Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 7

Număr de rezultate: 541


Decline of the West

The poet told me that April is the cruel month
Between two solstices, the tension became unbearable
I do not reflect anymore, I do not see, only remember
Old glory
Illustrious men faded, chewed-on laurel leaves, Ozymandyas
on sand, begging passers by to call him 'King of Kings'
But his kingdom is just a fistful of sand and in this fistful
I see terror. But I still greet him each morning as the sun slowly eats at him in the desert next to the El-Fayum oasis
Every night I dream of Sibyll
Every night I ask her 'Sibyll, what do you want?'
'I wish to die'.
'I wish to die'.
'I wish to die'.
'Sibyll, how do people die?'
And she answered:
I saw the Pieta and the Virgin looked at me with the eyes of a dead person.
She is caressing Jesus (she is not a mother
She is not a mother
She is a snake)
Enormous eyes, black lips. red nails and deep inside
Cruelty beyond understanding
The New Tyrrant on the virginal sheet
(she is not a mother
She is not a mother
She is a snake)
This Place is Terrible
This is how our world dies
This is how our world dies
This is how our world dies
Not with a Scream, but with a Sigh.

Love Letter

Your blue world spreads to my pure heart
Purple poems are written on my blush cheeks
Day by day, my heart is filled with you
I'll collect all the picturesque days, novel nights and give them to you
I'm going to write your name first in a letter that no one knows
Tell me what you want, I want to do everything for you
Tell me what you want, you're not a worthless at all
My pure world spreads to your blue heart
I'll write a sky blue poem like your transparent eyes
My whole heart is filled with you, only you're engraved in my heart
I'll collect all the picturesque days, novel nights and give them to you
I'm going to write your name first in a letter that no one knows
Tell me what you want, I want to do everything for you
Tell me what you want, you're not a worthless at all
A letter from my heart that I kept in the deepening time
I'll tell you now
Tell me what you want, I want to do everything for you
Tell me what you want, you're not a worthless at all
I'll collect all the picturesque days, novel nights and give them to you
I'm going to write your name first in a letter that no one knows

Precious Love (소중한 사랑)

Today too
You're smiling brightly at me again
Without even knowing
Shaking my heart
You're already inside of me
I'll call you on the street where the petals fall
And close my eyes under the warm sunlight
Will this heart be delivered to you?
Should I take a step closer and hand it over again?
Precious love that will never pass by
Let's be together forever
When the cold wind blows
I'll hug you warmly
I'll call you on the street where the petals fall
Following the starlight embroided in the night sky
Will this heart be delivered to you?
Should I take a step closer and hand it over again?
Precious love that will never pass by
Let's be together forever
After winter, when cherry blossoms leaves are scattered
I want to walk on the streets with you
This love that will never pass by
In this paintfull moment
I'll hold your hand
Just the two of us forever

Twelve Times a Year

Twelve times a year, frequently
She's writhing in pain
Biting her fingers in her bed
Stifling her cries
She's in pain
This pain, heavy and strong, holds her night and day
That's being a woman
Human being, with flesh and blood
It's beautiful
And yet it hurts
What is to be done
So that her shackles
Of this yoke she's under
Will be broken
Alone in her frost
She gets cold
Her bitter tears
Drops of saltwater
And run down her neck
Abhorred pain
When you are spinning
She's in pain
Her stomach is burning
A feverish volcano
Which screams in her place
Words, anxieties
While her lips are shut
But in her ember
She's in pain
Twelve times a year, frequently
She's writhing in pain
Biting her fingers in her bed
Stifling her cries
She's in pain


Burned. (8x)
Same ease do way, velve be end do rest but.
Further off, step too, seam to bend in use too.
Same ease do will, free cance do any else for.
Seem further than be, step will be cross dude.
Refrain: (2x)
Burned, come ease such with,
burned, eat do self being cross,
burned, power get seem to end,
burned, crease same.
Be insert that game, situation come do any.
Get high do any op, same do any retail, being do any harm, same do off spend. Unemployed do second, empty for might to selm.
Finish day for ease, step to take any, twice same do live, ease will judge for see, every single come twice, finish be same went do cross. Palm seem any week, burned live yeah, say.

Marmură, piatră şi fier se frâng

Să nu plângi când ploaia cade
(dam dam, dam dam)
Cineva o să fie lângă tine
(dam dam, dam dam)
Marmură, piatră şi fier se frâng
dar nu şi dragostea noastră
Toate, toate se duc
dar noi suntem fideli
Dacă nu pot fi cu tine un timp
(dam dam, dam dam)
Gândeşte-te că nu eşti singură
(dam dam, dam dam)
Marmură, piatră şi fier se frâng
dar nu şi dragostea noastră
Toate, toate se duc
dar noi suntem fideli
Marmură, piatră şi fier se frâng
dar nu şi dragostea noastră
Toate, toate se duc
dar noi suntem fideli
Ia acest inel de aur
(dam dam, dam dam)
De eşti tristă, îţi va spune
(dam dam, dam dam)
Marmură, piatră şi fier se frâng
dar nu şi dragostea noastră
Toate, toate se duc
dar noi suntem fideli
Marmură, piatră şi fier se frâng
dar nu şi dragostea noastră
Toate, toate se duc
dar noi suntem fideli
Toată lumea
Marmură, piatră şi fier se frâng
dar nu şi dragostea noastră
Toate, toate se duc
dar noi suntem fideli
Marmură, piatră şi fier se frâng
dar nu şi dragostea noastră
Toate, toate se duc
dar noi suntem fideli
Toată lumea
Marmură, piatră şi fier se frâng
dar nu şi dragostea noastră
Toate, toate se duc
dar noi suntem fideli

Burn, Butcher, burn

Ladies and gentlemen, you were truly a golden public. Don't forget to throw a dime at me, and if you're looking for me, I'll be drinking at the bar!
When the time comes,
Don't think I back off.
After all we've lived, and faced,
You let me down.
May the time comes
When the Butcher burn!
And when the twilight comes,
None of my words will be truer than 'burn'
Burn, Butcher, burn!
Burn, Butcher, burn!
Burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn!
See how I burn every single memories I have of you...

Sâmbăta, duminica și de sărbători

Șase jumate, deșteptătorul a sunat,
Soarele va răsări și el.
Plecăm în trombă,
În goană după timp.
De la cel de jos până-n vârful ierarhiei,
Milioane de oameni se trezesc devreme.
E vorba de pâinea zilnică,
Care e și a mea.
Dar fiecare visează și își spune
Că weekend-ul apropie de noi viața frumoasă
Constrângeri și grijile
Le uităm până luni.
Suntem fericiți sâmbăta, duminica și de sărbători,
Și slavă Domnului, mașinăria se oprește.
Noi putem face
Ceea ce ne place,
Cu inima fericită, fără presiune.
Suntem fericiți sâmbăta, duminica și de sărbători,
E minunat, schimbăm planetele.
Pentru a se destinde,
Oricine poate prinde
Timpul pentru a trăi și a iubi.
Asta e Franța, la ora duminicală:
Alergare, slujbă și cântece,
Curse de cai, înghețată, mașina de tuns iarba.
Întreaga familie s-a reunit,
Opinia a trei generații:
Unul spune „da”, celălalt „nu”
Și toată lumea are dreptate.
Sunt cu ochii pe ceas,
Am terminat desertul, alerg să mă pregătesc
Pentru că tu, iubirea mea, mă aștepți
Să mergem la dans în seara asta.
Suntem fericiți sâmbăta, duminica și de sărbători,
Și slavă Domnului, mașinăria se oprește.
Noi putem face
Ceea ce ne place,
Cu inima fericită, fără presiune.
Suntem fericiți sâmbăta, duminica și de sărbători,
E minunat, schimbăm planetele.
Pentru a se destinde,
Oricine poate prinde
Timpul pentru a trăi și a iubi.


I was sitting on the window, and in me are butterflies
The first time I felt so happy I was hysterical
At that time I didn't know, how I loved you, I didn't know...
It's the sixth day everything in my head is dedicated to you
All my posts are about love - these are my letters to you
I'd say to let it go, but I understand I'm lit up
Sixteen years old, first love, and it's so unusal
And I love to the point of being hysteric
And you and I are like continents
Which are connected, and without any borders
They waited for you and me
One day we will find eachother in the sky like them
And will fly with them
2nd couplet:
Between is is the ocean, the meridian line
What we squeeze into the palms of our hands through this sunny fog
In the depths of your eyes I press replay
And the fantasy becomes steps for a new song
It's the sixth day everything in my head is dedicated to you
All my posts are about love - these are my letters to you
I'd say to let it go, but I understand I'm lit up
Sixteen years old, first love, and it's so unusal
And I love to the point of being hysteric
And you and I are like continents
Which are connected, and without any borders
They waited for you and me
One day we will find eachother in the sky like them
And will fly with them

Unde mi-o fi fericirea

Se tot vorbește despre fericire,
Toți vor să-și găsească fericirea.
Cobor spre luncă să culeg flori,
Vreau să întreb o floare despre fericire:
Of, floare, ia spune-mi,
Unde, unde mi-o fi fericirea?
Iar floarea îmi răspunde blând:
'Trebuie să știi să vezi fericirea'.
De-a lungul râului mă duc încet,
Privesc norii albi cum plutesc în apă.
Îmi ridic capul sus spre cer,
Vreau să întreb cerul despre fericire:
Of, cerule, ia spune-mi,
Unde, unde mi-o fi fericirea?
Iar cerul îmi răspunde blând:
'Trebuie să știi să simți fericirea'.
Glasul cucului răsună din codru,
De parcă vrea să-mi spună ceva.
Merg în pădure ca să ascult cântecul,
Vreau să întreb cucul despre fericire:
Of, cucule, ia spune-mi,
Unde, unde mi-o fi fericirea?
Iar cucul cântă: 'Cucu!
Trebuie să-ți găsești fericirea chiar tu!'.