Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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We're singing beautiful music

When we are on vacation we go to the south where the sun shines all day.
It is wonderful to lay on the beach, when we get back to the house it rains
And we drink red wine in the tavern
In the night the old song rings out from the emotions of desire and the dream of happiness
And all hearts sing along
We're singing beautiful music. when the mandolin plays and I lay in your arms the world is so beautiful
We are singing beautiful music, I can feel the desire
And when I shut my eyes I can see love
Every day the sun hangs red in the sky and the fishing boats go out in the bars and restaurants in the harbor everyone was laughing and seemed happy
And a man with a thousand wrinkles around his eyes sand a song that is as old as the world itself about the love of a lifetime and a homeland on the sea and everyone stands up
raise your glasses of red wine the song of summer nights invites us to sing on

Like a Waltz

Do you remember the time
When I was a child drunk with youth
Where I laughed and laughed
For a yes or a no , without any reason?
Every day that went by
It was always the same song
I laughed, you laughed, I cried, you cried
To our games, were mixed the freshness of our years
And love gave us all its secrets
The song that lulled our passions
Was most often an air of waltz
The song that lulled our passions
Did it tenderly, like a waltz
Together we laugh
Together we cry
But our love
Way stronger every day
Will fill our happiness
The years have passed
The memories have remained
I often happen to hum
The song that lulled our passions
Was most often a waltz tune
The song that lulled our passions
Will remain for both of us this air of waltz

If You Say Love, Then Love

I don't know, I don't want to pretend I don't know what's gotten into me?
I don't know, I don't want to have no comment what's gotten into me?
I don't know, I just want to love and grab your and run forward
I'm tired of seeing these tricks, I long to create attitude
When it's your turn to show off, don't be like a tame tiger
Try all your life, all your love
Let the whole world worship love, love, love
If you say love, then love, speak plainly
High-profile actions, we cheer for love
Let's celebrate now prepare your love for me
Yell out your love
If you say love, then love, dance together:
don't be stingy with your smile
Shout, shout, shout, shout
unrestrained and spreading burning
If you say love, then love, dance together:
no matter today's appearance
Shout, shout, shout, shout
love until you're crazy
I don't know, I don't want to pretend I don't know what's gotten into me?
I don't know, I don't want to have no comment what's gotten into me?
I don't know, I just want to love and grab your and run forward
You can keep the look in your eyes low-key, don't worry about falling into the trap
The concentration of rumors can't numb my every heartbeat
Try all your life, all your love
Let the whole world worship love, love, love
If you say love, then love, speak plainly
High-profile actions, we cheer for love
Let's celebrate now prepare your love for me
Yell out your love
If you say love, then love, dance together:
Don't be stingy with your smile
Shout, shout, shout, shout
Keep burning unrestrainedly
If you say love, then love, dance together:
No matter today's appearance
Shout, shout, shout, shout
Love until you're crazy
If you say love, then love, dance together:
Don't be stingy with your smile
Shout, shout, shout, shout
Keep burning unrestrainedly
If you say love, then love, dance together:
No matter today's appearance
Shout, shout, shout, shout
Love until you're crazy
Girl oh girl
You don't need to be afraid of being embarrassed, grab and swing my hand
Oh girl oh girl
Oh girl woo
I'm used to it: who is leaking info again?
The stories are taller than waves and fancier than flowers
Our love has long been higher than the sky
If you say love, then love, dance together:
Don't be stingy with your smile
Shout, shout, shout, shout
Keep burning unrestrainedly
If you say love, then love, dance together:
No matter today's appearance
Shout, shout, shout, shout
Love until you're crazy
If you say love, then love, dance together:
Don't be stingy with your smile
Shout, shout, shout, shout
Keep burning unrestrainedly
If you say love, then love, dance together:
No matter today's appearance
Shout, shout, shout, shout
Love until you're crazy

Little Wedding

Marry me, marry me, marry me, girl
Marry me, marry me, marry me, girl
Marry me, marry me, marry me, girl
I love you
The air feels like soaked honey
With beautiful tunes by the ears
The sunlight’s kissing the ground
The open field is enjoying the sunlight
The ladies and gentlemen come by
It’s our beautiful little wedding today
The beautiful wedding dress is on you, and you approach me slowly
Looking at your smiles, my tears
Suddenly begin to burst
So marry me, marry me, marry me girl
Finally I’ve loved you to the point of being willing
Just marry me, marry me, marry me girl
I love you
From now on I’ll hold your hand
From now on we’ll go all over this world
From now on you’re by my side
I no longer have to be alone
Thanks for this little wedding today
Little wedding
Little wedding
Marry me
Holding your hands that are the warmest
Listening to the most moving promise
I thought of the times where I once said that I wanted to marry you
How long has it been
A dream that was imagined yesterday
Has become our little wedding today
The beautiful wedding dress is on you, and you approach me slowly
Looking at your smiles, my tears
Suddenly begin to burst
So marry me, marry me, marry me girl
Finally I’ve loved you to the point of being willing
Just marry me, marry me, marry me girl
I love you
From now on my dreams are your dreams
From now on, every pain is shared
From now on I will love you well
These are the reasons for my happiness in living
I feel like watching the television with you until we fall asleep
I wanna watch the evening sun by your side until we’re old
The future’s coming, we’re about to hug each other
So marry me, marry me, marry me girl
Finally I’ve loved you to the point of being willing
Just marry me, marry me, marry me girl
I love you
Will you marry me?
So marry me, marry me, marry me girl
Finally I’ve loved you to the point of being willing
Just marry me, marry me, marry me girl
I love you
From now on I’ll hold your hand
From now on we’ll go all over this world
From now on you’re by my side
I no longer have to be alone
Marry me, marry me, marry me, girl
Marry me, marry me, marry me, girl
Marry me, marry me, marry me, girl
I love you

Little Big Love

Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Heavenly, brilliant, fatal, insane, unstable, daring
Childish, delighted, identical, normal, unique, forbid and infernal
Büyük, sonsuz, magnificent
Are they all just words
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Accident, destiny, coincidence, never again perhaps and a serious event
Means of all, one a, goes like this, simply the best
And so well
Love, amor, l'amour
Are they all just words
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
That with us was not an affair
Nor was it love
It wasn't a 'thing' with us
It was very specifically 'you and me'
Just for that I love you
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh


Yes, on my 17th birthday
My brother said to me
Follow me out on the winding roads
Follow me out and do your thing
Oh, I played for my sister and brother
And I sang my do-di-li-do:s
When people dance in golden shoes
It's my life, it's a hullabaloo
Oh oh ha ha hullabaloo
Oh la la la lullabaloo
Come and come and sing with me
Ha ha hullaballoo
Yes, many want to study
And make their own career
Others they train horses
Shovel shit and make fortunes
But I got to play for my sister and brother
And I got to sing my do-di-li-do:s
When people dance in golden shoes
It's my life, it's a hullabaloo
Oh oh ha ha hullabaloo
Oh la la la lullabaloo
Come and come and sing with me
Ha ha hullaballoo
Everything is possible
Everything here in our world
Yes, you can even fly!
Go ahead and give your wings a try
But I want to play for my sister and brother
And I want to sing my do-di-li-do:s
When people dance in golden shoes
It's my life, it's a hullabaloo
I just want to play for my sister and brother
And I got to sing my do-di-li-do:s
When people dance in golden shoes
It's my life, it's a hullabaloo
It's my life, it's a hullabaloo
Oh oh ha ha hullabaloo
Oh la la la la lullaballoo
Come and come and sing with me
Ha ha hullaballoo

Tell me a lie

Tell me what the rain says
and breaks the silence
at the end of the thought tunnel.
Tell me which star looks
from afar
if you turn away.
Tell me that wind's blowing
it crowds sail
on the skin.
Tell me where the soul goes
the end will come
tell me a lie.
Tell me if the land
that was once fed with blood
will ever flourish.
Tell me if the fire is jealous of
two warm eyes
with a lovely gaze.
Tell me if half of the two
that were once one
is still alive.
Tell me if you know why
I need you to tell me why
even if it's a lie.

Be Grateful to our Parents

During the long night feeling emptiness I reminisce about the past
When the moon is clear I think about my mother
Parent's love
Soft and kind like the moon
How can't you be sad when you miss them
During the long night feeling emptiness I sob on my cold pillow
The path is long, The blue ocean represents my heart
Parent's love
Soft and kind like the moon
I always ask how can I repay my parents
We should repay kindness to our parents
We should fulfill our filial duties
However I have left
and can't be with them
Softly playing a melody and sending it in my dreams
During the long night feeling emptiness I sob on my cold pillow
The path is long, The blue ocean represents my heart
Parent's love
Soft and kind like the moon
I always ask how can I repay my parents

Fucking 80's

Left on the airport
Grew up backstage but
Picks up at daycare
Nobody can flee, lives like everyone else
Somebody's messed with me
Remain on the pew
Forgotten trends, oh when
The sea beats against Gothenburg
Ya' cool but old
So ya cool but old
I'm young but got no clue
But you can keep on living
In your fucking 80's
Falls asleep, too busy eh
See ya after the weekend
More cash and parts
Gladly inside the customs
A game to come with
Too late in life, it's
Forgotten friends and when
The wind overthrows Gothenburg
Ya' cool but old
So ya' cool but old
I'm young but got no clue
But you can keep on living
In your fucking 80's
Please do take the cash with ya
Before you slam my door
Who cares 'bout what remains
I may be young n' quiet
But when I speak I mean what I say
Well how sensational
Without ever putting down ya foot
You see heads leaned against the pews
N' every Sunday in clothes someone else wants
You can fuck around in Vasa
Much as you want

Scapă-mă din Iad

(Odihnă eternă, oferă-le, Doamne)
Fă imposibilul, vezi invizibilul
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Atinge neatinsul, sparge inspargibilul
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Vlagă pentru oameni, vlagă pentru vise
Bucăți pierdute împrăștiate peste tot
Noi suntem cei mai uimitori soldați subterani
Vezi cum pe toți noi doborâm
Săpăm spre nucleu pentru lumină
S-o tulim drago, asta e un stil de trai
Ascultă atent, căci eu sunt pe loc
Fă imposibilul, crezi că tu nu poți?
Multe lucruri tot se schimb
Noi nu facem mai nimic
Fără durere nu ai ce câștiga
Vai, tonții vor să mă provoace
Scuze, rimele vă vor lăsa fără cap doi
Încă tot lupt pentru al meu talent
Acum voi compune versuri nebune de tot
Fii gata de luptă, un sfat de-al meu, uh huh
De nu știai, acum vei ști
Baftă, băieți!
(Scapă-mă, Doamne, de moartea eternă
A acelei zile cumplite. În ziua aia,
când se va mișca raiul și pământul,
vei coborî să ne judeci pe toți
prin foc și pară.
Ființa îmi tremură și eu mă tem de ce vine
De judecata noastră și mânia care se va vărsa.)
Strofa a două dedic celor ce mă ascult
Tot ce avem de spus, totul e real căci
Revoluția nu apare la televizor
Vorbe să curgă, fenotip de microfon
Deschide ochii și percepe suprafața
Fii gata pentru un țipăt subteran
Oraș plin de gust cibernetic
Băieții sunt în zonă, suntem o enigmă confuză
(În ziua aia, ziua mâniei,
calamități și nenorociri)
Fă imposibilul, vezi invizibilul
(În ziua aia)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Atinge neatinsul, sparge inspargibilul
(Ziua amarului)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Ceea ce vrei să faci e ceea ce trebuie să faci
(mare și profund)
Căci deasupra ta răspunsul vei găsi
Ascultă sfatul care vine în direcția ta!
(mare și profund)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Fă imposibilul, vezi invizibilul
(Odihnă eternă)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Atinge neatinsul, sparge inspargibilul
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Ceea ce vrei să faci e ceea ce trebuie să faci
(Oferă-le, Doamne)
Căci deasupra ta răspunsul vei găsi
(Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!)
Ascultă sfatul care vine în direcția ta!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Fă imposibilul, vezi invizibilul
(Odihnă eternă)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Atinge neatinsul, sparge inspargibilul
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Ceea ce vrei să faci e ceea ce trebuie să faci
(Oferă-le odihnă)
Căci deasupra ta răspunsul vei găsi
(Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!)
Ascultă sfatul care vine în direcția ta!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Ceea ce vrei să faci e ceea ce trebuie să faci
(Fie ca lumina să-i lumineze)
Căci deasupra ta răspunsul vei găsi
Ascultă sfatul care vine în direcția ta!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Fă imposibilul, vezi invizibilul
(Scapă-mă, Doamne)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
(Scapă-mă, Doamne!)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!


¹ You're a pervert, pervert, pervert
Aren't you already someone else's?
Aa-aa-aa-aa, aa-aa-aa-aa-aa
Don't, don't, don't
Don't you ever try
Aa-aa-aa-aa, aa-aa-aa-aa-aa
Forget, don't you ever forget
I'm not as easy as anyone you've met
You're not the one I love
³ There's millions of choices right before my eyes
¹ You're a pervert, pervert, pervert
Aren't you already someone else's?
Aa-aa-aa-aa, aa-aa-aa-aa-aa
Don't, don't, don't
Don't you ever try
Aa-aa-aa-aa, aa-aa-aa-aa-aa
Try, don't you ever try
Deep deep within, it's hard and black
² My heart that always been guessed
³ By millions of choices right before my eyes
However, not even one be able to
² Reign my heart
¹ You're a pervert, pervert, pervert
Aren't you already someone else's?
Aa-aa-aa-aa, aa-aa-aa-aa-aa
Don't, don't, don't
Don't you ever try
Aa-aa-aa-aa, aa-aa-aa-aa-aa
Don't, don't, don't you try
¹ You're a pervert
I hate you

Sixth company

Silence was broken that distant February,
The heavens cracked up in the high blue yonder.
Oh, how fate turns, and how it hits one...
Their 19th spring, some would never get to see.
Bound together by destiny, they were trapped in the middle of the mountains,
But it's not for nothing that this infantry is known as 'winged.'
To retreat from battle was something they had never been taught to do


N-am un câine,
N-am o mâță,
N-am un pește colorat,
Dar din ziua în care m-am născut
Am un cocoșel tare frumos.
Afară și înăuntru din colivie,
Cântă da, dar nu de furie.
De seara până dimineața
Cântă pentru păsărică.
Ornitologic vorbind,
Cocoșelul meu se supune comenzii:
Vede o pasăre și intră-n alertă,
Și îi face ”prezentați-arm!”
N-am un câine (nu, nu),
N-am o mâță (nu, nu),
Nici măcar broaște țestoase

Twelve Times a Year

Twelve times a year, frequently
She's writhing in pain
Biting her fingers in her bed
Stifling her cries
She's in pain
This pain, heavy and strong, holds her night and day
That's being a woman
Human being, with flesh and blood
It's beautiful
And yet it hurts
What is to be done
So that her shackles
Of this yoke she's under
Will be broken
Alone in her frost
She gets cold
Her bitter tears
Drops of saltwater
And run down her neck
Abhorred pain
When you are spinning
She's in pain
Her stomach is burning
A feverish volcano
Which screams in her place
Words, anxieties
While her lips are shut
But in her ember
She's in pain
Twelve times a year, frequently
She's writhing in pain
Biting her fingers in her bed
Stifling her cries
She's in pain

De ce să ne iubim?

De ce să plângem pentru un regret, de ce să plângem?
De ce să ne iubim când suntem făcuți să ne părăsim?
Când suntem doi trecători,
Când la sfârșitul timpului ne întâlnim,
De ce să ne iubim, de ce să ne iubim?
Nici măcar nu știi unde tu mâine ai să fii,
Nu știu dacă drumul meu va fi și-al tău.
Atunci de ce să ne iubim,
Din moment ce dragostea nu mai zâmbește
Către rătăcitorii necunoscutului?
Am visat la un vechi tărâm, unde soarele
Se așază la poalele unui copac,
Unde te găsesc când mă trezesc.
Dar mă înșel visând, căci pentru noi acel tărâm
Nu e real.
De ce să plângem pentru un regret, de ce să plângem?
De ce să ne iubim când suntem făcuți să ne părăsim?
De ce să ne-ntâlnim, să ne privim și să vorbim?
De ce să ne iubim, de ce să ne iubim?
Există oameni înrădăcinați în fericirea lor,
Care n-au cunoscut nicicând nici furtunile, nici frica.
Dar noi, călătorii, cei care plâng, suntem purtați
De aventură.
De ce să plângem? De ce să visăm?
Eu știu deja
Că va veni timpul
Să ne despărțim.
Dar de ce să ne iubim?