Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 4

Număr de rezultate: 212


The dark turtle dove

Mother, i am the unfortunate, dark turtle dove
bitten by wind, hurt by the rain
The hapless! Wherever it might turn too, wherever it passes by
founds no rock to stand on, nor a branch to lie down.
I am the lonely little boat, the storm tossed little boat
inside the wide sea, inside the foamed sea
i am struggling against the waves, without sails, without a steering wheel
There is no other anchor for me, but your prayer and only.

Când îmi doream să fiu mare

Se duc, se pierd în timp,
Anii mei se duc, rămânând mult în urmă.
Tatăl meu nu mă mai ia de mână,
Doar sfaturile sale.
În mine trăiesc amintirile unui copil
Care și-a pus dorințe sub o stea.
Cum îmi amintesc de tatăl meu,
Care îmi zâmbea,
În timp ce mama ne privea.
Anii au venit domol la început,
Cu încetineală au trecut.
Cât îmi doream să fiu mare, îmi amintesc,
Ca să nu rămân acasă.
Și să-l însoțesc pe tatăl meu departe,
Până la marginile pământului, poate,
Pentru că tatăl meu era puternic,
Era foarte inteligent,
Era mai bun ca nimeni altul.
Acum nu vreau să treacă anii,
Pentru că tatăl meu este bătrân.
Mâinile îi sunt acoperite de riduri
Și părul, de zăpadă.
Doamne, opreaște timpul, te implor,
Pentru că poți face asta,
Pentru că eu chiar nu înțeleg, Doamne,
De ce ne părăsesc lucrurile bune.
Când pașii tăi obosesc într-o zi,
Vreau să fiu cel care are grijă de ei.
Între timp, dă-mi brațul tău
Și să vedem ce ai de gând să-mi spui.

Atât de drăguță, dar atât de geloasă

Atât de drăguță, dar atât de geloasă
Cât de mult o iubesc pe fata mea dulce!
Atât de drăguță, dar atât de geloasă
Cât de mult o iubesc pe fata mea dulce!
E geloasă pe toți, mă ține din scurt,
Întreabă la ce oră ajung acasă.
Se enervează dacă vreuna mă privește în față,
și când iesim. să-ți spun ce mi se întâmplă:
Dacă privesc o blondă, mă ciupește,
Vreo brunetă, mă ciupește.
Dacă privesc o slăbuță, mă ciupește,
Vreo grăsuță, mă ciupește.
Dacă privesc în treacăt, mă ciupește.
Dacă sărut o prietenă, mă ciupește.
Ciupiturile ei sunt groaznice!

Mai degrabă

Am crezut ca uneori singuri
Era ce aveam nevoie cu adevărat
Ai spus că acest timp ne va răni mai mult decât să ne ajute
Dar eu nu am putut-o vedea
Am crezut că era sfârşitul
Unei frumoase poveşti
Şi aşa am lăsăt-o pe cea pe care am iubit-o acasă să fie singură (singură)
Şi am încercat să aflu dacă un lucru este adevărat
Că nu sunt nimic fără tine
Ştiu mai bine acum
Şi m-am răzgândit
Mai degrabă aş avea timpuri proaste cu tine decât timpuri bune cu altcineva
Mai degrabă să fiu alături de tine într-o furtună, decât în siguranţă şi la căldură singur
Mai degrabă am avea timpuri grele împreună, decât să avem uşoare şi despărţiti
Mai degrabă aş avea pe cea care-mi ţine inima
Hoo – oo-oo-oo-, daa
Şi apoi am întâlnit pe cineva
Şi am crezut că te-ar putea înlocui
Am fost un timp bine
Am pierdut timpul pentru că ea nu erai tu
Ne-am distrat mult
Totuşi ştiam că ne prefăceam
Dragostea nu a fost impresionată cu legătura noastră construită pe minciuni, toate minciuni
Aşa că sunt aici pentru că am găsit că acest lucru este adevărat
Că nu sunt nimic fără tine
Ştiu mai bine acum
Şi m-am răzgândit
Mai degrabă aş avea timpuri proaste cu tine decât timpuri bune cu altcineva
Mai degrabă să fiu alături de tine într-o furtună, decât în siguranţă şi la căldură singur
Mai degrabă am avea timpuri grele împreună, decât să avem uşoare şi despărţiti
Mai degrabă aş avea pe cea care-mi ţine inima
care-mi ţine inima
Nu te pot învinovăţi dacă te îndepărtezi de mine, cum ţi-am făcut-o eu
Pot să dovedesc lucrurile pe care le spun doar cu timpul
Te rog , fii a mea
Mai degrabă aş avea timpuri proaste cu ( te rog fii a mea) tine,
decât timpuri bune cu altcineva (ştiu)
Mai degrabă să fiu alături de tine într-o furtună( oricând)
decât în siguranţă şi la căldură singur ( atât de sigur, iubito)
Mai degrabă am avea timpuri grele împreună,
decât să avem uşoare şi despărţiti
Mai degrabă aş avea pe cea care-mi ţine inima (inima mea)
Mai degrabă aş avea timpuri proaste cu tine (cu siguranţă)
decât timpuri bune cu altcineva (cu siguranţă)
Mai degrabă să fiu alături de tine într-o furtună( oh, da)
decât în siguranţă şi la căldură singur (de unul singur)
Mai degrabă am avea timpuri grele împreună,
decât să avem uşoare şi despărţiti (tu o ştii)
Mai degrabă aş avea pe cea care-mi ţine inima
Mai degrabă aş avea pe cea care-mi ţine inima
Mai degrabă aş avea pe cea care-mi ţine inima
Hooooo... care-mi ţine inima


What does your look say?
What strange thing do your eyes have?
When I look at your photos
A rare obsession stops me
My God, you who are the creator
Of all the most beautiful things
In the world
Why don't you listen to my requests?
You made doctors for all ills
But why didn't you create one
Who can heal a love sickness?
I would like the earth to spin backwards
To make me small and be born again
And not have to miss you again
Nor to look at you in your photographs
Nor to carry you melted in my chest
Like if you were part of me
Barranquilla, city of singers
Of vallenatos1and accordions
She adorns your streets, tell her
That I wish her to be happy
That it's the last song that I compose
That I don't think I'll fall in love again
But tell me, how did you manage, black one
To forget about me?
People criticize me
Because now I'm no longer a party animal
For your departure, black one
I feel colder, I die in silence
Take good care of my children
Because you know that I love them
Lord, give me strength
To continue with this song
I remember your birthday the October month
I swear that I try and I've been not able to
Look for the remedy to forget it
I would like the earth to spin backwards
To make me small and be born again
And not have to miss you again
Nor to look at you in your photographs
Nor to carry you melted in my chest
Like if you were part of me
Barranquilla, city of singers
Of vallenatos and accordions
She adorns your streets, tell her
That I wish her to be happy
That it's the last song that I compose
That I don't think I'll fall in love again
But tell me, how did you manage, black one
To forget about me?
  • 1. musical genre and dance

După tine

Pleci acum, și iubirea ta are zâmbetul alteia,
nu te-am întrebat niciodată de ce.
Pleci acum, vină tu nu ai,
nu-ți cere scuze, știi că te-aș ierta.
După tine, eu mor, nu trăiesc,
dar dacă trăiesc, am s-o fac pentru tine.
După tine, acea dorință de a iubi
aici în inimă nu există, nu există.
Dacă am găsit zâmbetul cu tine,
atâta timp cât râd o să zâmbesc pentru tine
După tine, pe nimeni nu voi mai vrea
dacă va exista altcineva.
Pleci departe, dar în viața mea
îmi voi ține promisiunea,
cea pe care ți-am făcut-o cândva.
În caz că întâlnesc pe altcineva,
tandrețea mi-o voi da, dar nu și dragostea.
După tine, eu mor, nu trăiesc,
dar dacă trăiesc, am s-o fac pentru tine.
După tine, acea dorință de a iubi
aici în inimă nu există, nu există.
Dacă am găsit zâmbetul cu tine,
atâta timp cât râd o să zâmbesc pentru tine
După tine, pe nimeni nu voi mai vrea
dacă va exista altcineva.

Oh, stop wounding me

Versions: #1
Oh, stop wounding me or let me die,
you ungrateful, pitiless eyes,
colder than ice, harder than marble,
cold and deaf to my pain.
Oh, stop wounding me or let me die.

Turn The Wheel

This sea is made only of tears
Some people are going away from war...
At home, my mother is tired... tired,
How can I leave you now?
Rest awhile, oh poverty
What have we got to eat today?
Is life worth nothing anymore?
The wheel always turns... eternally
… And I convince the death
To take me dancing
From her pocket, I steal the joy
With the ring of Mary...
To all these tears of the sea
To this earth that doesn't want to end
To those who have not yet served their sentence
Turn the wheel and break the chain

Toss A Coin To Your Witcher (Kyn'te hrish Vid'makovi) [Toss a Coin to Your Witcher]

Thy humble bard, he do run
Into the Witcher one fine day
Say, 'bout Gerald of Rivia
My ballad be
Confronted the White Wolf
With the wicked ones
And myriad of elf
With them cunning guts
Have I been captured, too
Them unchancy foes
My lute did they break
And kick me in the teeth
When the devil, aim he took
His horns unto the tender side
The Witcher he do cry out

Jenny's Song (Jenny of Oldstones - cover in Ukrainian)

High in the halls of the old kings
In the mist Jenny, she'd dance
With the ghosts of the ones she lost, and the ones she found
And of the ones who loved her beyond all things
Of the ones who'd been gone since hector was just a pup
And she wouldn't even remember their names
In the old-stone halls did they circle around her
All her grief and sorrow were driven away
And she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave
Want to leave she never did, want to leave she never did
They danced 'round the clock
In the snowy halls of deserts
Winter to summer than winter again
'Til the walls did crumble and fall
And she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave
Want to leave she never did, want to leave she never did
And she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave
Want to leave she never did, want to leave she never did

The Dragonborn Comes, Son (The Dragonborn Comes cover)

Our hero, our hero, carries a warrior's heart
I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comes
He knows the thum of the ancient Nord art
Believe, believe, the Dragonborn comes
For the foes of all Skyrim, no life will there be
Be prepared, be prepared, the Dragonborn comes
The dark days are done-gone, and the legend grew
You'll know, you'll know, the Dragonborn is here
Dovahkiin, the Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn
That he'll wipe all the foes away from these lands
His shout alone was enough to make every foe run away
Dovahkiin, our prayers go with you


Eyes of rare beauty
Black, hazel and various
In a thousand contrasting ways
They hurt and heal the soul
Beautiful, divine eyes
Eyes that seize other eyes
Eyes, your peregrine irises
Who do they take us to?
Beautiful, sovereign eyes
That heal the wills
Eyes that graciously heal
Eyes that kill, tyrants
Eyes that kill, tyrants
Beautiful, divine eyes
Eyes that seize other eyes
Eyes that almost turn ugly
Eyes of peregrine power
Beautiful, hazel eyes
When you hurt, you love
In a thousand contrasting ways
They hurt and heal the soul
Beautiful, sovereign eyes
That heal the wills
Eyes that graciously heal
Eyes that kill, tyrants
Eyes that kill, tyrants


I return to the sea, caress and melody,
and the breeze carries me
with songs that will not return
nor will bring back your memory
nor your eyes so black.
And let me say more.
I go back and look for our verses
but maybe they are dead
or maybe they don't want to talk to me.
I walk on the foam,
I drag my loneliness
and I cry out that I can't go on
without you.


I did many times, but I failed
I said to laugh, 'I can't'
'This is the only good thing about me'
I gonna say, but I laughed
I gloss over everything
My emotion kept in average
I praise the best
I look down on the bad
I hid in normal
I could understand almost things
But I resist
Everything lights and I felt envious
That night, possibly
I can't laugh
Is this minus emotion
Only minus?
This is me
Yes I know I'm right
Yes I know I'm right
When I look down, someone said, 'Look up'
By force, I must do the best
But as I look down, my eyes looks up
And glare at anything, it's me
My philosophy will swing in the future
That's OK, aimlessly
Let's resist
Everyone unites and criticize for me
I can't feel nothing and defeat it
This minus emotion
Will multiply by minus
This is me
Yes I know I'm right
Yes I know I'm right
I am NOT afraid
I am NOT afraid to say
I got my soul I'm ready today
Everything lights and I felt envious
And you don't forget that thought and will glow
This minus emotion
Is not only minus
This is you
Yes you know You're right
Everyone unites and criticize for me
I can't feel nothing and get back it
This minus emotion
Will multiply by minus
This is me
Yes I know I'm right
Yes I know I'm right
I am NOT afraid
I am NOT afraid to say
I got my soul I'm ready today

Marea-i de tot albastră

Marea-i de tot albastră.
Marea-i de tot calmă.
În inimă-i un țipăt parcă
de bucurie. Și totu-i calm.


[Chorus: Andro]]
Her face is close, close
You light up like a spark quickly
Tied up with a bronze thread
Conquered and took this Crystal
White dragon will destroy you
Evil, evil Dragon will take you over the edges (beyond the edges)
White dragon will destroy you
Evil, evil Dragon will take you away the edges (the edges)
White dragon will destroy you
[Verse 1: Andro]
Again palish look grillzy my drago
hands on you like ice
I cool GYPSY-frizzy (ahah, I mean?)
Cries and drug, Franklin spend
Marriage or torn red dress
[Bridge: Andro]
Took it on itself
Stole it to Tibet
Like a mouse in a wheel
You twist a blunt in the corner
Took it on yourself
Stole it to Tibet
Like a mouse in a wheel
Twist a blunt in a corner
[Chorus: Andro]
Her face is close, close
would light up like a spark quickly Would have tied it with a bronze thread
Conquered and taken this Crystal
White dragon will destroy you
Evil, evil Dragon will take you over the edges (beyond the edges)
White dragon will destroy you
Evil, evil Dragon will take you over the edges (over the edges) The
white dragon will destroy you
[Verse 2: Scryptonite]
All this mischief, laughter and smiles
Stronger drinks
Shoulders, collarbones, dumbass (hey you)
Night streets lead you right into the alleys (in the alleys)
Nightlife, inside them dolls,
2oz plastic just for the week where the checkout came from?
2 functions: pick up clothes and undress
Convulsions on the bar:
“Bitch, this is dancing. How much are your slates worth? That's right. ”
- Get lost!
[Post-couplet: Scryptonite]
Dumbheads are ready to test their balls
Shakes his buttocks later (hey) Unbuttones (hey)
Weeds smoke (hey)
One by one, crumble-crumble (hey)
What the smoke? (but?)
[Chorus: Andro]
White dragon will destroy you
Evil, evil Dragon will take you over the edges (beyond the edges)
White dragon will destroy you
Evil, evil Dragon will take you over the edges (beyond the edges)
White dragon will destroy you

Te iubesc

Cu ochii tăi îmi citești gândurile
Că vreau să fii soția mea.
Povestea începe așa:
La început m-ai luat de mână.
Am încercat să nu-ți arăt asta,
Mă îndrăgostesc de ochii tăi,
Chiar dacă-i complicat și aiurea
Ți-am spus că nu-i ultima dată.
Picură puțin mai mult în inima mea, atinge-mă,
Spune aici, în fața tuturor, că doar pe mine mă iubești,
Spune că toate celelalte sunt iluzii,
Tu și eu devenim nebunatici aici,
Te iubesc, rățușcă, sunt gelos, rățușcă*,
Te iubesc, rățușcă, sunt gelos, rățușcă!
Ne trimitem mesaje până dimineața,
Cum oare a trecut un an?
Am crezut și am știut
Că vei fi preferatul meu.
Ești bucata mea lipsă
Și nu te voi mai lăsa să pleci,
O femeie e complicată și zăpăcită,
Ți-am spus că nu-i ultima dată.
Mă iubești? Spune-mi asta!
Chiar dacă doare, mă iubești?

I love you

With your eyes, you read in my mind
That I want you to be my wife.
The story begins like this,
at first you took my hand.
I tried not to show that
I fall in love with your eyes.
And even if it's complicated and messy,
I told you this is not the last time.
Pour a little more into my heart, touch me,
tell me here in front of everyone, that you only love me.
Say that everyone else is a delusion.
You and I are going wild here.
I love you duckling1, I'm jealous of you duckling.
I love you duckling, I'm jealous of you duckling.
We texted until morning.
How did a year go by?
I believed and I knew it,
that you would be my favorite one.
You are my missing piece
and I won't let you go anymore.
A woman is complicated and messy,
I told you this is not the last time.
Do you love me, just tell me!
Even if it hurts, do you love me?
  • 1. 'duckling' is a cute way to call one's lover

Înăuntrul meu

Când sunt departe de tine,
stelele nu strălucesc.
Când sunt departe de tine,
soarele nu luminează.
Căci atunci când ești în preajmă, văd viața altfel,
pentru că tu m-ai învățat să trăiesc cu iubire.
Când sunt departe de tine,
totul încetează să existe.
Pentru că ești înăuntrul meu,
palpitând cu mine.
Nu mai pot să trăiesc sau să mor fără tine,
și refuz să te pierd
dacă nu pot să te am.
Nu mai e nimeni care poate să te smulgă,
care poate să te șteargă din mine,
dinlăuntrul meu...
Când sunt departe de tine,
am nevoie de mângâierile tale.
Când sunt departe de tine,
mi se încețoșează rațiunea.
Căci atunci când nu ești aici
am un gol în piept,
pe care nu-l umple amintirea unei astfel de pasiuni.
Când sunt departe de tine,
totul încetează să existe.
Pentru că ești înăuntrul meu,
palpitând cu mine.
Nu mai pot să trăiesc sau să mor fără tine,
și refuz să te pierd
dacă nu pot să te am.
Nu mai e nimeni care poate să te smulgă,
care poate să te șteargă din mine,
dinăuntrul meu...
E deja scris în destin
că ni se vor intersecta drumurile
dincolo de orizont,
unde se nasc inimile.
Pentru că ești înăuntrul meu,
palpitând cu mine.
Nu mai pot să trăiesc sau să mor fără tine,
și refuz să te pierd
dacă nu pot să te am.
Nu mai e nimeni care poate să te smulgă,
care poate să te șteargă din mine,
dinăutrul meu...

S-o luăm de la capăt

Viața trece și timpul nu se oprește-n loc.
Port o tăcere de gheață cu singurătatea.
Unde să-mi fac un cuib pentru visele mele?
Și cine-mi va întinde o mână, când vreau să mă trezesc?
S-o luăm de la capăt, nu s-a terminat încă jocul.
S-o luăm de la capăt, să nu se stingă focul.
Mai e mult de mers,
Și mâine va fi o altă zi sub soare.
S-o luăm de la capăt!
S-au dus apluzele și unele amintiri,
Și ecoul gloriei doarme într-un dulap.
Voi continua să merg, trecând printre temeri.
Dumnezeu mi-e martor că nu-i târziu s-o luăm de la capăt.
S-o luăm de la capăt, nu s-a termninat încă jocul.
S-o luăm de la capăt, să nu se stingă focul.
Mai e mult de mers,
Și mâine va fi o altă zi sub soare.
S-o luăm de la capăt, să încercăm
S-o luăm de la capăt!

The Armenians and the Greeks

The earth's spinning round and there’s a fire in my soul
I hurry towards my friends, already waiting for me!
And proud Mount Ararat beckons in beauty
The marine soul of Hellas held tight by the waves.
Only love and friendship
Unite us, light the way for us.
Together in a single song
Joy and sorrow
We feel once more
The Armenians and the Greeks are brothers forever,
The same heart beats inside us!
And in the dance in a circle we will tell one another:
Yia sou, yia mas, anush to you,
Let us be merry in this hour!
We are two peoples like companions in destiny,
And have always shared everything.
For centuries we have walked beneath the same cross,
And in our truest heart, we're with the same Christ
Only love and friendship
Unite us, light the way for us.
Together in a single song
Joy and sorrow
We feel once more
The Armenians and the Greeks are brothers forever,
The same heart beats inside us!
And in the dance in a circle we will tell one another:
Yia sou, yia mas, anush to you,
Let us be merry in this hour!

Hollywood Stars

Everyone has left the function
I stayed in the blue theater
For the love of a fictional light
Forever stargazing, Hollywood stars
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
From so much seeing them in black and white
My skin begins to lose color
And I transform into an super hero
My shadow breathes on them
Hollywood stars
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world

From The Heart

Latino Gang, Gang
Ra’ Rauw
I know you're doing well
I truly know you're doing fucking well
But I don't want to accept this at 1001
In Instagram you look hapoy
And your sky is not gray anymore
Babe, tell me with who
are you passing the hours
Tell me, who devours you?
My heart2hurts
And from the heart
I miss the taste of your mouth, yeah, yeah
I miss the taste of your mouth, eeeh
I miss the taste of your mouth...
Ra’ Rauw
I miss your smeel in the house, ye...
And your good coffee in my cup
I miss the breeze
When you would open the windows,
But now I don't have no one to open them
I don't have my sun anymore
Not even if I go to the beach
And even if it's at one hundred degrees,
It's always raining in the terrace
What I do is to look for you
Babe everywhere
Trying to fill what you took with you
And now, who saves me?
Tell me, who takes away from me the gray days?
Thereś not an angel landing from the sky
You wanted to fix it, but I never wanted, baby
J Balvin, man
Let go! Let go!
I know you're doing well
I truly know you're doing fucking well
But I don't want to accept this at 100
Over there you look hapoy
And your sky is not gray anymore
Babe, tell me with who
are you passing the hours
Tell me, who devours you?
My heart hurts
And from the heart
I miss the taste of your mouth
I miss savoring you
I call your body Picasso,
'Cause you're art
I'm forced to think about you
When mom3feels like mentioning you
I live in a novel4
Titi and Catalina,
But I drown my sorrows,
Behind the curtain
Now in the mornings
I don't see you in the kitchen
And at coffee time I have
to call the neighbor
Babe you're not Juliana,
But you indeed were bad
You left me empty
And took away my wings
Now, what I do without you?
Oh, oh, oh, oh…
The same you do without me...
Oh, oh, oh, oh…
Let go!
I know you're doing well
I truly know you're doing fucking well
But I don't want to accept this at 100
In Instagram you look hapoy
And your sky is not gray anymore
Babe, tell me with who
are you passing the hours
Tell me, who devours you?
My heart hurts
And from the heart
I miss the taste of your mouth, yeah, yeah
I miss the taste of your mouth, eeeh
I miss the taste of your mouth...
Ra’ Rauw
Rauw, hey
J Balvin, men
Rauw Alejandro
Latino Gang, Gang
J Balvin
We are the Familia
Mo’ Mo’ Mosty
Say it to me Colla
J Balvin, men
Rauw Alejandro
Latino Gang Gang
Duars Entertainment
With the Sensei5
Oh yeah…
  • 1. %
  • 2. 'cora' is the apocope of 'corazón'
  • 3. ?
  • 4. soap opera
  • 5. plural


Versions: #1
I like to make you goosebumps, to vibrate
Baby, never stop doing it
I love it for breakfast, for dinner, for lunch
I love it all the time, again and again and again
I love it when you drain my strength
The after kisses are the dearest for me
And hugged in you like baby to fall asleep
This is real not mirage
Wet, because of your words wet
Because of your body wet, without you i cannot x2
I will be a bomb,bomb!
Give it, push it, like a drum!
Yes, yes, yes bomb
Give it, order me, you are my sultan, aren't you?
Vodka, pour me this vodka
To your blonde cat, she will not be meek!
Vodka, pour me this vodka
To your blonde cat, she will not be meek!
I like it when you whisper dirty words in my ear
I like to feel the wetness between us
I like it when you make my knees tremble
I like to feel that for you I am the best
I love it when you drain my strength
The after kisses are the dearest for me
And hugged in you like baby to fall asleep
This is real not mirage
Wet, because of your words wet
Because of your body wet, without you i cannot x2
I will be a bomb,bomb!
Give it, push it, like a drum!
Yes, yes, yes bomb
Give it, order me, you are my sultan, aren't you?
Vodka, pour me this vodka
To your blonde cat, she will not be meek!
Vodka, pour me this vodka
To your blonde cat, she will not be meek!
With you I feel the wetness without even having to
Why should I postpone it, I do it like from a textbook
The feel is like this, dirty. Sh-sh-sh, in the night when it is late
Let them come in, remove the reamer
The colleagues from Payner are searching for you
There isn't anything bad, nothing can happen
the most that can happen is to catch me a lot x4 by the chalga butterfly
I will be a bomb,bomb!
Give it, push it, like a drum!
Yes, yes, yes bomb
Give it, order me, you are my sultan, aren't you?
Vodka, pour me this vodka
To your blonde cat, she will not be meek!
Vodka, pour me this vodka
To your blonde cat, she will not be meek!


I'm not the same? Obviously I changed
If another music plays I dance differently
Yes I have the balls to take responsibility
I adapt, I fly, I kidnap, I don't escape from contact
Everything is so hard and life is fragile
I know I'm made of glass and I can break easily
I don't have deliriums but I almost do
I don't have deliriums but... I know there are
Blows that I handle, and others not so much
And if I fall, I don't get up
Today I want to sleep curled up like a cat
Appear in my dreams at least, that way we can talk a while
And it isn't hard for me to admit, even though I dedicate myself to the words
Today I don't have to say
What goes does it do to lie?
I prefer to feel the angst and the emptiness of existing, yeah
I want to die but I don't know how
I want to live but I don't know how much
Dying knowing the shit we are
And living until the spell wears off
Sorry, my love, if this hurt you
I wanted to die of love but it didn't work
Maybe I only think about myself and my wellbeing
And that may be the only thing that that stops me from loving
I can't love, can't I love?
Or maybe I just don't love like everyone else?
How does one have to love? Does one have to love?
One must disarm the precepts made and throw themselves into the ocean
[Verse 2]
Money? Obviously I want it
But life is a flash to only think about money
If I'm alone, why do I want to be first?
It depresses me to imagine myself sleeping with only my ego
How do you not want me to have a little flavor?
If that girl kissed me and then asked for a picture
I don't know how real what I touch is
It gets closer and I built a fence so I wouldn't go crazy
They ask me 'Is everything okay?', they know everything's going bad
I respond: 'I'm good', because I know they don't care
I'm not asking you to put yourself in my shoes
Yours is enough and that is a lot to face
Then, don't dedicate yourself to speaking
The thing is fucked for you to come and judge
You saw me smiling and you want to head out
This time I'll break your neck and I'm serious
I've been fighting the truth for a while
This way no idiot will steal the cake
I cut it, I slice it with my hands if the knife doesn't cut
Your so-called 'truth' tastes like shit to me
Everything dies, everything comes back, everything transforms
But you're scared of breaking the norms
Of bearing the bombs, that disturbs you
You have to be brave to fight with your shadow
You have to be brave to fight with your shadow
You have to be brave to fight with your shadow

Little water of balance

Ready for the adventure
With your velcro sneakers
You fall down, you clean yourself up and you get up
You get scared and you want to do it again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again.
Little water of balance take care of her
Keep her away from the cliffs, take care of her
Keep her away from the drunk drivers, take care of her
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
Until I'm worn out from walking
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
If I die it will be from a somersault
Little water of balance take care of her
Keep her away from the cliffs, take care of her
Keep her away from the drunk drivers, take her away
Daughter of the highway
Wearing 4-wheel skates
The blows hug you in their own way
You stumble and you want to do it again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
Until I'm worn out from walking
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
If I die it will be from a somersault
Let go, let go, let go, let go.
(Little water of balance take care of her)
I want to move from here to there
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Until I'm worn out from walking
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
I want to move from here to there
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
If I die it will be from a somersault

Du-mă la dans

Un anotimp trece, timpul trece,
chiar și iubirea trece, ce-o aveai înăuntru,
dar nu trebuie să faci baricade
ca să te ascunzi.
Nu poți șterge un obicei,
prietenii, persoanele cu care locuiești,
dulcea nostalgie a unui sărut,
apoi să le azvârli și să pleci .
Nu se pot vărsa lacrimi
pe o fotografie.
Poate e o minciună,
dar nu e vina mea.
Du-mă la dans,
lasă-mă să mă distrez
fără să pui întrebări,
toarnă-mi băutură.
Noaptea asta, iubire,
o noapte nesfârșită,
vreau să mi-o amintesc
când mi-o fi rău.
Du-mă la dans,
lasă-mă să mă distrez,
spune-mi că mă iubești,
cântă o melodie
și apoi să ne plimbăm
mână-n mână.
Vreau să fac dragoste
în noaptea asta cu tine,
eu și cu tine...
Fericirea e un joc ciudat:
când crezi c-o vei găsi
deja îți scapă din mână.
Fugi după ea, o recuperezi și știi
c-o vei pierde iar.
Nu mă predau în fața melancoliei
care crește în mine
atunci când pleci.
Și-n schimb, aș vrea ca tu...
Să mă duci la dans,
lasă-mă să mă distrez
fără să pui întrebări,
toarnă-mi băutură.
Noaptea asta, iubire,
o noapte nesfârșită,
vreau să mi-o amintesc
când mi-o fi rău.
Du-mă la dans,
lasă-mă să mă distrez,
spune-mi că mă iubești,
cântă o melodie
și apoi să ne plimbăm
mână-n mână.
Vreau să fac dragoste
în noaptea asta cu tine,
eu și cu tine, eu și cu tine...
Du-mă la dans,
lasă-mă să mă distrez
fără să pui întrebări,
toarnă-mi băutură,
Noaptea asta, iubire,
o noapte nesfârșită,
vreau să mi-o amintesc,
suntem încă împreună...
Du-mă la dans,
lasă-mă să mă distrez,
spune-mi că mă iubești,
cântă o melodie
și apoi să ne plimbăm
mână-n mână.
Vreau să fac dragoste,
suntem încă împreună...


(Intro: Anuel AA)
Real till death, ¿you heard, baby?
We transform the hotel in a cathouse
24 hours are not enough for what I want
Baby, if you were Death I would die
The night screams sex
Inside those lips, baby, make me prisoner
I open those two legs and I pass through you
Baby, I would like
Eat you all day long
What I´d do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
Baby, you´re mine, what I would do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
Baby, you´re mine, what I would do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
It´s not fighting but resisting when I put it inside you
Fixed boobs, fear we leave it in the drawer
The abdomen is like an athlete's
I swear that ass is from another planet
Has the mahon tighter than a coso*
Vin diesel, I stick it fast and furious
They say bad things about me, they say I´m a mob
It´s cause I got combo, you know, they´re jealous
You´re a drug when you move that booty
It has me amazed like a junkie in the shootins
She twerks by herself all the Luny´s classics
I bought her an Uru so she can go to the uni
She has a boyfriend, ¿what happened?
She left him, but something happened
You go with the fruit, change the route
When he call you, tell him 'fuck you, motherfucker'
Real till death, brr
Baby, I would like
Eat you all day long
What I´d do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
Baby, you´re mine, what I would do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
She did nothing wrong but wants me to punish her
Moans like an anime doll
Like a serie pegas, looking she follows me
And me, crazy watching her bite cushions
Baby, you kill me, you go too far
With that foto, maid, you´re on point
I wait for you at home, I´ll give you what you like
When I see you again, I´ll tie you to the bed
Mi tongue to your skin, I like having you face down
You cannot lie to me, I know you love me
You owe me something and you know it
Let´s don´t let this night to end
No one knows
Baby, I would like
Eat you all day long
What I´d do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
Baby, you´re mine, what I would do to you
If the clock would gave us more time

Zbor de noapte

Nu pot să mă opresc să te iubesc după o noapte
Să te uit după o noapte
Nu pot să te las să pleci după o noapte
Nu pot să mă opresc să te iubesc după o noapte
Să te uit după o noapte
Nu pot să te las să pleci după o noapte
Zbor de noapte
Sunt la geamul din partea dreaptă
Zburăm să ne îndeplinim visurile
Fără cuvinte mă scufund în ochii tăi
Vreau să îmi amintesc, dar cum pot să îmi amintesc tot?
Privirea ta, ca și cum ochii tăi se uită la mine
Te văd din nou, trebuie să fie dragoste
M-ai atins, mi-ai tulburat inima
Mi-ai tulburat inima
Mi-ai tulburat inima
Mi-ai tulburat ...
Stau in fața ruinelor dragostei tale, strig la ceruri
Din nebunie, din nebunie!
Nu pot să mă opresc să te iubesc după o noapte
Să te uit după o noapte
Nu pot să te las să pleci după o noapte
Nu pot să mă opresc să te iubesc după o noapte
Să te uit după o noapte
Nu pot să te las să pleci după o noapte

Society Pages

Yesterday, reading the paper
I found out that you got married
Your photograph smiled
How well you faked it
You wore a long dress
And a brand new husband
I smiled thinking
He won't be able to carry her
The society pages
That signaled good fortune
About you being a wife
About my anguish
With many last names
An important position
Young, elegant, pretty
And the world ahead of you
Yesterday, yesterday, reading the paper
I found out that you got married
The society pages
They don't say that you loved me
Yesterday reading the paper
I found out that you got married
The society pages
They don't say that you loved me
They don't say that you loved me
They don't say that you loved me

Tattoo (Remix)

[Intro: Rauw Alejandro]
This is the remix
And I brought Camilo
[Chorus: Camilo & Rauw Alejandro]
You are to eat you whole, whole, that's how you are
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo
Oh, you make the note never go down
Nothing is needed if you are there (Ra-Rauw), yeih
[Verse 1: Rauw Alejandro & Camilo, Both]
I don't even know what to do
(I don't know) when I'm close to you (wuh)
Your brown eyes took over me (yih-ih)
I'm dying for one of those kisses that aren't from friends, hey
(Of those that aren't from friends)
I realized that I live for that smile
[Verse 2: Camilo]
I want to know you like nobody knows you
Tell me you want me to put it on speakers
To show you that I am yours
I tattoo your name on my ribs, yeah-eh-eh
What do you have? I don't know
That kills me and I don't know why
Show me that secret little tattoo that is invisible
Because you, you, with that tattoo
You are to eat you whole, whole, baby, aha (whole)
[Chorus: Rauw Alejandro & Camilo]
You are to eat you whole, whole
That's how you are (that's how you are)
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo
Oh, you make the note never go down
Nothing is needed if you are there, woh-oh-oh (yeah-eh)
You (you, you, you, you) are to eat you whole, whole
That's how you are (that's how you are, baby)
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo (that tattoo)
Oh, you make the note never go down (no, no)
Nothing is needed if you are there
(Nothing is needed, baby)
[Verse 3: Rauw Alejandro & Camilo, Both]
It says, hey (na-na-na-na)
It's that I don't want anyone else (uh-uh)
That it's not you in my bed (ah!)
Baby, when you wake up
Pick me up before you go (hey)
Your mouth is only what I eat for breakfast (muac)
I always take advantage of the opportune moment (yoh)
There is none like me
Let me be your number one (yah!)
[Chorus: Camilo & Rauw Alejandro]
You are to eat you whole, whole, that's how you are (uh-uh)
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo
Oh, you make the note never go down
Nothing is needed if you are there
(Nothing is needed, nothing if you are there, baby), yeh
You are to eat you whole, whole
That's how you are (oh, yeah)
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo
Oh, you make the note never go down
Nothing is needed if you are there
(Nothing is needed, baby)
[Outro: Rauw Alejandro & Camilo]
Ra-Rauw Alejandro
This is the remix
For the bad and good girls, hehe
Hey, nothing is needed
Nothing, if you are there, baby


It was a sweet era,
you only talked about love.
Because I was living, you were also living
my precious boy.
All those lovely moments have become memories,
kisses, vows and happiness.
Time flows and loves go
and our hearts forget about everything.
A day comes, a grey-coloured morning
when life doesn't smile at you anymore,
loneliness and memories kept in the heart
are your only company.
It was a sweet era,
brimmed with light and honesty.
You, a golden image
in my little soul.
All those lovely moments have become memories,
kisses, vows and happiness.
Time flows and loves go
and our hearts forget about everything.
A day comes, a grey-coloured morning
when life doesn't smile at you anymore,
loneliness and memories kept in the heart
are your only company.