Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 64


Oh, stop wounding me

Versions: #1
Oh, stop wounding me or let me die,
you ungrateful, pitiless eyes,
colder than ice, harder than marble,
cold and deaf to my pain.
Oh, stop wounding me or let me die.

Cicatrici pentru frumusețe

Versions: #1
Ea vrea doar sa fie frumoasa
Trece nevazuta, nu cunoaște limitele
Tânjește dupa atenție, venerează o imagine
Se roagă sa fie sculptata de sculptor
Oh, ea nu vede lumina ce strălucește
Mai adânc decât pot vedea ochii
Poate noi am orbit-o
Deci încearcă sa ascundă durerea și-și alunga nenorocirile
Pentru ca fetele din reviste nu plâng cu machiajul pe fata
Dar este o speranța ce te așteaptă in întuneric
Ar trebui sa știi ca ești frumoasa exact cum ești
Și nu trebuie sa schimbi nimic la tine
Lumea ar putea sa-și schimbe inima
Fără cicatrici pentru frumusețe, suntem stele și suntem frumoase
Și nu trebuie sa schimbi nimic la tine
Lumea ar putea sa-și schimbe inima
Fără cicatrici pentru frumusețe, suntem stele și suntem frumoase
Ea visează sa fie invidiata, deci se înfometează
Știi tu, fetele de pe reviste nu mănâncă
Își spune “Frumusețea este durere și este frumusețe in orice”
“Ce contează putina foamete?”
“Pot sa mai continui”, ea leșina
Ea nu vede ca este perfecta, nu înțelege ca ea contează
Sau ca frumusețea se ascunde in interior
Deci pentru toate fetele ce suferă
Lăsați-mă sa va fiu oglinda, sa va ajut sa vedeți totul mai clar
Lumina ce strălucește in interior
Dar este o speranța ce te așteaptă in întuneric
Ar trebui sa știi ca ești frumoasa exact cum ești
Și nu trebuie sa schimbi nimic la tine
Lumea ar putea sa-și schimbe inima
Fără cicatrici pentru frumusețe, suntem stele și suntem frumoase
Nu exista o versiune a ta mai buna decât aceasta de acum
Nu exista o versiune a ta mai buna decât aceasta de acum
Nicio viața mai buna decât cea pe care o trăim
Nicio viața mai buna decât cea pe care o trăim
Nu exista un moment mai bun sa strălucești, ești o stea
Oh, ești frumoasa, oh, ești frumoasa
Dar este o speranța ce te așteaptă in întuneric
Ar trebui sa știi ca ești frumoasa exact cum ești
Și nu trebuie sa schimbi nimic la tine
Lumea ar putea sa-și schimbe inima
Fără cicatrici pentru frumusețe, suntem stele și suntem frumoase
Și nu trebuie sa schimbi nimic la tine
Lumea ar putea sa-și schimbe inima
Fără cicatrici pentru frumusețe, suntem stele și suntem frumoase

Going Dumb

Versions: #1
Feels like love. One more time
Can't believe that I have said that every time I see you
Once again. Start the car
To see welcoming neon signs they are out highlights
I don't know, know, know, know
How you feeling deep inside you
I wanna know, know, know, know
I keep wondering what's right
You got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going
Feels like love. One more time
Can't believe that I have said that every time I see you
Once again. Start the car
To see welcoming neon signs they are out highlights
I don't know, know, know, know
How you do it, I'm in ruins
I don't know, know, know, know
But my head's in overload
You got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
You got me going dumb
Got me going dumb
Got me going dumb
You got me going dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
You got me going dumb
You got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
You got me going dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
You got me going dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
You got me going dumb

Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday

Tell me a story that makes me fall in love
In an instant, since it's a while this doesn't happen to me
Tell me a secret so I can poke around
In the locked cupboards and it's hailing outside
Tell me who are you now because I can't recognize anymore
If you are the same, If I know you
Life passes like a blow, like a blow each day
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems far to you because you don't believe in it
A day it happens by chance that just something is missing
The day where everything is wrong and there won't be an excuse
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems strange to you but you will keep standing
I wonder if it was already written our need
To seek, life is just a matter of urgency
Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday
Tell me the anecdote you were always repeating to me late In the night to make me fall asleep
Tell me the silences, dense like red wool in a winter
That made us to fight
Tell me who you are now because I no more love you
But I think about you and get confused
Life changes in a blow, in a blow, each day...
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems far to you because you don't believe in it
A day it happens by chance that just something is missing
The day where everything is wrong and there won't be an excuse
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems strange to you but you will keep standing
I wonder if it was already written our need
To seek, life is just a matter of urgency
Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday.

Queen of the night

[Chorus: Aless]
Everyone knows her and everyone judges
Well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
[Verse 1: Aless]
Was before the show
Excited, drank themselves to some mood as they were walking through the city (as they were walking through the city)
Will be a good party, boys picking them up in cars, 200 quick they leave, yeah
But there's no time, the show starts, so move and no talking back (show starts)
and we pour and pour and pour so we pass tests
School's calling us, but we switch our phones off (switch phones off)
Cause today we go out together
Bring who you want and we take them cause we don't want to be alone
Was so much effort to get here (we're here)
So don't search for a moral where is none, cause today those ideas about this evening will pass away, gone
[Chorus: Aless]
Everyone knows her and everyone judges
Well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
[Verse 2: Sharlota]
I'm fuckin' queen of the night, eyy, eyy
I have power over you still
do not avoid, i know you're not the same, like the other boys
they howl, dude, like wolfs at the moon
when they find out they'll see me in a month
action in the club, i beg they shut up
this is no fun, yeah
I've long hair like Locika
in the club plays good music
dont matter who is dressed how
good energy emits from the crowd
let no one speak at me
everyone always whining or crying
let no one speak at me
everyone always whining or crying
and still I feel like Kardashian, milk on me
I feel like Kardashian, milk on me
feel like Kardashian, milk on me
I feel like Kardashian, milk on me
[Chorus: Aless]
Everyone knows her and everyone judges
Well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
[Bridge: Aless]
we shit on everything that spoils our night, yes (yes)
we want nothing and no-one, don't want sleep (sleep)
you keep the bottle, I take the tab, I go through without arguments (arguments)
We're just friends, don't try to mess me up
We're just friends, don't try to mess me up
I have the right, to be cool
I have the right, to be happy
I have the right, for what i want only
I have the right, we're still children
right, right, right, right
to be able to live for real
right, right, right, right
to be able to live for real
[Chorus: Aless]
(Everyone knows her and everyone judges, well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling)
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night

Nu renunța niciodată

Eram încă mic băiat
Și mă certam cu tatăl meu
Pentru notele mici de la școală și doar un șase
Dar de muzică, jur
Făceam indigestie
Preferam un pian decât două lovituri la o minge
Cât timp petreceam
Deasupra acelor taste pe care le atingeam
Era totul alb și negru in jurul meu
Mă ascultau prietenii
Surâdeau fericiți
Acea dorință de afirmare era puternică înlăuntrul meu
Niciodată, nu renunța niciodată
Dacă nu reușești
Perseverează și așteaptă acel moment mai devreme sau mai târziu
Cât timp vei trăi
Nu renunța niciodată
Încurajează-ți inima
căci mâine vei invinge
Nu am uitat deloc
Ușile primite în față
Răspunsul era același pentru mine
Te vom contacta,
te vom anunța
Dar telefonul nu a sunat niciodată
Niciodată, nu renunța niciodată
Dacă nu reușești
Perseverează și așteaptă acel moment mai devreme sau mai târziu
Cât timp vei trăi
Nu renunța niciodată
Încurajează-ți inima căci mâine vei invinge
Vor sosi eroii
Un contract pentru a scrie visele
În sfârșit îl vei avea
Dar drumul va fi în urcuș
Nu e simplă această viață
Dintr-un turn să cazi nu e greu
Niciodată, nu renunța niciodată
Cât timp vei trăi
Încurajează-ți inima
căci mâine vei învinge

Micuță, micuță

Văd înflorind noi flori
de-a lungul drumului vieții.
Singurătatea s-a sfârșit,
acum că ești aici cu mine.
Micuță, micuță sunt,
închisă în inima ta,
și nu pretind ca tu
deja să mă strigi pe nume,
dar știu că un zâmbet
îți caută chipul
și se-nvârte, se-nvârte, se-nvârte
în jurul meu.
Micuță, micuță sunt,
închisă într-un gând,
care mă trage după tine
în lumea întreagă.
Și zbor, zbor, zbor
cât timp vrei tu,
fericită să rămân
în visele tale.
Micuță, micuță sunt,
micuță în mâinile tale.
Și pe măsură ce timpul trece,
care curge prea lent,
pictez atâtea vise colorate
în jurul tău.
Micuță, micuță sunt,
închisă într-un gând,
care mă trage după tine
în lumea întreagă.
Și zbor, zbor, zbor
cât timp vrei tu,
fericită să rămân
în visele tale.
Micuță, micuță, micuță...
Micuță, micuță, micuță,
închisă în inima ta.
Micuță, micuță, micuță...

Văd soarele în miez de noapte

Ce e cu mine? Nu știu ce e.
De ce nu-mi vine somnul?
Nu reușesc să înțeleg de ce
lumea s-a schimbat pentru mine.
Văd soarele în miez de noapte,
culeg flori de pe tavan.
Ai dreptate, sunt nebună.
E numai vina iubirii,
eu iubesc, eu iubesc!
Văd soarele în miez de noapte,
camera mea se transformă:
acel balcon e un sens giratoriu.
Dansez pe malul mării.
Eu iubesc, eu iubesc!
Dansez cu tine
și sunt aici,
în pijamaua mea albastră,
albastră, albastră, albastră...
Văd soarele în miez de noapte,
culeg flori de pe tavan.
Ai dreptate, sunt nebună.
E numai vina iubirii,
eu te iubesc, eu te iubesc!
Dansez cu tine
și sunt aici,
în pijamaua mea albastră,
albastră, albastră, albastră...
Văd soarele în miez de noapte,
culeg flori de pe tavan.
Ai dreptate, sunt nebună.
E numai vina iubirii,
eu te iubesc, eu te iubesc!
Eu te iubesc!
Eu te iubesc!


You’re always here, balked here
in the middle of this street.
You don’t eat anymore, you don’t sleep anymore,
what an hypochondriac!
Ehi, kid, what’s the meaning of
this jealousy?
You want to suffer,
you want to die,
who’s driving you to do it?
You don’t know what love at 20 years old is anymore,
to be in the clothes of a street boy
who still believes in his mistakes
and whose tough guy skin nobody takes it away from him.
He hides a purer heart
placed in a safe place from deceptions.

And you go up and down under this balcony
but you’re a boy,
you don’t know women,
you’re still so young!
You’re a boy,
what did you place in your head,
go and play ball!
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
don’t be stupid, kid.
Tell her the whole truth
because momma can understand you!
And those who have a mother don’t cry, it’s never true
but, if one doesn’t blow, the veil will never fall,
the one that makes you live in black and white.
A free man follows his own road,
even if it’s the wrong one.
I’ll see you at the next bullshit.

Don’t think of her, go and have fun
with the little kids.
Don’t demean yourself,
kid, there is (still) time
to get yourself into a fix!
The one that you want to kiss,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize.
forget her, kid,
because if someone tells dad,
I’m not the fool from before.
who knows how it’ll end up.
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
And you go up and down under this balcony
but you’re a boy,
you don’t know women,
you’re still so young!
You’re a boy,
what did you place in your head,
go and play ball!
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
Run to your mother’s arms,
don’t be stupid, kid.
I’m only 20 years old.
Tell her the whole truth
Love at 20 years old.
because momma can understand you.
I’m only 20 years old.