Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 10

Număr de rezultate: 610


Master Thenardier

Versions: #1
Enter, monsieur,
You hit the nail in the head,
I am the best innkeeper
In the city.
My competitors
Are all smokers,
Or pheasants
Who rip off the guests.
Seldom do you see,
Honest men like me,
Those who are proud to serve
The French hostel industry!
Master Thénardier, quick to do freelance,
Gender of the client and of the wallet,
I unbutton them,
With a saucy tale,
The more they bottle-feed each other,
They are bottle-fed,
I hang out their problems,
It is a shame to pretend.
But we have little skin for the balls,
So I charge them extra.
Master of the house, coachman of the coach,
I heat up the embers in their pockets,
I serve the junglard, off of the anvil,
I stick their knicknacks into the feathers.
For life we are friends and brothers, of the blood and of the wine.
I do whatever pleases them, Lord! But I skin them to the core.
Master Thénardier is a good Christian,
Who spends all his time feeding his neighbor,
Servant to the poor, butler to the great.
Comforter, philosopher with all his heart,
Everybody’s companion, dear and attentive friend.
But keep your drawers shut,
Or else I’ll skin you tonight.
Enter, monsieur, the road is thirsty,
Unlace your boots, I open a carafe.
This sack of a ton, slows down your course,
But here we strive to lighten your purse.
Here the turkey is cooked, here the fat is fried,
And I have full control of everything that leaves my kitchen.
I serve the leftovers, the old makes the new,
Passed through my choppers, these bucks are pure beef.
Kidney of a horse, liver of a cat,
Filling up the sausages with this and that,
Residents on board are welcome, our suites are occupied year-round.
At reasonable charges, plus some little extras on the side.
I charge for the cockroaches,
The fleas and for the rats,
For every second their shadow wears out the mirror,
Before they depart, I charge them for,
All the fleas their dogs swallowed in the sector,
When it comes to fixing prices, there are a lot of tricks I know.
They snuff and they snort as the prices grow up and go through the roof!
Master Thénardier is a good Christian,
Who spends all his time feeding his neighbor,
Servant to the poor, butler to the great.
Comforter, philosopher with all his heart,
Everybody’s companion, everybody’s friend for the day.
They are so convinced, these fools, that they break by thanking me.
I often prayed that I would not have to grow old alone,
And there are times I would have been better off
Had I kept these thoughts my own.
Master Thénardier, isn’t worth wasting,
My years and virtues as a young girl,
Like all other men, he promises the moon.
But when the night comes, my girl, there’s hardly anybody left.
He takes God for his father,
But is always drunk like a goose.
Whenever he does something, I swear,
It looks like foie gras!
Master Thénardier,
Master Lazy!
Comforter, philosopher,
I do all the work!
Friend without malice,
Companion of the drunk.
Hypocrite, liar, and bigot!
ALL: To the health of the innkeeper, and to the health of his spouse!
Everybody raise a glass!
Raise it up the master’s arse!
Let us drink in good cheer for our Master Thénardier!

My Story

Versions: #1
I do not know if this is the right letter...
And now I'm all alone again,
Without a friend, without anything to do.
I am not pressed to recover
My solitude and my misery.
I wait for night to come,
To invoke him in my memory.
I walk alone every night,
All the streets belong to me.
All of my thoughts fly to him
And I put my life in his.
While Paris sleeps at night.
I can make up my story.
My story, is like a fairytale
In the pages of my childhood.
I close my eyes,
And my prince comes to embrace me,
And I pray that his embrace
Will never become undone.
With him,
I no longer feel the same.
I love the rain,
And when we walk together.
Our two shadows,
Like two enamoured giants,
Get longer at our feet
And are reflected in the Seine.
And I know I made everything up.
I know that he will never be at my side.
And in spite of this, I still hope,
That with him, I will write my story.
I love him,
But when the night is over,
In the morning, he continues his route,
And the world
Becomes the same again,
It loses all its colors
And the rainbow loses its diadem.
I love him,
But I am alone in the world,
All my life, I’ve waited as a shadow.
My story
Is just an empty shell now,
A foolish dream of love
Where I had no part to play.
I love him. I love him. I love him,
Alone in my story.

The fault of Voltaire

Versions: #1
I fell down from the air,
It’s the fault of Voltaire,
My nose is in the stream too,
It’s the fault of Rousseau.
I’m not a notary,
It’s the fault of Voltaire,
I am a little bird too,
It’s the fault of Rousseau.
He fell down from the air,
It’s the fault of Voltaire.
His nose is in the stream too,
It’s the fault of Rousseau.
If you’re not a notary,
It’s the fault of Voltaire,
If you’re a little bird too,
It’s the fault of Rousseau.
I fell down from the air,
But even God does not know how come.
I have no father nor mother
Who recognizes me as their child.
I made myself a family
Of lost children too,
Joyous vagabonds of the city
Who have big hearts to boot.
He fell down from the air,
It’s the fault of Voltaire.
His nose is in the stream too,
It’s the fault of Rousseau.
Joy is my character,
It’s the fault of Voltaire,
Misery is my destiny,
It’s the fault of Rousseau.
I walk barefoot,
But the feet walk just as well,
I take whatever I want
And pay without problems.
I run away from
The merchants and from their wives.
And to catch me
It will take more than one gendarme!
I am known everywhere
From Clignancourt to Belleville.
They love me everywhere,
Save for the sergeants-de-ville.
I take what I see and also what I do not.
It’s useful to know in advance,
What your next meal will be.
Misery is my destiny,
It’s the fault of Rousseau,
They’re lazy at Nanterre,
It’s the fault of Voltaire,
And stupid at Pallisot
It’s the fault of Rousseau,
If you're not a notary,
It's the fault of Voltaire.
If you're a little bird too
It's the fault of Rousseau:
He fell down from the air,
It’s the fault of Voltaire.
His nose is in the stream too,
It’s the fault of Rousseau.
If you’re not a notary,
It’s the fault of Voltaire,
If you’re a little bird too,
It’s the fault of Rousseau.
If you’re a little bird too,
It’s the fault of Rousseau!

Under the Stars

Versions: #1
There, in the dark of the night,
Is a fugitive running,
Under the stars.
Under the stars.
God be my witness.
I shall not yield
Until he is before me,
Kneeling at my feet.
He follows the way of the devil,
I follow the way of the Lord.
I make order prevail,
Bringing truth to light.
And those who fall,
As Lucifer fell,
The flames of hell!
Brightly, in their multitudes,
Do the stars reign,
Soldiers of shadow.
Posted in space,
You are the sentinels.
Who watch over us,
And who guard the sky,
And who guard the sky.
Each knows their place in the night,
Each follows their course in silence,
And nothing can divert
Them from the path
Of their vigilance.
And if they fall, as Lucifer fall,
They fall into hell!
These words are written,
In eternal ink,
On the doorways to paradise,
That those who falter
And those who fall,
Shall pay the price!
O God of Justice,
Show me the way,
And for thy glory,
I will plant your sword,
Myself, this I swear!
This I swear by the stars!


I no longer depart alone,
I am happy.
I have seen your smile again,
Now I may finally die.
You will live,
Papa, you're going to live.
I want you to live,
Listen to me!
Yes, Cosette,
You forbid me to die.
I will try to obey.
On this page,
I write my soul's confession.
And the secrets,
That you would want to know.
It's the story,
Of one who loved so,
That she confided you in me
Before she disappeared.
Come with me,
Where chains will never bind you.
Let me guide you
Towards the supreme happiness.
Lord in Heaven,
Look down on him in mercy.
Forgive me all my treaspasses
And take me to your kingdom.
Fantine and Eponine:
Take my hand,
And come into his light.
Take the love,
Which shines when life is fading.
Fantine, Eponine, and Valjean:
And remember,
The truths within your prayer:
'Who loves another person
Is most near to God on Earth.'
For the will of the people,
None can extinguish our voice,
And so the song will ring out forever,
As it had so long before,
We wish that our light
Penetrates the mask of night,
To illuminate our land,
And to change our lives.
The glorious day will come
When on its march towards the ideal,
Mankind will progres from evil to good
And from falsehoods to truth.
A dream may yet die,
But hope lives on forever!
Will you join in our crusade,
Of those with hopes for humanity?
For every fallen barricade,
One hundred more will rise again!
For the will of the people,
We hear the sound of distant drums,
Announcing the future that they bring
When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade,
Of those with hopes for humanity?
For every fallen barricade,
One hundred more will rise again!
For the will of the people,
We hear the sound of distant drums,
Announcing the future that they bring
When tomorrow comes!
Ah! Tomorrow comes!

What to do? [Who am I?]

He thinks that man is me,
This could be my chance.
I have nothing to do,
Other than to keep silent,
But I have struggled for so long,
Built and made up so much,
Only to give it up,
For a stray remorse?
If I stay silent, I am damned.
And if I speak, I am condemned!
What of these workers who work in the factory,
And who believe in me?
Can I abandon them? I would be sending them back
To nothing again.
If I stay silent, I am damned.
But if I speak, I am condemned.
What to do?
Can I betray this man damned by error?
Let him fall into the depths of misfortune?
This innocent who bears my face,
Who goes to judgement in my place,
What to do?
Can I refuse to walk back into hell,
Because I made my paradise on Earth?
Cross out my past forevermore
And bask in oblivion,
What to do?
How can I look into the mirror and see,
The face of a man who dares not look back at me.
My soul belongs to God alone,
And none can claim it as their own,
If this is a trial God sent me,
Then it is decided for me!
What to do? There's nothing to do!
I am Jean Valjean!
Here is the truth at last, Javert,
An innocent man was tried in my stead.
Who am I?

A doll in the window

Versions: #1
There is a doll in the window,
She looks at me, and she is bored.
I think she's searching for a mother.
And I wish she could be my daughter.
Inside a house that’s full of toys,
There are a hundred girls of my age,
Who always dress up their dolls,
And who never once make their beds.
I will put on her some lace,
She will have petticoats of silk,
I want my daughter to be the prettiest,
That she’ll be proud,
Yes, very proud of me.
There is a doll in the window.
She looks at me and calls my name.
If only I knew how to write,
I would ask Santa Claus of her.

Your Memento

This love in my heart is a memento from you
and the reason of my sleeplessness is waiting for you (for your love)
This love in my heart is a memento from you
and the reason of my sleeplessness is waiting for you (for your love)
I said I love you, you said congratulations (you said OK)
I said I love you, you said congratulations (you said OK)
From that moment I couldn’t breathe anymore, I couldn’t talk anymore (I could neither breathe nor talk)
From that moment I couldn’t breathe anymore, I couldn’t talk anymore (I could neither breathe nor talk)
My heart was full of tones but my tongue was narrow (I couldn’t bring them on my tongue)
My heart was full of tones but my tongue was narrow (I couldn’t bring them on my tongue)
My heart was full of tones but my tongue was narrow (I couldn’t bring them on my tongue)
Your vainglory killed me, fairness is a good thing
Your vainglory killed me, fairness is a good thing
you know nothing about my pain, Anyone who doesn’t know you
When sees you asks “Which lucky person is going to have this pretty girl?”
My heart was full of tones but my tongue was narrow (I couldn’t bring them on my tongue)
Your vainglory killed me, fairness is a good thing
Your vainglory killed me, fairness is a good thing
Your vainglory killed me

Sea Song

The sky sways, sways above me
And the deck trembles underfoot
One who hasn’t tasted salt,
Who hasn’t felt the waves
Can’t be called a real sailor
And let the sea waves roll, roll
And far from us is our native lighthouse
And let it rock, rock, I know for sure
Any storm can be weathered by a sailor
The ship sails calmly toward the familiar pier,
And with pride we’ll climb down the ladder to shore
We’re on the ground, still shaking a bit,
And tomorrow we’ll be at sea, tomorrow we’ll be at sea again.
And let the sea waves roll, roll
And far from us is our native lighthouse
And let it rock, rock, I know for sure
Any storm can be weathered by a sailor.
And our lives, our lives are not the easiest
Today there’s a light breeze on the sea, tomorrow a hurricane
But I wouldn’t switch places with anyone
For this life, for this life I’ll live two lives!
And let the sea waves roll, roll
And far from us is our native lighthouse
And let it rock, rock, I know for sure
Any storm can be weathered by a sailor.

Once Upon a Time

Versions: #1
Seven dwarves and myself set the stage,
and I play the role of Saltimbanco.
Dark times - Snow Whites need not apply.
All our mythology needs a redesign.
This twisted tale finds Alice
In a desolate land, wonders dismissed.
The piglets are becoming sows
And instead of three, there’s thousands.
Once upon a time, as they say,
I had hope for the human race,
Now, I only run in place.
Once upon a time, as they say,
Fine fairy tales paved my way.
Now, just like them, I’ve gone stale.
It’s good that you’re here with me.
I hope our love grows yet more deep.
May we spin this straw into some golden new fantasy.
It’s good that you’re here with me.
I hope our love grows yet more deep.
And once in a while, would you please hide the truth from me.
Cinderella prefers scents made by Escada,
And her feet look neat in immodest Pradas.
Storybook girl, throw away your red hood!
The wolf already resides inside your head.
They were all coming back to me, my dreams.
They’d all become over-large for my heart.
Even if you kick up a fuss, nothing will be redeemed--
The fairy tale has already been ripped apart.
No, never again, never blessed,
Never for those I detest.

Kim Possible Intro (Swedish)

Ooh yeeeah, yeah
I seem like an ordinary girl
But saving the world is my thing
Nothing can stop Kim Pos-si-ble
I can manage anything
If a danger threatens
Do you know that I'm on my way?
(Do you know that I'm on my way?)
When something happens, I'm always close
You just call me, Kim Possible
Shout, call me
If you wanna come with me
Mail and SMS are perfectly okay
Kimunicator, baby
Shout, call me
If you wanna at me
(Shout, call me
If you wanna at me)
One can any time
One can anywhere
I'm taking over the fight
Until everything's put in order
Threat or danger
Then I'll just come
You know you can always reach
Kim Possible!
(What's the concern?)
Shout, call me
If you wanna at me

Căpitanul inimii ei

Era mult peste miezul nopţii
şi ea nu putea dormi
în noaptea în care visul ei plecca
Încerca din greu să se ţină
şi cu răsăritul zilei noi,
simţea cum pleacă
nu doar pentru o croazieră
nu doar pentru o zi
Prea demult, prea departe
Nu putea aştepta încă o zi pentru
căpitanul inimii ei.
Şi o dată ce ziua veni, a făcut o haltă
s-a oprit aşteptând încă o zi pentru
căpitanul inimii ei
Prea demult, prea departe
Nu putea aştepta încă o zi pentru
căpitanul inimii ei.
Şi o dată ce ziua veni, a făcut o haltă
s-a oprit aşteptând încă o zi pentru
căpitanul inimii ei
Prea demult, prea departe
Nu putea aştepta încă o zi pentru
căpitanul inimii ei.


You definitely know this place
You go there and are instantly
Smitten by the feeling
Like a fading chord
All your troubles float away
And you head is cool once more
And your heart warms up again
Nature, with it's charm
Forces out all your restraints
And suddenly, you're free
You breathe deeply and want to be there
To just touch the horizon briefly
Here, you get the feeling
That the world suddenly comes to a stop
You can only find that feeling on the Weißensee
And now I know what I want
Because here, I see my lifestyle
In a totally different way
When summer calls for you
Then love is in air
Especially in the air on the lake
Come on, we're skipping today1
Blue like the reflection of the woman
With whom I'm standing here in the water
We're standing in infinity
We lose our sense of time
Time has long been passé here
Who doesn't want to be happy here?
Let the joy in
Hear the thought, the idea
And my heart beats much too fast
When I place myself on the cliff
And I hear the Weißensee faintly
Come on and just fly off of it
Say, where do you get
So much life from? Hey, from the Weißensee!
Say, do you hear the silence, too?
When I dive deep and deeper
Suddenly, I hear only the Weißensee
And slowly, I'm getting quiet, too
You don't need much for this happiness:
Some love and the Weißensee
Slowly, I get the feeling
That the evening is much too cool
And leaving hurts the most
Stay with me for a moment
Then we'll be alone again
I hope that we'll see each other again
On the Weißensee
On the Weißensee
On the Weißensee
On the Weißensee
  • 1. 'Blau' means 'blue' in German, but here, it's used as part of the phrase 'blau machen', which means 'to skip work/school' or 'to play hooky'

De una singură

Şi acum sunt din nou singură
Nicăieri unde să mă întorc, nicăieri unde să mă duc
Fără o casă, fără un prieten
Fără un chip căruia să-i spun”Bună”
Dar acum noaptea este aproape
Acum pot să-mi închipui că el este aici…
Câteodată mă plimb singură noaptea
Când toată lumea doarme
Mă gândesc la el, şi atunci sunt fericită
Cu compania pe care o păstrez
Oraşul merge la culcare
Şi eu pot trăi în mintea meu…
De una singură
Prefăcându-mă că el este lângă mine
Singură singurică
Mă plimb cu el până dimineaţa
Fără el
Îi simt braţele în jurul meu
Şi când pierd drumul
Îmi închid ochii
Şi el m-a găsit
În ploaie
Pavajul străluceşte ca argintul
Toate luminile
Sunt înceţoşate în râu
În întuneric
Copacii sunt plini de lumina stelelor
Şi tot ce văd
Este el cu mine
Pentru totdeauna şi mereu
Şi ştiu
Este doar în mintea mea
Că vorbesc cu mine însumi
Şi nu cu el
Şi deşi
Ştiu că este orb
Continui să spun
“Există o cale pentru noi!”
Îl iubesc
Dar când noaptea se sfârşeşte
El a plecat
Râul este doar un râu
Fără el
Lumea în jurul meu se schimbă
Copacii sunt goi
Şi peste tot străzile
Sunt pline de străini
Îl iubesc
Dar în fiecare zi învăţ
Toată viaţa mea
Doar m-am prefăceam
Fără mine
Lumea lui va continua să se schimbe
Lumea este plină de fericire
Pe care eu nu am cunoscut-o niciodată
Îl iubesc
Îl iubesc
Îl iubesc
Dar numai de una singură

Russian Cyberfolk Song

Versions: #1
Dove-colored drones are taking wings,
Above the fields they soar in the sky,
Oh, Bird of Iron, you’ll never understand me,
The nestless bird flies over the ground
There’s an android siting below, his head is down,
The robot’s grieving about a new upgrade.
What kind of system is it? How to handle with it?
We have no clue, but we like it very much
A robobird is taking off, but its blades fail to spin,
The battery’s discharged, GPS doesn’t load.
There’re drones in the sky, full of amperage
Once they’ll fly away from us, never to be found.
Dove-colored drones are taking wings,
Above the fields they soar in the sky,
It’s flying high above at some own frequency,
The drone flies across the sky rustling its wings,
As a bumblebee it’s humming,
I hear some radio interference there
Yes, robots are omnipotent
Alas, we are not them

Nicio scrisoare luni

Nicio scrisoare luni,
Nu vine nici marți,
Miercuri, niciun cuvânt,
Niciun singur rând de la tine.
Oh, prin ce chin am trecut!
Noaptea în care m-ai iubit
Și după care să mă părăsești a trebuit,
Ai promis că vei veni,
Să mă răsfeți și să mă placi în fiecare zi.
Și inima mea a crezut totul,
Fiecare cuvânt auzit de la tine.
Minciuni, tu spui doar minciuni?
Dacă a fost doar ca să mă păăcălești,
Să te distrezi și să mă părăsești,
Atunci aș muri!
Dacă n-o să primesc nicio, nicio scrisoare luni,
Nici marți,
Nu înseamnă că s-a terminat între noi,
Nu înseamnă că ai pe altcineva,
Dacă nu primesc eu luni scrisoarea ta?
Vreau să știu:
Dacă nu vine nicio scrisoare luni,
Nu înseamnă că s-a terminat între noi,
Dacă nu primesc eu luni scrisoarea ta?
Spune-mi, spune-mi, spune-mi, spune-mi!
Trebuie să știu, trebuie să știu, trebuie să știu!

dreaming of what was

From a state of ethereal bliss, I suddenly became aware of the sorrows of life, trivial matters and the swiftness of change
I now prepare in detail to stay here, and recreate the past so that I can recall it all
I gather my most important memories of you, and everything that your beauty touched
I let myself recreate all the things of then, because is was there that i met you
The perfect past, on that flawless, beautiful backdrop
Life is lived in leisure and humility, with no parting,
Devoid of quarrel, existing in harmony
With no painful work, only humble pleasures, the years are free of worries
When you rode away, your figure looked as though i were seeing it from the images on a scroll, so distant
It's as if fate wants to keep us apart, it's hard to keep hope
I can but wait for a chance of your return without letting myself be dependant on it
I let all my past with you in
My frail, once glorious self vigorously recreating it all
Slight recollection of you quickly overpowers me
Like the ripples of sound from the strings of the harp, crying out in beautiful sorrow at the touch of remembrance
As I finish reflecting, a strong and strange relief fills my body
Though as it is, there is little remains of the love once held by us, I still remember it
And i realise that my existence, though miles away from you, is still not free
The lifespans of the sun and moon are impossible to measure
Love completely occupies people’s lives, in exchange for all its associated emotions
But the wise know that the uncertainties of life cannot be helped
And that everyone will eventually be separated and loveless after this life, so one should make the most of it
Poetry says the red beans all over the southern land are people who have been tragically separated, and I'm not skeptical of this
When we first met we were young, now we are so old
I don’t want to forget you, I will constantly search for you
Outside my weak recollection of ideals, people are even weaker
counterintuitive, like the fact that lightness and darkness are both made of the same fabric
Before the cruelty of the world ails me I must distance myself from all of it
If I commit myself to here and not you, I can succeed in this world
The laws of fate say that it will inevitably return vitality into desolation, gradually weaken the strong and alleviate pain
but with the slightest exertion the ancients suddenly break this cycle of succession
While just my body returns to normal life, my soul keeps up at this useless game
What I cannot tell myself, is that that while I am physically free, my heart is forever attached to you
Love is sudden and unstable
Love is something by nature absurd and irrational
Love is a person who is profound but not benevolent, well seen but not old
Love is a thought, that though does not stop existing as we stop writing, that will continue to exist through time though its documentation may deteriorate, which will forever imprison us
However beautiful, love will be imperfect if not practised
And only practise which entails always the core essence of love can make a relationship truly beautiful
While practise can ultimately cause sorrow to love that is only superficially true, it strengthens true love
As I struggle to stay alive, i know that you cannot keep pursuing me
As I indulge in comfort pleasures , i realise that you can’t keep waiting for me
But if it be though for a fleeting moment, I wish destiny would allow our souls, destined to be apart, to meet in harmony
All other thoughts depart from my mind
As I sit, chin on hand, thinking about how little I know and how short life is
If in this cut off state of ignorance, isolation and short life, there is no way of sensing the future...
Then why should I believe this painful lovesickness will never be fulfilled by you again?
I wish I could shed these years spent without you, go back to the suddenness and excitement of our perfect love
I look back on what was
A tangled destiny connects us in all corners of the world
and no matter how far I distance myself my heart, I will never be truly free from you

O Cameleer

O Cameleer1,look at the camels, one after another, a drunken chain
The commander,the lord,my soulmate,the outsiders are [all] drunk23
O gardener,the minstrel's lightning4turned into a cloud5over the cup-bearer6
The garden, the mountainside, the blossom, the thorn are now drunk
O sky! Enough of turning around, watch the turning of elements7
Water, Wind, Earth and Fire are [all] drunk
Such a feeling on the outside, never bother to ask about the inside
The soul, the reason, the earth, and the secrets are [all] drunk
O Shamse Tabrizi8, no one is sober around you [ever]
wasted are the infidel, the believer, drunk are the pious, the drunkard
O Cameleer, look at the camels, one after another, a drunken chain
The commander, the lord, my soulmate, the outsiders are [all] drunk
  • 1. In ancient times camels were a common means of long distance traveling through the deserts
  • 2. All over this poem 'drunk' means 'drunk in love'
  • 3. The lyrics are couplets 1,2,3,4 and 1 again from a poem by
  • 4. of fury
  • 5. i.e. it shades instead of harming
  • 6. fig. beautiful woman, cup-bearer is a common symbol of beauty in Persian poetry
  • 7. refers to the
  • 8. : Spiritual mentor of Rumi in Islamic mysticism (aka Sufism)

Fifty kilometers

Shadowless is the road
Near and far there's no tree
Even on the far horizon
There's no forestline greeting us!
Fifty kilometers,
Comrades, then it's done.
But we will prove:
We have enough power
We have enough power
for a hundred kilometers.
Shadowless is the road,
The sun burns down hot,
Through the wide blue of the sky
Travels not even a single cloud!
Fifty kilometers,
Comrades, then it's done.
But we will prove:
We have enough power
We have enough power
for a hundred kilometers.
Shadowless is the road,
Our tread remains firm,
And if someone gets tired
We carry them along!
Fifty kilometers,
Comrades, then it's done.
But we will prove:
We have enough power
We have enough power
for a hundred kilometers.

Tell Me Baby Girl

Yo, Alex Martini
My bed smells like you
Tell me, baby girl if you're coming back
My bed smells like you, your smell won't go away
Tell me, baby, if you're coming back
Even though I've been with someone else I'll never forget
All those memories of when I kissed you
My bed smells like you, your smell won't go away
Tell me, baby, if you're coming back
Even though I was with someone else I'll never forget
All those memories of when I kissed you
And give it to him with no clothes on, take it off
You got an *ss like JLo
You say 'no' to those who throw you down
Cause you know there's no other like me
Come on, mommy, come do it to me nicely and smooth
Move your booty like only you know how
Get on top, let's go together in my ship
Let the time don't end it
Since then, now I've got her in every pose
If you're with your friends you don't know me
But you know you're mine because
My bed smells like you, your smell won't go away
Tell me, baby, if you're coming back
Even though I've been with someone else I'll never forget
All those memories of when I kissed you
My bed smells like you, your smell won't go away
Tell me, baby, if you're coming back
Even though I was with someone else I'll never forget
All those memories of when I kissed you
Oh, ma', lookin' at you, and you're lookin' for me
Don't pay attention to everything they tell you
If you know that I'm crazy to have you
Baby, give it to me and drink two or three
Every time we see each other my tongue brushes your skin
And tell him, tell him that they can't see
The little things we do when they can't see us
Come on, mommy, come do it to me nicely and smooth
Move your booty like only you know how
Get on top, let's go together in my ship
Let the time don't end it
Since then, now I've got her in every pose
If you're with your friends you don't know me
But you know you're mine because
My bed smells like you, your smell won't go away
Tell me, baby, if you're coming back
Even though I've been with someone else I'll never forget
All those memories of when I kissed you
My bed smells like you, your smell won't go away
Tell me, baby, if you're coming back
Even though I was with someone else I'll never forget
All those memories of when I kissed you
Robledo, woh-woh-woh-woh-woh
Outer Space

Next time I will block the pillbox

Who blocked the enemy's pillbox spouting fire?
They were youths who had many dreams.
I, too, am a youth of this land,
I, too, am a son of the Motherland,
Next time, next time,
I, I will block the pillbox.
Youth that burned with seething hope
Glorified in a moment the life of heroes.
I, too, am a youth of this land,
I, too, am a son of the Motherland,
Next time, next time,
I, I will block the pillbox.
Those who gave their heart for the Motherland,
Those youths' life will be eternal.
I, too, am a youth of this land,
I, too, am a son of the Motherland,
Next time, next time,
I, I will block the pillbox.

Song of the Moscow children about Stalin

You live, beloved Stalin,
In our dear city.
It is good that we and you
Live in this city!
The same happy sun
That wakes us up every morning
Also looks into your window
At that same early hour.
We walk, we play
In the garden at Moskva river
And over the clear water
We see the tower and the star.
Maybe, in the high Kremlin
You hear how we sing...
It is good that we and you
Live in our city!

To the partisan martyrs

O days of war, of flames and fire
I often recall and revisit you again
Through songs we challenged the barbaric foe
The song was the bullet and the attack itself
Rocks and difficulties affronted day and night
But we never stopped our fiery song.
- Chorus 2x
Now sound out you partisan songs
I remember and sing you again
Oh songs, put together amidst battles, storms
About comrades who fell for honor, freedom.


If I had known when I saw you,
that you wouldn't be coming until this evening
I would've been buried in your chest
So tightly as if it were the last time
Maybe it seems cliched but your absence is gently killing me
I still have so many things to say to you,
but all the words hurt
You awoke in me an unnatural thing
If I see you in ten intense shades
and I want you
Set me free from the earth,
and lift me up off the ground with your lips,
when you see me trembling
and you see that I'm not able to
Set me free from the earth,
and lift me up off the ground with your lips,
when you see me trembling
and you see that I'm not able to
Lift me up off the ground with your lips
Tell me that I will always remain
in your memories
So my steps, deep in the sand
looking for you really
and it's destroying me to know that you are everything to me
The Sun and the Moon
There is nothing in this world more lovely
than us together
You awoke in me an unnatural thing
If I see you in ten intense shades
and I want you
Set me free from the earth,
and lift me up off the ground with your lips,
when you see me trembling
and you see that I'm not able to
Set me free from the earth,
and lift me up off the ground with your lips,
when you see me trembling
and you see that I'm not able to
Lift me up off the ground with your lips
Set me free from the earth,
Set me free from the earth,
and lift me up off the ground with your lips,

The Books of the Good Memory

The wine warms,
dreams as it gasps...
from it's mouth,
a greenish sweetness...
and between the books,
of the good memory,
he keeps listening,
like a blind man in front of a sea...
My voice will come to you,
my mouth as well...
maybe I'll trust it,
that you were a vestige of the future.
Red and green,
lights of love.. conjure,
under a red halo...
what strange shadow,
you hid from my sight...
that you never heard,
the crunch of leaves...
Well then I'll write to you,
I will make you cry...
my mouth will kiss you,
and all the tenderness of your aquarium...
More if the moon,
reddened in thirst...
or the impalas,
ran across your pond...
you wouldn't come,
to win in your soul...
I know you would take,
a long way to get there...
I'm still here, waiting for you...
everything is dark,
I don't know if the sea will rest...
A stem will have grown on the walnut tree...
the light will have marked people without faith...
and this bottle,
has been emptied as well...
that not even dreams,
can hide from rumors...
Liquor don't come back now,
stop laughing...
it's not needed anymore,
you can already see the tigers in the rain...

Nocturnal, Camden Lock

Sometimes the wind brings me
The notes of a flute or the scent of rain
And I dream to have you by my side
But I know that the ocean is keeping us apart.
I want to stay sat here for a while
To finish my glass
And to look at the boats, asleep
On the waters of the Regent's Canal
From here you can't hear the traffic
moving through the Camden High Street
Only the wind (that) brings me the voices of the men
Returning from the last pub.
The silence puts the city to sleep
And it cradles itself under the moon
It closes the eyes of the vagabonds
In their sleeping bags
Sheltered by Waterloo Bridge
It eases the sleep of the immigrants
With their unpacked luggages
In the dream it brings them back
There where their heart is
Among the streets of Dehli or Tralee
And I too send you a thought
And a wish of a good night sleep
But I wish that you could sit by my side
On the jetty of the Regent's Canal
I drink the last sip and go back
to the room that I've been calling home for a while
And I tread softly not to disturb
The city that keeps sleeping
The shops and the banks closed
The Northern Line silent and deserted
The whores at King's Cross
Finally without make-up
To enjoy the quiet
And I too fall asleep more calm
And I hope I will find you in my dreams
And that we'll walk hand in hand in the sun
On the rivers of the Regent's Canal

Hanoi Café

Meeting in dreams
Hanoi Café
There where the sun rises
And the wind draws your face
Meeting in dreams
Hanoi Café
There where the path ends
And the children draw mirages
Meeting in dreams
Hanoi Café
There where the sun rises
And the wind draws your face
Meeting in dreams
Hanoi Café
There where the path ends
And the children draw mirages
The children draw your face for me
The children draw your face for me
The children draw your face for me
Meeting in dreams
Hanoi Café
There where the sun rises
And the wind draws your face
Meeting in dreams
Hanoi Café
There where the path ends
And the children draw mirages


Riding the sky-coloured grey, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj This bold fellow that prances, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj This wild fellow that thrusts to man, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj Its buck-headed stirrup, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj
What to do about me and him, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj One cannot change, cannot replace him, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj But if it is the flint and knife, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj Those one could change and replace, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj
What to do about me and you, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj One cannot replace, cannot repair you, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj But if it is the buck-skin blanket, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj That one could replace and repair, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj
Riding the sky-coloured grey, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj This bold fellow that prances, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj This wild fellow that thrusts to man, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj Its buck-headed stirrup, oh dyŋgyl, dyŋgyldaj

Linda, frumoasa Linda

Și pentru tine, prietene,
seara e tristă și pentru tine,
băiat singur, cu o față străină.
Îl privesc și apoi afișez un zâmbet,
aud un cuminte ”ce faci?”
Ce ciudată idee
îmi vine în seara asta.
Te duc sus, la mine acasă.
”Lasă-mă să pun un disc”.
Cu luminile stinse, noi împreună.
Linda, frumoasa Linda,
Linda, visează Linda,
Linda, desculță Linda,
Linda, iubește Linda.
Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda,
dansează Linda.
Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda
cântă Linda.
Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda
plânge Linda.
Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda
iubește Linda.
Compania, obișnuitul bar,
se face târziu, mai bine mergem.
Rămâne numai
acea față străină.
Caută o scuză,
vine lângă mine.
”Hai, frumoaso, ce facem?”
Ce ciudată idee
îți vine în seara asta.
Mă duci sus, la tine acasă.
Drept cine mă iei, prietene?
Cu luminile stinse împreună, niciodată.
Linda, frumoasa Linda,
Linda, visează Linda,
Linda, desculță Linda,
Linda, iubește Linda.
Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda
dansează Linda.
LInda, Linda, LInda, LInda
cântă Linda.
Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda
plânge Linda.
Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda
iubește Linda.
Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda
dansează Linda.
Linda, Linda, Linda, Linda
cântă Linda.
Linda, Linda, LInda, Linda
plânge Linda...

Russian Cyberfolk Song

UAVs are up in the sky, flying like rock doves
They are flying over the fields, oh on the skies afresh
Oh, the bird of iron as you are, will not get me anyway
You are flying endlessly over the land as you're a bird of no nest
A humanoid is sitting on the ground, with his head down
What is making you to yearn? Yeah, known reason - software update
You 're system of the rocket science! How's possible to handle you?
We know nothing about you... We don't mind, everything is fine with us...
This robotic bird tried to fly up, alas the blades were out of work
The battery ran out, the navigator not loading at all
UAVs are flying over in the sky, energized with electricity
They'll fly from us away one day, and no way for us to find them
UAVs are up in the sky, flying like rock doves
They are flying over the fields, oh on the skies afresh
Oh, the bird of iron as you are, will not get me anyway
You are flying endlessly over the land as you're a bird of no nest
You're hearing a bumble-bee like buzz
I'm hearing those radio noises...
We all know how almighty are those robots...
It's a pity that those robots are not us...

Dansând cu un înger

Dansând cu un înger
Dansând cu un înger
Dansând cu un înger
Iubito, aveam nevoie să-mi fii aproape
Pentru doar încă o zi.
E un motiv neștiut de mine
Pentru care ai fugit?
(Destinul iubirii)
Nu pot să fac nimic
Ca să te-ntorc din drum?
Nu e iubire atunci când vrei pe cineva lângă tine?
Nu poți rămâne?
Dansând cu un înger...
Stând lângă mine, vorbind cu mine,
Dansând cu un înger.
Stând lângă mine, vorbind cu mine,
Dansând cu un înger.
Stând lângă mine, vorbind cu mine,
Dansând cu un înger.
Și aud acest glas în mine:
Dansând cu un înger.
Nu, nu
Dansând cu un înger
Wow oh!
Scumpo, te iubesc, dar nu te pot urma,
Așa că pleci.
Pot să vorbesc într-un fel cu tine?
Multe trebuie să-ți spun.
(Destinul iubirii)
Nu te voi uita vreodată,
Acum pare a fi ziua de ieri,
Și îmi va lua mult timp
Să-mi schimb modul de viață.
Oh nana yeah, oh nana yeah, oh nana yeah (x4)

Second Legend*

When the lantern lights
Turns off among plane trees,
Your past, my city,
Is depicted in front of my eyes.
Is it fairy tale or actuality,
Who knows who invented this story -
There is another legend,
...Why you were named Tbilisi. x2
Plains are full of green,
Mountains are covered with snow,
Warm people and the warm Sun -
This is our country.
Therefore they say that this is
Why you were named Tbilisi.**
Is it fairy tale or actuality,
...Who knows who invented this story x2