Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 12

Număr de rezultate: 448


Doesn't matter

It just doesn't matter to me
That this here isn't the standard
That I'm not 'in'
Because I just don't feel any desire to be
I'm not going to stay in the same place
Pretty much don't care what you think about that
And I need to experience
My own life but not the life of others
Why blend into the crowd
And live to please those
That are always talking
But add nothing to this world?
Trust me when I say
There's no point in asking me
If this is allowed
You need to discuss that with yourself
Because I don't have the answers
That you're looking for
Just don't drive along the tracks
Because there are plenty of people that do so
It just doesn't matter to me
That this here isn't the standard
That I'm not 'in'
Because I just don't feel any desire to be
I'm not going to stay in the same place
Pretty much don't care what you think about that
And I need to experience
My own life but not the life of others
I'm still testing the waters
I'm not going to put the anchor down
And those that don't like that
Can jump up into themselves
It just doesn't matter to me
That this here isn't the standard
That I'm not 'in'
Because I just don't feel any desire to be
I'm not going to stay in the same place
Pretty much don't care what you think about that
And I need to experience
My own life but not the life of others
I don't have the answers
That you're looking for
Just don't drive along the tracks
Because there are plenty of people that do so
It just doesn't matter to me
That this here isn't the standard
That I'm not 'in'
Because I just don't feel any desire to be
I'm not going to stay in the same place
Pretty much don't care what you think about that
And I need to experience
My own life but not the life of others

Etiquette Lessons

Versions: #2
Cultivate good manners
for your bad examples
If you don't want your peers
to point their fingers at you.
Dress your base instincts up
in sheep's clothing.
The cowl does not make the monk,
but it sure looks like it does.
In public, present yourself friendly,
attentive, considerate,
courteous, thoughtful, polite,
solicitous, accommodating.
And when you fuck up, do make sure
to adorn the blunder*
So that, admiringly, the world says
How prettily he fucks up!*
Have a smile on your face,
as you swing the whip.
Break the bad news to people,
but wrapped like a present.
Tell the world with a bouquet,
that you came to raze it down.
Sign death sentences,
but with spiffy handwriting.
Put God as your witness,
and lie creditably.
Make people fall in line,
but without raising your voice.
Because at first sight one cannot see
the rottenness of your guts.
Looks can be deceiving
to your own benefit.
Listen to me and start taking
lessons of etiquette.
Cultivate good manners
wherein you can hide your sins.
Embellish your work clothes with silk
and test the results.
Although you might be
- the scum of humanity-
A complete perfect bastard,
but with regal demeanor.
Insult with civility,
steal with sophistication,
murder cleanly
and swindle with class.
Slander, but without lacking decency,
betray with pizazz,
spray perfume on your foulness
with exquisite etiquette.

Die from Love

The angels at night
Turn off the sky
A desperate moon kisses the sea
Like a boat [kisses] the dock,
I'm coming all the way to you
With all the love in the world
Collect me to you until I touch your breathing
With you, I wish to be close
To touch the sky, to close my eyes
And just a little bit, to die from love
The eternity is a metaphor
A kiss is a moment of happiness
And life is nothing but a passing dream
But you know
My love survives
It'll surely never end
Collect me to you...

The Soldier Trifaldón

The Soldier Trifaldón 1
Lives inside a cantaloupe
The yellow seeds
Form a firm battalion
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
His sword is made of chocolate
His shotgun is made of nougat
Made of toffee is the hat
Of the soldier Trifaldón
One day he takes a stroll
with all his battalion
Marching through the fields
is the soldier Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
An army of ants
in a correct formation
Meets with the seeds
of the soldier Trifaldón
The one leading the ants
is a grumpy captain
'Stop' orders to the seeds
of the soldier Trifaldón
'(Surrender) anything that is sweet
sour sweet or sugary!'
Says the furious ant
to the solder Trifaldón
Trifaldón looks at his swords,
his shotgun, the battalion,
for everything he has is sweet
The soldier Trifaldón (says)
'Wait just a little
don't be in such a hurry Don
We are The Great Regiment
of the Soldier Trifaldón'
But the ant captain
Hits his head in a flash
Falling backwards to the ground
The solder Trifaldón
Then immediately he jumps back
Brave as a lion
and unsheathes his sword
The soldier Trifaldón
And even though is made of chocolate
the captain ant
is inflicted a big bump,
by the soldier Trifaldón
All the seeds start laughing
At the sight of this big and
And the huge bump made
by the soldier Trifaldón
But Trifaldón hush them up
Seeing that what a big tear
the captain ant is crying
And the soldier Trifaldon
Gets closer, hugs the and
then ask him for his pardon
Seeds and ants clap for
the soldier Trifaldón
And since then they go together
Battalion to battalion
The seeds and the ands
Commandeered by Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
  • 1. Trifaldón is a made up name

Camera este larg deschisă

Camera este larg deschisă,
O femeie se dezbracă.
În fața oglinzii dulapului.
Încă se crede frumoasă...
Un motan cască.
S-au ridicat pe pervaz.
Le bufnește râsul...
© Vladímir Sosnín

Because my daddy likes you

Because my daddy likes you
Will he lend us his car?
Yes, he'll lend us his car!
Because my daddy likes you
With a car we are welcome guests
And where we turn up
Only the best is offered to us
Please don't stop!
Please don't stop!
I thank Daddy
He had the the idea
Of the red sports car
Because my daddy likes you
We have a good laugh together
We drive off with 80 things
Because my daddy likes you
I tune in the radio
And listen to the latest hits
Please don't stop!
Please don't stop!
I thank Daddy
He had the the idea
Of the red sports car
by Void Lord

Ask For Happiness

Today let's wish them well
Without knowing who is
Wipe away the loneliness
In the act of reaching out
Ask for whatever you want
Believe in your faith
Peace, health, vigour, success
Happiness, hope, love
Enjoy all the sensations
Feel the rain wetting you
And when the sun come out
Let it warm you up
Carry inside your heart
Purity and truth
What you transmit
Goes back with intensity
When you don't know what to ask
Ask for happiness
When you don't know what to give away
Give your half away
And then
You're going to feel the energy
And satisfaction
Of seeing a new day dawns
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Enjoy all the sensations
Feel the rain wetting you
And when the sun come out
Let it warm you up
Carry inside your heart
Purity and truth
What you transmit
Goes back with intensity
When you don't know what to ask
Ask for happiness
When you don't know what to give away
Give your half away
And then
You're going to feel the energy
And satisfaction
Of seeing a new day dawns
Eh-eh-eh, eh-eh-eh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, ask for happiness

Long Live Us

Despite everything, long live us,
and long live the fact that we blindly believe in the heart.
We are the deluded who have never won.
So now, more and more, long live us!
We feel everything, that the others no, maybe never do
And we are the ones who then pay for it
But this is also the best way for it to be, believe in me, long live us
So now, more and more, long live us!
I would not like to be strong and indifferent
Like those who have won over me
I would not like to love only a little or to not love at all
Even if maybe, through that, I would survive
Betrayed innocents, long live us, long live us
Lost from the games of love
But with all this, I'd say 'long live us!'
So now, more and more, long live us!
I would not like to be strong and indifferent
Like those who have won over me
I would not like to love only a little or to not love at all
Even if maybe, through that, I would survive

For the First Time

For the first time I live and feel love
when my heart caught a glimpse of your eyes
I saw from afar and the strange thing is that
my soul flew and ran to you in the blink of an eye
Oh darling, I wish you'd finally listen to me
When will we be united together
My days and my dreams all go to you
Yes, I need you bad
For the first time I am lost
And I don't even know where I am
Am I still standing here, or there?
I am dying inside, yearning for a voice or a call
A voice that tells me: I am with you
Oh darling, I wish you'd finally listen to me
When will we be united together
My days and my dreams all go to you
Yes, I need you bad
My feelings for you was more than I could bear
It surpassed all imagination
And to the farthest distance
Even if your heart
was the longest path I will walk it in my life
And I will reach it's end, my darling
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Word came today

Word came today:
my friend´s on his way,
and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.
Today came the tidings:
my friend is arriving,
and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.
My friend´s on his way
and is alive and well,
and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.
My friend is arriving
and is well and alive,
and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.
He´s alive and well
and is the king´s friend,
and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.
He´s well and alive
and is the king´s ally,
and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.

Yearning is a long road

Yearning is a long road
That begins and has no more end
Your leagues go 'round the world
But don't come back from where I came
Yearning is a long road
That begins and has no more end
Each day it has more distances
Pushing you away from me
So many were the times
That we cheated each other
Other times we missed each other
Without even perceiving
Even without [a] reason I want to tell you
Without intent
To see it all get lost
It hurts so much, so much
Yearning is a long road
It is neither good nor bad
I'll go on continuing always ahead
I never return,
I am the same like that.
Yearning is a long road
That today passes inside of me
I armed myself only with hopes
But I used toy bullets
So many were the times
That we cheated each other
Other times we missed each other
Without even perceiving
Even without [a] reason I want to tell you
Without intent
To see it all get lost
It hurts so much, so much

Return to normality

Finally it passed, it ended, the terrible terror.
The ferocius nightmare that fortunately is almost gone.
It let us wake up under a sun of new faith.
Finally it's broken, it's defeated, it's dead, it's over.
Or it's about to be over. It's known that it will be over.
Many people came out, it's back here.
Why it happened, I don't know. Some say it was
the triumph of reason, or the strength of the population.
The thing is that we meet again with a tradition.
Of peace, well-living, of voting from time to time
and enjoying your days without anybody saying
what is allowed to listen, see or write.
Finally cleared, died down this rain of horror,
downpours of authority, 'Documents, sir, where are?'
'Don't take me. I have them at home right there.'
I know. You'll say, 'more is needed, some things are left behind.
There are some troubles standing' But we see advances daily.
A commitee is working next home.
Maybe we could have in some time that they give
a solution to that issue of the old unemployment
for everyone to become part of the nation.
There if it's also given, by the tought struggle
or a subimperial gift, the greatest total freedom,
we could stick to the national anthem.
And yes. we have to hear over there that living is hard.
That the wages aren't enough neither to feed a child.
It always happened like that more or less.
If else, go ask the old men at the bar
if here in the fifties, the real income was high.
If the union life was just a decoration.
That way will rule again here in Uruguay,
what was always the normal. You might say it's not the ideal,
but we must safeguard what is traditional.
To ask, to achieve the supression of the expensive soap
of the state of exception, and recover the nature
of citizens not subjected to dissapearing.
For a natural Uruguay, where the rich will be
always rich, and the poor over there, if he ever pretends to reach
equal rights, will bring the state of exception.
Which, in the end, like when it's carnival,
and the murga is about to leave, it says goodbye and also,
that someday it promise to return, and rule.
But today, just think, that it leaves, that is almost not here.
the ferocius nightmare that fortunately is almost gone.
Though you know nobody died of almost.
Finally. Finally. What?
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Îți doresc

Îți doresc să fi fericit
orice drum vei alege
cerul să-ți zâmbească
cum mie mi-a zâmbit
Te binecuvântez cu multă lumină
să nu întâmpini nici o problemă
Îți doresc drum bun
Să ai liniște și pace
Să n-ai parte de-ntristare și durere
cum mi-ai lăsat în inima mea
Să nu știi ce-i lipsa de credință
cum mi-ai lăsat mie în ființă
Să n-ai parte de-ntristare și durere
cum mi-ai lăsat în inima mea
Să nu știi ce-i lipsa de credință
cum mi-ai lăsat mie...
Tot binele din lume îl vreau pentru tine
Să-ți găsești perechea, familie să ai
Lumina să te-ajute ca să poți să vezi
Binele de rău ca să îl alegi
Îți doresc să fi fericit
orice drum vei alege
cerul să-ți zâmbească
cum mie mi-a zâmbit
Să fi sănătos și fericit
Să n-ai parte de-ntristare și durere...
Timpul vindecă toate rănile ...
Și fără tine - sunt încă aici ...

Bitter truth

I have to tell you the truth
although/even if it may brake my soul,
I don't want you, later on, to judge me wrong
if I intent to keep it.
I know that our love is not possible
because fate commands,
and some day you will know how to forgive
this bitter truth.
I swear for the two of us
that it costs me my life,
that the wound will bleed
for an eternity.
Perhaps tomorrow you will understand
that I was always sincere,
perhaps, through someone, you will come to know
that I still love you.
I swear for the two of us
that it costs me my life,
that the wound will bleed
for an eternity.
Perhaps tomorrow you will understand
that I was always sincere,
perhaps, through someone, you will come to know
that I still love you.


Versions: #2
Oh oh ah, Seysey
Today, I'm tired, I’ve been watching you sleeping…
And if my voice can appease you
I will sing for you all night long
I hear you saying to your girlfriends:
'Dadju, I can't do without him!'
And everything will slide on your skin
It's like I was putting oil on you
And if they're not us, it’s too bad for them
And if they're jealous, it’s too bad for them
Let me know when it’s painful
I'm there, if necessary to bear (=take it all) for both of us 
And I know it, I trust you
When you smile at me, you don’t fake it
I don't need to wait any longer
I know that it's time to share my blood
And raise you up to the rank of queen
to the rank of queen, to the rank of queen
I’ll raise you up to the rank of queen
To the rank of queen, to the rank of queen
Oh oh ah. Ouh… ouuuh.. mmh.. hey
I know love is complicated, but…
With you, it's easier
Keep staying yourself, I don't regret having chosen you
I've promised it to your dad, I will take care of his daughter
You're part of my family and God knows how much I love my family
And if they ask you, it's because they're curious
If they ask you again, it's because they're envious
Close the door to those who are doing their best
To prevent us from being two (= together) when we are old
And I know it, I trust you
When you smile at me, you don’t fake it
I don't need to wait any longer
I know that it's time to share my blood
And raise you up to the rank of queen
to the rank of queen, to the rank of queen
I’ll raise you up to the rank of queen
To the rank of queen, to the rank of queen
Oh oh ah
Enough talk, at some point there are no more words
That's it, I abandoned my heart in your (hand) palm
I won't let you go, it's dead
It took me a long time to find you mi amor
The one who says we're wrong, is wrong
We'll fight even against the strokes of bad luck
And I know it, I trust you
When you smile at me, you don’t fake it
I don't need to wait any longer
I know that it's time to share my blood
And raise you up to the rank of queen
to the rank of queen, to the rank of queen
I’ll raise you up to the rank of queen
To the rank of queen, to the rank of queen
Oh oh ah
to the rank of… to the rank of…
I will raise you up to the rank of queen
to the rank of… to the rank of…
Let me raise you up to the rank of queen
Mmh hey.

Available for Love

It isn't clear, it isn't obvious
I'm available for love
It should've happened a long time ago
I've made every little dream come true
Except for the dream of love
I'm still waiting to notice the sign
Still I dream of heaven
Like Adam and like Eve
I stride beside him peacefully in the garden
Still I dream of a home
Children and a family
In the shade of the Olive Tree, love
And if you ask me
I'm available for love
But only for the real thing
With all my heart, with all my soul
I believe in love
And I hope that it will be here with me
Still I dream of heaven...

Half Truths

Ask for forgiveness
For what you have destroyed
Don't you ever think
of coming back to me ever again.
When I quit
being in front of you kneeled,
you are the one who says
that the floor is not cold
And today that makes me bury the pain on the ground,
there wasn't a better place.
Could it be that friendship drowned in your cold blood?
that your faithfulness took shelter in mine?
I won't be by your side anymore
Because there are no more reasons,
Poor half truths,
they are half the truth.
My exhausted heart
Has notified me,
Always stubborn
Always faithful to himself
You have become the cold breeze of October
Better ally I couldn't have.
Could it be that friendship drowned in your cold blood?
that your faithfulness took shelter in mine?
I won't be by your side anymore
Because there are no more reasons,
Poor half truths,
they are half the truth.
And incomplete phrases die
because they are not true.
Let's throw it all
Quick, how little you care.
Even anger is gone
at seeing that it is nothing
the few things that remain.
How much violence you used when telling me 'I love you'
It was as useless as a gunshot.
Could it be that friendship drowned in your cold blood?
That your faithfulness took shelter in mine?
I wouldn't want to change anymore
all your convictions,
Incomplete phrases die
because they are halfway done.*


I woke up and I make coffee,
A cloudy sky is what I expected,
On my balcony I listen to a woman
Yelling at man: I don't know what to do!
Again, look where I'm standing,
My feet are among the wet sand.
Anxiety is what's happening
Because a man has forgotten
His place for a penny.
Anxiety is what's happening
Because a woman is crying,
She was left alone, sailing.
The venom spreads, the family dissolves.
Many children are suffering when they understand
What they feel not to have anymore
To a person who they love and then they leave,
They think they are not worth being loved.
Again, this story was repeated,
My God, comfort those children who mourn.
Anxiety is what's happening
Because a man has forgotten
His place for a penny.
Anxiety is what's happening
Because a woman is crying,
She was left alone, sailing.
The venom spreads, the family dissolves.
Anxiety, not anymore!
Anxiety, not anymore!
Oh Guardian, send your Angels
To comfort those broken heart
Who want to be healed.
Anxiety is what's happening
Because a man has forgotten
His place for a penny.
Anxiety is what's happening
Because a woman is crying,
She was left alone, sailing.
The venom spreads, the family dissolves.
Anxiety, not anymore!
Anxiety, not anymore!
  • En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .


Tristețea din mine

Ceea ce a fost, nu se va mai întoarce
Îmi rănește inima în fiecare zi
Gandurile din mintea mea
Nu mă lasă să trăiesc în pace
Ar putea fi mai mult decât o criză
Este un destin care mi-a fost dat
Viața frumoasă a fost spulberată în mii de bucăți
Durerea care este în inima mea
Este o durere pe care nimeni nu o știe
Destul-până când îmi va spune Dumnezeu că va dura durerea din inima mea?
Durerea care este în inima mea
Este o durere care îmi rănește sufletul
Destul-spune-mi Doamne, cât?
Nu vreau să fiu singura
Străzile sunt pustii
Nimeni nu mă înțelege
Și mâine este o altă zi
O zi normală, aproape o rutină
Daca vocea mea răsuna până la cer
Și ajutorul meu vine doar de sus
Dumnezeul tuturor, cruță-mă
Urlu către tine
Durerea care este în inima mea...

The sadness inside me

What was will never return
It hurts my heart every day
Thoughts that come up
Do not allow me to live in peace
It may be more than just a crisis
It is a fate that has fallen upon me
The beautiful life just shattered
Into thousands of pieces
The pain that's in my heart
Is a pain that no one else knows
Enough - until when tell me God
Will the sadness live in me?
The pain that's in my heart
Is a pain that hurts my soul
Enough - tell me God how much more?
I do not want to be alone
The street has gone quiet
No one understands me
And tomorrow is another day
A normal day, and almost routine
If my voice is heard in the sky
And my help will only come from above
The Lord of All, spare me
I cry out to you
The pain that's in my heart...

Careful with the words

I went out for a walk and I entered in some kind of... I don't know how to call it. It wasn't a bar, neither a pub, nor an alehouse, nor a cafe, I don't know how to call it... maybe a tavern. And well, and approaching not to the counter but to the table, I didn't order a scottish but a whisky and I didn't order it on the rocks but with ice. And I remember that without getting close a girl, or I mean a woman, reduced the distance that kept her apart from me and not in the ear but to the ear, she said, or I mean she whispered 'I'm not for sale, but in turn of a certain ammount, not of gold but of its equivalent in money, you could obtain a good service not of myself, but of my body. I'm not asking you to answer but I wish to have a response from you.' 'Well you won't have it, but anyway I will answer. I know that it wouldn't cost me anything, but how much should I pay you?' I said, not in an onstentation mode but for satisfying, not her curiosity but her request. 'Not in this situation, nor in these particular circumstances. But in the present case -she said- you wouldn't have to pay me anything, though of course, it wouldn't be free.' My answer wasn't the following but anyway I said 'I'm not interested then. However I accept. Not with pleasure but willingly.' 'I can't say that I'm happy, though I feel happy' she said, not grabbing me by an arm but by the other arm. And without giving a single step nor going by foot, we didn't leave, but we moved walking until finding, not a hotel nor a motel nor a hostel, but an inn to which of course we never reached. However, without crossing the door we entered, and the manager without directing the word he said to us 'I have nothing to regret but... I'm sorry. There are no chambers available. But I can give you a room.' 'Don't tell us where it is, but indicate us how to get there.' requested, not my partner but the woman who was not with me but by my side. The guy didn't give use any indication but he showed us, not where the room was but in which place. And we didn't stay but we remained there, not all night long but until the next morning, not making love but... well, I hope you understood how is the technique of this.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

A Sign

When you walked away I couldn't talk
I just wanted you to stay, you took everything
When you walked away you left me all in tears
How I will be able to live now, you took everything
And if there is a place in the world that the sun will shine on me too
Tell me today until when
Tell me until when, God
The heart is broken, every night became cold
God, nothing is left, I feel it's late
I want to live at least for a few minutes
And the pictures only remind the nights, the nights
So give me just a little sign now
If there's any chance we'll still be loving
After all, you left so suddenly
It's hard for the soul to breathe. I hope you'll be back today, today
When you walked away you took away the future from me
My heart is not singing now
You took everything
And if there is a place in the world that the sun will shine on me too
Tell me today until when
Tell me until when, God
The heart is broken, every night became cold
God, nothing is left, I feel it's late
I want to live at least for a few minutes
And the pictures only remind the nights, the nights
The heart is broken, every night became cold
God, nothing is left, I feel it's late
I want to live at least for a few minutes
And the pictures only remind the nights, the nights
So give me just a little sign now
If there's any chance we'll still be loving
After all, you left so suddenly
It's hard for the soul to breathe. I hope you'll be back today, today
I want to live at least for a few minutes
And the pictures only remind the nights, the nights
So give me just a little sign now
If there's any chance we'll still be loving
After all, you left so suddenly
It's hard for the soul to breathe
I hope you'll be back today, today

In the dark

In the dark
oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh
give me a little more
oh oh oh oh
of what you give me
oh oh oh oh
give me a little more
oh oh oh
in the dark
I just want to see you once more time, I don´t know if tomorrov the sun will rise, I want to caress you, come and undress me, give me another skin, and I know if it´s not today the life will pass us, you´ll see, it´s just one opportunity which won´t return
my love, you´ll regret and I ask you
give me a little more
of what you give me
give me a little more
in the dark
Sometimes I wonder if there´ll be love in the other life if you´re not here, I can´t let you, I want to tie you up, I refuse to forget you, and I know if it´s not today there is not a future to wait, because without you the happiness doesn´t exist, I´m dying of anxiety, damn levity, a thousand valions to take
close my lips to your mouth for an eternity,if you´re not I´m going crazy
and in the dark, in the dark
of what you give me, give me, give me, give me a little more
each time I like it more
you know well that what you give me
each time I like it more
in the dark
in the dark
in the dark
in the dark

My wishes / Merry Christmas

Wherever I am
I will reach your heart
and I will paint smile in your eyes
There won´t be distance between the two of us
I will blow my voice to the wind
with my wishes I will come to your soul
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
merry Christmas, prosperous year and happiness
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
merry Christmas, prosperous year and happiness
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
let's celebrate life together
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
and let live the joy
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
from the bottom of my heart
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
let's celebrate life together
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
and let live the joy
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
from the bottom of my heart
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
merry Christmas, prosperous year and happiness
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
merry Christmas, prosperous year and happiness
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
let's celebrate life together
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
and let live the joy
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
from the bottom of my heart
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
let's celebrate life together
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
and let live the joy
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
from the bottom of my heart
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
merry Christmas, prosperous year and happiness
Merry Christmas
all the love and joy
merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
Christmas Christmas
I wish you all the love and joy
all the love, the love, and joy, my love
Feliz Navidad
I wish you all the joy
no one ever can destroy
the love I’ve got for you
in this heart, my life
all the love and joy
I wanna wish you a merry Christmas

To face the pain

A tree is standing in a leaf fall
And it has neither warm moment nor shadow
But sometimes even it wants to feel safe
And not to be like a withering flower
And sometimes time tests us
Putting obstacles to our feet
But yet we have strength to ourselfs
To show it that we are still able
To face the pain and look into it's eyes
To grab onto the life tightly, not giving up
To believe with all heart that it's going to be all right
And despite everything, we shall overcome
God sees everything, watching from above
That we don't loose the hope
And even if it's painful sometimes, we have to go forward
Whatever happens, it's for the best

Part of Me

Alone like that, I grew accustomed to it, I thought I had everything
Alone like that, almost cloudy, like a prayer between heaven and earth
How I wanted it to come upon me, that you would come to me, so close
How I waited for you to look at me, how nice it is
To love you...Just to breathe you, how nice it is
To love... To meet you, so close
Sleep my little one, my whole world, you know
You're part of me
Every day I thank you, all that is mine is yours
Remember, you're part of me
Now I'm not alone, and I shouldn't help myself
So I sang you something sweet
About how it is possible to love you more
How you are my life
How I wanted it to come upon me, that you would come to me, so close
How I waited for you to smile at me, how nice it is
To love you...Just to breathe you, how nice it is
To love you
To breathe from near
You're part of me
Every day I thank you, all that is mine is yours
You're part of me

The Emerald City

Come with me…
Glinda: To where?
Elphaba: To the Emerald City..
See the Emerald City today!
I always wanted to see the Emerald City!
See the Emerald City today!
The Emerald City!
See the Emerald City today!
See what it can offer today.
Come today, to the Infinite city!
The exquisite Jewel
today it invites you, there is much to do…
What you could teach….
To dress
To study
Elphaba and Glinda:
and much more!
and time is not lost here!
Everything is...
very green here!
Elphaba and Glinda:
and as you see, I shall never leave!
I want to live in a great swing!
And I swear I will return
and never, I will never leave.
Elphaba and Glinda:
Today I only know that dream, for good!
See today, the Emerald City!
Watch today, the fun you'll have!
See today!
Elphaba and Glinda:
As this maiden
this star…
will leave a print!
They will not forget!
Oh, the nightlife, the coming and going!
Everything is so... Ozmopolitan!
Elphis, we're going to be late for the Wizardmanía!
I want to remember this moment always, nobody looks at me
nobody points at me. For the first time... I feel at home.
You're totally emerald!
Who is it that heats you up every night, Oz...
and gives you more encouragement?
Who's good, too?
Thanks to him, he sings our voice!
Who came with his huge balloon
us in Oz, he makes us silly!
the Wizardtastic!
Wonderful Wizard!
Female Ensemble:
See today, the Emerald City!
Watch today, the fun!
Male Ensemble:
Who is it that heats you up every night, Oz...
and gives you more encouragement?
Who's good, too?
Thanks to him, he sings our voice!
Look today, the Emerald City!
Glinda and Elphaba
Here, everything happens...
It is our house
here and now I give you…
my friendship
Our friendship
The greatest friendship….
All this happened only...
The Wizard wants to see them!


Loneliness, loneliness is my friend
loneliness is my best song
she always goes with me
silently and without interruption
She dances to the beat of my rhythm
she analyzes my composition
and if I sing the same a thousand times
she doesn't mind the repetition
So much freedom she gives me
nothing like my loneliness
Loneliness gives me the arm in the street
and spares me from the crowd
she whispers the many things she knows
about my phobias and my completeness
And she leaves, when there's people
who takes over my attention
she isn't jealous and never offends
if I call her she comes and that's it
So much freedom, you might say
what an ideal woman...
I must walk
among everyone, alone
to come and look for me
and walk through the dead desert
where our friendhip grows
oh loneliness...
my freedom...
Loneliness doesn't wash my clothes
she has fun with watching me cooking
she laughs if I grab the broom
and how I didn't learn to iron
She doesn't mind if I date another
my couple, my family and such
my friends, she doesn't mind
she lives of what she gives to me
she knows what am I, what I am not
she knows what I want here today...
How to scape from her clear image
her cathedral silence
oh loneliness, people can absorb you
but you're always behind
oh loneliness...
my freedom...
oh loneliness...
my freedom...
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Till Here

If he left then, so what
If he left then, so what
Let him go, let him fly away
Change is a good thing anyways
Without someone else, nobody ever
was tortured and torn down totally
It's actually good if you make changes
things can become good for you this way
Till here ends
my unpleasant relationship with you
I am never ever returning
to the ones who turned out to be worthless
If someone leaves me, it's their loss
and they do me a favor
You see, whoever is up high remains so
And whoever is low remains low
Your love is worth nothing
I don't want you, I don't want
You being far away is to me a feast
The one who cheats and lies
does you a favor when he goes away
Your love only made me
agitated and furious
Go on, leave my world
Let me live my days
It turned out that you are not worth
all my love and my attention
The world became lit without you
Go away, oh you who have been unfair to me
I won't bring my head down or bow
And go back on my words
I like how things are this way
Nobody is on my mind
And it's all tip-top
Grief, sadness and wounds..
Your love is a burden that I've been relieved of
Everything that has to do with you is gone
Leave me, I want to be in peace
It is my right to leave the ones who
cause disturbance to my heart
If someone loves me truly, I love them truly
And I dedicate to them my life and love
But it doesn't make sense to stay up and long for someone
for all my efforts to wash upon the shore
In this case, no, let him go his way
And I will go my way
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Do You Know That I Love You?

Versions: #2
Do you know that I love you? I didn't realize it for a long time
Now I want to admitt it to you and please, believe me about that,
That I love like people can love a flower
That I want you like people who'd like to have the whole world for themselves
Now it will live here next to us
And our each new day will be a sign
That I love you
Did you know I remember the words we used to whisper to one another
While we dreamed about happiness? We swore to be faithful then
Your lips and your glance and the glow in your eyes
Told me then that this love won't have an end
And it will eternally live here next to us
And it's every new day will be a sign
That I love you

I Have A Weakness

I have a weakness,
Alas, what a calamity!1
My life is an aversion!2
I have a weakness,
I don't know what will come next
If I do not indulge!
But what a calamity!
I am ashamed to admit it
For things that happen to me.
I don't know what I'm going to do,
Or I'll be cured of this disease
Or I'll really go crazy.
I have, I have, I have,
I have a weakness,
You know very well,
You are keenly aware.
I have a weakness,
It cannot be hid
'Cuz I carry it in my gaze.
And this big weakness
What will be, will be!
For all or for nothing!
I don't know what I'm going to do,
Or I'll be cured of this disease
Or I'll really go crazy.
~ ~ ~
I have a weakness,
You know very well,
You are keenly aware.
I have a weakness,
It cannot be hid
'Cuz I carry it in my gaze.
And this big weakness
What will be, will be!
For all or for nothing!
I don't know what I'm going to do,
Or I'll be cured of this disease
Or I'll really go crazy.
Alas, what a weakness!
  • 1. Or: What a pity!
  • 2. Or: My life is a mess!
  • En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .


Defy the Gravity

You cant control yourself
At least one time in your life?
You had to lose your cool?
I just hope
That it may be really happy
Poked the nose
Where it shouldnt
But so much stubborness
I just wait
That it may be proud
That it may withstand
Being always submissive
And all you greed
Is that your decision?
I just hope
[Glinda e Elphaba]
That not
[Madame Morrible]
Citizens of Oz, we have an enemy that must be captured
Dont believe in anything that she says
She is responsible for the mutilation
Of those poor monkeys
Oh no!
[Madame Morrible]
Its skin is green revealing of her wicked nature
This distortion, this aversion, this evil witch!
Dont be afraid
I am not
Its the magic that should be afraid
Of me!
Elphie, listen to me
Its just apologize before its too late
Dont give up on your dream
You made it for deserving
And if you wish, its still time
I know
But i dont want
I cant want anymore
I feel something new in me
Nothing will be the same
I wont be subject
The rules that still make me ill
Its too late to be afraid
It's time to awake
My instinct calls
And makes me try
To defy gravity
Try to tame the gravity
They wont reach me
You dont realize what you made
Your illusion of greatness
I donw want more limits
I am tired of obeying
I dont know what is going to happen
But for today i will pay to see
I wanted so much to be accepted
It was so expensive this love
If this is love
I wont pay its price anymore
I will overcome gravity
Defy gravity
They wont reach me
Open this door!
In the name of His Oziness, surrender yourself!
What are you doing?
It was like this that all started
With this damn levitation spell
Stop! Stop!
Where are your wings?
Perhaps you are not mighty as you think you are
For the love of Oz!
I told you Glinda, didnt I?
Wreck it, get the door buster!
Quick, go upstairs!
Come with me
Think in what we can do, together
In the immensity
You and i
In the immensity
I see the fate we can build, Glinda
Our partnership
Always tuned
[Glinda e Elphaba]
Together we can make it
Defy gravity
Overcome gravity
They wont reach us
So, are you coming?
Elphi, you are twitching
Here, wear this
I just hope that it may be very happy
Me too!
Search for what you always wanted
[Glinda e Elphaba]
That lives surprises
And that it never regrets
I just hope that in the end
You remember me
There she is!
Dont let her escape
Leave me, arent you listening? Drop me!
Its not her
She doesnt have anything to do with this
Its me you want it
Its me
Its me!
Look at the sky of the west
There you will find me
Like someone told me
Everyone has the right to fly
I may be alone
But today the sky is mine
Who doubted, see
Now who's won
I already know how to fly over gravity
Defy gravity
And everyone will respect me
And hear well my voice
The mage and all the Oz
Now will see me fly
I just hope
Look there the witch, the witch!
Im going to fly!
No forgiveness to the witch
Arrest this witch