Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 10
Star dust
Dust of those that make us feel good
But I don't feel good, don't feel good anymore
Star dust
One thousand candies
One thousand like on thousand blue bubbles
Blue like one thousand bubbles, blue bubbles
[Verse 1]
Doctor: 'How are you?'
Doctor: 'How are you?'
I say: 'Everything fine'
But I don't feel good here,
No, I don't feel good anymore
Doctor: 'How are you?'
Doctor: 'How are you?'
I say: 'Everything fine'
But I don't feel good here,
No, I don't feel good anymore
Star dust
Dust of those that make us feel good
But I don't feel good, don't feel good anymore
Star dust
One thousand candies
One thousand like on thousand blue bubbles
Blue like one thousand bubbles, blue bubbles
[Verse 2]
'How is your love life?'
'How is your love life?'
I say: 'Everything fine'
But I don't feel good with you,
No, I don't feel good anymore
'How is your love life?'
'How is your love life?'
I say: 'Everything fine'
But I don't feel good with you,
No, I don't feel good anymore
Star dust
Dust of those that make us feel good
But I don't feel good, don't feel good anymore
Star dust
One thousand candies
That make us feel good
But I don't feel good with you,
No, I don't feel good anymore
But I don't feel good with you anymore
I roll down the window
I turn down the radio
I lower the seat
I lower even the silence
I lower those, who don't know what to say
When you told me you were thinking about me
With the glasses
I asked you if you were thinking about me
With hands
Your hands
Oh, Godspeed
Oh, I come with you
This evening I, yes, this evening
I am outside, stay away from me
I don't know who is next this evening
Might be that you are the next one
And I thought you look so good
With the glasses
And I don't stop to think about you
With hands
Your hands
Oh, Godspeed
Oh, I come with you
And if they saw you drinking at a fountain
It was me
Would you have said that at the end, among so many people
Among all of them, it was me?
And I don't need anymore to think about you
With the glasses
And you don't need anymore to think abut me
With hands
Your hands
Oh, Godspeed
Oh, I come with you
They weren't flowers
You left me alone, without telling me why
In a feild of flowers I find you again infront of me
If you had wanted flowers
I would have taken her out
to drink together
Queen, my Queen of hearts
Ah ah, ah ah they weren't flowers
Ah ah, ah ah they weren't flowers
Ah ah, ah ah they weren't flowers
Ah ah, ah ah
We were two trains on the same track
Straight towards the end respecting the schedule
If you had wanted flowers, it would've been different
Yes but that day there were no flowers, no!
That day there was no way!
Ah ah, ah ah they weren't flowers
Ah ah, ah ah they weren't flowers
Ah ah, ah ah they weren't flowers
Ah ah, ah ah
Your honor the truth is that I was crazy for her
and I never hated her, I didn't hold a grudge for her
If she had wanted flowers it would've been beautiful
Yes but that day there were no flowers only that there was a knife
Ah ah, ah ah they weren't flowers
Ah ah, ah ah they weren't flowers
Ah ah, ah ah they weren't flowers
Ah ah, ah ah
Sore throat
[Verse 1]
I wake up, and I have a sore throat, eh
I have so much anger to spit in your mouth
The bedsheets are cold
under to whom touches
everything is alright that ends
I couldn't anymore
I couldn't anymore
Oh, so I go
I wasn't hurt, but neither fine
And whilst it lasts
It's true that we loved to take eachothers breaths' away
I have a photo where you're happy without me
That you are alright you remember it well
[Verse 2]
I just need 15 minutes, eh
Probably I already have the purse ready
on the run like a school
another Frecciarossa
everything serves even if it hurts
I think whoever told you that in the end doesn't understand
I don't know, give it a try
I don't know, give it a try
Oh, so I go
I wasn't hurt, but neither fine
And whilst it lasts
It's true that we loved to take eachothers breaths' away
I have a photo where you're happy without me
That you are alright you remember it well
That you are alright you remember it well
That you are alright you remember it well
I want to take you away
You're younger than me
but you have eyes bigger than mine
And I wanna tell you that
everything will be ok
I know that you want to leave here
From this void that kills
From this slice of reality
where no one smiles
I wanna take you away, away from you
But I don't know where I'm going, don't you know
I want to take you away, away with me
But I don't know wherever I could be goin'
I want to take you away, away from you
But I don't know where I'm going, don't you know
I want to take you away, away with me
But I don't know wherever I could be goin'
You are lonely like me
wake up in the darkness of yours
I could lie to you
and tell you that it's all going to be alright
The city is so big
that sometimes divides us
It's a heart broken in half
That a times doesn't coincide
I wanna take you away, away from you
But I don't know where I'm going, don't you know
I want to take you away, away with me
But I don't know wherever I could be goin'
I want to take you away, away from you
But I don't know where I'm going, don't you know
I want to take you away, away with me
But I don't know wherever I could be goin'
You're younger than me
but you have eyes bigger than mine
Luminile orașului
E o lume facuta pentru doi
Ca confectiunile de la yogurt
In dragoste este un pic de ura si invers
Si te-ai pierdut
Suntem asa de diferiti in foto
Schite in apa, e doar o joaca
Vrei giaca mea, e frig per moto
Sar in gol, vino cu mine
Uite de aici luminile orasului
Si nu inteleg unde este casa mea
Ma intrebam daca
Sar in gol, vii cu mine
Uite de aici luminile orasului
Si in timp ce taxiurile pleaca
Ai spus ca erai doar a mea
Ma intrebam daca
Pleaca toti tu ramai cu mine?
Eh eh eh
E o lume facuta pentru doi
Ca seile la moto
Ca stelele la care daca te uiti singura
Nu e la fel fara mine
Uite de aici luminile orasului
Si nu inteleg unde este casa mea
Ma intrebam daca
Sar in gol, vii cu mine
Uite de aici luminile orasului
Si in timp ce taxiurile pleaca
Ai spus ca erai doar a mea
Ma intrebam daca
Pleaca toti tu ramai cu mine?
Pleaca toti tu ramai cu mine?
Fac un scandal
Am scris «Te iubesc» pe nisip
Nah, pot sa fac mai bine
Rup scalpul al acestui zor (nu stiu daca e corect cum am spus)
Si ti-l aduc la trezire
Si am rupt tot ceea e puteam
Pentru tine, care esti tot ceea ce voiam
Cand eram pusti eram bun cu Lego
Si e clar ca acuma ma leg
Zici ca da in timp ce pleci
Un pic din tine
Ramane aici chiar daca nu vrei
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Am plecat fara sa salut
si fara sa fac biletul
Pana la urma ce ar fi trebuit sa fac?
Cine stie, poate sa las unbilet
Si sa arat ca un prost
Era mai bine daca nu te cunosteam
Si tu sa te joci chiar esti buna
Dar nu cu mine
Zici ca da in timp ce pleci
Un pic din tine
Ramane aici chiar daca nu vrei
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Zi-mi ce vrei de la mine
Zi-mi ce vrei de la mine
Zi-mi ce vrei de la mine
Stii ce?
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Alo, ce ai? Esti nervoasa
Ai rupt un alt celular
De ce ma suni doar daca te simti rau?
A casa noua si trebuie sa pun la loc
Nu voi fi ultimul si nici primul
Dar ai lasat un dezastru fain
Si in afara de tot chiar erai buna
Dar nu cu mine
Zici ca da, in timp ce pleci
Un pic din tine
Ramane aici chiar daca nu vrei
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Zi-mi ce vrei de la mine
Stii ce?
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
I stopped believing grow-ups
Or at least believing that they exist
Since I stopped playing games
I don't give importance to the words of a magazine anymore
A true artist doesn't grieve, they said
I stopped drinking certain types of rum
I wasn't feeling good the days after the concerts
And I shut down my projects
I stopped having unprotected relationships*
Since I wasn't with you
Hello, can we meet, how are you?
And why do I never refrain myself from you?
It seems strange, you go
But your roads lead to me
Why? Why?
And my paths lead to you
Why? Why?
Today I stopped wondering it.
I stopped attending some dance halls
If I can't fall asleep I blame the heat
And I often look up, I try not to fall
I sit the ground and I laugh
What's on the ground now cannot fall
Where will you go? And where will I go?
The sky is crying so much
On you, on us
We are really alone
Hello, can we meet, how are you?
And why do I never refrain myself from you?
It seems strange, you go
But your roads lead to me
Why? Why?
And my paths lead to you
Why? Why?
Today I stopped wondering it.
I stopped fighting and fighting against certain monsters
Inside a 3D cinema with more than a thousand seats
And I stopped wanting women, money, glory, and fame
Because the craving for things takes them away
Hello, can we meet, how are you?
And why do I never refrain myself from you?
It seems strange, you go
But your roads lead to me
Why? Why?
And my paths lead to you
Why? Why?
Today I stopped wondering it.
«Man is nothing but a reed, the weakest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed» B. Pascal
Muzica nu este
Vreiam să-ți spun multe chestii, dar nu știu de unde
Să încep, aș vrea să te răsfăț
Să fac să îți alunece deasupra lumea asta infamă
Să mă pun intre tine și o sută de lame
în timp ce caut marea
Cred că nu ar avea sens să fac o cufundare mare dacă nu ești tu să înoți
Și tu care știi să umpli
Tu care știi să calmezi
Este prea multă lumină în cameră, căldură prea multă, eu nu am să dorm
Și scuze dacă nu vorbesc destul dar am o școală de bal in stomac
Și dansează fără muzică cu mine
Ești frumoasă de muzica nu este
Aș vrea să-ți fac o sută de lucruri dar nu știu de unde
Să încep, aș vrea să te răsfăț
Frumoasă de nu ai chef să dansezi
Dar frumoasă de dacă dansezi celelalte se uită urât la tine
Că ai tot timpul ceva de învățat
Mă pui în criză și în acest text nu reușesc să te desenez
Aș vrea sa te duc la mare, ba să-ți aduc marea
Este prea multă lumină în cameră, căldură prea multă, eu nu am să dorm
Și scuze dacă nu vorbesc destul dar am o școală de bal in stomac
Și dansează fără muzică cu mine
Ești frumoasă de muzica nu este
Și până la urmă tot ceea ce vreiam, o vreiam cu tine
Și pare prostesc, dar credeam și o credeai și tu
Și nu e niciodată ușor să ne găsim niciodată, oh niciodată, oh niciodată
Și tu îmi zici: 'E mai bine dacă acuma pleci, de acuma e târziu'
Este prea multă lumină în cameră, căldură prea multă, eu nu am să dorm
Și scuze dacă nu vorbesc destul dar am o școală de bal in stomac
Și dansează fără muzică cu mine
Ești frumoasă de muzica nu este
Ești frumoasă de muzica nu este
Ești frumoasă de muzica nu este
Ești frumoasă de muzica nu este
Ești frumoasă de muzica nu este
No music on
I wanted to tell you lots of things, but I don't know where to start
I'd like to spoil you
To make you ignore this mad world
To put me between you and one hundred blades
While I'm searching for the sea
I think it wouldn't make sense to take an immense dip if you're not there swimming
And you know how to fill me up
And you know how to calm me
There is too much light in this room, this hotness going forward and I won't sleep
And I'm sorry if I don't talk enough but I have a dance school in my stomach
And dance without music, with you
You're beautiful with no music on
I want to do one hundred things to you but I don't know where to start
I'd like to spoil you
It is cute when you don't want to dance
But it is cute as well when you are dancing even though they are looking at you
You always have something to teach
You overwhelm me and I can't draw you in this lyrics
I'd like to bring you to the sea, in fact bring you the sea
There is too much light in this room, this hotness going forward and I won't sleep
And I'm sorry if I don't talk enough but I have a dance school in my stomach
And dance without music, with you
You're beautiful with no music on
And deep down all that I wanted, I wanted it with you
And it seems stupid but I believed and you believed that too
And it's never easy to find each other
Oh never, oh never
And you tell me 'it's better if you leave now, it's late now'
There is too much light in this room, this hotness going forward and I won't sleep
And I'm sorry if I don't talk enough but I have a dance school in my stomach
And dance without music, with you
You're beautiful with no music on(5x)