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American Dragon Opening 01 (Swedish)
He's hot and cool, he's absolutely hugeHe's young and fast, he can change form
He's not weak, because the guy's a dragon
With sovereign powers, he makes enemies run away
With his bite, with his tail and the fire he sprays
People hear cries
American Dragon (Drag on!)
American Dragon
He's the American Dragon (Flying free in the air!)
His grandfather can excel, and teach him more
He fights, he takes over
The legacy of a bygone era
(American Dragon)
Gimme J, gimme A, gimme K, gimme E
I'm the dragon with the drag, are you up for it?
(American Dragon)
(American Dragon)
Si el Amor es el Nuevo Negro
Si el amor es el nuevo negroProbablemente soy el chico más genial de la ciudad
te echo tanto de menos
¿Estarás en casa el fin de semana?
Mi corazón estallará
Si no te veo pronto
Si el amor es el nuevo negro
Probablemente soy el chico más genial de la ciudad
Si la esperanza es el vestido de los tontos
Por eso me parezco a un payaso
El momento estaba aquí, ahora se ha ido para siempre
¿Puedes creer las cosas que hago para parecer inteligente?
yo quería ir
Yo quería quedarme
De alguna manera no hice nada
Me desvanecí a gris
Si el amor es el nuevo negro
Probablemente soy el chico más genial de la ciudad
Si la esperanza es el vestido de los tontos
Por eso me parezco a un payaso
Realmente no me importa
Si eres un diablo o un regalo del cielo
Sólo te necesito aquí
Justo al lado mío
Si el amor es el nuevo negro
Probablemente soy el chico más genial de la ciudad
Si la esperanza es el vestido de los tontos
Por eso me parezco a un payaso
Si el amor es el nuevo negro
Probablemente soy el chico más genial de la ciudad
Si la esperanza es el vestido de los tontos
Por eso me parezco a un payaso
Si el amor es el nuevo negro
Probablemente soy el chico más genial de la ciudad
Si la esperanza es el vestido de los tontos
Por eso me parezco a un payaso
El momento estaba aquí, ahora se ha ido para siempre
¿Puedes creer las cosas que hago para parecer inteligente?
yo quería ir
Yo quería quedarme
De alguna manera no hice nada
Me desvanecí a gris
Hay alguien aquí vivo
El diablo esta en mi puertaÉl quiere entrar
¿Debería decirle que se vaya
O ceder al pecado?
No se qué hacer
La captura de un hombre común 22
Si nosotros somos la pregunta y Dios la respuesta
¿Cómo es que seguimos adelante como la cura y el cáncer?
¿Hay alguien aquí vivo?
Estoy solo aunque no estoy solo
Se trata de no perder el tiempo
Pero no me siento raro aunque haya desaparecido
Por favor dime algo que no haya escuchado antes
No te detengas ahora, hazme tu puta
Por favor, cuéntame cada pequeño secreto oscuro de tu vida.
Si nosotros somos la pregunta y Dios la respuesta
¿Cómo es que seguimos adelante como la cura y el cáncer?
¿Hay alguien aquí vivo?
Estoy solo aunque no estoy solo
Se trata de no perder el tiempo
Pero no me siento raro aunque haya desaparecido
¿Hay alguien aquí vivo?
Estoy solo aunque no estoy solo
Se trata de no perder el tiempo
Pero no me siento raro aunque haya desaparecido
I Was Always Looking Only at the Sky
I only let delusions and imagination growThis reality annoys, annoys me
In a state of frustration at unmet expectations, to live is to be
Always anxious
I was always looking only at the sky
When only looking at delusions and imagination
I wasn't lacking in spaces to escape to, but
Hey - that's wrong, what I should be looking at is
The reality, that can't be decorated
I was always looking only at the sky
There's nothing I can do, it's fate
Dreams, smothered by the crowd
Lost in these days without a goal
Carrying the thoughts that have nowhere to go
I was always looking only at the sky
I was always looking only at the sky
I was always looking only at the sky
America Wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaa America
Aaaaaa America
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaaaa America
Aaaaaaaaa America
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaaaaa Americaiiiiiiiiica
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
American Coffee
If you feel disappointed.If you think it's an excuse,
we'll talk it over again tomorrow if you want,
but tomorrow is never worth it.
If you find yourself a bit defeated,
or perhaps you're confused,
it's you who's said, 'You can leave if you want,
but what will you do tomorrow?'
It's a night that is slipping away and you're already less mine.
It's so weird to talk about you during this night of pure madness.
If you feel disappointed.
If you later come up with an excuse.
It's almost dawn - it's late already,
or maybe too soon, but you don't know it.
It's a story that is slipping away and you're already less mine.
It's still weird to talk about you during this melancholic night.
What is it that makes me say your name
even when I shouldn't? I don't remember now
if I eat or drink American coffee without you here.
What is it that makes me laugh now?
If I lose something, a picture remains,
that last postal - American coffee but without you.
You know, I feel a bit tense.
I know, I'm a jealous guy.
You're so beautiful I can't even talk.
One caress and then you leave.
It's a love that is slipping away and you're already less mine.
But we're still talking about you at this hotel in the outskirts.
What is it that makes me say your name
even when I shouldn't? I don't remember now
if I eat or drink American coffee without you here.
What is it that makes me laugh now?
If I lose something, a picture remains,
that last postal - American coffee but without you.
If you feel disappointed... ah.
If you feel disappointed... ah.
If I Didn't Know You
If I didn't know you, if it wasn't for your lovemy heart wouldn't know how beautiful living is.
If I didn't have you, I wouldn't know how, at last,
I've managed to find in you what was missing in me.
In a loveless world full of pain,
the truth is so clear in your eyes - don't cry anymore.
And because of you, I feel
that this dream would die forever
if I didn't know you.
If I didn't know you, if it wasn't for your love,
my heart wouldn't know how beautiful living is.
And because of you, I feel that in my life no dream
would exist if I didn't have you.
I know our love would be so immense.
Together, the world shines brighter.
I never thought hatred would cause so much damage.
We'll only love each other in silence until the end.
And my heart tells me it is true.
If I didn't know you, if it wasn't for your love,
(Solitude doesn't exist anymore since you're by my side...)
my heart wouldn't know how beautiful living is.
(Next to you, I'm so happy, only because of you...)
I know our love would be so immense.
Together, the world shines brighter.
I know our love would be so immense.
It shines even in the dark.
And my heart tells me it is true.
That it is true.
Without your feelings, the dream would die
(Without your feelings...!) inside my heart,
without a reason, forever,
if I didn't know you.
Our Creator
Our Creator, we are content in you.Please watch over us in your righteous way.
Be with us now.
Please keep our language and traditions strong.
Thank you so much.
American Dragon: Jake Long Theme Song (Dutch)
He's cool and popular, has a fashionable tasteHe's young and fast our young dragon
And I dare to bet
He'll save America
His enemies are scared of his dragon powers
Who taunts him, can for sure, expect dragonfire
Yes, expect fire
The dragon of all dragons
(Dragon dragon)
The dragon of all dragons
And he will make it
(Freestyle with the dragon)
He has more successes through grandfather's lessons
Gather courage and count to 10
Dragon show your tricks!
The dragon of all dragons
(From the J to the A to the K to the E,
the coolest dragon that's me okay!)
The dragon of all dragons
The dragon of all dragons!
ultima dinastie măreață a americi
Rebekah a călatorit cu trenul de după masă, era însoritCasa ei în stil saltbox de pe coastă îi lua gândul de la St. Louis
Bill era moștenitorul Standard Oil nume și faimă
Și orașul a zis:
'Cum a reușit un divoțat de clasă mijlocie?'
Nunta a fost încântătoare, poate umpic ciudată
Doar până aici te aduc bani noi
Și-au ales o casă și au numit-o 'Holiday House'
Petrecerile erau de bun gust, poate puțin prea gălăgioase
Doctorul i-a spus să se liniștească
Probabil că e vina ei că inima lui a cedat
Iar ei au spus
S-a zis cu ultima dinastie măreață Americană
Cine știe, dacă ea nu ar fi apărut, ce ar fi putut să fie
S-a zis cu cea mai nebună femeie pe care acest oraș a văzut vreodata
Ea a avut un timp minunat stricând totul
Rebekah a renunțat la decorul din Rhode Island pentru totdeauna
Și-a adus toate prietenele Bitch Pack din oraș
A umplut piscina cu șampanie și a înotat cu nume mari
Și a îrosit bani pe băieți și balet
Și a pierdut pariurile la jocurile de cărți cu Dali
Iar ei au spus
S-a zis cu cea mai măreața dinastie a Americi
Cine stie, daca ea nu ar fi apărut, ce ar fi putut să fie
S-a zis cu cea mai nerușinată femeie pe care orașul asta a văzut vreodată
Ea a avut un timp minunat stricând totul
Ei spus că a fost văzută din când în când
Plimbându-se printre stânci, uitându-se la mare in miez de noapte
Și la o ceartă cu un vecin
Ea i-a furat câinele și l-a vopsit verde gălbui
Cincizeci de ani e o perioadă lungă
Holiday House a stat liniștită pe plajă
Liberă de femei nebune, barbați cu obiceiuri rele
Și apoi a fost cumpărată de mine
Cine știe, daca eu nu aș fi apărut niciodată, ce ar fi putut să fie
Și s-a zis cu cea mai gălăgioasă femeie pe care orașul asta a văzut vreodată
Am avut un timp minunat stricând totul
Am avut un timp minunat stricând toful
Un timp minunat stricând totul
Un timp minunat
Am avut un timp minunat
Scrisoare din America
Oare când ai să-mi trimiţi înapoio scrisoare din America?
Priveşte pe linia ferată
dintre Miami spre Canada.
Obosit de la munca mai deunăzi
Am petrecut seara gândindu-mă
la tot sângele care curgea
peste ocean, la a doua șansă
Mă întreb cum a ajuns când a ajuns pe pământul promis?
Oare când ai să-mi trimiţi înapoi
o scrisoare din America?
Priveşte pe linia ferată
dintre Miami spre Canada.
Am privit pe ocean
am încercat greu să-mi imaginez
felul în care te-ai simţit când ai navigat
din Wester Ross spre Nova Soctia
Trebuia să te fi ţinut,
trebuia să-ţi fi spus
dar ştii simţul nostru de timp
Mereu aşteptăm mult...
Oare când ai să-mi trimiţi înapoi
o scrisoare din America?
Priveşte pe linia ferată
dintre Miami spre Canada.
Fără Lochaber
Fără Sutherland
Fără Lewis
Fără Skye
Mă-ntreb dacă sângele meu
se va reîntoarce
să ne ajute să repornim viaţa
unui prieten comun pe moarte.
N-o iubim oare?
Cred că toţi o iubim
Trebuie să cutreierăm lumea
Pentru a demonstra cât doare?
Oare când ai să-mi trimiţi înapoi
o scrisoare din America?
Priveşte pe linia ferată
dintre Miami spre Canada.
Fără Bathgate
Fără Linwood
Fără Methil
Fără Irivine
Fără Bathgate
Fără Linwood
Fără Methil
Fără Lochaber
El Perro
Versions: #1The dog, the dog is my heart
The cat, the cat, the cat is not good.
Cilantro is a singer,
Cilantro is very famous
Cilantro is my man, with the cheese of the devil.
The dog, the dog never without a reason
The cat, the cat, the cat is obscene
Cilantro is hot, Cilantro is loving
(Francine is vaccuming)
never without a reason,
The cat, the cat, the cat is obscene
Cilantro is hot,
Cilantro is loving
better than your husband.
To South America
Warm Southern breezesOver the waving of the seas...
I paint the sea in blue
And I feel its foam on my feet.
You're always far away from me
Even when you're here.
Whenever you look at me like that
I exist only for you...
I've lost my own self!
To South America
The day I found you!
In the kiss that I gave you
Life never ended.
To South America,
Now I don't know how to go back:
I don't know how to live peacefully anymore
Without the certainty of you, my love!
I don't know who I am anymore...
Sweet rumour of the sea,
Sweet scent of the warm soil
As someone is singing
A song full of sadness...
You're always close to me
Even if you're not here.
There isn't a beginning and there is no end:
I exist only for you...
I've lost my own self!
To South America
The day I found you!
In the kiss that I gave you
Life never ended.
To South America,
Now I don't know how to go back:
I don't know how to live peacefully anymore
Without the certainty of you, my love!
I don't know who I am anymore...!
South America
The blue sky, you and I—and there is nothing else in the world.
Hold me a little, love me a little
I'll take you away with me.
You will come to know and love
what I love the most—
and the sun is always out.
Comes enjoy it as well.
There are people who are nothing else
than a part of me,
And you will see it, you will understand it—
you have to try it with me.
There you will live and laugh.
You won't want to leave ever again.
Melancholy—leave it here—
you won't need it there.
So it goes in South America
sweet South America—
South American woman—
South America.
Joy is a sort of madness—
it takes hold of you and never fades.
Love there, love stays—
love will laugh at you.
The nights there are magic—
I don't know what it is—
but a first kiss is all that it takes—
and you're in love.
So it goes in South America
sweet South America—
South American woman—
South America.
So it goes in South America
sweet South America—
South American woman—
South America.
South America
The blue sky, you and I—there is nothing else in the world.
Hold me a little, love me a little
I'll take you away with me.
You will come to know and love
what I love the most—
the sun shines, say yes to it.
It shines for you as well.
There are people there who live happily—
that is a part of me,
And you will see it, you will understand it—
you have to try it with me.
There you will live and you will augh.
You won't want to leave ever again.
Melancholy—leave it here—
you won't need it there.
So it goes in South America
sweet South America—
South American woman—
South America.
It is a bit crazy, very innocent people—
it takes hold of you and lasts.
They give you love, they give you heat—
love will guide you.
The nights there with their magic—
will take hold and fill you with joy—
a single kiss, a first time—
you're in love.
So it goes in South America
sweet South America—
South American woman—
South America.
So it goes in South America
sweet South America—
South American woman—
South America.
At the foot of the holy altar
At the foot of the holy altarthe virgin wept
for Jesus, her divine son
and contemplated his passion.
In her saintly cry
she called out and said: Oh, my Jesus!
what will I do all alone on this hill,
who will lower you from the cross?
Now the Divine Father has died
and she begins to lament:
on this bitter path
none shall accompany him.
Kneeling at the foot of the cross
she raised her eyes and saw him,
oh, my God, oh my Jesus!
what will I cover you with?
Oh, Jesus, Son of my soul,
oh me, oh alas for me!
I also have no tomb
for which to bury you in.
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.
Bob the Builder Opening Theme (Latin American Spanish)
Bob the BuilderBob is building things. 'Can you do it?' (Note 1)
Bob is building things. 'Yes we can!' (Note 2)
Scoop, Muck, and Dizzy, also Rolly
Lofty and Wendy will help him, too (Note 3)
They are a great crew (Note 4)
And they enjoy finishing their work
Bob is building things. 'Can you do it?'
Bob is building things. 'Yes we can!'
They all work without resting
There are always a thousand things to repair
They are a great construction crew
And their work gives them pleasure
'Can we build it?'
'Can we repair it?'
Bob is building things. 'Can you do it?'
Bob is building things. 'Yes we can!'
Zak Storm Intro (Latin American Spanish)
Zak Storm,Zak Storm,
Zak Storm!
I will be your guide, always
I will be by your side
Firm, strong
Searching for justice
I will be your guide, always
I will save you from danger
Nothing to fear
While I'm next to you
Zak Storm, Zak Storm!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to