Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Zak Storm Intro (Latin American Spanish)

Zak Storm,
Zak Storm,
Zak Storm!
I will be your guide, always
I will be by your side
Firm, strong
Searching for justice
I will be your guide, always
I will save you from danger
Nothing to fear
While I'm next to you
Zak Storm, Zak Storm!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Summer child - Viva America

I wake from my dream, to the summer breeze,
and I get a good feeling, when I hear the sea.
Summer mood is again so rambunctious.
I would really like to fall in love with everyone.
I've been waiting for many many days.
Now it's summer vacation, I feel no trace of sorrow.
Heart bounding, searching for a friend!
Again life tastes like this.
Aa I am just a summer child.
Aa so wild from my nature.
Aa I am just a summer child.
Aa my worries are gone.
And these summerjobs there are no comparision.
Doesn't wring the belt, when I run towards the sea.
Summer mood is again so rambunctious.
I would really like to fall in love with everyone.
And somewhere i'll get you next to me to the beach,
I would really like to give you a kiss now.
Heart beating! I see you arriving,
and the life tastes like this.
Aa I am just a summer child.
Aa so wild from my nature.
Aa I am just a summer child.
Aa my worries are gone.
And these summerjobs there are no comparision.
Doesn't wring the belt, when I run towards the sea.
Summer mood is again so rambunctious.
I would really like to fall in love with everyone.
And somewhere i'll get you next to me to the beach,
I would really like to give you a kiss now.
Heart beating! I see you arriving,
and the life tastes like this.
Aa I am just a summer child.
Aa so wild from my nature.
Aa I am just a summer child.
Aa my worries are gone.
Aa I am just a summer child.
Aa my worries are gone...

Letter found in the shirt of an American soldier dead at Vietnam. June, 1972.

When you wrote to me I wasn't there anymore,
when you called me there was noise here
and I couldn't hear what they said
about those cardboard heroes.
I remember the heroic farewell
with high flags and honoring shouts,
and you, crying softly,
for my future, for your future.
And here today,
of what kind of heroism can we talk about
besides that of the one who under the sea
bursts inside the mines for his love?
And now
what can you and me expect
looking at these children who will never become
children like you and me?
If my bones come back home, don't cry for them,
and throw away the medal they will give you
and forget I was killed in action.
Because it was not like that, because I was just another murderer
and I don't even deserve death.

Like the Americans/ To Miami

A melody for fun...
For those who respect
and love women.
Like I love them,
yes, yes, yes, yes, like I love them.
Yes, and I make my lusts
always, always, always like the important ones.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, like the Americans.
× 2
Mother, mother, mother what a great woman!
She has a great talent from head to toe.
Oh, my mommy, I felt in love.
Oh, my mother, how she got me dizzy!
To Miami, I take you to Miami,
To live our lives like the Americans.
To Miami, to Miami (come on, come on)
Like the Ameri- Americans.
× 2
Mother, mother, mother, how beautiful she is!
She's very beautiful, but she's dangerous.
Mother, mother, mother if she looks at you,
Right away she drives you crazy, right away she get you dizzy.
To Miami, I take you to Miami,
To live our lives like the Americans.
To Miami, to Miami (come on, come on)
Like the Ameri- Americans.
Come to Maiami, I take you to Miami.
Come to Maiami, I'll take you to Miami.
To Miami, I take you to Miami
To live our lives like the Americans.
To Miami, to Miami (come on, come on)
To Miami.
Share music and kindness! :)

Lights of America

Come here and look outside
Let me see how you see it
I see smoke over the ruins
You look at the same point and smile
Come on, let's go to the sea
In the meantime the peninsula can float
Let's do it like this: I drive and you look out
Because you remain the best at looking
And we'll need bread and luck
And we'll need wine and courage
But most of all, we'll need
good traveling companions
The lights of America
The stars over Africa
The show lights up
The lights escaping your soul
Come here, let's go out
Out of a screen, out of my prisons
The sun is still doing its job
To Saints and to cutthroats
Lend me your eyes again, so I'll look at a finger
While you look at the moon
And come closer, a bit closer
Because I want a new panorama now
And we'll need bread and luck
And we'll need wine and courage
But most of all, we'll need good traveling companions
The lights of America
The stars over Africa
The show lights up
The lights escaping your soul
The light of Africa
The stars of America
The show lights up
The lights escaping your soul
The light of Africa
The stars of America
And, through destruction and marvel
You wait for me on the doorstep
Such miracles
Can only be noticed
When awake
The lights of America
The stars over Africa
The show lights up
The lights escaping your soul
The light of Africa
The stars of America
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


Este doar o iluzie
Pe care am făcut-o în capul meu ca să supraviețuiesc?
20 de ani îndatorat
20 de ani în politică
20 de ani nu pot să mă ajute să supraviețuiesc
Apoi simt că te închizi
Simt că te închizi ca și cum ai vrut ca eu să
Simt că te închizi ca și cum ai vrut ca eu să
Cred în tine
Urcă în vârful lumii, America
America, nu plânge
Dă-mi putere să continui
Urcă în vârful lumii, America
America, nu plânge
Dă-mi putere să continui
De la țăranii de pe câmp
Până la cele mai înalte turnuri care se prăbușesc și se înalță
Numele de pe listă
Pentru toți cei care au dat până au murit
Nu ezita
Pot să îți citesc gândurile și mintea ta te va face liber
Și simt că te închizi
Simt că te închizi ca și cum ai vrut ca eu să
Simt că te închizi ca și cum ai vrut ca eu să
Cred în tine
Urcă în vârful lumii, America
America, nu plânge
Dă-mi putere să continui
Urcă în vârful lumii, America
America, nu plânge
Dă-mi putere să continui
Urcă în vârful lumii, America
America, nu plânge
Dă-mi putere să continui
Urcă în vârful lumii, America
America, nu plânge
Dă-mi putere să continui


{Chorus} X2
I can be what I want to be,
Losing my dignity,
Cause I got a lot of life in me,
Let me live my American dream!
McDonalds, Michael, Notorious BIG,
George Bush, Coca Cola and MTV,
Hollywood, Mike Tyson, Iraq,
11 september, what a disaster, what a shame!
FBI, CIA, Hamburger, Hot Dog,
Bill Gates, Windows, Microsoft,
Now you no loger call it 'work', you call it 'job'
No long ago 'adidas' were considered basic wear.
Chill man, janes english, no
We no longer have 'bad neighbourhoods', now we have 'Ghettos'
Rappers have 'flow', they are 'underground, yo!'
Now everyting is 'cool', nothing is 'good' anymore.
Women go 'glam', men get drunk often,
They always drink 'whisky' and act like 'superman'.
You must keep up with the times, otherwise you're toasted,
'Is this the life' doesn't sound so good in Romanian.
{Chorus} X2
I can be what I want to be,
Losing my dignity,
Cause I got a lot of life in me,
Let me live my American dream!
Nadia Comăneci, Țiriac, Ceaușescu
Hagi, Dracula and that's about how much people know.
We eat 'kebab' and after we go to 'fitness',
No biggie, the world it's upside down anyway.
TV stations make 'rating', we now have 'DJs',
We speak english since the day we are born, yo.
Kids no longer wanna be like Chickie Chan [1]
They play 'Counter-Strike' and wanna be 'stars'.
An the production house they use the word 'sound'
**You must be 'catchy', do something Tupac-ish,
If it's not like that or like this, you will get no 'airplay'**
They act like we're paid in dollars and not in lei [2].
Somewhere in the Balkans you can hear manele, [3]
You don't say, have you forgot that we used to be part of Turkey?
Some oppose me because I'm trying to be original,
Cuz I'm trying to make this Sălăjan [4] Rapp more to our taste.
'Friend'? No! Now you say 'Bro',
We have bunnies in Playboy that shake their asses.
We go 'VIP', but everything is a shade of grey
When the boys from IMF visit us.
They're some kind of MAI, but as long as we're alive
We go to work to make as much money as we can.
If somebody discovers something new,
Most definetly the reasearchers are from America.
{Chorus} X2
I can be what I want to be,
Losing my dignity,
Cause I got a lot of life in me,
Let me live my American dream!
Die my mother if I lie you... [5]
You won't even understand what I'm saying if you don't know english.
{Chorus} X2
I can be what I want to be,
Losing my dignity,
Cause I got a lot of life in me,
Let me live my American dream!

When I Go Down The Street

When I go down the street and I'm reminded of you
I'm filled with happiness, with a will to live
It seems to me they were the prettiest flowers
The sky is radiant and the fine air
When in the night I hear
Some melody, what I wouldn't give to be by your side
To feel that I am alive, that I live fiercely
And so that you can feel what you are to me
I'm enamored with your being
I'm enamored with your love
And every time I think of your sweetness
My heart begins to blossom
I remember that you have a peculiar light
That you're always smiling for me
And I begin to relive in my memory
The glory that you have brought to my life
I'm enamored with your being
I'm enamored with your love
And every time I think of your sweetness
My heart begins to blossom
I remember that you have a peculiar light
That you're always smiling for me
And I begin to relive in my memory
The glory that you have brought to my life

Just a latin american guy

I'm just
A latin american guy
With no money in the bank
No important relatives
And coming from the country
But I've got a radio song in my head
In which an old composer from Bahia told me:
'All is divine, all is wonderful'
I've been listening to a lot of records
I've been talking to people
I've been walking my walk
Talk, tunes, around the night
And I don't have a single friend
That still believes that
Everything changes
With all the reason
I'm just
A latin american guy
With no money in the bank
No important relatives
And coming from the country
But I know everything's forbidden
Rather, I wanted to say that everything's allowed
Even kissing you in the dark of the movie theater
When no one sees us
Don't ask me to write you
A song as one should
Correct, white, smooth
Very clean, very light
Sounds, words, are razors
And I can't sing as it's suited
Without hurting anyone
But don't worry, my friend
With the horrors I tell you
This is just a song
Life really is different
I mean, life is much worse
I'm just
A latin american guy
With no money in the bank
Don't draw your gun in the saloon
I'm just the singer
But if after singing
You still want to shoot me
Kill me quickly,
In the afternoon, at three
Because at night
I have an appointment
And I can't miss it
Because of you all
I'm just
A latin american guy
With no money in the bank
No important relatives
And coming from the country
But I know nothing is divine
Nothing, nothing is wonderful
Nothing, nothing is secret
Nothing, nothing is mysterious, no
Na na na na na na na na

Noua Americana

Țigări și sticle minuscule de lichior
Exact la ce te-ai aștepta în noua ei Balenciaga
Un dezastru viral, vise transformate într-un imperiu
Succes auto-realizat, acum își pierde vremea cu rockerii
Supraviețuirea celor mai bogați, orașul e al nostru până se prăbușește
Sunt legați de Monaco și Hamptons, dar nu ne simțim deloc ca niște străini
Noi suntem noua Americana
Drogați cu marijuana legală
Crescuți cu Biggie și Nirvana,
Noi suntem noua Americana
James Dean tânăr, unii spun că arată la fel ca tatăl său
Dar n-ar putea niciodată să iubească fata cuiva
Echipa de fotbal, iubea mai mult decât jocul
Așa că a jurat să fie soțul lui la altar
Supraviețuirea celor mai bogați, orașul e al nostru până se prăbușește
Sunt legați de Monaco și Hamptons, dar nu ne simțin deloc ca niște străini
Noi suntem noua Americana
Drogați cu marijuana legală
Crescuți cu Biggie și Nirvana,
Noi suntem noua Americana
Știm foarte bine cine suntem, așa că o lăsăm mai ușor când începe vara
Ce fel de mălai ai cheltuit?
Ce fel de gumă ai mestecat în ultima vreme?
Noi suntem noua Americana
Drogați cu marijuana legală
Crescuți cu Biggie și Nirvana,
Noi suntem noua Americana
Noi suntem noua Americana
Drogați cu marijuana legală
Crescuți cu Biggie și Nirvana,
Noi suntem noua Americana
Oh oh

Heidi Intro (Latin American)

Versions: #2
Granpa, tell me:
What sounds are those that I hear?
Granpa tell me:
Why do I go in the cloud?
Tell me: Why does the air smell like this?
Tell me: Why am I so happy?
Never will I leave you!
Granpa, tell me:
What does the wind say in its song?
Granpa, tell me
why it rained, why it snowed.
Tell me: Why is everything white?
Tell me why I am so happy.
Never will I leave you!
Granpa, tell me
if the fir tree can talk with me.
Granpa, tell me:
Why is the Moon already drifting away?
Tell me: Why did I come up here?
Tell me: Why am I so happy?
Never will I leave you!

American Dragon (Opening 02)

It's a volcano
a freezing sol
Here, he will be who will take control,
it's almost supernatural, he's American Dragon
He'll defeat any rival using his powers,
with his dragon body, and his burning fire.
He's so strong,
American Dragon, (x2)
He's American Dragon.
He practices, and is very skilled with is teacher,
it's his destiny, and his reason
today his legacy has came into action.
Amercan Dragon.
From J to A
and from K to E
The coolest dragon, you'll ever see.
Just learning.

The South American Woman

Verse 1
It's a secret, the love that I have here inside
And even if we wasted time
Because life separated us
And I, and I without you
I can't laugh, I can't live
This is killing me
And the magic in the night takes me to you
I remember that you told me before going
That there isn't love like the love of a Latina
Ay ay ay, Latina like (Oooh)
The South American woman
She leaves you with desire, your heart leaps (I want your heart)
Ay ay ay, Latina like (Oooh)
The South American woman
She leaves you with desire, your heart leaps (I want your heart)
Verse 2
I feel you, and I hear your voice in the wind
My heart loves fearlessly
I know that you feel the same
And I, and I without you
I can't laugh, I can't live
This is killing me
And the magic in the night takes me to you
And even if we are between two continents
There isn't love like the love of a Latina
She wants to know, wants to know if I'm loyal, loyal
To know if I will be the master of her skin, skin
And I want her, nama nama
And I have what she needs
She doesn't just want adventure, I know that
She can be seen from afar
She has what I like
That turns me on
Modeling, the South American woman kills me
And I want her for me
I without you (I without you)
And you without me (and it's because I want you)
We are like the sun and the moon, separated
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Sverige (US of America)

Now let's go with a nice song here then,
would you like to start then, Tore
and read from the top up here
Sweden where the wind is sizzling through birch trees and the rivers are rushing,
where we walk on top of mist covered mountains and deep valleys
though fir forest and pine trees' halls
up onto lingonberry-red grass lands we walk past cottages
we hear birds chirping and midsummer girls giggling
thou ancient, thou free, do you want to live or die,
now it's your turn
I thank the roadwork department for your zealous and classy service,
every morning you come and pick up my car
the housing agency that registers my prayers
and gives me hope while waiting in line
and I thank all the department offices for documents
and letters and that I did not have to understand what you wrote
I thank you for all the punk rockers and alcoholics
so that my wife and kids don't have to be alone in the city
and grandma and grandpa thank you for the new old waltz
and for not having to leave the house at all. It's so darn great!
I thank the media that makes the life more rich
by making me understand
that drug lords, robbers, lawyers
and tax evaders have a really hard life
I thank all the city planners that
old houses are not allowed to exist
so that you don't have to remember
And I thank the school system for their new tidings
so that we avoid education, hey!
Regulations, prohibitions, rules and laws
so that noone has fun or knows how to complain
and that the number of qualifying days of sick leave increases
so that I have to be sick longer
I thank all the politicians and their flow of words
so that I don't have to make decicions regarding my own destiny
I thank all the employers and unions
for that you fight for our wages
so that I don't need to have my own fund for my sons
and the police because they are motorizing and expanding
so that you don't have to meet anyone on patrol
And the health care for personnel quotas and the tailored production
so that we avoid relations and emotions.... yeeah!
I thank the liberal education of our youth, free from strict rules
they create such funny artwork in Stockholm's subways.... hihihi!
I thank evolution and the concience of enterprises
so that we don't have to worry about work
and I thank all computers and their pieces of code
so that I don't have to find solutions myself
and I totallly don't have to think at all myself - quite adequate!
Sweden where the wind no longer is sizzling through the birch trees
and the rivers no longer are rushing
where we walk among power plant mountains and fenced-off nuclear valleys
cut down fir forest and pine trees' empty halls
thou ancient, thou free, what the hell not being good any more

Tatăl nostru

După ce m-am pus în tine,
Acum și tu pune-te în mine,
Aceasta este a mea creatură.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Lord's prayer

And after I've laid myself in you,
Now lay yourself in me,
This is my creature.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Are you sleeping?

Are you sleeping,
Are you sleeping
We have to start hunting
We have to start hunting
So, get up
So, get up!

American fleet

I would rather enlist in the American fleet1
to roam the seas toward new continents.
My engagement is signed, my insurance against sorrows,
to forget the girl, the girl I loved so much.
I'll send the SOS of my love life in distress
right to the bottom of the sea, to stop worrying too much.
I'll see perfunctory smiles2 in every harbour
to welcome merrily the [man in a] foreign suit.
I would rather enlist in the American fleet,
and my heart will only hoist an unknown flag,
the flag of happiness, a one week affair.
The moorings are cast off, we'll never meet again.
I would rather enlist in the American fleet,
for a good sailor makes for a poor husband,
and I would not like to have a dull job
nor a housewife who would tidy my life away3
  • 1. Iwould rather expect the US Navy, but that would be 'marine américaine' in French
  • 2. maybe he meant 'polite smiles' but the French really means the kind of insincere smile you cast when you feel compelled to
  • 3. 'ranger' is both meant as 'tidy up' and 'put away' here
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

The burnt one*

They call me 'the burnt one'*1 wherever I go
because my hands were burned by the gunpowder.
between bullets I lived through the revolt,
the revolution has left its mark on me.
There was never a man I have ever come to love,
among all the troops none fancied me,
only to my father was I a loyal soldadera2,
and the poor man was killed by a bullet.
And when I hear this song sung
I almost feel like crying,
but I hold it in because I am 'the burnt one'
because through my bravery I came to be a general.
I saw my father die in my arms
and I also saw the traitor that killed him,
I shot that wretched man four times
and left his heart like a sieve.
From that day on I was no longer a soldadera:
with my cartridge belt full and my rifle
I was always the first one in the battle
and shoot-outs only make me laugh.
And when I hear this song sung
I almost feel like crying,
but I hold it in because I am 'the burnt one'
because through my bravery I came to be a general.
  • 1. it's sort of a play of words for me on 'chamuco' (which is what we also call the 'devil' which is often depicted as a burnt and miserable being) and the word 'chamuscar' which is to burn or scorch something.
  • 2. Soldaderas, often called Adelitas, were women in the military who participated in the conflict of the Mexican Revolution, ranging from commanding officers to combatants to camp followers. 'In many respects, the Mexican revolution was not only a men's but a women's revolution.'Although some revolutionary women achieved officer status, coronelas, 'there are no reports of a woman achieving the rank of general.'Since revolutionary armies did not have formal ranks, some women officers were called generala or coronela, even though they commanded relatively few men. []
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Airplane Trails

Long ago I used to shelter behind you
I wish I could go back to those days
I'll be eating dinner alone tomorrow too
I can't be with you as often as before
The empty lot I played catch in as a kid
Now it's occupied by a tall building
The white trails across the blue sky
Following the wings like my memories
I'll remember the days we walked together
Forever even when It blows hard
I don't know when I began to live life
Thinking of you striving for something
My admiration changed as time went on
And now I know it's what's called love
These days I find myself a little bit shy
I should open up my mind if awkwardly
The white trails across the blue sky
Long gone but still firmly on my mind
We'll have to part one day but I'll live
With an eternal smile in my heart
No words could fully express my feelings
Thank you so much, and I love you
I know I'm not the person you wanted me to be
I'm so sorry, so sorry, so sorry for that
Every time I try to tell you so I get tongue-tied
The white trails across the blue sky
Following the wings as I'm still doing
With hopes of surpassing you someday
I'll keep on running
I'll send my voice to you across the sky
Singing in my heart even if it blows hard

The American

I'll see you again always
A cigar in your hand
I'll see you again one day
The American
In a suburb of London
While speaking Indian
To a Chinese who is stunned
To be so far...
The time of a burst of laughter
The time past is not far
Help me to remind myself
That all is well
There's sunshine in the windows
Birds in the garden
And perhaps you hear them
Because i know nothing of them
I'll see you again always
A cigar in your hand
I'll see you again one day
The American
At a Broadway terrace
In a Berlin cafe
You will speak Japanese
To a Brazilian
The time of a passing song
The time past isn't far
Help me to make a face
Give me your hand
It's raining on the capital
And the rain is from sorrow
You've got your name in the stars
I see it wwll
As I'll see you again always
A cigar in your hand
I'll see you again one day
The American
In a neighborhood in Harlem
Or a square in Austria
I'll hear myself say 'I love you'
In American

Bitter times

Oh, how pleasant it is to live
during these times of today.
We are the agraristas,
still some people don’t believe it.
It is no longer the time of Porfirio,
When before they would cry for the master,
That when they’d meet him, they’d shake his hand,
and button his pants.
If one day the steward
became angry with a laborer
it was because another was closer
to the snaps of his pants.
And the one that had pretty daughters
there they would give him a job as a night watchman
or he would get a very good job
at least as a payroll clerk.
The one that had a pretty wife
they didn’t leave him alone nor let him rest,
they would get them up very early
to work like the oxen.
I bid you farewell my friends
there they excuse my frankness,
bitter times of the Porfirista
that I sing to them here in my song.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Captain America

Moving, crystal towers
ubreakable before me,
Fall over me,
the supermarket chains,
'buy cheaper',
they fall over me,
'move to the bottom'.
And if I can't see where I'm going,
it seems I went too far.
I must be in South America,
very in the south,
Splashing over me
over the recently washed clothes
with soap powder,
Que los cumplas feliz.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

God Bless America

In any case... Banjo!
Even though we lost almost every war
We're chosen to keep things in order
And if you don't drink Coke and feed on Burgers
In any case you'll be a bloody fuckin' terrorist..
First it was the Indio's turn
We sent them back to Manitou, to chew their Pemmican (1)
No matter if Ku-KLux-Klan with a texan hat
Wherever we go, everything's gonna be alright.
USA a-o USA, God bless America!
USA a-o USA, before we're called, (we're already there)
USA a-o USA, God bless America!
USA a-o USA, before we're called, (we're already there)
In any case... Banjo!
In Vietnam we weren't really treated gently
From Cuba and Korea too, we had to ride home with sorrow
But during 'Operation Desert Storm' and in Hiroshima
Our groove hit home like a bomb - made in America.
We're not about power, money or oil
We only want one thing: the whole damn world
So we can build a Disneyland in every place
and sing in unison: Mickey Mouse for President!
Now play it again, Uncle Sam!
In the good ole' days of the New World
Uncle Tom stood by the cotton plantation
Today he's ruining our country charts with his rap game
And soon he's also gonna own Hollywood
Then we're gonna take him along to Iraq
To dish out a serving of 'whoop-ass' among friends
We're gonna make this democracy thing work out
And the best way to do it is by being a torturer (2)
In any case... Banjo!
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.

American Dragon Jake Long Opening 02 (German)

The Guy is cool and he know what counts
So young and fast he's chosen
Don't let yourself shock
from the American Dragon
To see how he fights for the truth is a adventure
dragon mouth, dragon tail attention he spits fire
very monstrous
American Dragon
Hey! Hey!
American Dragon
He's called American Dragon
Makes Dragon carreer after grandpa's apprenticeship
He does not shirk his duty
If he has to, he also steps into the spotlight
American Dragon
I guard here as dragon this big city
cause New York would had a big problem
Got it
American Dragon
Hey! Hey!
American Dragon
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

American Dragon: Jake Long Opening 01 (German)

The Guy is cool and he know what counts
So young and fast he's chosen
Don't let yourself shock
from the American Dragon
To see how he fights for the truth is a adventure
dragon mouth, dragon tail attention he spits fire
very monstrous
American Dragon
Hey! Hey!
American Dragon
He's called American Dragon
Dragon's awake
He always is cool
Thanks to Grandfather's school
He does not shirk his duty
If he has to, he also steps into the spotlight
American Dragon
From the J to the A to the K to the E
I do Action on the land in the air and on the sea
Got It?
American Dragon
American Dragon
Ey to work Jake!
American Dragon
Oh man!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

Puştii din America

Privind pe fereastra murdară
jos, maşinile oraşului trec în goană
Eu stau aici singură şi mă întreb
Vineri seară şi toată lumea se mişcă
Simt căldura, dar e liniștitoare.
Coborând, caut ritmul în acest oraș murdar.
În centru, tinerii merg
În centru, tinerii cresc
Suntem puştii din America
Suntem puştii din America
Toată lumea trăieşte pentru muzica din jur.
Lumini strălucitoare, muzica merge mai repede
Uită-te, băiete, nu te uita la ceas nici măcar o clipă
Nu te părăsesc, iubite! Nici o şansă!
Lovitură sigură, nu-mi da probleme
Mai târziu, iubite, ai să spui: Aia e...
Tu ştii că viaţa e crudă, nu e nicicând bună.
Inimile curate nu fac subiectul unei noi poveşti
Inimile curate nu prind nici un fel de glorie.
Suntem puştii din America
Suntem puştii din America
Toată lumea trăieşte pentru muzica din jur.
(La la la la la la...)
Vino mai aproape, iubire! Asta-i mai bine
Trebuie să iau o nouă experienţă
simţindu-mă bine.
O, nu încerca să te opreşti, iubire
ţine-mă tare!
Afară, o zi nouă răsare.
În afară, suburbiile se extind peste tot.
Nu vreau să mă duc.
din New York în California de Est.
Este un nou val, vă avertizez.
Suntem puştii din America
Suntem puştii din America
Toată lumea trăieşte pentru muzica din jur.
(La la la la la la...)
(Suntem puştii
Suntem puştii
Suntem puştii din America...)


The dry leaves pile up
The path I always walk through
looks like a red and yellow mat
The cheerful sound of her footsteps
attracts me more than usual
I can feel a smile
forming on my face -
I want to touch her...
nothing but my Venus
all I ever wanted
Is she1
an angel or a demon?
Gently, gently,
my feelings pile up
The topics of our conversations
were the guys she liked,
her grumbling, her problems and things like that
I hope that,
from those comic-like chats,
love manages to sprout inside her
I'm pathetic,
so pathetic -
I just want to touch her...
nothing but my Venus
all I ever wanted
Is she
an angel or a demon?
Gently, gently,
my feelings pile up
nothing but my Venus
all I ever wanted
a demon disguised as an angel
Gently, gently
nothing but my trouble
nothing but my heartaches
won't you give me your love?
Gently, gently,
my feelings pile up
nothing but my Venus
a demon disguised as an angel
Gently, gently,
my feelings pile up
Like the dry leaves,
  • 1. I know this isn't what it says, but it'd be grammatically incorrect if I left it like that.
Hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with lots of love, care and time, so it'd be great if you credit me when re-posting them somewhere else :D

Stargazer of the leaden sky

I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
no matter how much I attempt to strain my eyes,
I just can't find
that one star,
not even in the night I was looking up at
The asphalt gives off the smell of rain
Our arms are entwined under my umbrella
It's okay if my left shoulder gets wet
while you're walking by my right side
I remember us enthusiastically telling each other stories about constellations
while we headed to the planetarium together
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
it was beautiful even though artificial, wasn't it?
You, radiant,
are laughing
and I'm just staring at you
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
If we stretched out our arms,
we'd be able to feel each other
and embrace in that gentle and loving star
It's so bright it's impossible to see
from this house's veranda
You loved the sleepless city's
breathing, didn't you?
Now I can't get used to the days after you left
I seek you out like in the stories about constellations
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
Aren't you the light
peeking through the rifts in the clouds,
drifting softly
and wavering a little?
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
Even if I can't see where to stretch out my arms,
let me feel you
in that star
at least one more time
The last things in my mind
were your smile covered in clouds
and the comets
spilling down your cheeks
With the regrets of that time
weighing my chest down,
my tale shall be
to seek you out
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
no matter how much I attempt to strain my eyes,
I just can't find
that one star
while looking up on my own
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
Today, too, I'm searching through the rifts in the clouds
Now that you aren't here,
is it too late to say
that my life has no meaning?
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
If I stretched out my arms,
I'd look up at the night
where the gentle and loving star
in which we touched each other is in
Hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with lots of love, care and time, so it'd be great if you credit me when re-posting them somewhere else :D

Der Amerikanischen Fahneneid

Ich schwöre Treue auf die Fahne
Der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
Und die Republik, für die sie steht,
Eine Nation unter Gott,
Unteilbar, mit Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit für jeden.
'Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise!'

Човешкият път

Хоризонтът се издига
Горе да посрещне лилавата зора
Вихрушката* пищи,
Доведи ми орел да ме води
Защото в сърцето си
Нося такъв тежък товар
Ето ме, тук съм на човешкия път
Вървя по човешкия път
Вървя по човешкия път
Гладен съм, уморен,
Но не мога да се предам
Дъждът идва, мрачен,
Но няма подслон, който да съм намерил
Ще мине дълго време, докато си намеря дом
Ето ме, тук съм на човешкия път
Вървя по човешкия път
Луната се издига, прикривайки
Самотните улици на веселите изложения
Звездите избледняват, сянката на луната
Пада и кара света да се страхува
Той чака в тишина небето да избухне
Ето ме, тук съм на човешкия път
Вървя по човешкия път
Вървя по човешкия път

В морето

В морето,
Рибите са се научили да летят
През лунна нощ
На сребърни криле
Докато омагьосаните звезди
Плават спокойно до тях.
Те знаят ли?
Къде отиват еднорозите?
Къде летят крилатите коне?
Нарвали, изгубени в морето
И никога невидяни отново.
Върви и питай смешника
'Къде отиват еднорозите?'
В дърветата
Птиците са се научили да говорят
Те пазят тайните си
В парада на облаците
Играят си на криеница.
Те знаят ли?
Къде отиват еднорозите?
Къде летят крилатите коне?
Нарвали, изгубени в морето
И никога невидяни отново.
И мистерията лъжат ли
Къде отиват еднорозите?