Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 5

Număr de rezultate: 146


I want to tell you

You are used to being loved
How do I love you differently?
How do I tell you my way?
You are loved by so many
How Do I believe in the impossible?
I have been waiting all my life for you
I will show you the invisible
And today I want to accept it
I had no one and you completed me
From this day on I will swear
What with words I cannot explain
I want to tell you I want you
Although I am not the first one
I want to tell you I love you
That this love is real
I want to tell you so many things
That in the end I will say nothing at all
What I want will be written in my glance
I love you more than anything
I love you more than anything
Lost, alone, so much cold in the sunrise
My life was empty, but you came
because you came
we will turn each serious night into mornings
I don't feel emptiness anymore because you came
because you arrived
And today I want to accept it
I had no one and you completed me
From this day on I will swear
What with words I cannot explain
I want to tell you I want you
Although I am not the first one
I want to tell you I love you
That this love is real
I want to tell you so many things
That in the end I will say nothing at all
What I want will be written in my glance
I love you more than anything
I love you more than anything
I want to tell you that my life
is different because of your love
I want to tell you that
People don't exist anymore
I want to tell you I want you
Although I am not the first one
I want to tell you I love you
That this love is real
I want to tell you so many things
That in the end I will say nothing at all
What I want will be written in my glance
I love you more than anything
I love you more than anything
(more than anything, more than anything)
I love you more than anything
I love you more than anything

Without you

Yantra, Yantra
Yesterday that I saw you, Your eyes calmed me
I thought you were happy
And I finally understand that you still love me
there still are dreams to fulfill by your side
there are still nights to spend by your side
There is still a lifelong ahead together with you
Without you I lived endless nights
I am desperate, I live in the past
without you in this story there is no princess
With you I've dreamed, I see myself by your side
I don't know why I tried to forget you
But I could not
Loneliness is not as good to me anymore
I want to be back with you
What do I have to do now
What do I have to do
No one in this world will make me happy
And I hope you understand what you make me feel
I will leave my pride aside and I will take a risk for you
And from all the stars I can only see you
Without you I lived endless nights
I am desperate, I live in the past
without you in this story there is no princess
With you I've dreamed, I see myself by your side
If you go away, my love, maybe you'll be better off
I can't promise a perfect life
but in between imperfections we love each other
How do I make it without you if I love you this way
My love for you will wait
One thousand years it will be here
How do I make it without you if I love you this way
My love for you will wait
One thousand years it will be here
Without you I lived endless nights
I am desperate, I live in the past
without you in this story there is no princess
With you I've dreamed, I see myself by your side
Yantra, Yantra
Yesterday that I saw you, Your eyes calmed me

At the party

I know ...
That for some time we don't talk to each other
but tonight I keep thinking of what could not be
And although I thought
that this was over
you remembered the nights
and the mistakes don't matter anymore
At the party
you are all alone
when you look at me I want
to take back all the time without you
At the party
I am all alone
Why do you tell me you don't want to
When you feel so sad without me
You like it, I like it, this won't be so strong like it begins, you are interested, my head turns and turns trying to figure out your thoughts
Because you go away if you love me
If I love you
We love each other
and now that we are back together let's not let go of the sky. the Sky is forever
At the party
you are all alone
when you look at me I want
to take back all the time without you
At the party
I am all alone
Why do you tell me you don't want to
When you feel so sad without me
I don't know if it's you
the one who has the moon in that night you make me lose
I prefer the world upside down
than never seeing each other anymore
And you are so weird
With me always so weird
I would rather ego didn't exist in this love
and it's always in both of us
At the party
you are all alone
when you look at me I want
to take back all the time without you
At the party
I am all alone
Why do you tell me you don't want to
When you feel so sad without me
Because you go away if you love me
If I love you
We love each other
and now that we are back together let's not let go of the sky. the Sky is forever
The sky is forever ...

Don't call me

Why are you calling me?
Three nights ago, you and I
Agreed about something
What is happening?
Or you believe that you are the one
Who can decide how and when?
Listen to me,
A while ago, everything changed here
It's not me who's waiting for you
We no longer play your way
But it's your fault, when I wanted you
Unfortunately you never
Gave me back, the love that I gave you
And now I do not even want to
Answer your calls, or anything
And it's not you, it's me
Now it's my turn, ou ou ou oh ...
You're time has passed, the train has already left you
My number changed
Do not call me, I'll call you
Ou ou ou oh ...
Do not call me, I'll call you
Ou ou ou oh ...
Do not call me, I'll call you
Do not look for me anymore
You lost the chance with me
Do not treat me badly, worse than an enemy
I know, that you are sorry
And I know, from this roll there is no way out
But it's your fault, when I wanted you
Unfortunately you never
Gave me back, the love that I gave you
And now I do not even want to
Answer your calls, or anything
And it's not you, it's me
Now it's my turn, ou ou ou oh ...
You're time has passed, the train has already left you
My number changed
Do not call me, I'll call you
Ou ou ou oh ...
Do not call me, I'll call you
Ou ou ou oh ...
Do not call me, I'll call you
I do not know who are you expecting
To answer your calls
If that person who
Someday loved you
No longer loves you, that's not me
And now you see that, you can't stand to lose
With me, I have a long way to go
And although ... My love, I loved you so much
I can not stand that you're calling me
Why are you calling me?
Three nights ago, you and I
Agreed about something
What is happening?
Or you believe that you are the one
Who can decide how and when?
But it's your fault, when I wanted you
Unfortunately you never
Gave me back, the love that I gave you
And now I do not even want to
Answer your calls, or anything
And it's not you, it's me
Now it's my turn, ou ou ou oh ...
You're time has passed, the train has already left you
My number changed
Do not call me, I'll call you
Ou ou ou oh ...
Do not call me, I'll call you
Ou ou ou oh ...
Do not call me, I'll call you


I always thought that envy
was a wrong feeling,
but all of a sudden
my life is filled with envy.
I envy the night,
the night that watches over your sleep,
I envy it and I would like to be
the owner of the night and you.
I envy the rain
that caress you and gets you wet,
I envy the wind that
kisses you whenever it wants.
I always thought that envy
was an insane feeling,
but all of a sudden envy and me
go hand in hand.
I envy the silence
whenever you're silent,
I envy it because I want to be
your happy laughter.
I envy the nigh,
the rain and the wind,
and at the end of the day I understood
that envy is
such a beautiful feeling.
At the end of the day I understood
that envy is
such a beautiful feeling.

How to look at you?

Versions: #2
I can not get the words
to express my love for you.
I do not know how to explain it to you.
that you make me feel
as if it were summer
and there was no winter,
as if everything stops.
And with that smile that changes the life
You looked at here.
And I can not think anymore
that you are not the one who loves me.
And how to look at you
that eyes leaving me in January
When I know they aren't mine and I'm dying?
Fate does not want us to go on.
And how to I say to you
that i do not want this love to be temporary
suddenly one day is given and I am waiting for you?
we haven't to pay attention to fate.
I do not know how to be myself
If you are not by my side,
these months will be long
if you are not with me.
And with that smile that is never forgotten,
you arrived and I saw you.
And i can't stand you are not the one who loves me.
And how do you look at
that eyes leaving me in January
when I know they aren't mine and I'm dying
Fate does not want us to go on.
And how do I say
that I do not want this love to be temporary
suddenly one day is given and I wait for you
fate does not have to matter to us.
And how to forget you?
life taught me you are the first thing.
I do not mind about distance, I love you
And at the end I know that you will be by my side.
I am going to wait for you!
Time doesn't exist in truly love!
and I swear it is not the end of the tale.
Fate can not separate us.
How to look at you?

De fraier

[Zice o legenda
Ca toti ne nastem cu un fir rosu invizibil
Prins de persoana pe care o vom iubi pe vecie
Fara sa conteze timpul
Locul sau imprejurarile
Firul se poate intinde
Micsora sau incurca
Dar niciodata sa se rupa]
Yatra, Yatra,
Daca ai putea sa vezi in ce hal sunt
Terminat fara tine
Ascunzandu-mi durerea
Ma deprima fiecare cantec
Din alea despre iubire
ca cea pe care ti-o dadeam
De luni pana joi stiu sa ma prefac
Dar vine sfarsitul de saptamana si ma simt rau
Incerc sa ignor si ma duc in oras
Cu cateva prietene ca sa impresionez
Dar de cate ori simt telefonul
Ma gandesc ca esti tu care ma suni iar
Si ma izbeste atata singuratate
Dupa cateva pahare iese adevarul la iveala
M-am imbatat din nou
Incercand sa inteleg
Cum se face ca tu ma poti uita
In timp ce eu te-as devora
Iarasi beau
Dupa ce ma lasasem
Si in noaptea asta in loc sa te uit,
Continui sa iti duc dorul
Nu stiu de ce eeeeee
De fraier mi-am cautat-o
De fraier mi-am cautat-o
Nu stiu de ce eeeeee
De fraier mi-am cautat-o
Si tu de asta esti cu el
Am baut 5 pahare de Moet
Gandindu-ma la tine
Iti promit deja
mi-am platit greseala
Cand il lasi pe prostul ala
Ma suni
Ca sa iti amintesc toata sarutarile pe care ti le dadeam
da, da,
Zi-mi unde esti,
Nu dau de tine,
Umblu mort de beat
Vreau sa ma impac cu tine
Azi nu suntem nimic
Nici amici, nici dusmani
Dar cand beau
Ma gandesc sa te pedepsesc
Da, da
Doar suna
Cand te gandesti la mine in patul tau
Sa nu crezi ce se zice despre mine
Esti cu altul
Dar stiu ca tu ma iubesti
ma iubesti!
Doar suna
Cand te gandesti la mine in patul tau
Sa nu crezi ce se zice despre mine
Esti cu altul
Dar stiu ca tu ma iubesti
De luni pana joi stiu sa ma prefac
Dar vine sfarsitul de saptamana si ma simt rau
Incerc sa ignor si ma duc in oras
Cu cateva prietene ca sa impresionez
Dar de cate ori simt telefonul
Ma gandesc ca esti tu care ma suni iar
Si ma izbeste atata singuratate
Dupa cateva pahare iese adevarul la iveala
M-am imbatat din nou
Incercand sa inteleg
Cum se face ca tu ma poti uita
In timp ce eu te-as devora
Iarasi beau
Dupa ce ma lasasem
Si in noaptea asta in loc sa te uit,
Continui sa iti duc dorul
Nu stiu de ce eeeeee
De fraier mi-am cautat-o
De fraier mi-am cautat-o
Nu stiu de ce eeeeee
De fraier mi-am cautat-o
Si tu de asta esti cu el
Mi-e dor de dragostea ta, iubito,
Sa fiu in tine, iubito,
Nu pot minti ...
[Si fara sa conteze timpul,
Sau ... unde ne poarta viata
Firul se poate intinde,
Se poate incurca,
Dar niciodata nu se va rupe]


Oh nu, nu, nu
Yantra Yantra
Ea vine cu mine
Dar eu nu sunt prietenul ei
De mult as fi putut fi ceva mai mult
Si desi inima ei are incuietoare
Nimeni nu stie dar am cheia
De mult am invatat sa o fac sa se indragosteasca de mine
II place sa ii cant la ureche noaptea
Sa o privesc, sa ii spun 'te vreau' inca o data
Ea imi cere sa ii dau inima doar ei
Eu ii zic ca m-a facut sa visez iar
Ii place sa (inca o data, inca o data)
ea imi cere sa (inca o data, inca o data)
Ceea ce ii place e sa ii dau
ram pam pa pa pam
Pentru ca zice ca ii dau ceea ce altii nu ii dau
Zice ca atunci cand sunt, tristetile se duc
Dar in absenta mea, se simte iar atat de singura
Ca Eva in paradis fara Adam,
Noptile ii sunt reci, iar zilele fara soare
Pentru ca sunt eu cel care ii da caldura (Brrr)
Atunci cand ii e frig
Si niciodata nu adorm
II dau dragoste si iubire inainte
Si eu pe ea o rasfat, o alint si o fac fericita,
II zic 'Mami, te vreau' si ea imi zice 'Te iubesc, tati'
E fanatica de cum cant eu
Sunt fanatic de cum danseaza ea, da din solduri de parca ar fi de plastic
Oh, uau,
M-a zapacit
Imi face inima sa bata repede de atata iubire
Pentru ca ea e superstarul meu, cavalerul ei sunt eu
Ii place sa ii cant la ureche noaptea
Sa o privesc, sa ii spun 'te vreau' inca o data
Ea imi cere sa ii dau inima doar ei
Eu ii zic ca m-a facut sa visez iar
Ii place sa (inca o data, inca o data)
ea imi cere sa (inca o data, inca o data)
Yantra, Yantra,
Ei ii place cum ii cant eu
Ea mie, imi place chipul ei
Si imi reproseaza ca nu sunt un sfant
Dar oricum ma suna
Pentru ca ea nu vrea sa fie singura, nu o las singura,
Si mi-e teama ca ma indagostesc,
Dar iubim pe cine iubim
Ii place sa ii cant la ureche noaptea
Sa o privesc, sa ii spun 'te vreau' inca o data
Ea imi cere sa ii dau inima doar ei
Eu ii zic ca m-a facut sa visez iar
Ceea ce ii place e sa
Oh ... uau ...
M-a zapacit
oh .. uau
M-a zapacit
Oh ... uau ..
(Inca o data, inca o data)
Yantra, Yantra
(Inca o data, inca o data)

My song of longing

This is my song of longing
That I listen to to make it easier
To feel you the same today as I did yesterday
Maybe you'll come back, I still hope so.
Out of millions of love songs
I haven't found even one for her.
If it's quiet, I think that I'll lose my mind.
I want to write a song for her.
I stay and look for it among my memories,
It's like a film playing on repeat
I want to put what I lived into the lyrics
Even if our clock stopped a long time ago.
This is my song of longing
That I listen to to make it easier
To feel you the same today as I did yesterday
Maybe you'll come back, I still hope so.
This is my song of longing
Of longing, of longing, of longing
My song of longing
Of longing, of longing, of longing
My song of longing
Of longing, of longing, of longing
My song of longing
Of longing, of longing, of longing
Love is a mystery with solutions in the skies
I'm still looking for a response.
As long as it still isn't there, I will write it in songs
Which tell the story of where I've come.
I stay and look for it among my memories,
It's like a film playing on repeat
I want to put what I lived into the lyrics
Even if our clock stopped a long time ago.
This is my song of longing
That I listen to to make it easier
To feel you the same today as I did yesterday
Maybe you'll come back, I still hope so.
I lifted you up when you fell
Now we find each other only in the rain.
Since you left, a lot of time has poured away
Now I find you only in papers.
This is my song of longing
That I listen to to make it easier
To feel you the same today as I did yesterday
Maybe you'll come back, I still hope so.
This is my song of longing
Of longing, of longing, of longing
My song of longing
Of longing, of longing, of longing
My song of longing
Of longing, of longing, of longing
My song of longing
Of longing, of longing, of longing
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

To Forget

I know you do not mind showing up today
And you know how it hurts to tell you no more
but it is that to love you need two
And you have not been around for a long time
And although it sounds like a lie, I was better
Life taught me how to live without you
And I could be happy even though you're not here
Understand that I do not want you to say sorry
And insecurity gets into me
You know I never knew how to tell you no
To forget
Give me back my dreams
Keep your voice
And even if you do not want to see him, we are no longer two
I'm going to be strong, I do not want to see you
to forget
what you felt inside if you were here
Your kisses, my songs, the sleepless nights
You already know how it feels, I do not want to see you
to forget oh oh oh oh oh oh
To forget oh oh oh oh oh oh
I have sworn in a thousand songs not to be with you anymore
Then comes always madness and I am your friend again
But it is that to love you need two
And you have not been around for a long time
And although it sounds like a lie, I was better
to forget
Give me back my dreams
Keep your voice
I came to lose the fear of staying all alone
When it hurts that you're not around, I ignore it
you have to cry in order to laugh
To forget you have to suffer oh oh oh
To forget


Oh no no Yatra Yatra she goes with me but I'm not her friend
For a very long time I can be something more and even though her heart has a key nobody knows but I have a key , for a very long time I learned to fall in love What she likes is that I sing to her ear in the night I look at her I say to her I love her again, she asks him to give his heart only to her I tell her that she has me dreaming again what she likes is that (again, again) she asks him that (again, again) what she likes is that I give her Pam pa pa pam because she says I give her, what other don't give She says when I am, the sadness goes but not being I feel so lonely again like Eve in the paradise without Adam
Cold nights and days pass without sun because I'm the one who gives her warmth when it's cold and I never fall asleep I give her affection and love before I pamper her, I indulge her and I make her happy I tell her mami I love you and she tells me I love you papi She's a fan of who I sing I'm a fan of how she dances and breaks hips as If they were made of plastic oh.... wow She got me hooked she got my accelerated heart beating of so much love because she's my super star I'm her stud I'm her stud ( I'm here stud) what she likes is that I sing to her ear in the night that I look at her that I say to her I love you once again she asks him to give his heart only to her I tell her that she has me dreaming once again what she likes is that (once again, once again) she asks him that (once again, once again) Yatra Yatra She likes how I sing I like her face and she wants me I'm not a saint but she calls me anyway cause she doesn't want to be all alone I won't leave her alone and I'm afraid of being in love but one loves whoever he loves what she likes is that I sing to her ear in the night I look at her I say to her I love you once again she asks him to give his heart only to her I tell her that she has me dreaming once again
What she likes is that oh......Wow she got me hooked oh....Wow she got me hooked oh....Wow she got me hooked oh....Wow (once again, once again) Yatra Yatra (once again, once again)


I just wanted to be in
Your soft light
I see it now,
A heavenly grace
I'm still looking for
The warmth of your soul
I still can't find the answer
But I can pray


The fear of
reckless and loneliness
is inviting me tomorrow
I've got to carry on
even though I can't see anything
Look up
Right now
We can do anything
It's gonna be alright
Our hearts
Keep on burning
I want more
and more
Together as one
Together as one
We're not scared
So we're carrying on now
Go on
Go on
I said hi to the people
who are laughing at me
When I messed up
I hold my head up
and smile
Look up
Right now
We can do anything
It's gonna be alright
Our hearts
Keep on buring
I want more
and more
Together as one
Together as one
We're not scared
So we're carrying on now
Go on
Go on
Look at the sky
Right now
We can do anything
It's gonna be alright
Our hearts
Keep on burning
I want more
and more
Together as one
Together as one
We're not scared
So we're carrying on now
Go on
Go on

That and more

Versions: #1#2#3
They told me about Romeo and Juliet
And I thought, 'What a beautiful story!'
And now it turns out
That this is more great
That this is more beautiful
This, this feeling I have for you.
I would cross the mountains, the rivers, and the valleys to find you
I would brave storms, cyclones, dragons without exaggeration
In order to see myself in your beautiful eyes
And live with the glory of being at your side
Because I feel I need you
That I have fallen in love.
In order to see myself in your beautiful eyes
And live with the glory of being at your side
Because I feel I need you
That and more I would do
That ensure that your soul smiles
Searching for equity
I could pawn the most valuable
Thing that I own which is my liberty
And it would be an honor, my love, to be your slave
I would be your toy by my own will
And if one glorious day I end up in your arms,
What happiness
Yes, it would be an honor, my love to be your slave.
I would be your toy by my own will
And if one glorious day I end up in your arms,
What happiness

I like you

Versions: #1#2#3#4
I like your eyes, I like your mouth.
It drives me crazy, the touch of your skin drives me crazy.
Your present, your yesterday, I like it
I like everything, everything I like, about you.
I like your hands when I greet you.
And I sweat, I sweat of nervousness at the thought that I could touch your soul.
I like your soul, your soul I like, I like you
I like to awaken thinking that you love me, dreaming about you has become my favorite pastime
I like everything, everything I like, about you.
I like your style, half way lackadaisical
I sinned, I've sinned at the thought,
Of also touching your body.
Your body and soul, how much I like you, I like you.

Satans angel

So here is the beauty my heart desires
Which fills my longing and torments my mind
So here is the liberty which no one can bear
And therefore has to learn to capture
You are mine - esmeralda
You are truth and deception
You are mine - esmeralda
My madonna, my depravity
And you are satan's angel
Why did you let me be tempted, God
My soul is tortured by you, Esmeralda
I followed the Lord's best commandments
And yet I am consumed by her power
Why have you abandoned me, God - I'm coming
I'm drawn towards death and hell's flames - I'm coming
So have me, damnit - Esmeralda
My angel - Esmeralda
She divides my fate, united for ever
The particular pain, which love is
Only I can set you free and give you a purpose
So receive your savior and love him tonight
You are mine - Esmeralda
You are mine on the edge on the abyss
You are mine - Esmeralda
You are the woman - I am man
And you are satan's angel
Why did you let me be tempted, God
I killed in order to have you - Esmeralda
Why did I let me be lure out
In the dark only iluminated by her splendor
Why have you abandoned me, God - I'm coming
I'm drawn towards death and hell's flames - I'm coming
So have me, damnit - Esmeralda
My angel - Esmeralda

Until day brake

Today we'll make love,
today, we'll stay until day brake,
today, we'll live it up
and, who cares, if absurd it seems to be.
We love each other, that's the truth,
we want each other, that's the fact, 1.
the rest, who cares?
Today we'll make love,
today we'll sail with open soul,
forget the people,
they don't exist once you close the door.
Love like this, is not easy to find,
it is something we won't sacrifice,
no, my love
Love me and let me love you my own way,
take me, my body is thirsty waiting for you.
Love me and let me love you my own way,
let people say whatever they want!
la la lara la, la la lara la
la la lara la la lara la la la la
la la lara la, la la lara la la la la
Love like this, is not easy to find,
it is something we won't sacrifice,
no, my love
Today we'll make love.
today, we'll stay until day brake.
Your body is so fragile.
mine is pure fire, and the morning is cool
The time is propitious for love
we are not going to waste it,
no, my love
Love me and let me love you my own way,
take me, my body is waiting, thirsty for you.
Love me and let me love you my own way,
and let people say whatever they want!
Love me and let me love you my own way,
take me, my body is waiting, thirsty for you.
Love me and let me love you my own way,
let people say whatever they want!
la la lara la, la la lara la.....

Inapoiaza-mi inima

E trista noaptea daca tu nu esti
Nu mai pot,
Nu mai pot
Ai plecat inainte de vreme fara sa vorbesti
Fara sa explici
Si nu mai esti
Nu stiu daca a fost lasitate
Vina imi apartine
Nu am vrut sa inteleg.
Tu erai iubirea vietii mele,
Cauza mea pierduta
Nu am vrut sa inteleg.
Inapoiaza-mi inima,
Nu vreau sa traiesc asa.
Inapoiaxaza-mi promisiunile si viata pe care am pierdut-o,
Inapoiaza-mi acel cantec
Pe care am scris-o cu ajutorul viselor
Si ia cu tine amintirile care ma dor mai mult decat pe tine
Si chiar daca te-am iubit fara motiv
Inapoiaza-mi inima
Intentia mea cu tine nu a fost sa castig
Mai bine sa pierd,
Decat sa nu incerc
Pentru tine era greu sa nu plangi,
Dar sa iubesc
A insemnat sa iert
Nu stiu daca a fost lasitate
Vina imi apartine
Nu am vrut sa inteleg.
Tu erai iubirea vietii mele,
Cauza mea pierduta
Nu am vrut sa inteleg.
Inapoiaza-mi inima,
Nu vreau sa traiesc asa.
Inapoiaza-mi promisiunile si viata pe care am pierdut-o
Inapoiaza-mi acel cantec
Pe care l-am scris cu ajutorul viselor
Si ia cu tine amintirile care ma dor mai mult decat pe tine
Si chiar daca te-am iubit fara motiv.
Stiu ca privirea ta nu mai e,
Ca nu va mai fi ca ieri
Si ca o sa uiti de vocea mea
Stiu ca lumina noastra s-a stins
Si chiar daca am vrut sa inteleg
Iubirea nu a putut face totul.
Inapoiaza-mi inima,
Nu vreau sa traiesc asa.
Inapoiaza-mi promisiunile si viata pe care am pierdut-o
Inapoiaza-mi acel cantec
Pe care l-am scris cu ajutorul viselor
Si ia cu tine amintirile care ma dor mai mult decat pe tine
Si chiar daca te-am iubit fara motiv
Inapoiaza-mi inima!