Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 40

Număr de rezultate: 2761


We are one

I protect our country
I am part of the resistance
I preserve the nation
And I want progression
Oh, so you're left-wing!
Yes, and you're a bit right-wing!
True that.
The wall that separates us
Is now a pile of debris
Will there be a happy ending now?
Or will everything fall apart?
I'll lead the way, give me your hand
I'm protecting our country
I'll always stand by you
At last I can see it clearly
I want to go with you
Whether forward or (?)
I'll go anywhere with you
Our love is so strong
We are one
Living in unity
We are free
We'll get ready to fly
Let us overcome walls
That separate and divide us
No borders, no fences
Our hearts are united
An egg can be a bridge
Jens, you protect my land
Spelled with a-i!
You take my fate into your hands
And even though it seems impossible
And even though it seems impossible
We'll go our way united

Throw an egg

In a country that's divided and split in two
Lives a nation disharmony and strife
No, no, no
Germany, finally free yourself
Throw an...
Oops! An egg! Yes exactly, there is a simple solution to all problems. Everyone should have an egg! Eggs, eggs for each of you! Maik, Jens, Dr. Kohl, the whole Juso gang! Everybody needs eggs! There's an egg at the end of the tunnel!
If nothing is progressing
Then throw an egg
If there's no way out
Then throw an egg
If you want to revolt against injustice
Throw an egg (3x)
If you want to change something
That cannot be changed
If you want to flee from restraints
If your life is cold and dull
Just say no!
Fight back against the state!
Get out of your comfort zone and choose disobedience over obedience!
Think out of the box!
Do something crazy!
Throw an egg (6x)
And on Sundays, throw two!
Throw an egg (2x)
From east to west
Have courage to make a mess
Throw an egg (3x)
I will destroy what destroys me!
Egg caramba!
If your boss is in the wrong
Throw an egg
If you don't want unity
Throw an egg
If you need money for your party
Throw an egg (3x)
If you want to feel something
If you want to destroy the system
If you're somehow a part of it too
Feel free
Count to three
Throw an egg
Throw an egg (5x)
Throw an egg (3x)
Sometimes things have to break in order to heal
Sometimes the walls aren't as thick as they appear
Throw the first domino
Throw an egg
An egg can be a bridge


And one, two
one, two, three. The title is:
'Love me and deflate me'
Love me,
love me, hold me, deflate me
and love me,
toothless me, tear me, use me
and then hold me,
give me the thrill of the tendons,
and pick me up,
caress me with your lips
I don't recognize the anecdotes
and sling me,
move me all the freckless,
open me,
hit me only in the corners,
no, I can no longer distinguish date fruits.
e Non Valevole Ciccioli
you leaved me getting me dirty
and the wheel spins, the wheel spins
and the wheel spins, the wheel spins
and the history of our impossible love continue
even without you.
e Non Valevole Ciccioli,
you dirty me by turning around
and the wheel spins, the wheel spins
and the wheel spins, the wheel spins
and the history of our impossible love continue
even without you.
Love me,
love me, hold me, deflate me
and love me,
toothless me, tear me, use me
and then hold me,
give me the thrill of the tendons,
and pick me up,
smash me with your lips
he uses plausible excuses,
turn you,
chase away the needs of the sparrow,
blow your nose with the comb,
you are my incredible peack.
e Non Valevole Ciccioli
you leaved me getting me dirty
and the wheel spins, the wheel spins
and the wheel spins, the wheel spins
and the history of our impossible love continue
even without you.
e Non Valevole Ciccioli,
you dirty me by turning around
and the wheel spins, the wheel spins
and the wheel spins, the wheel spins
and the history of our impossible love continue
even without you.

Pielea ta pe pielea mea

Pielea ta
Pe pielea mea,
Pe tot parcursul zilelor,
Pe tot parcursul nopților.
Pielea ta
Pe pielea mea,
În plin soare
Sau la miezul nopții.
Așa e: două trupuri necunoscute
Care se găsesc.
Iată ce-i iubirea,
Așa e: două trupuri necunoscute
Și la scurt timp, familiare.
Pielea ta
Pe pielea mea...
Mă mai gândesc
La acele vacanțe.
Pielea ta
Pe pielea mea...
Aș vrea atât de mult
S-o luăm de la capăt!

Te vei recunoaște

În visele copilăriei,
În elevul pe care maestrul l-a pedepsit,
În stația de unde începe
Prima aventură a vieții,
În cel care se îndoiește,
În cel care crede...
Vei vedea, te vei recunoaște
În fiecare clipă, în fiecare bucurie, în fiecare lacrimă.
Vei vedea, te vei recunoaște
În acest copil, printre acești oameni, toți ca tine.
În visele artistului,
Pe care gloria nu l-a încoronat niciodată,
În această lume egoistă,
Care reneagă ceea ce el adora,
În cei care se tem,
În cei care sunt reci
Vei vedea, te vei recunoaște
În fiecare clipă, în fiecare bucurie, în fiecare lacrimă.
Vei vedea, te vei recunoaște
În acest copil, printre acești oameni, toți ca tine.
Vei vedea, te vei recunoaște
În această dragoste pe care o am pentru tine.
Da, vei vedea, te vei recunoaște...

The Wrath

Like breaking bow, burning flame
Croaking crow, a howling wolf
Like a spear in flight, yes like a growing wave
Like the power that once was in a broken sword
Like breaking surf, boiling kettle
Crossing clear-frozen lake on an unshod horse
Like a grunting swine, like a worm eating its tail
Like the spite that once was in a willful slave
So my wrath shall follow you a thousand nights
Yes, flames shall burn with a fire beneath them
Like the worm's wage, my traitorous friend
You will one day be struck with my evil revenge
Like breaking bow, burning flame
Croaking crow, a howling wolf
Like a spear in flight, yes like a growing wave
Like the power that once was in a broken sword
Like breaking surf, boiling kettle
Crossing clear-frozen lake on an unshod horse
Like a grunting swine, like a worm eating itself
Like the spite that once was in a willful slave
So my wrath shall follow you a thousand nights
Yes, flames shall burn with a fire beneath them
Like the worm's wage, my traitorous friend
You will one day be struck with my evil revenge
So my wrath shall follow you a thousand nights
Yes, flames shall burn with a fire beneath them
Like the worm's wage, my traitorous friend
You will one day be struck with my evil revenge

Stand By You

I will be with you and I will not let you fall
Just call me and I will be there
I don't want to see you lonely
I'm here and believe me
If you can't breathe just wait a little
I'll be by your side and we're gonna make it together
I don't want to see you upset
You have me and believe me
Don't be afraid wherever you are
Nobody can't stop us
If your heart is broken
I will be there I promise
I'll be by your side
You are with me just smile
Everytime you call me
I'll be there I promise
I will be there, I will, I will
I will be by your side
I will be there, I will, I will
I promise I will be there
When the clouds are holding in then I'll be the light that shines
No, I'm never far away, always by your side
Anytime you can call my name
I'll show up for you any day
You and I, we got nothing but history
Side to side, now they madder that you and me
We are one and we're standing together
Light it up, here we go forever
Don't be afraid wherever you are
Nobody can't stop us
If your heart is broken
I will be there I promise
I'll be by your side
You are with me just smile
Everytime you call me
I'll be there I promise
I will be there, I will, I will
I will be by your side
I will be there, I will, I will
I promise I will be there
If someone hurts your heart
And you're feeling really low
I'll be there to pick up the pieces
I hope you know that I'll never let go
Now I'm gonna stand, stand by you
I'll never leave your side
No matter what may come your way
Call on me, I'll be here to stay
Everytime you know what I do
I promise, I'll stand by you
I will be by your side
You are with me just smile
Everytime you call me
I'll be there I promise
I will be there, I will, I will
I will be by your side
I will be there, I will, I will
I promise I will be there

Before all the lights have burnt out

Before all the lights have burnt out
Far too soon our love ran out
That's what I think
Like the street gleam
My eyes seek the light
There were days when I wanted to believe
That our love had taken root
Sought with the wind
Grew up towards the sky
After all the most beautiful we have done
Yet today I still sit here
Without answers, I don't know when
Will you come, will you come here again
Before all the lights have burnt out
I never got to give what I wanted to give
Everything I still lack
Every day when I wake up
Is the time we were never going to see
Because yet today I still sit here
Without answers, I don't know when
Will you come, will you come here again
Before all the lights have burnt out
Far too soon our love ran out
That's what I think
Like the street gleam
My eyes seek the light
Ooh... Ooh...
That's what I think
Like the street gleam
My eyes seek the light
Before all the lights have burnt out


Just like chocolate melts over flame
That's exactly how I feel when you hold me
It's in my solitude that I've learned to be
Trustful of your gaze, because there's nothing else for me to do
Your affection is... your romance is just like chocolate
You love me just as much, you're just as sweet
You're just as gentle (as the taste) of chocolate
You take away the bitter taste
Just like when I taste something
Like chocolate... like chocolate
Just like chocolate melts over a flame
Your love gently falls into my desolation
I'm bruised from all this pain
That keeps coming back
But I never seem to forget
Your affection is... your romance is like chocolate
You love me just as much, you're just as sweet
You're just as gentle (as the taste) of chocolate
You take away the bitter taste
Just like when I taste something
Like chocolate... like chocolate
You love me just as much, you're just as sweet
You're just as gentle (as the taste) of chocolate
You take away the bitter taste
Just like when I taste something
Like chocolate... like chocolate

How Many Hours

How many hours have passed,
you counted them too,
hours dressed in nothing,
away from you.
How many hours, how many days
waiting for you to return...
A whole day, very long
to be shared between us.
One day has passed,
a year has passed,
but when it will come
one day to live with you?
How many hours, how many days
waiting for you to return...
Just one day, very long
to be shared between us.
Just one day, very long,
to be shared between us.

Tsipouro in Epirus

Tsipouro in Epirus
Is found on the table
We drink it from the jug
When clarinets are being played
Pogonisia and Kagkelia 1
Are our gospels
And the holy tsipouro after that
Is our eucharist
Tsipouro in Epirus
Has become our medicine
We know how to drink it
It never makes us dizzy 2
Pogonisia and Kagkelia
Are our gospels
And the holy tsipouro after that
Is our eucharist
  • 1. Traditional dances
  • 2. Literally : It never drinks us

Alene curge râul sub coline…

Alene curge râul sub coline…
În casa cu ferestre multe, noi
Trăim precum pe timpu – Ecaterinei,
Rugându-ne de rod bogat și ploi.
Supus cărării-alalt'ieri străbătute,
Un oaspete ne vine dinspre zări,
Grăbit bunicii mâna să-i sărute,
Și mie gura-n umbra de sub scări.
Vara lui 1917

Like a storm

Like a bleeding wound
It makes my soul bleed
I'm longing so much to touch you
I'm looking to find the courage
To talk to you, to tell you
To show you what I feel
Like a sudden storm
With hail and rain
With so much strength and momentum
That's how i want you
Like an angry sky
My love is a lightning
But i'm afraid to tell you
And I'm suffering
With my lips sealed tight
To bleed hard
I decide to talk to you
But when I'm in front of you
I unfortunately admit
That I can't do it due to my anxiety

The barbecue

This sunday with all my friends
We're going to the countryside to eat the barbecue
And we'll gather with lots of people
Making our environment, and a pretty barbecue
We'll bring many things
The drinks, the soda
The hot dogs, the ribs
Good meat, the grill
The coal and the large steak
The barbecue, the barbecue
How I love the barbecue
The barbecue, the barbecue
How I love the barbecue
How tasty are the grilled sausages
Grilled sausages
How tasty are the grilled hot dogs
Grilled hot dogs
How tasty are the lamb steaks
Lamb steaks
How good is this bottle of wine
Bottle of wine
I put wood to the fire
and following the game
When they want to notice
the couples get hot
And they can't wait
I like soft meat
Thighs and breast and flip them around
While the others eat that it's scary
They enjoy like crazy sucking their fingers
The girl next door who's pretty
Is sunbathing in the deck chair
I bring her something simple
but she wants a fillet
which she likes the most

The paradise for cattle

For the enactment of an animal welfare law
on November 12, 1933 by the
President of the Animal Welfare Association,
Hermann Göring.

They're issuing a law
for the protection of rats, cats and mice.
Torturing rabbits, frogs and pigs
should be prohibited in Germany.
Hands off God's creature!
Because they are leaders in culture!
In Germany, they create
a paradise for cattle.
A long time ago, they didn't
make laws for cattle.
It first came to humans
if reds can be called that.
Hand off God's creature?
Oh no, that was the other tour:
you are in the Third Reich!
We only protect the cattle!
Concentration camps are now being considered
For those who killed a bed bug.
On the other hand, it is customary
to beat up reds, Jews and Christians.
And who is best at beating
he is the most loyal German man.
In the pure culture, you can see it,
the paradise of cattle.
The cattle are delighted,
because their time has come.
They even breed animals:
for example the vampires.
They are under the special protection
of the state and they suck blood
as lush as never before,
in the paradise of the cattle.

Days Long Gone

It’s so strange to think
on a day that should be about happiness and peace
In the window there are little shoes
that signify the passage of time
Christmas is back
Days long gone
come to life again
The songs we always sang
vibrating around me
This Christmastime
I think about the value of generosity
Trying to give my loved ones
everything you gave to me, this Christmas
See what they’re looking forward to
Having everyone together is magical to me
Fresh white snow
What brings me new paths, a way forward
Christmas is back
Christmas is back
Days long gone
come to life again
The songs we always sang
vibrating around me
This Christmastime
I think about the value of generosity
Trying to give my loved ones
everything you gave to me, this Christmas
The memories are still alive
You're in the front of my mind
And tonight, I think you're here
Days long gone
come to life again
The songs we always sang
vibrating around me
This Christmastime
I think about the value of generosity
Trying to give my loved ones
everything you gave to me, this Christmas
Days long gone
come to life again
The songs we always sang

Up in the Mountain Range

What do you know about the mountain range
if you were born so far away?
You have to know the stone
that crowns the blizzard place1
you have to walk quietly through
the shortcuts of silence
and cross the shores
of the lakes in the top of the peaks
my father walked his life
among stones and hills.
The white widow on his rump
the curse of the muleteer
led my old man that night
to steal other people's livestock
next to the Atacalpo lake
at the entrance of winter
they asked him with blows
and he answered with silence
the mountain guards
nailed his cross to where the wind was blowing.
Los Angeles, Santa Fe
were names to hell
to my house came
the law looking for the cattle thief
my mother hid her face
when he didn't return from the hill
and up in the mountain range
the night was entering his bones
he who was so man and alone
carried death in his herding.
We crossed today
with a good herd
up in the mountain range
not even the wind saw us pass
with so much pride he would love me
if now he was able to know.
But only the wind knows
where my old man slept
with his poor man's sorrow
and two bullets in his chest.
  • 1. the top of the mountain


At nights I wear tight pants
I ring your bell
I look at out carelli and I'm getting mad
I'm falling in love with a 7,500 cc Yamaha
The guys were onto you the last night again on the pub
And you played it out comfortable and vamp
I'm a prince and don't forget Maria
Sunflower seeds and marching two months ago
Chikaboom, and my head is dizzy
Chikaboom, and come on to me while I'm dizzy
Chikaboom, I will improve my verses
Chikaboom, my motor is now running
You read Ionescu's unreasonable
You were buying Unesco's cards yesterday
You now set terms in a serious face
But we're drinking beers
Chikaboom and I'm now with Vicky
I got you, you fake woman
I have a chick with a two-bedroom apartment close to the stadium
that owns a Fiat car with radio
Chikaboom, and my head is dizzy
Chikaboom, and come on to me while I'm dizzy
Chikaboom, I will improve my verses
Chikaboom, my motor is now running (x2)

Hold me

I abandoned many dreams
on my back folded wings
fatal hugs reached me there
my often wrong choices
But I knew your love would come
I had an intuition that I'd find you
now my deep kisses and my feelings
They all danced on your body
Hold me, my soul
You, my new life
Whatever you do fits me
Hold me and let's go
together wherever
near you, luck is smiling at me
If the world has real hearts
I haven't found any of them yet
I ended up there on a dark night
In which me and silence were discussing
But I knew your love would come
I had an intuition that I'd find you
now my deep kisses and my feelings
They all danced on your body
Hold me, my soul
You, my new life
Whatever you do fits me
Hold me and let's go
together wherever
near you, luck is smiling at me

Don't tell me because I forget

Don't tell me because I forget
and I don't pass by the house
I don't want you anymore, know that, I love another one
My heart wants someone else, I hurt for someone else
When I told you while in pain
'I'm losing myself for you, I'm melting'
you were looking down sweetie
you were looking to get someone else's kisses
You were out of your mind
and with another one entangled 1
Now you cry, I don't feel sorry about you nor do I hurt with you
I will turn my heart into stone like a mountain
I don't care if you get hurt
you will get hurt to learn
and when you love another, don't joke with him
he will leave you being hurt again
  • 1. In a relationship


I maybe find someone that loves me forever
Someone who’s handsome and smell good and who’s nice
But why does it matter when I’m completely uninterested
Because only you can get my heart to work
I think that I
Have forgot to miss you, so I go
and look at old Memories
And, oh, it’s hard
But I rather see that I feel something,
than that I just forget
The night we kissed on the way home
When we walked and talked to four forty-five
I walk past the bar, in broad daylight,
And I think for myself
I maybe find someone that loves me forever
Someone who’s handsome and smell good and who’s nice
But why does it matter when I’m completely uninterested
Because only you can get my heart to work
I maybe find someone that loves me forever
Someone who’s handsome and smell good and who’s nice
But why does it matter when I’m completely uninterested
Because only you can get my heart to work
I can see
When you feel good and don’t mean it
But you still post it
We both know
That all imperfections do the same,
when we look at each other
All the times I woke up alone,
In the morning after a night out
With dried up tears
When everything feels so hard
And I think for myself
I maybe find someone that loves me forever…
Oh, forever
Oh, forever

The Gorilla

Through the big cage of the circus,
the women from all the neighborhood
were gazing at the gorilla

To my emotions

Versions: #1
I'm one of the people of this city. I move in the crowd with plaintive steps. Against me walks only some random faces.
I won't recognise you from them, my dearest.
I searched you from everywhere
To my emotions, I travel to my innermost.
Yes and so I peek behind the curtain.
To my emotions, I turn the rocks on their sides.
I won't just stand still anymore, I'm going to go ahead.
I stand on a bridge, the water reflects a mirror image of a city which dresses in the night.
Choices and feelings
Questions asked by the people. What I want from life, I don't know yet.
I'm going to experience it.
I'm going to go ahead (x3)
Chorus (x3)
I'm going to go ahead
I'm going to go ahead
Yes I will go
I'm going to go ahead

Buna dimineata, Ce faci?

Buna dimineata, ce faci
iti doresc tot binele
cand esti langa mine
sau cand esti departe
Sper ca fiecare zi
este un nou inceput
buna dimineata, ce faci
te iubesc mult
Buna dimineata, ce faci
iti doresc tot binele
nu iti pierde curajul
tine capul sus
buna dimineata fericirea mea
buna dimineata viata
buna dimineata, ce faci
te iubesc mult
Buna dimineata, ce faci
iti doresc tot binele
cand esti langa mine
sau cand esti departe
Sper ca fiecare zi
este un nou inceput
buna dimineata, ce faci
te iubesc mult
Buna dimineata, ce faci
iti doresc tot binele
si atunci cand crezi
ca totul merge gresit
ceva se va intampla
nu intreba de ce
buna dimineata, ce faci
te iubesc mult


Near the church, outside Rentina's *affluent
i got caught by numerous Katalan soldiers
They chose a tall tree and they hung my tongue
they lighted a fire and they sat in a circle to get warm.
Saint-Minas whose holy relique protect me
i promise to bring you 40 kilos of Vlach cheese
to be distrubuted to poor people, the abbot, and Mrs Tasia
who inhabite your holy, honored church.
Where is Minas and where my damn friends have gone?
They have seen the troops and they took their wives with them to hide themselves
Well, boys, if i won't be with you from now on, do not feel afraid
have courage, Katalans won't be here for ever.

Kritikis- Voniatiki Sousta Soronis -Rhodes

I keep recalling and i want to find out where is the body i once loved
where are those- aman aman- where are those eyes ( glimpses)
where are those eyes that i used to look at them sometimes
ee...if you love me, then do love me
if you love me, then do love me
and if you don't want me, just say it
Because, as we speak, other women want me too*
and i'm standing here for you ( wanting you)
Oh come (over here), come, aman aman,
you mountains do not become green, and you trees uproot
and you beautiful women die, so as we would stop being tortured by you
Oh come (over here), come, aman aman,
our clothes are consumed by the mountains, our hair ( is consumed) by the sun,
young women consume our youth, and the earth (consumes) our bones

Tourtsikos dance-Sousta Rhodes

Come with me to - oh aman aman- to go where you're saying
come with me to go where you're saying, where birds do their nests
I climb up - oh aman aman- i climb up the mountains and i gaze upon
i climb up the mountains and i look at the temporary world
Damn- oh aman , aman- damn you once again
damn you once again, you liar ( fake) and unfair world.
Oh come ye, oh come, come, oh my Virgin Mary, i didn't used to be cheerful( or skillful), my little bird, you made me to be one
Oh come ye, oh come, come my bird, you made me to be one , and you put me through a lot of sufferings, and i am wasting my body ( i am being consumed).

Sousta ( Rhodes)

Come (over here), come, come, come , oh my Virgin Mary
this world is so fake, is just a spinning globe
oh come, come, come on, it's just a spinning globe
happy is the one who is enjoying it and is having fun
Come, come, come, oh come my Virgin Mary
up in the high mountains you can find a cool breeze
come, come, oh come, you can find a cool breeze
youth and bravery do not last for ever.

Cherry Orchard

A weird year - as if something has torn away and is beating inside
No one is left who would remember me like this...
The cherry orchard is divided and conquered
Summerfolk with no faces are roaming the fields
Offline, I don't remember phone numbers anymore
After thirty, with each passing day, there are more and more places I won't return to
Cherry juice has thickened and clotted
The horizon like uneven pulse askew
The color of grass, the smell of leaves are not the same anymore
Now you've changed too...
The cherry orchard is divided and conquered
Summerfolk with no faces are roaming the fields...
Loud trains are rumbling beyond the fringe
Leave, I'll stay here until the end!

No more time

The white leaves of the years
fall out of the flower crown on my hat
The black leaves of anger fall, too
Mix into my hair.
My heart leaves my mouth more rarely
Hesitating, the hands reach
Into the dust on the street to find something.
Slowly I'm starting to love my walls.
And I have no more time to stand around in an espalier
And to sing along a bit during the chorus
And to follow all those who know a lot
And to jump up to get my sausage everyday.
And I have no more time, I don't stand
in the long lines anymore where you can sell yourself
And I have no more time, I take up the glove
I run for my life and against the CV.
And I have no more time to play robbers and cops
To carry my fidelity to the offices
And to cool smoking engines with my blood
And to turn down another love
And I have no more time, I don't stand
in the long lines anymore where you can sell yourself
And I have no more time, I take up the glove
I run for my life and against the CV.

Small quiet sadness

A small quiet sadness
Will probably stay with me for a long time now
And I am still searching for your dress
In the evening buses, half past three
And I put two cups on the table
As if you were still coming today
And I laugh when I catch myself doing it
And the water for the tea is boiling for nothing