Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 10

Număr de rezultate: 448


Sărut de dor

Valuri sacre ale lui Tajo,
lasă-mă să-ți sărut apele,
lasă-mă să-ți dau un sărut,
un sărut de durere,
un sărut de dor
să-l duc mării, iar marea în țara mea.
Țara mea este cea micuță,
este Capul Verde cea care-i a mea,
țară care pe mare pare un copil,
este fiica oceanului,
este fiica cerului,
țara mamei mele,
țara iubirii mele.
Pe valurile tale cristaline,
lasă-mă să-ți dau un sărut
pe gura ta de fetiță.
Lasă-mă să-ți dau un sărut, o Tajo,
un sărut de durere,
un sărut de dor
să-l duc mării și marea în țara mea.
Pe valurile tale cristaline,
pe gura ta de fetiță,
un sărut de durere,
să-l duci mării, iar marea în țara mea,
să-l duci mării, iar marea în țara mea.

I want to

Versions: #2
You came like an angel before my eyes
Your first glance right away touched me
The world lit and faced me1
You're with me, I see you
And then you fly in the wind
I want you2 to take me with you
I'm excited
Longing for the happiness of being with you
I want to go away far from here
Doesn't matter at all where
Just with you I want to [spend] every moment [and] forever
Always you're the man by my side
Honor my love in every way
Two almond-shaped eyes and a gift
Beautiful love
Meant for the both of us
I want you to take...
  • 1. Lit. 'The world the light faced to me'
  • 2. Lit. 'comes to me' [desire]


Tristetea n-are sfirsit
Fericirea da
Fericirea e ca si picatura
De roua pe o petala de floare
Luceste linistit
Iar dupa oscileaza usor
Si cade ca si o lacrima de iubire
Fericirea unui sarac pare sa fie
Iluzia cea mara a Carnavalului
Muncim intregul an
Pentru momentul visului
Ca s-o indeplinim fantasia
De a fi rege sau pirat sau gradinar
Si ca totul sa se termine miercuri
Tristetea n-are sfirsit
Fericirea da
Fericirea e ca si pana
Ce vintul poarta in vint
Zboara atit de usor
Iar are viata scurta
Ii trebuie un vint ce nu se opreste
Fericirea mea viseaza
In ochii iubitei mele
E ca si aceasta seata
Trecind, trecind
In cautarea zorilor
Sa vorbiti incet, te rog
Ca el sa se trezeasca fericit asa cum e ziua
Oferind saruturi de iubire
Trestetea n-are sfirsit
Fericirea da


And he winks to her from afar and she sees he's a bit of a show-off
Dressed like those people in the movies and it's already going to his head
He pulls out a sentence from an old song, he calls her Ya'ayuni
Where (does) all this confidence (come) from? No, there's no logic to him
But somehow he arrived, the party begins
Don't search for an explanation, don't search for a reason for it
Everything passes tomorrow, so come on, raise your hands
just remember with whom you're dealing
He is just a show-off
And if you say 'enough' to him
Oh, oh, oh
He is just a show-off
I am not the one in front of me
Pretensions aren't for me
And he reserves the entire bar to impress you
Like some sort of oligarch he kisses your hand
And when he'll go, a trail of his perfume will remain
But when the night will end, the party will also end
Everything with him is a game, my God, what a disappointment
Your friends warned you from the beginning
Don't forget with whom you're dealing
He is just a show-off
And if you say 'enough' to him
Oh, oh, oh
He is just a show-off
I am not the one in front of me
Pretensions aren't for me
But when the night will end, the party will also end
Everything with him is a game, my God, what a disappointment
Your friends warned you from the beginning
Don't forget with whom you're dealing
He is just a show-off
And if you say 'enough' to him
Oh, oh, oh
He is just a show-off
I am not the one in front of me
Pretensions aren't for me

Doom Dada

Nu ne-am văzut de mult
Nu ne-am văzut de mult
Nu ne-am văzut de mult
Nu ne-am văzut de mult
Nu ne-am văzut de foarte mult timp
Nu ne-am văzut de mult
Devin epileptic
Voi, copii mici, mergeți la colț
Sunt servitorul vostru de vin care vă va schimba gustul
Suflă cât frige
O să arunc asta la voi, aplecați-vă capul în semn de mulțumire, ura
Hei, domnule și soro, sunt TOP, cel real
Suflă cât frige
Când cânt rap e atât de tare
N-a trecut atât de mult
Ce să fac cu mirosul ăsta de ars?
Tu, cu celule adormite
Ai văzut ultima armă?
Timpanele subțiri ale sufletului dormit
O să le înțep cu un spin, să le ard
Tu, cu celule adormite
O să le înțep cu un spin, să le ard
Oh Doamne, Doamne, Doamne, Doamne
Un duș care-ți spală timpanele
Sufletele calde și de neoprit
Să dansăm pe scena mare de acolo
Sufletele calde și de neoprit
Marș înainte
Sunt un om al secolului 21, coreean extraordinar
Un zeu al rapului, Basquiat cu un microfon
Îmi încălzesc vocea
Pentru prima dată după ceva timp, voi termina cu un cântec
Te voi face să înnebunești, dar sunt ca un curat pinot noir
Nu-mi pasă dacă ți se topesc oasele, să vedem finalul nebuniei ăsteia
Așa, așa, să privim o nouă lume
Îndreaptă-ți pistolul către lumea complicată
Către sunetele zgomotoase și bang bang bang
Expiră și DOOM
Ga na da ra ma ba sa
Ah ja cha ka ta pa, Dumnezeu ne apără și stăruie
Mă simt e parcă mă uit deasupra uiversului
Sunt un visător neînfricat
Să fug? Nu voi fugi
Toți ardeți
Doamne, Doamne, Doamne, Doamne
Un duș care-ți spală timpanele
Sufletele calde și de neoprit
Să dansăm pe scena mare de acolo
Sufletele calde și de neoprit
Marș înainte
Hei, mass media, fiți calmi și gestionați această nouă inspirație
DOOM DADA DIVI DA, cu meditație, voi analiza a treia lume
Puterea omului primită de la zei
O victorie mai sclipitoare a civilizației
DOOM DADA DIVI DA, sper că o lumină verde strălucește în noua viață
Întoarce-te, întoarce-te, întoarce-te, întoarce-te, întoarce-te doar înapoi
Vocile oamenilor care e doar gura de ei se întorc
Împinge, împinge, împinge, împinge, sfârâie, sfârâie, repede, repede
Televiziunea supraîncălzită împinge oamenii
Hakuna matata Hakuna matata


'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua
'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua
Eu îţi ling îngheţata ('ţata, 'ţata, 'ţata)
Iar tu poţi să îmi lingi acadeaua 'deaua, 'deaua
Eu îţi ling îngheţata ('ţata, 'ţata, 'ţata)
Iar tu poţi să îmi lingi acadeaua 'deaua, 'deaua
E incredibil ce spun ei
Nu auzi asta în fiecare zi
Chiar asta ai?
Arată-mi acadeaua aia
Eu îţi ling îngheţata ('ţata, 'ţata, 'ţata)
Iar tu poţi să îmi lingi acadeaua 'deaua, 'deaua
Eu îţi ling îngheţata ('ţata, 'ţata, 'ţata)
Iar tu poţi să îmi lingi acadeaua 'deaua, 'deaua
'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua
'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua
Acadeaua mea, îngheţata ta
Putem să ne apucăm direct de ea, şi să o facem frumos
Acadeaua mea, îngheţata ta
Putem să ne apucăm direct de ea, şi să o facem frumos
E incredibil ce spun ei
Nu auzi asta în fiecare zi
Chiar asta ai?
Arată-mi acadeaua aia
E incredibil ce spun ei
Nu auzi asta în fiecare zi
Chiar asta ai?
Arată-mi acadeaua aia, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua
'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua
Buzele mele merg 'mprejur aşa
Îţi ling acadeaua
Buzele mele merg 'mprejur aşa
Îţi ling acadeaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua
'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua, 'deaua
Eu îţi ling îngheţata ('ţata, 'ţata, 'ţata)
Iar tu poţi să îmi lingi acadeaua 'deaua, 'deaua
Eu îţi ling îngheţata ('ţata, 'ţata, 'ţata)
Iar tu poţi să îmi lingi (e incredibil) acadeaua 'deaua, 'deaua
Vreau să merg la magazinul de bomboane
Hei, tati, ce ai?
Mişcă-te mai aproape, iubi, nu te opri
Dă-mi ceva din acadeaua aia
Vreau să merg la magazinul de bomboane
Să-mi iau ceva din acadeaua aia
Să dau ceva din ambalajul ăla jos
Să nu mă grăbesc şi să am o sugere plăcută
Eu îţi ling îngheţata (nu te opri, nu te opri, nu te opri)
Iar tu poţi să îmi lingi acadeaua (acadeaua ta)
Eu îţi ling îngheţata (nu te opri, nu te opri, nu te opri)
Iar tu poţi să îmi lingi acadeaua (acadeaua ta)
Eu îţi ling aca-acadeaua
Tu îmi lingi îngheţata
Eu îţi ling aca-acadeaua
Tu îmi lingi îngheţata

Darla Dirladadà

Darla dirladadà—
I sowed wheat in the wind.
I put my heart into a convent.
Darla dirladadà—
I laughed and sometimes cried
I do not know if the world is worth much.
I am happy when I sing.
Oh dirladà, a mountain.
I sit on it and, all that I see,
I say belongs to me and then I believe it.
Redirlada dirladadà—
It takes little, in the end,
to become king of the world.
I will dance dirladadà.
Dirladadà, the world dances—
the mad dance of life.
Lift the world with two fingers
and a hundred thousand hearts in celebration.
The world sang more than now
of the same empty, sad life
that made dirladadà.
And dirladà was a boy.
He said things never heard.
He gave me things he had never had,
and only tears remained.
My man understood them
and he treated my wounds.
Dirladadà dirladadà—
And dirladà, the world dances—
the mad dance of life.
Lift the world with two fingers.
Dirladadà dirladadà—
a song to sing—
and sometimes to forget.
Oh dirladà, the world sings.
Dirladadà, people dance.
Life is a dirladadà.
But life, it is known,
should be taken as a whole.
And this is the moral here.
Re dirlada dirladadà
Oh dadadà dirladadà

Soledad (Loneliness)

Soledad, every night cradling my loneliness,
a song rises from afar like a prelude
and in my dreams I see you—
but you are not here.
Soledad, in the shapes of the clouds,
I imagine seeing your face
that I have kissed so many times—
but you are not here.
Soledad, in my helpless soul—
my sorrow wanders in silence.
I am strong and do not cry—
but you are not here.
And I hear memories that sing—
the sound of your footsteps, the tone of your voice.
Everything speaks to me of you.
It cannot be true that one day you will forget me.
And I hear memories that sing—
they are stronger than me—my heart flutters.
Everything speaks to me of you.
You told me that you loved only me.
And yet it is far from all that.
My love today is not here.
Soledad, when the wind makes the stars tremble—
when the sea lets the sails be retracted—
how good I would be in your arms—
but you are not here.
Soledad, they say time erases
the traces of the most beautiful love.
As you know, I do not change—
but you are not here.
Soledad, I toss in the river
this rose and my prayer
and if you see them, you will know
that I think of you.
And I hear memories that sing—
the sound of your footsteps, the tone of your voice.
Everything speaks to me of you.
It cannot be true that one day you will forget me.
And I hear memories that sing—
they are stronger than me—my heart flutters.
Everything speaks to me of you.
You told me that you loved only me.
And, like a burst of joy,
I have hope that one day you will come back to me.

An Avenue Full of Saudade

Who knows how long I take Lisbon in me?
How long have I been raising this city in my voice?
At any time, time does not forgive
It is from this city the blue that hurts me
And time is in us the same age
Who knows everything that Lisbon knows about me?
How many seagulls has the quay of this anxiety?
In my chest, there is an echo that stuns me
A pigeon that lifts and flies
An avenue full of saudade1
If the night is one of uncertainty and poetry
I close the shutters of joy
I cast my look into clarity
If sadness hurts more than I can bear
It is in the deep roots of beauty
That I fill my hands with freedom
Who knows everything that Lisbon knows about me?
How many seagulls has the quay of this anxiety?
In my chest, there is an echo that stuns me
A pigeon that lifts and flies
An avenue full of saudade1
Knowing how long the pain has tired us
Lisbon is a child in my blood
That brings on the face a little bitterness
But it is a party every dawn
Lisbon is the hope we have left
The capital city of wind and tenderness
  • a unique Portuguese word that means the feeling of hurt and nostalgia, caused by the absence, disappearance, distance or deprivation of people, times, places or things to which one has been affectionately connected and that one wishes to have again in the present

Get Out Of My Head

And you don't call me
There's no one outside, there's no one
To take me now maybe
Maybe this isn't worth it
Stop it stop it my pulse is rising
Maybe come and knock it off
Get out of my head again
When I start forgetting you start to nag
As if I haven't kept track of the time
Just get out of me
Wars in my heart
I have given up and it still won't leave me...
You won't come but you're also not willing to let go and you should know
That you burn in my blood
Deep in my blood
Stop it stop it my pulse is rising
Maybe come and knock it off
Get out of my head again
When I start forgetting you start to nag
As if I haven't kept track of the time
Just get out of me
Wars in my heart
I have up and it still won't leave me...


Ai venit la mine
Ca poezia în cântec
O nouă lume de pasiune
Fără egoism și rațiune
Doar ne știind ce era iubirea
Eu mi-am protejat inima
Soarele a plecat
Și eu cântându-ți cântecul
Preia toate emoțiile
Dacă teama a furat iluzia
Ai venit la mine
N-am știut să iubesc
Și rămâne doar acest cântec
~ ~ ~
Ai venit la mine
Ca poezia în cântec
O nouă lume de pasiune
Fără egoism și rațiune
Dar ne știind ce era iubirea
Eu mi-am protejat inima
Soarele a plecat
Și eu cântându-ți cântecul
Preia toate emoțiile
Dacă teama a furat iluzia
Ai venit la mine
N-am știut să iubesc
Și rămâne doar acest cântec

Green birdy

Green birdy, how don´t you want for me to cry
Green birdy, how am I not to cry
Ay, ay, ay, ay, with only one life is enough
green birdy, and they want to take it away from me
Green birdy, how don´t you want for me to cry
Green birdy, how am I not to cry
Ay, ay, ay, ay, if the grasshoppers they take away from me
green birdy, they attach them to me again
Green birdy, if the indian for more than he knows
Green birdy, he always says the less of him
Ay, ay, ay, ay give the spoon
green birdy, it's on the spoon hanger
Green birdy, yesterday you went to cut wood
green birdy, you passed by my orchard
Ay, ay, ay, ay, and everybody knew
green birdy, for your bad companion
Green birdy, What the indian can give you?
green birdy, as much as you love him
Ay, ay, ay, ay, a trap for crabs
green birdy, and that will be when it rains

Jet Lag

My morning's upside down, I have no day and no night
There's yet to be a crazy evening such as this
Tell me, the moment we got here, we lost our minds
Everyone's beautiful when they know there's nothing to fear
All the gazes fly my way as if there's no room
Everybody's high as if they're already jet-lagged
Somebody pinch me to make sure this is not a dream
'Cause no one here even planned on leaving
Tell me, baby, how did this happen to me
Both of us going all the way
You don't need much to know that...
Tonight we came here to throw some party
Everyone's drinking, everyone's dancing
And no one is sane
So hold me and twirl me
'Til the sun will come upon us
My head's a little dizzy, this day became yesterday
We've celebrated for two days straight without falling
Give me a moment, darling, we've reached the honey
The sting is dangerous, but it's an acquired taste
All the smiles fly my way and it feels right
So let's raise our glasses up high
We know how to be joyous in Israel, it's a gift
All this joy is shining in our eyes
Tell me, baby, how did this happen to me
Both of us going all the way
You don't need much to know that...

Not Old Enough

Versions: #3
I am not old enough,
I am not old enough to love you,
And it not right
to go out us both alone.
I don't know what else,
I don't know what else I can tell you,
You know now
much more things then I.
Let me live this
so romantic love,
Let the day come
The day thats been dreamed of, But not now.
I am not old enough,
I am not old enough to love you,
And it not right
to go out us both alone.
Perhaps you want to,
Perhaps you want to wait so I
can grow older
And I can give you my love.
Let me live this
so romantic love,
Let the day come
The day thats been dreamed of, But not now.
I am not old enough,
I am not old enough to love you,
And it not right
to go out us both alone.
Perhaps you want to,
Perhaps you want to wait so I
can grow older
And I can give you my love.

Where Are You

Waking up to another routine morning
Get ready for work and go out of the house
My car has a life of its own
It always takes me through your street
I ask myself, if only you were by my side
My entire life would be different
I think to myself, if only we could talk
We haven't spoken for so many years
Where are you today tell me what's going on with you
Who hugs you in the nights between the sheets
Where are you today you've suddenly disappeared from me
How much have I cried alone in the nights
In the nights
I remember how when you were still near me
We haven't worried from anything we enjoyed every moment
How come like always I destroy everything
In the whole I had it good in your love
I ask myself, if only you were by my side
My entire life would be different
I think to myself, if only we could talk
We haven't spoken for so many years
Where are you today tell me what's going on with you...

Letter found in the shirt of an American soldier dead at Vietnam. June, 1972.

When you wrote to me I wasn't there anymore,
when you called me there was noise here
and I couldn't hear what they said
about those cardboard heroes.
I remember the heroic farewell
with high flags and honoring shouts,
and you, crying softly,
for my future, for your future.
And here today,
of what kind of heroism can we talk about
besides that of the one who under the sea
bursts inside the mines for his love?
And now
what can you and me expect
looking at these children who will never become
children like you and me?
If my bones come back home, don't cry for them,
and throw away the medal they will give you
and forget I was killed in action.
Because it was not like that, because I was just another murderer
and I don't even deserve death.

Cu calm

Care este numele tău iubito?
De când te-am văzut, am ştiut că eşti pentru mine
Spune-le prietenilor tăi că suntem gata
Vom fi împreună după petrecere
Care este numele tău iubito?
De când te-am văzut, am ştiut că eşti pentru mine
Spune-le prietenilor tăi că suntem gata
Vom fi împreună după petrecere
Calm, vreau să văd cum îl agită
Mişcă acel 'poom poom' fată
Ca un criminal vreau să o vadă lumea când dansează
Îmi place 'poom poom-ul' tău fato
Calm, vreau să văd cum îl agită
Mişcă acel 'poom poom' fată
Are adrenalină în mijlocul trackului, vino, fă-mi orice
Îmi place 'poom poom-ul' tău fato
Am văzut că eşti singură, acompaniază-mă
Noaptea e a noastră, ştii
Ce dorinţă am, am
De la Guyarte mami este rampampam, da !
E criminal cum se mişcă, e crimă
Trebuie să te arestez pentru că am început şi nu m-am mai oprit
Eşti delincventă, dar îţi dau fatalitate
Trăieşte filmul plutind în gravitaţia mea
Daddy stabileşte regulile, tu trebuie să te supui
Ea nu are pauză, ce vei face?
Aruncă, aruncă, aruncă înapoi
Aruncă, aruncă, înainte şi înapoi
Calm, vreau să văd cum îl agită
Mişcă acel 'poom poom' fată
Ca un criminal vreau să o vadă lumea când dansează
Îmi place 'poom poom-ul' tău fato
Calm, vreau să văd cum îl agită
Mişcă acel 'poom poom' fată
Are adrenalină în mijlocul trackului, vino, fă-mi orice
Îmi place 'poom poom-ul' tău fato
Tu ai candela, eu am lumânarea
Sună la 911, tălpile ard
Mă doare când îşi modelează fusta
Mammy eşti bolnavă, dar nu îţi termini show-ul
Ei te numesc regina petrecerii
Acel corp se mişcă precum sandunga(1)
Fă un pas, nu te opri, wow haide, haide!
Suntem doi bandiţi între rumba şi romanţă
DJ, pune beat-ul din nou ca să poată dansa
Aruncă, aruncă, aruncă înapoi
Aruncă, aruncă, înainte şi înapoi
Calm, vreau să văd cum îl agită
Mişcă acel 'poom poom' fată
Ca un criminal vreau să o vadă lumea când dansează
Îmi place 'poom poom-ul' tău fato
Calm, vreau să văd cum îl agită
Mişcă acel 'poom poom' fată
Are adrenalină în mijlocul trackului, vino, fă-mi orice
Îmi place 'poom poom-ul' tău fato
Vin cu o fată tânără drăguţă
Da, este inteligentă şi simpatică
Oriunde merg nu o las singură
Da, Daddy şi eu Snow suntem hoinari, bărbaţii dansului
Hoinărim dansând tot timpul
Nu vei şti că eu Snow şi Daddy suntem boom shakata
Niciodată nu am stat închis într-o cutie de carton
Da, Daddy Yankee, mă duc să ating topul
Calm, vreau să văd cum îl agită
Mişcă acel 'poom poom' fată
Ca un criminal vreau să o vadă lumea când dansează
Îmi place 'poom poom-ul' tău fato
Calm, vreau să văd cum îl agită
Mişcă acel 'poom poom' fată
Are adrenalină în mijlocul trackului, vino, fă-mi orice
Îmi place 'poom poom-ul' tău fato

În Orașul Furiei

Mă vei vedea zburând
Prin Orașul Furiei,
Unde nimeni nu știe de mine,
Iar eu fac parte din tot.
Nimic nu se va schimba
Cu amenințarea unei curbe.
Văd teama de pe fețele lor.
Nu mai există fabule
În Orașul Furiei.
Mă vei vedea căzând
Ca o pasăre de pradă.
Mă vei vedea căzând
Peste terasele pustii.
Mă voi dezbrăca
Pe străzile albastre.
Mă voi refugia,
Înainte ca toți să se trezească.
Mă vei lăsa să dorm la răsărit
Între picioarele tale, între picioarele tale.
Vei știi să mă ascunzi bine și să dispari
În ceață, în ceață.
Bărbat înaripat,
Duce dorul pământului.
Mă vei vedea zburând
Prin Orașul Furiei,
Unde nimeni nu știe de mine,
Iar eu fac parte din tot.
De la lumina Astrului,
Mi se topesc aripile.
Întâlnesc numai în întuneric
Ceea ce mă leagă
De Orașul Furiei.
Mă vei vedea căzând
Ca o săgeată nestăpânită.
Mă vei vedea căzând
Printre zboruri fugitive.
Buenos Aires se vede
Atât de susceptibil
În destinul furiilor
Care persistă pe fețele lor.
Mă vei lăsa să dorm la răsărit
Între picioarele tale, între picioarele tale.
Vei știi să mă ascunzi bine și să dispari
În ceață, în ceață.
Băbat înaripat,
Preferă noaptea.

The Artists' City

In the city, being an artist
Is to strike a smiling pose
And see if by chance
You get on the cover of a magazine
Is to wait for the phone
To get through
Confirming the trip
To Japan
With your pianist
And before the sun rises
Contemplating the horizon
Give interviews to other artists
Under the bridge
In the city, being an artist
Is to get up on a chair
Swallowing a sharp knife
To a tourist's delight
Is to drink pesticide
Is to spit flames
See the square get packed
Your hat getting stuffed with all these coins
Is to fall on your knees
Is to thank heavens
There goes the tourist, the money, the knife, the chair and the hat
Oh my!
In the city, being an artist
Is to take on credit
Is to dress on rags
Is to be comfortable
Is to roam during the night
Is to be a firefly
Is to pick up cigarette butts, have some booze, paint a fence
Is to be almost nothing at all
Is to have no documents
What if the police catches you, folds you, kneads you and puts you inside it?
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

The Forgotten One

I found this chacarera
It was mourning by the sand
Over a boy from Barrancas
Who'll never see the shrubs of jume 1 again
That's how a fellow countryman
From Salavina sang
Under a carob tree
One January afternoon
I'm leaving, I'm leaving now
On my way to Chilca Juliana
Oh my darling no one knows
What awaits me after today
Barrancas, oh cherished land,
I leave you this chacarera.
Beloved, don't be untrue 2
To the one heading out to the countryside
My sweetheart has left me
She's gone to Chilca Juliana
She took the horse with the sulky 3
The bass drum, and the demijohn
I wish I were a tree
Not too big and not too small
So that I could give a bit of shade
To those who are weary from travel
I'm leaving, I'm leaving now,
Beautiful land, 4 Salavina
Perhaps I will never be able
To gaze at your Salinas again
Barrancas, oh cherished land,
I leave you this chacarera
Beloved, don't be untrue
To the one heading out to the countryside
  • 1. The jume is a shrub that grows on salty soil near shores.
  • 2. ama koncaichu or ama concaichu is in Quechua language, ama is a negation and koncaichu derives from betrayal.
  • 3. sulki - English spelling: sulky is a lightweight cart
  • 4. ashpa sumaj is in Quechua also

Esti adevarul meu

Esti adevarul meu
Nu exista nimic ce o sa te raneasca in intunericul
deoarece am grija de tine pina in zori
Asa e, draga
De fiecare data cind te sarut pe tine
simt valuri electrice sa curga
Intr-un anume fel simt sa ma invirtesc fara oprire
e pentru tine
Esti adevarul meu
si nimic nu mai conteaza in afara de iubirea ta
Esti adevarul meu
De fiecare data cind iti vad ochii sa se trezeasca, draga
Esti adevarul meu
pina in vesnicie de acum inainte eu a ta am sa fiu
Esti adevarul meu
nici ingrijorari nici frica nu mai exista
niciodata n-am sa ma duc
Si am sa te imbratisez
Nu exista nimic ce o sa te raneasca in intunericul
si iti promit sa am grija de tine pina la final
asa e, draga
De fiecare data cind te sarut pe tine
simt ca parca plutesc intre cerul si vasta ta mare
cu tine intre ondele
dulce asa, fara frica, draga
Esti adevarul meu
si nimic nu mai conteaza in afara de iubirea ta
Esti adevarul meu
De fiecare data cind iti vad ochii sa se trezeasca, draga
Esti adevarul meu
pina in vesnicie de acum inainte eu a ta am sa fiu
Esti adevarul meu
nici ingrijorari nici frica nu mai exista
niciodata n-am sa ma duc


Damdadi damdadi damdadidam. Damdadi damdadi damdadidam
Damdadi damdadi damdadidam. Damdadi damdadi damdadidam
My dear, are you going to leave me?
After all that you've made my heart ache like this?
My dear, are you going to leave me?
After all that you've made my heart sad like this?
My dear, isn't there any way you can love me?
I really love you, even if you leave me
I really love you, even if you leave me
Damdadi damdadi damdadidam. Damdadi damdadi damdadidam
Damdadi damdadi damdadidam. Damdadi damdadi damdadidam
Seriously, isn't there any way I can long for you, my dear?
I'm begging you, my dear, like this
Seriously, isn't there any way I can love you, my dear?
Please, whisper that you love me
My dear, isn't there any way you can love me?
I really love you, even if you leave me
I really love you, even if you leave me
Damdadi damdadi damdadidam. Damdadi damdadi damdadidam
Damdadi damdadi damdadidam. Damdadi damdadi damdadidam

The Ancestral Abode

I'll reach freedom together with you,
To love, smile, flower, and happiness,
By the end of any night, there's a dawn,
By the end of any destruction, there's a flourishing,
In a free choice of head scarf,
A jail is not the answer to your protest,
A woman's singing is not a crime any longer,
There's no silence in your instrument sound,
Our Iran will be filled with hope,
Every alley will be filled with singing,
The cage will
be finally broken one day,
Flight is inherent in a bird,
Iran, Iran ...
Of any race and/or faith you are,
Iran is shared for all the Iranians,
People wish peace,


What's your name baby?
Since I saw you I knew that you were for me
Tell your friends that we are ready
We follow this in the after party
What's your name baby?
Since I saw you I knew that you were for me
Tell your friends that we are ready
We follow this in the after party
Calmly I wanna see how she wags him
Move that “poom poom” girl
That a murderer, I want that the world see her when she dances
I like your “poom poom” girl
Calmly I wanna see how she wags him
Move that “poom poom” girl
She has adrenaline in the middle of the track, come, do me anything
I like your “poom poom” girl
I saw that you are alone, accompany me
The night is ours, you know it
What desires I have, have
From Guayarte mommy is rampampam! Yeah!
That criminal how she moves it, it's a crime
I have to arrest you because I start and I don't take off
You have criminality, but I give you fatality
Live the movie floating in my gravity
Daddy puts the rules, you have to obey
Mommy doesn't have a break, what are you going to do?
Throw, throw, throw backward
Throw, throw forward and backward
Calmly I wanna see how she wags him
Move that “poom poom” girl
That a murderer, I want that the world see her when she dances
I like your “poom poom” girl
Calmly I wanna see how she wags him
Move that “poom poom” girl
She has adrenaline in the middle of the track, come, do me anything
I like your “poom poom” girl
You have candle and I have the candle
Call the 911 the soles are burning
It hurts me when she model me the skirt
Mommy you're sick, but you don't cancel your show
They call you the queen of the party
That body has many sandunga 1
Take a step, don't stop, wow come on, come on!
We are two bandits between rumba and romance
Beat DJ again, so that she dances
Throw, throw, throw backward
Throw, throw forward and backward
Calmly I wanna see how she wags him
Move that “poom poom” girl
That a murderer, I want that the world see her when she dances
I like your “poom poom” girl
Calmly I wanna see how she wags him
Move that “poom poom” girl
She has adrenaline in the middle of the track, come, do me anything
I like your “poom poom” girl
Come with a nice young lady
Intelligent, yes she gentle and irie
Everywhere me go me never lef' her at all-ie
Yes-a Daddy Snow me are the roam dance man-a
Roam between-a dancin' in-a in-a nation-a
You never know say daddy me Snow me are the boom shakata
Me never lay-a down flat in-a one cardboard box-a
Yes-a daddy yankee me-a go reachin' out da top
Calmly I wanna see how she wags him
Move that “poom poom” girl
That a murderer, I want that the world see her when she dances
I like your “poom poom” girl
Calmly I wanna see how she wags him
Move that “poom poom” girl
She has adrenaline in the middle of the track, come, do me anything
I like your “poom poom” girl
  • 1. Is a Mexican couple dance in which the woman waltzes holding her skirt spread while the man shuffles around her.

Incompatibility of Temperament

The radio was broadcasting the Flamengo's game,
And I wanted to hear it,
But she arrived
And then changed the station.
She started to sing.
There's more:
I'd got foreign body in my eye,
And instead of
She blowing that from it,
She remorselessly
Told me
That I should become blind.
When I moved
An inch, just an inch,
At the bar for a short period of time,
It was enough for her,
During ten nights in a row,
Make me hungry by not making food for me,
My underpants
To a sorcerer so he could pull trick on them,
Separate the coffee powder from water,
By using my pants
To dominate me.
When I'm
Oweing money
And someone comes to get it from me,
My damn wife opens the door
And even ask'em to enter and sit down,
If I change jobs
So we can have better financial conditions,
She invites her mother
To live there with us.
If I ask for beans,
She salts them too much.
When it's hot,
She puts on her coat
To bother me.
Also, yesterday
In her dream,
She asked me to bet on donkey,
And because of cabeça,
My respective rewards were multiplied by hundred and thousand.
I want to divorce her.


The sun rises over the Atlantic
And sets in Venezuela
Opening the paths of the tropics
The paths to rum and tobacco
And since it's cold here
I'm escaping to Trinidad
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
Hollow drums for the rhythm
Memories for the tempo
In the back room of a shop
Among former reed cutters
The music takes us on a walk
And we're escaping to Trinidad
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
Crazy thoughts invade our minds
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad
And bring us closer in the night
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad,
We forget about the chill of winter
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
In the grey of the morning's early hours
We still have something up our sleeves
We linger around in the streets for a while
With the blue sky on our skin
And since we're dreaming of a getaway
Let's go to Trinidad again
Crazy thoughts invade our minds
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad
And bring us closer in the night
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad
We forget about the chill of winter
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad...

La felicidad [Happiness]

I have dreamed with your smooth face
Your eyes like precious stones
Invented the blue color
As childhood was cast away
In happiness
Your smile was contagious
A morning of hope
And mine was a secret
Swimming in love's silence
And your letter was not there
Since you stated on it
That you were not happy
Destiny was a lie
We had made fun of it
Through three wishes of the falling star
How can I take away your pain
How will I ever promise you
Happiness, a ghost woman
That gives us everything with nothing to exchange
That makes us loose it
In search for happiness
Happiness, that married woman
A mirage that does not go away
If you propose yourself to find it
Forget about happiness
I have been on out on the streets
With your letter in my pocket
Caressing it with my fingers
As if it were to comfort you
As I'm thinking about happiness
I have mixed among people
Soul in my throat
I have searched answers
To my life and your drama
Happiness is possible
I have cried on my pillow
And now that it knows that I care to know about you
Your unhappiness is my death penalty
If I were to save your joy, my joy
Will be a test
How can I take away your pain
How will I ever promise you
Happiness, a ghost woman
That gives us everything with nothing to exchange
That makes us loose it
In search for happiness
Happiness, that married woman
A mirage that does not go away
If you propose yourself to find it
Forget about happiness

Frânturi de cenusă în eternitate

De ceva timp înțeleg
Că inima asta sinucigașă
Doar cu forța gâturilor voastre
Își va vindeca rănile.
De ceva timp, în nopțile mele,
Când mă lovește nebunia,
Privindu-mă în oglindă
Zăresc numai îndoieli.
Sunteți voi cei la care mă gândesc
Și nu vreau să vă mint,
Chiar dacă știu că nu vă place
Ce vă voi povesti:
Eu nu mai pot să fac rumba,
Pentru că viața mea s-a schimbat
Și dacă mâinile mi se ating,
Trecutul meu îmi provoacă frică¹
Dar, da, există un sentimet
Care în pieptul meu crește și crește,
Pe care nu-l destramă vântul
Și care niciodată nu se alterează,
Care nu își pierde speranța
Și care explodează în gâtul meu, prin viu grai.
Eu vreau să fiu războinic²,
Cum sunteți voi,
Să-mi las degetele în fiecare cântec,
Cântând ca un nebun.
Să ridicăm brichetele³,
Celebrând ceea ce am trăit
Și să ne atingem mâinile
Amintindu-ne de cei căzuți.
Nu contează timpul, nu e real,
Ceea ce într-o zi am fost, va dăinui
Gravat în frânturi de cenușă în eternitate.
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu... războinic, războinic, războinic.
De ceva timp înțeleg
Că mi-am găsit drumul
Doar mulțumită vouă
Celor care ați decis să-l urmați.
Când văd că mă sting
Simt în piept o lumânare⁴
Care mă menține treaz
Și care uneori mă umple de ceară.
Căci eu iau totul de bun,
Cred că despre asta e vorba,
Pentru că aici nimeni nu e perfect,
Și eu o mai dau în bară.
Și ce vreau să vă spun e
Că tipul ăsta nu se vinde,
Nu există bani ca să poată să plătească
Barca asta cu toți oamenii mei.
Dar, da, există un sentimet
Care în pieptul meu crește și crește,
Pe care nu-l destramă vântul
Și care niciodată nu se alterează,
Care nu își pierde speranța
Și care explodează în gâtul meu, prin viu grai.
Eu vreau să fiu războinic,
Cum sunteți voi,
Să-mi las degetele în fiecare cântec,
Cântând ca un nebun.
Să ridicăm brichetele,
Celebrând ceea ce am trăit
Și să ne atingem mâinile
Amintindu-ne de cei căzuți.
Nu contează timpul, nu e real,
Ceea ce într-o zi am fost, va dăinui
Gravat în frânturi de cenușă în eternitate.
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu... războinic, războinic, războinic.
Eu vreau să fiu războinic,
Cum sunteți voi,
Să-mi las degetele în fiecare cântec,
Cântând ca un nebun.
Să ridicăm brichetele,
Celebrând ceea ce am trăit
Și să ne atingem mâinile
Amintindu-ne de cei căzuți.
Nu contează timpul, nu e real,
Ceea ce într-o zi am fost, va dăinui
Gravat în frânturi de cenușă în eternitate.
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Și doar
Vreau să vă
Pentru că m-ați lăsat
Pe mine
Să fiu firul de lăgătură
Al unei energii așa frumoase,
Să fiu tulpina acestei flori
Care nu se ofilește cu timpul,
În ciuda suferințelor
Și în contra întregii lumi,
Pariați pe copilul
Și acum, pe bărbatul pe care îl descopăr,
În fiecare zi în oglindă.
Nu știe cum să vă spună
Că inima mea e a voastră,
Aproape lafel de tare cum îmi aparține mie,
Pentru că sunteți echipajul meu,
Cel mai fiedel pe care l-am cunoscut,
Și singurul care mă îmbracă
Când sufletului meu îi e frig.
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu...

Love Within Me

Versions: #2
You said that us together is forever
Promised a world that's blooming around us
I said to everyone that you're in my heart
Swore that you'll be mine forever
How could you leave and just gave up on me
Know that the my way isn't paved
I'm trying but it's even harder
I can't see and won't give up
Why it burns and pierces
Crazy love within me
Controlling, conquering what was worth my world
It feels bitter, can't get over so i break
Can't find a solution, trying
It's so hard on me
A few beautiful days we've had
Today two strangers from love what have we done
To god I pray he's everything to me
A storm of feelings attacks my heart
At night my soul wanders to you again
Want your heart it's hard without you
The day is back and it's even harder
The truth is i don'y want and i don't give up
Why... why?



Anja, you, whose eyes shine anyway
The little firefly when everything goes out
Anja, this song that you love
When you look at me, it comes back
It says that life is not cruel
That all men, we are the same
That if we give them happiness
They will not become better
Anja, forgive them.
Anja, the children, the only lights
Some will darken your path.
Anja, my favorite color
It is the pink in the palm of your hand
Take my arm, it serves the even stronger
Love can repel death
This invisible dictator
I see the tears dripping on your heart
In a river of modesty
Anja, our stories made of lace
Only hold to the sons of our destinies
Anja, keep your damsel gloves
To wipe our sins of sorrow
You say that the grief will be lived through
That the pain is only a shower
That there is sun for tomorrow
You who calls me with a childish smile
Hidden in its case
Anja, we take fantom trains
There are sometimes sad travels
Anja, you upset my atoms
You, the free electron without baggage
Little porcelain doll
When madness breaks loose
In a mosaic of pain
Little queen with a flower crown
Anja, forgive them
Anja, can we love each other like brothers?
Our parents are so different
Anja, you are millions on Earth
The name is not very important
Whether you wear a cross or a star
A tiny red dot or a veil
The reality is the same
And since we harvest what we sow
I offer you this poem
Anja, a bird with white wings
Came to rest near you
Anja, there she sawed the branch
And happiness has fallen well below
Let's hope that our hopes are raised
That in our hearts, the sap flows
And the spray of better days
But if the barbarism is only a mistake
Anja forgive them
Anja, it is raining on your innocence
And drip by drip, we say goodbye
Anja, you keep a part of your childhood
Like if life was only a big game
I would love to have your strength
To have this spring under the bark
Of a tree that I know too old
Walk further, I am stopping here.
Anja, forgive me
Anja, you, whose eyes shine anyway
Little firefly when everything goes out
Anja, this song that you love
When you look at me, it comes back
It says that life is not cruel
That all men, we are the same
That if we give them happiness
They will not become better
Anja, forgive them.

Son of Man

Son of man, why do you slumber, come and present words of petition
Arise, it is time to awake
To look up, up
Don't stop dreaming when you're awake
It isn't just for the night, the night
Say what burdens your heart, come tell a little
What are you afraid of, let go, don't forget that you're a...
Son of man, why do you slumber, come and present words of petition
Pour out conversation, seek forgiveness, from the Master of Masters
Arise, it is time to gaze upon
Your soul deep within, deep within
Sometimes it is better to just stop
In order to look ahead, ahead
Always remember that there's someone who loves you, and don't forget
That's there a Father above you that keeps you safe, only you because you're a...
Son of man, why do you slumber, come and present words of petition
Pour out conversation, seek forgiveness, from the Master of Masters

If you were left alone

Somebody told me today that you are sad
Your pain seemed ironic to me
And I remembered the night you left
And I relived the days of love
The afternoon got filled with sadness
And it hurt me to suddenly understand
How in some corner of my mind
Your feminine warmth remained forever
If you were left alone, it would be because when you left
You didn't know how to measure the love I had for you
If you were left alone, revise your memory
To love is a glory that I offered you
If you were left alone, without anyone to love you
Your fault, my friend, it's time to pay
If you were left alone, you deserve it
To cry the good you have lost is not having known how to love

Nobody grows roses without taking care of them
They cannot give perfume nor color
If it weren't for hands to love them
No flower would ever grow
If you were left alone, I'm sorry
But you should have understood at least
It wasn't nice to mock my feelings
Now, I am sorry, it's not the time to love
If you were left alone, it would be because when you left
You didn't know how to measure the love I had for you
If you were left alone, revise your memory
To love is a glory that I offered you
If you were left alone, without anyone to love you
Your fault, my friend, it's time to pay
If you were left alone, you deserve it
To cry the good you have lost is not having known how to love