Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 2


Babies don't have nations

I felt this first time when I was away from homeland
Babies don't have nations
Their looks, holds are same
The same curiosity in their eyes
The same voices when they're crying
Babies are the blossoms of our humanity
The purest of roses, the most rosebud
Some of them are blonde patches of light
Some of them are blackest olives
Fathers, keep them in your mind
Mothers, protect your babies
Silent them, shut them up, don't let them to say
If anyone talks about war, the destruction
Let them grow up with love
May they blossom, flourish like a tree
They don't belong to you, me nor anyone
They belong to the all earth
The pupil of all humanity's eye
I felt this first time when I was away from homeland
Babies don't have nations
Babies are the blossoms of our humanity
And our only hope for our future...