Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 448


You Will Cry on Christmas

Christmas will come
and once again you will cry
if the snow buries
my love.
Once again you will hear
other lips say
that his love will
heal your pain.
Christmas will pass,
but you will not feel
the trembling of my voice
nor the warmth of my mouth
when I say goodbye.
Christmas will return,
another feverish romance,
and another shining star
you will see.
But I swear to God,
that even if I have to die,
you never again will
have my love.
Christmas will return,
another feverish romance,
and another shining star
you will see.
But I swear to God,
that even if I have to die,
you never again will
have my love...on Christmas.

kids like that

Versions: #2
you know we were kids ilke that
better at speaking while less at writing
we like taking walks outside and even if the rain
was falling like it had'nt in a century
and lucky there are holidays and you come back
you are dressed in white and your hair is velvet
and your brothers outside are playing tag
so let's go out now to see the sunset
and who will bring you back to me at this hour
who will take care of us
i gave up on everything
and you're not here yet
forget the nonsence
all of this is for us
you know, today it all looks different
and my street for long now does'nt look the same
the green trees were replaced by such tall buildings
and from everything i am left only with the longings
and lucky there are songs to escape
to dive the deepest in to myself
to pray that something good is now hapenning to you
because you're mine and it does'nt matter where you are
and who will bring you back to me at this hour
who will take care of us
i gave up on everything
and you're not here yet
forget the nonsence
all of this is for us

Zum Zum

Pina Records
Attention everybody to the dance floor
Everybody to the dance floor (we are ready)
Rkm & Ken-Y I'm ready
Get carried away by the adrenaline rhythm of this song
Ken Y
Hands on the floor, buttocks up
Feel the sensation
Zum zum zum zum
zum zum zum zum, zum zum
zum zum zum zum
zum zum zum zum, zum zum
Everybody to the dance floor
Everybody to the dance floor
Everybody to the dance floor
Everybody to the dance floor
While it hits you, give it more
Grab waist hard from behind
From above and below, she gives him
Ask for contact Yaviah
If you want fast or slow
Don't let the dembow fall
Let her release her hip
Like when she danced in flow
If she doesn't take it out, she will dance it alone
The uncontrolled
Rampapan rampapan
When the DJ plays this track
If you feel that this rhythm burns you
That gets you out of control
So give him floor without punishment
Y Zum Zum Zum Zum Zum Zum
Listen baby, if you feel that this rhythm burns you
That gets you out of control
So give him floor without punishment
Y Zum Zum Zum Zum Zum Zum
Zum zum zum zum
zum zum zum zum, zum zum
zum zum zum zum
zum zum zum zum, zum zum
Mommy that's what you know
That nobody has your zum zum
This dance how rich it seems
Automatic tightens the zum
Burst like a croquette
That I know that I make you restless
But let me submit
Zum Zum Zum Zum
Move like a fin
Rise on the track, I have a goal
And it's connected, the full combi
With the zum zum zum
I’m not going to give you chance
Until you get tired
Hey baby girl, you’re out of base
The dembow sounds for me to give me class
Like a rampan pan pan
Don’t take off
Give bomba, give bomba, give bom
And repeat
Give bomba, give bomba, give bom ba
Zum zum zum zum
zum zum zum zum, zum zum
zum zum zum zum
zum zum zum zum, zum zum
Put those buttocks on the floor
And let the sweat
Puts you curl on the straight hair
Stick to the wall
So that he feels the mechanism
Move those buttocks like an earthquake
And says zum zum zum earthquake
Keep moving everything I set, it's your motorcycle
You know that you drives me crazy when I hit that booty
And almost your little boy touched her with lemon
Take it easy, that doesn’t end
If you stick to my body you will feel the adrenaline
Every speaker sounds good
Because I have more flavour than your grandma in the kitchen
If you feel that this rhythm burns you
That gets you out of control
So give him floor without punishment
Y Zum Zum Zum Zum Zum Zum
Listen baby, if you feel that this rhythm burns you
That gets you out of control
So give him floor without punishment
Y Zum Zum Zum Zum Zum Zum
Zum Zum Zum Zum
Zum Zum Zum Zum
Everybody to the dance floor
Everybody to the dance floor
Everybody to the dance floor
Everybody to the dance floor

Voi fi acasa acest Craciun

Voi fi acasa
Acest Craciun
Vei fi zapada iar eu
Focul in casa ta
Cu Noaptea Cea Buna
Iubirea va sosi
Vreau sa fiu cu tine
Cel putin cu inima
Vei fi zapada iar eu
Focul in casa ta
Cu Noaptea Cea Buna
Iubirea va sosi
Vreau sa fiu cu tine
Cel putin cu inima
Voi fi in casa mea
Cel putin cu inima

I'll be home this Christmas

I'll be home
This Christmas
You'll be the snow and I
The fire in your home
With the Good Night
Love will arrive
I want to be with you
At least with the heart
You'll be the snow and I
The fire in your home
With the Good Night
Love will arrive
I want to be with you
At least with the heart
I'll be home
At least with the heart

Holding Hands

Let's go around holding hands
Walking is way too good for those who want to be together
I walked in front of her
And she could see that I carry a hair comb
On my back pocket
And if by chance it rains
I want to see your wet hair
Nothing could be prettier
Than your smile
And the cold that makes you hug me
Oh, let's go around holding hands
Oh, holding hands, let's go around
Let's go around holding hands
Walking is way too good for those who want to be together
I walked in front of her
And she could see that I carry a hair comb
On my back pocket
And if by chance it rains
I want to see your wet hair
Nothing could be prettier
Than your smile
And the cold that makes you hug me
Oh, let's go around holding hands
Oh, holding hands, let's go around
Oh, let's go around holding hands
Oh, holding hands, let's go around
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Son of Adam

Impossible to sort out
The good from the bad
To my knowledge
No one enters the bosom
I know myself
You know me
But is a man judged for who he is
or what he does
Man is a misfit
He refuses to recognize
that everything has been given to him
Man has always been surprising
He decides even before getting all the facts
Man is in a hurry
So much in a hurry that he forgets what is precious
Man likes to oppress, but doesn’t like to be oppressed
Bro, man is very sad
Man is treacherous
In life, there are principles
Look how man treats them
Man is this and that
But when man commits homicide, man becomes nasty
Man is wicked, so wicked
that when he does something good he says, “I’m a legend”
Man likes victory
He doesn’t like to be fought
Man likes victory
But doesn't like to fight (for it)
Man... man loves problems
But man is very lucky because the Most-High loves him
What good is it to be adorned
In expensive things
When the heart is peril
Plunged in chaos
Son of Adam
Man and his demons
Man and his demons
Son of Adam
Man and his demons
Man and his demons
Man is a freak
Completely crazy
Talk to him about the future
He’ll foolishly respond, “Don’t worry”
Man is a miser
A fucking glutton
Others? Fuck!
It doesn’t even bother him anymore to see them die
Man is a sadist
A fucking pervert
Certain children have not been able to stop their fathers from doing [it]
Man is haughty
Full of pride
Man is a very jealous person
Who, too often, is eyeing up
Man is distraught
Often, he doesn’t even notice the weight of sins that he drags along
Man has a good heart,
But doesn’t cease to fill it with filth
Man is a dirty dude loves problems
But man is very lucky because the Most-High loves him
What good is it to be adorned
In expensive things
When the heart is peril
Plunged in chaos
Son of Adam
Man and his demons
Man and his demons
Son of Adam
Man and his demons
Man and his demons
What good is it to be adorned
In expensive things
When the heart is peril
Plunged in chaos
Son of Adam
Man and his demons
Man and his demons
Son of Adam
Man and his demons
Man and his demons


toți copiii care raportează pentru a urmări DY
(Îmi place reggae mea)
(Evo Jedi)
Când am văzut-o
Am spus: 'dacă femeia aia era pentru mine'
Iartă-mă, a trebuit să-ți spun
Sunteți greu, greu, greu, greu, greu
Că sunteți greu, faceți-vă pentru că arăți bine
Ești mama tare, ai ajuns la nivelul tău
Tare, urmăriți cum strălucește pielea
Ești tare, spune-mi, spune-mi, cum e?
Ești greu, îți dau douăzeci și zece
Sunteți greu, greu, greu
Tu ești mașina, mașina de dans
Dacă nu aveți pe nimeni să vină pentru brațele mele, caile
Parfumul este simțit în aer
Ceva ca Argentina, îmi aduci Buenos Aires
Este un mediu puternic, scandalos
Vor fi multe femei, dar tu ești altceva
Dacă ar fi o crimă că ești frumoasă
Te arestez in patul meu si te pun in carate
Aveți atingerea, atingeți, atingeți
Uită-te la material, ediție specială
Aveți atingerea, atingeți, atingeți
Iartă-mă, a trebuit să-ți spun
Sunteți greu, greu, greu, greu, greu
Că sunteți o tombolă greu prendre pentru că arăți bine
Ești mama tare, ai ajuns la nivelul tău
Tare, urmăriți cum strălucește pielea
Ești tare, spune-mi, spune-mi, cum e?
Ești greu, îți dau douăzeci și zece
Sunteți greu, greu, greu
Îmi place cum se mișcă acel ram pam pam
Mintea mea a planificat un plan plan
Dacă mă lasă, în acea curbă îi dau mem pam
Care este reteta ta, nu stiu, asta te va manca bine
Îmi place cum se mișcă acel ram pam pam
Mintea mea a planificat un plan plan
Dacă mă lasă, în acea curbă îi dau mem pam
Frumusețea voastră răsună, ceilalți pe mormânt
Unu, doi și trei vor da
Invidie să fie tăcută
Salutări tuturor fetelor care paralizează strada
Care-i numele tău? De unde vă aflați?
Dă-mi numărul care să intre cu tine în detaliu
Și aveți atingerea, atingeți, atingeți
Arăți ca o stea în turbulență
Aveți atingerea, atingeți, atingeți
Internetul coboară când încărcați o fotografie
Când am văzut-o
Am spus: 'dacă femeia aia era pentru mine'
Iartă-mă, a trebuit să-ți spun
Sunteți greu, greu, greu, greu, greu
Că sunteți greu, faceți-vă pentru că arăți bine
Ești mama tare, ai ajuns la nivelul tău
Tare, urmăriți cum strălucește pielea
Ești greu, spune-mi, spune-mi, cum este?
Ești greu, îți dau douăzeci și zece
Sunteți greu, greu, greu
Aveți dimensiunea, alta ca mama ta, nu există
Stick, dă-i boom-ul la revedere
Că ai dimensiunea, alta ca mama ta nu există
Stick, dă-i boom-ul la revedere
Că ai dimensiunea, alta ca mama ta nu există
Stick, dă-i boom-ul la revedere
Că ai dimensiunea, alta ca mama ta nu există
Stick, dă-i boom-ul, da, da
Șoaptă coarnele de asigurare
Da-da-da-Daddy Yankee și Hard Drive-ul
Urba și Roma
Că liga asta nu arată
Greu, greu, greu
(Evo Jedis)

Live a little

I am gloomy, and you are quiet too,
It true that its all the fault of this moment.
In every heartbeat a sorrow lives.
I wonder why then this heart says
'Live a little, live a little.'
This heart says 'Live a little.'
Oh my companion, oh my partner,
Come closer. Live a little.
I agree, that life is full of pain,
Even so it has this relief,
That I am yours, and you mine,
Let's so remain, and our affection too.
Then why have the connections between our hearts broken?
And why are we so averse to living?
Come let us open the door to our hearts,
Come let us cry our hearts out,
Live a little, live a little,
This heart says 'Live a little.'
Oh my companion, oh my partner,
Come closer. Live a little.
Let these clouds of grief go away,
Let our lives be cleansed,
Leave behind the bearing of painful memories,
And listen to what your heart is saying,
'Live a little, live a little.'
This heart says 'Live a little.'
Oh my companion, oh my partner,
Come closer. Live a little.


It was a starless night
when departing from me you left me
so much pain and so much evil.
Since the day you left
in the village there’s only silence,
like in a convent.
The streams are dry
and in the streets thousand echoes
call you night and day.
Solitude... now it comes back
to take away your songs, and the crepe,
which casts a shadow over my life,
will stay forever. (repetition of the whole stanza)
Solitude... now it comes back.
Now the solitude comes back…
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Oh no

Oh no, it's night again, i got tired, my love did not come
I could not sleep, even one night!
Moon gone, sun came, i can't wait anymore
She/he promissed me a 100 time, but did not come
That's enoughe, my crazy heart, i'm tired of you
Alas, at this time, all loves are fake (x2)
Cuz i did not love anyone as much as you
But she/he always bothered me
Never i did not love anyone as much as you
But she/he alwayes bothered me
Enough lies, go leave me alone
I realized all your lies, no more lying
All poeple saw where you were, with who
You told me that you were on vacation, but it was not true
Poeple are lying, do not believe even for a moment
Never was anyone in my mind except you
Do not lie, it's just bluff
Say that you want to go, you fell for another guy(x2)
Never i did not love anyone as much as you
But she/he alwayes bothered me
Never i did not love anyone as much as you
But she/he alwayes bothered me
Now that we are together, don't bother me
Don't you i miss you? Don't you see i'm not on good mood?
If it's not a good time,look why your hands are cold?
Don't play with my heart, i do not want you, so go
That's enoughe, my crazy heart, i'm tired of you
Alas, at this time, all loves are fake (x2)
Oh no, it's night again, i got tired, my love did not come
I could not sleep, even one night!
Moon gone, sun came, i can't wait anymore
She/he promissed me a 100 time, but did not come


Ouuuh, oh oh ah
Eh eh eh
Eh eh eh
Eh eh eh
Eh eh eh
[Verse 1]
Always a million question, always no answer
I try to accept as I wait for you to return home
I see that you have lost patience, in your eyes, I don't see the same passion anymore
It took me some time to understand all your words
I needed reaction time to understand that you won't return home anymore
Now that I have understood, I know that it's all over
But if this was just meant to be a lesson, believe me if I say that I understood the lesson
I don't want to have you think that I am someone bad
Let me explain myself before saying. 'I am leaving'
A day without your affection, for me, it's longer than the four seasons
Eh, eh, eh
Eh, eh, eh
Eh, eh, eh
Eh, Christina
Eh, eh, eh
Eh, eh, eh
Eh, eh, eh
Ouh, Christina
[Verse 2]
What are you playing at? You don't want to discuss
How do you zap all these years?
Don't act as if nothing has happened
You still love me, you can't deny it
I am still there, you can't forget me
With me, no need for a shield (yeah, yeah)
It took me some time to understand all your words
Now that I have understood, I know that everything is dead
But if this was just meant to be a lesson, believe me if I say that I understood the lesson
I don't want to have you think that I am someone bad
Let me expain myself before saying. 'I am leaving'
A day without your affection, for me, it's longer than the four seasons
Eh, eh, eh
Eh, eh, eh
Eh, eh, eh
Eh, Christina
Eh, eh, eh
Eh, eh, eh
Eh, eh, eh
Ouh, Christina
And all of these times where I let my ego talk are over
I need that you stay by my side, yeah
Eh, eh, eh, I need you, eh eh eh, stay near me, eh eh eh
Oh mamama eeeh, Christina
Eh, eh, eh, I need you, eh eh eh, I need you, eh eh eh
Oh mamamama, Christina eeeeh, Christina eeeeh
Christina eeeeh Christina, eh yeah
I need you, stay near me, I need you
Ouh, Christina, I need you, stay near me

The Good Life

[Verse 1: Natti Natasha]
It's gone, the tide has come and gone
Don't go looking for it 'cause by now you can't even see it anymore
Above the clouds flies a plane with my goods
I'm the owner of dreams, they tremble as I pass by
[Chorus: Natti Natasha]
The good life, I want to give myself the good life
Even if it costs me my life
And they tell me it's not real
The good life, I want to give myself the good life
Even if it costs me my life
And they tell me it's not real
[Verse 2: Natti Natasha]
He told me, 'Come, little girl, you're alright here
I'll take care of you, your wolf is going to eat you up now'
Down below runs a train with my goods
My snow falls from the sky and a sun warms me
[Chorus: Natti Natasha & Daddy Yankee]
The good life, I want to give myself the good life
Even if it costs me my life
And they tell me it's not real (the Big Boss)
The good life, I want to give myself the good life (boss)
Even if it costs me my life (deals forever)
And they tell me it's not real (money, bo-boss)
[Verse 3: Daddy Yankee]
I'm a trafficker, I've seen that both in my country and abroad, drugs are what make the most money
A supplier of fine merchandise
My salary comes from politicians and the police (whoo, whoo, whoo)
I'd quit if my product had no demand (money)
If you shoot me, watch carefully where you're going
My gang always fires compound artillery, brrrr, oh yeah
Mansions like Versace
This year's cars, boats, planes, ladies and mariachis, whoo
I'll come back to life within every candle at mass
After I die, my shirt will come into style
[Chorus: Natti Natasha & Daddy Yankee]
The good life (I'm a legend), I want to give myself the good life
Even if it costs me my life
And they tell me it's not real (I'm living well baby)
The good life, I want to give myself the good life (hey)
Even if it costs me my life (and yours as well)
And they tell me it's not real (money, bo-boss)
[Verse 4: Daddy Yankee]
I'm a trafficker, a trafficker, my mission's to make money
A capo with the blood of a warrior
I'm a trafficker, lo que subo, un trabajo por los cielos
I triple my gains on the ground
I'm a trafficker, a trafficker, my mission's to make money
A capo with the blood of a warrior
One bites the dust but a hundred more are born each year
And I'm going to give myself the good life even if this life is a hoax
[Chorus: Natti Natasha]
The good life, I want to give myself the good life
Even if it costs me my life
And they tell me it's not real
The good life, I want to give myself the good life
Even if it costs me my life
And they tell me it's not real


The black man with light eyes
The Creature
Pure coincidence, to come back and find you again
In the same place where I met you
And then I could try to caress you
I would like to repeat that moment, take advantage of you
Coincidence, coincidence
What happened, was born from a coincidence
we'll see if it's true
That it's just a coincidence
And that coincidence, it did
Change the way you think
Now she wants to be with me
And it's just a coincidence
I want to take advantage of the moment
Let the clock stop at your time
I don't want anyone to interrupt
And tell your friend about me, if she asks
Of how we did it
That you liked it and we repeated
That there was no love and we wanted each other
We fought but we solved it
That's how we lived
Of how we did it
That you liked it and we repeated
That there was no love and we wanted each other
We fought but we solved it
Coincidence, coincidence
What happened, was born from a coincidence
we'll see if it's true
That it's just a coincidence
And that coincidence, it did
Change the way you think
Now she wants to be with me
And it's just a coincidence
It was just a coincidence
That I would find you
I had spoken with my heart
Not to fall in love
And it turns out, I never listen to anything
So much is saying to please be careful
That my last tears had been left on a pillow
I'm thinking about the moon of last night
And until morning light, it makes me remember
How we did it
That you liked it and we repeated
That there was no love and we wanted each other
We fought but we solved it
That's how we lived
The creature, baby
Venezuela and Puerto Rico
The match that does not fail
Tell him Luian
Pure coincidence, to come back and find you again
In the same place where I met you
And then I could try to caress you
I would like to repeat that moment, take advantage of you
Coincidence, coincidence
What happened, was born from a coincidence
we'll see if it's true
That it's just a coincidence
And that coincidence, it did
Change the way you think
Now she wants to be with me
And it's just a coincidence

Forgive me

I know it could have been
If I gave more love
If I didnt fail this much
The best of me
Now it's only worse
I caused you a lot of pain
I did not want it to be like this
My love, Love
Ewé, you dont want it no more
I ask for one more chance
Ewe, from the bottom of my heart
Because I love you (love you)
you dont want it no more
I ask for one more chance
Ewe, from the bottom of my heart
Baby, forgive me!
Forgive me!
Baby, forgive me
Forgive me, forgive me
Forgive me
Forgive me!
I don't know what I should do to have you
You're driving me crazy.
I don't know what to say to convince you
My love
My heart like nothing
Grab me there, I'm not going to Maya.
Sorry if I did you wrong (Did you wrong)
you dont want it no more
I ask for one more chance
Ewe, from the bottom of my heart
Because I love you (Love you)
you dont want it no more
I ask for one more chance
Ewe, from the bottom of my heart
Baby, forgive me!
Forgive me!
Baby forgive me
Forgive me, forgive me
Forgive me
Forgive me!
Ewé ...
Ewé ...
Baby forgive me!
Forgive me!
Baby forgive me
Forgive me, forgive me
Forgive me
Forgive me!
Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me


Versions: #3
Pa para ra ra pa for.
Pa para ra ra pa for.
I awake with the dawn,
I tighten my pillow tightly
Memories haunt me, I can't sleep
A tear bursts on my sheet
Pa para ra ra pa for, oh no
Pa para ra ra pa for
I turn around and my bed is empty
I hit in vain against the wall
The room, in chaos, her photograph breaks
Madness invades my being, no no no!
I feel so, alone, alone.
I feel lonely and without your love
I feel so, alone, alone
I feel I'll die without your love
Damn this cold curse that doesn't let me sleep,
and these warm memories of you are painful
I'm so abandoned
I feel so, alone, alone.
I feel lonely and without your love.
I feel so, alone, alone.
I feel I'll die without your love.
I feel so, alone, alone.
I feel lonely and without your love.
I feel so, alone, alone.
I feel I'll die without your love.
Alone, alone, solitude
Alone, alone, solitude
Alone, alone, solitude
Alone, alone, solitude

City Of Love

Ok, Phineas,
What do you think of the City of Love?
I wish it was the city of spare parts.
Oh, you're just stressed!
Take a moment
to relax and enjoy it.
We'll eat crêpes sucrée1
in this lovely cafe.
Oh! That awning can be used
as a sail or as a parachute,
depending on how it all comes out.
Give some flowers,
take a walk in the Eiffel tower.
I wonder if they still
Have some pieces left over.
The rivets would be useful.
Oh, Phineas!
Wouldn't you like to taste the crème brûlée?
Hey, look at that ingenious gadget!
There is no better place.
The City of Love.
[The City of Love]
The City of Love.
The City of Love.
Let's eat some camembert cheese
and go see the galleries.
I wonder if an oil painting
would be fuel for the airplane.
It is a perfect day today
and I'm going to get a beret.
Oh, that reminds me,
we need helmets.
He doesn't feel what I feel for him,
walking through the Champs-Élysées.
The City of Love.
[The City of Love]
I want him to tell me:
'Ma chérie, je t'aime'
and he's thinking
only of the airplane.
The City of Love.
[The City of Love]
The City of Love
[The City of Love]
The City of Love
[The City of Love]
Hey! Quit releasing my balloons!
  • 1. Sweet crepes

It's Not True

It's not true
that our love
is ending.
It's not true
that so much love
is being lost.
I'm kissing you
and it's true
I'm feeling you.
Don't doubt anymore
for I love you the same
as yesterday
or more perhaps than yesterday.
It's not true
that our love
is coming to the end1.
It's not true
forget it
for it's not true.
It could be
that I went on forgetting
to say
that I'm loving you.
But love
is much more, darling
without speaking
only without speaking.
It's not true
that our love
is coming to the end.
It's not true
forget it
for it's not true.
la, la, la, la, la, la.
  • 1. Lit. 'to love is arriving already the end'

Goodbye, My Friend

Versions: #2
Goodbye, my friend, it's hard for me to speak.
With each passing day, it gets harder.
I wish to say many things to you,
From all the pain I am speechless, I am speechless. (X2)
Like a planted tree, upright, well-known.
A strange wind had uprooted its roots.
The tree grew over the years,
Climbed and climbed, touched the clouds,
Bore fruits and brought shade to the weary,
As nature does.
And as the tree, so did the man grew,
Wished for a land of his own like all others.
God gave and only God will take,
You are my friend and my brother.
Goodbye, my friend, it's hard for me to speak.
With each passing day, it gets harder.
I wish to say many things to you,
From all the pain I am speechless.
The tree grew...
Goodbye, my friend...

A long time

I want problems
I want your pain to become mine
I want you to share with me your storms, your sorrows
For torrential nights
I want us to learn
I want to share your joys, your headaches
Your body makes me dizzy
And your hands lead me where nothing bothers us
I could tattoo our story on my arms
Put me through trouble as long as you're with me
It's you in this crazy world
I know it, it's everything
And I'd like this to last a long time
To wear out my skin on yours
One day, I'll forget it all, even my name
I'll just know that you're there, that you're beautiful, that you're mine
I'd like this to last 100 years
The reason never reaches
This confession, this wish to both dream all the same
Until one day, our eyes close
My evidence, you're my smile and my fortune card
I want us to fool around, to be free
To be joyful, to dance until the last silent moment
I'll go down the street if you need a roof
I could live naked if it means you're a little less cold
It's you in the crazy world
I know it, it's everything
And I'd like this to last a long time
To wear out my skin on yours
One day, I'll forget it all, even my name
I'll just know that you're there, that you're beautiful, that you're mine
I'd like this to last 100 years
The reason never reaches
This confession, this wish to both dream all the same
Until one day, our eyes close
And I'd like this to last a long time
To wear out my skin on yours
One day, I'll forget it all, even my name
I'll just know that you're there, that you're beautiful, that you're mine
I'd like this to last 100 years
The reason never reaches
This confession, this wish to both dream all the same
Until one day, our eyes close


Curious are the marks time has left
Scars at unearthly hours that unintentionally hurt
Thousand of evidences that have casted serious doubts on the flight
Flapping between prows, the city as a witness
You want more than I can give
And look for me where I can't see
Draw me or lose me again
You want more than I can give
And look for me where I can't see
Draw me or lose me again
Misterious are the signs of an open memory
Combustions at unearthly hours that unintentionally burn us
Thousand of scenes stalking the last attempt
Dangerous behaviours, the city as a witness
You want more than I can give
And look for me where I can't see
Draw me or lose me again
You want more than I can give
And look for me where I can't see
Draw me or lose me again

Marvellous city

Marvellous city
Full of a thousand enchantments
Marvellous city
Heart of my Brasil
Marvellous city
Full of a thousand enchantments
Marvellous city
Heart of my Brasil
Cradle of the Samba and of beautiful songs
That live in the soul of the people
You are the altar of our hearts
Which sing joyfully
Marvellous city
Full of a thousand enchantments
Marvellous city
Heart of my Brasil
Marvellous city
Full of a thousand enchantments
Marvellous city
Heart of my Brasil
Garden blooming with love and longing
Country that seduces everyone
God shall cover you with bliss
Nest of dream and light
Marvellous city
Full of a thousand enchantments
Marvellous city
Heart of my Brasil
Marvellous city
Full of a thousand enchantments
Marvellous city
Heart of my Brasil

May god help with his mercy

I don't know if you can hear me
I don't know if you're there.
My prayer is so humble
How can I speak to you?
But you've got a human face
of blood, crying and light.
If I am only a gypsy
More outcast you were.
May god help with his mercy
the outcasts in their loneliness
All my people in whom will they trust?
God help us
or nobody will
(I ask for faith, I ask for power)
(I ask for glory, fame and knowledge)
(I ask for love, and for health)
(I ask for god only to bless me)
I ask for nothing, only to go on
But there are those who can't just live
Give my people your blessing
Keep those children in your heart
Also my people are children of God

Tiny Felicity

I read inside your eyes
Whether you look at me, care for me
I promised you true (big) love
Hence, what else do you expect from me
Gorgeous, you kill me
Instead of kissing me
With your sweet (doll-like) voice
You always sing to me this verse
Felicity, one day will come
If God wants it and both of us
It will lend us the love
But this love, you must know
Takes time, cultivating it as a flower (to grow)
With innocence in the heart
With a giant step through life you go
It is beautiful, but ... you must know (attention)
The 100 years by tomorrow to an end will come
Gorgeous, it kills me
To imagine you
So old and antiquated
And for eternity to growl

Let's light a candle together

At times it seems like there's no hope,
And everything looks so gloomy and uncertain.
The flowers in the garden and in fields have not bloomed yet,
And only wind is blowing at night.
Then lets together light a candle, a candle.
Light a candle
Light a candle with me
A thousand candles in the dark
Will open our hearts
At times it seems that tomorrow
Will bring no consolation to stop you crying and being upset,
And long night drags on without confidence,
And the darkness is sharp as a razor.
Then lets together light a candle, a candle
Light a candle
Light a candle with me
A thousand candles in the dark
Will open our hearts
Light all the candles
Let's light the candles everywhere
Just look at me and take my hand
The heat of love will glow again

I miss you

I miss my mother
I miss my father
But God only knows
If we'll meet again someday
You went abroad
Looking for a better life
And I'm away from you
My life lost its track
My mama, my dad
I can't help but miss you
But God only knows
If we shall meet again
You went overseas
Looking for a better life
And I'm away from you
My life lost its track
You went abroad
Looking for a better life
But Lord only knows
If we shall meet again
My mama, my dad
I never stop missing you
I'm far away from you
My life is senseless
My mama, my dad
I never stop missing you
But Lord only knows
If we'll meet again

Come, O Bride

Come in peace, crown of your husband
With rejoicing​ and with cheerfuln​ess
In the midst of the faithful of the chosen people
Come, O bride

A true love

Versions: #2
I feel you with me
In every beat
In my heart
If I feel lost
I find the North
Just by listening to your voice
Hurricanes can pass
But nothing can against me
Because you will be
The light that brightens my path
And the world will stop to watch
A true love
A true love
If you're by my side
The past doesn't matter
There is no more pain oh no
The cloudy sky
And cold wind
Left with your heat
Hurricanes can return
But nothing can against me
Because you will be
The light that brightens my path
And the world will stop to watch
A true love
And you will be
The light that brightens my path
And the world will stop to watch
A true love
A true love


You are breaking my care, my world, and my peace:
oh, oh, oooh.
You are burning without looking, you provoke too much
ah, ah, aaah
And you come like a thunder
charging my electricity,
tell me the rules of your game,
for I want to play, as well.
Rose with spines in the skin,
my body bleeds until dawn.
Blowing up the world and coming back
to intoxicate your lips of pleasure
yeah, yeah, yeah
You were not looking for love, it never mattered to you
oh, oh, oooh
The only thing left for me was becoming your false love,
I am but one more in your collection.
And you come like a thunder
charging my electricity,
tell me the rules of your game,
for I want to play, as well.
Rose with spines in the skin,
my body bleeds until dawn.
Blowing up the world and coming back
to intoxicate your lips of pleasure
yeah, yeah, yeah
I cannot forget, I did not know to play,
dying for you, I cannot take it anymore.
Get off of me already, you are hurting me too much
Rose with spines in the skin,
my body bleeds until dawn.
Blowing up the world and coming back
to intoxicate your lips of pleasure
yeah, yeah, yeah
  • 1. Referring to the stanza.

There was a woman

Versions: #2
She carries him like a king
With all her heart*
She lulls him with warmth
When it's cold
As simple as she breathes,
She understands him, and that's it
It's in the bed of her arms that he says softly
Sometimes voiceless
She draws illusions
When joy goes away
With patience and passion
Sometimes, without you,
I feel sad like a pianist's hand
Who'd have lost its will to play
I guess I'm not gifted without you
There was a woman
There was a woman
She always has a smile
And some dreams
For that, in the worst moments,
He gets up again
When the day goes down, she lays on his cheek
Her magic, her sweet words
The love that will keep him safe among the insane
Among the wolves
You guide me like a shepherd
Drowned by everything
But you teach me how to swim
I admit, sometimes
I feel sad like an eye without an iris
I'm afraid of passing up
Life and its beauties
There was a woman
There was a woman


O mie de lucruri despre mine ți-au povestit
N-au greșit, clar ți-au vorbit
Iar dacă vei dori să-mi cucerești inima
Ceva rău este, am să-ți vorbesc clar
Eu sînt gheață, gheață, gheață
Eu sînt gheață, gheață, gheață
Eu sînt gheață, gheață, gheață
Eu sînt gheață, gheață, gheață
Au spus că la sediul
Este o poză cu numele meu
Fiindcă un om bun a dispărut
Deja acel trecut l'am omorît
Fetele nu cab in piscina
Se pare ca NASA e cobertura mea
Închierez dragostea făra să plătesc niciun bacșiș
M-am schimbat de la puterea vaginei
Nu sînt pentru tine, nu ești pentru mine, nu te potrivești în regele meu
În partida de dame, cînd mă cheamă cineva, o fac pe ea regina (încoronată!)
Din tot ce am trăit am învățat
Adevărul este că în lumea așa trăim
Ei vor răul
[Și] urăsc adevărul
Am încetat să mai fiu un remediu acuma sînt otrava
Ei vor răul
[Și] urăsc adevărul
Sentimentele mele sînt la sub-zero
O mie de lucruri despre mine ți-au povestit
N-au greșit, clar ți-au vorbit
Iar dacă vei dori să-mi cucerești inima
Ceva rău este, am să-ți vorbesc clar
Eu sînt gheață, gheață, gheață
Eu sînt gheață, gheață, gheață
Eu sînt gheață, gheață, gheață
Eu sînt gheață, gheață, gheață
N-am încredere în fete frumoase
Crud ca New York
Le tratezi ca clasa întîi și ei zbor ca Spirit1
Ce nu te ucide mai rece si mai crude te face
Împrumută-mi inima ca să pot să o congelez in motelul eh!
De dăruit încredere m-am saturat
Atît de multe răni[, și] am rămas fără spate
La toți cei care mă fac ceva, am să las contul decontat
Am tras întreaga încărcătură la balanța pentru că
Ei vor răul
[Și] urăsc adevărul
Sentimentele mele sînt la sub-zero
O mie de lucruri despre mine ți-au povestit
N-au greșit, clar ți-au vorbit
Iar dacă vei dori să-mi cucerești inima
Ceva rău este, am să-ți vorbesc clar
Eu sînt gheață, gheață, gheață
Eu sînt gheață, gheață, gheață
Eu sînt gheață, gheață, gheață
Eu sînt gheață, gheață, gheață
  • 1. Companie aeriană din SUA.

Neon City

All the city lights
Are blocking my mind
There's so many difficulties
But I keep my faith and move on
It's tough to stand out
In the midst of so many people
It's an urban jungle
And I'm just another survivor
I have ruined myself
For not much money
The night has traps
Looks can be deceiving
In the dead of night
My mind is racing fast
From corner to corner
Waiting for another client
Wearing indecent clothes
For some, a beggar
Only recognised for my body, not...
Wearing indecent clothes
For some, a beggar
Only recognised for my body
Not for my mind
Lights of the neon city
Reflections of the coners mostly naked
Everything gets clear
I get involved, get lost aimlessly
No fear
I live all that in one second
Because in the clear, everything is an absurd
Naked city
Neon city
Naked city
Neon city
(Neon city, neon city)
Naked city
Neon city
(Neon city, neon city, neon city)
I woke up in many forms
Abstract in a body
With the mind in the frames
I woke up in black color
With white of peace
Woke up with evil spots of a fleeting world
I woke up with one more burden
I woke up with the burden of theses facts
I woke up armed with hope of other acts
I dreamed with a weightless world
Weightless world
Where the good things isn't brief
Anything wasn't irrelevant
There were no extras
Not even there was something in process
But then, I woke up in reverse
They flip the values
We pay with pain
Separation by colors and races
A plague or disgrace
We fight like moths that spreads killing it
Lights of the neon city
Reflections of the coners mostly naked
Everything gets clear
I get involved, get lost aimlessly
No fear
I live all that in one second
Because in the clear, everything is an absurd
Naked city
Neon city
(Neon city, neon city)
Naked city
Neon city
(Neon city, neon city)
Naked city
Neon city
(Neon city, neon city, neon city)
Lights of the neon city
Reflections of the coners mostly naked
Everything gets clear
I get involved, get lost aimlessly
No fear
I live all that in one second
Because in the clear, everything is an absurd
Naked city
Neon city
Naked city
Neon city
(Neon city, neon city)
Naked city
Neon city
(Neon city, neon city, neon city)