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Except for myself

It was something like a sign when their elbows locked
I asked you how it happened,
And you told me, 'with a needle'.
I thought it was going to hurt,
You're telling me that it hurts now
I saw you become stressed as time passed by.
Except for myself, I'm yelling
For a single moment of this pale life.
I remember nights when you were cold,
Even if it were summer.
You marked moments of hate on the wall with a knife.
Your friends pushed you round and round,
Two on the inside and one on the outside
And they always sent me away,
But maybe I'll get tangled up with you.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

My other self

My other self, she's bored with you
She thinks you're a bit uncouth
She thinks you're a bit too dull
My other self, you're not getting back with her
My other self, she doesn't like you
It's not my fault,
This is stronger than me
My other self, you don't know her
My other self, is she on the lookout
When she reaches out to hold me ?
You're not the one bearing the weight
It's never two without three
Between you, her and me
My other self, you don't interest her
You're looking for her, want to turn her on
But she's still staying chilly
My other self, sorry, don't try to tell us
My other self, is she on the lookout
When she reaches out to hold me ?
You're not the one bearing the weight
It's never two without three
Between you, her and me
My other, she leaves me no choice
She has had enough of enduring
Your highs and your lows
My other self, you don't know her
It's never two without three
Between you, her and me

Mașina pe o serpentină

E atât de ușor acum
aproape doar nimicul mai durează.
Am dat drumul câinilor,
iar vântul a luat furtuna.
Sub noi marea,
în fața noastră soarele se prăbușește.
Înghițim benzile drumului
și lumea zboară ca o briză jucăușă.
Un înger risipitor zboară înalt
ne spune nu sunt probleme, nu poartă supărare.
Cicadele cântă în copaci în G-dur,
ca să vezi miracol, să vezi o mie de minuni,
să vezi o mie de minuni.
Cu pupile flămânde
pe umăr mi se așează un diavol.
Îi dau un bobârnac cu stânga
viața e mai bună singur.
Mașină pe o serpentină
cine știe încotro merge.
Mic romantism cu părul zburlit
mă mușcă de inimă cu dinții de lapte.
Un înger risipitor zboară înalt
ne spune nu sunt probleme, nu poartă supărare.
Cicadele cântă în copaci în G-dur,
ca să vezi miracol, să vezi o mie de minuni,
să vezi o mie de minuni.
Vedeți mii de miracole!

Mincinos frumos

Asta e o minciună frumoasă
Ultima mea minciună
Chiar dacă doare de mor
Mă ascund după o mască pentru tine
Mă privesc în oglindă și mă întreb
Chiar te va face fericită dacă te las să pleci?
O să scap complet de mine pentru că ai nevoie de timp în liniște pentru tine
Am spus acele lucruri fără să le simt măcar?
Ca să mă răzbun pe fața pe care ai făcut-o atunci când ai strigat 'pleacă'
Contaminez amintirile noastre care erau frumoase
Încă nu mi-am imaginat o viață fără tine, dar te rog, fii fericită
Așa ca măcar minciuna mea să strălucească
Dau drumul ușor mâinilor tale care mă țin strâns
Dar inima mi-e la fel
Dar te voi lăsa să pleci
Dau drumul mâinilor tale
Dar inima mi-e la fel
Cred că e cel mai bine pentru tine dacă pun capăt aici
Asta e o minciună frumoasă
Ultima mea minciună
Chiar dacă doare de mor
Mă ascund după o mască pentru tine
E ok dacă mă părăsești
Vreau să fii fericită
Oh, sunt
Sunt un frumos
Sunt un mincinos frumos
Continui să plângi în fața mea
A fost o replică neașteptată care a dus la următorul capitol
Mi-ai spus să-mi retrag cuvintele pe care ți le-am aruncat
În timp ce-mi ții fața
Apoi cazi din picioare
Ăsta nu e viitorul la care m-am gândit
Pare un păcat să mă uit la tine ca la un singuratic câine legat
Așa că-mi înghit sentimentele și te las să pleci
Trebuie să trăiești mai bine ca mine, promite-mi
Dar în clipa în care am spus asta, te-ai întors
Nu voi ține de tine, voi zâmbi
Ăsta sunt eu, nu mai ezita
E timpul să-ți dau
Ultimile bătăi ale inimii
Faptul că ne-am iubit e frumos
E timpul să-ți dau
Ultimile bătăi ale inimii
Faptul că ne-am iubit e frumos
Eu cu cătușe de fier pe picioare
Seamănă cu mine mai mult ca niciodată
(Te-ai întors și ai fugit spre mine
Mi-ai spus să nu spun minciuni tâmpite
În timp ce ai zâmbit)
E o durere frumoasă
Să te las să pleci
Trebuie să mă omor pe interior
Să-mi înghit lacrimile
Și să-mi pun o mască zâmbitoare
Mă simt așa ușurat acum
Te rog, nu-ți fă griji pentru mine
Oh, sunt
Sunt un frumos
Nu, un mincinos laș

This will say 'love'

If I asked for it, I would have changed the heavens, the sea, and the entire world
So you could have your moon.
I would have made the world from scratch for your favour
And I would have put the sun in your hands, in your stars, in a single moment.
This will finally say 'love'
You'll make the weak strong
You'll give and never ask for anything
This will show, my love, that you can love.
I could become a god
I could make the darkness into light
Never come crying to me
I will make sense out of madness
I will make lyrics, I'll make music
I'll make a song for you to sign
I've lost it, what can I say?
I love you so, so much
Ask me whatever you want.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

The Devil's Bride

A handful of stars
Your eyes are rays
Lights in the night
My longing is torture
And the pale moon
bestows his light on us
Shadows dance, ghostlike,
in the darkness, just for you
Risen and awakened
Spit out into the night
I've been looking for you for so long
And I know you belong to me
I have entrusted myself to you
Everyone knows you're the devil's bride,
the devil's bride
Forgotten is the pain
Don't know anymore what I know
I'm pressing against your mouth
So naked and so hot
The desire burns me
Rain falls in my heart
But the radiance of your eyes
has brightened my night
Risen and awakened
Spit out into the night
I've been looking for you for so long
And I know you belong to me
I've entrusted myself to you
Everyone knows you're the devil's bride,
the devil's bride
When dawn breaks, I'm lost,
restless when the day disappears
I almost go under,
I don't see your eyes.
I've been looking for you for so long
And I know you belong to me
I've entrusted myself to you
Everyone knows you're the devil's bride
I've been looking for you for so long
And I know you belong to me
I've entrusted myself to you
Everyone knows you're the devil's bride,
the devil's bride

Zile frumoase

În cer, strălucesc și clipesc
Stelele care se șterg ușor
Nu e dureros de frumos?
Deși vreau să auzi
Povești despre una și alta
Deși se spune că dorințele puse când vezi o stea căzătoare
Într-o zi se vor adeveri
Deși avem riduri
De la egoism și avuție
Doar în visele noastre
Vom fi capabili să ne reîntâlnim?
În cer, strălucesc și clipesc
Stelele care se șterg ușor
Pe drumul spre casă, lacrimile nu mi se pot opri
Eu întotdeauna...
Spre cer, amintirile mele
Și lacrimile îmi curg
Nu e dureros de frumos?
Mai mult decât să împărțim tristețea noastră
Și să ne rărim lacrimile
Nu e mai rău când nu ne putem împărtăși fericirea?
Toate zâmbetele
Reflectate pe pleoapele mele
Încă îmi dau curaj, chiar și acum
Vreau să te reîntâlnesc
Voi cânta spre cer
Da, voi cânta cât mă ține vocea
E ciudat, nu? Nu sunt singur
Eu întotdeauna...
Voi saluta spre cer
Voi saluta cu mâna aceasta, punând putere
Pentru că acesta e semnul nostru
Fie că e amuzant, fie că e dureros
Nu vom fi niciodată capabili să ne reîntâlnim
Indiferent de cât de tare ne dorim
În cer, strălucesc și clipesc
Stelele care se șterg ușor
Pe drumul spre casă, lacrimile nu mi se pot opri
Eu întotdeauna...
Spre cer, amintirile mele
Și lacrimile îmi curg
Nu e dureros de frumos?
Voi cânta spre cer
Da, voi cânta cât mă ține vocea
E ciudat, nu? Nu sunt singur
Eu întotdeauna...
Nu voi uita niciodată
De acel viitor pe care l-am pictat cândva pe cer


De ce trebuie sa fii asa frumoasa?
Facandu-ma sa-mi fie frica sa ma indragostesc
De ce trebuie sa fii asa frumoasa?
cand stiu ca 'noi' pur si simplu nu se poate intampla
Alearga prin capul meu
Lucrurile pe care as fi putut sa le spun
Si acum incerc sa mi te scot din minte
Asa ca de ce trebuie sa fii asa frumoasa?
de ce trebuie sa fii asa frumoasa?
Nu spune 'Nu', o sa fac o scena
Pentru ca in mintea mea suntem facuti sa fim impreuna
Nu e o gluma, e doar ce simt
Am sa te pisc de mana sa-ti arat ca e real
As face saltul, dar imi e frica de inaltimi
Sunt prea implicata ca sa dau inapoi
Asa ca imi tin rasuflarea si inchid ochii
Momentul nu e niciodata perfect, of, de ce?
De ce trebuie sa fii asa frumoasa?
Facandu-ma sa-mi fie frica sa ma indragostesc
De ce trebuie sa fii asa frumoasa?
cand stiu ca 'noi' pur si simplu nu se poate intampla
Alearga prin capul meu
Lucrurile pe care as fi putut sa le spun
Si acum incerc sa mi te scot din minte
de ce trebuie sa fii asa frumoasa, asa frumoasa?
De ce trebuie sa fii asa frumoasa?
De ce trebuie sa fii asa frumoasa ...

Another world

[Intro: N.O.S]
[Verse 1: N.O.S]
I want to go back home
The path isn't the same now that the world is ours
On my last flow, in my building, skunk
Only cockroaches and my dreams will remain1
I take a picture of my life, a bit more than before, doubts are being confirmed, a bit less than before2
Angels are opening up and you, you will never know who I am3
Even I will have trouble figuring it out for the rest of my life
So I'll need to come back here
I will give you time to disappoint me but time will allow me to see
Will you still be drawn to me in the dark ?
Last in the ovens4, looking for a gleam, a few roses, a lot of thorns in the heart
The same kid without the dreams, without the tears and I have many questions
For my Maker5, in the meantime I wander, I make many mistakes
And the past resonates in my heart
I don't want us to survive anymore, I want a better life, I don't want them to deny themselves anymore6, live your dreams and die
[Chorus: Ademo & N.O.S]
Only family7, only family, only family, only family, nothing has changed in my fucking head
I'm outside of the codes, I'll not pick flowers for you, I've got the rose but you're dumb, I'm not playing Saint-Valentine,
Only money, only money, only money, only money, nothing has changed in my fucking head
You know the street charmed me, told me 'a liter8 costs that much', I'd like to explain you but I'm counting, I don't have time
Only family, only family, only family, only family, nothing has changed in my fucking head
There's wealth in our souls, there's misery in our eyes
Only money, only money, only money, only money, nothing has changed in my fucking head
Beauty and charm, we're thinking that we don't deserve the heavens
[Verse 2: Ademo]
I want to be gang9, fella (fella, fella)
Life made us weep, I want to be dumb, to not think anymore, not forgive them anymore, nothing in the head anymore
And I keep all of my tears, sometimes my eyes are wet, I want to be empty, not have a soul anymore
Become the beast10 again
I want love but you can't buy it, when I hand it out it's free, these bastards don't give it back
Funny concept
And I can say that I have a toned heart, a bit of a lost expression, man
I can tell you that we're afraid to love, Tarik Clark11, AD12 Superman
I want to end it all but hess13 traumatized me, people who followed me, I can't abandon them
So I guess I'm doomed
[Chorus: Ademo & N.O.S]
Only family, only family, only family, only family, nothing has changed in my fucking head
I'm outside of the codes, I'll not pick flowers for you, I've got the rose but you're dumb, I'm not playing Saint-Valentine,
Only money, only money, only money, only money, nothing has changed in my fucking head
You know the street charmed me, told me 'a liter costs that much', I'd like to explain you but I'm counting, I don't have time
Only family, only family, only family, only family, nothing has changed in my fucking head
There's wealth in our souls, there's misery in our eyes
Only money, only money, only money, only money, nothing has changed in my fucking head
Beauty and charm, we're thinking that we don't deserve the heavens
[Outro: N.O.S]
Only family, only family, only family, only family, nothing has changed in my fucking head
Only money, only money, only money, only money, nothing has changed in my fucking head
  • 1. Double meaning here: 'cockroaches' can both refer to people in the ghetto or literal cockroaches (not uncommon in projects). N.O.S left all of it behind him when he and his brother got the opportunity to reach for success, just like they'd always dreamed.
  • 2. Now that he's famous, his life is way more 'instagrammable' than it used to, both professionnaly (since he used to sell drugs) and personally (since he's now able to travel the world). Life is also less uncertain now that he has a stable and legal activity.
  • 3. PNL are known to be pretty elusive, they don't do interviews and only open up in their songs, as it is the case here.
  • 4. In the French drug jargon, an 'oven' refers to a point of sale (for e.g, a stairwell or the hallway of a building).
  • 5. PNL are Muslims
  • 6. Overall, the two brothers mention the fact that they've had a rough upbringing quite a lot in their songs. See the translation for 'La misère est si belle' to find out more.
  • 7. QLF ('Que La Famille'/'Solely family') is PNL's motto. It means they'll always put their family first. Here, the slang term for 'family' is used ('mif', which is a contraction of the word)
  • 8. A 'litre' (lit. 'liter') is French drug jargon for a kilogram of a given drug
  • 9. Understand 'to be tough' or 'toughened up by the street', I don't want to kid around, yet I'm smiling from pectoral to pectoral
    On MeccaThe holiest of all places for Muslims which is why swearing on it as Ademo is doing here is a truthfulness guaranty. Also, there's a play on the French version of the name ('Mecque') and the French slang for fella ('mec').
  • 10. Back when he was struggling as a drug-selling North-African man living in projects, Ademo had to be ruthless in order to survive.
  • 11. Tarik is Ademo's real name and here, he's comparing himself to Clark Kent, the real name of Superman
  • 12. A variation of Ademo (read 'Adé')
  • 13. 'Hess' (with an aspired 'h') literally translates to 'will to harm' but in French slang, the phrase 'C'est la hess !'/'It's hess' means that you're struggling financially. In this context, it thus takes the meaning of 'misery'.

When Autumn Comes

When autumn comes,
the tree is astonished
to see its leaves fall away
without being able to retain them.
When autumn comes,
my heart shivers
to see you one day go away
and not be able to stop you.
Neither the rains of September,
nor the gray days of November,
nor the storms, nor the clouds
will ever be able to erase
all the love that I have
for you whom I love.
I love you so much.
When autumn comes,
all surrenders.
The flowers soon will die
without leaving any trace.
In the fall winds
that swirl
on the day when you will go away,
let me come away with you.
In the folds of the earth—
in the river beds—
in the storms, in the clouds—
I will follow your steps
wherever you will go.
I will go with you whom I love.
I love you so much.

Îți promit

Îți promit să trăiesc doar cu tine în privirea mea
Îți promit să trăiesc doar cu tine în brațele mele
Din clipa în care îmi deschid ochii și până mă pun să dorm voi tânji doar după tine
Sper că nu vei uita aceste cuvinte, te iubesc pentru totdeauna
Voi deveni umbra în vara fierbinte
Voi deveni umbrela ta când plouă
Voi deveni scaunul tău mic când vei obosi din mers
Iar ca fericirea să ți se dubleze, voi râde cu tine
Voi deveni un prosop, ca atunci când plângi, să-ți ștergi lacrimile
Îți promit să trăiesc doar cu tine în privirea mea
Îți promit să trăiesc doar cu tine în brațele mele
Din clipa în care îmi deschid ochii și până mă pun să dorm voi tânji doar după tine
Sper că nu vei uita aceste cuvinte, te iubesc pentru totdeauna
Suntem ca o gogoașă și o cafea
Oferindu-mi fericire, ești persoana mea specială
Zi de zi rămâi fără energie
Suflând viață în tine, parfumul tău dulce
Dragostea pe care am ascuns-o în fiecare zi
În ziua în care vom fi împreună, îți voi arătat tot
Îți promit că oriunde voi fi îmi voi aminti doar de tine
Îți promit că orice aș face, îmi voi aminti de tine
Voi trăi în acest fel pentru totdeauna
Te iubesc, nu uita aceste cuvinte, te iubesc pentru totdeauna
Da, A.N.JELL , de ce aici, îți promit, doar fă-o, fată
Te iubesc, ce am nevoie mai mult?
Bătaia mi-a părăsit inima, îți voi răspunde
Un pas, doi pași, trei, patru, încet mă voi da mai aproape de tine
Nu-ți pot spune să mă aștepți pentru că te voi lua
Îți promit că oriunde voi fi îmi voi aminti doar de tine
Îți promit că orice aș face, îmi voi aminti de tine
Voi trăi în acest fel pentru totdeauna
Te iubesc, nu uita aceste cuvinte, te iubesc pentru totdeauna

The Rival

you lived in the shadow of this man,
waiting an entire lifetime to love him.
you were the hidden lover, you were the other woman,
the impossible favorite, the rival in a word.
He was the picture of a hero—success—in the newspapers.
Another was in the picture—another had his children.
he spoke as nicely as he knew how:
'You are beautiful and I owe you all my talent.'
And yet it was another who shared his life,
not knowing she was robbing you day after day.
Then one day, he led you to believe that someday you could live together.
Perhaps—maybe he believed it too—but that day never came.
tonight, there is nothing left to choose.
Too many tears have already streamed from your eyes.
In other times,
you dreamed of growing old together—
but your dreams now are old and the winter is here.

Beautiful goodbye

Versions: #2
[Verse 1]
Let’s talk about
All those things that we couldn’t say
When the breeze flows
Gently around us
Let’s sit face to face
And talk about our breakup
[Verse 2]
The winter passes and the flowers bloom
We said that
We’d be alright
But no matter how hard I try,
I can’t ignore
Your dying feelings
When April fades away
Let’s walk away
As if nothing’s wrong
So that
Our last goodbye
Will be beautiful
Just smile a little longer until then
[Verse 3]
If you turn back time
To when we first met
Don’t stand
There underneath the streetlight
Don’t smile
And don’t push your hair back like that
So that
I can just pass you by
When April fades away
Let’s walk away
As if nothing’s wrong
So that
Our last goodbye
Will be beautiful
Just smile a little longer until then
Even if I comfort you
And ask why you’ve changed
You drift away
So meet someone
That’s better than me
I hope you can smile with him
As you drift away
You fade away
Because we loved each other
Let’s say
Our last goodbyes
I pray that before this time ends
You can find happiness
Let’s not forget our love
You and I


My friend was walking on the Summer street one day
And somewhere near the fifth house, in his head he heard
A strange voice, like it was ringing true
And the voice said to him: 'There's no medicine for fate'
She went to the fortune-teller, saying 'Throw the cards,
Tell me, my fairy, whom should I love and hate'
The fortune-teller told from her fingers: 'the situation's bad,
But if you forget yourself, you'll get saved'
Aj-ja-ja, how you believe, that's how it is
O-joj-joj-joj you'll be sure tomorrow
Hej-hej-hej, how you see is how you view
Na-naj-naj-naj, but I'm singing simply
UFOs landed on the edge of my yard
They're all faceless and emotionless
But in their group, there was one intellectual
And that one said to me, 'What you fear, is what you'll face'
Aj-ja-ja, how you believe, that's how it is
O-joj-joj-joj you'll be sure tomorrow
Hej-hej-hej, how you see is how you view
Na-naj-naj-naj, but I'm singing simply
Three Mercedes stopped, not nice to look at
'Hey girl, where are you hitch-hiking to, maybe I could take you'
In one, silent maniac, in the other a chatty fool
The third offers a choice - the other two, or death
(Because you can always choose)
Aj-ja-ja, how you believe, that's how it is
O-joj-joj-joj you'll be sure tomorrow
Hej-hej-hej, how you see is how you view
Na-naj-naj-naj, but I'm singing simply
I know that the Internet has secret pages
The ones which let to see, what you all are dreaming about
This life isn't worth forgetting about
Where's the sky
If there was a first time, the last one will also be
Aj-ja-ja, how you believe, that's how it is
O-joj-joj-joj you'll be sure tomorrow
Hej-hej-hej, how you see is how you view
Na-naj-naj-naj, but I'm singing simply
Na-naj-naj-naj, but I'm singing simply
But I'm singing simply
But I'm singing simply

Roses on the sea

Versions: #2
I search a love who wants to understand
joy and pain, ire and pleasure
A nice love with no end
who forgets to forgive
It is easier to find roses on the sea.
Roses on the sea.
Roses on the sea.
I search the reason of as much hypocrisy
The lie is an obsession and gets false the truth
What will they win ?, what will they lost?
If all this will go.
Roses on the sea.
Roses on the sea.
I ask for freedom and they do not want to hear
It’s a necessity to may live,
Freedom, freedom,
Human right.
It is easier to find roses o the sea
Roses on the sea.
Roses on the sea.
I search a lost place on the sea,
Where I would forget nastiness
I want to search solitude,
To may live in peace
It is easier to find roses o the sea
Roses on the sea.
roses on the sea.
roses on the sea.
roses on the sea.

Beautiful Feeling

It's amazing
to see me
smiling at you
without knowing.
As the day passes
my heart grows
deeper and deeper for you.
This song
could be like
another love song.
Yeah I know.
But I still
want to sing
this feeling.
So baby, please listen.
I'll sing for you.
I like every moment I breathe
under the same sky with you.
The word 'Love'
isn't enough for
this beautiful feeling.
It’s beautiful.
It’s beautiful.
This beautiful feeling
This beautiful feeling
It’s beautiful.
It’s beautiful.
I can't tell it with words.
This beautiful feeling
This song
could be like
another love song.
Yeah I know.
But I still
want to sing
this feeling.
So baby, please listen.
I'll sing for you.
I like every moment I breathe
under the same sky with you.
The word 'Love'
isn't enough
for this beautiful feeling.
I'm thrilled with my whole body
I'm so happy that
I'm crying, ye
Some people say love.
But I think
there's more to it than that, ye
If you know, let me know.
If not, build it.
To this beautiful feeling.
This beautiful feeling
I like every moment I breathe
under the same sky with you.
The word 'Love'
isn't enough
for this beautiful feeling.
It’s beautiful.
It’s beautiful.
This beautiful feeling
This beautiful feeling
It’s beautiful.
It’s beautiful.
I can't tell it with words.
This beautiful feeling.

În ochii tăi

Mi s-a zis odată, dar
Să fiu sincer, în acea zi
Am simțit inima cum îmi bate
Am știut de la început
Nu am fost sigur de ce
Noi împreună păream predestinați
Timpul te va conduce
Pentru totdeauna, fără despărțire
A crezut că visez ca un vis real
Adu-ți aminte ziua aia când ne-am întâlnit prima dată
Ochii tăi strălucitori
Care mi-au făcut ziua wow
Mulțumesc pentru ce mi-ai oferit
Am știut de la început
Nu am fost sigur de ce
Noi împreună păream predestinați
Timpul te va conduce
Pentru totdeauna, fără despărțire
A crezut că visez ca un vis real
Uite-te cum îți zâmbesc, a fost o zi ok
De ce am lacrimi în ochi?
Nu ne vom despărți niciodată
Mereu visez că nimic nu se va schimba în ziua următoare, wow
Dragostea rămâne
Timpul nostru petrecut împreună
Nu se va schimba niciodată
Pentru mine e ca un vis, ca un vis
Adu-ți aminte ziua aia când ne-am întâlnit prima dată
Ochii tăi strălucitori
Pentru că ai venit într-o asemenea zi, wow
Îți mulțumesc din toată inima

Primăvara, Vara, Toamna, Și...

Am vrut să dau de tine măcar o dată
Sper că soarta te va aduce la mine măcar o dată
Spune-mi de ce, încă mă opresc într-un singur loc când văd spatele cuiva care seamănă cu al tău
Trece de mine, de ce, vii la mine pe drumul care a rămas o amintire
Primăvara și vara au trecut și se pare că toamna a fost aici, dar dintrodată este iarnă
În afară de faptul că tu nu ești aici, nimic nu s-a schimbat iarna aceasta
Timpul ticăie ca și cum eu aș fi capabil să te uit ușor
Când ne vom reîntâlni, te voi scoate din inima mea
După primvară, vară și toamna a trecut
Unde ai plecat? De ce ai plecat așa departe?
Cu cât trece mai mult timp, cu atât mai mult mi-e frică
Așa că rătăcesc singur pe undeva
Amintirile și sentimentele mele sunt blocate în acel moment
Sunt obișnuit să merg prin acest loc fără nici o sursă de căldură
Spune-mi de ce, de ce cuvintele 'timpul vindecă' nu mi se potrivesc?
Trece de mine, de ce, încă merg pe drumul care a rămas o amintire
Primăvara și vara au trecut și se pare că toamna a fost aici, dar dintrodată este iarnă
În afară de faptul că tu nu ești aici, nimic nu s-a schimbat iarna aceasta
Timpul ticăie ca și cum eu aș fi capabil să te uit ușor
Când ne vom reîntâlni, te voi scoate din inima mea
După primvară, vară și toamna a trecut
Așteptarea mea nu înseamnă nimic
Pentru tine, sunt doar o amintire trecută
Abia supraviețuiesc fiecărui anotimp care e plin de amintiri cu tine
Nu-mi pasă când, doar vino și găsește-mă, iubito
Primăvara și vara au trecut și se pare că toamna a fost aici, dar dintrodată este iarnă
În afară de faptul că tu nu ești aici, nimic nu s-a schimbat iarna aceasta
Timpul ticăie ca și cum eu aș fi capabil să te uit ușor
Când ne vom reîntâlni, te voi scoate din inima mea
După primvară, vară și toamna a trecut


Ești mică și frumoasă, ceva legat de tine este atât de misterios
Doar în mintea mea mă pot gândi la tine, da
Sentimentul acesta ciudat, de parcă am fost fulgerat
De parcă ceva e electric în capul meu
Oh de ce, asta e dragoste?
Oh de ce, ma gândesc doar la tine
De fapt, da
Nu prea știu eu dragostea, dar da
Doar mi-e dor de tine, da da
Acum fii al meu tot
Da, o voi spune eu mai întâi, da
Îți voi șopti în ureche, da da
Dacă ești tu, mi-e destul
Ești așa frumoasă, da
Ar trebui să merg și să-ți spun că-mi place de tine?
Dar dacă ești șocată și fugi?
Vreau să fac doar ce-mi spune inima și să merg la tine fără nici un gând
Nu pot să fac nimic, te plac prea mult, de asta
Oh de ce, cu atenție
Oh de ce, vreau să te îmbrățișez
De fapt, da
Nu prea știu eu dragostea, dar da
Doar mi-e dor de tine, da da
Acum fii al meu tot
Da, o voi spune eu mai întâi, da
Îți voi șopti în ureche, da da
Dacă ești tu, mi-e destul
Încerc s-o ascund, dar tu m-ai prinde imediat
Când privirile ni se întâlnesc, am un cutremur în ochi, mă prăbușesc
Știu cum să joc jocul de-a 'dute vino'
Dar în caz că linia noastră se prăbușește, nu pot să trag, nici măcar nu pot să te ating
Nici măcar nu te mai pot privi
Nu te pot lăsa printre bărbații aceia
Când mă văd în ochii tăi sunt atât de fericit
Zilele astea nu mă pricep la a-mi exprima sentimentele, dar te voi ajuta să mă vezi doar pe mine
Gândul de a te vedea mâine
Mă face să stau treaz toată noaptea
Știi? Te iubesc! Vin la tine
Astăzi, te voi face să fii a mea
Ca tu să te poți îndrăgosti nebunește de mine
Sunt îmbrăcat, vin la tine
Merg, te văd
(Iubito nu te opri) Acest cântec este pentru tine
Te iubesc, da
Acum îți mărturisesc iubirea, da
M-am pregătit pentru asta de mult, da da
Acum fii al meu tot
Da, o voi spune eu mai întâi, da
Îți voi șopti în ureche, da da
Dacă ești tu, mi-e destul
Ești așa frumoasă, da


I wanted to stay in bed a bit longer
but then I heard this sound again
I knew it was coming back
like it does every day
I wanted to stay in bed a bit longer
but I climbed out of my window
I ran up the hill in the snow
and left the ghosts behind
I'm walking in the snow till it stops
and then I can't hear it anymore
the paths have been covered up
and my mind is empty
And snow is falling in my world
Snow makes everything silent and bright
I was already here and I was already there
I was already nearly everywhere
I'm still running away from something
and it finds me every time
I hear the sound, don't know where from
and all I want to do is
stop, lie still
and wait till it's quiet
And snow is falling in my world
Snow makes everything silent and bright
It does no harm
It's just snow.
The cold whiteness
covers up the shit
And snow is falling in my world
Snow makes everything silent and bright

Roope the robber

If you fill my glass I'll tale you
A sad tale with no equal
It's a song about a pirate named Roope
He broke hearts wherever he went
He was young and fair
And he'd been taught by his father
But the girl he loved betrayed him
And so Roope became a cruel robber
The shores of the Baltic Sea still remember Roope
And the women of St. Petersburg still shake their heads
And the cities of the Finnish Gulf knew Roope the robber
And all the way in Kokkola they feared him
The maiden from Estonia's shore will never forger
How she went to a bar with Roope
They ate and had a drink
She burned her heart but Roope only smoked a cigar
The maiden of Åland did not know her state
When Roope brought his shirt for washing
One button was missing, she sewed it back on
And at the same time she also sewed her heart on
Finally Roope got his just deserts, he's in Finland now
And probably works as a ferryman on some river
He submitted before a widow and ended up married
And that's how Roope the Robber was slowly hanged

Priest in an Automobile

When I see a priest in an automobile
waiting at a red light,
I feel sorry.
When I see a priest in an automobile
changing a tire,
I feel sorry ...
... because he thinks great thoughts about eternity.
When I see a priest in an automobile
getting a ticket,
I feel sorry.

She, Him, and the Other

Here we are—his ring is on my finger
and it will be there forevermore.
He loves me so much and yet before him
another was important in my life.
Here we are—my ring is on her finger
and I know that she does not love me.
But I love her and I want her to forget
that another has passed through her life.
Here they are—his ring is on her finger
and I know that she loves only me.
But today she has become nothing but a friend—
another has come into my life.
Oh, Lord—you who know what is in the past—
make it the past no longer.
And let the one who offers me happiness
tomorrow be the only one in my heart.
The only one—the only one in my heart.

Pe creanga cea mai înaltă

La fântâna limpede
Merg să mă plimb
Atârnat de cea mai înaltă creangă
Printre castane
Pare că te balansezi
Eu te zăresc şi mi se înmoaie picioarele( lit. îmi pierd picioarele)
Chiar dacă nimic nu mai are importanţă
Ai găsit cel puţin cheia
Care ne dă înapoi copilăria
Şi râsul nostru nebun de şcolari?
În această noapte
Este vântul de toamnă
Care te va legăna
Ferit de oameni
Leagănă-te lângă mine
Va fi desigur neplăcut
După o scurtă ezitare
În momentul aşezării scaunelor
Pentru masa de revelion
Vei trăi în toate tăcerile nostre
La întâmplare din conversaţii
Voi scuza absenţa ta
Dar nu-ţi voi mai spune numele
În această noapte
Este vântul de toamnă
Care te va legăna
Ferit de oameni
Leagănă-te lângă mine
Atârnat de cea mai înaltă creangă
Într-o zi te voi ierta
Spune bunului Dumnezeu că este duminică
Şi că poate veni să te caute

In Other Words

Versions: #2
Poets have fine words
To tell of their love.
Their poems are always beautiful
For they always rhyme.
I put to the melody
Words that I wrote for you.
So that you may know their poetry,
I'll translate each time.
Behold the white birds
Near the clouds on the sea
The carry in their flight
Their hearts toward the light.
In other words,
My love,
In other words:
I adore you.
Up in the sky
To the stars we will go
And see if love is greater
On Jupiter or Juno.
In other words,
My love,
In other words:
I love you.
In other words,
My love,
In other words:
I love you.

Do you know what a Christmas tree needs?

La la la...
Do you know what a Christmas tree needs?
It needs some rain and some sunshine too,
rain, sunshine, but there's a hitch,
it's not enough.
Winter rain will freeze
and the tree will die.
So, do you know what it needs?
Some bright sunshine, some rain
and friends too.
Love, always,
On the letter you write to Santa,
so that it doesn't get lost in the huge sky,
draw the golden sledge,
the immaculate reindeer1
but that's not enough yet.
It still needs...
Do you want to know what it needs
to climb up there
into the blue?
It needs the impulse of a pure heart,
two immaculate reindeer,
a bouncing sledge,
some sunshine and rain,
and friends to boot,
and love,
always love.
La la la...
  • 1. and what about ?


You deserve brushstrokes of a Flemish master,
I don't deserve a white-washer's muddle,
You was born and lived under lucky star,
I'm outsider, scum and scar, stayed always afar,
In the clear water puddle,
Away from global ideas, foes and friends.
And you cry as a homeless - Hooray for the home!
And I cry as a madman - Hooray for the puddle!
But iron door has iron lock,
And you aren't allowed to look at the clock, or to listen hard rock.
From two systems of being, I guess, I'll choose one
Where you are missing.
You will live there, I will stay here.
You will be building a family shrine, and I will be drinking wine.
I will die from cirrhosis, you will open windows,
But you will hardly remember me, when the smoke will rise from the chimney!
I don't care if I'm alive or dead.
Have plans or drunk at o-five.
Your dad said that I am a pornocrat,
And I saw so much shit in my life,
I told him – Yeah! But gosh how stupid of you,
Since it was only a play, and I played my role.
You will live there, I will stay here.
You will be building a family shrine, and I will be drinking wine.
I will die from cirrhosis, you will open windows,
But you will hardly remember me, when the smoke will rise from the chimney!

You should have fought for me

Subway full at half past four
The other is wearing the same shirt
And I swear that my heart skips a beat
And even though I wouldn't admit it
I cry every time
When I hear our song somewhere
Everything just happened so fast
We fought and I can't even remember why
And I ended up saying that let's break up then
You should have fought for me
You should have held on more tightly
I made it hard but
You let go too soon
I stayed waiting in the staircase
That you'd run after me
You should have fought for me
Fought for me
You realize too late
That only a few wrong words
Can destroy everything in a moment
And when we ate breakfast at the time
I wouldn't have even guessed
That we would be there for the last time
You should have fought for me
You should have held on more tightly
I made it hard but
You let go too soon
I stayed waiting in the staircase
That you'd run after me
You should have fought for me
Fought for me
It's not fair that I say this only now
But I hope that I would never have left
I don't know if you're over me already
But I guess I want to say that you're not
(I'm not)
You should have fought for me
Fought for me
You should have held on more tightly
I made it hard but
You let go too soon
I stayed waiting in the staircase
That you'd run after me
You should have fought for me
Fought for me

Last letter

When all songs are silent,
Those which I don't know,
In the harsh air will shout
My last paper ship.
Goodbye America, oooo,
Where I have never been.
Goodbye forever.
Take the banjo
Play to me a goodbye.
They fit too tight
Your ripped jeans.
They long taught us
To love your forbidden fruits.
Goodbye America, oooo,
Where I will never be.
Goodbye forever.
I will hear a song that
I will remember forever.

Love Or Death

You're beautiful and you lie
That you can't live without me
You're playing with a wild animal
Do you know the price
If you take my hand
I will take you to my cave
Again we're playing
Love or death
You can love on your turn
And I can hurt
Like a flame attracts a moth
What can't be possessed
You circle around my neck like a snake
But you never touch
Still for a moment for you
I wish to be a human
This madness will never end
Before someone sinks to the ground
But what does it mean
Love or death
Again we're playing
Love or death
You can love on your turn
And I can hurt
This madness will never end
Before one of us sinks to the ground
But what can it then mean
Love or death
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.

I Am Dreaming

I would be pleased to stay with you in dreams once more.
Reviewing my fantasies in his gaze as I’ve done before.
At last, I know it. Someday, this may turn out true.
I shall never stay together with you
Since I always fail to love you unless I am dreaming.
La la la
I shall never stay together with you
Since I always fail to love you unless I am dreaming.

Pain is Beauty

Just try me
Pain is beauty
I will tell you
Even now i'm still a lonely girl
The crossroads appeared too many times
Every time someone is chosen again
Between 'Yes and No', I prefer to be invisible
Nobody can understand why
I don't want to get hurt
I stay quiet because I can't say I understand
Everyone around me is judging me
But I don't have the power to say it
I'm not asking for a lot
I just want to be protected by someone
My long sleeves cover my wounds
So it helped me feel stronger
Don't come near me
All my words are full of lies
If I get out of here
I can do anything so i said
Go away, I'm not afraid of being alone
I want to look stronger
But I wonder if I really am that strong
So try me, I love the pain, I finally understand it now
Pain is such a beautiful feeling
That made it beautiful too
Pain is beauty
The world has always been cold towards me
But apparently I am the one without common sense
But because it doesn't make any sense
I just accepted the complexity and tried again
Let me show you how I fight, baby
Come here when you're tired
I would like to sing this song to the important people
But it's hard because it's the same old words
Stubbornly burst into my heart
I want to feel, I want to feel this pain
I was not realising all the songs I heard
were such a precious thing to me
Even though I was singing them so casually
I was told that I was loved
but i didn't notice it
I don't care if you have anything else you have to say
Go and hate me all you want
Go away, I'm not afraid of being alone
I want to look stronger
But I wonder if I really am that strong
So try me, I love the pain, I finally understand it now
Pain is such a beautiful feeling
that made it beautiful too
If you keep on going forward
I wonder if the sadness will ever go away
All the blood and tears I shed
I painted them into colours and they became beautiful
Go away, I'm not afraid of being alone
I want to look stronger
But I wonder if I really am that strong
So try me, I love the pain, I finally understand it now
Pain is such a beautiful feeling
That made it beautiful too
Pain is beauty