Rezultatele căutării pagină 3
Număr de rezultate: 143
Liber ca vântul
Lumea de ieri este un vis
Ca un râu ce curge prin mintea mea,
Făcut din câmpuri şi din pârâul cu pietricele albe
Pe care-l ştiam când eram copil.
Aripi de fluturi în soare
M-au învăţat tot ce trebuia să văd,
Pentru că au cântat, au cântat inimii mele
“ Oh, priveşte-mă, priveşte-mă”
“Liber ca vântul, liber ca vântul”
“Acesta este felul în care ar trebui să fii”
Dragostea a fost visul vieţii mele,
Şi i-am dat tot ce ştiu mai bine
Aşa că întotdeauna mă face să lăcrimez
Când mă gândesc la asta acum.
Duse ca zilele fluturelui,
Şi băiatul care odată obişnuiam să fiu.
Dar inima mea continuă să audă o voce
Spunându-mi “ priveşte şi vei vedea”
“Liber ca vântul, liber ca vântul”
“Acesta este felul în care ar trebui să fii”
Nu regret că simt
Gustul dulce-amărui al tuturor acestora,
Dacă iubeşti, există o şansă să poţi zbura,
Dacă cazi, ei bine, cazi.
Mai degrabă viaţa fluturelui
Să fi trăit pentru o zi şi să fii liber.
Pentru că inima mea mai aude acea voce
Spunându-mi “ priveşte şi vei vedea”
“Liber ca vântul, liber ca vântul”
“Acesta este felul în care ar trebui să fii”
“Liber ca vântul, liber ca vântul”
“Acesta este felul în care ar trebui să fii”
Dragostea şi trandafirul
Ziua în care un trandafir
Se dăruieşte soarelui
În iubire,
Se dăruieşte fericirii
Din toată inima sa tânără,
Este precum iubirea
S-a născut pentru noi,
Frumoasă metamorfoză.
Viaţa mea s-a schimbat
În ziua când ochii tăi
S-au trezit
La primul meu sărut,
Fericiţi ca un trandafir din cer.
Noaptea singuratică se încheie,
Doar o briză trecătoare
Plină cu amintiri.
De atunci dragostea noastră,
Înflorind zi de zi,
Vorbea acestul trandafir din cer.
What Can I Say ?
Your lips are like the color of a pomegranate, and your body is like a garden of spring
What can I say, whatever you have or don't have, those tempting eyes of yours
You are my vase flower, you are my shining moon
You are in my veins and my blood, you are my breath and you're my soul
What can I say, whatever you have or don't have, makes me restless for you
Flower of hope are on your lips, delight of happiness is on your eyes
The jingle of happiness bell like coquetry of your laugh
You are my vase flower, you are my shining moon
You are in my veins and my blood, you are my breath and you're my soul
What can I say, whatever you have or don't have, makes me restless for you
The sonnet doesn't have this passion that you have in your talks
Diamonds don't have this light that you have in your eyes
The dawn doesn't have this freshness of on your pretty face
Swear to God, the cypress doesn't have this stature that you have
What can I say, whatever you have or don't have, makes me restless for you
(Four times)
A normal girl
She is a normal girl
who gets up early to go to work
He is a special guy, day after day he doesn't stop traveling
This is how life is, it can change you in a day
It never passed through his head
that he that traveled with her he fell in love
He was that prince charming
that all the girls dreamed for his love
He didn't believe it, he thought it was a lie
Come look at me, come on and touch me,
don't be afraid to be with me
Come closer, don't be shy,
snuggle up if you're cold
Don't ask why, yesterday I didn't call you,
just live in the moment with me
Don't look at who I am, or when I leave,
just treat me like a kid
Remember when he looked at her,
he only thought of giving her conversation
At that moment he noticed,
like a tickle inside him,
that came from his soul, something new in his soul
Little by little time passed
he was realizing that he finally found her
That girl who did not look, his fame and his money, but his interior
She wanted him ... above all
Come look at me, come on and touch me,
don't be afraid to be with me
Come closer, don't be shy,
snuggle up if you're cold
Don't ask why, yesterday I didn't call you,
just live in the moment with me
Don't look at who I am, or when I leave,
just treat me like a kid
Come look at me, come on and touch me,
don't be afraid to be with me
Come closer, don't be shy,
snuggle up if you're cold
Don't ask why, yesterday I didn't call you,
just live in the moment with me
Don't look at who I am, or when I leave,
just treat me like a kid
13 Steps
We are talking again,
in the park in front of your house,
almost like back then,
still familiar
I shouldn't stay,
but I'm coming upstairs,
just because it's getting cold,
I know the way too
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
And I know,
and I know,
and I know,
where this is leading
It is only 13 steps,
13 too much,
from the door to your bed,
I lose myself completely here
It is only 13 steps,
13 too much,
Why can't I get away from here?
I lose myself completely here
I lose myself
I lose myself
(lose myself)
(-se myself)
(-se myself)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I am in thoughts,
but lying with you,
A glass of wine was probably too much again
Question everything,
'Why am I here?'
A look is enough for me,
and it's happening again
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
And I know,
and I know,
and I know,
where this is leading
It is only 13 steps,
13 too much,
from the door to your bed,
I lose myself completely here
It is only 13 steps,
13 too much,
Why can't I get away from here?
I lose myself completely here
I lose myself
I lose myself
(lose myself)
(-se myself)
(-se myself)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
It is only 13 steps
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
It is only 13 steps
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
Fără tine
Sunt atât de singur şi trist
Când sunt fără tine.
Nu ştiu ce voi face ,
Dragă , fără tine.
Bucuria şi lacrimile pe care iubirea le-ndrăgeşte
Nu ar avea nicio însemnătate
Dacă nu te-aş avea pe tine
Să mă faci să visez.
La sfâşitul fiecarei zile,
Când sunt fără tine,
Şi inima mea îngenunchează să se roage,
Mă rog pentru tine.
Iei o stea şi o duci
Departe de cer,
Şi steaua va fi pierdută
Aşa cum sunt eu pierdut fără tine.
Nava uitării
Versions: #1
Tot ce am nevoie este puţin timp
Şi apoi voi avea dreptul să te numesc a mea,
Draga mea, totul va ieşi bine
Doar dacă ştiu că vei aştepta o vreme.
Iartă-mă dacă par puţin nehotărât,
Te iubesc cu adevărat şi nu este nicio cale s-o ascund,
Tu eşti ziua mea de azi, eşti noaptea mea, eşti ziua mea de mâine.
O vom face, deşi legăturile mele au nevoie de ceva timp să se odihnească,
Oh, draga mea, stai liniştită,m-am hotărât
Promit că vei avea totul şi nu mâine.
Iubirea mea , fii răbdătoare
Spune că vei aştepta o vreme,
Până ce braţele mele te pot ţine tot timpul,
Până ce buzele mele pot face inima ta tristă să zâmbească,
Până ce această dragoste este a noastră s-o împărtăşim.
Tot ce am nevoie este puţin timp
Şi apoi voi avea dreptul să te numesc a mea,
Draga mea, totul va ieşi bine
Doar dacă ştiu că vei aştepta o vreme.
Este atâ de greu când ştii că există cineva pe care-l vei răni,
Şi tu nu vrei să fii cel care răneşte,
Din cauza anilor şi a tuturor legăturilor şi a tuturor amintirilor.
Tot ce am nevoie este puţin timp
Şi apoi voi avea dreptul să te numesc a mea,
Draga mea, totul va ieşi bine
Doar dacă ştiu că vei aştepta o vreme.
Aşteaptă puţin, a mai rămas puţin
Pentru a-ţi aduce fericirea mea,
Draga mea, totul va ieşi bine
Doar dacă ştiu că vei aştepta o vreme.
Aşteaptă o vreme,
Aşteaptă o vreme,
Aşteaptă o vreme.
Versions: #1
Late at night, who is still
keeping you awake counting scars
Why keep a light on before going to sleep
If you refuse to answer, I won't ask
But now you have to admit
That sometimes love is a deep void
While disappointment may come from the relationship itself
But don't blame it on being a woman
If the love is deep, can't keep a balance
Stuck in love and torture the soul
Should love then love, should hate then hate
Got to keep some for yourself
A lady's unique naiveness and her natural sweetness
should be left to someone that truly loves you
No matter how tough and treacherous the future is
he will be there accompanying you
Although love is a kind of responsibility
When you give you give unconditionally
Sometimes love is beautiful because it can't be eternal
However much love can ravish, it can hurt that much as well
If you're brave enough to love, then you need to be brave enough to split
It’s easy to have a week, and it’s a weekend
I have more dates on weekends, and I can’t hide.
My friend came to me, my classmates came to me.
They come to me, don’t go, just wait for you to ask me.
I am waiting for you to come to me, waiting for you to come to me.
I am the happiest when I spend the weekend with you.
The most lonely this weekend, the most lonely weekend
Why didn't you come, didn't come to me?
My friend came to me, my classmates came to me.
They come to me, don’t go, just wait for you to ask me.
I am waiting for you to come to me,
Waiting for you to come to me.
I am the happiest when I spend the weekend with you.
My friend came to me, my classmates came to me.
They come to me, don’t go, just wait for you to ask me.
I am waiting for you to come to me,
Waiting for you to come to me.
I spend the weekend with you. I am the happiest.
I am the happiest, I am the happiest.
I am the happiest
Slave of love
Slave of love
How beautiful is this title
Heard it
Slave of love
I am crazy.
Slave of love
How sweet is this title
I am too happy to be too happy
In order to love me,
I am willing to be your slave.
What do you do with it?
I want to cry, I want to laugh.
As long as everything is for you
I am willing to do anything.
I am willing to do anything.
Just let me love you
Slave of love
How mysterious this title is
We are friends
I'm in that alley
See you waiting
Don't know who you are waiting for
Could you wait for a friend
I walk by your side
Beckon me
I know to you
Beckon you
I'm in that alley
See you waiting
I knew you were waiting for me
Want to be friends with me
You are at that alley
See me waiting
You know i wait for you
How gentle you laugh
You walk by my side
Beckon me
I walked with a smile
Nod to you
Cute alley
I wait with you often
You wait for me i wait for you
Have become good friends
Alone to Have Fun
Don't give a fuck who nurses a grievance
I'm used to my fucking business
Just go if you want
I don't need your company in my private space
I'm rebellious from the inside (Leave me alone)
I wanna drive away all shit on me (Leave me alone)
I kill my upsetness with unrestrainedness (Leave me alone)
Ecstacy is my most faithful friend
Alone to have fun, I don't need your supervision
Say goodbye to you, I gonna find a partner
Alone to have fun, I'm not adapted to this
Say goodbye to you, but I daren't do that
Altai Sayan Tandy-Uula
From ever-snowclad mountains
Flows my Ene-Sai river
From heavenly times
My ancestors were blessing you
I am praising these places...
No One Like Me
Versions: #1
So many lies that love hides
I don't know
So many secrets without being resolved
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
With the desire to see you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
Without being able to have you
She left without leaving any reasons
Choices without any thinking, she made
Even though she greatly destroyed (greatly destroyed)
And the days turned dark and into depression
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
I was in a place where the loneliness (affected me)
Trying to heal this pain
And I never knew how to walk (with effort)
of being able to be who I always wanted to be
Even though I am without you
And I tried, I tried, tried, tried
To get into your heart
Your skin, I penetrated, making you my woman
But it didn't work
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
With the desire to see you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
Without being able to have you
She left without leaving any reasons
Choices without any thinking, she made
Even though she greatly destroyed (greatly destroyed)
And the days turned dark and into depression
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
Well, good luck girl
Well, good luck girl
Let’s be together
Hey beautiful girl, how are you
I’m focused on you
Will not let you go easily
Do you want be a friends?
Is your heart still empty?
Am I late, how I know?
Do you want be a friends?
Is your heart still empty?
Am I late, how I know?
Be careful, sir
I’ve seen a lot of people like you
Take your time
Our heart is the key to the mystery
It is expensive for you to open it
At your discretion
How do you open?
Our heart is the key to the mystery.
It is expensive for you to open it,
At your discretion,
How do you open?
I can open it easily, I need a way
That's the way a lover should be
One dream must be fulfilled, like a sun
Both hearts must be at the same time
Without looking at anyone else
Do not torture yourself in vain
Let’s be inseparable, let’s be together
Without looking at anyone else
Do not torture yourself in vain
Let’s be inseparable, let’s be together
The sun that landed on your eyebrows
A smile on your face
Thank you, God
Our feelings are a sweet fairy tale
Pampering is my passion
Let’s continue to be happy
Be patient with me
I will always be happy
Pamper me like this
You will be my man
I will be with you
I dedicate my song, I don’t want to go
Everything deserves our happiness
Let’s get rid of our loneliness
Let’s miss every morning
Let’s find each other by our side
Without looking at anyone else
Do not torture yourself in vain
Let’s be inseparable, let’s be together
Without looking at anyone else
Do not torture yourself in vain
Let’s be inseparable, let’s be together
They say that I am a clown
that I am dying for you
and you don't even pay me any attention,
they say I am a clown
because all of my fantasy
is to have you in my arms,
they say I am a clown
because of your love
I go from failure to failure,
they say I am a clown
that is looking for value
at the bottom of the stairs
and in reality I am a clown
but what can I do
if one does not want it
then it cannot be
They say that I am a clown
that I am dying for you
and you don't even pay me any attention,
they say that I am a clown
that follows you around
with a shattered soul
They say that I am a clown
that love laughs at me
you go wasting your time
they say that I am a clown
that I have no courage
to get tangled up in someone else's arms
and in reality I am a clown
but what can I do
if one does not want it
then it cannot be
it's true I am a clown
but what can I do
if one does not want it
then it cannot be
it's true I am a clown
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
in your life's failures this is the one that made you laugh the most,
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
it was a fake mask and crying i laughed,
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
I was a clown in your shadow and I never quit
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
Look at the new jester that works for you
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
lower the curtain in your life that someone else tried to raise
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
my mask my mask my clown mask I broke in a thousand pieces
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
and my performance in your life I did not want to follow anymore
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
but in the end the curtain fell and I left running
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
they said I was your clown but that came to an end.
Ring, Little Bell, Ring
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
Let me in, all you children,
The winter is so cold,
Open these doors for me,
Don't let me freeze!
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
Listen girls and boys,
Open your room for me,
I will bring you lots of gifts,
You might be happy with!
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring!
The candles glow brightly,
Open your hearts to me.
I wish to dwell happily within them,
This Holy Child, so blessed!
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
I trust you
I trust you.
I believe in you.
And that’s enough
I mean, what more could
you want from me?
I dream of you.
I have passion for you.
And that’s enough.
I mean, what more could
you want from me?
I swear. I’ll die for you.
Believe it if you can.And what’s enough. What more could you want from me if I died for you? Could there really be something more? I don’t have any thing more than that. Could there really be something more? I don’t have anything more than that. I mean every sentence is ending with you. I trust you and that’s enough. I love you like no one ever loved or will ever love. I love you like no one ever loved or will ever love. And you think it’s no big deal. Nothing significant about it. I try but I can’t understand what got me so hung up on you. I write poetry for you. I write prose for you.
And what’s enough. I mean, what more could I write for you? Could there really be something more? I don’t have anything more than that. I mean every sentence is ending with you. You talk to me like a little child and you ignore me a lot. You talk to me like a little child and you ignore me a lot. If one morning would think to call me. Tell me what is getting me so hung up on you!
I trust you.
I believe in you.
And that’s enough
I mean, what more could
you want from me?
I dream of you.
I have passion for you.
And that’s enough.
I mean, what more could
you want from me?
I swear. I’ll die for you.
Believe it if you can.And what’s enough. What more could you want from me if I died for you? Could there really be something more? I don’t have any thing more than that. Could there really be something more? I don’t have anything more than that.
I mean every sentences, talks and say are for you!
Scumpo, te iubesc
Ți-am spus vreodată
Cât de mine mă simt cât te-mbrățișez?
Nu e ușor de explicat.
Și deși pur și simplu mă străduiesc,
Cred aș putea să încep să bocesc.
Inima mea nu mai poate aștepta încă o zi.
Când mă atingi, trebuie neapărat să spun:
Scumpo, te iubesc!
Scumpo, te iubesc!
Scumpo, te iubesc!
Vino, scumpo, na na na na...
(Na na na na...)
Nu pot trăi fără tine,
Ador tot ce însemni tu.
Nu mă pot abține, dacă simt astfel!
Și mă bucur nespus că te-am găsit,
Vreau să te cuprind cu brațele.
Vreau să te aud strigându-mi numele.
Spune-mi, scumpo, că simți la fel!
Scumpo, te iubesc!
Scumpo, te iubesc!
Scumpo, te iubesc!
Vino, scumpo, na na na na...
(Na na na na...)
Vino, scumpo, na na na na...
(Na na na na...)
Inima mea nu mai poate aștepta încă o zi.
Când mă atingi, trebuie neapărat să spun:
Scumpo, te iubesc!
Scumpo, te iubesc!
Scumpo, te iubesc!
Vino, scumpo, na na na na...
(Na na na na...)
Bomboană Amară
Bo-bomboană amară
(Bo-bomboană amară)
Sunt dulce-amăruie, atât de dulce, că mă supăr puțin, da
Dulce-amăruie, da, da, da, da, da
Sunt foarte nebună, te înnebunesc când sting luminile
Dulce-amăruie, da, da, da, da
Roagă-mă să fiu drăguță și apoi o voi face foarte prost
Probabil vei fi surprins când expresia mi se va schimba
Singura persoană care mă face să sufăr ești tu, ești tu
Dacă vrei să mă ''repari'', s-o terminăm aici și acum
Deja pui o linie între noi, comportându-te ca și cum nu ar exista o linie între noi
Pentru că odată ce mă vei auzi vei țipa
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Sunt dur pe exterior
Dar dacă îmi dai timp
Așa îmi pot face timp pentru dragostea ta
Sunt dur pe exterior
Dar dacă priveşti înăuntru, înăuntru, înăuntru
Aș putea fi încurcat, dar știu ce este dragostea
Vrei un gust real, cel puțin eu nu sunt fals
Vino, vino să mă desfaci
Îți voi arăta cine sunt
Închide ochii, nu te uita
Acum mă dezbrac
Desfă această bomboană acră
Vino, vino să mă desfaci
Hai, bomboană acră
Sunt dur pe exterior
Dar dacă îmi dai timp
Așa îmi pot face timp pentru dragostea ta
Sunt dur pe exterior
Dar dacă priveşti înăuntru, înăuntru, înăuntru
Sunt dulce-amăruie, atât de dulce, că mă supăr puțin, da
Dulce-amăruie, da, da, da, da, da
Sunt foarte nebună, te înnebunesc când sting luminile
Dulce-amăruie, da, da, da, da
Ia o gură, ia o gură
Bomboană amară
Ia o gură, ia o gură
Bomboană amară
Ia o gură, ia o gură
Bomboană amară
Ia o gură, ia o gură
Bomboană amară
I Got Love
Versions: #1
Wrapped me, wrapped me.
You are like my type of marijuana.
The sky in diamonds - summer was flying.
You are my Baby - daughter of the carnival.
Moving baby! Princess score!
Night of changes - thoughts of Rastaman.
Until I was tired, the music played.
Somebody smoked - somebody stepped in!
It's a fool, fool Marra she manna.
I thought I was flying to warm edges.
Summer, sea, sand, but you are not enough for me.
Dancing on the floor - hands in the ceiling of the hall.
I will not return from where I fell again.
I miraculously woke away and took my sadness with it.
This is our life and it is always not enough.
I dance to the floor - hands to the ceiling of the hall.
Move everybody shake and let's go.
Move everybody my favorite show.
My head was shaking mercy giving me mannama.
Blavlav plan in navar's nalam.
Give us a shaft-shaped butterfly!
When will this day you squat!
About me, for love, for mother, for brother,
or else fate will bend the attack - attack!
A-TA-MAN... I am like A-TA-MAN...
It's hot, tango - I'm a miserable man, ruled by badmann.
Dance! So primitive!
Dance! So impulsive!
Dance! Daughter of the carnival.
There were not many of you on the dance floor.
I got love а feel.
I got you my mind.
I got love my skill.
My la-la-la-love
We will curtain the windows, we will again be a princess and a despot.
We will not take your passion with our laurels, we will curalesim.
We will go free for years to come together.
There is nothing to fly around in a moment.
Then the rain drums - longing and sadness.
But you shine the light of goodness to freedom.
Hips moved in the dance.
You are my rumba, you are my samba.
You are my salsa, you are my tango.
Smoke is poured, Valumena speak.
In this embrace, fly with me.
Fly with me, fly with me.
Fly with me, fly with me.
Smoke is poured, Valumena speak.
In this embrace, fly with me.
I got love а feel.
I got you my mind.
I got love my skill.
My la-la-la-love.
This is just a game can be probably.
Even your nudity.
Whoa, baby, I do not believe, fall into my hands, my beauty.
You and I Bezgi and so need,
Touched my soul your cute lambada.
To spin my ass, I'm shot down, no pity saba.
I burn with you like a schmaltz in pubs - give the heat.
I'm ready to make you all a loce,
Who knows how to make some noise (make some noise)
Heat until morning in the fog crowd.
But I only look at you, do you believe Ma?
And when the club starts to peck in the morning.
I will steal you as if Ozor Ros.
I'll smile in silence and say simply:
Come to me, Sun, unwind your braids.
Unwind the braids, unwind the braids.
Come to me, Sun, unspread the braids.
Spread the braids.
I got love а feel.
I got you my mind.
I got love my skill.
My la-la-la-love.
Wake up with someone who doesn't even know the name
I'm really tired of this everyday Wow yeah
Ah The figure that turns bright
Hey, it looks like a swallowtail butterfly
When you look at you who play in mischief
Desire pushes back
Baby Baby now, play with me
I don’t wanna waste my time
I want you baby
In the morning the world of the two becomes an illusion
Lady lady lady lady lady ×4
Sweet Candy
There is only one thing you want each other, right?
Even if I turn it into a tea
Ah, it’s a normal love
If you can't meet anymore
Take away both embarrassment and shyness
Into the fluttering chest
Baby Come and see me Baby unlock the key
I don’t wanna waste my time
I want you baby
Let your night be monopolized
Fun is coming
Lady lady lady lady lady ×4
Sweet Candy
'Hello, how are you?
I really enjoyed this time
Thank you very much!
I wanted to hear your voice today
I tried to call
It would be nice if we could meet again alone
Please feel free to contact me if you like
I'm waiting ♡''
Adio, scumpă Candy
Adio, scumpă Candy! În Orly
Se sfârșesc vacanțele la Paris.
Adio, scumpă Candy! O voce te cheamă,
S-a făcut, deja, ora să pleci.
În acest avion,
Care te duce în Anglia.
Adio, scumpă Candy! Tu o să-mi scrii,
Spui tu, dar mereu zici așa.
Adio, scumpă Candy! Am să regret
Surâsul tău și greșelile tale de franceză.
Dar acest avion
Te duce înapoi în Anglia.
Adio, scumpă Candy! Adio, scumpă Candy!
Voi deveni un suvenir, o poză de vacanță.
Adio, scumpă Candy! Cel care te iubește
Acolo, are mare noroc.
Adio Candy!
Asta este libertate
Zâmbesc și eu
Pentru că asta este libertate
Împreună vom găsi adevărul
Știi că este libertate
Și acel lucru
Se simte atât de bine
Eh.. Asta este libertate
Poți să o simți?
Energia din noi toți
Floarea universului
Nu te voi elibera niciodată
O să fii mereu o parte din mine... x2
Asta este libertate
Zâmbesc și eu
Pentru că asta este libertate
Împreună vom găsi adevărul
Știi că este libertate
Și acel lucru
Se simte atât de bine
Eh.. Asta este libertate
Poți să o simți?
Energia din noi toți
Floarea universului
Nu te voi elibera niciodată
O să fii mereu o parte din mine... x2
I’m a Popping Candy
I'm a candy! (what candy?)
I'm a candy! (what candy?)
I'm a vigorous, energetic and colorful
popping candy!
(A candy) A candy, a candy, a candy, a candy,
a candy, a candy, a candy,
a popping candy!
(A candy) A candy, a candy, a candy, a candy,
a candy, a candy, a candy,
dream of a popping candy!
A bouncing, bouncing, bouncing,
bouncing candy!
A bouncing, bouncing, bouncing
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng baleng baleng bengbeng (~jump, jump~)
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng baleng baleng bengbeng (~jump, jump~)
Get bitten by my cuteness the soul will experience weightlessness
Who baleng balengba baleng baleng has softened your bones with sweetness.
Maliang dipped his brush into the rainbow and drew a picture of me
Run to give you a hug just like the unstoppable wind.
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng hello!
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng hello!
I'm a candy! (what candy?)
I'm a candy! (what candy?)
I'm a vigorous, energetic and colorful
popping candy!
(A candy) A candy, a candy, a candy, a candy,
a candy, a candy, a candy,
a popping candy!
(A candy) A candy, a candy, a candy, a candy,
a candy, a candy, a candy,
dream of a popping candy!
A bouncing, bouncing, bouncing,
bouncing candy!
A bouncing, bouncing, bouncing
Beng baleng beng baleng beng baleng baleng bengbeng
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng baleng baleng bengbeng
Get bitten by your tenderness my soul gets out of control
Who baleng balengba baleng baleng has poured some honey on my face.
Maliang dipped his brush into the rainbow and drew a picture of me
twining around a tree like a strong grape.
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng hello!
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng hello!
I'm a a a a a ...
I'm a candy!
Popping candy!
I'm a candy! (what candy?)
I'm a candy! (what candy?)
I'm a vigorous, energetic and colorful
popping candy!
Strofa 1:
Pot să-ți zic câteva direcții în care ar putea merge lucrurile
Poate vei uita că exact pentru chestia asta te drogai
Și s-ar putea să-i facă ceva lui, adică tipului care
El e cel suficient de dulce, care ar împușca să ajungă la nota aia înaltă
Și e ceva așa tipic, dorindu-ți un milionar
Trecând prin niște lucruri dificile, n-ai nevoie de sânge pe mâini, nu
E la fel ca o bomboană, e așa dulce
Dar știi că nu-i o cireașă adevărată, știi că nu-i o cireașă adevărată
E la fel ca o bomboană, e așa dulce
Dar știi că nu e reală, știi că nu e reală
E la fel ca o bomboană, e așa dulce
Dar știi că nu-i o cireașă adevărată, știi că nu-i o cireașă adevărată
E la fel ca o bomboană, e așa dulce
Dar știi că nu e reală, știi că nu e reală
Strofa 2:
Pot să fiu zahărul tău atunci când cauți acel loc dulce
Pune-mă la tine pe limbă, iubitule, și mănâncă până-ți cariezi dinții
Pot să fiu cireașa, mărul, aluna sau lămâia ta
Iubitule, am totul și mult mai mult decât are ea
Și e ceva așa tipic, dorindu-ți un milionar
Trecând prin niște lucruri dificile, n-ai nevoie de sânge pe mâini, nu
E la fel ca o bomboană, e așa dulce
Dar știi că nu-i o cireașă adevărată, știi că nu-i o cireașă adevărată
E la fel ca o bomboană, e așa dulce
Dar știi că nu e reală, știi că nu e reală
E la fel ca o bomboană, e așa dulce
Dar știi că nu-i o cireașă adevărată, știi că nu-i o cireașă adevărată
E la fel ca o bomboană, e așa dulce
Dar știi că nu e reală, știi că nu e reală
Acoperite de zahăr, minciuni descoperite, tot lingi ambalajul
Dă dependență, ești conștient, dar tot lingi ambalajaul
Acoperite de zahăr, minciuni descoperite, tot lingi ambalajul
Dă dependență, ești conștient, dar tot lingi ambalajaul
E la fel ca o bomboană, e așa dulce
Dar știi că nu-i o cireașă adevărată, știi că nu-i o cireașă adevărată
E la fel ca o bomboană, e așa dulce
Dar știi că nu e reală, știi că nu e reală
E la fel ca o bomboană, e așa dulce
Dar știi că nu-i o cireașă adevărată, știi că nu-i o cireașă adevărată
E la fel ca o bomboană, e așa dulce
Dar știi că nu e reală, știi că nu e reală
No Te Veo
Versions: #1
Oe Oe
Oe Oe
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You came to the club on your own
you drive the dancefloor out of control
there’s no other girl who can move like you do
my heart is breaking
You came to the club on your own
you drive the dancefloor out of control
there’s no other girl who can move like you do
my heart is breaking
a few drinks got us drunk, we were lost, we forgot
and we never found to each other again
a few drinks got us drunk, we were lost, we forgot
and we never found to each other again
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
baby girl
quiero tenerte a solas
y navegarte toda
baby girl
you look so fine my loba
I want to have you to myself
and explore you all
let it go
vamo' a bailarlo slow ma'
que esta noche es de nosotros dos
here we go
let yourself go with the flow
let’s dance slowly babe
because tonight belongs to the two of us
a few drinks got us drunk, we were lost, we forgot
and we never found to each other again
a few drinks got us drunk, we were lost, we forgot
and we never found to each other again
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
Sweet candy
The south wind goes through the summer town
This summer I didn't do anything
I walk by the town in the afternoon, with a faster pace than usual
The neck of my gingham shirt is refreshing in the wind
Listening the sound of the roadside trees swinging in the wind
Suddenly I look to the sky and there's a white crescent moon
I remember the sky we saw together that day
I'm still not used to the town where I walk alone
The south wind goes through the summer town
I hope this summer ends
Frolic children in front of a theater
Wave their hands while they look at me
In the twilight dying the honey colored sky
I hope I don't see that white moon
I walked by many towns wanting to forget
I want to go immediately to see the blue sea somewhere
The south wind goes through the summer town
This summer I didn't do anything
The blue sky feels so good on a summer day
Tomorrow will have something good. I want to believe in the wind
I remember the sky we saw together that day
I'm still not used to the town where I walk alone
The south wind goes through the summer town
I hope this summer ends
The blue sky feels so good on a summer day
Tomorrow will have something good. I felt like it
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Emotionally restricted
Raindrops float down onto the street,with The roof of my car half open,
The water drenches my heart.
Speeding along by myself and recalling past times,I can’t seem to drive away my worries.
In the past I never cherished
Your hidden infatuation,
Often causing you to shed tears alone,
And made the path to love extremely rugged.
Now you have gone with him,
Your heart has already been stolen.
I,now lonely,can only sigh and sob.
I’m riding the express bus,chasing after you in the rain,
Wishing to stop the bus just to meet with you.
But I know, your heart,
It's the forbidden zone of feelings.
Streetlights shine upon the front of the car,
And windows that are covered with raindrops.
Just like my melancholic heart,
Full of bitter tears.
Inside the train carriage my mind,
Seems even more empty.
For several nights I haven’t been able to sleep,
feelings of bitter remorse fill my heart as if I am guilty of a crime.
Your past self has disappeared,
My heart feels like cold water,
Now I can only sigh and sob.
I wish you could know of my emptiness,
If only I could meet with you once again,
But I know, your heart,
It's the forbidden zone of feelings.
Now you have gone with him,
Your heart has already been stolen.
I,now lonely,can only sigh and sob.
I’m riding the express bus,chasing after you in the rain,
Wishing to stop the bus just to meet with you.
But I know, your heart,
It's the forbidden zone of feelings.
I wish you could know of my emptiness,
If only I could meet with you once again,
But I know, your heart,
It's the forbidden zone of feelings.
I’m riding the express bus,chasing after you in the rain,
Wishing to stop the bus just to meet with you.
But I know, your heart,
It's the forbidden zone of feelings.
I wish you could know of my emptiness,
If only I could meet with you once again,
But I know, your heart,
It's the forbidden zone of feelings.
Candy Cane
Your twinkling eyes resemble this street today
My heart is excited like a first kiss oh oh
Strangely, I couldn’t wait this year
And this year, the greatest Christmas present
I received was you
Sweeter than a candy cane
When you touch my lips
Hotter than a summer day
When you hold me
Feels like I could melt
The deeper the night grows, just like the building snow
The deeper our hearts get, we get even sweeter
Sweeter than a candy cane
Your voice next to me is like a carol
Sing it for me every day, alright alright
All the stars in the sky fall here
Dazzling decorations, we’re shining even brighter
Sweeter than a candy cane
When you touch my lips
Hotter than a summer day
When you hold me
Feels like I could melt
The deeper the night grows, just like the building snow
The deeper our hearts get, we get even sweeter
Sweeter than a candy cane
(Woo) Your love is brighter
Than a Christmas day
(Woo) Your love is brighter
And warmer and sweeter
What other words are needed?
Instead of saying you love me, just kiss me
Instead of presents, just stay by my side
Deeper than a winter night
If we never forget this moment
Every day will be like this one
Sweeter than anything
Sweeter than a candy cane
When you touch my lips
Hotter than a summer day
When you hold me
Feels like I could melt
The deeper the night grows, just like the building snow
The deeper our hearts get, we get even sweeter
Sweeter than a candy cane
Sweeter than a candy cane
Hotter than a summer day
Sweeter than a candy cane
Sweeter than a candy cane
They shouldn't lie to you
They should'nt tell you that I have nothing
Maybe that I cannot do without you
They shouldn't lie to you that they will give you whatever you desire
Where will they find your happiness?
Because bad people aren't from far
Your neighbor would like you to starve
They wouldn't like to see your love flag wave
They wouldn't care for you when stress, make you lose your appetite
They will throw you away
You said you want a car
And I have agreed to toil
Let's eat ugali and seeds, tomorrow will be okay
Love bear with me
If you leave me it'll be dangerous
and you will give me an accident suicide
I haven't we come thus far
I am used to you and my heart cant go on (heart, heart)
You are controlling my heart (heart, heart)
Close your eyes and ears, close (heart, heart)
Don't hear them, don't see them (my heart)
Is stack up with you, my heart (heart, heart)
Auuu, uuh (heart, heart)
Don't see them either!
Mistakes are tests don't hurt my heart giving it bruises
Pain punishes me just because love happiness is taken
In a mistake punish me for I am human, one day I will be wrong
I won't try leaving you, where will I go while I am dead over you
But don't be like a cane, so you be like chisel
That you fail to understand my pains
You said you want a car
And I have agreed to toil
Let's eat ugali and seeds, tomorrow will be okay
Love bear with me
If you leave me it'll be dangerous
and you will give me an accident suicide
I haven't we come thus far
I am used to you and my heart cant go on (heart, heart)
You are controlling my heart (heart, heart)
Close your eyes and ears, close (heart, heart)
Don't hear them, don't see them (my heart)
Is stack up with you, my heart (heart, heart)
Auuu, uuh (heart, heart)
Don't see them either!
My heart...
My heart!
Haaah, ah my heart...
(Heart, heart) my own heart
(Heart, heart) close your eyes, yeah yeah
(Heart, heart) oh baby, eeh eeh
(Heart, heart) close your eyes...
Ah, close your eyes...
Heeeei, close your eyes
The African princess!
Nava uitarii
Tot ceea ce-mi trebui e inca putin timp
Si voi avea dreptul sa te consider a mea
Draga mea, totul va fi bine
Numai daca stiu ca vei astepta un pic
Iarta-ma daca par sa fiu nehotarit
Te iubesc intr-adevar si nu-i cum s-o ascund
Esti prezentul meu, esti seara mea de azi, esti miinea mea
Vom trece, chiar sa dureze pregatirile un pic
Oh draga mea, fii convinsa ca m-am hotarit
Iti promit ca vei avea tot si nu miine
Draga mea, ai nerabdare
Zi ca vei asepta
Pina te vor putea cuprinde bratile mele
Pina buzele mele vor putea s-o faca pe inima ta sa zimbeasca
Pina iubirea asta va fi a noastra s-o impartim
Numai un pic imi trebuie
Si voi avea dreptul sa te consider a mea
Draga mea, totul va va fi bine
Numai daca stiu ca vei astepta un pic
E dureros sa stii c-o vei rani pe cineva
Si in acelasi timp nu vrei sa fii acel care raneste
Din cauza tutoror anilor si a tutoror bunatatile si a tutoror amintirilor
Numai un pic imi trebuie
Si voi avea dreptul sa te consider a mea
Draga mea, totul va va fi bine
Numai daca stiu ca vei astepta un pic
Asteapta un pic un pic in plus
Ca s-o iei pe fericirea cu tine
Draga mea, totul va fi bine
Numai daca stiu ca vei astepta un pic
Astepta un pic
Astepta un pic
Astepta un pic...