Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 4

Număr de rezultate: 113


Dans pentru a te uita

Vad aceasta privire in ochii tai
Dar nu simt nicio presiune
Am impresia ca sunt blocat aici in timp
Atunci cand am incercat sa te uit
Sa te uit
Am doar chef ca sa dansez pentru a te uita
Atunci nu ma astepta pentru a merge sa te culc
Caci am doar chef sa ma sitm bine
Draga mea, cu oricine, dar nu cu tine
Si s-ar putea sa fac asta acum
Da, chiar acum
Incerc doar sa am un pic de timp pentru mine
Deci nu imi pasa daca ai o problema cu asta
Caci am doar chef sa ma sitm bine
Draga mea, cu oricine, dar nu cu tine
Si s-ar putea sa fac asta acum
Da, chiar acum
Te-am tratat bine, noi eram un cuplu in aur
Am sapat pentru tine ca si cum erai o comoara
Atunci nu face asa, ca si cum eu eram tipul rau
Cand stiu ca tu stii mai bine
Si eu
Si eu
Oh, credeam ca tu meritai cel mai bun in viata
Caci imi placea asta, imi placea asta
Am impresia ca sunt blocat aici in timp
Atunci cand am incercat sa te uit
Sa te uit
Am doar chef ca sa dansez pentru a te uita
Atunci nu ma astepta pentru a merge sa te culc
Caci am doar chef sa ma sitm bine
Draga mea, cu oricine, dar nu cu tine
Si s-ar putea sa fac asta acum
Da, chiar acum
Incerc doar sa am un pic de timp pentru mine
Deci nu imi pasa daca ai o problema cu asta
Caci am doar chef sa ma sitm bine
Draga mea, cu oricine, dar nu cu tine
Si s-ar putea sa fac asta acum
Da, chiar acum
Doar voi dansa pentru a te uita, aici pe podea
Doar voi dansa pentru a te uita, aici pe podea
Credeam ca tu meritai fiecare din noptile mele
Am doar chef ca sa dansez pentru a te uita
Atunci nu ma astepta pentru a merge sa te culc
Caci am doar chef sa ma sitm bine
Draga mea, cu oricine, dar nu cu tine
Si s-ar putea sa fac asta acum
Da, chiar acum
Incerc doar sa am un pic de timp pentru mine
Deci nu imi pasa daca ai o problema cu asta
Caci am doar chef sa ma sitm bine
Draga mea, cu oricine, dar nu cu tine
Si s-ar putea sa fac asta acum
Da, chiar acum

Vitamin D

Give me the shock ...
A good day replaced the night,
and in the sky the stars are like you (exactly the same)
There are no negative factors, evil directors,
unsafe sectors.
All the boredom fled, and reminded: I'm not tired.
Yes. I worked hard, but this beauty invigorates.
And I want high, I want drums,
I want sleepless ...
nights, but only with you!
Give me high, give me drums,
Yes, give me sleepless! Because whose, if not yours?
I'm not tired yet ...
Still have time to relax!
Get it! D. (along with me)
Do not be bored, get Vitamin D!
Your smooth movements improve the sight of everyone
(All!) Get pleasure from the moment of each
(with you) on each body a glare, the dew shines (it is necessary)
And everyone sees! Everybody sees! Everyone sees miracles, and I ...
And I want high, I want drums,
I want sleepless nights, but only with you!
Give me high, give me drums,
Yes, give me sleepless! Because whose, if not yours?
I'm not tired yet ...
Still have time to relax!
Get it! D.
(together with me)
Do not be bored, get Vitamin D!
They asked: '... tell at the mercy of the sisters and brothers that in the beginning there was music or dancing ...?'
The answer is simple: no one has seen such beauty,
let's dance do not wait ...
First you appeared!
In the beginning appeared: 'Hey, you! You're there, let's go dancing with us!
Hey, you! You are there with us! Come on! Do not be bored, get Vitamin D,
Well, a little more ...
I'm not tired yet ...
Still have time to relax!

Promise me, my love

may your eyes stay protected, may your eyes stay protected
I love you to death, my love, and I fall apart without you
and I love your madness, I love your madness
I can't imagine a moment in my life without you, I swear
tell me that you're keeping the promise, my love, tell me you still love me
I have no reason for loving you, it's my fate
promise that we never be apart, my love
I want to dream and fly, I want to dream and fly
hold you with my wing and the world looks small in my eyes
and you tell me that you love me, hug me and I'll hold you
for the promise that's between me and you, I will never betray you
I can't be for anyone else but you, the passion of eyes I feel it with you
take me on the wing of love, the dream of lifetime is to stay together
promise me that we will never be apart, my love
just stay by my side, I will hide you in my eyes
you fall asleep and tell me that you need warmth, I'll keep you warm on my chest
and the night, night, I beg you
to pick up your darkness, forget about us, for your stars' sake
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


When you Left

When you left, I waited for so long
And I said (to myself) that you’re going to come back again
When you left, I waited for so long
And I said (to myself) that you’re going to come back again
(But) Life has been wasted and time passed by
Oh, my heart, go and ask her
“Who is suffering from this love?”
No one but you came to try the bitter taste (x2)
This is what love is about, with all its wounds
And lovers who never felt happy with their love
There are people their tears dried out
(Crying) for others who have betrayed them and left (x2)
Do you remember those nights of love?
And those days we have lived together
Do you remember those nights of love?
And those days we have lived together?
You left, and nothing remained for me
I’m looking for your place
I might glimpse you once
Maybe one day, my eyes will (know) how to rest (x2)
Who is the one that you found in this world instead of me?
And you felt comfortable in his arms and fell asleep
Because of my fear of (seeing) you leaving
You left me and stepped on my heart (x2)

meet me

I'm coming on time, meet me
don't be afraid, I'm a jockey 1
I'm coming to hold you in my arms
I'd crush mountains for you
I don't know your secret
you made me forget who I am
I miss our eyes talking
don't leave me, be like my shadow
I'm yearning to embrace you
your spirit runs through my blood
I vow to make you live in heaven, my love
your home is in my heart
your water is the fountain of my tears
your home is under my wing, sleep my heart and never wake up
I'm coming with roses in my hand
they want the hold of your hand
once I saw you, my sighs were like screams
like my soul is leaving me
my dear, be gentle, you've drained my veins off blood
I'm crying in happiness, hold me close to you
I'd die for you, your absence makes my weary heavier
I'm yearning to embrace you
your spirit runs through my blood
I vow to make you live in heaven, my love
your home is in my heart
your water is the fountain of my tears
your home is under my wing, sleep my heart and never wake up
  • 1. means he's a noble an
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Kid Dreams

'What do you want to be when you're older?'
Asked the teacher
I would like to sing for people
To make their hearts less sad
I would like to find myself in 30 years
On a stage in front of my audience
To share love and then all our trouble
I was far from being the brightest
I wasn't often 10/10
My math teacher, Mr. Mean
Pretends that I am a joker
That with life, with time
I will surely end up on welfare
I close my eyes and imagine myself with you on stage
I made promises that the heart remembers
When I aim for the summit, I look further
I want to follow my star, what my nights reveal to me
To give life to my kid dreams
My guidance counselor
Wants to orient me in the building
And when I talk to her about my songs,
She tells me to kindly stop
'There aren't any opportunities anyway'
She says with a discouraging tone
'You'd better keep both feet on the ground'
And then when I get in the house
I hear my parents arguing
'What are we going to do about this boy?'
'Leave him alone, he's a child'
No one to pay attention
What I really aspire to be
I have forged a mind that doubt does not break
I made promises that the heart remembers
When I aim for the summit, I look further
I want to follow my star, what my nights reveal to me
To give life to my kid dreams
Time passes
And more people tell me that
I don't have my place
Or that I am not like them
That I have to do like the books
But stubborn as I am
I take it to my head
I made promises that the heart remembers
When I aim for the summit, I look further
I want to follow my star, what my nights reveal to me
To give life to my kid dreams

Jurnalul Ioanei

Daca ar fi trebuit
M-as fi pus chiar langa tine
Asa ca lasa-ma sa te intreb
Ti-ar placea asta ?
Ti-ar placea asta ?
Si nu m-ar deranja
Daca ai fi spus ca dragostea asta este pentru ultima data
Asa ca acum te intreb
Ti-ar placea asta ?
Ti-ar placea asta ?
Este ceva in cale
Este ceva gata sa se rupa
Voi încerca să-mi găsesc locul în jurnalul Ioanei
Asa ca spune-mi cum ar fi trebuit sa fie
Incerc sa aflu ce te face ca o capusa
Ca eu sa ma intind
Inflamat si bolnav
Ti-ar placea asta ?
Ti-ar placea asta ?
Exista o linie fina intre dragoste si ura
Si nu m-ar deranja
Doar lasa-ma sa-ti spun
Imi place asta
Imi place asta
Este ceva in cale
Este ceva gata sa se rupa
Voi incerca sa-mi gasesc locul in jurnalul Ioanei
Asa cum o sa ard o alta pagina
Asa cum o sa ma uit in alta parte
Voi incerca sa-mi gasesc locul in jurnalul Ioanei
Asa ca spune-mi cum ar fi trebuit sa fie
Disperat ma voi târî
Asteptand atat de mult
Nici-o dragoste , acolo nu este dragoste
Murind pentr-u oricine
Ce am devenit ?
Este ceva in cale
Este ceva gata sa se rupa
Voi incerca sa-mi gasesc locul in jurnalul Ioanei
Asa cum o sa ard o alta pagina
Asa cum o sa ma uit in alta parte
Voi incerca sa-mi gasesc locul in jurnalul Ioanei

Niciodată Iarăși

Poartă-mă în jos, fă-mă să fiu părăsit
Arată-mi ceea ce a rămas, arată-mi ceea ce a rămas
Supărare frumoasă care frânge obișnuința
Arată-mi ceea ce a rămas, arată-mi ceea ce a rămas
Ia culoarea de pe ochii tăi
Sângerez pentru tine, sângerez pentru tine
Adu-i la viață pe frânții
O să trecem, o să trecem
Gol și desăvârșit, sfărâmat și fără valoare
Arată-mi ceea ce a rămas, arată-mi ceea ce a rămas
Tragându-mă mai departe, uit să-mi amintesc
Arată-mi ceea ce a rămas, arată-mi ceea ce a rămas
Ia culoarea de pe ochii tăi
Sângerez pentru tine, sângerez pentru tine
Adu-i la viață pe frânții
O să trecem, o să trecem
Niciodată iarăși, nicodată iarăși
Timpul nu-mi va lua viața mie
Niciodată iarăși, nicodată iarăși
Timpul nu-mi va lua viața mie
Și după ce această lume este de neatinsă
Treaz și tăcut, estompat și silnic
Disperat, mă lupt să cad în mijloc
Niciodată nu cedez, în afara tăciunilor
Deci să cruți un loc înlăuntru pentru mine
Ia culoarea de pe ochii tăi
Sângerez pentru tine, sângerez pentru tine
Adu-i la viață pe frânții
O să trecem, o să trecem
Niciodată iarăși, nicodată iarăși
Timpul nu-mi va lua viața mie
Niciodată iarăși, nicodată iarăși
Timpul nu-mi va lua viața mie

Dreamin' together

Dreamin' together Dreamin' together Dreamin' together
There is
Dreamin' together Dreamin' together Dreamin' together
the future there
Girl, nowadays
Girl, you aren't doing good, are you?
Girl, whenever you need me I'll be there
Girl, you will never be alone
Dreamin' together Dreamin' together Dreamin' together
Oh my best friend
Dreamin' together Dreamin' together Dreamin' together
I believe in you
Don't give up
Alright your heart that dreams
It is shining your eyes
I will not make yours gloomy
Don't look down, don't turn around
Tonight your smile is just so beautiful
I am so excited
Two of us let's bloom our dreams
Girl, you are sentimental
Girl, more than those days
Girl, whatever people say, trust yourself
Girl, you got to follow your heart
Dreamin' together Dreamin' together Dreamin' together
Oh tomorrow
Dreamin' together Dreamin' together Dreamin' together
It is there
I’ve begun knowing
Delight ups and downs to the dreams
So always your side
You are not alone
So many dreams so little time
Tonight let's shine like stars up above
I am excited let's talk about continuations of our dreams
When you are sad when you are sad
When you are sad when you are sad
When you are sad when you are sad
You may cry, mayn't you?
It is not embarrassing everyone is the same
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
raise your glass and move your body
'cause I love your smile
Don't give up
Alright your heart that dreams
It is shining your eyes
I will not make yours gloomy
Don't look down, don't turn around
Tonight our smile is just so beautiful
I am so excited
Two of us let's bloom our dreams
I've begun knowing
Delight ups and downs to the dreams
So always Your side
You're not alone
So many dreams so little time
Tonight let's shine like stars up above
I am so excited let's talk about continuations of our dreams

visul californian

Toate frunzele sunt maronii şi cerul e griu
Am fost la o plimbare într-o zi de iarnă
Aş fi în siguranță şi în căldură dacă aş fi în Las Vegas
Visul californian într-o asemenea zi de iarnă
M-am oprit la o Biserică
Ce am trecut pe drum
Şi m-am pus în genunchi şi m-am prefăcut că mă rog
Ştii că preotului îi placea iarna, ştia că voi rămâne
Visul californian într-o asemenea zi de iarnă
Aş fi în sigurantâ şi-n căldură
Aş fi în siguranță şi-n căldură
Aş fi în sigurantâ şi-n căldură
Dacă nu i-aş fi spus
(Dacă nu i-aş spune)
Aş putea pleca azi
(Aş putea pleca azi)
Visul californian
(Visul californian)
într-o asemenea zi de iarnă


Tripping in the sky's vault
Among colors, beyond this world,
In euphoria, inside my soul's kingdom.
The land of dreams is born out of imagination,
And is realized in front of my eyes.
The wonderful, artificial world that's been conceived,
Seems infinite.
Finally, in the trip's angst-filled hangover.
Darkness seems to flow through my veins,
And my senses aren't running at full capacity.
Palpitation, angst and depressions follow.
Life has taken a U-turn,
And now I wish only that the burning darkness inside me,
That the haunting voices,
Would disappear.
And that I can be free of everything...
Melancholic dysphoria, angst-ridden nightmares.
Death can only be viewed as liberation now.

Seara oamenilor rătăciți (La ivirea amurgului)

Suntem în amurgul unei seri fără întoarcere, e prea târziu,
E ultima parte a vieții, oh, viață, te scurgi!
Deși visăm să revenim la viață,
Nu ne-ar plăcea să ne consolăm cu o asemenea mângâiere,
Noaptea liniștită va începe.
După ce vom avea parte de marea trecere*,
Ale cărei negre robinete sunt deschise către nicăieri,
Fără răsărit dincolo de ea,
În acele ultime clipe de viață,
Fie vom fi devastați de iubire sau vom avea o inimă fericită,
Fie lalelele sau trandafirii vor înflori pe pieptul nostru.

She Suddenly Leaves

She Suddenly Leaves, she gets crazy, she leaves me alone but her sorrow is still here. Its night and I can't sleep, i have my candle and every time i shout your name through the window you get farther away from me.
You broke my heart, i'll always remember it mate. Why is breaking hearts for you easy?
Damn to this love and broken heart, me Tehran (Iranian City) and it's dark nights. Love is both sweet and bitter.
I lost my life, come back, no, I don't want to start from bottom again. I'm still the same guy. Don't say you don't love me anymore, don't say we can't be back together.
You broke my heart, i'll always remember it mate. Why is breaking hearts for you easy?
Damn to this love and broken heart, me Tehran (Iranian City) and it's dark nights. Love is both sweet and bitter.
You broke my heart, i'll always remember it mate. Why is breaking hearts for you easy?

My heart is on my right

She put her hands on my heart
And said that there is no heat
Shame, you don't have a heart
You don't have a heart
She was about to cry
And i will lose the smile on her lips
She made me talk about my bad situation
My heart is on the right as long as you are on my right
It goes to the left when you hug me on my left
My heart is flying wherever you are
As long as you are fine don't ask me about my heart
If i don't talk about my heart
Don't say that i'm arrogant
I let my eyes explain to you what nostalgia i have
We became one person not one is in love with someone
And not five in the green-eyed

My feeling about you

My feeling about you is more than just an affection
It's easy to see my love from my eyes
Loving you is out of my control,you are my only wish
Seeing your empty place next to me is a torture to me,my feelings will die without you
You made me know myself,you are always in front of my eyes(i see you everywhere)
I fell in love with you right after i met you
I started learning to love with you,i'm afraid of seeing your place empty
I love you,you are my world,your eyes give me peace
Yes,you are the one i want,the one i think about all the time,i love you
Don't even think about me living without you,i can't live without you
I can see love from your beautiful eyes,your eyes are the only things i have
I have to fall deeper for you,i ignore the distance dreaming about you
When you're not around i dream of you and feel you by myside and that makes me happy

We Need to Believe [When You Believe]

To the hearts' prayer
It isn't clear if someone's listening
A hopeful wish is sent to the heavens
Despite all the pain
And all the dangers around
We've pushed mountains without even knowing how to fight
Miracles do happen to the believer
Even there's no hope, you do not kill
Many miracles will happen to the believer
And if we'll wait, we'll achieve them
We need to believe
At times of fear
When prayers are carried away in vain
All hopes fly away like birds
I'm standing in silence (standing in silence)
My heart is overflowing
All the words that were trapped in me now burst out of my mouth
Miracles do happen if only we believe
Even there's no hope, you do not kill (you do not kill)
Many miracles will happen to the believer (to the believer)
And if we'll wait, we'll achieve them
We need to believe
'I will sing to the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously'
'I will sing to the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously'
'Who is like You, oh Lord, among the celestials'
'Who is like You, majestic in holiness'
'In Your love, You lead the people You redeemed'
'In Your love, You lead the people You redeemed'
I will sing! I will sing! I will sing!
'I will sing to the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously'
'I will sing to the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously'
'Who is like You, oh Lord, among the celestials'
'Who is like You, majestic in holiness'
'In Your love, You lead the people You redeemed'
'In Your love, You lead the people You redeemed'
I will sing! I will sing! I will sing!
Many miracles do happen to the believer
Even there's no hope, you do not kill (you do not kill)
Many miracles will happen if we'll believe (if we'll believe)
And if we'll wait, we'll achieve them, we'll achieve them.
We need to believe.
We need to believe.
We need to believe.


Sunt un astronaut ce traieste pe o stea
Sunt un cow-boy cocotat pe calul sau
Nu vreau sa cresc
Nu vreau sa imbatranesc
Sunt un agent secret intr-o misiune secreta
Sunt un prizonier ce evadeaza din ascunzatoare
Nu vreau sa cresc
Nu vreau sa imbatranesc
Avansez, avansez printre bombe
Privesc lumea asta
Si alung umbrele
Nu vreau o viata normala
Chit ca imi pierd capul
Chit ca pare stupid
Alerg spre un ideal
Niciodata nu o sa ma opresc din visat
Niciodata nu o sa ma opresc din zburat
Iubirea mea poate fi un vis
E adevarat
Sunt explorator pe o insula de minuni
Sunt o capetenie indiana ce comanda soarelui
Nu vreau sa cresc
Nu vreau sa imbatranesc
Sunt un mare vrajitor ce face mortii sa danseze
Sunt un tanar pirat ce cauta bogatii
Nu vreau sa cresc
Nu vreau sa imbatranesc
Avansez, avansez printre bombe
Privesc lumea asta
Si alung umbrele
Nu vreau o viata normala
Chit ca imi pierd capul
Chit ca pare stupid
Alerg spre un ideal
Niciodata nu o sa ma opresc din visat
Niciodata nu o sa ma opresc din zburat
Iubirea mea poate fi un vis
E adevarat
E adevarat...
Niciodata nu o sa ma opresc din visat
Niciodata nu o sa ma opresc din zburat
Iubirea mea poate fi un vis
E adevarat