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Număr de rezultate: 64
Grand Mother
Grand mother, grand mother, I'm still awaiting you,
Grand mother, grand mother, my heart is missing you,
Grand mother, grand mother, I'm still awaiting you,
Grand mother, grand mother, my heart is missing you,
I remember the old days when winter came,
Nowhere was better than that Korsi* of yours,
Everybody gathered around you, what a time we had
We were happy and smiling,
We had nothing to worry about,
My heart will be distressed if I see your sorrow,
God forbid if one day you are taken from me,
My heart will be distressed if I see your sorrow,
God forbid if one day you are taken from me,
Yaldā Night* was a sleepless night for us,
The stories you told, if they were repeated,
But each time they were still fresh for me,
Each of them had a lesson of life to tell,
But each time they were still fresh for me,
Each of them had a lesson of life to tell,
Grand mother, grand mother, I'm still awaiting you,
Grand mother, grand mother, my heart is missing you,
If the time has broken your heart,
Although the old age snow has covered your hair,
But for me, you're still the same as before,
God may protect you for as long as the world is there,
But for me, you're still the same as before,
God may protect you for as long as the world is there,
God may protect you,
My heart will be distressed if I see your sorrow,
God forbid if one day you are taken from me,
My heart will be distressed if I see your sorrow,
God forbid if one day you are taken from me,
Grand mother, grand mother,
Grand mother, grand mother,
Grand mother, grand mother,
Grand mother, grand mother.
I Have A Hole In My Heart In Your Shape
I have a hole in my heart in your shape
I have a hole in my heart in your shape
there isn't room
there isn't space
i love you Baby B
without you
How much do i love him
because he is so perfect
a few days that i just laugh
i don't move from here
he is so sweet
I love you Baby B
you are always mine
who are you that you will not see?
i am yours, you are mine
Play for Me, Old Fiddler
Versions: #1
Please play for me one of your songs,
The strings to cry in your hands,
I have no gold, I’ll give you wine,
My coat and all that’s mine.
Please play for me one of your songs,
Please use your old guitar,
Old fiddler please, I want to hear,
The music through my tear.
Please play for me, play from your heart,
The story of my love,
To soothe my longing for a day,
and happy fly away.
Please let me stay next to my cup,
To drink my pain, my sorrow,
I have no home I have no friends,
Today my journey ends.
Please let me stay in this dark pub,
To hear the silence crying,
To drink, to cry, but no regret,
My love, I won’t forget.
Play for Me, Old Fiddler
Versions: #1
Please play for me one of your songs,
The strings to cry in your hands,
I have no gold, I’ll give you wine,
My coat and all that’s mine.
I have no gold, I’ll give you wine,
My coat and all that’s mine.
Please play for me one of your songs,
Please use your old guitar,
Old fiddler please, I want to hear,
The music through my tear.
Old fiddler please, I want to hear,
The music through my tear.
Please play for me, play from your heart,
The story of my love,
To soothe my longing for a day,
and happy fly away.
To soothe my longing for a day,
and happy fly away.
Please let me stay next to my cup,
To drink my pain, my sorrow,
I have no home I have no friends,
Today my journey ends.
I have no home I have no friends,
Today my journey ends.
Please let me stay in this dark pub,
To hear the silence crying,
To drink, to cry, but no regret,
My love, I won’t forget.
To drink, to cry, but no regret,
My love, I won’t forget.
BZRP Music Sessions #13
When I see you
I see you pass by
I think of the moments
That we knew love
Give me a call
Don't act like nothing happened
You know very well
That between the two of us we pass it to 100
Welcome, pain, I invite you to be part
The love left awhile ago, did not want to wait for you
Really, you and us are something apart
This happens to me because my heart trusts you
I would give everything to return to what it was before
But you don't go back to the past
No matter how much I sing to you, before and during
I return to call you, he doesn't answer the phone
And I can't free myself from you
Baby, you don't escape from my mind
I hallucinate with visions of you
With power to see you again
Maybe I made you cry more than once
Maybe I hurt you and later I healed you
I had the luxury of playing until I won
But I see you pass and it makes me realize
When I see you
I see you pass by
I think of the moments
That we knew love
Give me a call
Don't act like nothing happened
You know very well
That between the two of us we pass it to 100
You're always going to know
You're always going to have it
In your mind when you think
You aren't going to be able to stop
Tell me, tell me, tell me
Ay, tell me when
Ay, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me
Raise my heat
I only think of you, of you of you
Take a Walk with Me
Take a walk with me, now that you're here
Now that I have a lump in my throat, now that you're mine
Take a walk with me, my hands and legs are shaking
Where would I leave without you? Where would I go to without you?
Hold my hand, sit next to me, I'm in love with you
Look at me, don't mention the worries, I'm exhausted
I sit here without you and I count the days
I'll go to wherever you're going to, hopeful and restless
Don't leave without me, don't leave me alone anymore
You're with me, your scent is still with me
Tomorrow's smiling at us
I'll go to wherever you're going to, hopeful and restless
Don't leave without me, don't leave me alone anymore
You're with me, your scent is still with me
Tomorrow's smiling at us
Without you, tomorrow's sorrowful for me
Without you nothing goes right, the world's like hell
Hold my hand when I'm anxious
Once again, put me to sleep with a kiss
Take a walk with me on this sidewalk
I've fallen in love with you, don't leave my side
I'll go to wherever you're going to, hopeful and restless
Don't leave without me, don't leave me alone anymore
You're with me, your scent is still with me
Tomorrow's smiling at us
Third Planet Сhronicles
I'm pressing 'Start',
Finishing the Third Planet Сhronicles.
I'm slowly sinking
In absolute endless loneliness
'Earth, Earth!
How are you there?'
'Everyone are falling down and dying'
'Earth, Earth!
Can you hear me?'
No one answers.
Now I'm left alone.
Everything I knew and loved
Has become just a memory now.
But I won't forget,
But I won't forget!
That's my hand crossed out the dot and declared:
'Seven planets and five dwarfs in the solar system'
I've already forgot how it started.
Well, what does it matter now...
'Earth, Earth!'
Has anyone ever heard
Such a word?
'Earth!', 'Earth!'
Can you even
Imagine that?..
Now I'm left alone.
Everything I knew and loved
Has become just a memory now.
But I won't forget,
But I won't forget!
When Lilacs Bloom In The Botanic Garden
The Sun,
hot and tender,
sends its radiant messengers
to the stillness of a dormant Earth.
wakes us at the crack of dawn
and we whisper in amazement:
'here, Spring has come!'
Warsaw in flowers
scents like a magical park.
On scarlet mouth
I put the red of my lips.
When lilacs bloom
in the Botanic Garden,
with my handsome boyfriend
I dream of happiness.
I go for a walk
amidst the lilac bunches
and I tune my hopeful heart
to the spring tone.
When lilacs bloom
in the Botanic Garden,
my heart trembles
in this idyllic mood.
The clouds of worries and cheating fade,
the whole world grins at us
when fragrant lilacs bloom
in the Botanic Garden.
The gold of the Sun shines through us.
Everything seems to be a caress,
everything’s on fire, everything’s music.
The heart
dresses up in carpets of flowers
and after a long time of disregard
your love comes back again.
Warsaw in flowers
seduces us with the fragrance of lilacs.
In these aromas
I’ll find my happiness again.
When lilacs bloom
in the Botanic Garden,
my heart trembles
in this idyllic mood.
The clouds of worries and cheating fade,
the whole world grins at us
when fragrant lilacs bloom
in the Botanic Garden.
Victory Day
Victory Day was so far away from us,
Like an ember in an extinct bonfire.
We have walked plenty of dusty and burnt miles,
With tremendous efforts we were bringing Victory Day closer.
Victory Day smells of gunpowder
This is the holiday with grey temples
And joy mixed up with tears.
Victory Day, Victory Day, Victory Day!
Our Motherland worked hard
At Martin furnaces night and day.
Night and day we were fighting a difficult battle
Bringing Victory Day closer.
Victory Day smells of gunpowder
This is the holiday with grey temples
And joy mixed up with tears.
Victory Day, Victory Day, Victory Day!
Hello, Mom, we are not all back home.
I would like to run barefoot through the dew.
We have walked half of Europe, half of Earth,
Bringing Victory Day closer.
Victory Day smells of gunpowder
This is the holiday with grey temples
And joy mixed up with tears.
Victory Day, Victory Day, Victory Day!
Creator of a music gathering
among the group of friends what am I, the smallest(the most humble)
My head is down like dervishes but i am the best lover
I have got along with a few friends with good taste
My hear is young although you see me old
Sometimes I sing an old song and sometimes song of today
My father said to pick a flower from every garden
Don't have any complaints because God is my friend
If he (God) gives me a good name I will accept that
I play a song with my good sounding musical instrument
Hoping to instill passion in the hearts
Sometimes my voice is full of happiness and sometimes creates sadness
Because like life I am happy and sad
My musical instrument has been my friend for forty years
I play fast and slow to get energy
among friends pure and full of kindness
I will be victorious if you call me BazmAfarin(creator of a music gathering)
I don’t think so
Is he hugging you like I did?
Is he playing with your beautiful hair?
Did he make you return to a 10 year old kid?
Did he give you love and yearning?
I don’t think so.
Spray my perfume for him.
See my eyes in his gaze.
Be his friend in his loneliness
and imagine me when he hugs you
and hug him.
Stay with him.
Everything that is gone, forget it.
Be careful that he doesn’t feel
what I feel.
He will go crazy just like I’m going crazy.
Pay attention to his heart!
Remember my heart who is always with you.
That is the truth no matter how long my life is.
I can’t have pride and say
that I don’t yearn.
Play the Tanbur*
Versions: #3
Play the tanbur* that I'm heavy-hearted tonight with the world again,
Play the tanbur on and on,
Play so that I sing a song no one is a fan,
Play the tanbur on and on,
I'm gloomy about the alley, about the home,
About you, about me, about anyone who's singing like us,
Play the tanbur always for me, and the one singing before me,
I'm gloomy about the one who remains loyal in love,
Play the tanbur that tonight I'm heavy-hearted with the world again,
Play the tanbur on and on,
Play so that I sing a song no one is a fan,
Play the tanbur on and on,
To die for love, to shield against a dagger with the heart,
Is not easy for everyone,
For being immortal,
There's no way for a lover but to forget about life,
I'm gloomy about the alley, about the home,
About you, about me, about anyone who's singing like us,
Play the tanbur always for me, and the one singing before me,
I'm gloomy about the one who remains loyal in love,
Play the tanbur that I'm heavy-hearted tonight with the world again,
Play the tanbur on and on,
Play so that I sing a song no one is a fan,
Play the tanbur on and on,
Play the tanbur on and on,
Play the tanbur on and on.
Lili Marlene
Sub felinar, la poarta cazărmii
dragă, îmi amintesc cum m-aşteptai
Acolo eram când tandru mi-ai şoptit
că tu m-ai iubit, mereu m-ai iubit
Lili a mea de la felinar, Lili Marlene a mea
Timpul va veni să mă-nrolez, timpul ca noi să ne despărţim
iubire, te-aş mângâia şi te-aş atinge la inimă
şi acolo, departe, la lumina felinarului,
te-aş strânge-n braţe, ne-am săruta diseară
Lili a mea de la felinar, Lili Marlene a mea
Ordine vin să navigăm undeva pe-acolo
să stau izolat în baracă era de neînchipuit
Ştiam că aşteptai pe stradă
îţi auzeam paşii, dar nu te puteam întâlni
Lili a mea de la felinar, Lili Marlene a mea
Stând într-un cartuş, în spatele liniei
chiar dacă eram despărţiţi, buzele tale erau aproape de-ale mele
Aştepţi acolo undefelinarul pâlpâie încet
Chipul tău dulce pare să-mi bântuie visul
Lili a mea de la felinar, Lili Marlene a mea
Lili a mea de la felinar, Lili Marlene a mea
Back mirror doesn't need.
I don't also intend to turn back.
Head light will light up,
Mysterious beautiful darkness.
To the area that nobody knows,
Stepping on my feet ahead of everyone,
Let's leave brilliant footprints, Yeah.
Other people won't be able to understand it.
I’m a champ, I am a champ.
Because it is not enough to just believing.
I’m a champ, I am a champ.
Beyond other's imagination, I've been encouraged.
Overwhelming lead run, Overwhelming win.
With an amazed eyes, you should do sayonara to me.
As 'The Insane person', you should write it to my name.
It's alright, I hope it too.
This feeling of my loneliness, This feeling of against the wind,
Even them, They are your yearning, isn't it?
I don't mind being alone.
I’m a champ, I am a champ.
I must be overwhelming existence.
I’m a champ, I am a champ.
There is no meaning existence in silent majorities.
I will overtake you, You can't catch me up.
【INABA's Line】
Voice that praises me.
Voice that abuse me.
Voice of sympathy.
Everything fades away to far.
I won't entrust my world to others.
I’m a champ, I am a champ.
I will watch myself with the awakened eyes.
I’m a champ, I am a champ.
Because it is not enough to just believing.
I’m a champ, I am a champ.
Beyond other's imagination, I am sticking.
I will overtake you, You can't reach me.
I will go the next without you, You can't catch me.
Intro (Intro)
I need hands only
I need hands only
And so with the wheelbarrows, from the windows chopped our bass
Tight, our bass
Mom loves money, loves money
Mom love kids, yeah
They so want candy
And they so want to-candy
Candy in fur coats, under the homemade sound
Come move with us and without rules
Nobody shouts 'Krasava!' To me under the stage.
I call you to the next round
We are type mushrooms, type mushrooms, yeah
Moisture rose in the club and we grow
Raise the level
Tell me what's wrong with you? (What's the matter?)
Why are you sluggish?
Come on come with me
I will spoil you
Ball, dance, morning, night (Ultra-rain)
Ball, dance, morning, night (Ultra-rain)
We are type mushrooms, type mushrooms, yeah
Moisture rose in the club and we grow
We will teach you
Stir bread and work correctly ass
And in the near future you will fly
Like Jordan
Stopudovo higher than the towers of Paris
This mushrooms - hata Original
Wear sports pants
We will work on your image
Here the hands rise above your head
This is our gang, remember the moment
Naturally, take everything literally.
We nuclear boom predicted Wang
Come on, music louder
Shake all traffic tonight
Do not sit at home, it's Mushrooms on CD
Absorb what we say here
Well, let's DJ, let's DJ
Well, let's DJ, let's DJ
We are type mushrooms, type mushrooms, yeah
We type mushrooms
Versions: #2
Homie, yes you sho persecute, see how I get you right now.
You go without a babosik to the house.
Oh boy stop it.
Who are you knocking there?
Right now your favorite number 6 will fall out.
You never know. You never know.
Young characters i'm sorry
And you do not tell me where I can find mushrooms?
On full.
Never heard!
You know? I know. Look in the forest.
Only if you are hawking.
Collect the grebes.
Hee hee hee, very funny.
Uncle, sho you came here, ask?
Yes, for the same km you can see the shog.
Nobody will bazaar with you.
Get lost from here!
Well, if you do not want good, then you will have to ...
Stand! Do not move!
West Coast Police.
Feet behind the head !!!
Oh shit! I'll win.
Return my dollar
I said: 'legs behind the head, brat'
I sho, yogi, legs behind your head?
Mykola I stitched.
I know you know where the mushrooms are.
Speak where they are.
For sho, you do not like us, cop?
Among the old quarters, the cops are looking for us.
This is a stone city, where everything is defaulted.
Call our sound the lowest frequency.
Here in the priority to tear down your head.
From the shoulders.
The neighbors hate us while the sugary bass is off the beat.
This is basically no time to sleep.
Hands fly in the air only here and now.
Do not interrupt! Do not interrupt!
Let the walls tremble and crack at the seams.
This is back in the days where you are just right.
The cops hate us.
So - we pile on the bass. (the cops don't like us so much)
Do not like us.
We pile on the bass. (The cops don't like us so much)
Do not like us.
We do not give anyone sleep.
We pile on ...
Our shit, in the ears of the cops bursting.
It is delicious, as for dill borscht.
It's quick as a 3g blogger.
This is too high for a gnome jeep.
Hold on
Do not throw us on the floors.
We are salvation for a loser, as if gin
(is it grebz? is it grebz?)
We are growing.
We have rains here again. (the cops don't like us so much)
Do not like us.
We break the parquet under our feet.
While the cops are bursting at our door.
Here is the darkest light of the lanterns.
Here is the loudest sound for people.
For people.
Little space, I need air and bass.
To undermine everything as the last time.
No eyes are visible here, no eyes are visible.
We hate the cops means ...
We pile on bass. (the cops don't like us so much)
We pile on bass. (the cops don't like us so much)
Do not like us.
We pile on bass.
I wake up with you ...
I wake up with you ...
I will wake up with you.
We already have love.
I can not live without you.
I will wake up with you.
We already have love.
I can't move without you.
Yellow-yellow color, blue-blue discos.
We move to the beat, you are mine, you are my man.
Yellow-yellow color, blue-blue discos.
We move to the beat, you are mine, you are my man.
I will wake up with you.
We already have love.
I can not live without you.
I will wake up with you.
We already have love.
I can't move without you.
You are my man, I can read you.
We wake up with you in the morning and do not ask why.
We hide our hands, we disperse the blood with our hearts.
I can not live without you and because between us love.
I wake up with you ...
And we lacked this.
We run away into the forgotten quarters.
I'm ready to take off with you, not fall.
I wake up with you ...
In the green light of the lanterns.
We will find each other to meet the new day.
I will wake up with you.
We already have love.
I can not live without you.
I will wake up with you.
We already have love.
I can't move without you.
We're Big and Stupid
We're big and stupid
We drink like cows
the mirage of a pasture
It's a drought and we know
that the tears will drown
the hippopotamuses
We're large and sad
We're both black and pessimistic
We don't rain a drop
for prosperity
And we don't respect
the destruction
When the night falls, we're asleep
and we're asleep in the morning and at noon
and (we're asleep) in the afternoon until night
and from night to night again
(While asleep), we dream of
a sunny day
Good...we're good and happy
We're rigid, tough, and stubborn
At the peak of loneliness
like loose women
we know it quite well
how to find friends
We're cows, horses, human beings
We're the keepers of true knowledge
We're supporters of women
We're slaves to (our) bodies
We guard, guard
the love in the bed
Conquered science
Complex system
Ignorant scholars
Will we, robots,
understand one day
the acquired knowledge?
We're poor in eating
We're stingy in dying
Will we, being among the tightfisted
and the flatterers,
leave this habit of
behaving like beggars?
We had the wedding attire on
We drank like cows
We strove like horses
We boiled like tears
And the tears then drowned
the hippopotamuses
Good...we're good and happy
We're rigid, tough, and stubborn
At the peak of lonliness
like loose women
we know it quite well
how to find friends
We're cows, horses, human beings
We're the keepers of true knowledge
We're supporters of women
We're slaves to (our) bodies
We guard, guard
the love in the bed
- We're essentially masterful
We're masters of puns
We're scholars in knowledge
We're scholars in reading
But we esteem
sewer poetry
In memoriam Che Guevara
In Chile, in the city of Santiago, a statue of Ernesto Che Guevara was removed from its pedestal and sent to be melted down.
Che Guevara is being tortured again,
what do you torment metal?!
At the stake, above the criminal dogs,
he remains silent, as he would when alive.
They torture him red, white hot
but only his heart became translucent.
The outlines of the sculpture melt,
but they can't manage to destroy him!
I am Ernesto, the son of light,
I rose from oblivion,
And I shall glow red
forever more!
There is no such melting point,
you won't find such furnaces!
Freedom has patience to boot,
instead of moans, a stream of light.
But on the square, in naked horror,
where not a speck of dust remains,
the black wind of terror stirs
a forest of resurrected hands!
I am Ernesto, the son of light,
I rose from oblivion,
And I shall glow red
forever more!
Che Guevara is being tortured again,
what do you torment metal?!
At the stake, above the criminal dogs,
he remains silent, as he would when alive.
They torture him red, white hot
but only his heart became translucent.
The outlines of the sculpture melt,
but they can't manage to destroy him!
I am Ernesto, the son of light,
I rose from oblivion,
And I shall glow red
forever more!
I shall walk the earth again,
all out in struggle and love
for Allende and Neruda,
and in blood-drenched sunlight!
The Ballad About The Colours.
He was redhead, like a stew from *milcap,
As oranges on snow gingerhead.
Mother was joking, mother was fun-
I gave birth to a son from the sun.
And another son was black, like black hole afar,
Black as if a burned down tar,
She was laughing when asked about that,
She was laughing when asked about that,
She was laughing when asked about that,
The night was too dark, she said.
In the forty-first, in forty memorable year
The loudspeakers shouted, the war is here,
Both sons, both two, salt of the earth they were
They bowed low to the mother and gone to war.
It happened in the battle, they felt, the young one
Black smoke and furious red fire of the gun,
Wicked greenery of stagnant fields,
Wicked greenery of stagnant fields,
Wicked greenery of stagnant fields,
Grey colour of the frontline hospitals,and those killed.
Both sons, both two, two wings
They fought to victory, mum was waiting.
She wasn't angry, she didn't cursed the fate,
The death notification spared her place.
She got lucky, suddenly the happiness she found,
The only lucky one of three villages around.
She got lucky, she got lucky, her alone
She got lucky, she got lucky, her alone
She got lucky, she got lucky, her alone
Both sons to the village returned.
Both sons, flash and trait, well and sound,
Golden medals so many you couldn't count.
Shoulder to shoulder the sons side by side sit
Legs and hands are all intact, what else do you need?
As a custom the young wine they drink,
Both hair color changed, it seems.
Deathly white their hair became,
Deathly white their hair became,
Deathly white their hair became,
Apparently the war has a lot of white paint.
Deathly white their hair became,
Deathly white their hair became,
Deathly white their hair became,
Apparently the war has a lot of white paint.
Song of the Faraway Homeland
Versions: #2
Beg of you, even for a while,
Pain of mine, take your leave of me,
Like a cloud, like a slate-blue cloud
You fly away tow’rds my native homeland,
From here to my native homeland.
Shore of mine, show yourself from ‘far,
Tiny edge, just finest line.
Shore of mine, tender, welcoming,
If I could swim to you, my beloved,
Swim tow’rds you sometimes, or ever.
Somewhere far away, very far indeed,
Sunshowers fall from the sky.
Somehwere by the stream in a little garden
Red cherries ripen, weighing down the boughs.
Somewhere far away in my memories
It’s warm and sweet, childhood-like,
Though mem’ries are buried
With heavy, impenetrable snowdrifts.
Thunderstorm, let me drink my fill,
Till I’m stoned but not dead as stone.
Here again, here yet again
I fix my gaze on the sky above me
As if there’s an answer coming…
Beg of you, even for a while,
Pain of mine, take your leave of me,
Like a cloud, like a slate-blue cloud
You fly away tow’rds my native homeland
From here to my native homeland.
Stop blaspheming
Stop now to blaspheming
And to talk behind backs of others
Are you from yesterday
Nobody can afford
C'mon don't be a
That no one kisses
Let down your mask and say how it is
Stop now to blaspheming
Stop now to blaspheming
Of course you can only
see the
weaknesses at others
But you also aren't
Better try to understand
Realize where the strengths are
And don't make someone down
Build up your friends
Otherwise you get weakend yourself
Don't think that you are something better
And if you see that someone really messes up
Then give him a good
Stop now to blaspheming
And to talk behind backs of others
Are you from
Nobody can afford
Come come come
Stop blaspheming
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Am iesit din Trabzon* capul meu sa salvat
Çavuşlu sa rupt spre judecata de apoi
Imi las prieteni in grija capitanului
Aceasta despartire acum mi-a sucit talia mea
Acolo acolo am dat de zona balcanica
Aceasta despartire nu are o alta solutie
Trimite un cutit eu am o rana in inima
Aceasta despartire acum mi-a sucit talia mea
Ege Kökenli
D.A.D - I Am Me Because of You
You traveled far, I was left alone.
You told me pretty words that will make time be forgotten
You traveled to the cold while it's so hot in here
You promised to hold me tight so I won't feel that you're gone.
Its been a year, suddenly I realize I haven't told you goodbye
I was so busy in making your dream come true
I was so busy in not being there all day
Because in that home you built there, you haven't left me any room
And it's not because I didn't want to and it's not because of you
I understand it's hard to see a better version of yourself
I did everything for you, I just wanted a smile in return
Till I've already reached the top and your party was over
I never told you goodbye... and it's not because I didn't want to
You abandoned me there all alone in the street where I lived
And it's surely not what you wanted... and it's what you did
And all the anger in my heart is because you didn't even try.
You... I wanted you to be proud of me, I wanted you to see in me
All that... all that you didn't have in you, burst out of me
And it's true that because of you I knew what it's like to be poor
But I realize now that... dad... because of you, I am who I am.
You traveled far, I was left alone.
You told me pretty words that will make time be forgotten
You traveled to the cold while it's so hot in here
You promised to hold me tight so I won't feel that you're gone.
It's true, everyone calls me 'Sky' and sky means the heavens
Which is exactly where you went and got twice as far away from me
Murphy is no one's friend and definitely not mine
But I know that in the end, you didn't leave because of me
And to think that when you left, I was dancing on rooftops
Because I didn't know you left, I was filming successes
And I was swaying like a leaf and there goes another plane
While my dad was laying sick in his bed
I didn't believe you could go and I thought you would win
I didn't know time would catch you as it runs
I find myself screaming to the heavens up there
I don't care who hears it, God, Jesus or Allah
I turn to whoever sits in the heavens
The one that plays with us all and pulls at the strings
I don't ask for too much, I want nothing for my life
Just to be David's grandson, the father of Ilan Chaim.
You traveled far, I was left alone.
You told me pretty words that will make time be forgotten
You traveled to the cold while it's so hot in here
You promised to hold me tight so I won't feel that you're gone.
And it's been a year since and you still didn't visit
And when I fell down and got back up again, you were always missing
And the cold dwells in the house, the AC isn't helping
In an abandoned studio, there's a picture of us from the kindergarten
Do you remember the beginning? 'Cause I only remember the ending.
Covered in fake smiles, just wanting to smile in the end
Because of you I am cursed, a frustrated musician
Who'll die for his music and it won't be easy for him
Because of you I am hated, because of you I am scared
Because of you I'll end up alone
Because of you I am sad, because of you I can't sleep
Because of you, in order for me to open up, I light up and smoke
And I don't complain of all that I got because of you
Because I am loved for all those things and it's all because of you.
You built me up... d.a.d.
You built me up.
You traveled far, I was left alone.
You told me pretty words that will make time be forgotten
You traveled to the cold while it's so hot in here
You promised to hold me tight so I won't feel that you're gone.
Upset W Whom
I'm upset with whom, upset with whom
In my heart the yearning has died
Upset with whom, upset with whom
In my heart the yearning has already died
so has the loyalty love is lost
cause we'll never back together,,,, I return to whom
Do you still imagine that I can get back to you
Do you still hope that I can listen to you
Do you still believe that I'm gonna waste years and years of my life?
Don't you say anything .... don't you say anything
I don't wanna hear a thing
Don't you say anything .... don't you say anything
I don't wanna hear a thing
I'm all over you and my heart is busy with something else
Coz everything is over.... don't say a word
Don't say a word
Do you still imagine that I can get back to you
Do you still hope that I can listen to you
Do you still believe that I'm gonna waste years and years of my life?
Seventeen Years (Old)
As soon as he saw you for the first time
It was very clear to him
Then you were seventeen,
and you preferred blond hair,
He deceived the Punk for everyone to see
fiery glances were then common
He was like always over-cool and
modern, stylish with cheque
You were only seventeen years old
born under a lucky star
Seventeen years old
Well, what was still valid then
He talks to you, you said 'cola-lemon'
already got that.
What kind of work do you do, how much do you earn
Come on, get it on, on and on!
The guy takes you to the dance floor,
you also like the champagne
He thought:'This will end positiv,
she must be good in bed,
ah how nice, in his bed.'
What he didn´t know, was:
You were seventeen years old
And also your mind on stardom
clever as ever
a wonder, ah! Seventeen years old.
than came the tenant personally
a moviestar without a payroll
and said:'come on, sugar sweet,
my Jet is waiting.
What a insult, without a payroll
off and on
What he knew now, was:
Seventeen years old
Image already clear
Spectacol salbatic pe un tron de aur
Diamant de sange, casa de vara
Persoane false cu drept de a sti
Dar nu pot sa fac nimic
Spunem toti ca viata este dura
Ca nu vrem asta in gradina noastra
Ar trebui sa fim mai departe fata de locul in care am inceput
Dar nu pot sa fac nimic
Chiar ne e frica, facem focul
Ce este valoarea unei vieti
Chiar ne e frica, repetam eroarea,
In unicul scop de a ajunge primul
Mintim fata de actiunile noastre
Arma diferita dar acelasi atac
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Fiecare lectie pierduta in trecut
Iarta-ma, dar nu pot sa revin
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Cred ca boogie man-ul ma va prinde
Cred ca dusmanul este altcineva
A fost asa de secole
Si nu pot sa fac nimic
Sunt nerabdatoare sa deschid ghiuleaua
Faptul ca nu se poate privi in oglinda inseamna totul
Pacatele tatalui ne face sa cadem
Si nu pot sa fac nimic
Ne e asa frica, facem focul
Cu unicul scop de a ajunge primul
Mintim fata de actiunile noastre
Arma diferita dar acelasi atac
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Fiecare lectie pierduta in trecut
Iarta-ma, dar nu pot sa revin
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Nu raman singura
Nu, nu raman singura
Nu sunt singura
Cine nu vrea pietre aruncate
Mintim fata de actiunile noastre
Arma diferita dar acelasi atac
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Fiecare lectie pierduta in trecut
Iarta-ma, dar nu pot sa revin
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Mintim fata de actiunile noastre
Arma diferita dar acelasi atac
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
Nu arunc
Nu, nu arunc cu pietre
We see you, we know each other
When our eyes meet
We are drawn, we promise
The most beautiful words
I'll tell you, that I prefaced
I know her
The nation embraces
We search from town to town
With love we find ourselves
We leave the futile souls
Write rhetoric
Simplicity, the nation is engaged
And complicity, we will wreak havoc
We are from the north
We came from the south
We are the nation
We are from the north
We came from the south
We are the nation
Yes we are
Yes we are
I, you, she, he,
We are enraged
Our subtle languages
From near and far
We will face
And thanks to our spirits
The nation embraces
The nation heals
We are from the north
We came from the south
We are the nation
We are from the north,
We came from the south
We are the nation
Yes we are
Yes we are
Do you feel it, the happiness
Can you see what is on the horizon?
Do you feel it, the warmth?
The nation becomes your home
Everything to give
Embracing the whole world
We are from the north,
We came from the south
We are the nation
We are from the north,
We came from the south
We are the nation
Yes we are
Yes we are
Yes we are
Yes we are
Doar o iluzie ...
Mi sa spus că trăiesc ca o stea,
Hotel Ritz, șampanie și caviar ...
Dar nimeni nu mi-a arătat vreodată inversul
Și într-adevăr doare, dragă, într-adevăr doare.
Ei încearcă să- ți vândă trupul și sufletul
(Dragă, TU vrei, iubirea mea, EU te vreau)
Este prețul pe care îl plătești pentru rock 'n roll
(Dragă, TU vrei, iubirea mea, EU te vreau)
Și nimeni nu te înțelege cum te simți ...
Pentru că este atât de ireal, oh, este atât de ireal.
Dragă, nu plânge pentru mine
Este o iluzie, doar o iluzie
Credeam că știu ce ar trebui să fie viața
Este o iluzie, doar o iluzie.
Când criticii crucifică ultimul tău spectacol
(Dragă, TU dorești, iubirea mea, EU te doresc)
Încă o băutură iar apoi pierzi controlul
(Dragă, TU dorești, iubirea mea, EU te doresc)
Dar apoi pe scenă simt că focul arde
Nu există întoarcere, EU sunt mereu pe fugă.
Ți-am dăruit, dragă, cu toată inima mea ...
(Dragă, TU dorești, iubirea mea, EU te doresc)
Pentru că nu e prea târziu, dragă, nu e prea târziu.
Dragă, nu plânge pentru mine
Este o iluzie, doar o iluzie
Credeam că știu ce ar trebui să fie viața
Este o iluzie, doar o iluzie.
Dana Kósa
Spun doar, sunt acasă ...
Îți ascunzi durerea, atunci când dragostea ta a luat sfârșit
Te simți ca un orb, când iubirea este zadarnică
Dincolo de insule, putem să o pornim de la capăt
Deci, du-mă înapoi, nu mă părăsi niciodată!
Plimbându-mă prin ploaie
Numai în tăcere, numai în durere ...
Ai fost odată soarele meu, al dimineţii
Încă îți aud vocea, ca muzica pe care o interpretez
Ochii tăi, îi privesc din nou.
Spun doar, sunt acasă
E ultima noastră speranță
Și poartă-mi viața în inima și sufletul tău
Căci TU ești dragostea mea, lumea mea.
Spun doar, sunt acasă
E ultima noastră speranță
Și poartă-mi viața în inima și sufletul tău
Căci TU ești dragostea mea, lumea mea.
Iubire la prima vedere
Privește necontenit lumina dimineții,
Simți că au dreptate, ca și ploaia
Dar de atâtea ori este greu să simți durerea,
Atunci când dragostea dispare.
Spun doar, sunt acasă
E ultima noastră speranță
Și poartă-mi viața în inima și sufletul tău
Căci TU ești dragostea mea, lumea mea.
Spun doar, sunt acasă
E ultima noastră speranță
Și poartă-mi viața în inima și sufletul tău
Căci TU ești dragostea mea, lumea mea.
Și poartă-mi viața în inima și sufletul tău
Căci TU ești dragostea mea, lumea mea.
Dana Kósa
Seems that you are going again
Why do you always bother?
What is it that you're searching from me?
You take and it costs you
And no, and no, you don't want to see how much it hurts you
You want to see me and its not me
And its not me who answers you
If you want, you have me
Seems like here you are again
Why should I bother?
If its not that, then what are you going to do?
Here is your answer
And no, and no, you don't want to see how much it hurts you
You want to see me and its not me
And its not me who accompanies you
And I'm going to make sure
And no, and no, you don't want to see how much it hurts you
You want to see me and its not me
And its not me who answers you
If you want, you have me
And no, and no, you don't want to see how much it hurts you
You want to see me and its not me
And its not me who accompanies you
And I'm going to do it now
At Seventeen
I still know how it was at seventeen,
At home I was still the child
That was allowed to play and win
And that got hugged.
But outside it was different
The men saw the woman in me
And asked: 'Do you want to go out with me?'
At seventeen I didn't know anything for sure.
Often I stood there and wasn't allowed to
With the words: 'Don't forget about school!'
I waited by the Telephone
For someone who'd say: 'I'll take care of it!'
The world seems to be as wide as the sea
And yet as narrow as never before
One has to understand a lot of things anew
At seventeen!
I learned that for the pretty girls
It is easy to find a boyfriend
That thinking is not important
While you are waiting to be happy
Like the evil queen in the fairy tales
I stood in front of the mirror so many times
And asked him how beautiful I was
At seventeen I was a queen!
With the dubious certainty
To gain success and happiness this way
You move and turn
And you believe that you have to be
Like the friend, who is already wearing the ring
Like the star, who's giving autographs
Often I remained lonely
In this glamour
Time is like a big market
Who's got something to offer will be chosen
Sheltered you're shown off
They bargain for the highest price
That's long ago and still well known
I ask myself how I survived it
From dreams to reality
It was a long way!
Today I see girls passing by
Who face life upright
Who don't take the glamour for the truth
Who know and say where they are going
And when they turn around to face me
Can't understand my joy about this
Going new ways
At seventeen!