Rezultatele căutării pagină 3
Număr de rezultate: 129
A Warrior's Heart
Fire torches will burn in the night,
today the earth trembles for your freedom,
smoke in the sky, your blood in the sand
and fear in your home.
Your soul can't stop crying out
your veins beat, your soul speaks,
above in the temple
hear how amongst the rocks blood shall spill.
Now you must fight
even if you might lose your life,
for your land you resist.
You protect your people from the conqueror
that you once believed was your god,
a mortal enemy
that drowns your people in their own fear.
The crying soul has ceased speaking,
tears water the earth as they fall,
blood is now a cry
that covers the story of the truth.
Now you must fight
even if you might lose your life,
for your land you resist.
Even if you die fighting
on the battlefield,
your soul live forever
in search of freedom.
Even if you die fighting
on the battlefield,
your soul live forever
in search of freedom.
Even if you die fighting
on the battlefield,
your soul live forever
in search of freedom.
Even if you die fighting
on the battlefield,
your soul live forever
in search of freedom.
I'm going to wash my heart
So I can stop loving you
I'm going to wash
my heart in the sea.
It's tainted from the world,
it's tainted from the sky,
it's tainted from longing,
it's tainted and foul.
It's sick of something,
it's sick of everything,
it's sick of the mud,
it's sick and bitter.
So I can stop loving you
I'm going to wash
my heart in the sea.
It's tired of the hunger
it's tired of the poor,
it's tired of the nobility,
it's tired of the blood.
It's broken in the middle,
it's broken from being forgotten,
it's broken and lost,
it's broken from the inside.
So I can stop loving you
I'm going to wash
my heart in the sea.
It's alone always
it's alone in war,
it's alone on the earth,
it's alone in December.
It's like if something...
it's like it was...
it's like at least...
it's so...nevertheless.
It has no voice now
it can't [seem] to think,
it asks for nothing,
it can't stand it anymore.
It's filled with voices,
it's filled with sorrows,
it's filled with veins,
it's filled with farewells.
So I can stop loving you
I'm going to wash
my heart in the sea.
It's there to be cut
it's there to be pestered,
it's there to be buried
it's there to be killed.
It's worse than fate,
it's worse than life,
it's worse than it's wound,
it's worse than death.
So I can stop loving you
I'm going to wash
my heart in the sea.
Două inimi
Cu o singură inimă,
Nu poți fi fericit.
Bietul om e atât de orbit,
Că merge tot alunecând.
Și apoi, foarte derutat,
Nu mai știe decât să plângă.
Cu o singură inimă,
Niciodată nu poți uita.
Două inimi ar trebui să ai,
Cu ai doi ochi, două mâini, două picioare.
Dacă una se îmbolnăvește de tristețe și durere,
Cealaltă, cealaltă, care e sănătoasă,
Pleacă să caute altă iubire.
Într-o zi, fără să știi când,
Fără să știi cum și de ce,
Îți găsești inima
Înlănțuită la picioare.
Și văzând că a capitulat,
Nu-ți mai place de ea.
Cu o singură inimă,
Niciodată nu poți uita.
Două inimi ar trebui să ai,
Cum ai doi ochi, două mâini, două picioare.
Dacă una se îmbolnăvește de tristețe și durere,
Cealaltă, cealaltă, care e sănătoasă,
Pleacă să caute altă iubire.
Inimă de mătase
Nu nu nu
Ce e în neregulă de a dori să te sărut
În fiecare dimineață mă trezesc cu tine
Ce e în neregulă cu tine
Nu vreau să fiu doar prietenul tău
Inimă de mătase
Că nu are nimeni
Eu te vreau aici cu mine
Așteptarea mă disperă
Inimă de mătase
Că nu are nimeni
Eu te vreau aici cu mine
Așteptarea mă disperă
Inimă de mătase
Vreau să-ți fac multe lucruri
Deschide-ți ochii și trezește-te
Inimă de mătase
Moale ca săruturile tale
Miroase a celor care rămân
Se poate să-mi fi găsit soarta mea
Mă lovește ca un sport R , fetița este într-un cuplu
Fete bune de la universitate
Ea este pentru mine și eu sunt pentru ea , suntem superioritate
Inimă de mătase
Că nu are nimeni
Eu te vreau aici cu mine
Așteptarea mă disperă
Inimă de mătase
Că nu are nimeni
Eu te vreau aici cu mine
Așteptarea mă disperă
Inimă de mătase
Timpul este martor
Ea se poartă bine, dar este rău față de mine
Își desface părul și se transformă
Mă mușcă de gât și spune că încălcăm regulile
Îl împinge fără milă , doar 17
Trăiește-ți viața unică , nu face compromisuri
Fără ora de sosire
Tatăl ei este bun cu mine, îmi este rău
Ce e în neregulă de a dori să te sărut
În fiecare dimineață mă trezesc cu tine
Ce e în neregulă cu tine
Nu vreau să fiu doar prietenul tău
Inimă de mătase
Că nu are nimeni
Eu te vreau aici cu mine
Așteptarea mă disperă
Inimă de mătase
Că nu are nimeni
Eu te vreau aici cu mine
Așteptarea mă disperă
Inimă de mătase
Amintiți-vă că vă îndrăgostiți de a convinge rațiunea și emoția
Din ceea ce vă spune inima
Suntem superioritate
Super J
Copii mici
Suntem B
Inima de mătase
Că nu are nimeni
Te vreau aici cu mine
Așteptarea mă dispera (Copii mici)
Inimă sălbatică
Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Cum să-mi răscumpăr viaţa din nou
Dacă pe dos îmi iese totul mereu
Cum să închid atâtea răni din sufletul meu
Dacă sângele continuă să curgă neîncetat
Când prețul vieții e atât de dificil de achitat.
--- 2 ---
Cum să-mi rog destinul așa
Când sunt obişnuit doar s-apuc ceva
Pentru că acum că te-am întâlnit pe tine
Nu vreau să pleci de lângă mine
Ca visele să nu-mi fie destrămate de soartă
Și nici să nu încerce să ne despartă.
--- R ---
O să cer vieţii divine ...
să mă răsplătească cu tine
Să-mi arate rostul durerii mele
Pentru pedeapsa destulă ce-o cere
de a nu te revedea în tăcere.
Pentru că am încetat să mai fiu de iubire cerşetor
O inimă sălbatică bate pentru al tău dor.
--- 3 ---
Cum să le explic instinctelor așa
Că am încetat să mai caut iubirea
Că două râuri cu cursul atât de diferit
la un moment dat, timpul le-a unit
Și le-a spus să-şi dăruie imediat
... libertatea necondiţionat.
--- R ---
O să cer vieţii divine ...
să mă răsplătească cu tine
Să-mi arate rostul durerii mele
Pentru pedeapsa destulă ce-o cere
de a nu te revedea în tăcere.
Pentru că am încetat să mai fiu de iubire cerşetor
O inimă sălbatică bate pentru al tău dor.
My Darling
My darling,
I'm feeling temptation for a kiss,
That'll turn on the heat
Of our great love, my love
I want to be,
Only one being being with you
I want to see you, in the wanting of a dream
In the sweet sensation
Of a kiss that bites I'd want
My darling
tell you my passion for you
Partners in the good and the bad
Not even the years will weigh us down
My darling, you will be my love...
I want to be,
Only one being being with you
I want to see you, in the wanting of a dream
In the sweet sensation
Of a kiss that bites I'd want
My darling
tell you my passion for you
Partners in the good and the bad
Not even the years will weigh us down
My darling, you will be my love.
45 brains and one heart
They found
Where they always knew
They were
45 brains and one heart
In front of such a discovery
And the amazement of the present ones
They saw the light, conserved
Like bodies of pharaos
Here, without myth or rite
Left to time
Wrapped up in mud
Near some urbanization
45 brains and 1 heart
They're still there in silence
Their longings suspended
Dirty fate
Their dreams whisper
Dirty silence, yes
They're still there
They found
Where they always knew
They were
45 brains and 1 heart
In front of such a discovery
And the amazement of the present ones
They saw the light, conserved
Like bodies of pharaos
The soil made them of themselves and ours
Heaven had them alive and dead
Jewels of modern fortgetfulness
Who forgets, who remembers?
45 brains and one heart
Tell me, death, little death of mine
Where will you burn?
The lady answers:
'I will come at dawn
I will come at nightfall
I will come where you will be'
My time is not your time
It wanted to explain
That I live in the stones
The ones of today and the ones of yesterday
I am the course of the world
I am only a second
Afterwards there will be no afterwards
After eighty years
After eight decades
While I sing
While he plays
While you listen to me
While you breathe
While, during, afterwards
They're still there
In silence
Wonderful, Wonderful Heart
Wonderful, wonderful heart,
my partner on the roads of life
always by my side in those hours of sadness
always with me in moments of joy.
Wonderful, wonderful heart
I thank you for your friendship, for your company
for being my friend in pain,
my confidant in love,
I want to tell you that I don't know what would I do without you.
Wonderful, wonderful heart,
how many follies and adventures we shared,
how many unforgettable memories we got
from the loves and passions that we lived.
Wonderful, wonderful heart
I'm so happy when I feel your beating
because you are who gives me life
and when I ask for much more
you are with me because I'm your spoiled.
Wonderful, wonderful heart
I beg you to never stop dreaming
never stop feeling the emotions
a thousand emotions that we both have felt
Wonderful, wonderful heart
you are the flame that nests here in my chest
so that there's always love,
to take it where I'm going
I thank you for how well you have done.
Oh Heart
How do I explain to my heart that you already belong to another?
How does one forget every memory that makes you cry?
How do I say that in love, dreams are not worth?
How do I lie to it and not die when you're not here?
Oh heart, heart, heart forget her
Like she easily forgot us
This happens to you for falling in love
From a promise that never came
Oh heart, heart, heart it hurts me
To see you cry for a woman
I will only remember you
When at night I can't see you
I will miss the way she dances
I already know it will be impossible to forget her
I will miss her candy eyes
And not being able to tell her that I love her
Loving me was never her nature
And I never knew when it was the last kiss
Listen to this song that will always be yours
Every note says that for you I'm a prisoner
It says that I love you like nobody
It says that I have you in every bone
I sing so that suddenly the air
Takes you and brings you back
Oh heart, heart, heart forget her
Like she easily forgot us
This happens to you for falling in love
From a promise that never came
Oh heart, heart, heart it hurts me
To see you cry for a woman
I will only remember you
When at night I can't see you
I will miss the way she dances
I already know it will be impossible to forget her
I will miss her candy eyes
And not being able to tell her that I love her
And not being able to tell her that I love her
And although I know very well that we loved her with our soul
I also know that after the storm comes the calm
And that with each tear a song is written
When the heart cries
Oh heart, heart, heart forget her
Like she easily forgot us
This happens to you for falling in love
From a promise that never came
Oh heart, heart, heart it hurts me
To see you cry for a woman
I will only remember you
When at night I can't see you
I will miss the way she dances
I already know it will be impossible to forget her
I will miss her candy eyes
And not being able to tell her that I love her
Inima mea a plâns
Copilul: — Bună?
Torito: — Ascultă, spune-mi dacă mama ta ar vrea azi să-mi răspundă.
Copilul: — Sunteți tot domnul de ieri? Eu o voi anunța, dar cred că acum își face baie și nu știu dacă poate să vă răspundă.
Torito: — Spune-i, te rog, că e ceva important și vreau să-i vorbesc.
Copilul: — I-ai făcut ceva mamei mele? Ea mereu îmi face semn
Și-mi șoptește: „Spune-i că nu sunt aici!”
Torito: — Și între timp, spune-mi dacă mergi deja la școală
Și dacă îți faci lecțiile.
Copilul: — O, da, dar cum mama lucrează, doamna care ne e vecină mă duce la școală. Și nu vă mai spun nimic, pentru că eu nu am tată.
Torito: — Spune-i că de șase ani sunt într-o continuă suferință. Exact câți ani ai și tu.
Copilul: A, nu! Eu am doar cinci ani. Dar spuneți-mi,
De când o cunoaște-ți pe mami?
Torito: — Inima mea a plâns, iar ea nu a răspuns. Zilele-mi trec fiind lipsit de speranță,
Arzând pentru iubirea asta. Inima mea a plâns și
S-a și bucurat la auzul vocii care mi-a răspuns.
Spune-mi dacă te duci în excursie, ca anul trecut,
La plajă, la mare.
Copilul: — O, da, îmi place să mă bălăcesc, iar acum știu deja să înot.
Dar spuneți-mi, de unde știți că anul trecut
Am fost în excursie?
Torito: — Spune-i mamei tale că vă iubesc mult pe amândoi!
Copilul: — Păi, dacă nu vă cunosc... Acum, spuneți-mi, ce aveți?
De ce vi s-a schimbat vocea? Plângeți, cumva?
Torito: — Inima mea a plâns, iar ea nu a răspuns. Zilele-mi trec fiind lipsit de speranță,
Arzând pentru iubirea asta. Inima mea a plâns și
S-a și bucurat la auzul vocii care mi-a răspuns.
Spune-i să răspundă. (2x)
Copilul: — Dar a plecat deja.
Torito: — Dacă s-a dus, atunci... La revedere!
Nino: — La revedere, domnule!
Torito: — La revedere, cerul meu!
Open Your Heart
Que que na-tu-ra
And you will understand
Open your heart and you will understand
Let yourself be carried like the sand by the sea
Open your heart and you will understand
You will understand
© Pires Philippe
This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.
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Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.
Two hearts
Like two drops of clear dew
that at night they kiss quietly,
like two waves that are driven
to merge in the riverbank,
like the fire that wraps the summer,
like a cloud that embraces another,
so are your love and mine
that merge into a single ideal.
With your heart in my heart
the blue morning star will shine better,
with your heart in my heart
everything in the garden will speak about love.
Crystal notes will fill your ear
and a divine light will wrap us.
I'll fix my eyes on your black eyes,
in your red lips I'll join my lips.
And my inspiration will fly on
with your heart in my heart.
And my inspiration will fly on
with your heart in my heart.
The sound of the heart
Versions: #2
Hundred years have passed, the century comes to his end.
Hundred years have passed, they order me to cry and I laughed.
I know well that the key is ... Between yan and yin.
And when I look around, the world is waiting for me.
And all that I understood I believed, when I was a rascal.
And all that I understood I believed, today I do not get into my mind.
No, distinguished, I'm not,
Not worthy of devotion,
But the sound of the heart.
It is what guides me with passion.
Answers I don't want, no,
Just feel illusion.
As the sound of the heart,
It is what guides me with pa...
It is what guides me with passion.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
[Intro : Maître Gims]
Inimă, spune-mi de ce fugi?
Pentru tine ce reprezint/sunt eu?
Inima mea, spune-mi cât mă iubești,
Spune-mi ce am făcut,
Inima mea, spune-mi de ce pleci,
Nu, nu, nu pleca,
Inima mea, inimă, inimă!
(Lil Wayne)
Scuză-mi franceza!
Ăsta-i Weezy F., F e de la „francez”, inima mea e in acest ra**t,
Îmi rotunjesc pumnii, numărând fiecare apel pe care l-am ratat,
Apoi mă uit sus spre stele și toate și-au pus o dorință,
Mă-ndrăgostesc pentru totdeauna, asta înseamnă doar că-s trimis din rai,
Aterizez pe-o inimă frântă, o fac la loc,
Fapta mea și bărbatul tău negru ca pielea*,
Eu și tu am putea ajunge împreună, să facem „vreme rea”/ să stricăm vremea (inimă!)
Numele ei era Marie, am cunoscut-o în Paris,
E o hoață, căci mi-a furat (inima!)
Îi place să-i audă bătăile, o iubesc din cap până-n picioare,
Ea e a mea dulce, dulce (inimă!)
Domnișoară, franțuzoică fierbinte cu inimă caldă,
Sărut franțuzesc și acea mlădiere franțuzească, am „franțuzit-o”
Și spune-i iubitului tău, ascultă: ”Eu sunt ceea ce-ți lipsea”
Tunechi ți-a făcut inima să tresalte
La revedere!
(Maitre Gims-refren)
(French Montana)
Știi ce e când auzi asta:
Scuză-mi franceza, iubi, ce mai faci?
Decupat ca un freestyle, pe vârful acoperișului manevrez,
Știi, yahtul ca un vas de croazieră,
V12rari, diamante înghețând pe al meu D'Usse,
Față mințind, vorbesc de o sută de legături,
Lacrimi...?, beri mari, prăjitura lui Osama,
Hey, ...? precum Pierce,
Multimilionari pentru 20 de ani (inimă!)
Dar greu cu adevărat, 24k aur pe străzile orașului meu, știau ei? (inimă!)
French Vanilla sparge tot,
Fac un milion și dau lovitura (inimă!)
Până la fundul cupei, sau din vârf până la fund, de la fund până la vârf, hey! (inimă!)
Și știi că mă ocup de asta,
”Macin” toată noaptea, număr banii dimineața...
(punte: Maitre Gims)
Și tu ai pătruns in mintea mea, în ziua aceea, ca o boală!
Și ceea ce mi-ai spus am pus pe melodie!
Și tu ai pătruns in mintea mea, în ziua aceea, ca o boală!
Și ceea ce mi-ai spus am pus pe melodie!
Și tu ai pătruns in mintea mea, în ziua aceea, ca o boală!
Și ceea ce mi-ai spus am pus pe melodie!
Și tu ai pătruns in mintea mea, în ziua aceea, ca o boală!
Și ceea ce mi-ai spus am pus pe melodie!
Share music and kindness! :)
Poor heart
Ay this poor heart is aching and can't take much further
Ay if I write this song is because something happened and has me adrift
As time passes by I understand that wounds are going away
I see but don't feel them, you marked me and now you're gone, I can no longer...
Something hurt me, I wait as I wake up to heal
Ay this poor heart, not that poor nor in pain, it just wants to beat
Ay if I sing this song I do it for the feeling of healing as I celebrate
As time passes by I understand that wounds are going away
I see but don't feel them, you marked me and now you're gone, I can no longer...
Something hurt me, I wait as I wake up and I wait as I celebrate my healing
Ay this poor heart with it's home and it's walking stick only wants to beat
Ay as a song meant to be danced says if it's true someone goes away
Something hurt me, I wait as I wake up and I sing as I celebrate that you are no longer here.
Tear out my heart
Versions: #2
I'm still alone
here in my room, alone,
you already announced that you were going to leave
mi side
The phone goes silent,
I throw it towards the wall,
I can't go on anymore, I prefer that,
if your're going to leave I ask you
tear out my heart,
if you leave me,
tear out my heart,
I ask you, love
tear out my life,
I ask you, love
tear out my heart
My love, what is it that happened with you?,
tell me if there's someone that came between,
between you and me,
tell me everything, I will understand
and if you leave, please,
tear out my life
The phone goes silent,
I throw it towards the wall,
if I can't go on anymore,
I prefer that,
if you're going to leave, I ask you
tear out my heart,
if you leave me,
tear out my heart,
I ask you, love
tear out my life,
I ask you, love
tear out my heart
I ask you, love
And I'm still waiting for you to come back to my side,
I know you'll soon enter the account,
You'll come back to my side
tear out my heart,
if you leave me,
tear out my heart,
I ask you, love
tear out my life,
I ask you, love
tear out my heart
I ask you, love
You'll come back 'cause I know, my love
You'll come back 'cause I know, my love
You'll come back 'cause I know, my love
And you'll know what real love is
Happy hearts
Happy hearts!
Give me heart
Guantanamera and his war cry
They fight for peace peace across the Earth
They recruit sailors, they recruit cooks
Recruit your sister for the whole week
At night Doña Juana goes through the promenade
Moving little boat singing this song
In the palm village I saw it grow
With their plum bones it made me go crazy
You're getting up this day, with suitcases to the tram
Metropolitan destination
If you go with the wind, where do I find you?
If you go with the wind, ...
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart (eoh)
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart (eoh)
I still imagine you in the coffee plantations
Walking innocent and fearless
In a red sunset
I need a heart that fills me with passion
That, that, that, that
That showered me with your love, just give me heart
If you go with the wind, where do I find you?
If you go with the wind, ...
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart (eoh)
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart (eoh)
I need a heart that fills me with passion
That showered me with your love, I dedicate you this song
Come back please, I need my reason
Just give me locoton, locoton, peach
Boom, boom, boom you can hear cannonballs
Which cross through the village, which cause itching
Which put you on your knees and you cancel reason
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart (eoh)
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart (eoh)
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart (eoh)
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart (eoh)
Come on girls!
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart
Yeah! Boom, boom, boom, ohhh
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart (eoh)
Give me heart, give me heart
Give me heart, give me heart (eoh)
My Heart Doesn't Know How To Forget
What became of her? of my beloved
Where will she go, where will she be?
My great love, my little doll
With her faithful smile, how I loved her
She was the best of my loves
The nights of passions and illusions
Of her sweet consolations
The ideals and longings
How did I lose her?
I'll never understand
Where will she go?
What will become of this city?
Dressed in flowers where we live
They do not smell like before
The guavas, or life,
Neither the earth when well rained
What will become of my beloved?
Of her mooned breasts
And her determined thighs
Oh baby come with me, come with me
Come back to my life, my darling
Come back to my life, to my heart
Come back to dance, love me again
Come back to my life, to my heart
My heart does not know how to forget,
My heart does not know how to forget
She'll danced me, and danced me
What will become of that school?
And from her friends, the most that loved her
What will happen to my baby?
With waves of hips and lips that are lit
Today I can almost smell the sea between your legs
Ruby lips have a taste of salt
Oh little doll, I send you luck
Lots of light and blessings, many blessings
Come back to my life, my darling
Come back to my life, to my heart
Come back to dance, love me again
Come back to my life, to my heart
Come back to my life, my darling
Come back to my life, to my heart
My heart does not know how to forget
My heart does not know how to forget
She danced me, and danced me
My heart does not know how to forget
My heart does not know how to forget
My heart does not know how to forget
Poor Heart
Poor, disillusioned heart
You've grown used to another way of loving
Poor because nobody has taught you
That in life you win more when you learn to lose?
And nobody
Is born with instructions on how to love
Nobody learns to be happy and not cry?
You shield yourself behind a wall
And you've felt so safe in hiding
You haven't realized the error of your ways
You need love like you need air to breathe...
And nobody
Learns to be happy and not to cry
Is born with instructions on how to love
Understand, heart,
That it is love that cures wounds and pain
And even though it can make you suffer or make you cry
It will keep beating and wake you up once more?
Understand, heart
That love has given you the dreams you have on the inside
And every day when waking
You must find a way to cure yourself, heart
And to fall in love again?
Poor heart, in the cold
You bundled up in selfish ways, trying to cure yourself
You have to remind yourself to live
And to risk and to feel,
To try again?
And nobody
Learns to be happy and not to cry
Is born with instructions on how to love
Understand, heart,
That it is love that cures wounds and pain
And even though it can make you suffer or make you cry
It will keep beating and wake you up once more?
Understand, heart
That love has given you the dreams you have on the inside
And every day when waking
You must find a way to cure yourself, heart
And to fall in love again?
Come on, heart, don't loose faith, I assure you, love exists
If all hearts wore red, none would be seen
And you can't be the only one that doesn't want to beat
If on this earth, there is enough love to share
Enjoy the life that will make you laugh now, never stop
Understand, heart
That love has given you the dreams you have on the inside
And every day when waking
You must find a way to cure yourself, heart
And to fall in love again?
Beat of My Corazón
They call me crazy around here, I know
But last night I dreamed about you
And while opening my voice a song came out
And I knew its lyrics by heart in my heart
Perfect melody that was created amongst us
With a remarkable rhythm played by the soul
The love that unites us will forever be
In this beat of my corazón
Ay, mi familia! Oiga, mi gente!
Sing in choir this sound of mine
The love that unites us will forever be
In this beat of my corazón
Music of the Heart
Who parted this river between you and me?
How was it that faith divided love
By removing a name from each flower,
If all are coloured under a ray of sun?
Let me embrace your loneliness
Let's paint
The sky
Come, take my hand and fly
Let's forget about the sea
There are no borders to cross over
We are fire and ice,
We are the same song,
Music of the heart.
No mercy on those who suffer the most
Hunger and thirst, war and sea
It never spares them
In your eyes you'll reflect me
And you'll see that in the end
Our struggle is the same
Let me embrace your loneliness
Let's paint
The sky
Come, take my hand and fly
Let's forget about the sea
There are no borders to cross over
We are fire and ice,
We are the same song,
Music of the heart.
I'll be your home
These tears that I cry
Will heal you
Hope is a place
Where through my dreams
I want to take you
Beyond, beyond
Let me embrace your loneliness
Let's paint
The sky
Come, take my hand and fly
Let's forget about the sea
There are no borders to cross over
We are fire and ice,
We are the same song,
Music of the heart.
We are the same song,
Music of the heart.
Mi corazón
I don't want anyone to explain it to me, I don't want to take any risks
I'm not scared to end up solo
I don't want any help, I don't want a truce, only you can find me my melodramas
Now I would like to get out of here, go very far away, go away too
I want the sea to testify, against me, for it to complain to see us every month, for her to complain about me, for her to complain about you
I want to go dance with my friends but I have too many eyes on me
Where are my friends? Where are my enemies?
Nothing special, but still all eyes on me
Mi corazón
Mi corazón
My mother said: Be careful, mi corazón.
They make a fuss when I surprise them, I don't want to notice them anymore, I turned off the phone
Yeah, mi corazón
Mi corazón
My mother said: Be careful, mi corazón.
They make a fuss when I surprise them, I don't want to notice them anymore, I turned off the phone
It's not against you, but it's important
I don't do it for you, I do it so people will hear me
You observe my entourage, you're acting like a reporter
You're jealous because yours doesn't have anything to give you
Yeah, yeah!
In my madness, I find tons of melodies
I wait for nighttime to go around my town
I saw your man, he's not very polite
You're in love, yeah, you love him times a thousand
And yeah you love him times a thousand
You don't see your friends anymore
You would have given him anything, he nailed it
Mi corazón
Mi corazón
My mother said: Be careful, mi corazón.
They make a fuss when I surprise them, I don't want to notice them anymore, I turned off the phone
Yeah, mi corazón
Mi corazón
My mother said: Be careful, mi corazón.
They make a fuss when I surprise them, I don't want to notice them anymore, I turned off the phone
All eyes on me
I'm lost, I can't find my enemies
Yeah, all eyes on me
I'm walking in my town, I'm thinking about my life
All eyes on me
I'm lost, I can't find my enemies
Yeah, all eyes on me
I'm walking in my town, I'm thinking about my life
Mi corazón
Mi corazón
My mother said: Be careful, mi corazón.
They make a fuss when I surprise them, I don't want to notice them anymore, I turned off the phone
Yeah, mi corazón
Mi corazón
My mother said: Be careful, mi corazón.
They make a fuss when I surprise them, I don't want to notice them anymore, I turned off the phone
Mi corazón
Mi corazón
My mother said: Be careful, mi corazón.
They make a fuss when I surprise them, I don't want to notice them anymore, I turned off the phone
Yeah, mi corazón
Mi corazón
My mother said: Be careful, mi corazón.
They make a fuss when I surprise them, I don't want to notice them anymore, I turned off the phone
Inima Asta
Cum sa fac sa recuperez iubirea ta?
Cum sa scot tristetea din inima mea?
Lumea mea se invarte in jurul tau.
Cum sa vindec durerea asta profunda?
Simt cum imi curge prin vene respiratia ta,
Sunt atat de conectata cu tine,
Ca pana si in visele mele te vad,
fara tine eu mor.
Si inima asta pe care ai furat-o cand ai plecat,
si ai plecat cu sarutarile mele,
cu sarutarile si visele mele,
Si inima asta care bate din ce in ce mai lent,
si simt inauntrul meu
cum focul nu s-a stins,
nu s-a stins...
Cum sa calmez obsesia asta profunda?
Cum ii explic sufletului meu ca s-a terminat?
innebunesc din cauza ta,
pana si in visele mele te vad,
fara tine mor.
Si inima asta pe care ai furat-o cand ai plecat,
si ai plecat cu sarutarile mele,
cu sarutarile si visele mele,
Si inima asta care bate din ce in ce mai lent,
si simt inauntrul meu
cum focul nu s-a stins,
arde in continuare cat exista iubirea, nu s-a stins iubirea.
si inima asta ....
Si inima asta pe care ai furat-o cand ai plecat,
si ai plecat cu sarutarile mele,
cu sarutarile si visele mele,
Si inima asta care bate din ce in ce mai lent,
si simt inauntrul meu
cum focul nu s-a stins.
Înapoiază-mi inima
Ce frumos era când mă priveai
Când îmi vorbeai
Şi-mi spuneai: te iubesc
Ce frumos era
Când te trezeai
Doar cu un sărut
Şi acum
Vrei să uiți
Ce am trăit
Ce am simțit
Fără vreun motiv
Şi chiar dacă
Vrei s-o termini
Nu pot să te urăsc
Doar îți cer
Înapoiază-mi inima
O să am nevoie de ea
Ai obișnuit-o cu tine
Şi ce-i voi spune
Ascultă bine melodia asta
Ți-o dedic ție
După ce te-am iubit atât de mult
Vreau să fii fericită
Viața continuă fără tine
Nu o să mor
Dar înapoiază-mi trupului
Această inima ca să trăiesc
Viața continuă fără tine
Nu o să mor
Dar înapoiază-mi trupului
Această inima ca să trăiesc
Şi acum
Vrei să uiți
Ce am trăit
Ce am simțit
Fără vreun motiv
Şi chiar dacă
Vrei s-o termini
Nu pot să te urăsc
Doar îți cer
Înapoiază-mi inima
O să am nevoie de ea
Ai obișnuit-o cu tine
Şi ce-i voi spune
Ascultă bine melodia asta
Ți-o dedic ție
După ce te-am iubit atât de mult
Vreau să fii fericită
Viața continuă fără tine
Nu o să mor
Dar înapoiază-mi trupului
Această inima ca să trăiesc
Viața continuă fără tine
Nu o să mor
Dar înapoiază-mi trupului
Această inima ca să trăiesc
Înapoiază-mi inima
O să am nevoie de ea
Ai obișnuit-o cu tine
Şi ce-i voi spune
Ascultă bine melodia asta
Ți-o dedic ție
După ce te-am iubit atât de mult
Vreau să fii fericită
Give me back my heart
How nice it was when you were looking at me
When you talked to me
And you were saying: I love you
How nice
When you'd wake up
At dawn
With just one kiss
And now
You want to forget
What we had
What we felt
Without a single reason
And although
You want to break up
To get away from me
I can't hate you
I'm just asking you
Give me back my heart
I will need it
You got used it on you
And what will I tell to it
Listen carefully this song
I'm dedicating it to you
After I loved you so much
I want you to be happy
Life is going on without you
I'm not going to die
But give this heart back to my body
So that I can be able to live
Life is going on without you
I'm not going to die
But give this heart back to my body
So that I can be able to live
And now
You want to forget
What we had
What we felt
Without a single reason
And although
You want to break up
To get away from me
I can't hate you
I'm just asking you
Give me back my heart
I will need it
You got used it on you
And what will I tell to it
Listen carefully this song
I'm dedicating it to you
After I loved you so much
I want you to be happy
Life is going on without you
I'm not going to die
But give this heart back to my body
So that I can be able to live
Life is going on without you
I'm not going to die
But give this heart back to my body
So that I can be able to live
Give me back my heart
I will need it
You got used it on you
And what will I tell to it
Listen carefully this song
I'm dedicating it to you
After I loved you so much
I want you to be happy
Sold Heart
If you catch me, if you tie me,
If you want have me kidnapped,
Let me be your best hostage.
If you want me for later,
I'm going to step on your ego
Let me think about myself
You know that I know how to untie your skin,
As much as you want to dominate me
You know that I know how to hold onto you well
I know that I have my heart sold
It's cursed by your kisses, by your love,
I know that I have my heart sold
It's crazy for your bones
You're my addiction
I know that I have my heart sold,
That you're lost with me
I distracted what's in my feelings,
And I do it to yours and you do it to mine.
We already forget what's hidden
As if we were two kids,
We're only two strangers in the middle of the desert
You know that I know how to untie your skin,
As much as you want to dominate me,
You know that I know how to hold onto you well
I know that I have my heart sold
It's cursed by your kisses, by your love,
I know that I have my heart sold
It's crazy for your bones
You're my addiction
This is like a game of tug-of-war
I'm your owner, baby, *you bring me slack.
And even though you think that I have the power,
I know honestly that I'll call you and you'll have me at your feet
Come and give me a little bit longer,
**We'll spend it here as two cozy ones,
I know that I have my heart sold
And with you, I never get cold.
You know that I know how to loosen your skin
As much as you want to dominate me,
You know that I know how to hold onto you well
I know that I have my heart sold
It's cursed by your kisses, by your love,
I know that I have my heart sold
It's crazy for your bones
You're my addiction,
Sold heart
They say there was a man
They say there was a man who lived here
A few doors up from the newspaper stand
Fine clothing, his pleasant smell can be smelt from afar
Walking with his wife on his arms.
They say there was a man who lived here
He was old money and had one of the best well-beings.
God forgive him*, he was such a kind man
He used to put away some money for the poor.
One day his wife woke up at midnight,
And in the cold bed, she found nothing.
And then the story was forgotten
The people thought that he had died
And they spread rumors about him
And how the arch-priest prayed
for his sins to be forgiven
And raised a fund for his soul.
They say there was a man who lived here
Started his life afresh somewhere far from here
Had another family and identity
Without anyone knowing the truth.
One day his wife woke up at midnight,
And all he left her was his debt.
About the man who lived here
Whom everyone thought had disappeared or died.
I know the story, and now so do you...
Be sure to keep this secret.
* This is a Maltese phrase one says when the person has died, so in this case this phrase already indicates that to the people he had died.
Drifting heart
I notice how your voice changes
Everytime you confess to me 'I love you'
We are worlds approaching each other
Orbiting with the same purpose
I who is blind about love universes
With rotatory and slow caresses
That puts our hearts in our mouths
And transforms the air into elixir
What is it
That makes me feel as a fire chariot
By your side
Drifting heart
Shipwrecked in the sea of your body
Where am I to go
If I'm missing the hurricane of your kisses?
I love you, love you
Drifting heart
I float with the sky's clouds
Ivory moon
Make this an unending dream
I love you, love you
Were are children of a lesser god
Without regard for the rules of the game
That absorb each other like opposite poles
In the circle of passion
What is it
That makes me feel as a fire chariot
By your side
Drifting heart
Shipwrecked in the sea of your body
Where am I to go
If I'm missing the hurricane of your kisses?
I love you, love you
Drifting heart
I float with the sky's clouds
Ivory moon
Make this an unending dream
Let me continue
Just a little bit more
Drifting heart
Shipwrecked in the sea of your body
Where am I to go
If I'm missing the hurricane of your kisses...?
Corazón, dis-moi pourquoi tu fuis
Pour toi, qu'est-ce que je suis ?
Mi corazón, dis-moi combien tu m'aimes
Dis-moi ce que j'ai fait
Mi corazón, dis-moi où est-ce que tu vas
Non, non, ne t'en va pas
Mi corazón, cCouplet 1]
J'ai pas la prétention de te demander ta main
J'ai vu ton visage apparaître dans les flammes
J'préfère encore te contempler tout comme un gamin
Car tu es l'esprit du Malin
Avec toi, impossible de savoir à quoi s'attendre
Tu changes de peau, tu te glisses dans des draps de satin
J'aurais préféré ne jamais croiser ton chemin
(Corazón) Un jour, tu me dis des mots doux
Tu m'fais savoir qu'on est intime
(Corazón) Un jour, tu me laisse dans le doute
Et tu fais de moi ton ennemi
(Corazón) Je n'sais plus à quoi m'attendre
Dis-moi c'que je n'ai pas compris
(Corazón) Accorde-moi de ton temps
Je ne t'ai demandé qu'une nuit
Corazón, dis-moi pourquoi tu fuis
Pour toi, qu'est-ce que je suis ?
Mi corazón, dis-moi combien tu m'aimes
Dis-moi ce que j'ai fait
Mi corazón, dis-moi où est-ce que tu vas
Non, non, ne t'en va pas
Mi corazón, corazón, corazón
[Couplet 2]
On m'a dit que tu dévorais tous les hommes
Et, d'après la rumeur, tu ne souris jamais
Tu prendras tout de moi, tu m'laisseras seul, enchaîné
Est-ce que j'ai tort ? Non, je savais
J'avance vers toi, les courbes de ton corps m’assomment
Tu diras : 'J'ai récolté tout ce que j'ai semé'
Attends deux minutes, j'ai déjà vécu la scène
(Corazón) Un jour, tu me dis des mots doux
Tu m'fais savoir qu'on est intime
(Corazón) Un jour, tu me laisse dans le doute
Et tu fais de moi ton ennemi
(Corazón) Je n'sais plus à quoi m'attendre
Dis-moi c'que je n'ai pas compris
(Corazón) Accorde-moi de ton temps
Je ne t'ai demandé qu'une nuit
Corazón, dis-moi pourquoi tu fuis
Pour toi, qu'est-ce que je suis ?
Mi corazón, dis-moi combien tu m'aimes
Dis-moi ce que j'ai fait
Mi corazón, dis-moi où est-ce que tu vas
Non, non, ne t'en va pas
Mi corazón, corazón, corazón
Et tu es rentrée dans ma tête, ce jour-là, comme une maladie
Et, ce que tu m'as dit, je l'ai en mélodie
Et tu es rentrée dans ma tête, ce jour-là, comme une maladie
Et, ce que tu m'as dit, je l'ai en mélodie
Et tu es rentrée dans ma tête, ce jour-là, comme une maladie
Et, ce que tu m'as dit, je l'ai en mélodie
Et tu es rentrée dans ma tête, ce jour-là, comme une maladie
Et, ce que tu m'as dit, je l'ai en mélodie
Corazón, dis-moi pourquoi tu fuis
Pour toi, qu'est-ce que je suis ?
Mi corazón, dis-moi combien tu m'aimes
Dis-moi ce que j'ai fait
Mi corazón, dis-moi où est-ce que tu vas
Non, non, ne t'en va pas
Mi corazón, corazón
Corazón, dis-moi pourquoi tu fuis
Pour toi, qu'est-ce que je suis ?
Mi corazón, dis-moi combien tu m'aimes
Dis-moi ce que j'ai fait
Mi corazón, dis-moi où est-ce que tu vas
Non, non, ne t'en va pas
Mi corazón, corazónorazón, corazón
My Heart Goes Wow Wow
This had to happen at some point
Suddenly you arrived without permission, without warning
My heart goes 'wow wow'
when I have you here just for me
My heart goes 'wow wow'
When I have you here
Just for me
Wow wow, wow wow
My heart pounds like this for you
Wow wow
wow wow
My heart pounds like this for you
Listen queen, I've never failed you
and I know because of what you've been through
Listen girl, you're the princess from the fairytale that's just
You can hide what you think of me
And I can't deny that I'm crazy for you
My heart goes wow wow
when I have you here
just for me
My heart goes 'wow wow' when I have you here just for me
Wow wow
Wow wow
My heart pounds like this for you
Wow wow wow wow
My heart pounds like this for you
What I've told you is what I feel
You know, my life, that this is feeling
You can tell
That I have my heart, it feels alone and sick
I want to breathe, to have you with me forever, woman I beg you
Never distance yourself from me,
please baby I beg you
My heart goes 'wow wow'
When I have you here just for me
My heart goes 'wow wow'
when I have you here just for me
My heart goes 'wow wow'
When I have you here just for me
My heart goes 'wow wow' when I have you here just for me
Wow wow, wow wow
My heart pounds like this for you
Wow wow, wow wow
My heart pounds
At some point
this had to happen
Suddenly you arrived
Without permission, without warning
I didn't know what to say
Or what to think
You left me frozen,
almost unable to talk
My heart goes 'wow wow'
Wow wow
Just for me
My heart goes 'wow wow'
When I have you here just for me
My heart goes 'wow wow'
when I have you here just for me
Wow wow
Wow wow
My heart pounds like this for you
Proud Heart
Say I'm crazy, say I'm a fool
But last night I wonderfully dreamed about you.
When I woke up in the morning, I was still singing in my bed
And you knew the words and we sang in a duet
And we plucked the strings as if they were our souls
And the rythm caught us and carried every sound
As long as we love each other, the history will be written,
With every beat of my proud heart.
As long as we love each other, the history will be written,
With every beat of my proud heart.
Oh, my family! Listen, my people!
Sing in a choir, now believe it!
As long as we love each other, the history will be written,
With every beat of my proud heart.
Oh, my family! Listen, my people!
Sing in a choir, now believe it!
As long as we love each other, the history will be written,
With every beat of my proud heart.
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