Rezultatele căutării pagină 3
Număr de rezultate: 98
Hei, lasă-i să o facă din nou, da
Hei, ai spus că ești prietenul meu
Hei, întoarce-mă cu capul în jos, Oh
Hei, mă simt atât de jos
Hei, hei ... hei ... hei ...
Ai făcut din nou un prost din mine
Din nou [8x]
Hei, știu că am făcut aceeași greșeală, da
Eu, nu o voi mai face, nu
De ce, de ce mă loveşti cu palmele în față, oww
Eu, nu am spus că este OK, nu
Nu Nu...
Îmi violezi o parte din mine
Din nou [8x]
Ah, ooo
Doot doot, yeah [8x]
Hei, ai avut timp să te gândești, da
Hei, slăbiciunea ta nu o va ajuta să-și vindece inima
Hei, pariez că te macină cu adevărat
Pierd din nou o parte din mine
Din nou [8x]
Încă nu au găsit o cale să mă omoare
Ochii ard cu transpirația înțepătoare
Se pare că toate drumurile nu duc nicăieri,
Soție și copii, animal de companie
Verdele armatei nu a fost un pariu sigur,
Gloanțele mă strigă de undeva.
Da, vin să execute cocoșul
Da, aici vine cocosul, da
Știi că nu va muri
Nu, nu, nu, știi că nu va muri
Aici vin să execute cocoșul
Ah da, da
Da, iată cocoșul, da
Știi că nu va muri
Nu, nu, nu, știi că nu va muri
Mersul unui bărbat înalt cu o mitralieră
M-au scuipat în pământul meu de acasă
Gloria mi-a trimis poze cu băiatul meu
Am pastilele mele împotriva morții cauzate de către țânțari,
Amicul meu își dă ultima suflare
O, Doamne, te rog, nu mă vei ajuta să trec ?
Da, vin să execute cocoșul
Da, aici vine cocosul, da
Știi că nu va muri
Nu, nu, nu, știi că nu va muri
Aș ?
Cunoaște-mă rupt de stăpânul meu,
învață despre copilul iubirii de acum încolo
În viitură din nou,
Aceeași călătorie veche a fost și atunci,
Așa că am făcut o mare greșeală,
Încercați să o vedeți odată în drumul meu.
Corpul în derivă, e unicul său efort.
Zburând, fără nici o idee.
În viitură din nou,
Aceeași călătorie veche a fost și atunci,
Așa că am făcut o mare greșeală,
Încercați să o vedeți odată în drumul meu.
În viitură din nou,
Aceeași călătorie veche a fost și atunci,
Așa că am făcut o mare greșeală,
Încercați să o vedeți odată în drumul meu.
Am greșit?
Am alergat prea departe ca să ajung acasă
Am plecat?
te-am lăsat aici singur
Am greșit?
Am alergat prea departe ca să ajung acasă
Am plecat?
te-am lăsat aici singur
Dacă aș vrea, ai putea?
Beep x 3
I'm a baby baby
in a coy style
And very honest.
What's wrong with you?
They're next to you.
But, I'm the only one that is looking
In order to get in touch
Every other day
Can you ask me?
What's your phone number?
Do you live alone by any chance?
With a secret look in the eyes.
Body line that I've seen in my dreams.
The lips I peeked at.
woo- woo-
unrepeatable one of a kind
young man
come on boy
i'll give you
a sign woo- woo-
three two turn
the dial
(do it do it do it)
wild child
can't deny it
(do it do it do it)
call me bad bad
bad bad bad boy
i can do everything
boy you're
just my type
call me bad bad
bad bad bad boy
you know what
ya do for me
i know that
you want me
You're baby baby
in a blink of an eye
You're mesmerizing me.
What's wrong with me?
I want to hide behind.
I can see your back.
In order to keep in touch
Every other day
I'll ask you.
What's your phone number?
Do you have a phone?
one of a kind
young man
come on boy
i'll give you
a sign woo- woo-
three two
turn the dial
(do it do it do it)
wild child
can't deny it
(do it do it do it)
i need a man
like rodeo
someone who can
make me dizzy
moaning with
cuz i'm sexy
when i'm screaming
don't hesitate
boy you make me
smoke cigarettes
i'll medicate you
and take you to
the golden gate
see, i'm a
greatest doctor
while i'm naked,
guys gonna be
dirty monster
snapbacks & tattoos
like tyga i love
that shit
imma ride you
like woo woo
i gotcha this
game will set
three two turn
the dial
(do it do it do it)
wild child
can't deny it
(do it do it do it)
call me bad bad
bad bad bad boy
i can do
everything boy
you're just my type
call me bad bad
bad bad bad boy
you know what
ya do for me
i know that
you want me
call me bad bad
bad bad bad boy
i can do everything
boy you're
just my type
call me bad bad
bad bad bad boy
you know what
ya do for me
i know that
you want me
Alice human sacrifice
There was a small dream.
I don't know who saw it. It was a small dream.
I thought of a small dream.
I don't want to go away as it is.
How can I get people to meet me? I thought of my little dream and finally came up with it.
You are the only people who can wander on you and make the world.
The first Alice is a mysterious country with a brave sword in one hand.
I cut out various things and paved the Red Road.
Alice is in the depths of the forest.
Trapped like a sinner.
There is no way of knowing her life, except how it was done in the woods.
The second Alice is a mysterious country that sings quietly.
It has invented a world of madness, overflowing with many sounds.
Alice is a rose flower.
He was shot by a squid man. Red flowers bloom, everyone is made to love and it dies.
The third Alice is a young girl.
A beautiful figure, a mysterious country.
They made a strange country to trick a lot of people.
Alice is the Queen of the country.
It is troubled by a distorted dream.
They reign at the top of the country, frightened by a corrupt body.
A tea party under a tree of roses following a forest path
The invitation from the castle is a card of the heart that the fourth Alice is a twin child.
Wonderland out of curiosity.
Just a few minutes ago, I came to many extreme doors. A strong sister and a wise brother. It was close to Alice. The dream of two people wandered the mysterious country without waking up.
Spre cer
Spre cer
Mama ta ti-a creat un mic rai
Am fost acolo doar acum o ora
Puteam sa imi dau seama ca vei pleca
Atat de crud, dincolo de toate puterile noastre
Du-te spre cer
Cum toti ingerii de pe pamant ar trebui
Te voi celebra pentru totdeauna
Ne-ai invatat lucruri pe care toti ar trebui sa le invete
Yeah, te voi celebra pentru totdeauna
Si voi dori sa te vad cand va fi randul meu
Du-te spre cer
Cum toti ingerii de pe pamant ar trebui
Te vad dansand mai departe, dansand mai departe
Rain-laden Skies
The song of love you once sang calmly and caring for me
But you disappeared, alone I remain waiting merely for you.
Rain-laden skies wherever I see, no sun longer exist without you
Rain-wet pine trees silently gazing down, so grey everything appears without you.
That bird who recently sang suddenly became silent and mute
That verse I wrote became pointless and dumb
Rain-laden skies wherever I see, no sun longer exist without you
Rain-laden skies wherever I see, no sun longer exist without you
Rain-wet pine trees silently gazing down, so grey everything appears without you.
That bird who recently sang suddenly became silent and mute
That verse I wrote became pointless and dumb
Rain-laden skies wherever I see, no sun longer exist without you
“Oh, da spirits be with ya now, mon.'
- Bwonsamdi
We're gonna light up a fire
-That's it! We're gonna burn down the house!
-Yeah, haha, burn down the house.. Huh?
-Oh poor me!
We're gonna light up a fire, guys we are going to burn
the ugly beast, bring garbage and branches
Oh my God
We're gonna light up a fire, we're gonna light up a fire
No, no, no the house little birdhouse too!
Oh, we're gonna roast for good, nose and fingers
come on Rabbit help me here, don't stay still, work!
-Oh shoot! Oh my God!
-A match?
There's only one solution, we're gonna light up a fire!
-We're gonna light up a fire
No,no,no my little house and furniture!
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.
Nu sterge pupicurile
Pot vedea semnele unei vieti intregi
Cu tine, pana mor
Si ma indepartez incet
Imi doresc sa-mi iau la revedere
Daca nu este de mine?
Daca nu este de mine?
Mi-ar placea sa te cunosc
Mi-ar placea sa te scot in oras
Am merge la Hail Mary*
Si apoi ne-am saruta
In schimb iti scriu un mesaj
Pe care stiu ca nu il voi trimite niciodata,
Rescriu aceleasi scuze vechi
Sterg pupicurile de la sfarsit
Cand te vad, parca toata lumea
Se reduce la camera in care esti tu
Si apoi imi amintesc ca sunt timida
Si barfele vor aparea in curand
Si apoi sunt prinsa in cursa, gandesc prea mult
Si da, posibil sa fie si putina neincrede de sine
Tu imi spui sa trec peste asta,
Si sa te scot in oras
Dar nu pot, imi e prea teama!
Si a venit autobuzul de noapte, trebuie sa plec
Usile se inchid si tu imi faci cu mana
Si te plac, dar nu o sa las niciodata sa se vada
Si tu nu o sa stai dupa minei, dar e in regula
Mi-e mai bine singura.
Si apoi sunt acasa
Si sunt putin beata
Si ma intreb:
Daca nu e de mine?
Daca nu e de mine?
Au trecut cateva zile de cand te-am vazut ultima oara
Si parca mi-ai coplesit toata mintea
Fac glume pe care le faceai tu care ma faceau sa rad
Dar ma prefac ca eu le-am inventat
Vreau sa spun intregii lumi despre tine
Cred ca asta este un semn
Imi pierd controlul
E vina ta, chiar e, de 1000 de ori
Ma uit la poza ta si zambesc
Cat de groaznica e treaba asta?
Sunt ca o adolescenta
Mai bine scriu pe un caiet ca
'Esti cel mai tare'
Dar esti, chiar esti!
M-ai dat peste cap
Si e ok,
O sa las de la mine
Pentru ca imi place sa fiu in prejma ta
Ma simt electrica, un cliseu romantic
Da, toata cliseele sunt adevarate
Si cand ne intalnim privirile la o petrecere stupida
Stiu exact ce e de facut
Te voi lua de mana
Si vom pleca,
Fara ca nimeni sa observe*
Si acum sunt acasa
Sunt putin beata
Unele lucruri nu se schimba
Si acum imi dau seama ca:
Tu si cu mine suntem meniti
Sa fim indragostiti
Tu si cu mine suntem meniti
Sa fim indragostiti
Tu si eu
Vad semnele unei vieti intregi
Tu, pana voi muri
Mistress of the leaden clouds
Mistress of the world inside me
Queen of the lightnings, queen of the lightnings
Queen of the lightnings, good weather, bad weather
Mistress of the June rains
Mistress of everything inside me
Queen of lightnings, queen of lightnings
Queen of lightnings, good weather, bad weather
I am the sky to your storms
Mistress of the June rains
Mistress of everything inside me
Queen of lightnings, queen of lightnings
Queen of lightnings, good weather, bad weather
I am the sky to your storms
A sky split in half in the middle of the afternoon
I am the sky to your storms
Pagan goddess of the lightnings
Of the rains of every year
Inside me, inside me.
Broken mirrors
Above my bed, on my roof
the window that I do not have
This house has no doors, no limits, no walls,
Without windows I cannot say when it‘s day or night
My time has stopped now
These hours I never counted
Broken mirrors, dull walls
They have inside them (all those) silences full of words and my presence
Worn out eyes, closed and dirty with bitterness
I dream, I don’t come back, I lose myself, I get rid of my doubts, of all the wrong moves I made (wrong decisions)
I dream of your eyes, there is no limit anymore
I see the memory of a hidden kiss
Of denied cries and of filled up emptiness
Beyond your eyes there is no limit anymore
Woman, images and songs, floading words
Uneasiness, pain, obsession and
If I spread my voice nobody will listen
I walk up the stairs of my changing mood
I don‘t stumble on my own steps
I am never the same
Determinate, hesitating, accurate, inaccurate
And these brakes burn my thoughts like I hours that I never counted
And every evening the window that I do not have is staring at me
With fear and unsecurity it doesn‘t say a single word to me
It changes itself in deception
It is never truthful
My World Has Crumbled
My world has crumbled
And made me feel the way I feel
You did it
And now you say that you pity me
I don't know if I explain myself well
I didn't ask for anything
For you or for anyone else
It wasn't me who crumbled
I know that you understood me
I also know that you won't mind
If my world has crumbled
Then I should learn how to get up
My world has crumbled
And made me feel the way I feel
You did it
And now you say that you pity me
I don't know if I explain myself well
I didn't ask for anything
For you or for anyone else
It wasn't me who crumbled
I know that you understood me
I also know that you won't mind
If my world has crumbled
Then I should learn how to get up
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
I'm Rebellious
I'm rebellious because that's what the world wanted
Because I was never treated with love
And people were not friendly with me
I'm rebellious because, always without a reason
I was denied all that I dreamed
And I was only given incomprehension
I wanted to be like a child
Full of hope and happy
And I wanted to give all that there is in me
All in return for a friendship
And dream, and live
And forget grief
And sing and smile
And feel nothing but love
I'm rebellious because that's what the world wanted
Because I was never treated with love
And people were not friendly with me
I'm rebellious because, always without a reason
I was denied all that I dreamed
And I was only given incomprehension
I wanted to be like a child
Full of hope and happy
And I wanted to give all that there is in me
All in return for a friendship
And dream, and live
And forget grief
And sing and smile
And feel nothing but love
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Κοινωνικό Παράσιτο
Λες ότι δεν σου αρέσει το πως δείχνουμε
Γι'αυτό άντε γαμήσου
Δεν είμαι κανένα ετοιμοθάνατο σκυλί που μπορείς να κλοτσήσεις
Γι'αυτό άντε γαμήσου
Είναι τόσο εύκολο να πέσεις σε αυτή την τρύπα
Και είσαι αυτός που μου έδωσε αυτό τον ρόλο
Αν με αγαπούσες θα με έλεγες κοινωνικό παράσιτο
Και ποιος είναι αυτός που θα μου πει αν είναι λάθος ή σωστό
Λες ότι δεν σου αρέσει το μέρος που ζω
Τότε βγες έξω
Δεν υπάρχει κενή θέση στο κρεβάτι μου
Γι'αυτό βγες έξω
Είναι τόσο εύκολο να πέσεις σε αυτή την τρύπα
Και είσαι αυτός που μου έδωσε αυτό τον ρόλο
Αν με αγαπούσες θα με έλεγες κοινωνικό παράσιτο
Και ποιος είναι αυτός που θα μου πει αν είναι λάθος ή σωστό
Αν με αγαπούσες θα με έλεγες κοινωνικό παράσιτο
Και ποιος είναι αυτός που θα μου πει αν είναι λάθος ή σωστό
(1, 2, 3, πάμε...)
Λες ότι δεν σου αρέσει το πως δείχνουμε
Γι'αυτό άντε γαμήσου
Δεν είμαι κανένα ετοιμοθάνατο σκυλί που μπορείς να κλοτσήσεις
Γι'αυτό άντε γαμήσου
Είναι τόσο εύκολο να πέσεις σε αυτή την τρύπα
Και είσαι αυτός που μου έδωσε αυτό τον ρόλο
Αν με αγαπούσες θα με έλεγες κοινωνικό παράσιτο
Και ποιος είναι αυτός που θα μου πει αν είναι λάθος ή σωστό
Αν με αγαπούσες θα με έλεγες κοινωνικό παράσιτο
Και ποιος είναι αυτός που θα μου πει αν είναι λάθος ή σωστό
It's been hurting too much in my heart
Since you went away
Sometimes I think of getting over you
But I guess that's not a solution
The solution is you coming back
And we loving each other
So, so I think
That there isn't anyone who will love you this way
Princess, please come back to me
Princess, please come back to me
I love you, my love
It's been hurting too much in my heart
Since you went away
Sometimes I think of getting over you
But I guess that's not a solution
The solution is you coming back
So, so I think
That there isn't anyone who will love you this way
Princess, please come back to me
Princess, please come back to me
I love you, my...
Princess, please come back to me
I love you
Princess, please come back to me
I love you, my love
I love you, my love
I love you, my love
I love you, my love
I love you, my...
Princess, please come back to me
I love you, my...
Princess, please come back to me
Princess, please come back to me
Princess, please come back to me
I love you, my love
I love you, my love
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
As You See
He wants to destroy me
I'm no one
Till it's time to wake up
Till on beyond
He wants to destroy me
I'm no one
Till it's time to wake up
Till on beyond
As you see
Love will carry everything away
When he gets here
He will take away all he can
Kicking down the walls I built up
He wants to destroy me
I'm no one
Till it's time to wake up
Till on beyond
As you see
Love will make fade away the colors
Of the pictures he touches
In the wind he will take away
The days, the months and what is yet to come
As you see
Love will carry everything away
When he gets here
He will take away all he can
Kicking down the walls I built up
As you see
Love will make fade away the colors
Of the pictures he touches
He wants to destroy me
I'm no one
Till it's time to wake up
Till on beyond
As you see
Love will carry everything away
When he gets here
He will take away all he can
Kicking down the walls I built up
As you see
Love will make fade away the colors
Of the pictures he touches
In the wind he will take away
The days, the months and what is yet to come
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
I'll Be Late
Oh, my dear rabbit whiskers!
Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
Oh no! Oh no! I'll be late and the meeting will be missed
I won't greet you, I won't say hey
Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I won't get there in time again, I'm too busy
I won't greet you, I won't say hey
Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
Statistics say today is your birthday
Sadly just one time a year
But all the other days are our Unbirthdays
And we are celebrating all of these days!
It's also my Unbithday today!
Really? How little is the world!
In any case -
Happy Unbirthday!
To me!
To you!
Happy Unbirthday!
To me!
To you!
So blow out the candles, my child
And wish for something
Happy Unbirthday to you!
Little fine bat
Emerge from the dark.
Shoo, shoo, deep night
Now she's gone!
In a worl full of joy
In my wonderland, everything would be different
Nothing would be like it is
If all would be like it isn't now
And the other way around: What isn't now would be
And what wouldn't be, will be now. Understood?
If things would go my way, you wouldn't say 'Meow'
Instead you would say 'Yes, my dear Alice'
You know what, you would be excactly like a human
And all the other animals too. Well, if things would go my way!
Cat and mouse (mousie)
Would live in the same cottage
And I would reward them
In a world full of joy.
The marguerites
Are floating with light girl like steps
And they bow like little ladies
Who show themselves in a world full of joy
And the birds
Would be like children, prig and roughneck (?)
And angels and sinners walk
trough my world of joy
All people
get along very well
And all of them are going
under one hat (?)
And wander hand in hand
Because my world is the wonderland
Golden evening star
We are singing 'Golden evening star'
All people like it!
The A, please, Lilie!
Little white butterfly, kiss the flowers,
Because they like you so much!
But at night you have to protect them,
Lovely golden evening star!
Don't prick yourself at the rose's pointy thorns,
See the delicate, faithful violets!
The orange lily loves the delphinium
and the golden evening star.
The caterpilla knots, the squirrel hops,
The grasshopper hops towards,
And then they wake the lazy daisy,
For the run of the day.
Yes, we blossom more and more every day full of joy,
Because we love our life.
When the night comes, I will sleep without complaining,
Thank you, golden evening star!
Thank you, golden evening star,
You, golden evening star!
Your songs are full of wonder to me,
And I hear them with joy.
Your world ist full of delight.
Evening, we love you so much!
We're Painting The Roses Red
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
It isn't finished yet
So just paint
We're doing it all the way
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
That's what we do for a living
We know
There's no time for games
They'll probably die from it
But that doesn't bother us
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
I was wondering,
Tell me, clover three,
Why are you painting them red?
[Clover Three:]
Well, dear, we planted the white roses by mistake, and...
The Queen of Hearts wants red
Not that she forbade this
But when she gets angry
It's already too late
And heads will roll
Oh my gosh!
We're absolutely terrified!
So the roses will be red
Oh dear, I'll help
[Cards and Alice:]
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
But don't tell
What you saw here
For her anger is great
But we're painting the roses red
Yes, we're painting the roses red
Not yellow or green
You can't do that
We're painting the roses red!
This translation is my work, unless stated otherwise. If you want to republish this translation, please credit me by publishing a link to my LyricsTranslate profile.
I always appreciate corrections and feedback, even if 'proofreading requested' isn't enabled.
Alice in Wonderland (Main Theme) [Alice in Wonderland OST]
Land of wonders,
Pretty land of blue birds
Where children can go
Simply by closing their eyes
There you can see strange things,
Flowers singing just like angels
And birds deliciously chattering together
In the colours of the sky
Where does this
Land of dreams lie?
On which shores can you see
These mirages come to life?
Land of wonders,
Pretty land of blue birds
Where children would like to spend
Happy days
In That World I Dream Of [Alice in Wonderland OST]
The little kitties, the nice rabbits with worried looks
Would have, just like us, bright little houses
In that world I dream of,
The pretty flowes scattered in the fields in the nice season
Would sing to me nice songs as a choir
Only for me, in that world I dream of,
There would be golden insects and blue birds
They would come down for me from the azure of the skies
In that world I dream of,
There would be completely pure streams
Which would greet me in a whisper
Could it be that someday,
I would find that wonderful world?
I'm late
Oh I'm so late
I'm late,I'm late,I'm late
I'm late,I'm late
I'm getting too late
I don't have enough time
I'm late,I'm late,I'm late
Don't ,don't ,don't
I'm in a hurry
Don't make me be late
I don't have enough time
I'm late,I'm late,I'm late
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.
Golden Noon
Wonder-butterflies will touch tulips.
In the sky there is the inflated balloon of the sun.
It’s so pleasant and easy to wake up
at this golden noon.
Standing on tiptoes, narcissus are yellowing.
A dandelion is like a tame lion.
Lilies are cherishing fondness to it
at this golden noon.
At this golden noon.
A goose-dog and a worm-cat
are frolicking here all day long,
And daisies-sisters
love sweet calm.
Let the flowers teach you how wonderful
it’s to live in the world only just by dream.
I agree to be a happy flower
at this golden noon.
Ah, at this golden noon.
Ah, golden noon.
Let the flowers tell me how wonderful
it’s to live in the world only just by dream.
I agree to be a happy flower
at this golden noon.
This work (if otherwise isn’t stated below) is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Don’t forget to press the 'Thanks!' button if my translation was helpful.
In My Own World
Cats will live in houses with flowers in windows,
and walk in exquisite clothes
only in my own world
There the flowers on their own will share wonders
and converse with me for hours
if it gets sad in my own world.
There will be such a bird, that could only exist in dreams,
neither goldfinch, nor chaffinch, nor tomtit
in my own beautiful world.
And I’ll get for sure what about a stream and dark forest sing,
because my own beautiful world
is nothing else but wonderland.
This work (if otherwise isn’t stated below) is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Don’t forget to press the 'Thanks!' button if my translation was helpful.
Good Advise
I give myself good advise,
but it is so hard to follow.
Here is a key to all my disasters,
to be patient – the very best advise,
but it is so hard to follow
when one needs to wait, but wants to know an answer.
I should have, when beginning my journey,
thought on what is ahead,
remembered that happiness can deceive.
One day I’ll give myself good advice,
but it is so hard to follow.
Ah, when will I at last become a bit wiser?
This work (if otherwise isn’t stated below) is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Don’t forget to press the 'Thanks!' button if my translation was helpful.
Lovely land of blue birds
Where children can go to
By merely shutting their eyes
There one can see strange warbling
Flowers singing like angels
And birds tell one another sweet things
Colour of the skies
Where is
This dream paradise?
On which shores
Can one see those mirages appear?
Lovely land of blue birds
Where children would like to
Enjoy good times
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If You Are Running in Circle
Legs – higher, shoulders – wider,
when it rains or it snows.
It’s known that run in circle is
the very best run.
Shoulders – wider, legs – higher,
joy on a face –
we all ain’t at the start,
but we all ain’t at the end either.
And yet we are running in circle
from dusk to dawn,
we started today,
but finished yesterday.
If you are running in circle
remember only this:
either in front or behind –
really doesn’t matter.
Legs – higher, shoulders – wider,
when it rains or it snows,
run in circle will dry everyone out
the very best run.
This work (if otherwise isn’t stated below) is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Don’t forget to press the 'Thanks!' button if my translation was helpful.
Decizia ta
Timpul schimbării a venit și s-a dus,
Am privit cum temerile tale au devenit Dumnezeul tău,
E decizia ta,
E decizia ta.
Copleșit, alegi să fugi,
Indiferent față de cei speriați,
E decizia ta,
E decizia ta.
Tu alimentezi focul ce ne-a ars pe toți
Atunci când minți
Pentru a simți durerea care te face să mergi mai departe,
Negru pe dinăuntru.
Nimeni nu plănuiește să o ia pe calea care te aduce mai jos
Și iată-te aici înaintea noastră, a tuturor și zici că s-a sfârșit,
S-a sfârșit.
Ar putea părea că ne-am răzgândit,
Da, doare să știm că ești cumpărat,
E decizia ta,
E decizia ta.
Tu alimentezi focul ce ne-a ars pe toți
Atunci când minți
Pentru a simți durerea care te face s[ mergi mai departe,
Negru pe dinăuntru.
Nimeni nu plănuiește să o ia pe calea care te aduce mai jos
Și iată-te aici înaintea noastră, a tuturor și zici că s-a sfîrșit
s-a sfârșit
E decizia ta,
E decizia ta.
Nimeni nu plănuiește să o ia pe calea care te aduce mai jos
Și iată-te aici înaintea noastră, a tuturor și zici că s-a sfârșit,
S-a sfârșit...
In Alice's Restaurant
In Alice's restaurant
I think of you and am not happy.
I bring each bite to my mouth,
but it is an old habit.
And I search for you, I think of you,
I see you, but you are not there.
Who knows where you are,
what you are doing, whom you are with?
At Alice's restaurant,
nobody is happy tonight.
You understood that it's all over,
seeing an empty seat.
And nobody, nobody,
nobody asks me the reason.
Who knows where you are,
what you are doing, whom you are with?
Who knows where you are,
what you are doing, whom you are with?
In Alice's restaurant,
the mirror tells me tonight
that the beautiful tale is over
and only an empty seat remains.
-Specter, the Flying Fox