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Best of Me [Japanese ver.]

When you say that you love me
My heart beats fast
Tell me about forever, oh just one more time
When you say that you love me
I just need those words
Say you'll never change, just one more time
Because you're everything to me,
I still want to hold you more tightly
Together, we shared something
And you can't make it nothing
Please don't forget
You're my
Day by day*
Summer, winter
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
So please just don't leave me
You got the best of me
I don't know the way, but
You're the destination I will arrive at
I wanted to be a wave, but
You were like an ocean
I'm talking like you, even though we've long passed
I'll be you - even now, I'm
kissing your knife
So, take my hand right now
I can't believe myself,
but the words I said gently in my heart
'Don't leave my side...'
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
Is this a dream or reality? Either way, it's not important
Yes, as long as you're by my side
Day by day*
Summer, winter
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
So please just don't leave me
You got the best of me
Only you can save me
If you were here it would be alright
You got the best of me
I want you
So please just don't leave me
You got the best of me
Even when it rains,
even when it snows
I'll overcome it all and find my way
Towards paradise
It's not easy
But not impossible
You are the best of me
The best of me
Give me confidence,
Because that's all I want
There are no rules, but
We have a way to love
Who got the best of me?
Who got the best of me?
No one knows but I know me
You're my girl
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
So please just don't leave me
You got the best of me
Only you can save me
If you were here it would be alright
You got the best of me
I want you
So please just don't leave me
You got the best of me
When you say that you love me
My heart beats fast
Tell me about forever, oh just one more time
When you say that you love me
I just need those words
Say you'll never change, just one more time

Ddaeng (땡)

Versions: #2
18 13 38*1 Ddaeng*2
U wrong me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Ring the school bell brr brr Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng
Hip-hop? Ddaeng
Rap style? Ddaeng
Just a rapper, Ddaeng
BTS = Ddaeng
But in reality, bang
Worldwide, bang
Top of the charts bang bang, Ddaeng
Got money, woo
AP, woo
Nice house, woo
Someone’s dream life, woo
How bout you? uh
I like you! uh
This success uh
Thanks to you uh
Funny aite funny aite? Yeah*3
You think it’s ridiculous aite? Yeah
Honestly those people, Yeah
What are they making such a fuss for, Yeah
Think about it calmly, Yeah
Since you have a lot of time, Yeah
This is your homework, homework, Yeah
If you can’t get it, it’s your problem, Ddaeng
18 13 38 Ddaeng
U wrong me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Ring the school bell brr brr Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng
18 13 38 Ddaeng
U wrong me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Wait stop freeze Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng
Hmm.. To me, you guys are Ddaeng
We all are Ddaeng
No matter who got a good Geut*4
I’m a Ddaeng, I don’t care at all
Hunnit bae hunnit bar hunnit bbae hunnit bae Ddaeng
This music is shit bae
Although you might have a stomach ache bae
Your claims are all correct bae
We’re heading towards ruin
Billboard, it’s thanks to you bae
There’s no one above us
Since we’re heading towards ruin, thanks
Thank you thank you thank you
Thank you for continuously ignoring us up till now
Thank to that, Stadium, Dome, Billboard
We gained a lot of things thanks to you
Friends from small companies
I hope you will soon become major companies
Since we will fail once again, like your wish
Please keep on worrying about us
18 13 38 Ddaeng
U wrong me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Ring the school bell brr brr Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng
18 13 38 Ddaeng
U wrong me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Wait stop freeze Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng
The sound of the cashier calculating Ddaeng
I liked it when I was younger, freeze-tag*6
I’m ding-dong, you’re Ddaeng*7
You are a 7Geut*8, I’m a Ddaeng
Sleeping after eating ramen, the face is Ddaeng
You dregs*9, do your thang*10
Look at me, I’m your errthang
You’re dope? Cool? Damn ridiculous..
It’s so ri ri-diculous that I will ask that you understand if I st-st-stutter my or-oratorical skills are a little lacking
Still I wanted to at least s-speak co-co-correctly but my lips keeping pu-pulling to a gr-grin because I lo-lo-love it so much love it so mu-much
Rappers who don’t even have haters, just shut up
Where is your hater
After cleaning your eyes and washing up, look at the mirror
The one breathing before you is none other than your hater
More than being celebrities, we celebrate
Only excelling no break*11
What are you to approve of me
Frogs that deserve to be called so
I earnestly pray that
You’ll die in the well*12
18 13 38 Ddaeng
U wrong, me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Ring the school bell brr brr Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng
18 13 38 Ddaeng
U wrong, me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Wait stop freeze Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng


Nu am bicepși sau pectorali, nu am o super mașină ca Batman, să fiu un erou cool a fost fantezia mea, dar tot ce îți pot oferi e Anpan, am visat să fiu un erou ca Superman, așa că am alergat cu toată forța mea, sărind spre înaltul cerului,nu mi a fost frică să mă lovesc în genunchi, a fost imaginația copilăriei mele. Nu sunt un super erou, nu aveți prea multe așteptări, pot fi eroul tău, are vreun sens? Chiar nu știu,dar trebuie sa o fac mamă, cine sa fie daca nu eu? Mă puteți chema, spuneți-mi Anpan
Lăsați-mă să vă aud cum spuneți (×2)
Dați-i drumul (×3)
Voi avea mai multă putere
Lăsați-mă să vă aud cum spuneți (×2)
Voi fi puterea ta
Dați-i drumul (×3)
Continuă să te întorci Anpan-ul meu, continuă sa te rotești,tot antiglonț
Când îmi deschid ochii, sunt un erou, dar încă prins într-un labirint. Acel tânăr, tânăr, tânăr Continuând să mă lovesc în secret, dar rotindu-mă tot antiglonț, chiar dacă doare sunt un erou, îmi pun fricile deoparte.
Anpanman panman panman
Sunt o noua generație anpanman. Sunt un nou super erou, anpanman
Tot ce am este acest cântec, lăsați-mă să spun 'toți bărbații răi, la o parte' sunt o noua generație,anpanman
Sunt un nou erou, Anpanman.Tot ce am este acest cântec, lăsați-mă să spun 'toți bărbații răi, la o parte'.
Uneori mi e teama de toate astea, pentru că am ajuns să am atât de multe lucruri pe care le iubesc
Unii spun că sunt o fosila acum, că nu sunt calificat și să fac ce făceam până acum. Dar încă vreau sa fiu un erou.Dar tot ce vă pot oferi e anpan, și cuvintele 'ați muncit din greu'. Chiar daca mă chemati, voi zbura la voi. Va rog să mă chemati.
Lăsați-mă să vă aud cum spuneți (×2)
Dați-i drumul (×3)
Voi aveam multă putere
Lăsați-mă să vă aud cum spuneți (×2)
Voi fi puterea ta
Dați-i drumul (×3)
Continuă să te întorci Anpan-ul meu. Continuă să te rotești, tot antiglonț
Când îmi deschid ochii, sunt un erou, dar încă prins într-un labirint. Acel tânăr, tânăr, tânăr Continuând să mă lovesc în secret. Dar rotindu-mă, tot antiglonț. Chiar dacă doare, sunt un erou, îmi pun fricile deoparte. Anpanman panman panman.
Sincer sa fiu, mie frică să nu cad și să nu vă dezamăgesc. Dar, chiar dacă trebuie să-mi folosesc puterea, voi fi alături de voi. Chiar dacă voi cădea din nou, chiar dacă voi face din nou greșeli, chiar dacă voi cadea din nou în noroi, aveți încredere în mine că sunt un erou
Continuă să te întorci Anpan-ul meu. Continuă să te rotești, tot antiglonț. Când îmi deschid ochii ,sunt un erou,dar încă prins într-un labirint. Acel tânăr, tânăr, tânăr. Continuând să mă lovesc în secret, dar rotindu-mă tot antiglonț. Chiar daca doare, sunt un erou, îmi pun fricile deoparte. Anpanman panman panman
Sunt o nouă generație, anpanman. Sunt un nou super erou, anpanman
Tot e este acest cântec
Lăsați-mă să spun 'toți bărbații răi, la o parte'
Sunt o noua generație anpanman
Sunt un nou super erou anpanman
Tot ce am este acest cântec. Lăsați-mă să spun' toți bărbații răi, la o parte'.


Ia-mi mâinile acum
Tu ești cauza euforiei mele
Închide ușa acum
Când sunt cu tine sunt în utopia
Te-ai rătăcit uitându-te dupa acel curcubeu șters ca visul
Doar un lucru este diferit de la soartă
Privirea ta rănită uitându-se în același loc ca mine
Tu vei sta te rog în vise, da
Eu aud îndepărtatul ocean
Peste un vis, peste un orizont
Mergând spre acel loc care devine mai clar
Ia-mi mâinile acum
Tu ești cauza euforiei mele
Ia-mi mâinile acum
Tu ești cauza euforiei mele
Chiar daca destinul devine crăpat
Nu contează cine scutură lumea aceasta
Nu da drumul la mâna pe care o tii
Nu te trezi din acest vis
Tu ești soarele care a apărut iar în viața mea
A doua venită din visul meu tineresc
Nu știu ce este acest sentiment
Ori dacă este tot un vis
Visul este ca si o oază verde în deșert
'De la ceea ce este ' adânc în interiorul meu
Sunt atât de fericit, nu pot respira
Împrejurările mele devin din ce în ce mai transparente
Eu aud îndepărtatul ocean
Peste un vis, peste un orizont
Mergând spre acel loc care devine mai clar
Ia-mi mâinile acum
Tu ești cauza euforiei mele
Ia-mi mâinile acum
Tu ești cauza euforiei mele

Dragoste falsă

[Intro: V / Jungkook]
Pentru tine aș putea să mă prefac că eram fericit când eram trist
Pentru voi m-am putut preface ca am fost puternic atunci când am fost rănit
Aș vrea ca dragostea să fie perfectă ca și iubirea
Îmi doresc ca toate rachitele mele să fie ascunse
Am crescut o floare care nu poate fi înflorită într-un vis care nu se poate realiza
[Cârlig: Jimin / Jin]
M-am săturat de această dragoste falsă, de dragoste falsă, de dragoste falsă
Îmi pare atât de rău, dar dragostea sa falsă, dragostea falsă, dragostea falsă
[Versetul 1: RM, Jungkook, J-Hope]
Vreau să fiu un om bun
Doar pentru tine
Am dat lumii
Doar pentru tine
Am schimbat totul
Doar pentru tine
Dar eu nu știu
Cine eşti tu?
Pădurea doar pentru noi, nu erai acolo
Traseul pe care l-am luat, am uitat
Nici măcar n-am știut cine sunt
Încercați să bâjbâi în oglindă, cine naiba sunteți?
[Pre-cor: Jimin / Jin]
Pentru tine aș putea să mă prefac că eram fericit când eram trist
Pentru voi m-am putut preface ca am fost puternic atunci când am fost rănit
Aș vrea ca dragostea să fie perfectă ca și iubirea
Îmi doresc ca toate rachitele mele să fie ascunse
Am crescut o floare care nu poate fi înflorită într-un vis care nu se poate realiza
[Chorus: Jungkook, V]
Te iubesc atat de rau, te iubesc atat de rau
Faceți o minciună frumoasă pentru dvs.
Iubește-i atât de nebun, iubeste atât de nebun
Încercați să vă ștergeți și să-mi faceți papusa
Te iubesc atat de rau, te iubesc atat de rau
Faceți o minciună frumoasă pentru dvs.
Iubește-i atât de nebun, iubeste atât de nebun
Încercați să vă ștergeți și să-mi faceți papusa
[Cârlig: Jimin / Jin]
M-am săturat de această dragoste falsă, de dragoste falsă, de dragoste falsă
Îmi pare atât de rău, dar dragostea sa falsă, dragostea falsă, dragostea falsă
[Versetul 2: RM / Suga]
De ce esti suparat? Nu știu. Nu știu
Zâmbeste, spune 'te iubesc'
Uită-te la mine, chiar ai renunțat la mine
Nici măcar nu mă înțelegi
Spui că sunt necunoscut, schimbat în cel pe care-l plăceai
Spui că nu sunt eu pe care l-ai cunoscut bine
Nu? Ce vrei să spui nu. Sunt orb
Dragoste? Ce naiba este dragostea? Toată iubirea lui falsă.
[Podul: Jimin / Jin]
Imi pare rau Nu stiu de ce
Chiar și eu nu mă cunosc
Știu doar că știu doar de ce
Cuz iubirea lui falsă, dragostea falsă, dragostea falsă.
[Chorus: Jungkook / Jimin]
Te iubesc atat de rau, te iubesc atat de rau
Faceți o minciună frumoasă pentru dvs.
Iubește-i atât de nebun, iubeste atât de nebun
Încercați să vă ștergeți și să-mi faceți papusa
Te iubesc atat de rau, te iubesc atat de rau
Faceți o minciună frumoasă pentru dvs.
Iubește-i atât de nebun, iubeste atât de nebun
Încercați să vă ștergeți și să-mi faceți papusa.
[Cârlig: Jimin / Jin]
Sunt atât de rău de această dragoste falsă, de dragoste falsă, de dragoste falsă
Îmi pare atât de rău, dar dragostea sa falsă, dragostea falsă, dragostea falsă.
[Outro: Jimin / V, Jungkook / Jin]
Pentru tine aș putea să mă prefac că eram fericit când eram trist
Pentru voi m-am putut preface ca am fost puternic atunci când am fost rănit
Aș vrea ca dragostea să fie perfectă ca și iubirea
Îmi doresc ca toate rachitele mele să fie ascunse
Am crescut o floare care nu poate fi înflorită într-un vis care nu se poate realiza.

The Truth Untold

[Verse 1: V]
Full of loneliness
This garden is bloomed
Full of thorns
I hung myself in this sand castle
[Verse 2: Jungkook]
What is your name
Do you have a place to go
Oh could you tell me?
I saw you hidden in this garden
[Pre-Chorus: Jin]
And I know
All of your warmth is true
I want to hold
Your hand picking the blue flower
[Chorus: Jimin]
It’s my fate
Don’t smile on me
Light on me
Because I can’t come to you
There’s no name you can call me
[Post-Chorus: Jungkook]
You know that I can’t
Show you ME
Give you ME
I can’t show you a run-down part of myself
I wear a mask again and go to see you
But I still want you
[Verse 3: Jin]
Bloomed in a garden of loneliness
A flower that resembles you
I wanted to give it to you
After I take off this foolish mask
[Pre-Chorus: Jimin]
But I know
I can never do that
I must hide
Because I am ugly
[Chorus: V]
I am afraid
I am run-down
I’m so afraid
That you will leave me again in the end
I wear a mask again and go to see you
[Post-Chorus: Jungkook]
What I can do is
In the garden
In this world
I bloom a pretty flower that looks like you
And breathe as the me that you know
But I still want you
I still want you
[Chorus: Jin]
Maybe back then
A little
Just this much
If I got the courage to stand before you
Would everything be different now
[Hook: Jimin, Jungkook]
I am crying at this
Sand castle that’s left alone
Looking at the broken mask
And I still want you
But I still want you
But I still want you
And I still want you

Magic Shop

I know you're hesitating
After all, I'm back in the scars
I will not say anything that makes you feel strong
I will tell you my story
I said something
You said you were gonna win
I did not believe (really)
Could I win
This miraculous miracle
We made it
(No) I was here
You came to me
I do believe your galaxy
I want to hear your melody
Your stars in the Milky Way
How you can plant your sky
At the end of my despair
Do not forget I finally found you
You were standing at the edge of the cliff
My last reason
I wanna disappear forever
Let's make a door in your heart
Open the door and this place will wait
Magic Shop
Drink a cup of warm tea
Looking up at the Milky Way
You'll be fine oh here is Magic Shop
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
Show you show you
Like a rose flower
Like a cherry tree
Like a morning glory
Like a beautiful moment
I always wanna be the best
So I was impatient and I was always nervous
Comparisons with others have become routine
My desire to be a weapon made me angry and irrational
But then, looking back, in fact
I do not think I wanted to be the best
I wanted to be upset and touched
I wanna take your sadness and pain
I wanna disappear forever
Let's make a door in your heart
Open the door and this place will wait
Magic Shop
Drink a cup of warm tea
Looking up at the Milky Way
You'll be fine oh here is magic shop
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
Show you show you
If I was afraid of everything, could you believe me?
All the sincere time left
All your answers are here
In your mind in your Milky Way
You gave me the best of me
So you'll give the best of you
You found me, you knew me
You gave me the best of me
So you'll give the best of you
You'll find it in your galaxy
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
Show you show you


For you I could pretend like I was happy when I was sad
For you I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt
I wish love was perfect as love itself
I wish all my wicknesses could be hidden
I grew a flower that cant be bloomed in a dream that cant come true
Im so sick of this Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love
Im so sorry but its Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love
I wanna be a good man
Just for you
I gave the world
Just for you
I changed everything
Just for you
But I dunno me
Who are you?
The forest just for us, you weren’t there
The route I took, I forgot
I even became quite unsure of who I was
Try babbling into the mirror, who the heck are you?
For you I could pretend like I was happy when I was sad
For you I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt
I wish love was perfect as love itself
I wish all my wicknesses could be hidden
I grew a flower that cant be bloomed in a dream that cant come true
Love you so bad, love you so bad
Mold a pretty lie for you
Love its so mad, love its so mad
Try to erase myself and make me your doll
Love you so bad, love you so bad
Mold a pretty lie for you
Love its so mad, love its so mad
Try to erase myself and make me your doll
Im so sick of this Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love
Im so sorry but its Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love
Why you sad? I don’t know. I don’t know
Smile, say 'i love you'
Look at me, even I gave up on myself
Even you cant understand me
You say i'm unfamiliar, changed into the one you used to like
You say I’m not myself which you knew well
No? What do you mean no. Im blind
Love? What the heck is love. Its all fake love
Woo I dunno I dunno I dunno why
Woo even I even I don’t know myself
Woo i just know, i just know i just know why
Cuz its all fake love, fake love, fake love
Love you so bad, love you so bad
Mold a pretty lie for you
Love its so mad, love its so mad
Try to erase myself and make me your doll
Love you so bad, love you so bad
Mold a pretty lie for you
Love its so mad, love its so mad
Try to erase myself and make me your doll
Im so sick of this Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love
Im so sorry but its Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love
For you I could pretend like I was happy when I was sad
For you I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt
I wish love was perfect as love itself
I wish all my wicknesses could be hidden
I grew a flower that cant be bloomed in a dream that cant come true

The butterflies are gone

The sun rises slowly over the field,
countless dewdrops glitter in the light,
but this silence is so deceptive,
for something is missing from this world.
The butterflies are gone.
The fields and the meadows are empty...
The city's poisoned breath over the field
kills the life that the Earth possesses.
A defenseless nature is exposed to our activities.
A green facade for a sick world.
The butterflies are gone...
We look at the Earth with blind eyes,
oblivious to the wounds on its face.
Why don't we understand that, once the animals are gone,
our time will also come to an end?
The butterflies are gone,
the fields and the meadows are empty...
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

A Typical Trainee’s Christmas

Jin, Jungkook)
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special
Our boss was indifferent, even three years ago
We’ve never had the dinner outing that everyone else has
Outside, it’s like a party
Us guys are bunched together as if we’re in the army
This year I’ll be either practicing or sitting alone in the corner
Nothing changes no matter how hard I try, I’m solo
But boss, we don’t want a solo victory
All we want is a dinner outing
Rap Monster)
I can’t stand it anymore because I’m so lonely
It’s the middle of December and my lips are chapped
I haven’t matched up to anybody these days, I should give up
No girlfriend either because our debut is soon
Hah idols are getting married yet
Separating the male and female trainees? How does that make sense
We can’t love so how do we write love song lyrics
If it were up to me, I’d be encouraging dating
Jin, Jimin, V)
(They tell me to come) The company keeps telling me to practice
(This year, again) I spent my whole day practicing
(I’m crying) I’m still a trainee
I really want to debut next year
Rap Monster)
Over here poop poop poop hey over there poop poop poop
This isn’t snow, it’s poop poop poop!
Look at the sky, it’s raining white poop
God really has no manners at all, none at all
Even my forever alone friend Myungsoo is going to a solo victory party
I want to rest on that day and at least hold a snowman’s hand
Our company, our boss – I don’t like any of you
I miss my mom
My upcoming second Christmas, I don’t even remember what I did last year
That’s how boring and uneventful that day was
My name is Jeon Jungkook, my other name is maknae
Then I should be doing aegyo, as a 9th grader should
Boss, you’re the one who is in charge of Big HIt
Manager, even the other official is at home, sleeping
(Oh my god!) I’m going to cry if I can’t play
If I can’t, I’ll kneel down in front of the company door
Jin, Jimin, V)
(They tell me to come) The company keeps telling me to practice
(This year, again) I spent my whole day practicing
(I’m crying) I’m still a trainee
I really want to debut next year
Jin, Jungkook)
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special
Bang Sihyuk)
Ayo, Hitman Bang introduces Hit It, the 2nd audition
Dominate your opponent with rapping, dancing, or singing~
I entered Big Hit 3 years ago through Hit It
Making it through the obstacles, history in the making
We hold the Bangtan badge
But don’t spit out rhymes and flow like our boss
Rap Monster)
I’m a bumpkin from Ilsan
Making it to the nation’s top 1%
I got an unexpected call during my midterms
That was it, I became solo after picking up that call
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special
Merry Christmas everyone.


Versions: #2
A sound of something breaking
l awake from sleep
A sound full of unfamiliarity
Try to cover my ears bul can't go to sleep
The pain in my throal gets worse
Try to cover it
I don't have a voice
Today I hear that sound again
It's ringing again, that sound
A crack again on this frozen take
I dumped myself into the take
I buried my voice for you
Over the winter lake I was thrown
A thick ice has formed
In the dream I shorly went into
My agonizing phantom pain is still same
Have I lost myself
Or have I gained you
I suddenly run to the lake
There's my face in it
Please don't say anything
Reach my hand out to cover the mouth
But in the end, spring will come someday
The ice will melt and flow away
Tell me if my voice isn't real
If I shouldn't have thrown myself away
Tell me if even this pain isn't real
What I was supposed to do back then

Don't Leave Me

Versions: #3
You try to fit the entire world
In the words, you say to me
I'm hearing you but it's so hard
To tell apart what is what
This footprint we do not know
But still, find them to follow
Push them to the edges my shadows
What do they hide in dark away from all the lights
We cannot meet but you are the one with my answer
And before all of it ends I wanna know everything
It starts to deepen more and more by itself in you as time flows
Between your past and future that has yet to pass is where I, I stand
Don't leave me I believe start running now
No ending you're the constant beat of my heart
No matter how much the storm and the rainfall
No matter how dark this darkness that call
I'll find a way to reach out for your hand
You won't be the only one here
See the hands on the clock that have not moved for so long
Bit by bit it takes a step as it is moving on
Calling me passing me
Different paths. All of it. Destiny
I take it all and start this one-way race
Even if we drift away that's okay
You don't gotta worry about a thing
Nah not a thing
It is time for me to send them across
Make sure to deliver all your thoughts
The things I would do differently
If I could just turn back time
Between the world of light and the world of the dark is where you, you cry
Don't leave me I believe start reaching now
No ending you're the one last hope of my heart
No matter how much the storm and the rainfall
No matter how dark this darkness that call
Don't close your eyes and feel it in your heart
You won't be the only one here
Suddenly all things turn back to yesterday
And now I know how to live through today
After I heard you say
Don't leave me I believe start running now
No ending you're the constant beat of my heart
No matter how much the storm and the rainfall
No matter how dark this darkness that call
I'll find a way to reach out for your hand
You won't be the only one here

We Are Bulletproof pt.1

Big Hit!
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
(History in the making)
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
(You know the rest, don't you boy)(?)
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
(This is the future sons of hip-hop)
We are Bulletproof
(We are Bulletproof, yeah)
We are we are Bulletproof
I, we are Bulletproof, W-E do the damn thing
Suckas betta out cause of me causin' some crashin' man
Your rap is like a manhwa addict, only has vanity
Why do you only have dissatisfaction every day?
You put your fists up like that every day to escape from me, now I’ll send you
My rap has no guidelines, like a compass that’s been destroyed
This song can’t escape from humanity, that’s your fate
The people who listen to my rap… they ask my name
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
Since we are bulletproof, soon my time is
Coming, so everyone hold your breath, BP coming soon
[Suga & J-Hope]
Bangtan is running, step ’til dawn, we are rider rider rider
Bangtan is running, step ’til dawn, we are rider rider rider
You drew a dragon on your body but are you sure you aren’t a gangster?
But I’m Neutrogena Deep Clean, just come out as foam
My swagga is an iljin affectation, not trying to play as a millionaire
The difference between my superior skills, I’ll let you know onstage
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
(Oh ohh~)
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We’re bulletproof, you can’t aim your guns at us
My bulletproof, it’s better than the other bastards
I don’t care, I don’t look below me, those who receive the bullets (focus)
Cause I’m a tough guy, if you’re gonna play just pull ’em down, your pants~ (suckers)
Copying me, when I catch the bastards who copy, doesn’t matter if they’re hoobae or sunbae, I poach ’em
Being a good-for-nothing, being wack, okay, being fake, my body carving that history into this place
I’m the savior of this place
Ya heard we the (scratching noises) bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
[RM](You know this is the future shock baby)
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
[RM](You better watch us from now on)
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
[RM](This is the bulletproof)
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
[RM](All the haters get down)
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof

In my upper room

My upper room is bright
Because of a night star.
Mother will take a bucket and
Will silently bring water.
My red flowers
in the garden have all wilted.
A boat on the river's shallow edge
Soon will be completely rotten.
The lacy shadow of a willow
is napping on my wall.
Tommorow under that willow
I will have a busy day.
I will water the flowers
I will be thinking about my fate
And till the night star
I'll be crafting a boat for myself

A Supplementary Story : You Never Walk Alone

Versions: #2
Yeah, I wonder why God
Keeps making us feel lonely
Yeah, even if we’re covered in wounds
We can smile if we’re together
Whether there’s something at the end of this road that we walk alone
I want to try treading it
Even if I’m tired or in pain at times
I’m fine because I’m by your side
Because if you and I are together
I can smile
Yeah, even if I want to fly, I don’t have any wings
BUT your hands become my wings
I want to try forgetting the things that are dark and lonely
Together with you
Even though these wings sprouted from pain
They’re wings that face the light
Even if it’s hard and it hurts
If I can fly, I’m going to fly
Can you hold my hand
So that I won’t be afraid anymore?
Because if you and I are together
I can smile
Even if you say that
This is the path I chose
And that this is the destiny I created
This is the crime I committed
And even if you say that this entire life
Is just the price that I’ll pay
Please walk with me, please fly with me
So that I can reach the ends of the skies
Because even if it hurts this much, if you and I are together
I can smile
Ayy I never walk alone
I can feel your hand that I’m holding, your warmth
Ayy you never walk alone
Feel me, you’re not alone either
Come on
Crawl crawl crawl crawl it
like it like that
Baby Walk walk walk walk it
like it like that
Baby run run run run it
like it like that
Baby fly fly fly fly it
like it like that
Even if this path is far and dangerous
Will you walk it with me?
Even if we fall and get hurt at times
Will you walk it with me?
Ayy I never walk alone
Because if you and I are together I can smile
Ayy You never walk alone
Because if you and I are together I can smile
Because if you and I are together I can smile


She got that something
She got that something
She's just a beautiful
Hey hey hey
Just a beautiful
Hey hey hey
I be on'em classic
I be on'em all
I be on'em next thing
You know i'm on the ball
You're boyfriend just shut up
What is it come chuck up
Even if you don't mind
It's in my hand you
You betta know
She got that something
The look that comes up
On me every girl
A flowering smile bloom
In the mouth
If you fall for me,
You will never fall for
You're gonna have to by ready
To let us down BTS
Please don't wake me up
I didn't sleep at all last night
Countless girls all told me
That they like me
Saying i look like
An idol or something
To be honest,
I'm not that suprised
All eyes are locked on me,
Wherever i go
Even if it gets uncomfortable,
What can i do,
It's always been this way
Tonight, like any night,
I burn like a fire
She got that something
But you're not enough for me,
So stop baby
You may look haughty,
But i can see you staring at me
You're going to have to do
Better than that
She got that something
If you hesitade ,
I'll fly baby
If you smoothly approach me
Without getting caught
I migt just turn a blind eye
And play along
She got that something Sincere
It is still unreasonable
For me to say so
Even if blow my own bals
You do not even think of a swing
A slightly thick ,attractive face
Like me check it out continuosly
That doesn't make him easy
What what what what
Normal and average
If you're sick
Of guys like that
Then come put it all in,
A dangerous come in
The two of us will burn like a fire!
But you're not enough for me,
So stop baby
You may look haughty,
But i can see you staring at me
You're going to have to do
Better than that
She got that something
If you hesitade ,
I'll fly baby
If you smoothly approach me
Without getting caught
I migt just turn a blind eye
And play along
Hey hey hey hey

I Like It Pt.2

At that place (ho.ho.ho.) Pretty Girl (1, 2, 3)
Where are you? Let’s meet again
Let’s say a meeting place for example
Let’s go eat together again, I’ll invite you
But it doesn’t have any particular meaning
Your friends click the “like” button
But before that I can see that you look good
When I saw that you changed your profile states to “single”
Let’s just meet soon again
The awkwardness surrounds us
You were different before, in order to cover up
For your (former) coolness, I casually talk to make the conversation bloom
I remember the past again
Our relationship becomes “EX”
Between us OH NO! Becomes “X”
When did a wall form between us? Two people who pass by without noticing each other
At that place, again with you
At that place, if we can meet
At that place, I’ll be waiting
I want you to come GIRL
Don’t know, looking like you don’t know
A GIRL who seems fun
I’m still crazy about you, you’re still CUTE
You’re still dazzling girl
Don’t know, looking like you don’t know
A GIRL who seems fun
A GIRL who shines
Today too memories pass through the LAN cable
The memories draw me back, your hair from behind
I’m always looking at the blue screen, I start to hate it
Every time I feel like clicking the “like” button I try calling you
I wish that you remember me, If you could maybe…
It’s ok, I say that I want to meet you soon
Tell me if you want to meet me or not
It’s simple, I want to feel relieved so I’m over-optimistic
If we can meet I want it to feel like a goukon
Your words break the silence
“I got a boyfriend”, that place starts freezing
Of course you changed
Even that expression of yours is different
The burning love flows like water
The spring is far, the winter days flow again…
At that place, again with you
At that place, if we can meet
At that place, I’ll be waiting
I want you to come GIRL
Don’t know, looking like you don’t know
A GIRL who seems fun
I’m still crazy about you, you’re still CUTE
You’re still dazzling girl
Don’t know, looking like you don’t know
A GIRL who seems fun
A GIRL who shines
How were you lately?
I peeked and the “like” shined
You cutie
Even being happy when you’re alone now…
HEY Remember now
From that time the time difference has increased
Even if I try repeating it the theory won’t change
Even so I still click the “like” button…
At that place, again with you
At that place, if we can meet
At that place, I’ll be waiting
I want you to come GIRL

Family song

I love you all
Ok lets go
Wednesday, Wednesday
As the day passes
Wednesday, Wednesday
Happy family
Wednesday, Wednesday
We're all together
Wednesday, Wednesday
A happy family
At least twice a week
Let's all promise
Have a conversation with your family
It's not difficult
Let's clap, let's clap
Let's clap to the rhythm
Fа - Father
M - Mother
ILY - I love you
Everybody is busy but
Spend some time with the family
Little effort is enough
To make a happy family (I love my family)
Wednesday, Wednesday
As the day passes
Wednesday, Wednesday
Happy family
Wednesday, Wednesday
We're all together
Wednesday, Wednesday
A happy family
At least twice a week
Let's all promise
Have a meal with your family
It's not difficult
Let's dance, let's dance
Dance to the music
Fа - Father
M - Mother
ILY - I love you
Everybody is busy but
Try spendin some time with the family
Little effort is enough
You, can do it! (I love my family)
Wednesday, Wednesday
As the day passes
Wednesday, Wednesday
Happy family
Wednesday, Wednesday
We're all together
Wednesday, Wednesday
A happy family

Outro: Love is not over

The long night is following you as it flows
Time follows you and fades
Why are you getting farther away?
So far that I can’t reach you?
Tell me why, you’re so far away, why
Can’t you see me in your eyes anymore?
Love is so painful
Goodbyes are even more painful
I can’t go on if you’re not here
Love me, love me
Come back to my arms
Love is so painful
Goodbyes are even more painful
I can’t go on if you’re not here
Love me, love me
Come back to my arms
Love is not over, over, over
Love is not over, over, over
Love is not over, over, over
Love is not over, over, over
Love is so painful
Goodbyes are even more painful

Butterfly (Japanese Version)

Without doing anything now
Because I do not need words
Show me your smile.
Are you really you?
Everything is like a dream
Do not wake up yet
Is it true? Is it true?
You, you ...
It gets scared and scared
Untrue, untrue
You, you, you ...
Always by your side
For me forever
It is likely to be far away and it is likely to run away
Scary place, painful
As it is this way
Time stops ...
You are away
I miss you.
Scary place, painful
Like a Butterfly
Dancing Butterfly
Like Butterfly
Butterfly, like a Butterfly
Like a dancing Butterfly, Butterfly
You are Butterfly
I want to look at it.
I will fly as you touch
Azure sky Hide In darkness and rain
I will not lose if you are there Anymore
It's like a spring breeze
Gently stroke my cheeks
You can see but I did not reach you Stop
Like a dream Girl Butterfly, high
Untrue, untrue
You, you, you ...
Always by your side
For me forever
It is likely to be far away and it is likely to run away
Scary place, painful
As it is this way
Time stops ...
You are away
I miss you.
Scary place, painful
My chest makes a pain
There is nothing that is certain
My, 'Kafka at the shore'
Going to the forest without heading
In my heart, even when you are still around
A night book full of thoughts
This love forever ...
It's all free for you
Baby ...
Always by your side
For me forever
It is likely to be far away and it is likely to run away
Scary place, painful
As it is this way
Time stops ...
You are away
I miss you.
Scary place, painful
Like a Butterfly
Dancing Butterfly
Like Butterfly
Butterfly, like a Butterfly
Like a dancing Butterfly, Butterfly

Wake Up

Wake up, Wake up
Wake up, Wake up
[Verse 1: Rap Monster]
Those mornings flooded with emotions
I wish they would just end
When I thought I was going to stray from the path again
My parent's voice calls 'Wake up already!'
Aight mom okay, I'll get up now
My fam, my friends, and my fans
For the sake of all the wonderful people who are more important than my dreams
I can't sleep anymore
I prepare my face and body and keep going to work
My pen is a sword, my whole body is a pistol
And all my haters, if they are living, they also know what it means to be tired
But I gotta kill ya'll so that I myself can live I gotta beat ya'll
Lately I understand how my parents feel
A feeling overflowing from my heart
However many times I get tired and fall asleep
The morning won't change Just keep on and on and
Just keep on and on and
Just keep on and on and
Just keep on and on and on and on and on and on
[Chorus: Jungkook, V]
Wake up
Open your eyes, look
Wake up
Everyone's waiting for you
Wake up
There's no time to lose
Wake up
Run with all your might
[Hook: Jungkook, Rap Monster]
Gotta live my life
Gotta take my pride
Gotta shine my light
Wake up, Wake up
Gotta live my life
Gotta take my pride
Gotta shine my light
Wake up, Wake up
[Verse 2: Suga]
The clock hand points to 6:00
At the time everyone wakes up, I'm going to bed
I see my face reflected in the mirror
I know I'm tired
It's not anyone's fault I'm doing this to myself
Making music I like is almost like a war
Shit! All I can do is keep on deliriously
Keep following my destiny
I start a little later than everyone else
All day, I put off the urge to play
Right now my dream is more important
I don't care about the future
22 years old, nothing more than that
I feel the difference to those around me It's like being hypnotized
Sleeping like I'm drunk but wake up
Change into my tired face, that's my life now
Chasing the present, I'm a Dream Chaser
Even if I don't care, I put on a costume and turn around
The moment I get on the stage I wake up
That's the meaning of my existence This is how I step up!
[Chorus: Jin, Jungkook]
Wake up
Open your eyes, look
Wake up
Everyone's waiting for you
Wake up
There's no time to lose
Wake up
Run with all your might
[Hook: Jungkook, Rap Monster]
Gotta live my life
Gotta take my pride
Gotta shine my light
Wake up, Wake up
Gotta live my life
Gotta take my pride
Gotta shine my light
Wake up, Wake up
[Verse 3: J-Hope]
Wake up Sun, get up
Today's plan is to take my share of surprise
My mind and body are on the decline
But before I know it I'm in my costume
Go make up, no break up
This makeup hides even my tiredness
Like pros we take the stage we the player
Bathe in everyone's cheers We enchant them again
When I'm holding a mic it's like I'm on fire dribbling a ball
No one can stop me I shoot but miss
Even the sound of my sweat dropping is in rhythm
Water and oil My early morning self
I'm ill, I'm real
Time passes buts it's a thrill
I don't understand but I'm living as if I do
But I won't stop I keep going still aye...
No matter what I can't stop I spread my wings
Nobody can surpass me My polished sneakers
Shine in the light woah
[Chorus: Jimin, Jungkook]
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
[Hook: Jungkook, Jimin, Rap Monster]
Gotta live my life
Gotta take my pride
Gotta shine my light
Wake up, Wake up
Gotta live my life
Gotta take my pride
Gotta shine my light
Wake up, Wake up
[Outro: Rap Monster]
Juss keep on and on and
Juss keep on and on and
Juss keep on and on and
Juss keep on and on and

But you are the only one for me

There are millions of stars
in our city there are thousends of lamps
there are many goods and money in the world
but you are the only one for me
There are many lips to kiss
and couples they must separate
you can find pleasure and sorrow any time
but you are the only one for me
Even the thought of that once I could leave you
that another women calls you her own
it makes me sad, because you are the completeness to me
What the wold's gonna be like without you?
Many flowers bloom in the garden
there are many men who are waiting
there are many goods and money in the world
but you are the only one for me
Even the thought of that once I could leave you
that another women calls you her own
it makes me sad, because you are the completeness to me
What the wold's gonna be like without you?
There are seven wonders of the world
thousends of ships on the see
there are many goods and money in the world
but you are the only one for me
but you are the only one for me

Pentru Tine

Miroase ca tine
Drumul pe care merg
Îmi conectez căştile la statusul meu
Sentimentele mele adevărate stau acolo
Dragă de ce eşti aşa departe
Nu mă pot obişnui fără tine aici
Simt că ceva lipseşte
Vreau doar să fiu mereu împreună cu tine
Când îmi dau seama că puteam să ne întâlnim doar prin intermediul acestui smartphone
Tu apari în faţa ochilor mei
Şi astăzi simt tristeţea de a nu te putea vedea
Contrar sentimentelor mele timpul a trecut repede
Chiar dacă mă simt nesigur
Cred că inima mea nu te va lăsa să pleci
Inima mea va ajunge dincolo de vânt
Sunt mereu sub acelaşi cer draga mea
Totul este pentru tine
Totul este bine
Chiar dacă nu este nici un răspuns
Totul este în zâmbetul tău
Chiar dacă suntem despărţiţi
Inimile noastre sunt conectate între ele
Pentru totdeauna cu tine
Deja emoţionat
Duşul petalelor de flori
Scânteie deja
În faţa soarelui
Te îmbrăţişez mereu
În inima mea pentru totdeauna
Deja emoţionat
Duşul petalelor de flori
Scânteie deja
Sub soare pentru totdeauna doar noi doi
Este în regulă deoarece noi suntem conectaţi întotdeauna
Noi trăim departe unul de altul
Şi astăzi mă simt singur
Vreau să te văd
Noaptea pentru că sunt singur mă simt inutil de singuratic
Cu distanţa inima mea se deschide mai mult
Se simte insuportabil când îţi aud vorba
Cu cât trece mai mult timpul devin mai frustrat
Cantitatea ce se revarsă mereu
Oh fată zâmbetul tău rămâne aici
Chiar dacă suntem despărţiţi sentimentele mele sunt
Încă aceleaşi, noi suntem mereu împreună
Totul este pentru tine
Totul este bine
Chiar dacă nu este nici un răspuns
Totul este în zâmbetul tău
Chiar dacă suntem despărţiţi
Inimile noastre sunt conectate între ele
Pentru totdeauna cu tine
Deja emoţionat
Duşul petalelor de flori
Scânteie deja
În faţa soarelui
Te îmbrăţişez mereu
În inima mea pentru totdeauna
Deja emoţionat
Duşul petalelor de flori
Scânteie deja
Sub soare pentru totdeauna doar noi doi
Este în regulă deoarece noi suntem conectaţi mereu
Chiar dacă suntem departe
Noi ne uităm la acelaşi cer
Chiar dacă ceva se întâmpla
Dacă tu eşti aici nu îmi mai este frică
Iubirea noastră va lumina pentru eternitate
Va sta mereu frumoasă cum este
Va fi mereu ca petalele de cireş
Totul este pentru tine
Totul este bine
Chiar dacă nu este nici un răspuns
Totul este în zâmbetul tău
Chiar dacă suntem despărţiţi
Inimile noastre sunt conectate între ele
Pentru totdeauna cu tine
Deja emoţionat
Duşul petalelor de flori
Scânteie deja
În faţa soarelui
Te îmbrăţişez mereu
În inima mea pentru totdeauna
Deja emoţionat
Duşul petalelor de flori
Scânteie deja
Sub soare pentru totdeauna doar noi doi
Este în regulă deoarece noi suntem conectaţi mereu.


Somehow I walked and came to this sea
From this sea I look at the beach
Countless grains of sand and the fierce wind
I'm still looking at the desert
I want to have the sea, I gulped you all down
But I get even thirstier then before
Is everything I know truly the sea
Or is it a blue desert
I don't know I don't know
If I'm feeling the waves in this moment or not, yeah
I don't know I don't know
If I'm still chased by the sandstorm or not, yeah
I don't know I don't know
Is it a sea, is it a desert, is it hope, is it despair
Is it real, is it take, shit
I know I know
That I will
I know I know
Welcome my trials
I know I know
It exposes me, what I rely on
Think positively, swallow
Even if I'm anxious, if a desert
It's the beautiful Namib Desert
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
I thought the sea was here but it turned out to be a desert
Small company's idols with nothing special was my second name
Countless of times edited out from broadcasts, someone's fillt in, out dream
Some people said our company was small so we wouldn't be famous
I know I know, I know it too
Even back when the seven of us struggled to sleep in one room
The trust before deep that tomorrow would be different
The mirage of the desert, I can see it's shape but I couldn't grab it
I pray that I will survive in this endless desert
I pray that it is not the reality
At last I grabbed the mirage and it became reality
The desert, I was once afraid of became that sea by our blood, sweat and tears
But what are these fears among all the happiness
We all know too well this place was originally a desert
I don't want to cry
I don't want to rest
No, how about resting just for a little bit?
No, no, no
I don't want to lose
It was originally a desert
Then let them know everything
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Ocean, desert and the world
Everything, is the same thing
Different name
I see ocean
I see desert
I see the world
Everything, is the same thing
But with a different name
It's life again
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials


Versions: #2
Te-am recunoscut de la prima vedere
Ca și cum ne chemam unul pe celalalt
ADN-ul din venele mele îm spune
Ca tu ești cea pe care o căutam în tot acest timp
Întalnirea noastră e ca o formulă matematică
Un ordin religios, destinul universului
O dovadă a destinului pentru mine
Tu ești sursa visurilor mele
Ia-o, Ia-o
Mâna mea întinsă spre tine este o decizie a sorții
Nu-ți face griji, iubire
Nimic din toate astea nu e o coincidență
Suntem complet diferiți, iubire
Pentru că noi doi am descoperit destinul
Din prima zi a creării universului
De-a lungul secolelor infinite
În viaţa anterioară şi poate şi-n urmatoarea
Vom fi împreună pentru totdeauna
Nimic din toate astea nu e o coincidență
Pentru că noi doi am descoperit destinul
Vreau această dragoste, vreau o iubire adevarată
Mă concentrez doar asupra ta
Mă tragi spre tine cu mai multă forță
ADN-ul meu te vrea de la început
Este inevitabil, ne iubesc
Noi suntem adevărații iubiți
De fiecare dată când o văd mă panichez
În mod suprinzător rămân fără aer și e ciudat
Să fie acesta sentimentele de iubire despre care am auzit
Pentru că de la început inima mea bate pentru tine
Nu-ți face griji, iubire
Nimic din toate astea nu e o coincidență
Suntem complet diferiți, iubire
Pentru că noi doi am descoperit destinul
Din prima zi a creării universului
De-a lungul secolelor infinite
În viaţa anterioară şi poate şi-n urmatoarea
Vom fi împreună pentru totdeauna
Nimic din toate astea nu e o coincidență
Pentru că noi doi am descoperit destinul
Nu te uita înapoi
Pentru că noi doi am descoperit destinul
Nu regreta, iubito
Pentru totdeauna
Vom fi împreună
Nu-ți face griji, iubire
Nimic din toate astea nu e o coincidență
Suntem complet diferiți, iubire
Pentru că noi doi am descoperit destinul
La la la la la
La la la la la
Nu e o coincidență
La la la la la
La la la la la
Nu e o coincidență


Somehow I walked and came to this sea
From this sea I look at the beach
Countless grains of sand and the fierce wind
I’m still looking at the desert
I want to have the sea, I gulped you all down
But I get even thirstier than before
Is everything I know truly the sea
Or is it a blue desert
I don’t know I don’t know
If I’m feeling the waves in this moment or not, yeah
I don’t know I don’t know
If I’m still chased by the sandstorm or not, yeah
I don’t know, I don’t know
Is it a sea, is it a desert, is it hope, is it despair
Is it real, is it fake, shit
I know I know
That I will
I know I know
Overcome my trials
I know I know
It exposes me
What I rely on
Think positively, swallow*
Even if I’m anxious, even if a desert
It’s the beautiful Namib Desert
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
I thought the sea was here but it turned out to be a desert
Small company’s idols with nothing special was my second name
Countless of times edited out from broadcasts
Someone’s fill-in, our dream
Some people said our company was small so we wouldn’t be famous
I know I know, I know it too
Even back when the seven of us struggled to sleep in one room
The trust before sleep that tomorrow would be different
The mirage of the desert, I can see its shape but I couldn’t grab it
I pray that I will survive in this endless desert
I pray that it is not the reality
At last I grabbed the mirage and it became reality
The desert I was once afraid of became that sea by our blood, sweat and tears
But what are these fears among all the happiness
We all know too well this place was originally a desert
I don’t want to cry
I don’t want to rest
(No, how about resting just for a little bit?
No, no, no)
I don’t want to lose
It was originally a desert
(Then let them know everything
We have to achieve more)
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Ocean, desert, the world
Everything is the same thing
Different name
I see ocean
I see desert
Everything is the same thing but with different name
It’s life again
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials
*swallowing saliva when being nervous


Somehow I walked and came to this sea
From this sea I look at the beach
Countless grains of sand and the fierce wind
I’m still looking at the desert
I want to have the sea, I gulped you all down
But I get even thirstier than before
Is everything I know truly the sea
Or is it a blue desert
I don’t know I don’t know
If I’m feeling the waves in this moment or not, yeah
I don’t know I don’t know
If I’m still chased by the sandstorm or not, yeah
I don’t know, I don’t know
Is it a sea, is it a desert, is it hope, is it despair
Is it real, is it fake, shit
I know I know
That I will
I know I know
Overcome my trials
I know I know
It exposes me
What I rely on
Think positively, swallow
Even if I’m anxious, even if a desert
It’s the beautiful Namib Desert
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
I thought the sea was here but it turned out to be a desert
Small company’s idols with nothing special was my second name
Countless of times edited out from broadcasts
Someone’s fill-in, our dream
Some people said our company was small so we wouldn’t be famous
I know I know, I know it too
Even back when the seven of us struggled to sleep in one room
The trust before sleep that tomorrow would be different
The mirage of the desert, I can see its shape but I couldn’t grab it
I pray that I will survive in this endless desert
I pray that it is not the reality
At last I grabbed the mirage and it became reality
The desert I was once afraid of became that sea by our blood, sweat and tears
But what are these fears among all the happiness
We all know too well this place was originally a desert
I don’t want to cry
I don’t want to rest
(No, how about resting just for a little bit?
No, no, no)
I don’t want to lose
It was originally a desert
(Then let them know everything
We have to achieve more)
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Ocean, desert, the world
Everything is the same thing
Different name
I see ocean
I see desert
Everything is the same thing but with different name
It’s life again
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope, there is despair
Where there is hope, there is despair
Where there is hope, there is despair
Where there is hope, there is despair
We have to despair, for all of those trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials

Best of me

When you say that you love me
Feels like I’m walking across the sky
Tell me about forever, just one more time
When you say that you love me
I just need those words
That you’ll never change, just one more time
You’re everything in this world to me
Harder, so it hurts, hold me tight
We shared something
And you can’t make it nothing
I hope you don’t forever
You’re my
Day by day
Summer, winter
Even if you don’t know
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
I haven’t seen the end to myself either
But if there’s such a thing, wouldn’t it be you?
I wanted to be a warm wave
But why didn’t I know you’re the ocean?
What do I do? I’m speaking in your language
I’m breathing in your breath
I’ll be you, you hold me
I’m kissing your sword
So take my hand right now
I can’t believe myself
Words I said thousands of times only to myself
Don’t leave me
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
Whether this is a dream or reality, it’s not important
Just the fact that you’re by my side
Day by day
Summer, winter
Even if you don’t know
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
You’re my salvation, you’re my shield
I just need you
You got the best of me
I need you
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
It was raining
It was snowing
But all unhappiness stopped
You brought heaven to me
Don’t speak so easily
Because without you, there’s no me
You’re the best of me
The best of me
Just give me assurance
That’s all I want
Even if there are no rules
Laws of love do exist
Who got the best of me?
Who got the best of me?
No one knows but I know me
My greatest master is you
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
You’re my salvation, you’re my shield
I just need you
You got the best of me
I need you
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
When you say that you love me
Feels like I’m walking across the sky
Tell me about forever, just one more time
When you say that you love me
I just need those words
That you’ll never change, just one more time
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Outro : Her

At first, I was only curious as I started to show interest in you
Holy shhh yeah, even if you ignore me
You’ll fall for me for a minute
We look good together, without you, I’m like a Seoul city without lights
I fiercely glare at your empty spot, a rabbit hole graffiti
Without you, my days are like a tragedy
Us meeting isn’t just coincidence
Meeting you was what I wanted
You’re a flower and I’m a bee
You’re honey and I’m a bear
Words come out as if reading a book
Seems like you resemble me somehow
You’re so pretty, I’m getting a feeling
Your charms are exploding, come give it to me
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Because soon, you’ll want me
When you’re crying because you’re lonely, it’s already too late
I already figured out your pretty charms
Baby come on
At first, you answered once when I texted ten times
But later, you call me first and look for me all day
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here
A guy like me has talent for going to you
Admit it, I ran my finances for you
Achoo, words like a sneeze, bless you
If you get bored, I’ll debut every week
I’ll go to you, what do you want?
Come with me to the sea of love
You’re a thief, I’m the police, pay for your crime
Without you, I’m a lonely city nomad
I want you
Us meeting isn’t just coincidence
Meeting you was what I wanted
You’re a flower and I’m a bee
You’re honey and I’m a bear
Words come out as if reading a book
Seems like you resemble me somehow
You’re so pretty, I’m getting a feeling
Your charms are exploding, come give it to me
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Because soon, you’ll want me
When you’re crying because you’re lonely, it’s already too late
I already figured out your pretty charms
Baby come on
At first, you answered once when I texted ten times
But later, you call me first and look for me all day
Love your Alexander Wang, love your Isabel Marant
Baby stop playing hard to get, cmon show me what you got
You sexy girl, that’s important to me
(You’re my ideal type) let’s get married
You’re featuring in my daily life
Weighing 99kg
I can’t shake you off, I hate you
I’m wishing for some luck today
You’re cute and pretty, the truth and reason
Yo my genie, Lamborghini, be my teenie weenie mini
You’re a bikini and martini, Mercedes so hot
It’s too tiring so stop that eenie menie miny
Please take me out of here
Let me switch your mind, please change
Stand over there, let me walk with ya
Sweet talk to me
Get it?
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Because soon, you’ll want me
When you’re crying because you’re lonely, it’s already too late
I already figured out your pretty charms
Baby come on
At first, you answered once when I texted ten times
But later, you call me first and look for me all day
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here
δυιςεs sυεηοs

Pied Piper

It’s bad so it’s better
You know on the inside
You can’t stop it now (you can’t stop)
So be honest with me
Now stop watching and study for your test
Your parents and director hate me
Video clips, pictures, tweets
V app, Bon Voyage
I know, you can’t help what you like
But stop, interpret the music video later
You have so many pictures of me in your room anyway
It’s not just one hour, it’s a whole year that’ll disappear
So this song is an award I’m giving to you
You’re not being punished
Come here, I’m your paradise
Can’t close your eyes
Can’t close your eyes
You can throw a fit but it’s no use
(Don’t reject me)
Just close your eyes, tune your ears
Follow the sound of the pipe, follow this song
It’s a bit dangerous but I’m so sweet
I’m here to save you, I’m here to ruin you
You called me, see? I’m so sweet
Follow the sound of the pipe
I’m takin’ over you
I’m takin’ over you
You know it has already started
The moment you hear that sound
Maybe I’m a bit dangerous
Like the pied piper
I’m testing you
Like the fruit from the tree of good and evil
My pipe awakens everything
That sound burns you up even more
You’re pulled by it, you react
I’m endlessly blowing
I’m your guilty pleasure
You can’t escape
You’re not being punished
Come here, I’m your paradise
Can’t close your eyes
Can’t close your eyes
You can throw a fit but it’s no use
(Don’t reject me)
Just close your eyes, tune your ears
Follow the sound of the pipe, follow this song
It’s a bit dangerous but I’m so sweet
I’m here to save you, I’m here to ruin you
You called me, see? I’m so sweet
Yeah, I’m a bit dangerous
I can’t even handle myself
Don’t worry, my hands
They’re only warm for you
If I’m
Ruining you right now
Please forgive me
Because you can’t live without me
Because you know all of this
I’m takin’ over you
I’m takin’ over you
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Go Go

Versions: #2
Blow it all in one morning
Run run, I earn and I waste it on frivolities
Run run run run
Run run
I want it. Cruisin’ on the bay
Want it. Cruisin’ like NEMO
Don’t have money but I want to go far away
I don’t have money but I want to rest my fatigue away
Don’t have money but I want to eat Ono Jiro food.
After working hard, I earned my pay
All into my own tummy
Gather specks into specks
Pay it all into blow-it-fun
Leave me be. Even if I overspend
Even if, tomorrow morning, I cash out my savings like I’m crazy.
Woo There’s no tomorrow
My future is already being held as collateral.
Woo, spend more of my money
Friends, wussup
Do you want some?
Blow it all in one morning
Run run, man I spend it like some party
Until the day you get light in the little hole you live in
Until the sun rises
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Where my money yah
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Where the party yah
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-
Where my money yah?
Where the party yah?
My week is Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Fri Fri Fri
My bank account yah
Is like a barrel with a hole in the bottom
Every day I’m pouring water in it
Why not just break the barrel instead?
We’re too young to be doing nothing but worrying all the time.
Just today, instead of worrying, do “Go”
If you save it in fear, it’ll become shit.
Just hit it
Blow it all in one morning
Run run, man I spend it like some party
Until the day you get light in the little hole you live in
Until the sun rises
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Where my money yah
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Where the party yah
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
δυιςεs sυεηοs


You hide but only appear when you smile
Where did you come from?
Don’t lie, I know you’re an angel
What are you?
But you
That smile is so cruel
I shouldn’t have seen that cheek
What’s really dangerous
Is only in your possession
That dimple is illegal
No, it’s dangerous, oh yes
So I call you illegirl
Your existence alone is a crime
Was it a mistake made by an angel?
Or a deep kiss?
That dimple is illegal
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
I don’t have it, only you have it
Is that why it’s so hard?
I wanna die fallen in you, I wanna die locked in you
You are my lake
Cause you
When you smile, I get dizzy
Please be careful
What’s really dangerous
Is only in your possession
That dimple is illegal
No, it’s dangerous, oh yes
So I call you illegirl
Your existence alone is a crime
Was it a mistake made by an angel?
Or a deep kiss?
That dimple is illegal
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
Every time I see you, my heart gets dangerous
Every time I see you, it gets more dangerous
Oh baby no hey
Oh baby no hey
You’re too dangerous to live in this world
That dimple is illegal
No, it’s dangerous, oh yes
So I call you illegirl
Your existence alone is a crime
Was it a mistake made by an angel?
Or a deep kiss?
That dimple is illegal
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.