Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 14
Good is the Lord to aliGood, Good is the Lord to all
Good is the Lord to all
Good, Good is the Lord to all
And your mercy
And his mercy is on all his works
Serve the Lord with joy.
Come before your presence with rejoicing
Come before your presence with rejoicing
Good is the Lord to all
Good, Good is the Lord to all
And your mercy
And his mercy is on all his works
Serve the Lord with joy.
Come before your presence with rejoicing
Come before your presence with rejoicing
On my lips there is only your nameIn my dreams there is only your face
when you
became my lover
The lover, the lover, the lover
The sun goes out for you
In the moon there is your face
when you
became my lover
The lover, the lover, the lover
I’m your lover ...
The sun goes out for you
In the moon there is your face
when you
became my lover
The lover, the lover, the lover
I’m your lover ...
Only Together
Behold, how, how good and how pleasant it isfor brethren to dwell together in unity
Behold, how, how good and how pleasant it is
for brethren to dwell together in unity
Behold, how, how good and how pleasant it is
for brethren to dwell together in unity
Behold, how, how good and how pleasant it is
for brethren to dwell together in unity
Only together we shall bring salvation
Only together we shall come out of the darkness
Only together - the entire Nation of Israel
Only together, until a savior arrives
Only together we shall bring salvation
Only together we shall come out of the darkness
Only together, how good and how pleasant it is
Only together we are all brethren
Băieții Tot Băieți Rămân
M-am săturat de amăgirile taleRegulile nu se schimbă niciodată.
Iar mintea mea e abuzivă,
Luând mai multe forme.
Când vine vorba de iubire, este necondiționată?
Când vine vorba de iubirea mea, orice este rezolvabil
Iar toate zgomotele astea sunt neîndurătoare
Am nevoie de un moment să respir
Căci dacă băieții tot băieți rămân
Dăm tot ce-avem mai bun
Acoperindu-ne frații în timp ce suferim de mâna noastră
Băieții tot băieți rămân, așa stau lucrurile
Când mamele își pierd fiii
Iar tații îi privesc plecând
Tații îi privesc plecând
Tații îi privesc plecând
Când mamele își pierd fiii
Iar tații îi privesc plecând
Nu mai ascult de cei ce s-au distrus înainte
Acum că am terminat de mărturisit cuvintele care m-au lăsat supărat
Atunci când simți durerea neobosită
În timp ce se târăște afară din inima ta
Iar gândurile de ieri
Te aduc acolo unde ești
Aceste voci care îmi comandau odată nu mă pot ține aici
Căci dacă băieții tot băieți rămân
Dăm tot ce-avem mai bun
Acoperindu-ne frații în timp ce suferim de mâna noastră
Băieții tot băieți rămân, așa stau lucrurile
Când mamele își pierd fiii
Iar tații îi privesc plecând
Tații îi privesc plecând
Tații îi privesc plecând
Când mamele își pierd fiii
Iar tații îi privesc plecând
Spune-mi ce senzație îți oferă câștigul
A mers totul așa cum ai plănuit?
Îți dorești să uiți sau?
Sau te simți mai puțin uman?
Ooh dacă băieții nu plâng, nu sunt un bărbat
Nu trece o zi fără să trebuiască să mint
Cine eram înainte
De când am închis ușa
Și totul e doar un zgomot de fond
Că băieții trebuie să fie băieți
Căci dacă băieții tot băieți rămân
Dăm tot ce-avem mai bun
Acoperindu-ne frații în timp ce suferim de mâna noastră
Băieții tot băieți rămân, așa stau lucrurile
Când mamele își pierd fiii
Iar tații îi privesc plecând
Tații îi privesc plecând
Tații îi privesc plecând
Când mamele își pierd fiii
Iar tații îi privesc plecând
Tații îi privesc plecând
Tații îi privesc plecând
Când mamele își pierd fiii
Iar tații îi privesc plecând
Song About Surplus Value
I get up in the morningand I go to my job
I do something
and I get my pay
but what I do
is worth more
than what I get
How else
would anyone
become rich
without doing anything?
Some are worth more
than what they get
Others use more
than they are worth
Money alone
creates no value
money creates money
paper, paper
I get up in the morning
and I go to my job
I do something
and I get my pay
but what I do
is worth more
than what I get
How else
would anyone
become rich
without doing anything?
I am a Jew (I am a Hebrew)
This nation has gone through a lot on the wayAnd I walk
with my head up
Everyone is a son or daughter of the king
That's how it was
and that's how it will continue to be
A Jew with a flaming soul
and in every country
I don't want it to be otherwise
I am a Jew
and that is something that lasts forever
Children of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob
Children of Sara, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah
Children of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob
Children of Sara, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah
I am a Jew and Hashem, G-d of the universe I
A little bit of history I've been through
Ask me where I'm from,
and I will tell you
I'm a Jew and every Jew's a proud Jew
Not just me,
my sisters and my brothers
Never be ashamed to be a proud Jew
It's not what you've done,
it's how He made you
So sing this song and spread the pride around you
Yehudi Ani,
Children of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob
Children of Sara, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah
Children of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob
Children of Sara, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah
I am a Jew and Hashem, G-d of the universe I
I'm a Jew and I'm proud
And I'll sing it out loud
‘Cuz forever
and ever
That's what I'll be
I'm a Jew and I'm proud
And without a doubt
Hashem is always watching over me
Hay Hay Hay Hay
I am a Jew and Hashem, G-d of the universe I
Hay Hay Hay Hay
I am a Jew and Hashem, G-d of the universe I
I am a Jew
Today Is A Special Day
(Chorus:)Today is a special day. M-m-m-m.
Today is a special day. M-m-m-m.
Today is a special day
Today you became more beautiful
Rised up to your full height
Shook off the dust of bad luck
Took up your place in life
Today you became perfect
Today after washing the face
You wiped the previous tears marks
And the entire mode of life
You take seriously
Today you understood
The world around you is real
Today you got a trash and a stuff
Out of your head
Cleared your mind from drunk
And dizzy weed
Today you said No
To all needless habits
Today you are in your own power
No one will help you
Today is your chance and the time
To make a statement
Today you realized
That was born for wins
(Chorus:) (2x)
Today is not the time for the weak
Selection is spares no one
The screaming voice inside
Tells you
Today you have to forget
About fatigue and laziness
Today the power in your hands
You with a firm faith in yourself
The whole world is stagnant and waiting for
Changes from you
Today is a special day
Gloria Iubirii
Trebuie să dai puțin, să iei puțin,Și să-ți lași săraca inimă să se frângă puțin.
Aceasta e povestea ...
Aceasta este gloria iubirii.
Trebuie să râzi puțin, să plângi puțin,
Să lași norii să ruleze puțin.
Aceasta e povestea ...
Aceasta este gloria iubirii
Câtă vreme exisăm noi doi,
Avem lumea și toate farmecele ei.
Și când lumea trece prin noi,
Avem brațele celuilalt.
Trebuie să câștigi puțin, să pierzi puțin,
Oh, să fii prost dispus puțin.
Aceasta e povestea ...
Aceasta este gloria iubirii.
Eastern Maracaibo
For you to danceFor you to enjoy
For you to dance
Maracaibo, I want you to enjoy it
Maracaibo, I want you to dance it
Maracaibo, I want you to enjoy it
With special regards, ladies and gentlemen
this lovely inspiration
With special regards, ladies and gentlemen
this lovely inspiration
Pours forth from my heart
I give it to you with all of my love
For you to dance
For you to enjoy
Maracaibo, I want you to enjoy it
Maracaibo, I want you to dance it
Maracaibo, I want you to enjoy it
In Havana and in the countryside
Everyone wants to dance it
In Havana and in the countryside
Everyone wants to dance it
I'm going to play it for you
And listen to my song
For you to dance
Maracaibo, I want you to dance it
Maracaibo, Iwant... ah!
Maracaibo, for you to enjoy it
Maracaibo, for you to dance it
When I began to sing
My song this morning
When I began to sing
My song this morning
From Santiago all the way to Havana
That was when I myself was able to enjoy
For you to dance
Maracaibo, I want you to enjoy it
Maracaibo, I want you to....yaaaa!
For you to dance
For you to enjoy
For you to dance
For you to enjoy