Rezultatele căutării pagină 39
Număr de rezultate: 2761
De ce să ne iubim?
De ce să plângem pentru un regret, de ce să plângem?
De ce să ne iubim când suntem făcuți să ne părăsim?
Când suntem doi trecători,
Când la sfârșitul timpului ne întâlnim,
De ce să ne iubim, de ce să ne iubim?
Nici măcar nu știi unde tu mâine ai să fii,
Nu știu dacă drumul meu va fi și-al tău.
Atunci de ce să ne iubim,
Din moment ce dragostea nu mai zâmbește
Către rătăcitorii necunoscutului?
Am visat la un vechi tărâm, unde soarele
Se așază la poalele unui copac,
Unde te găsesc când mă trezesc.
Dar mă înșel visând, căci pentru noi acel tărâm
Nu e real.
De ce să plângem pentru un regret, de ce să plângem?
De ce să ne iubim când suntem făcuți să ne părăsim?
De ce să ne-ntâlnim, să ne privim și să vorbim?
De ce să ne iubim, de ce să ne iubim?
Există oameni înrădăcinați în fericirea lor,
Care n-au cunoscut nicicând nici furtunile, nici frica.
Dar noi, călătorii, cei care plâng, suntem purtați
De aventură.
De ce să plângem? De ce să visăm?
Eu știu deja
Că va veni timpul
Să ne despărțim.
Dar de ce să ne iubim?
Soarele arde
M-am trezit de dimineață,
Mi-am deschis ochii,
Lumina de soare
A intrat la mine,
Aștept atât de mult
Aceste zile de vara.
Nu-ți voi uita
Ochii negri,
Dar am obosit mult
De vremea rece,
Vreau să mă încălzesc
Cu această privire caldă.
Arde, arde, soarele arde,
Arde, arde, soarele arde,
Ajutați-mă, ploilor,
Arde, arde, soarele arde.
Soarele a apus,
Dintr-o dată s-a lăsat noaptea,
Dragostea a plecat zburând,
Ne-a rămas doar singurătatea,
Ca într-un basm
Visele mi s-au risipit,
Acești ochi frumoși
M-au rănit atât de mult.
Cât te-am așteptat
În întunericul rece,
Am vrut să mă încălzesc
Cu această ultimă privire.
Don’t forget that love is yours
Don’t leave it when it is yours
Don’t interrupt it when it converses
Give your breath to it
Don’t forget, love's our guest
Don’t exacerbate when it's speechless
Don’t blow flame out of your heart
It's in vain
Enough! Stop killing your passions
Enough! Stop burning your dreams
It is so good, it is so good
When you're fallen into love
And it is reciprocated
Give to your heart what it wants
Give to your mind what it reminds
Give to your soul what runs the tempers
Stop torturing yourself
Don’t forget, love is a spring
It would be lost if not in use
Don’t forget, love is shining
Don’t damp it down
Enough! Stop killing your passions
Enough! Stop burning your dreams out
It's for good, it's for good
When you're in love
And it is reciprocated
A night
One night you laughed at me, I remember it like it was now
Like a stranger, so indifferent you passed, spring rain
“Goodbye”, they sow storms, that you would turn
Thoughts are melting weak, empty canvas
Dissolved within my dream
And the sadness doesn’t stop
One night you laughed at me and the rain grows stronger
Your word like a year that passed, like a snowy landscape
“Goodbye”, they sow storms, I’m alone again
Paintings make me bitter and my breath eases
Dissolved within my dream
And the sadness doesn’t stop
Dissolved within my dream
And this silence never ends
One night you laughed at me and the rain grows stronger
One night you laughed at me and this silence never ends
One night you laughed at me and the rain grows stronger
One night you laughed at me and this silence never ends
From a little life turn
there can be a pirouette
From the shadow theater of the past
pretty-pretty silhouette
From sleepless nights
beautiful memory of the sunrise
And the fear of the future
It's never too late for a
new beginning
It's never too late
to get rid of shadows
It's never too late
to apologize
The right time is now-
Start now
Start now
Few words are
a start of a big story
A big fight might end up
in a new friendship
The canvas of dreams
is sometimes a white flag
Life is miraculous
And strange
Sometimes we're lucky
and we get wiser
Every day there's a chance
to get a little bit better
[*Ref*] x2
Grandparents Tell
There are people who often hide their virtues
I am no longer feeling
Versions: #1
I am no longer feeling
youth shining in my heart
I'll Wait for You
I'll wait for you,
I'll wait for you
As long as you have to stay away from me
And as long as the days and the months will pass,
Knowing that absence can change the course of time
And that you can forget our great love, however...
I'll wait for you again,
I will love you stronger
I will always love you,
Even stronger,
Always anyway.
I'll wait for you,
Oh yeah, I'll wait for you
When high above the suns will be extinguished
And when the colors will leave the rainbow.
Until the day when nothing will change the course of time
Until the day when the last words of love will be dead, however...
I'll wait for you again,
I will love you stronger
I will always love you,
Even stronger,
Always anyway.(x2)
To those who are climbing the mountain
to those of you who are climbing the mountain, to those of you who are setting fire
ya man ya man
I hope you safety darlings
I do not want any dresses from you nor gifts
ya man ya man
I just want you to be safe
to those gazelles (meaning the men) who are jailed inside
ya mAn ya mAn
I just hope you to be safe
to those gazelles (meaning the men) who are jailed inside, I wanna tell you that this situation will not last
ya mAn ya mAn
I just hope you to be safe
Elyanna & Balti - Ghareeb Alay
1st verse:
Our story started when we were kids,
Our days were so fun and no one was jealous
But now your feelings are lost and you are so confused
When they started telling you that “I am a superstar”.
Day by day night by night, I’m the one that trying to reach out to you.
I am here
But where are you?
Baby you seem strange to me.
Strange to me...
Balti 2nd verse:
My heart is with you and it is not far away
Where am I and where are you
You are strange and I am strange
From Tunisia to Palestine
O my heart, don't blame me
Life is hard but, we love and live
A man and a master of men
Don’t compare me to others,
You are mine.
Me and you are not like the others/ our situation is different
Runaway from the bad guys that ravaged you and me
I am Amazighi and lover of an Arab girl
And my heart is Palestinian and we will stand with it.
Balti pre:
And with you, we did not separate, so that we would die, grow, and die
And the days they will pass..
Balti 3rd:
And it decorates me what I did
And you from my mind did not forget
Life filled us, and I am with you
Neither sold nor bought
You are Som and Huma Som
You com and Homa com*
You are yesterday and you are tomorrow
And you are with me for a day
You are with me, the joy and the calamity
The world is sweet and bitter and more people are strange
And the repentance of people who do not have good ones
I walked with my heart and Hani ended the tax
Balti pre:
And with you, we did not separate, so that we would die, grow, and die
And the days they miss, they pass
Elyanna Pre:
Day by day night by night, I’m the one that trying to reach out to you.
I am here, but where are you?
Baby you seem strange to me.
Elyanna Chorus:
Strange to me...
Raise your sharpened claws
In order to shine, now bare your fangs
You can't overcome this ordeal
You don't attack humans
A fake that it?
Are you happy?
You're not lying?
Locking it away isn't living wisely
Go with the that what you want?
Isn't that no better than a machine?
Awaken the hot spirit within your cold body
Everyone has a 'wildness' within their hearts
Sometimes you've got to loose the chains and let the blood flow!
Raise your sharpened claws
In order to shine, now bare your fangs
If you get naked and liberate yourself
Even the sorrow will disappear
I don't care if you go out of bounds a bit
Be reckless for your own sake
You can't overcome this ordeal
You don't attack humans
If it's impossible...will you give up?
Everything's over and nothing's left
It's not a question of whether you can or can't,
But whether you will or won't...that's all
Reveal the 'wildness' bursting within your trembling body
Break down the invisible walls and howl at the moon!
Before your hoarse voice disappears
Scream with your heart and dance savagely
There's no meaning in living as if you're dead
Spoiled children afraid of pain should just go home
I've no interest in those who throw away the fangs that will shred the future
Everyone has a 'wildness' within their hearts
Sometimes you've got to loose the chains and let the blood flow!
Raise your sharpened claws
In order to shine, now bare your fangs
If you get naked and liberate yourself
Even the sorrow will disappear
I don't care if you go out of bounds a bit
Be reckless for your own sake
You can't overcome this ordeal
You don't attack humans
Beautiful (Part.3)
I can see the light at the end of the dim time, eh
Going round and round between memories, I follow the light
It was engraved deep into my heart without even realizing it
I remember you, you're still a beautiful light
Oh, It’s So Beautiful Beautiful
The song I used to singing to you
So Beautiful Beautiful
It sounds like destiny
It's white and overwhelming, it's colored with that light oh
I can feel your warmth
When I close my eyes, I wander around time
Remember again the story of you and me
That is endless
Waking up to the sound of the morning coming
Praying for you to shine on the street at dawn
Becoming one like a longing dream
(Eh oh Eh oh Eh oh) I'm full of you
(Eh oh Eh oh Eh oh) To the point where my heart bursts
More than anyone else in the world
You're dazzlingly beautiful, beautiful
So Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful
So Colorful, ur space filled with your light
Every moment that will never come again
To the point where I can't breathe, I miss you so much
Like a fool, why didn't I know?
Always Remember you Remember you
The little light that used to shine on me
Remember you Remember you
Come back like a miracle
Oh, It’s So Beautiful
The reason why I can't quit, Oh
The excitement and nervousness at the tip of my fingers
I miss you, I miss you again, I repeat my memories
I pray earnestly that I will reach you at the end of this dawn
Our precious story that we drew all night long
I remember
Waking up to the sound of the morning coming
Praying for you to shine on the street at dawn
Becoming one like a longing dream
(Eh oh Eh oh Eh oh) I'm full of you
(Eh oh Eh oh Eh oh) To the point where my heart bursts
More than anyone else in the world
You're dazzlingly beautiful, beautiful
So Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful
You're the star that shines on me
At night when everyone is asleep
A piece of dream that I couldn't hold back, cause I was tired of waiting
The end of the memory
The breath that surrounded me, I couldn't let go for a single moment
Waking up to the sound of the morning coming
Praying for you to shine on the street at dawn
Becoming one like a longing dream
(Eh oh Eh oh Eh oh) I'm full of you
(Eh oh Eh oh Eh oh) To the point where my heart bursts
More than anyone else in the world
You're dazzlingly beautiful, beautiful
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
So Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful
(So Beautiful Beautiful)
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh) Beautiful
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh) Hugging you like this now
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh) A promise that doesn't change
You're dazzlingly beautiful, Beautiful
Cycle of Forgetting
Your name appears less often
I thought that missing can be used as compensation
I want to think of you more and strongly remember you
But humans' memories are unreliable
Your appearance appears less frequently
I thought that missing can be used as compensation
I want to write you into a book and paint you as a picture
But humans' efforts are all in vain
I will naturally forget
Conform to the world's common sense and get used to a future without you
I will occasionally meet you in a dream
And cry when I wake up, treating this as
A cycle of remembering your loss
I will naturally give up
All my preexisting reminders to let you fade away from my memory
I won't be obsessed with solving this problem
And won't take your departure as
My saddest thing
Whenever this time happens
I'll take it as a cycle of missing you
The traffic officer
Once upon a time
there was a traffic officer
and he was always giving tickets
to all the car drivers
He wouldn't take a no for an answer
he was very strict
when was taking out his notebook
with his right hand.
At some point he got married as well
and he had by his side
a beautiful harem girl
as his wife.
Unfortunately, his wife
had a flaw:
she was parking carelessly
her car, without paying any attention.
For this reason
they were fighting all the time
since she was parking illegally
in front of their house.
In spite of all his advises
and his warnings
he kept writing down the number of her license plate
and he was giving her tickets.
She was taking the tickets
filled in by hand
but because he was in love with her
he was the one who paid for them.
As she refused to give in
and she continued being unlawful
the traffic officer backrupted
and he hung himself from the neck.
Versions: #1
[Verse 1]
They say that I'm a fairy, they say that I'm not real
I'm some weird newcomer, new resident, that's what they say
They say I'm a gnome, I'm not flesh nor blood
I have witches' abilities, sorcerer, that's what they say
But even though I believe in miracles
I can't do magic
When it hurts, the knives in my heart turn
I'm shaking like every human, mortal
If this ends, if love ends tonight
I break like every human, mortal, mortal
[Verse 2]
They say that worries do not weigh on me at all
They speak about it with their eyes burning, secret knowledge surrounds me
They can see my tears, but they do not hug me
And it's easy to tell children to watch out for strangers
But even though I believe in miracles
I can't do magic
When it hurts, the knives in my heart turn
I'm shaking like every human, mortal
If this ends, if love ends tonight
I break like every human, mortal, mortal
I wound, when you hold me like that, the pain only gets stronger
I'm yours now that you want to leave, and the door closes
When it hurts, the knives in my heart turn
I'm shaking like every human, mortal
If this ends, if love ends tonight
I break like every human, mortal
Mortal, mortal
You smile when you see me
You lose your mind when I leave
You're looking for me and stopped halfway
I heard that you're waiting, hoping for the right moment
Everything that comes fast goes fast
Please don't come any closer to me,
(because) you can't have me
Please don't tell me,
that you know me
As long as you torture me, you won't give up
you dream and think in secret
I heard, that you're waiting, hoping for the right moment
Everything that comes fast goes fast
Everything that comes fast goes fast
Everything that comes fast goes fast
Please don't come any closer to me,
(because) you can't have me
Please don't tell me,
that you know me
Banners and Love Letters
“I love you” says he and spells
The omega with omicron
With a torn t-shirt
And dirty hand.
He leaves me love letters
I hold them like banners
Whose warmth illuminates
Crystal clear eyes
I like mistakes
Dear Mr. Babiniotis
For correct spelling
I wasted my youth
He has learned to stay away from me
When he is in deep worries
Listening to old folk songs
As if they were lullabies
In his misspelled dream
I am his rule
All the rest are labors
Of the “unnamed”
(translation: Stathis Gotsis)
Yule Lads Poem
I wish to tell a tale
about those old lads,
who came here in times before
to our farm homes.
They were seen up in the fells,
— as many do know —
all lined up in one trail
down to the homes below.
Grýla, she was their mother,
she gave them giant’s milk,
but father Leppalúði
was of lamentable ilk.
The Yule Lads as they were named,
— at Yuletide they were due —
and one by one did they come,
but never two by two.
There were thirteen
of these gentlemen,
and they wished not to peeve
all folk at once
So into the door they snuck
and took apart the lock.
And most of all they searched all through
the pantry and kitchen.
With cunning smiles and sneers
they would hide here and there,
prepared with all of their tricks
when people weren’t near.
And still should they be seen,
they were wont to come
to tease people — and disturb
the peace of their home.
Sheep-cote Clod came first,
built firm as a tree.
Into the sheepfold he would sneak
to play with the farmer's sheep.
He meant to suck the ewes' milk,
— which they liked not at all,
for the wretch had feet stiff like wood
— well, this did not go well.
Gully Gawk was the next,
with his grey old head.
He snuck down from the gorge
and in the barn he leapt.
He hid himself in the stables
as he stole the froth,
while the friendly milkmaiden
chatted with the farmhand.
Stubby was named the third,
stumpy he was.
He snatched himself a cooking pan
whenever he could.
He ran away then with his prize
and collected the bits
which sometimes burned and stuck to
the bottom here and there.
The fourth lad came, Spoon Licker,
thin was he in shape.
He became mischievous
when the cook was not around.
And like lightning he then leapt,
grasping the stirring spoon,
He held it with both his hands
for sometimes it would slip.
Then fifth came the Pot Scraper,
a silly lad he was.
When children were given pieces,
he came to tap the door.
The children rushed to see themselves
if truly they had a guest.
Then he’d hurry over to the pot
and have himself a fest.
Then came Bowl Licker, the sixth,
of startlingly poor ilk.
From underneath the bed frame
he stuck his ugly head.
When the people would set down their bowls
for the cat and dog,
he sprang out to grab them
and lick them clean he would.
Seventh was the lad Door Slammer,
— quite obscene he was.
If people wished at twilight
to catch themselves a rest.
But he was not especially
downtrodden that night
if he could roughly bang on
doors and hear them thud.
Skyr Gobbler, the eighth one,
frightfully dim lad,
He’d knock upon the skyr tub
with his fist ‘til it broke.
He gobbled it by himself
gaping his mouth with food,
until he felt so full
he had to moan and howl.
The ninth was Sausage Swiper,
shifty and clever,
He climbed upon the rafters
and pilfered from there.
On a wood beam he sat
masked in soot and smoke,
and stuffed himself with sausage
without any care.
The tenth lad was Window Peeper,
odd little man,
Who snuck up to the window
And looked in through it.
If something did lie therein
and caught his sly eye,
most often later
to swipe it he would try.
Eleventh was the Door Sniffer,
— never had a cold,
yet he had such a funny
and oversized nose.
He caught scent of bread loaf
there upon the hills,
and smooth like a smoke cloud to
the sweet scent he ran.
Then Meat Hook, the twelfth one,
knew many different tunes,
He frolicked in the countryside
on mass of Thorlak's Day.
He snatched himself a small bite,
when the coast was clear.
But sometimes it was too short,
that one hook of his.
Thirteenth was the Candle Beggar,
-- it was cold that night,
if he was not the last of them
on that Christmas eve.
He trailed behind the children,
who smiled happy and glad,
and ran about the farmland
with their tallow lights .
Then on Christmas night itself
-- so goes the story --
the lads, they all sat about
and stared at all the lights.
Then away they scampered,
through all the frost and snow.
On the thirteenth day, the last one
of the lads would go.
Long since in the mountainlands
have all their tracks faded.
But the memories have turned
into art and song.
The Dangers Of Love
[Verse : Nikolaj Steen]
You stand still for a moment
Mmh, you just know
You know all the words that slowly revolves
Around the dangers of love
[Build: Anne Linnet & Nikolaj Steen]
You have turned away, thought about it
Your mouth says no, but the heart says yes
There is nothing you can do
Never ask an infatuated heart
[Verse 2: Anne Linnet]
You can get so burned
Yeah, before you know it
And you can become both deaf, dumb and blind
And everyone can tell
[Build: Anne Linnet & Nikolaj Steen]
You have turned away, thought about it
Your mouth says no, but the heart says yes
There is nothing you can do
Never ask an infatuated heart
It does what it wants anyway
[Chorus: Anne Linnet & Nikolaj Steen & Choir]
It takes time, but you must give in
(I can feel)
I can feel, that you like me
(It takes time)
It takes time, but you must give in
(I can feel)
I can feel, that you like me
(It takes time)
[Verse 3: Anne Linnet]
And if your heart get what it wants
Mmh, you'll go weak
And all you can do is sit and watch it burn out
Yeah, night and day
[Build: Anne Linnet & Nikolaj Steen]
Ooh, you have turned away, thought about it
Your mouth says no, but the heart says yes
There is nothing you can do
Never ask an infatuated heart
[Verse 4: Nikolaj Stten]
Everything stands still for a moment
Mmh, you just know
The poor heart it has never heard one word
About the dangers of love
[Build: Anne Linnet & Nikolaj Steen]
You have turned away, thought about it
Your mouth says no, but the heart says yes
There is nothing you can do
Never ask an infatuated heart
It does what it wants anyway
[Chorus: Anne Linnet & Nikolaj Steen & Choir]
It takes time, but you must give in
(I can feel)
I can feel, that you like me
(It takes time)
It takes time, but you must give in
(I can feel)
I can feel, that you like me
(It takes time)
[Build: Anne Linnet & Nikolaj Steen]
You have turned away, thought about it
Your mouth says no, but the heart says yes
There is nothing you can do
Never ask an infatuated heart
It does what it wants anyway
[Chorus: Anne Linnet & Nikolaj Steen & Choir]
It takes time, but you must give in
(Does it matter if it takes time?)
(I can feel)
I can feel, that you like me
(It takes time)
It takes time, but you must give in
(Does it matter if it takes time?)
(I can feel)
I can feel, that you like me
(I can feel that you like me)
(It takes time)
It takes time, but you must give in
(I can feel)
I can feel, that you like me
(You have thought about it)
(It takes time)
It takes time, but you must give in
(I can feel)
I can feel, that you like me
(Does it matter if it takes time?)
(It takes time)
It takes time, but you must give in
(I can feel)
I can feel, that you like me
(I can feel that you like me)
(It takes time)
It takes time, but you must give in
(I can feel)
I can feel, that you like me
(It takes time)
It takes time...
Lost My Heart
I've told you to take you clothes
And Leave
It's just a way to protect myself
And when the voice said it
It wasn't mine
No matter what I do
I am yours
I have lost my heart
(I have lost my heart, ooh)
And only you know where it is
I have lost my heart
(I have lost my heart, ooh)
Don't leave me right now
I've told you to take your clothes
And leave
But I knew immediately
I had made a mistake
And now I know exactly
What to say
I will ask you to come home
And stay
I have lost my heart
(I have lost my heart, ooh)
And only you know where it is
I have lost my heart
(I have lost my heart, ohh)
Don't leave me right now
If you really care about me
You will stay with me always
If you really care about me
You will know I'm just really upset
If you really care about me
You will stay with me always
If you really care about me
You will know I'm just really upset
I have lost my heart
(I have lost my heart, ohh)
And only you know where it is
I have lost my heart
(I have lost my heart, ohh)
Don't leave me right now
If you leave me
You'll take my heart with you
I'm asking you to stay
If you leave me
I will break
If you really care about me
You will stay with me always
If you really care about me
You will know I'm just really upset
I have lost my heart
(I have lost my heart, ohh)
And only you know where it is
I have lost my heart
(I have lost my heart, ooh)
Mmm, if you really care about me
You will stay with me always
If you really care about me
You will know I'm just really upset
I have lost my heart
(I have lost my heart, ohh)
And only you know where it is
I have lost my heart
(I have lost my heart, ooh)
You Dream
You dream more than I do
You dream every single night
When we wake up, I have to hold you tight
And care for you
I do it with pleasure
There's nothing I'd rather do
When you love someone you can take
Yes, that's what we have each other for
Hold tight and care for
Yes, that's what we have each other for
And where are you
When you are at sleep
Can you feel when I whisper
When I say your name?
I do it with pleasure
I can't stop myself
When you love someone, you wish to be
With your love
Yes, that's what we have each other for
Hold tight and care for
Yes, that's what we have each other for
How come
You get so scared?
I am right here
You have reason to smile
Not to cry
I am right here
Ooh, and all that scares you
Can't reach you
I am right here
Alone and gone
Could never catch you
I am right here
How can you feel
Forsaken and alone?
I am right here
You have absolutely no reason
To lie there freezing
I am right here
Ooh, and all that scares you
Can't reach you
I am right here
Alone and gone
Could never catch you
I am right here
Yes, that's what we have each other for
Hold tight and care for
Yes, that's what we have each other for
You dream more than I do
You dream every single night
When we wake up, I have to hold you tight
And care for you
I do it with pleasure
There's nothing I'd rather do
When you love someone you want to be
With your love
Yes, that's what we have each other for
Hold tight and care for
Yes, that's what we have each other for
How come
You get so scared?
I am right here
You have reason to smile
Not to cry
I am right here
Ooh, and all that scares you
Can't reach you
I am right here
Alone and gone
Could never catch you
I am right here
Yes, that's what we have each other for
Hold tight and care for
Yes, that's what we have each other for
That's what we have each other for
Hold tight and care for
That's what we have each other for
Hold tight and care for
That's what we have each other for
Hold tight and care for
That's what we have each other for
That's what we have each other for
That's what
That's what
How many thoughts
I don't wanna lose my time, I don't have time
I don't feel like staying here and praying
I'm not the type, I don't answer
To whoever asks me if it will be
If it will be forever
How many thoughts I'm having tonight
Ooh, hey-yeah
In my room that is getting darker
Ooh, hey-yeah
Maybe I'm mad, maybe I'm crazy
Ooh, hey-yeah
But I just want us to be alone together
Ooh, hey-yeah
I'm waiting here for you oh-woah
I'm waiting here for you oh-woah
I'm waiting here for you oh-woah
I'm waiting here for you
I want you in my bed under a low roof
We can even play before hurting each other
You live in the future, but I'm giving everything now
And we have nothing that can be always
That can be forever
How many thoughts I'm having tonight
Ooh, hey-yeah
In my room that is getting darker
Ooh, hey-yeah
I'm not mad, I'm not crazy
Ooh, hey-yeah
But I just want us to be alone together
Alone together
Ooh, hey-yeah
Who knows if tonight you're thinking about it too
Ooh, hey-yeah
You would be true for once
Ooh, hey-yeah
Tell me that I'm mad, tell me that I'm crazy
Ooh, hey-yeah
But I just ask for us to be alone together
Ooh, hey-yeah
I'm waiting here for you oh-woah
I'm waiting here for you oh-woah
I'm waiting here for you oh-woah
I'm waiting here for you oh-woah
I'm waiting here for you oh no
I'm waiting here for you oh-woah
I'm waiting here for you oh-woah
I'm waiting here for you oh-woah
I'm waiting here for you
Tears of a Floret
In the rainy night
Yellow and white flowers are falling down
The flowery rain reminds me of her
Like she is smiling
Why does she always hang her head down
Silent, without saying a word
Seeing her shedding tears without saying a word
Tell me how I could let her go
In the middle of the night under the moon
There are a few smiling flowers
The flowers with smile remind me of her
Her smile is beautiful like rosy clouds
I only concern about her smile
The dearly smile looks like a flower
Seeing her smiling without saying a word
Tell me how not to concern about her
Why does she always hang her head down
Silent, without saying a word
Seeing her shedding tears without saying a word
Tell me how I could let her go
The Moon of Athens
In the place where I grew up
I adore everything
And everything I see, I love
I don't know why
And if sometimes my joy
is overcome by sorrow
Immediately I forget everything
As I look up in the sky
where the moon is shining
The moon of Athens
has its own grace
All shining and cheerful light
Maybe that's the way I see it myself
The moon of Athens
has taken my heart
When it appears it gives me wings
And takes me higher than itself
Losing battle
I’m already decided
I can not hear it
As a result of an excessive trial and error, I went to “100-0”
His MVP this year is others in the world
“Do you do it next year?” AH-AH-AH
Tokyo Desert is soon
A storm that has never seen dances
The play is over
Round the world
I’m going to get rid of it
The world is going to go to the world
Where is the goal?
Round the world
How to wear it
I’m going to go to the world
I was crying just a loss
The arrival of the Tokyo desert
A storm that has not seen
In the traffic of runaway nobles
The city was bleeded
Finally what I came
In a pressing match without value
Hope persuished number Anomaly delicate
Donadonadonadonadonadona de de de de de de de
Changed and changed world
Waste monk is scraped off
It is changed to change the world
Where is the goal?
Changing world changes
How to wear it
The strange world changes
I was crying just a loss
The Tokyo Desert has passed
It was a scene where words do not come out
If you go to a new future
Round the world
I’m going to get rid of it
The world is going to go to the world
Where is the goal?
Round the world
How to wear it
I’m going to go to the world
I was crying just a loss
Înconjoară, ucide, devorează
Foamea conduce haita
A suferit o cazatura completa
Lumea pe care o cunoaștem este pierdută
Consumul semenilor oameni
Linia pe care o intrec
Înconjoară, ucide, devorează
Nevoia de mâncare obligă
Instinctele de lup suprimate de mult îi ajută acum să supraviețuiască
Înconjoară, ucide, devorează
Ei își exploatează prada
Cei mai slabi au fost selectați să ucidă
Ei urmăresc urmele
Prea târziu pentru a reacționa
Din trecutul nostru barbar
Reapariția părții noastre întunecate
Trăsăturile violente ale omului
Înconjoară, ucide, devorează
Victimele fug de frică
Munca vicleană în echipă i-a prins, nu va exista nicio scăpare
Înconjoară, ucide, devorează
A început masacrul
Canibalii vor rupe carnea din oase
Foametea a alimentat nebunia, se luptă pentru resturi
Ei trăiesc mai departe
Răsplătiți cu supraviețuire pentru căile lor viclene
Cei virtuosi
Vor muri
Apropiindu-se de ținta aleasă
Își forțează prada să fugă
Înconjurat de ucigași
Obosind prada cu presiune constantă
Cei mai slabi nu vor supraviețui
Cei mai slabi vor hrăni haita
Cei mai slabi vor hrăni haita
Înconjoară, ucide, devorează
Nevoia de mâncare obligă
Instinctele de lup suprimate de mult îi ajută acum să supraviețuiască
Înconjoară, ucide, devorează
Ei își exploatează prada
Cei mai slabi au fost selectați să ucidă
Foametea a alimentat nebunia, se luptă pentru resturi
Ei trăiesc mai departe
Răsplătiți cu supraviețuire pentru căile lor viclene
Cei virtuosi vor muri
Like the first time
And I think about us night after night
why are we talking less and less?
We fall in love, like the first time in our life
for the two of us we build one happiness
And I think about us night after night
why are we talking less and less?
We fall in love, like the first time in our life
for the two of us we build one happiness
Hundreds of eyes were flying by
But they all don't look like yours at best
We fall in love, like the first time in our life
for the two of us we build one happiness
Let’s not hide away, together on weekdays
let's shout from the windows
That our love is here to stay
In your shirt I'm already in the kitchen
but for breakfast you only get my lips today
Your scent just nocks me off my feet
And I’m so lucky to have you right here with me
While the landscapes change outside the window
we do not press the stop
we do not press the stop
You fell in love with me like a boy at first sight
Like a book I can read your mysterious eyes
and soon I'll reveal all the secrets that you hide
And I think about us more than once
why are we talking less and less?
We fall in love, like it's our first romance
for the two of us we build one happiness
Hundreds of eyes were flying by
But they all don't look like yours at best
We fall in love, like the first time in our life
for the two of us we build one happiness
We'll wake up with the sunrise
and I'll say thank you to God
Because you are with me
How beautiful you are I thought
I saw hundreds of eyes
but they flew past me without a trace
Beautiful showcase
but my heart is a desolate place
Our bodies are like the intertwining of the worlds
Like stains on the windows
Like shadows merge on the walls
Each other about everything
Honestly, frankly we told
After all, there may not be tomorrow
there is just a moment, that's all
Goosebumps on the skin
lips to lips trembling
we are one and the same
You and I are one, and always been
I hug you closer to the beat of my heart, tonight
Enough talking, be quiet
we turn off the light
And I think about us more than once
why are we talking less and less?
We fall in love, like it's our first romance
for the two of us we build one happiness
Hundreds of eyes were flying by
But they all don't look like yours at best
We fall in love, like the first time in our life
for the two of us we build one happiness
Goodnight (Intro)
People are lonely
It's the same
Don't think about miserable things
No matter how hard you smile
Nothing's going to change
In the dark night
Fly to me
And put me to sleep
Among the Worlds
Versions: #1
Among the worlds, in flickerings of stars
One only name of Star, I am repeating.
Not due to being in love with fine stars
But because with others, I am languishing.
And if my doubts are heavy very much
I'm searching for an answer by only Her
Not due to it is light from Her so much,
But because it is no need for light with Her.
The Green Sun
The Green Sun, the green sun that rises
is guiding us
forward to the race for a Greece free
and socialist
Come with us and all of us united
we will go forward
and if they are an obstacle in our race
our right shall be a flame
Fiery swordsmen, fiery their swords
the Greek people took their decision
they won't let anyone hold them as a slave
people's rule, national freedom everyone wants
people's rule, national freedom everyone wants
Together the workers, together the farmers
and the students
thousands of pressured employees
and students
One people, one soul
in a socialist society
one people, one soul
in a socialist society
I was sitting on the window, and in me are butterflies
The first time I felt so happy I was hysterical
At that time I didn't know, how I loved you, I didn't know...
It's the sixth day everything in my head is dedicated to you
All my posts are about love - these are my letters to you
I'd say to let it go, but I understand I'm lit up
Sixteen years old, first love, and it's so unusal
And I love to the point of being hysteric
And you and I are like continents
Which are connected, and without any borders
They waited for you and me
One day we will find eachother in the sky like them
And will fly with them
2nd couplet:
Between is is the ocean, the meridian line
What we squeeze into the palms of our hands through this sunny fog
In the depths of your eyes I press replay
And the fantasy becomes steps for a new song
It's the sixth day everything in my head is dedicated to you
All my posts are about love - these are my letters to you
I'd say to let it go, but I understand I'm lit up
Sixteen years old, first love, and it's so unusal
And I love to the point of being hysteric
And you and I are like continents
Which are connected, and without any borders
They waited for you and me
One day we will find eachother in the sky like them
And will fly with them
I am free
What is happening to me?
What's going on?
A moment ago I was clutched by a hand
Now I'm weightless
Why was exactly I taken
Out of a cardboard box of six?
I'm floating light as a feather
I'm flying away
I'm an egg
And yet much more
I am allegorical
I am a metaphor
Am I symbol of unity?
Fragile republic
Or do I symbolize Germany
When flying through the air?
But one thing I know
Deep inside of me
My shell may be fragile
But I know what I am
I am free
Full of dreams, full of hope
I am free
To a golden future
I am free
So boundless
So full of courage
(?) shackles
Detached in flight
I see Germany united
And Europe will prosper
I see peace here on earth
People will be brothers
No more poverty and suffering
Never again injustice
Harmony and love
Now my time comes
I am free
Almost like a (?)
And now a new time begins
You only have to believe in yourself
We are free
I am free