Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Love or madness

Winter and summer
I am with you
no one is not like you and me
I'm dreaming you awake, I'm little weird
Well I'm not normal
That I can't be anymore without you
heaven decided
I don't know is this love or madness
Chorus (2x)
It's so good to us, that's it
it's really good to us together
what is mine that is yours, it's written
little by little we are arguing
little by little we are making things better
but we live one for each other
And at day and at night
I want with you
I don't care for other boys
when you aren't close to me, like toxicated
I'm crying for hours
That I can't be anymore without you
heaven decided
I don't know is this love or madness

Poem for the father

And it was then
that with a dead and cold tongue in his mouth
he sang the song they let him sing
in this world of obscene gardens and of shadows
which came at a mishour to remind him
of the songs of the time when he was a boy
in which he couldn't sing the song he wanted to sing
the song they let him sing
other than through his blue, absent eyes
through his absent mouth
through his absent voice.
Then, from the highest tower of absence
his singing resounded in the opacity of what is hidden
in the silent extension
full of movable voids like words
which I write down.

We've been

We've been afraid, we've been afraid
Oh sad, where have you taken us
We've been wanting, we've been wanting
There's a hug in this world that makes us stronger
Against the day's ache, against a wounds that won't sleep
For everything you love with your heart, is getting away and Pease
And I have always loved with my heart and I'd do anyhing for them
They left me confused, wondering why they did so
I'm so in love just like you, unable to sleep
Well, I tell you, sometimes I forget when I sleep
From the says ache from a wound that never sleep
From all that our hearts love, it gets away and Pease
We've been afraid, we've been afraid
Where have you taken us, sadness
We've been wanting, we've been wanting
There's a lap in this world that gives us strength


The leaves are red
leaves of fall
the salamander is
glittering and sly
She's too much for Kissabos
she's too much for this place
and if you speak to her
of prudence,
It goes in vain
Alexandra, salamander
what a shame this is!
Why did you go with another man, bad girl?
The salamder, when she sees
the sky raining
she remembers her love
that she no longer possesses
She pushes the brown dirt
and comes out of her nest
and there where the boar would wash himself
she scatters her tears
You wear yellow and black
looking beautiful
Alexandra, Alexandra,
how you've forgotten me!

Please Call

The moon is
a carmine-colored orange
at midnight.
I'm barefoot by the window,
watching the old sea wolf leave.
He's whorish and a bastard.
Motorcycles and rock'n'roll,
Leather, tacks, and alcohol. What are you
doing right now? I am trying to stop my heart,
which is a great wharf made of steel, from bursting out of my chest.
As you can see, I do need you.
I hate to admit
that I need
your breath to be well,
and that there's no better nourishment
than the one your kisses give me.
Please call,
I feel so worthless.
I am an airless balloon,
a ship on the high seas,
without a skipper, and adrift.
Please call,
I feel so defenseless.
I lack willpower.
I cannot concentrate.
And I can't find an exit, no.
The radio with its recommendations
for a happy world
unsettles me.
A thousand insane ideas go
through my mind, but I just ignore them.
And though it may hurt me this time,
I have to admit
that I need to have
your body to be well.
I'm in love, I'm lost.
My mind needs you.
Please call,
I feel worthless.
I'm an airless balloon,
a ship on the high seas,
without a skipper, and adrift.
Please call,
I feel so defenseless.
I lack willpower.
I cannot concentrate.
And I can't find an exit, no.
Please call,
I feel worthless.
I'm an airless balloon,
a ship on the high seas,
without a skipper, and adrift.
Please call,
I feel so defenseless.
I lack willpower.
I cannot concentrate.
And I can't find an exit for this, no.
Please call,
I feel worthless.
I am an airless balloon,
a ship on the high seas,
without a skipper, and adrift.

Your Future Ex (Girlfriends)

Forget about everything
I want you beside me tonight
not later nor before
every my wish has its time
This is that night
these are those hours
someone will realize
someone will suffer
and that won't be me
All your future girlfriends are already ex
nothing less nothing more
after me, your skin is
sold expensively
All the second are always the second
grain of happiness, grain of sorrow
just this crazy head
remains as a first
Forget about everything
nothing will be the same after me
I'm both the poison and the cure
there's no help when I enter your veins
This is that night
let's go to the city
someone will fly
but someone will perish
and that won't be me
All your future girlfriends are already ex
nothing less nothing more
after me, your skin is
sold expensively
All the second are always the second
grain of happiness, grain of sorrow
just this crazy head
remains as a first
I'll take your soul while
your shirt is still on me
I'll love you
until I petrify your heart
All your future girlfriends are already ex
nothing less nothing more
after me, your skin is
sold expensively
All the second are always the second
grain of happiness, grain of sorrow
just this crazy head
remains as a first
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!

Two of us

You'd be doing me a favor
If you come to the sea
And I have the two of us under the sun
under the sun
Two of us
Only the two of us
Two of us
Come back
Two of us
Let it be just the two of us
Two of us
Just two of us
With old clothes into new times ,
I don't need you but I need us
Watch the moon among the stars
It's you my heart
And it doesn't beat without the sun when you're not around
Let the tide take us somewhere offshore
You don't see the sea how it take us
You'd be doing me a favor
If you come to the sea
And I have the two of us under the sun, under the sun
Two of us
Only two of us
Two of us
Come back
Two of us
Let it be just the two of us
Two of us
Only two of us
Let's jump into the sea naked
You don't need me but you have us
When the night comes my beloved I wait for you as if
We have a beach just for the two of us and a single thought
I have the heart In a suitcase and I no longer wanna hide it
But you leave me waiting
You'd be doing me a favor
If you come to the sea
And I have the two of us under the sun, under the sun
Two of us
Only two of us
Two of us
Come back
Two of us
Let it just be the two of us
Two of us

Time passes? It doesn't pass

Time passes? It doesn't pass
in the abyss of the heart
There within, prevails the grace
of love, flourishing in song.
Time nears us
each time a little bit more, it reduces us
to one sole verse and one rhyme
of hands and eyes, in the light.
There isn't consumed time
nor is there time to economize.
Time is all dressed up
in love and the time of love.
My time is yours, beloved,
they transcend any measure.
Beyond love, there is nothing,
to love is the juice of life.
The yesterday as much as the now
Are both calendar myths,
and your anniversary
is a birth at all hours.
And our love, which blossomed
from time, has no age,
so that only who has loved has heard
the appeal of eternity.

Passage of the Year

The last day of the year
isn't the last day of time.
Others day shall come
and new thighs and bellies shall communicate to you the heat of life.
You shall kiss mouths, you shall rip up papers,
you shall make voyages and so many celebrations
of birthday, graduation, promotion, glory, sweet death with symphony
and choir,
that the time shall remain replete and you shall not hear the clamor,
the irreparable howls
of the wolf, in solitude.
The last day of time
isn't the last day of everything.
There always remains some fringe of life
where two men sit.
A man and his opposite,
a woman and her foot,
a body and its memory,
an eye and its glimmer,
a voice and its echo,
and who knows if even God . . .
Receive with simplicity this present of chance.
You deserved to live one more year.
You hoped to live forever and to deplete the dreg of the centuries.
Your father died, your grandfather too.
In you yourself many things have already expired, others peek out at death,
but you are alive. Still one more time you are alive,
and with a cup in hand
you await the dawn.
The appeal of inebriating oneself.
The appeal of the dance and of the shout,
the appeal of the colorful ball,
the appeal of kant and of poetry,
all of them . . . and none of them resolves things.
The morning of a new year surges up.
The things are clean, orderly.
The body of gestures replenishes itself in foam.
All the senses function in alertness.
The mouth is eating up life.
The mouth is stuffed with life.
The life spills from the mouth,
besmirches the hands, the pavement.
Life is fat, smelly, mortal, sub-reptilian.

Feeling of the world

I have merely two hands
and the feeling of the world,
but I am full of slaves,
my memories run
and my body compromises
in the confluence of love.
When I'll get up, the sky
will be dead and looted,
I myself will be dead,
dead my desire, dead
the swamp without harmonies.
The comrades didn't say
that there was a war
and that it was necessary
to bring fire and nourishment.
I feel scattered, behind the borders,
humbly I beg ye
to forgive me.
When the bodies will pass,
I will remain alone
defying the recollection
of the bellman, of the widow and of the microscopist
who inhabited the tent
and who weren't discovered
at dawn
that dawn
greater than night.

What's going on with me

And yes yea yes and no no no
You know yourself I set nightclub s on fire
And yes yes yes, oh no no no
You better look after me because I'll go to another man
You know very well I'm stubborn
Sometimes crazy even without a cause
If I see you with other women
You know you won't have fun
I don't want a lot from you
Just to always be there when I call
And I don't know if you'd be able to fix this crazy side of me
Chorus 2x
He asks what's going on with me
We know each other from the past
Sassy and rude
Of hungrier
I say we'll see each other later
Don't act like you're dangerous
(Say what you want it from me)
My beauty's killing you
(Please leave it to me)
I just wanna bother you
And yes yes yes and no no no
I don't wanna spend this night
And yes yes yes and no no no
You act like you're bad so that I'd like you
You know very well I'm stubborn
Sometimes crazy even without a cause
If I see you with other women
You know you won't have fun
I don't want a lot from you
Just to always be there when I call
And I don't know if you'd be able to fix this crazy side of me

In the Middle of the Road

In the
middle of the road there was a stone
there was a stone in the middle of the road
there was a stone
in the middle of the road there was a stone.
Never shall I forget of this happening
in the life of my retinas so exhausted.
Never shall I forget that in the middle of the road
there was a stone
there was a stone in the middle of the road
in the middle of the road there was a stone.

What can a creation do but

What can a creation do but
among other creations, love?
to love and to forget,
to love and to love badly,
to love, to fall out of love, to love?
always, and even with glazed eyes, love?

The different road

On my road they are cutting down trees
setting down rails
building houses.
My road awoke changed.
The neighbors don't accustom to it.
They don't know that life
has those brutal demands.
Only my daughter enjoys the spectacle
and amuses herself with the scaffolding,
the light of the autogenous welding
and the cement running over the shapes.

Sonnet of Lost Hope

I lost the tram and hope.
I return pale to my house.
The road is useless and no car
passes over my body.
I will rise the slow slope
in which the roads base themselves.
All of them lead to the
beginning of the drama and of the flora.
I don't know if I am suffering
or if it is someone who entertains themself1
why not? in the sparse night
with an insoluble piccolo.
However it makes a lot of time
that we last screamed: yes! to the eternity.
  • 1. I understand that this is incorrect grammatically and it kind of hurts me to see this . . . especially in a poem but I see no other viable option to preserve the original meaning. The good news is that this is how humans will speak English officially in the future so I'm a bit ahead of schedule . . .

Poem of Seven Faces

When I was born, a twisted angel
one of those that lives in the shadows
said: Go, Carlos! be a misfit in life.
The houses watch the men
that run behind the women
The evening maybe was blue,
there weren't so many desires.
The tram passes full of legs:
white black yellow legs.
Why so many legs, my God, asks my heart.
Yet my eyes
ask nothing.
The man behind the mustache
is serious, simple and strong.
He barely speaks.
There are few, rare friends
the man behind the spectacles and the mustache.
My God, why have You abandoned me?
if You knew that I was not God,
if You knew that I was weak.
World world vast world
if my name was Harold
it would be a rhyme, it wouldn't be a solution.
World world vast world,
more vast is my heart.
I shouldn't have told you
but this Moon
but this cognac
put people crazy like the Devil.

Death of the Milkman

There is little milk in the country,
it is necessary to deliver it early.
There is a lot of thirst in the country,
it is necessary to deliver it early.
There is in the country a saying,
that a robber should be killed with a gunshot.
Therefore the young man who is the morning
milkman with his pail
goes out running and distributing
good milk to bad people.
His pail, his bottles
and his rubber shoes
go on saying to the men in sleep
that someone woke up extra early
and came from the farthest suburb
to bring the coldest
and whitest milk from the best cow
so that all would prevail
in the tough struggle of the city.
In his hand the white bottle
doesn't have time to say
the things that I attribute it
and the young naïf milkman,
living in the Rua Namur,
employed in the warehouse,
with 21 years of age,
who knows there what might be impulse
of human comprehension.
And now that he has haste, the body
goes leaving the edge of the houses
merely one merchandise.
And like how the door of depths
I also hid people
that aspire for a little bit of milk
available in our time,
let us advance through that alleyway,
let us speed through the corridor,
let us deposit the liter . . .
Without making a rustle, it is clear,
that the rustle doesn't resolve anything.
My milkman so subtle
and light of gait,
glides before he marches.
It is true that some sound
is always made: mistaken step,
flower vase in the road,
dog barking by principle,
or a quizzical cat.
And there is always someone who wakes up,
grumbles and returns to sleep.
But this man woke up in panic
(robbers infest the neighborhood),
He didn't want to know of anything else.
The revolver from the drawer leapt into his hand.
Robber? shoot him.
The morning shots
annihilate my milkman.
Whether he was fiancé, whether he was virgin,
whether he was joyful, whether he was good,
I don't know,
it's too late to know.
But the man lost the sleep
of everything, and flees to the road.
My God, I've killed an innocent man.
Bullet that kills thief
also serves to steal
the life of our brother.
Whosoever wishes may call the doctor,
the police doesn't put a hand
on this son of my father.
The property is saved.
The general night proceeds,
the morning costs to arrive,
but the staked
milkman, in the open,
lost the haste he had.
From the shattered bottle,
on the already serene brick
spills something thick
that is milk, blood . . . I don't know.
From between confused objects,
badly redeemed by the night,
two colors seek out one another,
softly they touch each other,
lovingly they enlace each other,
forming a third tone
which we call dawn.

Oricum du-te

Oricum du-te
Chiar si atunci când simţi ca mori
Pentru a nu ramane sa faci nimic aşteptând sfârşitul
Mergi pentru că pe loc nu stii a sta,
Te încăpăţânezi a căuta lumina in josul lucrurilor
Oricum du-te
Doar pentru a înţelege
Sau pentru a nu intelege nimic
Totuși pentru dragoste pot zice că am trait in numele tău
A dansa si a transpira sub soare
Nu ma intereseaza daca mi se arde pielea
Daca ard secunde si ore
Mă interesează daca ma vezi si ce anume vezi
Sunt aici in faţa ta, cu bagajele mele unde am adunat frici si dorinţe.
Oricum du-te
Chiar si atunci cand te simți stopat
Nu te stii rezervat
Dar jucaţi-o până la sfârşit
Si atunci du-te ca spinii se fac a mărşălui
Dar dacă inchid ochii
Sunt trandafiri si parfumul lor imi ramane
Si vreau a dansa si a transpira sub soare
Nu ma intereseaza daca mi se arde pielea
Daca arde secunde, ore
Ma intereseaza daca ma vezi si cum ma vezi
Sunt aici in fata ta
Cu bagajele mele unde am adunat frici și dorinţe
Oricum merg
Pentru ca oprit nu stiu a sta
In picioare in toiul nopţii
Stii ca ma voi face gasit
Si vreau a dansa si a transpira sub soare
Nu ma interesează daca mi se arde pielea
Daca arde secunde, ore
Si vreau sa sper
Cand nu mai există nimic de făcut
Vreau a fi minunat
Pentru că esti tu
Si pentru că esti tu aici care dă iubire.
Si dacă ma vezi, ce anume vezi
In timp ce îţi surâd, cu defectele mele, am adunat frici şi dorinţe.