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Număr de rezultate: 834


amazarashi - Sayonara gokko さよならごっこ (Pretending to Say Goodbye)

Melancholy scatters in the wind and casts a shadow where it gathers.
Our footsteps incessantly remind us of our impermanence, and I get so lost when I peer into the depth of your eyes.
We used to have hopes, right? About what lies ahead?
The reason we joke and laugh is that the road we travel is so dark, and I guess it's our job to turn on the lights.
I'm all to familiar with pretending to say goodbye, but I still broke into tears as I waved farewell.
This deep red sadness of ours gets darker, and darker, and then becomes night.
Even if it's inevitable that tomorrow will come around, I didn't ever say that I wanted to live for it.
Even though I'm better off quitting, I still keep on having dreams of the future. Of the future. And it's all your fault.
All the things we need to accomplish are hanging from the crescent moon.
Even wandering the roads at the night, your figure radiates reassurance.
It takes time to trust - especially when it's trusting another person.
But if we're on the same road, there's no reason to stay distant either.
When all's said and done, if I'm going to share something, then I'll need someone to share it with, and I'll need myself too.
I'm all to familiar with pretending to say goodbye, but I still broke into tears as I waved farewell.
This deep red sadness of ours gets darker, and darker, and then becomes night.
If love was there from the very beginning, we never checked to be sure.
Destiny takes us along to meet the most unexpected people, and they leave a lasting impression in the depths of our hearts.
If there's hardship, we can bear it. If there's pain, we can share it.
But I couldn't shoulder your burdens all the way up to your fated destination.
Farewells are always hard, no matter how many times I've done them, so we're only pretending to part ways. This is just a goodbye game.
It's a game where I trick myself by saying ''I'm sure we'll meet again.''
''I'm sure we'll meet again.''
I'm all too familiar with pretending to say goodbye, but I still broke into tears as I waved farewell.
These deep red lies of ours they dampen, and dampen, and then morning arrives.
I guess the fact that we've grown apart means that we were united at one point.
If we called it ''giving up'', then I'd feel guilty doing it.
But it's fate. It's fate. That's what you called it.

amazarashi - Monster バケモノ

Versions: #3
He was a monster. A beast that feeds off lies.
I met him in the park, like an abandoned dog on a Monday morning.
Amidst the dew-coated morning glories, collapsed beneath the midsummer sun, he was gasping, and he looked at me with frightened eyes.
When I stroked his patchy fur, his mouth twitched, in spite of his starved body.
Perhaps out of pity, or sympathy, or something else entirely, I thought, ''Maybe I should give him one of my lies''
Like how even though right now I want to disappear, I'm pretending that I don't.
Or right in front of my family, ''I always leave for school right on time'', and when I get home, I'll say ''Today was a fun day, too'' - lying about that.
''Eat these up, little monster. You seem to be enjoying them plenty, aren't you?''
He was a monster. A beast that feeds off lies.
After I filled his stomach, he took a liking to me, and grew right before my eyes.
Me, an outcast. The bridge where I jumped.
The window of a hospital room. My sobbing mother. The evening glow in a grove of trees.
A greedy expression showed on his face, and as time went on, his body grew fatter.
Since he keeps pestering me more and more for my next lie, I guess I'll give him another one, shall I?
Though the truth was just that I screwed up at killing myself, I lied about it.
Right in front of my family, timidly smiling, ''I was so lucky to have survived.''
And so now today, just as easy as breathing, I tell lies.
''Eat these up, little monster. You've grown plenty big, haven't you?''
And now the monster has grown even taller than I am.
Since I'm just a pile of lies, won't he eat me up once and for all?
''Living was so hard! It was painful, and I couldn't take it anymore! But it would have been the most painful to have other people think that I was suffering!''
When I finally screamed out what I really felt, the monster shrivelled before my very eyes.
But hey, I'm still hiding some lies - lies that even I fall for.
Even though all I want is to live happily even after, I keep telling these lies.
If they're trifling delusions meant to fill the gap between our ideals and our reality, then maybe lies are inevitable for us, being so weak.
And now today, everyone out there is telling lies.
''Eat those up.'' Don't we all have two sides to us: the real thing, and the shadow lurking behind.
He's a monster. A beast that feeds on lies.
One by one, each and every one of us hides him behind our backs.
And that secret, the swelling that we try to cover up, is like a shadow that looms behind you. It's pretty big, isn't it?

Hug me

Hug me
If something goes wrong, I'll be here for you
Calm down, your problems are mine too
If you need it, just cry
I'll take care of you
I still remember the day we met
You didn't even look at me, actually, you ignored me
Because you didn't want to suffer for love again
Your broken heart needed me
Hug me
If something goes wrong, I'll be here for you
Calm down, your problems are mine too
If you need it, just cry
I'll take care of you
Hug me
If something goes wrong, I'll be here for you
Calm down, your problems are mine too
If you need it, just cry
I'll take care of you
Don't you feel alone
I'm here for you
We're lucky
to hug each other strongly
You suffer in silence
And that's not good
Tell me what you feel
I love protecting you
Hug me
If something goes wrong, I'll be here for you
Calm down, your problems are mine too
If you need it, just cry
I'll take care of you
Hug me
If something goes wrong, I'll be here for you
Calm down, your problems are mine too
If you need it, just cry
I'll take care of you
Hug me
If something goes wrong, I'll be here for you
Calm down, your problems are mine too
If you need it, just cry
I'll take care of you

Forty Years Since Then

Couplet 1
Forty years ago they shouted to me: “Hold on!”
They scream again, perhaps they know better
After all, one hundred losses and one hundred awards, my funny life*
That was, and is, worth it for her
Forty years through the foam of days, I see again and again
No matter where my path takes me
Ahead and a little faster my love flies
Only to lend a hand
And I ran after her, I road the horses
Day-and-night, I thought only of her
I’m not sure how I moved that fast
But never a step closer to her.
Couplet 2
I left your unkind, hangover ball
Everything goes in a circle for the hundredth time.
In a moment, when we hear a scream, it was someone deceiving us
It's a pity I won't see your eyes
But I ran after her, I road the horses
Day-and-night, I thought only of her
I’m not sure how I moved that fast
But never a step closer to her.
But I ran after her, I chased the horses
Day and night, I only thought about her
I’m not sure how I moved that fast
Just not a step closer, I did not come close to her
I did not come close to her
I did not come close to her
I did not come close to her

prettier than you

i dont find anyone prettier than you, nicer than you
seen from afar, may sunlight hit in your heart

Limu, Limu, Lima

Limu, Limu, Lima
God, let the sun shine
Over the mountains of blue
Over small the small hills
Like walking in the forest
In the summer
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar


Flowers have scents, I don’t know much about it tho
I have love, I hope I do
My eyes are a camera that captures the age, my throat is a quiet siren
I turn off the room light
At night I turn into a dragon, swim through the gap between the stars
The unseen figure undulates,
grabbing mountains, eating oceans
This is the place only I can come, and the self only I know
Even if my scales peel off and get tattered
The pain has no name, time heals it, that’s all
If you have a lonesome mind, you end up growing distorted
Still you have love
At night I turn into a dragon, swim through the gap between the stars
Let’s write a song nobody has heard
Tracing trees, searching for the morning
This is the place only I can come, and the self only I know

Its eyes are crying

April was only 30 fucking seconds long
It was foreshadowed and not believed
Everything had wept
Deeply understood in my soul
The sky opened its doors for it
But it saved itself every time
Life's fire went out
In an hour
In a strange time, it beats again along my wounds
She sings to everyone through the screens
And everyone sees that her eyes are crying
It was really early when you left
No longer someone's wife, but a mother
And for her son's sake, she'll believe in miracles
In the tour's schedule, they kept pressing stop
Remembering that the day will become night
And at least look at something with some sense
Watching as everyone tries to help
There's nothing to save
just leave her be
and once she forgives herself
give a standing ovation
In a strange time, it beats again along my wounds
She sings to everyone through the screens
And everyone sees that her eyes are crying
It was really early when you left
No longer someone's wife, but a mother
And for her son's sake, she'll believe in miracles
The whole country will cry with you
They'll never forget it
And even though our support could mean so little
we're with you until the very end

Half point!

I feel strange lately... Half point!
Since we met
I thought you were a hard opponent
It was dangerous to take you seriously
You were of the so called
'I don't discomfort the girlfriends'
When you get dangerous, your eyes have an air
You invite me to drink tea and I'm like 'No, see you later'
You invite me to a movie and I'm like 'No, see you later'
I make you pass through a 'see you later' for ten months like this time
Nevertheless, nevertheless
I'm worried about just ignoring him
Nevertheless, nevertheless
I regret. Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
You stole my heart. I'm on crisis. Oyoyo Half point!
Since it's the first time
I don't understand the means
My feelings of falling in love lack training
He seduces me saying 'Are you cold?' and I'm like 'No, see you later'
He seduces me saying 'Want company?' and I'm like 'No, see you later'
I keep stretching only refusing like this time
What should I do? What should I do?
I think of you twenty four hours the day
What should I do? What should I do?
I can't go back
That, that, that, that, that
May your love decide. Ororo Half point!
Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!
May your love decide.
That's a half point!
That's a half point!
May your love decide.
Lalala Half point!
Jajaja Half point!
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

amazarashi - Untitled 無題 (Mudai)

Versions: #2
amazarashi - Untitled
On the first floor of a wooden apartment, he was absorbed in painting pictures.
He wanted to paint in his own way. He wanted to depict the world around him.
From a young age he loved to draw, since everyone praised him for it.
But these days the only person who praises him is his girlfriend living with him.
But he was happy with that. Even though their daily routines kept them apart, he treasured the letters she would leave behind on cherry blossom themed stationery.
Before he knew it, dawn had broken. Before he knew it, the day had passed.
Before he knew it, winter had ended. And that day, he sold his first painting.
Their circumstances were already starting to change.
In the following month he sold all his paintings.
The world around them kept on changing.
Everyone lauded his paintings.
His girlfriend, looking so happy, said, ''I was right to have believed in you.''
''I was right.''
Sometimes he received letters of appreciation from the buyers of his paintings.
He didn't feel very appreciated, but he didn't feel hated either.
He was delighted by all the treasures that began to pile up in that small room.
He hoped that things would stay this way forever.
He grew to like painting more and more.
He wanted to paint more magnificent paintings.
He wanted to paint in his own way. He wanted to depict deeper truths.
He completed his masterpiece. Even his girlfriend smiled and said, ''It's wonderful, isn't it?''
It was a painting of true human nature, shameful enough to make anyone avert their eyes.
But everyone scowled at his painting.
People left like the tide was dragging them away.
The world around them kept on changing.
People derided him, calling him talentless.
The arguing grew, and his girlfriend finally left him.
''I guess I was wrong to have believed in you.''
''I guess I was wrong.''
On the first floor of a wooden apartment, even now he's still painting pictures.
He wanted to paint in his own way. Ultimately, he wanted to depict his emptiness.
From a young age he loved to draw, but at this point he no longer remembers the reason.
There's nobody around who praises him anymore.
He no longer even gives names to the paintings that keep piling up.
Many months must have gone by without him realizing, but that day, he sold a single painting for the first time in a while.
The world around him kept on changing.
A letter arrived from the buyer - a single sentence on cherry blossom themed stationery: ''I was right to have believed in you.''
''I was right.''
''I was right to have believed in you.''
''I was right.''
''I was right to have believed in you.''
''I was right.''

amazarashi - Sayonara Gokko さよならごっこ (Anime/TV Dororo ED)

amazarashi - Pretending to Say Goodbye
Melancholy scatters in the wind and casts a shadow where it gathers.
Our footsteps are so talkative, scolding us for our aimlessness, but I get so lost when I peer into the depth of your eyes.
We used to have hopes, right? About what lies ahead?
The reason we joke and laugh is that the road we travel is so dark, and I guess it's our job to turn on the lights.
I'm all too familiar with pretending to say goodbye, but I still broke into tears as I waved farewell.
Amidst this deep red sadness of ours, I get lost, it gets darker, and then it becomes night.
Even if it's inevitable that tomorrow will come around, I didn't ever say that I wanted to live for it.
Even though I'm better off quitting, I still keep on having dreams of the future. Of the future. And it's all your fault.


I'd like to talk to you
but I do not know what it is anymore
that I had to tell you.
You do not get angry like that
and I have no fault if
I love you still so much.
Do not hide that once
you also loved the blues
behind your silences even the heroes
I'm not nobody, or not.
Give up Angelina
the witches do not fly anymore
porcelain angels
they fall down in ieces
ja ja ja ja
oh ja ja.
oh ja ja.
oh ja ja.
Hot eyes of an Indian woman
and the heart like an igloo.
Freulein Angelina
I love you, je t'aime, i love you.
Maybe I do not know why,
but I do not know where it is anymore
the way to follow.
Do not forget me
and my empty words
without swallowing.
Do not run away in vain, once
you also loved the blues
do not get scared if you do not have anymore
next to nobody.
Angelina is shipwrecked
in the blue painted blue 1
Mr. Mandarino dies2
he does not play and he does not sing anymore
delicate little dancer on tiptoe e
Freulein Angelina
I love you, je t'aime, i love you.
ja ja ja ja.
How we started
to lose more and more
Freulein Angelina
I love you, je t'aime, i love you.
ja ja ja ja
oh ja ja.
oh ja ja.
oh ja ja
  • 1. the other title of the famous song 'Volare' by Domenico Modugno
  • 2. Mr . Mandarino is the title of one of the first successes by Matia Bazar
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

amazarashi - Majority Rule 多数決

Versions: #2
If we say that hurting others is a sign of cowardice, then maybe the world is the biggest coward of all.
Kind people walk along with their backs hunched over, their only consolation is to trample the city streets as they walk.
The times aren't gradually changing, they're storming right past us, and those who don't embrace it have to go against the headwimp.
Those suffering the pitiful sorrow of isolation have held their breath, and they echo fake cheerfulness through busy streets in vain.
If our value systems and right and wrong are determined by majority rule, then it just might be that we chose the wrong place to be born.
It's fine, though. It's fine. This little room in the corner of the world might just be the perfect place to wait for our opportunity.
All in favor? All opposed? Let's weigh the pros and cons, and let's get a show of hands.
All in favor? All opposed? Let's weigh the pros and cons, and let's get a show of hands.
The majority always passes the blame onto the minority, and the Haves make the Have-Nots their victims.
The strong put down the weak to make themselves feel better, and the city thinks of the countryside as nothing more than a garbage heap.
If humanity's only last resort for solving conflict is war, then it seems like evolution didn't make it to it's end.
In fact, since we're all just beasts feigning to have wisdom, is possible our motivations were nothing more than hunger.
If the uncanny and the ordinary are determined by majority rule, then maybe we should start doubting even the most obvious things.
It's fine, though. It's fine. This town was left behind and forgotten, but that might just be perfect for plotting our evil deeds.
All in favor? All opposed? Let's weigh the pros and cons, and let's get a show of hands.
All in favor? All opposed? Let's weigh the pros and cons, and let's get a show of hands.
How much cash you have, how many honors you have, how many friends you have, how many medals you have, how many times you took the lead, how many awards you have, how many times you tried your best, how many times you were praised - Our value is not a number!
Theres's no way you can let other people decide your worth.
The world's always changing, and yesterday's treasure becomes today's trash.
If lawlessness and justice are decided by majority rule, then maybe a hundred years from now, we'll all be criminals.
It's fine, though. It's fine. This world is beyond broken, but that might just be perfect for starting over from scratch.
All in favor? All opposed? Let's weigh the pros and cons, and let's get a show of hands.
All in favor? All opposed? Let's weigh the pros and cons, and let's get a show of hands.
All in favor? All opposed? Let's weigh the pros and cons, and let's get a show of hands.
All in favor? All opposed?

amazarashi - The Rain Bringer 雨男

Versions: #3
Countless worn-out faces adorn the train windows on the Toyoko Line overpass.
When it comes to me, am I lucky or cursed? Your everyday aimless dropout.
Out-of-contact friends keep piling up, and I daydream about my dad when he was young.
Have the black clouds over the riverside really been darkening my destiny?
I walk aimlessly through the mud with loneliness by my side for days, composing ''the meaningless hymn of a coward'' - like it's the wailing of a lost child.
Don't call it shameful to get worked up over people talking behind my back that way.
I've learnt too much now to waste away my life in the darkness.
Like how it echoed in my chest when I was shown kindness. I would die just to feel it again.
And I really do think that. So laugh! Go ahead and laugh!
I peer into a puddle, head hung low, and I trample the tear-stained face that gazes back.
Things really aren't going great. It's really coming down hard again today.
Now that you mention it, it's rained like this before.
Now that you mention it, it's rained like this before.
Now that you mention it, it's rained like this before.
It's rained like this before.
I hated talking about the future, so I never wanted to make promises either.
But a call came for the first time in a while: it was Satoshi, shi-faced drunk.
Same old accent from back home. At times in our conversation he seemed close to tears.
After some idle chatter, I promised him, ''Let's go out for drinks soon''.
Don't turn the impulsive days we sped through into ornaments to look back fondly on.
Don't write off our shameful past and the today that adjoins it as pointless.
On days of heartrending downpour, there aren't that many things left to hang onto.
So let me go as far to say that the future is in our hands.
I have to keep my promises to my friends. That alone is the reason I can't die now.
And I really do feel that way. So laugh! Go ahead and laugh!
I peer into a puddle, head hung low, and at the same old ''me'' that gazes back, I cast a bitter smile. It's really coming down hard again today.
Now that you mention it, it's rained like this before.
Now that you mention it, it's rained like this before.
Now that you mention it, it's rained like this before.
It's rained like this before.
Pessimism and optimism fold in like a house of cards. A wound that aches whenever I look back.
Funny stories which I should have forgotten a long time ago.
Will I sink or swim?
Should I go or turn back?
Will it rain or shine?
Should I try it or quit?
Will I win or lose?
Can I stand back up again?
Can I start over again?
Should I stay alive or give in?
''No rain lasts forever.'' ''Every night comes to an end.''
I've given up on entrusting my hopes to tomorrow with sayings like that.
In the middle of this pouring rain, can I still run when I'm this drenched?
It's really coming down hard again today.
Now that you mention it, it's rained like this before.
Now that you mention it, it's rained like this before.
Now that you mention it, it's rained like this before.
It's rained like this before.

amazarashi - Cryogenic Sleep 冷凍睡眠

Versions: #2
amazarashi - Cryogenic Sleep
I press my cheek against the frigid concrete that I lean against.
In front of me, I see dust floating in the sunset.
Saying nothing, unable even to move, all I ever do is make up some poorly-conceived fantasy.
I remember your father saying, ''It seems like we won't be able to save you'' and the very moment he said that, you squinted your eyes and smiled.
''If you make a wish, it will come true'' - the inality of those words is the only that continues to loom over my life since then.
My heart still pounds as I sleep. Only if you should ever die, would I be able to die too, I suppose.
It's been a few mounths since then, living paycheck-to-paycheck.
I'm the perfect embodiment of ''being dead while still alive''.
Around the time I made a habit of always plotting an escape from this world, an insurance company introduced a new product.
On TV, the radio, the internet - lately I've been seeing these blurbs everywhere: ''Your assets will grow while you sleep!'' - Cryogenic Sleep
''May the vivid color of these beautiful days never fade away'' - no matter how hard I pray, that just won't come true.
I understand that, an it's too late to do anything about time already past.
So hurry up, let me forget everything, and put me to sleep!
Through life preservation measures, my breath continues normally as I sleep, and my hair is tied back by inseverable threads.
It's unbearable. Like a nightmare. I just want to forget it all.
No, I won't forget. I don't know. Good night.
Since then, I've contined to sleep for sixty years, and time has passed by as a literal nightmare.
All of creation, as it changes, is unsympathetic and cold, but that's still a benefit from my perspective.
The entire landscape has changed. Even your hospital is here no more.
At first it was a painful life, but now I feel like I can get by somehow.
With a cheerful attitude, I'll start over with a new life.
''I've already forgotten about you'' - as if that could ever happen.
A single spirit dwells in every beautiful thing, and through that fundamental connection, ''the beautiful'' is all linked.
For example, the same way homesickness comes back to life at twilight, every beautiful thing conjures up your silhouette.
And after days of constant torment at the hands of that ephemerality, this dead end certainly blurs the distinction between life and death.
Humans are creatures that can endure loss, but that doens't apply to me, since I tried to run away from it.
''May the vivid color of these beautiful days never fade away'' - no matter how hard I pray, that just won't come true.
I understand that, and it's too late to do anything about time already past.
So hurry up, let me forget everything, and put me to sleep!
Through life preservation measures, my breath continues normally as I sleep, and my hair is tied back by inseverable threads.
It's unbearable. Like a nightmare. I just want to forget it all.
No, I won't forget. I don't know. Good night.
Nothing but an empty husk, I walk down the boulevard - and I hallucinating? I see a woman tho looks exactly like you.
In that voice, laughing vivaciously in the weekend sunlight, I see a silhouette that looks so assuredly like yours.
Suddenly that woman ran up and hugged me.
I accepted her embrace, and part of me bloomed in those wrinkled hands.
Her smile was just like a breath-taking painting.
Our faces smilling with squinted eyes was exactly what I had longed for.
That alone was my desire, the desire that I would even see in my dreams.
This alone was my desire, the desire that I lost.
''May the vivid color of these beautiful days never fade away'' - no matter how hard I pray, that just won't come true.
I understand that, and it's too late to do anything about time already past.
So hurry up, let me forget everything, and put me to sleep!
Through life preservation measures, my breath continues normally as I sleep, and my hair is tied back by inseverable threads.
It's unbearable. Like a nightmare. I just want to forget it all.
No, I won't forget. I don't know. What should I do?
I press my cheek against the frigid concrete that I lean against.
In front of me, I see dust floating in the sunset.
Saying nothing, unable even to move, all I ever do is make up these poorly-conceived fantasies.
I press my cheek against the frigid concrete that I lean against.
In front of me, I see dust floating in the sunset.
Saying nothing, unable even to move, all I ever do is make up these poorly-conceived fantasies.
All I ever do is make up these poorly-conceived fantasies.
All I ever do is make up these poorly-conceived fantasies.


I was like a rock, no women
could break me
It's all over and what I'm gonna do ?
I'm falling in love with crap.
Come on, let's go, let's go
Come on, come with me to the end of the world
Come on, let's not play dumb
When you have nowhere.
For me that love is heavy.
Kazanova died becaus like her.
I am not that 'old'
Hey, friends, I love her.
It's hard for me, my brother
Once when the arrow strikes you
The wounded lion can only surrender
and to look at her.
Ibiza, Bali, Gucci, Cavalli
To where without her and without gifts?
It doesn't save, but it's worth it
so buy 2 rings.
Come on, let's go, let's go
Come on, come with me to the end of the world
Come on, let's not play dumb
When you have nowhere.
For me that love is heavy.
Kazanova died becaus like her.
I am not that 'old'
Hey, friends, I love her.
It's hard for me, my brother
Once when the arrow strikes you
The wounded lion can only surrender
and to look at her.
It's hard for me, my brother
Once when the arrow strikes you
The wounded lion can only surrender
and to look at her.


All I wish for is a house
At the edge of the forest
I'm writing the song
It speaks to me and silences me
I must not mess it up now
Take me away from here!
Pack our souls into a suitcase
You are my heart’s chosen one
Take me home
I will build anything for you
If you build me up
Wherever I arrived
I went on right away
In winter it was summer
And in summer it was winter that I was waiting for
You're here before me
And you waited for me until I started waiting for you
And sometimes I'm homesick, too
And if I lose my way
I’ll always find you
And though I do not deserve your happiness
I build for you every morning
What I destroy in the evening

Black eyes

I remember my first date
And declaration of love,
A timid unbrave kiss
And that summer garden.
There were love meetings, there were roses,
The black eyes reflected the night and stars
They reflected the night and stars,
The black eyes.
I feel these black eyes
In my heart through years.
These black eyes will woke up
My old sorrow again.
I shall remember these black eyes always.
I won’t forget these black eyes.
When the roses faded away,
I went away hiding my tears.
And the forgotten garden
Looked after me sadly.
The days became darker than nights.
Black eyes who did predict you for me?
Who did predict you for me,
The black eyes?
Chorus х 2

amazarashi - Miracles 奇跡

Versions: #2
amazarashi - Miracles
The life that comes into this world tonight, and the life that dies away, and the life that's fervently shining, I've been living it so long in vain.
I often think ''On nights like these, I'd like to disapperar'', but then ''Well then disappear! Why have you been living until today?''
I'd like to think it isn't vain, so I've forced myself to run up until here.
And from here I plan to do the same. But what do I do if that's all in vain?
I often think ''On nights like these, I'd like to disappear'', but if it ended now it'd all be in vain, and since I want to leave something behind, I'll live.
At any rate, whether that's right or a mistake, only the future knows, so for now all I'll do is run.
If having been born in a miracle, then breathing is a miracle too.
Should I laugh here, should I cry here? Either way, it's still a miracle.
Lots of things happen in life. If you live long, that involves many pleasant and enjoyable things. But of course the same number of the opposite.
Thinking ''It's not supposed to be that way'' is just our hubris, and the events that triggered the thought exist countlessly in our past.
But even if we regret them one by one, at this point there's nothing we can do.
What matters most is in a deeper place, it gets close to the reason I was born.
From when my mom and dad met - even further, from my whole lineage, the place where I'll end up is the beginning of the cosmos. What are the odds?
Where did these feelings of ''I love you'' come from?
Where are they vanishing off to? Why are they vanishing?
If being loved is a miracle, then loved is a miracle too.
I was happy back then, so I'm glad it happened. I won't regret those miracles.
The frustration of biting my lip and crying, without any way to fix my helplessness, the pain and sadness of separation, almost like half my body being pulled away: If I can say those are miracles too, and if I can believe that, then even worthless things can become special, since they're miracles as they are.
If living on is a miracle, then having stumbled is a miracle too.
Walk it off or give up. Do as you'd like. That in and of itself is a miracle.
If having stumbled is a miracle, then this gloomy haze is a miracle too.
Stand against it or pull back. Those are our answers, and that's a miracle.

No Question

Far in 12, time off.
Far after 12, the main thing - do not fall.
Far in 12 hours, you are with us here, no words.
For a long time, you are without heels.
Hands in the air again and again.
The night broke the chain.
The club beckons your lights.
Away, far from longing.
The sound clamps in a vice.
He who is not with us is warmer dressed.
The hall warmed up to the necessary tempos.
Our party in the most color.
- What do you say?
- No question!
We are getting closer to the boiling point.
No one will stand - this is an epidemic.
Neither you nor I, without relaxation.
Stranger to us is the power of attraction.
Drive without strain, drive just like that.
Do whatever you want, like Mr. Trump.
Everything will turn out, the Quran knows your mood.
Just ahead, like a wild Mustang.
The night broke the chain.
The club beckons your lights.
Away, far from longing.
The sound clamps in a vice.
He who is not with us is warmer dressed.
The hall warmed up to the necessary tempos.
Our party in the most color.
- What do you say?
- No question!
Shakes all cities, we connect in wires.
Here, only our wave.
You remember, the satellite - the Moon.
Shakes all cities, we connect in wires.
Here, only our wave.
You remember, the satellite - the Moon.
No question!
No question!

Where you are

Versions: #2
Far away, far away, by the green river,
Where the cold wind is hardly known,
On the hot sand the summer gathering flowers, while living it's traces.
Somewhere , where you are, somewhere, where you are.
The moon is disappearing, you're standing by the window
And looking at the green willow.
The spring is by the grand piano, but the melody of dream somewhere on the hot sand .
Somewhere , where you are, somewhere, where you are.
But one winter morning or maybe in spring
Or maybe in autumn sometime
You'll wake up alone, you'll open the window and you'll see my summer.
There where I'm and you are, the evening is rising the bridges.
And covering the footprints where we are.
There where I'm and you are, it takes my dreams away.
And dreams are melting by the water, there where I'm and you are.
There where I'm and you are and white piano keys flowers.
There where I'm and you are and black rivers bridges.
There where I'm and you are our dreams are leaving us.
There where I'm and you are, There where I'm and you are.
You are living , but you are hidden
By stupid old willow.
You can't see the flowers on the hot sand and can't hear me where you are.
Where you are, where you are, where you are, where you are.
Maybe over the mountain, maybe over the river,
Sometime flying in my dreams,
By the green river wandering our dreams, on the hot sand they are melting.
There where I'm and you are, the evening is rising the bridges.
And covering the footprints where we are.
There where I'm and you are, it takes my dreams away.
And dreams are melting by the water, there where I'm and you are.
There where I'm and you are and white piano keys flowers.
There where I'm and you are and black rivers bridges.
There where I'm and you are our dreams are leaving us.
There where I'm and you are, There where I'm and you are.

The Aria of Ivan and the Frog

Versions: #2
All fucked-up, fucked-up, fucked-up! (x3)
I've been going throw forests and looking for my arrow everywhere,
And what is this fucking creature sitting on the leaf?
It's completely green and cold piece of shit,
And it's holding my arrow in its arms
Like a joint of marijuana,
Well, what should I do? Where could I find a fiancee?
And why are you croaking, fuck your mother?
'You take me with you, I will be your wife!'
'What, must I take you?' 'Yes, me!'
'I'd rather jump headfirst into the deep swamp!'
'You take me with you, I will be your wife,
I will be faithful for you, I am a happiness of your fate!'
All fucked-up, fucked-up, fucked-up! (x3)
'Holy shit! It ain't a happiness! How must I find that?
You, stupid frog, better tell me how we will sleep together!
Well, sex with you will be a myth,
'Cause you even can't fit for my fuckpole,
You'll burst like a condom!'
'Well, fuck off and die! If you don't wanna, don't take me,
But remember, my dear, let a frog tear you into small pieces,
If you return back without a woman, you father
Will fucking beat you down, I answer for my words!'
'Yes, of course, the King will really hit me,
I can't deny it, but, eventually,
Listen to me, green shit, I wanna tell you:
It's better for me to get some strikes in my ear or jaw,
But I will be single, I will live so as I want to do!'
'You take me with you, I will be your wife,
I will be faithful for you, I am a happiness of your fate!'
All fucked-up, fucked-up, fucked-up! (x3)
'Actually, that's not so bad,
Somehow, my dick is itching,
I think I'll take this amphibia to the castle,
I won't have to byu her any jewels and luxury clothes,
If I am drunk as a cunt, she won't yell at me,
Listen to me, green frog, I agree!
Come here! You will be my fiancee!'
'Really?' 'No shit! You sit on my handkerchief
And let's go home with me. Have you climbed up, dear?'
'Yes, I have. I'm fine, darling!'
You have taken me home, I will be your wife,
I will be faithful for you, I am a happiness of your fate!'
All fucked-up, fucked-up, fucked-up! (x3)
'I have taken her home, she will be my wife,
She'll be faithful for me... I've got a fucking happiness of my fate!..'
All fucked-up, fucked-up, fucked-up! (x3)
(Narrative Part)
So Ivan took the frog,
Put her in his pocket,
The frog nearly died there,
'Cause there was a bad smell going from Ivan.
Then Ivan came to the King,
He had overgrown hair like a hermit,
The King asked Ivan:
'How's your health? How's your wife?'
'Look at, father, I've brought my wife,
I am keeping well, Jesus saves me,
Although I've got the diarrhea
Because of the musty swamp water!
Here is she, my wife!
Yeah, she is green,
But I have a perspective
That I won't have a damned mother-in-law!'
'Okay, Ivan, don't be sad,
Zip your fuckpole forever,
I bless you,
If you are so goon!'
Ivan went to his room,
Put the frog on the table,
Began to view the frog
And scratch his dick.
'Well, how must I fuck her?
Shit, fuck your mother,
My dear, you at least fart
So I will be able to find a hole in you!'
At that moment, the frog
Gave a heart-rending shout,
Somersaulted through herself,
And a lady appeared in front of him,
The frog became to a nice chick
From her head to her cunt,
She was very beautiful,
Everyone would fall in love with her.
Feeling a lot of pleasure,
Ivan pissed in his pocket.
Loudly releasing gas,
He immediately ran to the toilet,
Having opened his jaws like a crocodile,
He took frog's skin.
And, farting loudly,
He flushed it down the toilet.
Suddenly thunder struck,
So Ivan's house became shaking,
His wife disappeared,
It was a big bummer,
But, on the other side of the window,
She managed to shout
'Koschei has stolen me,
Help me out before I die'
Ivan was grieving for three days,
Then, having saddled a horse,
He went for a long way,
Loudly ringing with his harness...

Gentle ruler

What a cedar, what a moon, what a ruby and red coral
What a body, what an intellect, what a love, what an existence
How like the kindness of spring you are, what a master of hunt you are
What have you to do with that dalliance? What are you repeating to yourself under your breath?
What a sweet treat you are, what a gentle ruler you are
What a high moon you are, around whom the whole sky orbits
You are perfect and I am incomplete, you are pure and I am your devotee
You are the music and I am the dancer, I am the nethermost you are the uppermost
What a sweet treat you are, what a gentle ruler you are
What a high moon you are, around whom the whole sky orbits
If you insult any being's existence, you set it into motion
Such as from your love hundreds of disturbances arise
Lift up my spirits, and my aching and distressed heart
Turn the jail cell into a garden, for these imprisoned souls
What a sweet treat you are, what a gentle ruler you are
What a high moon you are, around whom the whole sky orbits

On the heels

alchemy technique
the monster has stopped
as if by magic
on the heels
underwater energy
biblical odyssey
the die is cast
but he ran away
on the heels
Feel the summer burn
lunar wave
above the castle of cards
on the wake of Mars
False freedom
ethnic entropy
just from the equator
nightly perspectives
song of Bahia
on the heels
Samba festival
telepathy video
flowers' carnaval
collective unconscious
lucid madness
on the heels
Yellow expanses of sand
inside the cage
sun of fire but it rains
heaven of anger
on the heels of Jupiter
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

amazarashi - Anomie

Versions: #2
amazarashi - Anomie アノミー
I don't know if things like love even exist. It's a riddle that can't be solved - I want to vomit.
The snow won't melt - I can't throw up.
In the plastic Milky Way, swimming is off limits because of all pollution.
Adam and Eve sleeping in a vacant brothel - that's the meaninglessness of the modern era.
On the outbound platform after the last train, Huck Finn sleeps next to a pile of vomit.
From Adam's perspective, is the fruit from the tree of knowledge more like a child from Eve's former marriage or more like a pachinko ball?
And in the red-light district of some city, where is Eden? It's everywhere.
Photos of a family that smiled in the morning made the headlines in the evening news.
I turned off the TV and returned to reality. And I looked down at the corpses that lay before me.
Even though I took a bite from the forbidden fruit, I didn't grow a sense of shame.
I'm the one who slayed God. But I'm also the one who will be slain by God.
Who's the idiot that ever sang, ''Love is such a simple thing''?
Anomie! Anomie!
If that's the case, then embrace these 6.8 billion sins with your shameless love!
Anomie! Anomie!
Life carries with it, like a sabre hanging from its belt, a body that rots from inaction.
From one side, it looks like a monster. From the other side, it looks like a saint.
We're forbidden from stealing things. That's so we don't have our own things stolen.
We're forbidden from killing people. That's so we ourselves don't get killed.
Even though I took a bite from the forbidden fruit, I didn't get banished.
I'm the one who forgave God. And I'm also the one who God forgave.
Who's the idiot that ever sang, ''Love is such a special thing''?
Anomie! Anomie!
If that's the case, the forgive these 6.8 billion sins with your wanton love!
Anomie! Anomie!
I don't place trust in God. I don't place trust in textbooks.
''History'' is no more than trash that won't burn. ''Morality'' is no more than toilet paper.
Everything's a lie. Everything's a lie. But once I said that, I had nothing left.
I lost my reason to love.
I lost my reason not to kill.
I'm the idiot that's been singing, ''Love is such a complicated thing''!
Anomie! Anomie!
And if that's the case, was there ever a life I could have saved with this temperamental love?
Anomie! Anomie!
Save me!
Save me!

Tango in the mud

Dance the tango with my diphthong just a bit
fall down, then I will pull you up
an improvised and a little smoked tango
Dance the milonga with your diphthong just a bit
turn on you to make me turn
with slow and mischievous pace
maybe a little gypsy and démodé
tango we are fast here on the parquet
tango hidden from the separé
Dance the tango with your kisses just a bit, if you want
empty the head that I do not have, just a bit
It is a fragrant tango scented of rosé
Dance the milonga more closely and you'll see
a dancer you've never seen before
and fortune-teller and a little Martian
maybe sometimes in a décolleté
furious tango without cliche
tango lying on the sofa
Dance the milonga until tomorrow though
I will drag you violently
with this game, a little fandango
in the unbridled vortex of a casquet
satin and lamé tango
vicious tand a little risqué tango
tango in the mud of Rebelais
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

amazarashi - Us Against the World ぼくら対せかい

Versions: #3
amazarashi - Us Against the World
A young couple and their kids, playing with fireworks in a mall parking lot.
The dazzling lights of a baseball atadium and a Don Quixote, like meteorites from another solar system.
Wages shit, pissed, and drunken way - a suburban town obsessed with anything that glitters.
My colleagues died out on the highway. That's one every year these last ten years.
We squished bugs with a value system of ''It's all over once you look for a meaning in life''.
As far as we're concerned, ''philosophy'' is the poetry scrawled on pub bathroom stalls.
Only when we've drunk too much does ''I can put up with this'' cross our minds, but the next day, drowned in sweat and invoices, the thought vanishes in the blink of an eye.
Sunlight shines on you through the trees, as you work at the railway switchyard, shining on the ''you'' that once changed the world.
At point, it was just me and you, in a tranquil place we called our world.
With our bodies intertwined, we nursed our youth until the bitter end.
Outside the school building, a sunset and mushroom clouds.
Blazer ribbons and the furthest ends of isolation.
In shirts stained with oil, we loaded up our fantasies in the back of a truck.
The past, the future - us against the world.
The past, the future - us against the world.
You know, I get the feeling that we've left something behind, but I've already forgotten what it was.
Maybe we're actually the ones who have been left behind.
Always impatient, as though she were on some kind of errand, the name of the girl who hurried past us was surely ''time''.
I can't even see her back in the horizon anymore. I can't even remember her smile.
Our wounds have left us. The sun has set on our scars.
Though our old wounds ache, they've been drowned out by the sounds of alarm clocks.
At one point, there was an endless wilderness before us.
It took courage whether we kept going or not.
To all my fallen friends: I will never leave you behind.
Our sensitivity drove us to stage an armed uprising.
From our disadvantageous position, we seized victory.
That former glory is all wrapped up, but it's missing an address.
The past, the future - us against the world.
The past, the future - us against the world.
We believed that the world would change. We believed we'd be the ones to change it.
Even though we've gone our separate ways, I've got no doubt that those feelings haven't changed.
Treachery, deceit, baseless accusations, brown-nosing, excuses, verbal promises, manga cafes, crowded trains, transparent flattery, apologies, embarassment and disparagement, friends in whom we can confide our true feelings, former brothers-in-arms, funny stories that never once made us smile, music, sons and daughters, political power, right and left, our past, present, and stories of our future - a moment of relief on the weekend, caressed by a mild breeze in the park.
In our joined hands, there is enough warmth to make up for time gone by.
The sequel of the world we saved that day, the after of the world we knocked down that day, even though we suffer, we've lived through it so earnestly.
The past, the future - us against the world.
The past, the future - us against the world.
The past, the future - us against the world.
The past, the future - us against the world.


Versions: #2
Pulse, my pulse can't handle you coming nearer --
I close my eyes, prolonging the moment.
And warmth fills my body...
I am a step closer to breathing you.
My heart melted, and the faces disappear,
Face to face with your eyes -- killers.
My breath getting shallower, the fatigue in my body,
And I will never, never fall asleep.
Standing weightless, I close my eyes, --
In your atmosphere I dissolve.
I will wrap your body with caressing wind,
But on you I will never, never lay a hand.
If only I had five minutes of your warmth, --
Burn to the ground with the touch of your fingers,
Leaving only flame and ashes,
Burning you with myself.
Down your skin trails his hand...
Imperceptibly, quietly, barely breathing.
You open your heavy eyelids,
Leaving your gaze.
My heart melted, and the faces disappear,
Face to face with your eyes -- killers.
My breath getting shallower, the fatigue in my body,
And I will never, never fall asleep.
Standing weightless, I close my eyes, --
In your atmosphere I dissolve.
I will wrap your body with caressing wind,
But on you I will never, never lay a hand.
Thanks for reading! I hope my translation helped you!
Feel free to leave a comment if I made any mistakes.

amazarashi - Digging Holes 穴を掘っている

Versions: #3
amazarashi - Digging Holes 穴を掘っている
I'm digging holes - where did my life go wrong?
I'm digging holes - jamming my spade into self-abandonment.
Deep in the woods, the wind is howling, the night-hawks are cawing, watched from above by the eye of the full moon at ane o'clock at night.
I'm digging holes - that bastard finally dropped the ball.
I'm digging holes - this one's a pitfall for all the rejects.
Even if I wipe away my sweat, I can't go as far as to wipe away my regrets.
My bad luck alone clings to my chest like a medal.
In the open maw of the darkness, illusions from my youth dimly flicker, of hoe my old man would always tell me, ''Even bad guys get to go to heaven''.
Then I guess that makes God a bad guy too. Even as a kid I could figure that out.
Even if I cried, and pleaded, and prayed, being born in a world like this is proof enough.
But maybe that's just the way life is: If you're going to give up, the earlier the better.
And I gave up on myself. The moment I was born, I just gave up.
I'm digging holes - for the guys I used to call friends.
I'm digging holes - for the friends that no longer walk among us.
In the light of my lantern, my shadow almost looks like a demon.
These sorts of last moments are nothing special in this city's streets.
If I could have just somehow gotten over this hump, I should have been able to get through the rest of life pretty smoothly.
It's like my old man used to say: ''Hope always brings despair along for the ride''
Then I guess God's a bad guy too. Just let us have our hope and nothing else!
Even if we cry, and plead, and pray, he always lets us fall in the end.
But maybe that's just the way life is: If you're going to give up, the earlier the better.
And I gave up on myself. The moment I was born, I just gave up.
I'm digging holes - with a gun pointed at my back.
I'm digging holes - I'm digging the hole that I myself will lay in.
I can only laugh at how worthless my whole life ended up being.
But it pisses me off. Why does it always have to be me?
With enough momentum to tear this life to shreds, I'm digging holes. I'm digging holes.
I'm digging holes. I'm digging holes.
In the end, I'll be a bad guy too. I decided that way back when I was a kid.
Even if we cried, and pleaded, and prayed, we can't choose the place we were born.
But maybe that's just the way life is: If you're going to give up, the earlier the better.
'Cause if you don't do that, you'll end up looking like a fool.
And at that point, you'll become a person who doens't know when to quit.
You'll end up a person who doesn't know when to quit.

amazarashi - Rita リタ

Versions: #3
amazarashi - Rita リタ
If you're gonna leave, that's fine, 'cause I'll just return all the things you gave me.
The wristwatch, the CDs, the train fare: everything. Except for you kindness, that is.
Walking alone at night along the train tracks, but there are two shadowns in the lamplight.
It's your ghost. And I'm glad that you're really here with me.
But the lamps cut out, and I'm left alone.
I thought things wouldn't change, but there was no way that could be true.
But you made me believe that.
You're just like a con-artist or a magician, aren't you, Rita?
I don't cry over people who haven't left. I don't cry over things that aren't broken.
''I'm fine on my own.'' I can say that, if I lie. Since it's just words, I can say it.
In my apartment, there's nothing but a silent refrigerator and laughter from the TV.
It'd be nice if I could see feelings with my own eyes.
Actually no, I don't want that. They're too harsh.
You want to live for other people, and I want to live for myself.
And when two gears don't line up, they turn with a grating noise.
It was like that - our laughter.
Choosing one thing means getting rid of something else.
That's fine.
I'll just go quietly into the trash bin and see you off, right Rita?
You don't cry for yourself. Even when it hurts, you don't cry.
But then why you cry? Why did you cry before I did?
Only paying attention to myself, absolutely never paying attention to others - when I don't choose my words carefully, it's inevitable that I'll hurt someone.
Only paying attention to the past, absolutely never paying attention to the present - when I look backwards as I walk, it's inevitable that I'll trip over.
I don't cry over people who are atill here. And since I plan on understanding that, I'm not going to live for myself anymore. I want to try to smile for someone else.
The same way you do.
I don't cry over the past I've forgotten.
I don't cry over time that hasn't passed.
I laughed with you. The seasons ended. And time went on. That's all.

I am not in love, I can love

Now I can tell you to go
I can suffice myself
Even I withstand you
I can be me who is new
I can find other loves
I can ignore you
Even if i was mistaken
I may be glad for this
I am not in love, but I can
I can love, i can
I can fall in love 50 percent possibility
I can fall in love, i can
I can do just spite for you
All the moment from now on i can love
I can believe, i can believe
To somebody else
I can be out of my mind
I can, i can
I can be abound reproducing
I can dive to a revel
I can perish ever
I can love crazily
All the days of me is another Laila*
I may be so upset
Doesn’t this heart belong to me?
I can throw it away to the roads
I can love like this
I can be left meaningless
If I became you converting
I would always disacourd to you

I have always searched for the beauty in my destiny

have always searched for the beauty in my destiny
I have always searched for the beauty in my destiny
The musical instrument in me is different, the words are different
The musical instrument in me is different, the words are different
When my wish comes to life in my dreams
When my wish comes to life in my dreams
The picture on the wall* is different, you are different
The picture on the wall is different, you are different
I have fixed a marquee on the heaven, I have sat
I have fixed a marquee on the heaven, I have sat
The life on earth is different, the soul is different
The life on earth is different, the soul is different
Anymore I’m tired of this love, too
Anymore I’m tired of this love, too
The summer rain and winter rain are completely different
The summer rain and winter rain are completely different