Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 53


Oh, That Hour Has Finally Come

Oh, that hour has finally come,
When I can be here to see you,
With little hope for the mutual feelings.
I languish in the dark,
I'm not purebred - that's a minus,
But I'm noble - that's a plus.
Just for your eyes
I'd fight against a dozen cats.
I'd plunge in abyss without hesitation.
I'd burn up or get drowned for your sake,
No one is hearing me - that's a minus,
But I'm not kicked out, either - that's a plus.
Oh, that hour has finally come,
When I can see you again,
Already having hope for the mutual feelings,
Now you've proved - you're not a coward,
You are so tired - that's a minus,
But I love you - that's a plus.
We won't be separeted ever
By cats, hardships or years,
- I was so looking forward.
- I went through a lot.
We suffered so much - that's a minus,
We're together now - that's a plus.

When oil is over

When oil is over
You'll be with me again
When the gas is over
You'll be back to me in spring
We will plant forests and we will make our paradise in a bit
When everything is over
There will be volume in a soul
When oil is over, our president will die
And the world will become a little sadder, and tears will make the Greenland Ice
Losing this battle, Mercedeses will give their keys
And saddling up their horses again
Heroes will remove their swords
When everything is over
There will be Gold century
And we will fly again
Without fire behind our backs
Our wings will be stronger and our thoughts will become clear
When all money is over and all banks are empty
Flies of global projects will be eaten by fish in a river
And country will use its own language
All safety and anger of jealous eyes will be destroyed
We will breath easier when the gas is over
We will learn to love and to use our heads again
And free services and our endless arguments will end
All mermaids and fairies will pray for us
(Cheers to upgraded high tech manufacturing!)
When we drink all oil, when we smoke all the gas!

Just like the colourings of your eyes.

Your stare was carved into two pieces
with some bitter freshly painted tears.
And you told me at the crack of dawn 'get me out of here'.
And you chose some drunk words over silence.
Like it or not, the years go by
just like the colourings of your eyes.
And you are now afraid.
Like it or not, the years go by
just like the colourings of your eyes.
You should always remember this advice of mine.
The romances that left you devoid [of company]
have helped you leave with a simple 'goodbye'.
And yet, one night, you forgot one door open
and a matchbox with your name written upon it.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.

Don't be surprised

Don't be surprised
If I love you senselessly
If there's no end to my requests
If I repeat myself when with you
Don't be surprised
If I am aloof to everyone except you
If I am kept awake on these nights
If I have a fever with or without you
I have a fever
I was sure that the past with you will be atoned
That a good future is near
That I will be with you forever
I have you and my mood
Became upside-down from this feeling, believe it
With one word, something, anything
Make my mood better
With you, everything I wanted came to be
With you, everything became comfortable
Everyone saw our relationship
Was more than just a short duration
Slowly, slowly I saw your surrender
Moment by moment with you I better understood calmness
Your effect is undeniable
They are right to say that love is only a single time
My destiny is dependent on you
Dependent on you
I was sure
That the past with you will be atoned
That a good future is near
That I will be with you forever
I have you and my mood
Became upside-down from this feeling, believe it
With one word, something, anything
Make my mood better
With you, everything I wanted happened
With you, everything became comfortable
Everyone saw our relationship
Was more than just a short duration
Make my mood better
Make my mood better
Make my mood better
Come and make my mood better
Come and make my mood better

Kill the Dragon

Fog and acrid smoke, there’s no sun in the sky,
All the people here are dressed in grey and dull like mice.
In contrast, iron law and order are everywhere,
A dragon reigns on silk banners.
Earthly happiness burns with sacrificial fire,
The dragon is toying with the power in your city and in the world.
The tyrant has bad blood and a wise man’s mind,
He made slaves, made a featureless herd out of everyone.
But comfort is always dearer
Than money, truth, love.
Fear of freedom gnaws the souls,
And slaves remain obedient.
Get off your knees, inhale the fresh air boldly,
You can’t be a nothing amongst the grey crowd for all your life.
Open your eyes, just trust me that, otherwise, it’ll be too late,
And get ready, against all odds,
To kill the dragon inside you!
As well as all, the tyrant isn’t immortal, and his ashes were scattered,
The great myth of wonderful days of flourishing is debunked.
And again, there’s playing with power, and again, there’s a battle for the throne,
And a new dragon gives people a phantom of happiness.
What kind of ancient hex draws this spiral?
Greed will take in its arms again,
Power will plunge steel into the soul.
Get off your knees, inhale the fresh air boldly,
You can’t be a nothing amongst the grey crowd for all your life.
Open your eyes, just trust me that, otherwise, it’ll be too late,
And get ready, against all odds,
To kill the dragon inside you!
Dragon's spirit is napping in everyone,
We all are born with it.
Power and greed – these are the laws
Which play with people!
Get off your knees, inhale the fresh air boldly,
You can’t be a nothing amongst the grey crowd for all your life.
Open your eyes, just trust me that, otherwise, it’ll be too late,
And get ready, against…
Get off your knees, inhale the fresh air boldly,
You can’t be a nothing amongst the grey crowd for all your life.
Open your eyes, just trust me that, otherwise, it’ll be too late,
And get ready, against all odds,
To kill the dragon inside you!


A picture of you, came to me as well
A picture of you ,from the outlands
It is one of those which the students keep
It is one of those which the stoolie rip them off.
It is one of those which the students hang...
to theirs hurt..
Che Guevara
Close the window
block the doors up
I am terrified of the man
with boots.
What do he ask for (want)?...and he walks into the shadows all the time.
What do he want ?.. and he asks about You all the time.
What do he want ?.. and he looks at our home..
every night.
Che Guevara
So many roses
burned them all the snow
Oh! this spring
makes me bleed

Now it's over! The heavy sleep has ended ...

Now it's over! The heavy sleep has ended!
Nobody and nothing is allowed!
And I go alone, lonely
Through the summerfield, on which they start!
I shall visit the overwater home,
From other people called ship.
My captain, my friend and my rescuer!
Let us however forget something!
Forget something - I must, it's possible!
Everything - the woman whom I know!
To remember everything - that is simply impossible,
And that is simply not necessary - that we?

Like a little child

In your arms again, again, like a little child
Unfading woman, again, like a little child
Never have I forgotten you, never, like a little child
Blurry moonlight, never, like a little child
Moon, give me your other side
The breath is just like a saw
Cuts the time and spreads fire and snow to the unsullied silence
I was often getting lost away from you, like a little child
Ancient wave, ancient expectation
The breath is just like a saw
Cuts the time and spreads fire and snow to the unsullied silence
I ask for your love, again, like a little child
Lightsome gazelle, again, like a little child
Being surrendered and conditional
The breath is just like a saw
Cuts the time and spreads fire and snow to the unsullied silence

Peste lege

Daca poti , frate , ridica-te , ridica-te x3
Sa nu va omoare, băi?
Daca poti , frate , ridica-te , ridica-te x3
Sunt alta materie , in viata ma privesti
La tragediile fotografii , nu nu
Galerie , de emotii in poze cu copii mari
Sunt din nou in serie si permiti tuturor sa strige in isterie
Si permiti sa-mi faca drum?
Misterios , cu cine sunt aici?
Criterie in viata este condusa de altul
Imperiu , eu sunt regina , el este regele
El e aur , eu sunt argint , dulcele meu lucru mic , hop trop
Multe gandiri stupide , eu sunt hip-hop , dar nu sunt , fă!
Ia gazul , bea-mi sucul
Eu va conduc sa dansati chiar si fara cocaina
Matracuca , kalpazanka , picanta ca o mexicanca
Ia gazul , bea-mi sucul
Eu va conduc sa dansati chiar si fara cocaina
Matracuca , kalpazanka , sunt peste lege in aceasta tara
Vreau mult zgomot
Permit tuturor sa faca bum , bum , bum
Am intrat cu totul , cu duma ”ii ucidem direct” , trage-ti , nu nu
Cu multi respect , fara sa imprastiem tensiuni inutile
Nu m-ai inteles?
Sunt din nou in serie si permiti tuturor sa strige in isterie
Si permiti sa-mi faca drum?
Misterios , cu cine sunt aici?
Criterie in viata este condusa de altul
Imperiu , eu sunt regina , el este regele
El e aur , eu sunt argint , dulcele meu lucru mic , hop trop
Multe gandiri stupide , eu sunt hip-hop , dar nu sunt , fă!
Ia gazul , bea-mi sucul
Eu va conduc sa dansati chiar si fara cocaina
Matracuca , kalpazanka , picanta ca o mexicanca
Ia gazul , bea-mi sucul
Eu va conduc sa dansati chiar si fara cocaina
Matracuca , kalpazanka , sunt peste lege in aceasta tara
Vreau mult zgomot
Permit tuturor sa faca bum , bum , bum
Ma vrei numai pe mine , mine
Fugi iute spre mine , mine
Ma vrei si esti fascinat
Te uiti la mine , mine
Ma cauti , cauti
Fugi , stai , incerci sa treci
Mori ca un prost de Anul Nou
Impingeti-i , nu imi place sa astept
Foarte des dansam in mahala
Ia gazul , bea-mi sucul
Eu va conduc sa dansati chiar si fara cocaina
Matracuca , kalpazanka , picanta ca o mexicanca
Ia gazul , bea-mi sucul
Eu va conduc sa dansati chiar si fara cocaina
Matracuca , kalpazanka , sunt peste lege in aceasta tara
Vreau mult zgomot
Permit tuturor sa faca bum , bum , bum
Daca poti , frate , ridica-te , ridica-te x3
Sa nu va omoare, băi?


At the edge of twilight I fell asleep
like a foreigner (alas!)* like a foreign body like forever a stranger
And there came and sat upon me like a bed sheet
all of the ground's dust.*
All of the ground's dust.
And there came in turn the black sea
she brought an ungovernable ship drifting
I rose like a wind, I rose like a thief,
don't you see the lie?
The lie, don't you see it?
Leaning at the ship's bow, a transparent man
is counting the bones, remains speechless
César Vallejo*, he eats the stones like bread
i have no other brother.
I have no other brother.
The cigarette is sparking at every puff
Spain is sinking* and the only one who wins
(is) the pleasure that gives birth to us, who plays our card
beyond our will.
Beyond our will.
At the edge of twilight you don't see any dreams
you see what has happened and what is to follow
You see the man being small and (you see) his own feet truly stepping on him
his own feet.
His own feet.

Above the law

If you can, bro, lift me up, lift me up (x3)
Do they weigh on you?
If you can, bro, lift me up, lift me up (x3)
I'm a different kind of matter, in real life, you are looking at
my photos - tragedy, no, no
Gallery from emotions into images with the big candy
I'm on a streak again and let them all scream in hysteria
And let them make way for me
Mystery, with whom am I here?
Criteria in life are lead by another one
Imperia, I'm the queen, he is the king
He is gold, I am a bling, my sweet little thing, bang-bang
A lot of suckers think that I am hip-hop but I'm not, boys
Turn the electricity off, drink my juice
I make them dance even without cocaine
Hooligan, mischief, spicy like a Mexican
Turn the electricity off, drink my juice
I make them dance even without cocaine
Hooligan, mischief, I am above the law in this country
I want a lot of noise
Let's all make boom, boom
boom, boom, boom
boom, boom, boom
I enter entirely, I kill them with a word, I shoot them down, no, no
Respect, without putting any excess tension
Don't you get me
I'm on a streak again and let them all scream in hysteria
And let them make way for me
Mystery, with whom am I here
Criteria in life lead to another one
Imperia, I'm the queen, he is the king
He is gold, I am a bling, my sweet little thing, bang-bang
A lot of suckers think that I am hip-hop but I'm not, boys
Turn the electricity off, drink my juice
I make them dance even without cocaine
Hooligan, mischief, spicy like a Mexican
Turn the electricity off, drink my juice
I make them dance even without cocaine
Hooligan, mischief, I am above the law in this country
I want a lot of noise
Let's all make boom, boom
boom, boom, boom
boom, boom, boom
All you want is me, me
You run your eye over me, me
You want me and you are captivated
You are looking at me, me
You are looking for me, me
Run, space, move so I can pass
I explode like the fireworks on New Year's
I push them, I don't like waiting
I often dance in the neighbourhood
Turn the electricity off, drink my juice
I make them dance even without cocaine
Hooligan, mischief, spicy like a Mexican
Turn the electricity off, drink my juice
I make them dance even without cocaine
Hooligan, mischief, I am above the law in this country
I want a lot of noise
Let's all make boom, boom
boom, boom, boom
boom, boom, boom
If you can, bro, lift me up, lift me up (x6)
Do they weigh on you?

A song of an evacuee

In the evening as mother was tucking me in
I could not foresee what would the morning bring with it
A cruel artillery battery had arrived to the forest during the night
A dark row of evacuees quietly wandered down the road
Sound of war roared clearly from near the border
Uncertainty gnawed the hearts of Karelians*
We were given a quarter of an hour until departure
We carried our precious bundles to the neighbours haywagon
Our beloved land and alley were gone
There, on top of the roofs our piece of sky is left
I have forgotten the amount of tears shed
Karelians' will to live was not shaken by war
Young warriors of Finland marched toward us
They were lead by baby-faced second lieutenants
Many made the last trip of their lives then
Determinedly toward the end, as if they anticipated it
Roadwork men asked where is the destination
Oh, but we will only know once we get there
Householder left them a pork casserole as well
Said: 'Vot**, here is some relish with bread'
Evacuees were packed into a train at the station
Questions from the authorities were answered precisely
One mother said: 'These are all my belongings,
Five little children and a new coffeepot as well.'
Little brother was born at night in the train
It was wrinkled and eyes still closed
Lotta's*** brought manna from heaven, hot gruel
They wanted to nurse us wretches
We arrived after three days
Karelian people stood in an auction
When householders picked up evacuees
They left the five children and the mother on the road
We went to live in the town hall as well
After a year we got to move into our own cabin
A letter from father came through: 'I will get off the army soon'
He did and was buried in war heroes' grave next to the church
When mother harrowed her croft,
A skylark accompanied the start of a new life
I sat at the edge of the field with little brother
I told him how beautiful Karelia was once


Though I'm pretty dumb
You forgive everything, 'cause
I am so good-looking
I won't become the Santa Claus
When I've got no gifts to share to others
I'm not even a member of Mensa when
I lack skills
Not a brainiac, something completely different
I don't need anything else, I'm just super hot
My IQ doesn't bother my head
When you multiply it by two, we're still under one hundred
I'm the most foolish, most idiotic and most stupid
I was in the appearance line when they shared skills
Though I'm pretty dumb
You forgive everything, 'cause
I am so good-looking
You can achieve big things in life
Also without job, 'cause
I am so good-looking
Though I'm pretty dumb
You forgive everything, 'cause
I am so good-looking
You can achieve big things in life
Also without job, 'cause
I am so good-looking
If you're telling me about something I don't know anything about
I just smile prettily and pretend that I get you
Life is easy though my intelligence is not the best
I just shut up and settle for just blinking my eyes
Smart people wait in line, I go rudely to the head of the line
It's pretty embarrassing, but that's what other pretty people do
The murdering gazes calm right after I smile
I was born like this, I've got no use for skills
Though I'm pretty dumb
You forgive everything, 'cause
I am so good-looking
You can achieve big things in life
Also without job, 'cause
I am so good-looking
Though I'm pretty dumb
You forgive everything, 'cause
I am so good-looking
You can achieve big things in life
If I just shut my mouth and
Be so good-looking
I don't do anything, but still win every time
I get by without troubles when I'm good-looking
It's a well-known thing for me, it's the certain feeling
Of that you get by just with your appearance, let me tell ya
Though I'm pretty dumb
You forgive everything, 'cause
I am so good-looking
You can achieve big things in life
If I just shut my mouth and
Be so good-looking
thank you for reading this. if there's no source, i've made the whole translation all by myself and i give you the permission to use it anywhere, if you just remember to credit me :)

Mr. Big Belly

We often allow ourselves to say things
We shouldn’t always speak out
We often say things…
About things that don’t concern us
We should sometimes avoid speaking
There was once a man who loved to eat
Every dish he saw, he wanted some to eat
As soon as he saw food he was tempted to taste it
He fell in love with a girl and brought her to his village
When the children saw him
They all shouted
Calling him:
Mr Big Belly!
They called him Bakonoba! Mr Big Belly!
There was once a man who loved to eat
Every dish he saw, he wanted some to eat
As soon as he saw food he was tempted to taste it
When the children saw him
They all shouted
Calling him:
Mr Big Belly!
They called him Bakonoba! Mr Big Belly!

Ich will dich ficken

Konvict Konvict Musik *1)
Und du weißt, wir sind ganz vorne *2)
Ich sehe wie du dich an dieser Stange windest und reibst
Ich weiß, dass du mir zuschaust wie ich dich ansehe und du weißt schon jetzt
Ich will dich ficken, du weißt schon jetzt
Ich will dich ficken, das weißt du schon jetzt, Mädchen
Geld fliegt in der Luft, als mehr fällt
Greif ich dich am Rockzipfel und schlepp dich ins Motel, käufliche Liebe
Sag’s nicht weiter, werd‘ auch nichts sagen
Schätzchen sagte: „Dogg, ich schweige wie ein Grab“, aber von mir erzählte sie sehr wohl, naja
Mach ein Foto von mir, was der Streifen wohl auslöst
Baby, steh‘ zu mir und ich bleib an dir kleben
Wenn du mich wählst, dann greif ich zu
D O Doppel G, und ich bin hier um diese Schwanz auch dich zu richten
Ich steh‘ auf Muschis und deine ist genau richtig
Aufreißerisches Schlängeln an der Stange und diese Türen sind dicht *3)
Und bis zum Ende der Nacht hol‘ ich mir eine Kostprobe
Weil Muschi Muschi ist und Baby, deine Muschi ist eine lebenslange Muschi *4)
Ich sehe wie du dich an dieser Stange windest und reibst
Ich weiß, dass du mir zuschaust wie ich dich ansehe und du weißt schon jetzt
Ich will dich ficken, du weißt schon jetzt
Ich will dich ficken, das weißt du schon jetzt, Mädchen
Klasseweib, ist schon offensichtlich, dass du nicht einsam bist
Ein Dutzend Kerle und die haben alle Knete
Hmm, du schaust jetzt zu mir her, was das wohl wird?
So wie ich das sehe, ist das nur ein weiteres Flirten
Versuche dich aus diesem Club rauszuholen
Auch wenn das bedeutet, dass ich noch ein paar Zwanziger springen lassen muss
Werf‘ ungefähr mit 30 Stapeln um mich
Ich lass es regnen wie nichts, bin ja alles andere als ein Stümper
Und du kennst ja meinen Stammbaum *5)
Als Ex-Dealer habe ich früher Amphetamine vertickt
Mädchen, ich schmeiß das Geld hinaus als wäre es nichts
Und übrigens, ich hab‘ was für dich
Ich sehe wie du dich an dieser Stange windest und reibst
Ich weiß, dass du mir zuschaust wie ich dich ansehe und du weißt schon jetzt
Ich will dich ficken, du weißt schon jetzt
Ich will dich ficken, das weißt du schon jetzt, Mädchen
In niedriger Auflage durchstreife ich den Club
Ich sitze hinten in der Raucherabteilung (rauch nur)
Vogelschau von oben, seh‘ völlig klar
Du kannst mich nicht sehen, aber ich kann dich sehen (Baby, ich seh‘ dich)
Es ist toll, wir chillen, die Stimmung stimmt, deine Muschi ist nass
Du reibst dir den Rücken und berührst deinen Hals
Dein Körper ist in Bewegung, du hüpfst und springst, deine Titten hüpfen auf und ab, (ja)
Du lächelst und grinst und schaust mich an
Mädchen und während du mich anschaust bin ich bereit den Caddy vorzufahren
Bring die Torte in den Caddy
Baby, du hast einen Po, so was würde ich heiraten
Warte nur darauf dir alles zu geben und das ist irgendwie beängstigend
Weil ich es liebe, wie du deinen Arsch schüttelst
Das Auf- und Abhüpfen lässt meinen Finger an meinem Glas den Takt mittippen
Normalerweise erwischt es mich nicht so schnell
Aber ich hab‘ was für dich
Ich sehe wie du dich an dieser Stange windest und reibst
Ich weiß, dass du mir zuschaust wie ich dich ansehe und du weißt schon jetzt
Ich will dich ficken, du weißt schon jetzt
Ich will dich ficken, das weißt du schon jetzt
Ich sehe wie du dich an dieser Stange windest und reibst
Ich weiß, dass du mir zuschaust wie ich dich ansehe und du weißt schon jetzt
Ich will dich ficken, du weißt schon jetzt
Ich will dich ficken, das weißt du schon jetzt, Mädchen
Urheberrechtlich geschützt nach §2 UrhG.
Diese Übersetzung darf nur mit Genehmigung des Urhebers wiedergegeben werden.


Ich schaue einen Engel an
Und glaub mir, wenn ich sage, dass
Sie ihre ganze Umgebung zum Leuchten bringt
Sie erleuchtet alles um sich herum
Sie erleuchtet alles um sich herum (erleuchtet, leuchtet, leuchtet)
Ich schaue einen Engel an
Und glaub mir, wenn ich sage, dass
Sie ihre ganze Umgebung zum Leuchten bringt
Sie erleuchtet alles um sich herum
Sie erleuchtet alles um sich herum
Sie erleuchtet alles um sich herum
Und hoch am Himmel singt sie wooooooooooooh
Hoch am Himmel, über den Wolken, singt sie wooooooooooooh
Hoch am Himmel, über den Wolken, singt sie wooooooooooooh
Hoch am Himmel, über den Wolken, singt sie wooooooooooooh
Hoch am Himmel, über den Wolken, singt sie wooooooooooooh
Sie hat Flügel, sie hat einen Heiligenschein
Es scheint mir so unnatürlich
Denn Eines verstehe ich einfach nicht
Was so unglaublich zu sein scheint
Sie sah mich an, überraschte mich, ja
Als sie mich bei der Hand nahm
Und mich in ein fremdes Land mitnahm und mich in höchste Höhen erhob
Hoch in den Himmel, über den Wolken, singend wooooooooooooh
Hoch in den Himmel, über den Wolken, singend wooooooooooooh
Hoch in den Himmel, über den Wolken, singend wooooooooooooh
Hoch in den Himmel, über den Wolken, singend wooooooooooooh
Hoch am Himmel, über den Wolken, singt sie
Singt sie mein Lied singend (ja, ja)
Von der Abenddämmerung bis zum Morgengrauen (ja, ja)
Ich weiß, du denkst jetzt an so einiges, aber es dauert nicht mehr lange, ja, ja
Bis alles besser wird, ja, ja, aber ich könnte mich ja auch irren, ja, ja
Denn ich werde nie an meine Grenzen stoßen
Bevor sie nach Hause gehen, ja, ja
Mein Lied singend, ja, ja
Von der Abenddämmerung bis zum Morgengrauen, ja, ja
Ich weiß, du denkst jetzt an so einiges, aber es dauert nicht mehr lange, ja, ja
Bis alles besser wird, ja, ja, aber ich könnte mich auch irren, ja, ja
Denn ich werde nie an meine Grenzen stoßen
Bevor sie nach Hause gehen, ja, ja
Ich schaue einen Engel an
Und glaub mir, wenn ich sage, dass
Sie ihre ganze Umgebung zum Leuchten bringt
Sie erleuchtet alles um sich herum
Sie erleuchtet alles um sich herum (erleuchtet, leuchtet, leuchtet)
Ich schaue einen Engel an
Und glaub mir, wenn ich sage, dass
Sie ihre ganze Umgebung zum Leuchten bringt
Sie erleuchtet alles um sich herum
Sie erleuchtet alles um sich herum
Sie erleuchtet alles um sich herum
Und hoch am Himmel singt sie wooooooooooooh
Urheberrechtlich geschützt nach §2 UrhG.
Diese Übersetzung darf nur mit Genehmigung des Urhebers wiedergegeben werden.

Probier’s mal

Shady (Shady Records)
Konvict (Konvict Muzik)
Upfront (Upfront Records)
Slim Shady
Ich sehe die Richtige
Weil sie diese Lady sein könnte, hey!
Ich fühl dich heranschleichen, ich seh’s am Schatten
Willst du in meinen Lamborghini Gallado hüpfen
Vielleicht gehen wir zu mir und chillen wie Tae Bo
Und vielleicht beug ich dich vor
Schau hinter dich und beobachte mich
Probier’s mal, über den ganzen Boden
Probier’s mal, gib mir etwas mehr
Probier’s mal, bis du wund bist
Probier’s mal, oh-oooh!
Probier’s mal, über den ganzen Boden
Probier’s mal, gib mir etwas mehr
Probier’s mal, bis du wund bist
Probier’s mal, oh-oooh!
Der Upfront-Stil ist nun bereit zum Angriff
Ich park den Cadillac langsam auf dem Parkplatz ein
Konvict hält die ganze Sache zurzeit übersichtlich
Betret den Club und seh gut aus!
Fühlt sich jetzt niedergeschlagen und bescheuert an (ooh)
Schaut langweilig und zurückgeblieben aus
Ich ruf sie an und rasple Süßholz
Geld ist kein Problem, hab die Taschen jetzt voll davon
Ich fühl dich heranschleichen, ich seh’s am Schatten
Willst du in meinen Lamborghini Gallado hüpfen
Vielleicht gehen wir zu mir und chillen wie Tae Bo
Und vielleicht beug ich dich vor
Schau hinter dich und beobachte mich
Probier’s mal, über den ganzen Boden
Probier’s mal, gib mir etwas mehr
Probier’s mal, bis du wund bist
Probier’s mal, oh-oooh!
Probier’s mal, über den ganzen Boden
Probier’s mal, gib mir etwas mehr
Probier’s mal, bis du wund bist
Probier’s mal, oh-oooh!
Ooh ... Sieht aus wie ein weiterer Club-Knaller
Haltet euch besser fest, wenn sie das auf euch los lassen
Da brauchst du erst mal nen kleinen Drink drauf
Auf diesen Akon-Scheiß werden sie abflippen
Da kannst du Gift drauf nehmen
Pediküre, Maniküre, Kätzchen-Klauen
So wie sie an der Stange auf und ab klettert
Schaut sie aus wie eine von den Pussy-Cat-Dolls
Versuch meine Erektion nicht meine Unterhosen sprengen zu lassen
Kommt auf die Bühne, denkt ich sah das nicht
Schleicht sich hinter mich und sagt was wie 'Du bist...'
Ich sag was wie „Weiß ich, lass uns gleich auf den Punkt kommen
Verschwend keine Zeit, gehen wir zurück zu mir“
Außerdem vom Club zu meinem Domizil ist’s etwa eine Meile
Oder vielleicht eher ein Palast, sollt ich sagen
Und außerdem hab ich einen Freund, wenn deine Freundin auch mitspielen will
Fakt ist, dass er derjenige ist, der das Lied das sie spielen singt
Ich fühl dich heranschleichen, ich seh’s am Schatten
Willst du in meinen Lamborghini Gallado hüpfen
Vielleicht gehen wir zu mir und chillen wie Tae Bo
Und vielleicht beug ich dich vor
Schau hinter dich und beobachte mich
Probier’s mal, über den ganzen Boden
Probier’s mal, gib mir etwas mehr
Probier’s mal, bis du wund bist
Probier’s mal, oh-oooh!
Probier’s mal, über den ganzen Boden
Probier’s mal, gib mir etwas mehr
Probier’s mal, bis du wund bist
Probier’s mal, oh-oooh!
Eminem bringt’s, D und Em bringen’s
Boo und old Marvelous und sie bringen’s
Frauen schauen einfach nuttig aus
Die großen Ärsche rollen
Bald bin ich in den allen und spritz ab
Ich schaff nicht weniger als drei
Block-Wheel-Stil, wie Whee
Mädchen ich weiß, dass du mich willst so wie du dich aufgeführt hast
Ich fühl dich heranschleichen, ich seh’s am Schatten
Willst du in meinen Lamborghini Gallado hüpfen
Vielleicht gehen wir zu mir und chillen wie Tae Bo
Und vielleicht beug ich dich vor
Schau hinter dich und beobachte mich
Probier’s mal, über den ganzen Boden
Probier’s mal, gib mir etwas mehr
Probier’s mal, bis du wund bist
Probier’s mal, oh-oooh!
Probier’s mal, über den ganzen Boden
Probier’s mal, gib mir etwas mehr
Probier’s mal, bis du wund bist
Probier’s mal, oh-oooh!
Urheberrechtlich geschützt nach §2 UrhG.
Diese Übersetzung darf nur mit Genehmigung des Urhebers wiedergegeben werden.

No We're Not Selling

This year it's going well
it's going well
all the plants are going well
The middlemen will flock again
they will profiteer
and we'll be the same yet again
they're buying our crop too cheap
No we're not selling
The children are happy
the children
They see a plentiful crop
The middlemen will flock again
they will profiteer
and we'll be the same yet again
they're buying our crop too cheap
No we're not selling


At nights, if I came with you
Dawn would find us
Your figure was nice and sweet
Ah, the kiss, the kiss was resurrection
Beloved like the river
This year has found me
This year has found me
I'm alone like a reed, like a reed
I cound the years of isolation
And wish that you come back like before
I pass through roads, seacosts and countries
But, I can't find you,
Find you.
Beloved like the river
This year has found me
This year has found me
I'm alone like a reed, like a reed

The Dragon

Versions: #1#2
Dried all over are spring wells forsaken
Faded heather for long miles around
And I’m watching the sun rolling over
The cold heavenly vault of the sky
To lose what’s left of the warmth
Dressed in night hues are dark granite slopes
Dressed in blood tint is waterless ground
Dressed in amber are dragon’s eyes, mirrored
In a piece of the crystal around
This is the treasure I guard
Maledicting the wretched gold treasure
For this treacherous glint of the warmth
I’m remindful of her who once used to
Used to also have wings long ago
But she’s living no more
And over mountains and deep seas, off so far
Where people lack vision and gods don’t put faith in
He - who’s the last one of my kinship- to the light
Will spread young winglets – ferocious feathers
And this scale-ornament pictorial design
Will drive off misfortune with embodied passion
And braving fate he’ll soar up high into the sky
Forever impending, insanely attractive
And it’s the pinnacle of magic in the world
The sun’s exulting indeed on the crest edge
And this is it, and that is all, and nothing more
There’s only skyline, eternal heaven.
And the heroes are feasting in shelter
In the royal grand chambers of oak
Bragging over the goblets of heady
They’ll get this mystic treasure of gold
Not later than Christmas Day

It's me

The mountain is covered with snow. The land is frozen.
An isolated kingdom and queen is me.
The wind is blowing, the clouds are thundering.
What will I do, alone up here?
Don’t let them see you, be hidden even from the ones who love you.
Good girl for a life. But still for how long?
It’s me, it’s me. I wouldn’t like to be hidden anymore.
It’s me, it’s me. I want to live free.
I don’t care what the others are going to say.
I live in snow. The cold belongs to me for a long time now.
The distance makes me see everything small.
And the fears that controlled me, yes I got them now.
It’s time for me to be opened, to remember my dreams.
My soul is alive, again.
It’s me, it’s me. I’m one with the sky.
It’s me, it’s me. I won’t cry anymore.
I’ll be staying here, I’ll dream. I live in snow.
My power is getting even stronger.
I’m freezing the earth with an intensity of certainty.
I won’t go back I don’t care what they are going to say.
I forget the past. I don’t look back anymore.
It’s me, it’s me. I will always look the sun.
It’s me, it’s me. The girl of snow.
I’ll be staying here, in the light of sky.
I don’t care anymore. The cold belongs to me for a long time now.