!
And if someone won't desire you
On your birthday,
Then his heart is cold.
Only I will give you the Sun and the Moon!
Let this fantastic day be like your dream,
And for you it's just an experience being in this dream with me!
Those long winters passed and appeased the darkness!
Let this fantastic day be like your dream!
Anna: And to a third one!
Elsa: That's right!
The best one is coming at last.
Anna: Well, I'm really happy but you're hot like an oven.
And I'm worried,
So go take a rest quickly.
Elsa: No, no, no, let's go,
There's only a ship left.
Anna: Elsa, your bed is waiting for you.
Elsa: No, I want to celebrate until next morning.
Anna: It scares me that you won't see a doctor.
Oaken: You have a cough? Take this medecine I made with love.
Elsa: No thanks.
Anna: I'll take it.
Chorus: Let this fantastic day be like your dream.
Elsa: Still only look up to me!
Chorus: The best princess of all, that wish she has,
Princess Anna's day.
Elsa: Dance and sail.
You're my sweetheart!
Chorus: It's a fantastic day and only for you,
a fantastic day, remember,
it's a fantastic day and only for you!
Elsa: Come on, let's reach it Anna.
Anna: Elsa, it's already a lot, you must have a rest.
Elsa: I want to use the birthday sneeze... I mean attraction!
Fulfill your dreams where you stand.
Come, come, just come!
Up to the end follow the nil, you're my only reason to live!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: What? It's fiiine.
Let's go even further and don't yell about it,
Follow the thread to the end.
Very, very, very happy birthday with a lot of amazement...
Anna: Elsa, wait now, you have a fever, you're so hot.
No, you can't go any further, you're all weakened.
Now now, just admit it.
Elsa: Fine. I'm sick.
Forgive me Anna, I wanted to set a wonderful birthday party, but I ruined everything. Again.
Anna: You didn't ruin anything, you just need to go to bed.
Everyone: SURPRISE!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow.
Everyone: Let this fantastic day be like your dream.
An a day like that is only decorated with glow and light!
Kristoff: Who said it will be chaos?
Olaf: Confusion Wow-Yeah!
Everyone: It's a fantastic day and for you only,
a fantastic day to remember!
A fantastic day like a dream, for you only.
Kristoff: I wish you all the best.
Everyone: A day like a laughing smile.
Kristoff: I love you baby!
Everyone: We thank you for what you did and don't lose your style!
Let this day be fantastic and for you only,
a fantastic day to remember,
It's a fantastic day and for you only.
Elsa: Your big day!
Anna: Enough, go to bed now.
Elsa: No, wait a minute, there's still the royal horn that needs to be played by the queen!
Anna: Oh no no no no. It was the best gift of all!
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: That I can take care of you.
Two fathers
On the meadow,one glorious morn,
patient angler
was digging for worms.
Silly sparrow has noticed
the lad
and exclaimed,
“What a wonderful dad!
He seeks food
twice as good
as I do,
he must have
a big family
Prayer of Machina
My twisted desire for salvation has weathered away.If you won’t even sear it onto my retinas, then—
Someone else will decide
tomorrow’s meal for you, too.
It’s written in fate.
Please, do not save our frail selves.
I gaze at the painted-over sky.
The ceiling is thick like an oil painting.
The word was said almost like a prayer.
I want to make certain of it—
that I wasn’t forced to choose it or anything.
Hey, Machina...
I started to struggle amidst the pouring rain.
I won’t hand over a single one of my mud-covered footprints.
I break off a branch of the acacia.
“Take a look.”
Muddled with noise, the record sings of a broken back.
The disseminating, comfortable recommendation of salvation is wrong.
I’ll deem that pulsation to be correct, gracelessly.
We don’t need any salvation.
I gaze at the trampled gods.
With ignorance thick like pigment on an oil painting,
the rain fails to mingle with my tears.
I want to make certain of it—
the conclusion that threw off the book balance.
Hey, Machina...
I want to drown in this stolen flattery,
and yet, prayer soup is served on a silver plate.
But if this world will never go the way I want,
then it’s better that way.
Outside of my collapsed understanding
is a convenient pantheism.
I want to deny this sophistry.
I can get back up again, so—
Such cruel yet beloved outrageousness is called a miracle, isn’t it?
I recall those footprints.
I gaze at the painted-over sky.
The ceiling is thick like an oil painting.
The word was said almost like a prayer.
I want to make certain of it—
that I wasn’t forced to choose it or anything.
Hey, Machina...
I started to struggle amidst the pouring rain.
I won’t hand over a single one of my mud-covered footprints.
I break off a branch of the acacia.
“Take a look.”
I lift the needle from the record.
I don’t need
the song of prayer anymore.
Deus Ex Machina!
Oh my heart feels suffocatedNever-ending evenings
The springs of my life
I've grown old without seing
Are you forbidden to me?
Are you the loss to me?
Do your roses fade
One moreday,if you loved me
While the rains are dripping from the roofs
Look,the yellowing leaves became inevitable again
While the rains are dripping from my eyes
Evenings without you became inevitable again
I ran and escaped
My eyes covered with blood
Don't be fooled that I laugh
Your death is hard
Don't keep reminding me
I haven't forgotten my promise
To me again in my fortune
Time to get going
Come Back To Me
Is your breathing lighter now?Come back to me
Are your thoughts clear now, darling?
Come back to me
You don't show any presence*
Carried by a cool-off
I've gone crazy
Come on, please, don't be annoyed
Come back to me
Sorry, love, you were hurt
Come back to me
Come back to me
If I just let you be
You might disappear completely
I wish you would forgive me already
I promise it won't happen again
Like you, I'm just a person
I end up in messy situations too
Come on, please, don't be annoyed
Come back to me
Sorry, love, you were hurt
Come back to me
Come back to me
I hope you don't replace me
Let's be you and me again
Come on, please, don't be annoyed
Come back to me
Sorry, love, you were hurt
Come back to me
Come back to me
Come on, please, don't be annoyed
Come back to me
Sorry, love, you were hurt
Come back to me
Come back to me
Come on, please
Come back to me
Sorry, love
Come back to me
Come back to me
The hippos' songs
There are hippos flying lazyBy a pleasant gurgling rill.
Wearing boots
I run like crazy
With my scoop-net down the hill.
When I catch a single hippo
I will cage him right away.
“Sing a ditty,
Dear hippo!”
This is what I’ll merely say.
If he doesn’t feel like singing
Then of course I’ll let him go,
May the greatest herd of hippos
Float forever to and fro!
Let the hippos fly like sparrows
Far and wide,
Far and wide…
Let them sing their simple carols
From the sky,
From the sky.
When the Shaking is Past
Walk, over the stones, dry and lonely'Till I can feel the ground shake,
Deep down below me
Ashamed of the breath I take (I know)
Ashamed to be fearful
(No oh's)
I'm here, still sitting alone in a crater
Waiting to feel my soul shake, an spectator
Nobody saw me leave (I know)
Nobody's waiting
(No oh's)
Fissures have opened deep within my heart
Dreams are broken, the planet falls apart
You, I know in these ruins I'll find you
And then we won't need to discuss, and discuss
Why we tremble
I'll kiss you within the temple (I know)
One moment sweet and gentle
Fissures have opened deep within my heart
Dreams are broken, the planet falls apart
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (when the shaking is past)
(Wake me up then) when the shaking is past
(Wake me up then) when the shaking is, past
(Wake me up then) when the shaking is, past
(Wake me up then) when the shaking is...
(Yodelaying and wake me up thens intertwined)
Today should be a completely perfect day
Elsa: Psst AnnaAnna: Yes?
Elsa: Happy birthday
Anna: To you
Elsa: It's your birthday
Anna: To me
It's my birthday
Elsa: Come on
Anna: It's my birthday
Elsa: And this time it will be perfect
You haven't celebrated until now
Except when you waited (for me) outside my door
A little late, so what
Let's celebrate together now
I'll be with you all day if I may
Anna: Elsa it seems you cought a cold)
Elsa: I don't get ill, you know
That the cold was always my (real) home
Anna: wow, fancy
Elsa: Follow the string
Anna: Wait what?
Elsa: I have plans and lots of surprises
Nothing really nothing will ruin you this day
Long weeks I was planing things for you
Olaf: Hi!
(I) Even Kristoff and Sven took a shover
If anyone wants to stop me
He better try
I'm ready to fight
I give you sun, the moon and shiny day
Olaf: little brothers
Today should be a completely perfect day
Ana: oh, a sandwich
I'll do everything that you'll have a nice time
For everything you mean to me and what has happened
Today should be a completely perfect day
Ana: you're sneezing 3 times
Elsa: I'm fine
Check it out, a surprise
Anna: Wow you're wonderful but I'm worried about you
And it will be better if you go home and rest
Elsa: Let's continue because the next one you're gonna li(-ke)
Anna: Elsa you have to go to bed
Elsa: No way it's gonna be very fun
Anna: Maybe a doctor should examine you
Oaken: Do you feel bad? I have a cold medication I made myself
Elsa: No thank you
Anna: Yes please
Kid's choir: And today should be a completely perfect day
Elsa: It should be a really special day
For you birthday we wish you to have a nice time
Everything will be nice
And we love you
Elsa: like I love you
Kid's choir: Yes a completely perfect day
This special day that keeps showing new things
A completely perfect day
Olaf: I'll fix it
Kristoff: no no
Olaf: It's ok, right?
Krištof: Banana (.....)
Elsa: Come, let's climb
Anna: Elsa that's to much, you need to rest
Elsa: And now the birthday cold I mean treasure
Elsa: Catch a dream,make a plan up up up up)
let's go to the top, to the sky (my) dear friend
Anna: Elsa?
Drunk Elsa: What? I'm fine
Let's go up
Let's sing
You'll see
what's next
happy happy happy extremely happy
Cold (...)
Anna: Elsa look at you, you have a fever, you're burning up
Anna: Well we can't continue that way
This day will wait
Come on and finally admit to yourself
Elsa: Fine, it is a cold
Elsa: I'm sorry Anna. I wanted you to have a perfect birthday. I ruined it, again.
Ana: You haven't ruined anything but you have to go to bed
O no, stop surprise
Wow 2x
The crowd: Today should be a completely perfect day
Smile on a face shines and glows like new
Kristoff: There's a fine line between chaos
Olaf: And hullabaloo
Cause today is a completely perfect day
a completely perfect day
A completely perfect day for you
Kristoff: Happy birthday
Crazy, happy and sad, forget everything
Kristoff: I love you baby
For everything you mean to us and everything that you do
Kristoff: really
It is a completely perfect day today
a completely perfect day (2x)
Elsa: It's a perfect day
Anna: Ok, now go to bed
Elsa: No wait wait the queen now has to blow into the birthday billy goat horn
Anna: o no no no no no no no
Anna: The best of all the gifts
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: You let me take care of you
Won't Listen
We see a lot nowWe hear a lot now
But there are still people
Who refuse to listen
We've wasted a lot of time
But nothing has happened yet
Are we gonna be like this forever
Why don't we come up with a solution
We see a lot now
We hear a lot now
But there are still people
Who refuse to listen
The world might be coming to an end
We still go on with our vices
Why don't we change
We still have hope to change
We see a lot now
We hear a lot now
But there are still people
Who refuse to listen
Let's cleanse our conscience
As not to hurt our souls
It's hard to wake someone who's pretending to sleep
It's hard to hear for someone who's pretending to be deaf
We see a lot now
We hear a lot now
But there are still people
Who refuse to listen
Versions: #1Cut it short, cut it short, cut it short.
Cut it short, cut it short, cut it short.
Cut it short...
You used to snuggle up to me like a cat and you'd kiss me.
You wouldn't care about neighbors and publicity, you would tuck me into you .
I got bored when you loved me too much, you overwhelmed me with your innocent love.
They say big loves dont end,so why did it end if you loved that much?
Take one, leave one and go to your own way.
You know how everyone has a heart, what you own instead is a machine.
You will forget how I taste like, my name will be a fading voice in your mind.
If you're gonna leave, leave fast.
Don't let it hurt, make it short, make it short
Cut it out, make it short., make it short, make it short.
I moved fast and you said we're moving too fast, I slowed it down, this time you couldn't wait.
When I lend you my hand, you'd also want my arm.
You got bored when I loved you too much, you drowned in my innocent love.
''Legends dont die'', this saying is a little too much for us.
Take one, leave one and go to your own way.
You know how everyone has a heart, what you own instead is a machine.
You will forget how I taste like, my name will be a fading voice in your mind.
If you're gonna leave, leave fast.
Cut it out, make it short., make it short, make it short.
Make it short, make it short, make it short, make it short. Make it short.
Take one, leave one and go to your own way.
You know how everyone has a heart, what you own instead is a machine.
You will forget how I taste like, my name will be a fading voice in your mind.
If you're gonna leave, f*ck off
Cut it out, make it short., make it short, make it short.
Burn This City
Don't you worry, woman.If the woman catches a cold, burn this city.
I will be around, calm down.
Look at the sky when I'm gone (x2)
My heart's in a hidden vase,
If you're high,text her.
Who the hell broke this vase,
Come out whoever you are if you dare.
Sparrow's teardrop is in vain,
Meanwhile laughter took over crows.
Even though she stands tall, she is wounded.
She might not make it to the morning.
It was a broken dream.
Many trees of barren soils
withered, its branches are withered.
It was the finale of a nightmare.
Don't you worry, woman.
If the woman catches a cold, burn this city.
I will be around, calm down.
Look at the sky when I'm gone (x2)