Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 11

Număr de rezultate: 610


Two Hearts, Four Eyes

These two hearts and these four eyes
Which were crying both days and nights
You, black eyes, which shed tears and weep you could not in a lifetime meet
You could not in a lifetime meet
I was forbidden by my mum
Never to fall for the boy's charm
Elders about love have got, youth is forbidden to love
Youth is forbidden to love
When the boy, oh, dear God, unflawed
Who in the world would be so strong
A heart would be made out of stone, one which did not adore the boy
One which did not adore the boy
I was forbidden by my mum
Never to fall for the boy's charm
But I grab the boy by his neck and will love him unless I'm wrecked
And will love him unless I'm wrecked


Timpul nu-nseamnă nimic aici,
Lăsăm trecutul, viitorul dispare
înlăuntrul acestei clipe.
Trăim și respirăm ca o singură ființă,
Nimic nu poate deveni ceva,
Ceva nu poate ajunge nimic.
Noi suntem...
Un cer plin de curcubeie, aurore polare,
Cozi ale sateliților în cădere.
Ca focul de artificii pătrunzi,
Dragostea pe care-o simt, o simți și tu.
Uită de lume, hai să stăm înăuntru,
Știu locul perfect unde să ne ascundem,
Doar eu și cu tine...
În această bulă făcută pentru doi.
Prinși într-un unghi mort,
Noi avem ochi doar unul pentru celălalt.
E un soi de nebunie, știu,
Dar așa simt.
Nimic nu poate deveni ceva,
Ceva nu poate ajunge nimic.
Noi suntem...
Un cer plin de curcubeie, aurore polare,
Cozi ale sateliților în cădere.
Ca focul de artificii pătrunzi,
Dragostea pe care-o simt, o simți și tu.
Uită de lume, hai să stăm înăuntru,
Știu locul perfect unde să ne ascundem,
Doar eu și cu tine...
În această bulă făcută pentru doi.
Lacrimile din ochii tăi
Se multiplică, devin un râu în mine.
Un cer plin de curcubeie, aurore polare,
Cozi ale sateliților în cădere.
Ca focul de artificii pătrunzi,
Dragostea pe care-o simt, o simți și tu.
Uită de lume, hai să stăm înăuntru,
Știu locul perfect unde să ne ascundem,
Doar eu și cu tine...
În această bulă făcută pentru doi.
În această bulă făcută pentru doi.

Trăiască dansul pasodoble(1)

Aur, argint, umbră și soare,
mulțimea și aclamațiile.
Trei montera(2), trei cape
în arenă!
Și o trompetă care sfâșie vântul
anunțând un taur negru
care e înspăimântător la înfățișare.
Chicuelina(3) de-adevăratelea,
trei mișcări veronica(4), de neegalat
și călare, cu noblețe,
luptă picadorul.
... Și muzica ce cântă
când taurul și muleta(5)
merg la unison.
Trăiască dansul pasodoble
care face tragedia veselă

Rămâi cu bine, dragul meu oraș!

Rămâi cu bine, dragul meu oraș,
Ce arzi ca o stea din depărtare!
Mângâiat de vânt și de mare
Și de soarele dogoritor din stepe!
Nu știu de voi mai apuca cândva
Să mă reazăm de pereții tăi albi?
Și să privesc cu sufletul zbuciumat
Icoanele frumoase din biserici?
Cu gândul m-am dus înapoi,
Amintindu-mi de pașii înceți,
Ceața stacojie a asfințitului
Mistuind ruinele îndepărtate.
Acolo unde pescărușii zburau strigând,
Macul roșu arzând ca pătat de sânge...
Și vântul prielnic și vioi
Îmi saluta orice pas!
Încă mai rămâne puțin de așteptat
Ca trenul să plece de pe peron!
Și sufletul meu va fi destrămat
De un claxon de adio ca de un ac!
Toată viața voi râvni să ajung aici,
O fi sortit să ne mai întâlnim o dată!
Pierzându-mi nădejdea și tot încercând
Să fiu vrednică de acest loc...

The daisy and the cornflower

I am going to tell you the story
Of a little cornflower's great love
And of a gentle daisy
As flirtatious and pretty as possible.
She was tucking in her collar
When he ogled her,
She blushed like a little girl
When he said to her 'My love'
Oh my little daisy
I will love you forever and ever.
She whispered back:
'I will love you forever and ever'.
~ ~
But all that love didn't last
A kid who was walking by
Plucked the beauty out of the cornflower
For the little flower who was following him.
She tore off the petals
Then tossed her aside without her clothes
And the little daisy
Died of shame, oh what a life!
The little cornflower cried next to her
While letting himself die of love
His last words were just for her
'I will love you forever and ever
I will love you forever and ever
I will love you forever and ever'.

I bless you

I'm wondering tonight, if I forget you
My eyes would have no meaning
That's why stay by my side
I don't forget that you cried on a night when you stumbled
Don't stain yourself in the battlefield of days
I always think of you, I bless you
The powdered snow is piling up in my eyelashes
You light melts it
It's dazzling
A thought about you born in a wink
I send it to your window riding on the moon
Tonight I think of you, I bless you
I'll be missing you tonight
Soon a new season will come wrapping the city
Even if time passes and I die
I'll keep thinking of you, I bless you


Thinly intertwined people
A player you caught with both eyes
In a threadlike line of emotion
You're standing on multiple rows.
Clear vibration
I'm getting a little tremor.
Boldly crossing the line
I want to know you more.
First, get interested in me.
I'll sneak you in, too.
And then I'll paralyze my judgment.
Whisper it low and lure it in.
So as not to get wet by the sticky consistency
I control the sweetness.
Suddenly, the reason is entangled
You can't move.
Drawn into a deep instinct
I don't want to escape.
A heart spreading like a seeping poison
You fill me up.
You know, when I look around, it feels like it's tightening,
You won't be able to walk away easily.
With five keen senses
Now you're detecting me.
Growing wave
He's not a light-hearted man.
Shattered silence
Actually, I think he wanted this.
And then I'm going to explode.
The fantasy you've been drawing is in your arms.
At the last minute, at the critical moment,
Take aim at the free heart.
So as not to get wet by the sticky concentration
I control the sweetness.
Suddenly, the reason is entangled
You can't move.
Drawn into a deep instinct
I don't want to escape.
A heart spreading like a seeping poison
You fill me up.
at the touch of one's hand
Your warmth spreads.
It's no longer casual
I think it will be difficult.
Shake you up
Burn the child.
I paint it full of my own color
beyond one's ability
with all one's might
Wake you up with a strange sense
The novelty will be sweet.
A narrow mind in its stride.
You want more of me.
A heart spreading like a seeping poison
Fill each other up.
Draw deeper
Slowly lure


Clad in lace finery
the noblest Isabelle
went across the forest.
A skinny wolf shows up
and pounces upon her.
'Stop this instant, you fool!'
demands our Lady Isabelle.
'A princess I am, and pretty.
The greatest knights
all bow at my feet.'
'Enough with the poppycock'
retorts the wolf, shaken.
'Could you possibly fail
to know you can't reason
with a starving wolf?'
'A handsome wolf you are,
and can be reasoned with!1.
And in the name of The Queen
I hereby knight thee'
Poor wolf! He believes her!
No sooner out of the wood
than he was cut to pieces.
Loving a king's daughter...
Better eat her, really.
  • 1. the French idiom says 'a hungry belly has no ears'. Here 'belly' is replaced with 'wolf', and the princess answers 'you do have ears, and they're quite handsome' :)

Captain Beto’s Ring

There goes Captain Beto
through space...
with his fiber ship,
made in Haedo.
Yesterday a bus driver,
today master among the masters,
of the air...
It’s already been 15 years,
on his voyage...
his equipment is as precarious,
as his fate...
However a strange ring,
drives off his dangers,
in the cosmos...
There goes Captain Beto,
through space...
a photo of Carlos
on the display...
and a River Plate pennant
and the sad little stamp of a saint...
Where is it, the place,
that everyone calls heaven?
If nobody comes here,
to prime me with some bitters,
like in my old threshold...
Why will I have come this far?
If I cant stand anymore solitude...
I cant stand any more solitude now...
His ring protects him
from the dangers...
But it doesn’t protect
against the sadness...
Sailing through the galaxy of man.
There goes Captain Beto,
the wanderer...
Where will there be,
a city,
in which some whistles a tango?
Where are they?
Where are they,
the garbage trucks,
my old woman and coffee?
If it continues on like this...
Not a sad shadow will remain...
Not even a sad shadow will remain...
There goes Captain Beto,
through space...
watering the geraniums in his cabin...
without compass and without radio,
he will never return to the Earth...
It took them many years,
until they found it...
Captain Beto’s ring carried the inscription,
of the sign of the soul.

Let Me Bleed

Let me bleed, watch me die
I got golden teeth, she got bright green eyes
She's my fantasy, she only comes at night
She don't know 'bout me, what goes on inside
I'll let you feel my pain if you would get me high
Had to make my name, I had to break my spine
Now I'm on my way, I'm just lookin' for pain
Bitches fuck me the same, it don't matter the place, okay
I just wanna die by my momma side
Tell her that I love her while my brother cry
I don't got the time for no compromise
Bitch, I need it all, I'ma make it mine
Let me bleed, watch me die
I got golden teeth, she got bright green eyes
She's my fantasy, she only comes at night
She don't know 'bout me, what goes on inside
I'll let you feel my pain if you would get me high
Had to make my name, I had to break my spine
Now I'm on my way, I'm just lookin' for pain
Bitches fuck me the same, it don't matter the place, okay
I just wanna die by my momma side
Tell her that I love her while my brother cry
I don't got the time for no compromise
Bitch, I need it all, I'ma make it mine
Let me bleed, watch me die
I got golden teeth, she got bright green eyes
She's my fantasy, she only comes at night
She don't know 'bout me, what goes on inside
I'll let you feel my pain if you would get me high
Had to make my name, I had to break my spine
Now I'm on my way, I'm just lookin' for pain
Bitches fuck me the same, it don't matter the place, okay

We shall sleep together

Whether it be Sunday Monday
Evening ,morning, midnight, midday
Whether it be in hell, in paradise,
Love-affairs look like each other.
I said to you just Yesterday:
We shall sleep together .
'twas Yesterday, it's tomorrow
You are the only path I know.
Between your hands, I've put my Heart,
With yours, look how it goes ambling!
For its human Time remaining,
We shall sleep together.
My love, what was, has been, shall be.
The Sky feels on us like a sheet,
Around you, I have clasped my arms.
I love you so that I tremble.
And as long as you want,
We shall sleep together.

What is left

Green is what is left
When the sun shines on the meadow
Red, blue, black, green, yellow is what is left
When the blood is gone under the skin
Red, blue, black, green, yellow is what is left
When the sun shines on the meadow
Red is what is left
When she cuts into her arm
And in the end it's white lines that are left
A stairway to heaven without a cross
Red, blue, black, green, yellow is what is left
When the sun shines on the meadow
Look how the maggots are crawling in the soil
And noone can take them away
And if they are not eaten by the birds
They wake up and they're a fly
Sleeping through metamorphosis, waking up
From the eternal dying and living
It's happening everywhere, it's happening slowly and fast
And we're are somewhere in the middle of it
Do you hear them laughing, the maggots in the soil?
They are crawling into your life
They are laughing and laughing, so fat and rosy
We need a lot of gasoline now
Your fire is holy, your fire is cleansing
They are shouting: 'Don't do this to us!'
But now it's too late, because the meadow is mowed
And everything is burning bright
Black is what is left
When the sun shines in my eyes
And the iris has the highest joy
When the sun shines in my eyes
Red, blue, black, green, yellow is what is left
When the sun shines on the meadow
Your father is a dirty pig, your mother is a snake
Your brothers should beat you to death
Your sister is a whore, you shouldn't dawdle there
You have to kick her out now
Your fire is holy, your fire is cleansing
They are shouting: 'Don't do this to us!'
But now it's too late, because the meadow is mowed
And everything is burning bright
Look how it's burning
Look how she's running
You are scared by a frog in the woods
It is slimy, it is cold
It's not slimy, but it's cold
Just like your father, so don't act like that
Just like your mother with her nasty food
There should be meat on the table every day
And fish on fridays
Red is what is left
When you're skinning everyone
And suddenly we're all the same
When the sun shines on the meadow

God of the Impossible

Jesus Christ!
you reign with power
victorious king
Not even death
could stop
Your power to conquer
God of the impossible
we worship you!
You're invincible
All of the glory is Yours
All of the honor is Yours
Jesus Christ!
you reign with power
victorious king
Not even death
could stop
Your power to conquer
God of the impossible
we worship you!
You're invincible
All of the glory is Yours
All of the honor is Yours
All of the glory is Yours
All of the honor is Yours
God of the impossible
we worship you!
You're invincible
All of the glory is Yours
All of the honor is Yours
God of the impossible
we worship you!
You're invincible
All of the glory is Yours
All of the honor is Yours
All of the glory is Yours
All of the honor is Yours


I turn off the lights, my thoughts sink
A warped blood relationship that deforms love
-The fact-
I can't remember your smile
Yeah, I can't hear a thing
Cold wind scrapes against the window
The nadir of my conscious bursts with idealism
I don't need words anymore
The 'truth' is unbearable
I tear out my throat
Leaving no residue
All that's left is my eyes crazy with despair
I don't need words anymore
The 'truth' is unbearable
Tearing out my throat
I saw in the darkness of isolation
Dangling love and hatred
Looking Death in the eyes, I brush against 'the end'
My eyes go mad from the despair of abandonment

Let's talk about love

Let's talk about love
About the sun on your back
About the dream that takes time to release the morning
To be your alarm clock
Let's talk about love
About the kiss on the forehead that invites happiness
And warns that everything
Is under control
From loneliness, the cure
will be moon craters
where the impossible nests
the solution
You were always stronger than me
Instead I am invincible
If the curtain goes down, we both stay
That the spent light bulb can be my galaxy
If it paints the profile of your crossed legs
To laugh for a while
Even if the world leaps, be the only pact
Let's talk about love
Talking about loving, breaking a deal
let's see who can beat us with the advantage
of so much gambling
talking about loving
loving without speaking is sometimes clearer
so many words can be superfluous
From loneliness, the cure
will be moon craters
where the impossible nests
the solution
You were always stronger than me
Instead I am invincible
If the curtain goes down, we both stay
That the spent light bulb can be my galaxy
If it paints the profile of your crossed legs
To laugh for a while
Even if the world leaps, be the only pact
Let's talk about love
To laugh for a while
Even if the world leaps, be the only pact
Let's talk about love

Hollywood Sângerează

Hollywood sângerează, vampirii se hrănesc, întunericul se transformă în praf
Toată lumea s-a dus, dar nimeni nu pleacă, n-am mai rămas decât noi
Încerc să urmez un sentiment, dar nu-l simt, ne urcăm în ultimul tren spre casă
Murind în somn, ne trăim visul, reușim doar de unii singuri
Tot sper că mă vei suna
Spui că vrei să ne întâlnim, dar nu poți chiar acum
Nu ți-ai făcut niciodată timp să mă cunoști
Mi-era frică să pierd ceva ce nu am găsit oricum
Rămânem fără motive, dar nu putem renunța
Da, Hollywood sângerează, dar noi spunem că-i a noastră casă
Afară, cerul iernii devine gri
Orașul e fum, doar cenușă când plouă
Urli la lună și ziua te duci la culcare
Iubesc pe toată lumea până se termină drogurile
Dimineața, blocăm soarele cu draperiile
Ea trebuie să-și verifice pulsul și să-și spună că e bine
Pare-se că să mori tânăr e o onoare
Dar cine ar veni la înmormântarea mea? Mă întreb...
Ies afară, toți ochii pe mine
Strig tare, îți place ce vezi?
Hey acum, mă îngrădesc
Lasă-i să-și ascută dinții
E mai mult decât pot suporta
Sânge în limuzina mea
Îmi doresc să pot pleca, îmi pierd speranța
Aprind o candelă, ceva Palo Santo
Pentru toți acești demoni, aș vrea să merg mai departe
Tot sper că mă vei suna
Spui că vrei să ne întâlnim, dar nu poți chiar acum
Nu ți-ai făcut niciodată timp să mă cunoști
Mi-era frică să pierd ceva ce nu am găsit oricum
Rămânem fără motive, dar nu putem renunța
Da, Hollywood sângerează, dar noi spunem că-i a noastră casă

Let me be

Cool night of silk calls along
It's allowed to hurt only for a moment
Yet your breath's touch
White as wings, noble
And it fades away from me, pity...
Outside of what was, outside of what will be
Outside this time - alone not lost
Outside of what hurts, outside what vanishes
Let me be alone, let me be...
What is made up? What is real?
The voice of blood is silent, doesn't recognize...
You are like a flower of paradise
You don't fit here
No! Don't search anymore!
Outside of what was, outside of what will be
Outside this time - alone not lost
Outside of what hurts, outside what vanishes
Let me be alone, let me always be
Outside of what was, outside of what will be
Outside this time - alone not lost
Outside of what hurts, outside what vanishes
Let me be alone, let me be...

Îmbrăţişabila de tine

tu, îmbrăţişabila mea dulce
tu, cea de neînlocuit
Uită-te la tine
Inima mea se-mbată
tu şi doar tu
scoţi ţiganul din mine...
Iubesc totul
Farmecele tale
Mai presus de tot, vreau braţele mele în jurul tău
Nu fi obraznică, obraznică mică
Vino la mama, vino la mala,
tu, îmbrăţişabila mea dulce
Iubesc totul
Farmecele tale
Mai presus de tot, vreau braţele mele în jurul tău
Nu fi obraznică, obraznică mică
Vino la mama, vino la mala,
tu, îmbrăţişabila mea dulce

Îmbrăţişabila de tine

tu, îmbrăţişabila mea dulce
tu, cea de neînlocuit
Uită-te la tine
Inima mea se-mbată
tu şi doar tu
scoţi ţiganul din mine...
Iubesc totul
Farmecele tale
Mai presus de tot, vreau braţele mele în jurul tău
Nu fi obraznică, obraznică mică
Vino la mama, vino la mala,
tu, îmbrăţişabila mea dulce
Iubesc totul
Farmecele tale
Mai presus de tot, vreau braţele mele în jurul tău
Nu fi obraznică, obraznică mică
Vino la mama, vino la mala,
tu, îmbrăţişabila mea dulce

It goes on and on

It was late Monday night that I saw the footage
From a man whose future was very uncertain
Another negative thing, another life full of sadness
Tuesday morning the newspaper full news, a big story
Someone missing, mutilated, murdered, another big scandal
Another negative thing, more lives full of sadness
It goes on and on, it goes on and on
So tell me where this is going?
It goes on, it goes on
Fate that strikes again
Where is that force that take away all worries everyone is waiting for?
Will there ever be a world without pain?
It goes on and on
It goes on and on
Tuesday afternoon the radio is on and I hear again
War, disasters, confrontations and so much more
It will always be there, the fear, the injustice and danger
I've had my share of heavy news for this week
I am more than tired of dishonesty in the world
It goes on, it goes on
So tell me where this is going?
It goes on, it goes on
Fate that strikes again
Where is that force people are waiting for that will take away all worries?
Will there ever be a world without pain?
It goes on and on
There is one thing I know for sure
That's all that is uncertain
Life is so bitterly sweet
I don't know what to do with it
It goes on, it goes on
So tell me where this is going
It goes on and on, it goes on and on
Fate that strikes again
Where is that force everyone is waiting for that will take away all worries?
(It just goes on) It just goes on
(It just goes on) It just goes on
(It just goes on) It just goes on
(It just goes on) It just goes on
It goes on, it goes on
So tell me where this is going
It goes on, it goes on
Fate that strikes again
Where is that force one is waiting for that will take away all worries?
Will there ever be a world without pain?
Will there ever be a world without pain?

Don't beat around the bush

A creaky bed in an old hotel
The wall is yellowing, the sunlight bright
It looks like I've lived here for years
I think about you and pick up the phone
I hear you're already awake
And that you are shocked when you recognize my voice
So don't beat around the bush
That I'm more to you than just a friend
Don't beat around the bush
Why are you so vague that feeling in your stomach
Do you have in common with me, don't beat around the bush
I can hear you halfway, the line is bad
I listen intently what you say
You say a lot less than I hoped
Do not be afraid that you will be blown away
The time has come for an honest conversation
Don't hang up, or I'll go crazy
So don't beat around the bush
That I'm more to you than just a friend
Don't beat around the bush
Why are you so vague, that feeling in your stomach
Do you have in common with me, don't beat around the bush
Stop playing a game now
It's not for nothing that I call
Just tell me what you feel
Don't beat around the bush
That I'm more to you than just a friend
Don't beat around the bush
Why are you so vague, that feeling in your stomach
Do you have in common with me, don't beat around the bush
Don't beat around the bush

Then I am yours

I am not afraid to commit
I am relaxed, I feel cool
It doesn't matter what others think
As long as I know what I'm talking about
I know that I am very selective
So don't just walk up to you and
You will have to fight for my heart
Then I am yours
If you give me love and strength
If you wait patiently for me
If you smile at me forever
Then I am yours
If you show that you know me
And go for me one hundred percent
If you're always there for me
Then I am yours
There is so much I want to share
Everything mine is yours too
I don't care about rich or poor
It's my feeling that I trust
I am willing to invest
But then you also have to perform
And show that I am your everything
Then I am yours
If you give me love and strength
If you wait patiently for me
If you smile at me forever
Then I am yours
If you show that you know me
And goes for me one hundred percent
If you are always there for me
Then I am yours
I can give you the whole world
You don't want to know what you are going to experience
Do you still have so many questions
Let me be the answer
With me you will never lose
As long as you dare to choose me
Take your chance for an adventure with me
Then I am yours
If you give me love and strength
If you wait for me patiently
If you smile at me forever
Then I am yours
If you show that you know me
And choose for me one hundred percent
If you're always there for me
Then I am yours
If you give me love and strength
If you wait for me patiently
If you smile at me forever
Then I am yours
If you show that you know me
And for me it goes one hundred percent
If you are always there for me
Then I am yours

Need somebody

You see through me with your eyes
Like everyone else on the hunt
You are hungry and everything you want
Is someone to quiet him tonight
You are lonely, loveless lust
Doesn't give you rest either
You feel that there is more than cold volatility
You want tenderness tonight
Oh, you need someone, you need someone
Because you are tired of the silence
You need someone, just need someone
And I am ready for it too
See the stars in the sky
And the moon that smiles at us
Feel how ardently I long for you
Do not be afraid of this night
Oh, you need someone, you need someone
Because you are tired of the silence
You need someone, just need someone
And I am ready for it too
Need someone
Need someone
Need someone
Need someone
Need someone
Need someone
Need someone

One time more than you

One time more than you I got up after falling
With each time my heart locked a little more
Dreamed so often that time would heal my wounds
But now it suddenly appears that you have been doing that for a long time
If there was a sentence telling
How your voice lights up my day
If there was a song that sang
How I see you with eyes closed
If there was a dance that depict
That you are the world to me
Then I said, I sang, I danced once more than you
Forever once more than you
Sometimes there is the fear that everything turns out to be an illusion
That one day someone else looks out of your eyes
But fear is something you get used to as long as you're here with me
And looks at me with looks that no other knows
If there was a sentence telling
How your voice lights up my day
If there was a song that sang
How I see you with eyes closed
If there was a dance that depict
That you are the world to me
Then I said, I sang, I danced once more than you
Forever, always one more time than you
Forever once more than you
If there was a sentence telling
How your voice lights up my day
Then I said, I sang, I danced once more than you
Forever once more than you

This is no longer possible

I know I still haven't explained it
But when I think about how you looked at me
Then I'm sorry for what I said
It hurts me to hurt you for so long
When I realize what I've been doing
Then I know that I have gone too far
This is no longer possible, this is no longer necessary
We have been together for so long and have been through so much
This is no longer possible, this is no longer allowed
We are too strong to not get through this
I know I still haven't explained it
But it is not so much focused on you
It's me I'm fighting with
Whenever I disappear in my words for you
Then I feel so insecure because the arguments turn out
To always be for nothing
This is no longer possible, this is no longer necessary
We have been together for so long and have been through so much
This is no longer possible, this is no longer allowed
We are too strong to not get through this
Therefore this can and should no longer continue like this
I cannot see the future
I don't know which way it will go
What it is will have to prove
Then look us where we are now
I thought I didn't want to continue
And yet I can't live without you
Because the arguments are so unnecessary
This cannot continue like this
This is no longer possible, this is no longer necessary
We have been together for so long and have been through so much
This is no longer possible, this is no longer allowed
We are too strong to not get through this
This is no longer possible, this is no longer necessary
We have been together for so long and have been through so much
This is no longer possible, this is no longer allowed
We are too strong to not get through this
Therefore this can and should no longer continue like this

Unseasonable shore

A road along a desert beach
Let the cars run
Though the cold sea breeze hits me
My tears running down my cheeks won't dry
That summer on this hill road
A car started to go down
I was standing showing my courage
And you were across my back
You and I ran past
On a beach like this
Though it hurts me, our love
Seems to fade in the waves
Sadness, memories and tears leave
Unseasonable shore
How many summer memories
Will sleep in this coast?
With innocent and dazzling eyes
You were telling me your dreams
Someday I'll take you
To the other side of the horizon
The setting sun melts in the waves
Like our stage
Happiness and memories sink in the waves
Unseasonable shore
Why the sea brings so many memories?
Why people come to leave sadness?
Now, riding on the wind
I flap my wings to the sky
Like the gulls that beckon
Opening their wings
Sadness, memories and tears remain here
Unseasonable shore

Rocket to the moon

Away from here
If I had wings, than I would fly so far from here
To a place where I am heard
Moongodess, I am coming to you
If there is anybody who will tell how
A rocket can go to you
For family there is nothing that is too much for me
I prove that true love exists voor him and her too
Love is for life and till eternity
It is time
Lanterns are flying through the air
So I am taking flight too
Astronauts are floating through nothingness
To new territory
Puzzelpieces are falling into place
Using hope and imagination
Take a look at this
Nothing will stop me if I see this like this
Start the launch, I will count to three soon
We are going to Chang'e, that's my strategy
Here we go, Melgie
Away from here
Chang'e I am flying to you so far from here
Papa I really know what I am doing
Gravity has no power at all
But a rocket has, like me, one goal
Chang'e I am coming to you

Visează posibil

Versions: #1
Fug, mă cațăr, escaladez
Sunt de neînvins
Ies din mine, trag cortina
Da eu cred
Trecutul e ceea ce am fost
Nu ceea ce suntem
Așa că o să visez, până când visul devine real
Și tot ce văd sunt stele
Până nu cazi, nu înveți să zbori
Când visul devine real, devi de neoprit
Încearcă, urmărește soarele
Găsește frumosul
Va străluci în întuneric
Transformând praful in aur
Și vom visa posibilul
Posibil..vom visa posibil
Voi urmări, voi găsi, voi zbura
Până mă voi răni
Afară din cușcă, pasăre in noapte
Știu că na schimb
Mai bine decât înainte
Și chiar dacă ar dura o mie de ani
Merită să aștept
Până nu cazi, nu înveți să zbori
Când visul devine real, devi de neoprit
Încearcă, urmărește soarele
Găsește frumosul
Va străluci în întuneric
Transformând praful in aur
Și vom visa posibilul
Posibil..vom visa posibil
De jos până sus
Strălucim in focul sălbatic
Nu renunțăm, nu ne oprim, niciodată
De jos până sus
Strălucim in focul sălbatic
Nu renunțăm, nu ne oprim, niciodată
Până nu cazi, nu înveți să zbori
Când visul devine real, devi de neoprit
Încearcă, urmărește soarele
Găsește frumosul
Va străluci în întuneric
Transformând praful in aur
Și vom visa posibilul
Posibil..vom visa posibil


Am respirat, i-am dat drumul
Am simțit momentul așezat așa
Eu abia așteptam să-ți spun de ce
Stau aici cu acest zâmbet incomod
Și asta pentru că
M-aș putea îneca în cineva ca tine
Aș putea să mă scufund atât de adânc încât să nu ies niciodată
Am crezut că este imposibil
Dar tu o faci posibilă
Iubirea, înțeapă și apoi râde
La fiecare bătaie a inimii mele bătute
Zgomotul brusc, un sărut tandru
Știu că voi muri de asta
Și asta pentru că
M-aș putea îneca în cineva ca tine
Aș putea să mă scufund atât de adânc încât să nu ies niciodată
Am crezut că este imposibil
Dar tu o faci posibilă
Voi lua linia cu aspra
Mă simt atât de aiurea să fiu îndrăgostit
O altă zi, o altă noapte
Blocat în propriul meu cap, dar tu mă tragi afară
Mă tragi afară
M-aș putea îneca în cineva ca tine
Aș putea să mă scufund atât de adânc încât să nu ies niciodată
Am crezut că este imposibil
Dar tu o faci posibilă
Mi-a spus cineva și cred că avea dreptate
În această seară se întâmplă o schimbare
Și simt că este așa
Dar mă tem însă
Mi-a spus cineva și cred că avea dreptate
În această seară se întâmplă o schimbare
Și simt că este așa
Și simt că este așa
M-aș putea îneca în cineva ca tine
Aș putea să mă scufund atât de adânc încât să nu ies niciodată
Am crezut că este imposibil
Dar tu o faci posibilă


Well.. whoever loves and leaves,
Whoever loves and leaves,
May God punish them !
May God punish them :
The creep of the snake
And the walk of the bug,
The roar of the wind,
The dust of the earth
The dust of the earth.
See the ant is just an ant,
With big body, small head,
And in the middle so thin
Though it walks under the ground,
Still it keeps its word.
Still it keeps its word.
Alas, but we, baptized people,
But we, baptized people,
We have strayed from the faith.
We have strayed from the faith.
Whoever loves and leaves,
May God punish them !
The creep of the snake
And the walk of the bug,
The roar of the wind,
The dust of the earth.

I Have A Hole In My Heart In Your Shape

I have a hole in my heart in your shape
I have a hole in my heart in your shape
there isn't room
there isn't space
i love you Baby B
without you
How much do i love him
because he is so perfect
a few days that i just laugh
i don't move from here
he is so sweet
I love you Baby B
you are always mine
who are you that you will not see?
i am yours, you are mine

Orice este posibil

Rămâi, te rog rămâi cu mine la noapte,
Și toate stelele de pe cer
Vor străluci puternic.
Oh, orice este posibil,
Știu asta, dacă rămâi.
Oh, te voi prinde dacă vei cădea, oh scumpo, scumpo.
Știu că doare, dar pe mine mă doare din ce în ce mai mult.
Îți aud inima, scumpo, mai tare ca înainte.
Și când plâng, plâng pentru tine,
Pentru că știu, tu ești aleasa.
Și când mor, mor pentru tine,
Pentru că știu, ți-e inima însingurată.
Oh, orice este posibil,
Știu asta, dacă rămâi.
Oh, te voi prinde dacă vei cădea, oh scumpo, scumpo.
Oh, orice este posibil,
Știu asta din adâncul inimii.
Voi încerca, oh, dacă mă suni.
Nu mă lăsa, fetițo, nu mă lăsa aici la noapte!
(Oh, sunt atât de singur)
Nu mă lăsa, fetițo, și tot sentimentul e în regulă
(Oh, tu ești aleasa)
Știu că te doare, tu ieși din visele mele.
Îmi vezi inima în flăcări, și acum pleci, se pare.
Inima mea în agonie plânge pentru tine,
Căci știu, tu ești aleasa mea.
Să nu ne despărțim, nu te pot lăsa să pleci,
Pentru că știu, mi-e inima însingurată.
Oh, orice este posibil,
Știu asta, dacă rămâi.
Oh, te voi prinde dacă vei cădea, oh scumpo, scumpo.
Oh, orice este posibil,
Știu asta din adâncul inimii.
Voi încerca, oh, dacă mă suni.
Nu mă lăsa, fetițo, nu mă lăsa aici la noapte!
(Oh, sunt atât de singur)
Nu mă lăsa, fetițo, și tot sentimentul e înregulă.
(Oh, tu ești aleasa)