Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 13

Număr de rezultate: 769


Cunoaște-ți inamicul

Cunoști cine e dușmanul?
Dar cine ți-este dușmanul?
De nu-l vei cunoaște chiar aici!
Cunoști cine e dușmanul?
Dar cine ți-este dușmanul?
De nu-l vei cunoaște chiar aici!
Cunoști cine e dușmanul?
Dar cine ți-este dușmanul?
De nu-l vei cunoaște chiar aici!
Violența e un inamic
împotriva inamicului.
Violența e un inamic.
Provocăm furie,
Predicăm infanteriei.**
Ne răzvrătim onorii de a asculta.
Răsturnăm efegii
Ale majorității
Scăpăm de ce ne ține în control.
Liniștea ne e dușman
împotriva nevoilor tale
Să ne înfruntăm dracii sufletului nost.
Cunoști cine e dușmanul?
Dar cine ți-este dușmanul?
De nu-l vei cunoaște chiar aici!
Insurgența va răsări
Când vor fi făcute sacrificii
Nu vă lăsați păcăliți
De minciunile zise printre dinți.
Violența e o energie
De-aici și până-n veci.
Violența e o energie,
Tăcerea dușmănie,
Dă-ne, dă-ne revoluție!
Cunoști cine e dușmanul?
Dar cine ți-este dușmanul?
De nu-l vei cunoaște chiar aici!
Cunoști cine e dușmanul?
Dar cine ți-este dușmanul?
De nu-l vei cunoaște chiar aici!
Răsturnăm efegii
Ale majorității
Scăpăm de ce ne ține în control.
Liniștea ne e dușman
împotriva nevoilor tale
Să ne înfruntăm dracii sufletului nost.

Azi n-avem lapte

Azi n-avem lapte, dragostea mea s-a dus
sticla stă părăsită, un semn de apus
Azi n-avem lapte, pare un loc comun
dar lumea care trece nu ştie de ce...
Cum pot ei şti ce înseamnă acest mesaj
Sfârşitul tuturor speranţelor mele, sfârşitul tuturor viselor mele
Cum puteau ei şti că a fost un palat
Dincolo de uşă unde iubita mea s-a proclamat regină
Azi n-avem lapte, n-a fost niciodată aşa
Compania era veselă, am făcut noaptea zi
Dar tot ce-a rămas e un loc întunecat şi însingurat
o casă cu terasă pe o stradă rău-famată
devine un altar unde mă gândesc doar la tine
Doar două în sus două în jos
Azi n-avem lapte, n-a fost niciodată aşa
Compania era veselă, am făcut noaptea zi
Pe cât muzica suna mai repede, dansam
Simţeam împreună începutul dragostei noastre
Cum pot ei şti ce înseamnă acest mesaj
Sfârşitul tuturor speranţelor mele, sfârşitul tuturor viselor mele
Cum puteau ei şti că a fost un palat
Dincolo de uşă unde iubita mea s-a proclamat regină
Azi n-avem lapte, n-a fost niciodată aşa
Compania era veselă, am făcut noaptea zi
Dar tot ce-a rămas e un loc întunecat şi însingurat
o casă cu terasă pe o stradă rău-famată
devine un altar unde mă gândesc doar la tine
Doar două în sus două în jos
Azi n-avem lapte, dragostea mea s-a dus
sticla stă părăsită, un semn de apus
Azi n-avem lapte, pare un loc comun
dar lumea care trece nu ştie de ce...
Cum pot ei şti ce înseamnă acest mesaj
Sfârşitul tuturor speranţelor mele, sfârşitul tuturor viselor mele
Cum puteau ei şti că a fost un palat
Dincolo de uşă unde iubita mea s-a proclamat regină
Azi n-avem lapte, n-a fost niciodată aşa
Compania era veselă, am făcut noaptea zi
Dar tot ce-a rămas e un loc întunecat şi însingurat
o casă cu terasă pe o stradă rău-famată
Dar tot ce-a rămas e un loc întunecat şi însingurat
o casă cu terasă pe o stradă rău-famată

I Can't Stand

I'm drunk on rose, it's trouble.
My tears are not enough to die.
Your secret love in me,
It pierces my heart, wound by wound.
While you're listening to this song,
I'm somewhere far away,
Passing in one's chips,
I will think of you and forget.
I can't stand your longing.
God, how great pain is this?
It neither passes nor kills.
I drank wine of love,
To your heart's content.
While you're listening to this song,
I'm somewhere far away,
Passing in one's chips,
I will think of you and forget.
I can't stand your longing.

Sunt un om pe care nu-l întâlnești în fiecare zi

Mă numesc Jock Stewart
sunt un bărbat de treabă
și am fost un tânăr călător
Așadar, fii relaxat și liber
când bei cu mine
sunt un om pe care nu-l întâlnești în fiecare zi
Am acri de pământ
am bărbați sub comandă
am întotdeauna un șiling de rezervă
Așadar, fii relaxat și liber
când bei cu mine
sunt un om pe care nu-l întâlnești în fiecare zi
Deci, vino să-ți umpli paharele
de coniac și vin
oricât ar costa, voi plăti
Așadar, fii relaxat și liber
când bei cu mine
sunt un om pe care nu-l întâlnești în fiecare zi
Ei bine, am ieșit cu câinele meu
și cu pușca mea pentru a împușca tot
în ținutul Kildare
Așadar, fii relaxat și liber
când bei cu mine
sunt un om pe care nu-l întâlnești în fiecare zi

A fantastic day

Elsa: You never celebrated this famous day,
You only sighed behind my locked door.
And so only if you laugh
On your birthday
We will enjoy it together,
I can't wait.
Anna: Elsa, you're sneezing, do you have a cold?
Elsa: I never do, besides...
You know how I'm always one with the cold.
And now follow the thread!
I plan to laugh a lot stupidly with you.
Who would tell me that I'll handle everything?
Your party only offers amazement:
Even Kristoff and Sven took a shower solemnly!
And if someone won't desire you
On your birthday,
Then his heart is cold.
Only I will give you the Sun and the Moon!
Let this fantastic day be like your dream,
And for you it's just an experience being in this dream with me!
Those long winters passed and appeased the darkness!
Let this fantastic day be like your dream!
Anna: And to a third one!
Elsa: That's right!
The best one is coming at last.
Anna: Well, I'm really happy but you're hot like an oven.
And I'm worried,
So go take a rest quickly.
Elsa: No, no, no, let's go,
There's only a ship left.
Anna: Elsa, your bed is waiting for you.
Elsa: No, I want to celebrate until next morning.
Anna: It scares me that you won't see a doctor.
Oaken: You have a cough? Take this medecine I made with love.
Elsa: No thanks.
Anna: I'll take it.
Chorus: Let this fantastic day be like your dream.
Elsa: Still only look up to me!
Chorus: The best princess of all, that wish she has,
Princess Anna's day.
Elsa: Dance and sail.
You're my sweetheart!
Chorus: It's a fantastic day and only for you,
a fantastic day, remember,
it's a fantastic day and only for you!
Elsa: Come on, let's reach it Anna.
Anna: Elsa, it's already a lot, you must have a rest.
Elsa: I want to use the birthday sneeze... I mean attraction!
Fulfill your dreams where you stand.
Come, come, just come!
Up to the end follow the nil, you're my only reason to live!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: What? It's fiiine.
Let's go even further and don't yell about it,
Follow the thread to the end.
Very, very, very happy birthday with a lot of amazement...
Anna: Elsa, wait now, you have a fever, you're so hot.
No, you can't go any further, you're all weakened.
Now now, just admit it.
Elsa: Fine. I'm sick.
Forgive me Anna, I wanted to set a wonderful birthday party, but I ruined everything. Again.
Anna: You didn't ruin anything, you just need to go to bed.
Everyone: SURPRISE!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow.
Everyone: Let this fantastic day be like your dream.
An a day like that is only decorated with glow and light!
Kristoff: Who said it will be chaos?
Olaf: Confusion Wow-Yeah!
Everyone: It's a fantastic day and for you only,
a fantastic day to remember!
A fantastic day like a dream, for you only.
Kristoff: I wish you all the best.
Everyone: A day like a laughing smile.
Kristoff: I love you baby!
Everyone: We thank you for what you did and don't lose your style!
Let this day be fantastic and for you only,
a fantastic day to remember,
It's a fantastic day and for you only.
Elsa: Your big day!
Anna: Enough, go to bed now.
Elsa: No, wait a minute, there's still the royal horn that needs to be played by the queen!
Anna: Oh no no no no. It was the best gift of all!
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: That I can take care of you.

What to eat

Rumors have also reached ears
Once again I with minzy returned
Don't know if you have an appointment with someone?
Let me invite more fried platter, apricot wine together
Heard rumors, tell each other that
Delicious food in the North
The taste is rich, I believe
Pin in your hair, I thought that
On the side of the road, on the sidewalk
immense restaurant call for short 5 doors (doors)
After work squeezed each other no more seats (more seat)
Regardless of dust and wind, I just sit
That is very old in Hanoi
Simple lifestyle like that
Wander wander
Food culture of human in Trang An
Delicious food, no shortage
Little money, or more
Sidewalks or shops
From past to present, also it's not important
and also doesn't need beauty
Happiness given to you is simply one thing
Really .. Fun Fun Fun (so happy)
Fragrant Fragrant Fragrant (smells so good)
Full Full Full (it's too full)
Delicious Delicious Delicious (Delicious great)
Honey, what do you want to eat?
Eat che or beef noodles
Today delicious crowded street fun
I look around but crave
À i á i a i à..
Let's go quickly, honey don't regret the money !!!
À i á i a i à..
honey go yet, oh my god
today I must eat for a lot
They call eating is art
Because the chef is an artist
Not just color with seasoning
and gestures please all customers
Because it's sunny or rainy
Whether the guests are absent or few
Then the ladies who carry the street vendors are still ready
The bustling and crowded is so expensive
Including it, then the whole afternoon
Aunt Hanh at Dong Ba market Beef noodle soup, Hue, noodle soup, spring rolls Chicken rice in Hoi An
Western noodle are so fragrant
Northern flavor of thousand vermicelli bowl
Check-in Check-in –
Surprised surprised

Holiday in Acapulco

How long did I sleep?
The flight announcer speaks a cheerful spanish
A nightscape of a million dollars
Hey, I'm going to Acapulco floating in the sea
White verandas, hot wind, hum hum
El patio with a stone fountain, hum hum
Let the mariachi rhythm sound all night long
I write a letter with the moonlight, hum hum
As if I remember you a little, hum hum
While I forget you
I have my holiday in Acapulco
The old couples of the tour
Holding hands in the beach, it's like a honeymoon
I wanted to go with you
Someday this way, but now not anymore
Blue dahlias decorating my hair, hum hum
Men who come to court me, hum hum
Even if they compliment me, I don't take their hands
I drink a cold tequila in one gulp, hum hum
When the night squall starts to run, hum hum
The poolside is rainbow colored
Admirable Acapulco
I turned the key and slammed the door
The luggage scattered around and I'm alone
A horse cart welcomes me for doing tourism, hum hum
Balls in the night clubs, hum hum
The church bells ring with mariachi rhythm
Leather sandals and sombreros, hum hum
I don't need to have discounts, hum hum
I buy souvenirs aimlessly
I have my holiday in Acapulco

Zilele ale vinului și ale trandafirilor

Zilele ale vinului și ale trandafirilor
se rîd și se duc cu un zîmbet crud
ca să [ne] amintească că niciodată n-o să se întoarcă
nopțile de ieri ofilite la moarte
Trista noapte suflă
o briză ce e amintirea fidelă
a rîsului tău ce m-a făcut să cunosc
zilele ale vinului și ale trandafirilor și pe tine
o briză ce e amintirea fidelă
a rîsului tău ce m-a făcut să cunosc
zilele ale vinului și ale trandafirilor și pe tine

Riding To The West

A red sun rising over
the chrome of an
A leather jacket you keep wearing in your dreams
and Brando in your saddle bags.
Somewhere, the ,
chicks and real guys1
I've got all I need in my mind
to show me the way.
That's all I need
to ride to the west.
An hotel in the desert
The destination is nowhere
From El Paso to the Grand Canyon
just a bowl of green chile.
Warm sand in my boots,
snow on my hair,
turquoises in my eyes,
I've got a full tank in my head
That's all I need
to ride to the west
Alabama, Arizona, Nevada
Riding to the west
Highway 40. Texas City. Route 66
Riding to the west
Yeah, riding to the west
Oh, riding to the west
A girl said to me, 'brother,
a bed's ready for you in Del Rio'
A Navajo traded his pancho
for a burger.
I feel like a tequila
between salt and lemon,
between sky and water
as the V-twin echoes in my head.
That's all I need
to ride to the west
A pristine white house
and Scarlett flashing me a smile
In a New Orleans cemetary
Easy Rider following me.
I'm part of the scenery
and Norman Rockwell himself
drew tatoos all over my body.
A hell of an engine in my head
That's all I need
to ride to the west
Riding to the west
Riding to the west
Riding to the west
Riding to the west
Oh, riding to the west
Oh, riding to the west
Riding to the west
  • 1. That's the French title of ''. 'souris' can also mean 'chick' so that could be read as 'chicks and real guys'

Good Day

I’ll call today a good day
The moment I saw your eyes that are filled with light
(And I’m feeling good, and I’m feeling good)
Like it was planned, I've been bewitched by you
(Your soft smile is a good sign)
Feel good feel good
That romantic vibe
Feel luv feel luv
I think I am going to fall for you
Feel good feel good
I even like the color of your clothes
You’re so perfect that it makes me suspicious
You make me feel so fine
Can I call you and me ‘us’? Baby, how are you?
You make me feel so high
Let’s become one and fly. How are you today?
Woo hoo hoo hoo
I walk carefully this good day
Woo hoo hoo hoo Woo hoo hoo hoo
We walk towards each other this good day
Woo hoo hoo hoo
Today, I wore the slim fit clothes that you like
They slightly show off my body line
I put on a lot of perfume that you like
I can't deny that you're so pretty today woo ye
I remember what you said back then
That days like this is a good day
I told that I have something to tell you
Feel good feel good
That sign in my imagination
Feel luv feel luv
I think you feel the same
Feel good feel good
Even your flower scent is perfect.
I think I have something to say.
You make me feel so fine
Shall I call you and me ‘us’? Baby, how are you?
You make me feel so high
Let’s become one and fly, how are you today?
Even if I look shy, I'm pretty sure of what I say
Even if I sound cautious, I'm pretty sure of my feelings
Trust me and follow me, put yourself in my arms
There won't be a better day than this
You and me, me and you
Can I call today a miracle? Baby, how are you?
You and me, me and you
Today is perfect now because you and I are together
How are you today?
Woo hoo hoo hoo
I walk carefully this good day
Woo hoo hoo hoo Woo hoo hoo hoo
We walk towards each other this good day
Woo hoo hoo hoo

One Day

It’s already been a while since I forgot
With worn out sleeves and tired shoulders, in the same place every day
With memories of the passionate love that I’ll never know again
I miss you, who has faded and made me smile once in a while
One day, let’s run into each other
Like that dazzling day when we said goodbye
Even if we don’t recognize each other
Even if we pass by each other with unfamiliar footsteps
Let’s just leave it
It’s a dream that has coldly disappeared and will never come back
I was young and lacked so much
One day, let’s run into each other
Like that dazzling day when we said goodbye
Even if we don’t recognize each other
Even if we pass by each other with unfamiliar footsteps
Let’s just leave it
I can’t just let go of the dreams that always remained in my heart
So call out my name when I’ve turned around once more
Far in the future, if we meet again in different times
I hope we can say we lived dazzling lives
Even if I’ve completely forgotten you
Let’s start again slowly, just like then
That dream

you brought me back to my beginning

one of my habits is to carry your smile in this world as one of my supplies
and my hobby is to stand and look into your eyes as my mirror
and my story has begun with you and I will finish it until my end
one of my habits is to carry your smile in this world as one of my supplies
and my hobby is to stand and look into your eyes as my mirror
and my story has begun with you and I will finish it until my end
only happiness suits you, and the joy will be jealous when passing by your face
you made me forget my wound and how it was, you made me go back to my beginning
only happiness suits you, and the joy will be jealous when passing by your face
you made me forget my wound and how it was, you brought me back to my beginning (2)
ah and don't be upset if people were jealous from our love, don't be upset
and be your lover's spoiled girl, because next to you his time got a lot better and sweeter
stay for me, and from your smile tailor the dress of happiness (2)
only happiness suits you, and the joy will be jealous when passing by your face
you made me forget my wound and how it was, you made me go back to my beginning
only happiness suits you, and the joy will be jealous when passing by your face
you made me forget my wound and how it was, you brought me back to my beginning (2)

Prima zi din viața mea

Aseară, în camera mea, am construit o mașină a viselor
Și m-am deplasat în timp și spațiu.
E cineava acolo afară care să creadă în mine,
Care să-mi spună că va fi bine?
Ai coborât de pe coada unei stele căzătoare,
Înecând sunetul încetișor,
Toate fricile care mă urmăresc în continuare.
Sunt atât de fericit că ești prin preajmă.
Sunt zile nebune
În care fiecare picătură de ploaie se transformă într-o furtună perfectă.
Sunt zile nebune.
Lumea e-n flăcări, iar John Lennon a murit.
Și e ca și cum... E ca și cum
Asta ar fi prima zi din viața mea.
Și e ca și cum... E ca și cum
Asta ar fi prima zi din viața mea.
Vremurile grele vin întotdeauna, dar se termină mereu.
Presupun că trebuie să ne uităm până la final.
Sper că vei fi acolo la căderea nopții.
Vreau să mă plimb pe strada aia cu tine.
Sunt zile nebune
În care fiecare picătură de ploaie se transformă într-o furtună perfectă.
Sunt zile nebune.
Lumea e-n flăcări, iar John Lennon a murit.
Și e ca și cum... E ca și cum
Asta ar fi prima zi din viața mea.
Și e ca și cum... E ca și cum
Asta ar fi prima zi din viața mea.
Mi-ai arătat cine aș putea deveni
Și ceea ce înseamnă să iubești cu adevărat pe cineva,
Căci cele mai bune zile le-am trăit alături de tine.
Sunt zile nebune
Și tot ceea ce am de oderit este un simplu cântec.
Sunt zile nebune.
Și e ca și cum... E ca și cum
Asta ar fi prima zi din viața mea.
Și e ca și cum... E ca și cum
Asta ar fi prima zi din viața mea.

Young Russia - The Russian Militia

Versions: #1
Oh, somehow we've stayed too long, brethren,
What do you say we make tracks?
Young Russia, it's infinite strength,
Give me a steed and a good sword!
Onward militia, let's get going and chase down the foe,
This young Russia, is dear to my heart,
And it's not right for us to sit in our shacks
Give me a steed and a good sword!
It was long ago brethren
The dark forces came for this war.
And we didn't realize it, we didn't expect it
We lived, loved, and had children.
There are forty-thousand times forty,
Russia never saw such enemies.
And we didn't realize it, we didn't expect it
We lived, loved, and had children.
So the houses and huts were set afire,
The women and small children cried
And every man, brother for brother,
Went to fight for the Motherland
Oh, somehow we've stayed too long, brethren,
What do you say we make tracks?
Young Russia, of infinite strength,
Give me a steed and a good sword!
Onward militia, let's get going and chase down the foe,
This young Russia, is dear to my heart,
And it's not right for us to sit in our shacks
Give me a steed and a good sword!
So ruin came to our homes
There was wholesale slaughter after that.
And we didn't realize it, we didn't expect it
We lived, loved, and had children.
Don't you, this Russian militia -
Won't you take a stand for the Motherland,
They chopped, slashed and crushed the enemy,
And they drove back its dark horde.
And the blue heavens began to shine forth
A perfect chalice of tranquility and peace.
So who will join us in war?
Give me a steed and a good sword!
Oh, somehow we've stayed too long, brethren,
What do you say we make tracks?
Young Russia, of infinite strength,
Give me a steed and a good sword!
Onward militia, let's get going and chase down the foe,
This young Russia, is dear to my heart,
And it's not right for us to sit in our shacks
Give me a steed and a good sword!
And the blue heavens begun to shine forth
This is a perfect chalice of tranquility and peace
And who will join us in war...
Give me a steed and a good sword!
Oh, somehow we've stayed too long, brethren,
What do you say we make tracks?
Young Russia, of infinite strength,
Give me a steed and a good sword!
Onward militia, let's get going and chase down the foe,
This young Russia, is dear to my heart,
And it's not right for us to sit in our shacks
Give me a steed and a good sword! (2X)
The darkness passes and the perfect light shines on already.
He who loves his brother abides by the light.
Whoever despises his brother resides in darkness
So we have this commandment from Him, who is a loving God
He is loved as though His own brother, in love there is no fear
He who abides in love abides in God,
So God is within him, and God is love

Let me dream

Once I dreamed about reaching the stars
And saving someone's ship from the black rocks
The wind raised me up on the wings
I believed in miracles and I used to dream
Let me dream
Don't say too many words
Let me dream
Three minutes, only three minutes
Let me dream
I am so tired of this day
Let me dream
The way I used to dream a long time ago
My life was like an old nickelodeon
The same pictures, laugh and cry
But I haven't forgotten about the black rocks
And I have managed to build a bridge to the stars
Let me dream
Don't say too many words
Let me dream
Three minutes, only three minutes
Let me dream
I am so tired of this day
Let me dream
The way I used to dream a long time ago
I've put an ocean in my pocket
I've put seven winds in my other pocket
But I am not a magician
I am just a singer of old Moscow streets and court yards
Let me dream
Don't say too many words
Let me dream
Three minutes, only three minutes
Let me dream
I am so tired of this day
Let me dream
The way I used to dream a long time ago


[Verse 1]
Every slave wants their own slave
Cream of mushroom cloud
Head is heavy because of a crown
Children are read their rights at night
And there's another new wave
And the 'upper classes' cannot and the 'lower classes' do not want to
And we'll put our names in the history
In a news feed right under the photo of kittys
And there's another new wave
'Upper classes' and 'lower classes' has already switched places
And database has successfully updated
Kings are yours, aces are ours
[Verse 2]
Dystopias are in the top. Geese save Rome!
We drink paints, smell note, eat words
We are getting sweeter day by day
Hey, pigeons attacked monuments of leaders!
And there's another new wave
And the 'upper classes' cannot and the 'lower classes' do not want to
And we'll put our names in the history
In a news feed right under the photo of kittys
And there's another new wave
'Upper classes' and 'lower classes' has already switched places
And database has successfully updated
Kings are yours, aces are ours


[Verse 1]
I'm the four-letters' tag at someone's house
I'm the spot of wine on your coach
On the photo in the someone else's album
On the left at the background
I'm the massages history
I'm the fir tree planted by myself
I'm the ridiculous apology
I'm the deep-drawn kiss, but I'm here for a while
I'm here for a while
I'm here for a while
I'm here for a while
I'm here, I'm here, I'm here
I'm here for a while
I'm here for a while
I'm here for a while
I'm here, I'm here, I'm here
[Verse 2]
I'm the mud on the clear carper in the hall,
Telephone number, unfinished litre
Look, that's me... No, that's someone similar
Just has the same sweater
I leave tracks everywhere
It's difficult to kill me, I'm the mold
I promise, I' won't
I'm the short silly song
I'm here for a while
I'm here for a while
I'm here for a while
I'm here, I'm here, I'm here
I'm here for a while
I'm here for a while
I'm here for a while
I'm here, I'm here, I'm here


As I sleep, some time (Some time)
I feel your (Uhm your)
Voice putting me to sleep
And your hair tickling me
How could I be asleep
How could I be asleep
In your embrace, inside it,
I put my hands together and rest
You are the largest star I have
(Na na)
So good night
A bright light and I
If the daybreak finds me
I’ll be submerged in countless thoughts
And in the sleepless night
I’ll be in your embrace endlessly
To you at daybreak
More passionately than during the day
Between curtains, faintly
illuminating me
A white moonlight and
Filling the room,
Even the cold air
Feels beautiful because of the light that is you
I see a shifting image
We have a common dream
Even if it’s imaginary
You are the largest star I have
(Na na)
So good night
A bright light and I
If the daybreak finds me
I’ll be submerged in countless thoughts
And in the sleepless night
I’ll be in your embrace endlessly
To you at daybreak
More passionately than during the day
I pretend to be okay
You probably are the same
But at the end of the day
We are together
Oh oh oh wah
It’s fine if the same day repeats
Even the reversed day and night
My mind was filled waiting for you
And I’m happier for it now
Like a habit
Hug me tight
And don’t let me go, more
Take me to the dream
If the daybreak finds me
I’ll be submerged in countless thoughts
And in the sleepless night
I’ll be in your embrace endlessly
To you at daybreak
More passionately than during the day

Холодный друг для жарких дней

Холодный друг для жарких дней
Найдётся легче нам
Чем тот, кто владеет теплотой,
В час уделённый снам.
Флажок чуть правит на восток
Вселяя в слабых страх


Is my life flashing before my eyes, what is this?
Flickering lights, some kind of signal?
A momentary scene blooms instantly
Shame, guilt, regret again
Falling head over heels
This again, huh, a dream?
I don't know what this is but
I pretty sure I saw it, heard it-- brain? eyes?
Take me back to that time
An old man burning firewood
Listen to the monk's consultation, amen
Forcefully selling slippery wooden balls for 1000 yen
Huge giraffe at the park in the middle of the night
It was really there, don't you believe me, mama?
I gained all 3 million bubbles in the game, awawawa~
Before bed, are you sleeping right now?
Near my ear, someone's crescendo voice
It's just a rip-off
There are a lot of people on TV
A typhoon just hit dreamland
Who are you? Who are you?
Well, until now
How far is reality from here?
Dream inside of a dream inside of a dream
Don't whistle at night
A snake will come out
Don't push, don't run, don't talk
Don't separate, don't return
Protect that teaching
Potato chips for snacks
Playing hooky at the pool
Stray dog
The eaten scab was tasty
[It's a meal]
Gibberish in less than 4 and a half minutes*
Ah, looks like I'm remembering something
Don't be alone, I'll always be beside you
Because I'll always come, and come again
How could you forget something so important?
Pride comes before a fall
Just like the world of the dreams of Tadaharu
[It's a meal]
The chick I stole on a sunny day
No one must ever know about it
Put it in a drawer for company
Like dreams when you have a cold
The hermit crab that appeared in Natsu no Hikari
I'm sure you wouldn't know it
It's my own apocalypse
If only you could go back to that day
And never make the same mistake again
Jizo's mysterious powers
Fictitious graves, fictitious mourning
I couldn't help it
There's nothing to do in the countryside
After saying something random
While washing my head in the shower, wow!
Want to remove it, want to remove it, can't remove it, can't remove it
Softener, wiping with a fluffy towel
Rub, rub
Loosen, Loosen
Wrong thing, wrong thing
Let's forget, let's forget
I think that's what life is about
What people said
Internalizing, are these my own words?
I forgot, it's the best thing to do, a bright red plastic bag
I hate that sound, throw away that garbage
Throw away each memory with my own hands
Don't cut your nails at night
I won't be able to meet you anymore
Don't push, don't run, don't talk
Don't separate, don't return
Protect that teaching
I'll make up with you if you fake cry
Pinky promise, if you lie
You'll have to swallow a porcupine fish
It's a promise
I can't tie bow knots well
I get frustrated and cut it off
A train that doesn't know where its going
I get frustrated and cut it off
I can do everything by myself now
Don't need it, memories, don't need it
Leave me alone
Gibberish in less than 4 and a half minutes
Ah, looks like I'm remembering something
Don't be alone, I'll always be beside you
Because I'll always come, and come again
How could you forget something so important?
Pride comes before a fall
Just like the world of the dreams of Tadaharu
[It's a meal]
Four minutes before and after
Maybe nothing will ever change
I'm not afraid, there's no meaning
I can hear it
[It's a meal]


I wish I could understand
The reason why you left me
My heart only had space for you
Come back here again so I can say it
If you want to be with me
I'll give you plenty of reasons to stay
Commas are not periods
Who's talking about the ending?
Who said that?
I know you are also thinking about when
We used to get crazy, fucking the night away
Tell me what you are going to do
Even my bed misses you
I know you are also thinking about when
We used to get crazy, fucking the night away
Tell me what you are going to do
Even my bed misses
We learn in time
Not everything works out as expected
My plans are not doing plans
As long as I have you by my side
Baby, you can't fool me
You're playing with a Gemini
The kind that if you go
I'm not coming after you, not coming after you
No, no
I'm not coming after you
If you want to be with me
I'll give you plenty of reasons to stay
(Yeah, yeah)
I know you are also thinking about when
We used to get crazy, fucking the night away
Tell me what you are going to do
Even my bed misses you
I know you are also thinking about when
We used to get crazy, fucking the night away
Tell me what you are going to do
Even my bed misses
If I had a time machine
I'd do everything exactly the same, damnit
You not wanting me is almost tragic
It's more than tragic
I know you are also thinking about when
We used to get crazy, fucking the night away
Tell me what you are going to do
Even my bed misses you
I know you are also thinking about when
We used to get crazy, fucking the night away
Tell me what you are going to do
Even my bed misses


I know I'm a moody person
A flood one, a hard one
Push me
And I'm already on the edge
Don't come to me to say no
When I know the truth
And I don't want to be spending
Another second
The way I've been feeling
I get a lump in my throat
And I don't even know what to say
So, lie to me, maybe then
You will pretend to care
So, talk to me, maybe at the end
You won't turn your back
Fool me
Take me to your bed and tell me
We might love each other
You make me feel so strange, but I'm happy
To be here by your side
Could I spend the night with you?
It doesn't sound wrong to me
So, let me stay
Let me stay
So let me go if you want to
I know you do
Cause I'm gonna be fine
She loves me so, she loves me not
I'm with you all the way, whatever it takes
Now I just need you
So, lie to me, maybe then
You will pretend to care
So, talk to me, maybe at the end
You won't turn your back
Fool me
Take me to your bed and tell me
We might love each other
You make me feel so strange, but I'm happy
To be here by your side
Could I spend the night with you?
It doesn't sound wrong to me
So, let me stay
Let me stay
Fool me in bed
Love me, make me strange
Fool me
In bed, love me
Fool me
Take me to your bed and tell me
We might love each other
You make me feel so strange
To be here by your side
Could I spend the night with you?
It doesn't sound wrong to me
So, let me stay
Let me stay


Nimic din ceea ce sunt
Nimic din ce visez
Nimic nu este nou
Nimic din ceea ce gândesc sau cred sau spun
Nimic nu e adevarat
A fost atât de ușor înainte.
Nu am făcut niciodată cel mai mic efort.
Da, a fost foarte ușor....
Dar ultima zi de vară
nu mi s-a părut niciodată atât de rece.
În ultima zi de vară,
Nu m-am simțit niciodată atât de bătrân,
niciodată nu m-am simțit așa ...
Tot ce am,
tot ce îmi amintesc,
este greșit.
Tot ce am simțit, am crezut și am iubit
a disparut.
A fost atât de ușor înainte.
Nu am făcut niciodată cel mai mic efort.
Da, a fost foarte ușor....
Dar ultima zi de vară,
nu mi s-a părut niciodată atât de rece.
În ultima zi de vară,
nu m-am simțit niciodată atât de bătrân,
niciodată nu m-am simțit așa ...
Niciodată nu m-am simțit așa ...


Left all lonely
A small star of the afternoon
Is it because you can’t forget it
That you are still staying just like I am?
At this remote place where even time has stopped
I’m endlessly waiting for you
You don’t have to know me well
I won’t expect more
Looking at you from a distance
There’s only little
I can do for you
The things I have to do today
Are to resist coming closer to you
And holding you
In my arms
Long lasting twinkles
Have you seen the mumbling?
Because that’s the only language
I can speak
Even smaller than the dust
I’m wandering around your day
You can pass me by again
But I’ll be here
Looking at you from a distance
There’s only little
I can do for you
The things I have to do today
Are to resist coming closer to you
And holding you
In my arms
I’m here as if I don’t exist
Not belonging to
Actually I know
That my wish can’t hold you
It’s still so difficult for me
To resist coming closer to you
And holding you
In my arms


And tomorrow came a lot sooner
than I calculated when I was younger
Living slowly this very day
I know if I hurry, it'll be worse
And when they told me at the beginning that I'd be here
I never thought that these scenes would be like this
I still find myself wondering what I haven’t lived yet
And I am not getting younger
And it takes work to feel
Nothing moves me
I saw that the fun of falling
Is to become stronger
I am really stronger
I am really
I am really, I am really (yeah)
I am really, I am really (yeah)
Yesterday I was 18
Today, 25
It's so paradoxical
Not to say I lie
Everything is out of place
Maybe my place is
To stay on the outside
Time doesn't pass, it surpasses
If everything came for free
Tell me what would be the fun in that
What? What?
And I am not getting younger
And it takes work to feel
Nothing moves me
I saw that the fun of falling
Is to become stronger
I am really stronger
I am really
I am really, I am really (yeah)
I am really
I am really
I am really
And I am not getting younger
And it takes work to feel
It's because nothing moves me

I Swore I Wouldn't Talk About Love

You heard me calling your name
I'm not that hard to find
Tell me where you were yesterday
You are too hard hard to find
I swore I wouldn't talk about love
But the traces of you are everywhere
And it keeps chasing me wherever I go
It keeps chasing me
Could it be my own obsession?
I've lived all these years in vain
I wanted to look into your eyes
And spy your real intention
I was told that I turned my back on you
When I just wasn't ready
But I think I am right now
Yeah, I think I am right now
I was told that I turned my back on you
When I just wasn't ready
But I think I am right now
Yeah, I think I am right now
I think I am
We grew up together
Side by side
Living in our world
Little damage
And us together is what made me
Could it be my own obsession?
I've lived all these years in vain
I wanted to look into your eyes
And spy your real intention
I was told that I turned my back on you
When I just wasn't ready
But I think I am right now
Yeah, I think I am right now
I was told that I turned my back on you
When I just wasn't ready
But I think I am right now
Yeah, I think I am right now
I swore I wouldn't talk about love
But the traces of you are everywhere
And it keeps chasing me wherever I go
It keeps chasing me
I swore I wouldn't talk...
But the traces of you are everywhere
And it keeps chasing me wherever I go
I was told that I turned my back on you
When I just wasn't ready
But I think I am right now
Yeah, I think I am right now
I was told that I turned my back on you
When I just wasn't ready
But I think I am right now
Yeah, I think I am right now
I was told that I turned my back on you
When I just wasn't ready
But I think I am right now
Yeah, I think I am right now

The Heavens Watch Over

Just a couple of streets and two buildings
So close together, so far apart
Like two parallel lines
That are never to cross
Because what is without, is not what is within
And we will tear this veil from our face
Even if we are far apart, the heart knows
Even if we are far apart, the heart reaches out
You say, there are no coincidences
Someone up there is guiding things
The heavens are watching over us
Beyond the wall, beyond the fence
There's someone in love, who won't give in
There's someone else, who is so like me
Someone else who might be waiting for me?
Because what is without, is not what is within
And we will tear this veil from our face
Even if we are far apart, the heart knows
Even if we are far apart, the heart reaches out
You say, there are no coincidences
Someone up there is guiding things
The heavens are watching over us

Make A Wish (Birthday Song)

Me you, we’re trying to leave this place
Hurry and get on, our hearts are at the same place
Push those worries away to next time
There’s not enough time, so now we on our way
Freely, come join me
Spread out your dreams above the surface
This movie-like story has begun
I can do this all day, all day
We got this
We’re taking over this place again, 100%
Going to the next level, higher mental
We’re already on another level ya
Let’s start we gon’ fly
We won’t stop it’s alright
I can do this all day
Back it up back it up
Hurry and ‘hit that line’
Time is ticking (you should)
No need, no more sign ya
Wherever you are, I can find ya
It’s gonna be alright
Bring your hands together, make a wish
Hoo you should
Make a wish
I’ll take you anywhere
Make a wish
(let me do it for you)
Never stop keep breaking out
Still working all the time
Gotta escape, we gon’ fly away
Open your eyes wide and dream
We’re breathing from our own place
But if we can connect, you’re already a star
(You’re already a star)
I won’t get tired, got no limit
My heart keeps drumming
Pour out a whole can of gasoline
I’m ready to ride right now
let’s start we gon’ fly
We won’t stop it’s alright
I can do this all day
Back it up back it up
Hurry and ‘hit that line’
Time is ticking (you should)
No need, no more sign ya
Wherever you are, I can find ya
It’s gonna be alright
Bring your hands together, make a wish
Your energy, it links me up
(links me up)
Feel this right now
(I’ll do it for you)
I can take you anywhere
(Slowly going to you)
Don’t worry, let go
Bring your hands together
Bring your hands together
NJow make a wish
I can do this all day
(I don’t need to answer
don’t need a question
We no professor)
oh oh oh that I want
Bring your hands together
Bring your hands together
Now make a wish
No need, no more sign ya
Wherever you are, I can find ya
It’s gonna be alright
Bring your hands together, make a wish
I can do this all day
Back it up back it up
Hurry and ‘hit that line’
Time is ticking (you should)
No need, no more sign ya
Wherever you are, I can find ya
It’s gonna be alright
Bring your hands together, make a wish
Make a wish
(it’s your birthday it’s your)
Make a wish
Make a wish
(I’ll give you birthday cake yea)
It’s gonna be alright
Make a wish
(Bring your hands together)
Make a wish
(Bring your hands together now)
Make a wish


It’s the story of my childish days
When I was worried over all the ways I could possibly live my life, I just averted my eyes and ran away from it
“If that’s how you’re going to be, society will never understand,” adults say
If that’s how it is, then what am I suited for?
In these commonplace days that gave me no answers, I came across it by chance
The rock music pouring from the TV and piercing my heart
It stole my heart
Possibilities didn’t exist for me,
But I don’t want to throw away the dream I found
It’s the story of me breaking into a run barefoot
Towards the end of the sky stained with my hopes
These brilliant days spur me on
They light a fire in my heart
Things don’t go well for me like in a manga where you can move forward with just your feelings
I spin my wheels, fall down, and get covered in mud
I’m controlled by the passing time and just get impatient,
An inexperienced warrior covered in wounds
I’ll stand up tall with a composed face
I encountered fleeting dreams and days of laughter
I was saved so many times
By this world made with the bonds of our belief in one another
I want to bet it all on the unknowable future,
Running out of breath and burning up my soul
Our story starts here
We always held the answers in our hands
I’ll send these dancing feelings and this rushing message that was born
To your heart
Let’s make one and only promise
In the middle of this endless dream
We won’t stop moving
I’ll take your hand
You’re not alone
Possibilities didn’t exist for me,
But I want to believe in the dream I encountered
It’s the story of me breaking into a run barefoot
Towards the end of the sky stained with my hopes
These brilliant days spur me on
This is the beginning
Unleash the light

Vrăjită, necăjită și zăpăcită

Sunt iar sălbatică, amăgită iar,
O fandosită, smiorcăită copilă iar.
Vrăjită, necăjită și zăpăcită sunt eu.
Nu puteam dormi și nu aș dormi
Când iubirea venea și-mi spunea că n-ar trebui să dorm.
Vrăjită, necăjită și zăpăcită sunt eu.
Mi-am pierdut inima, dar ce-i cu asta?
El e rece, sunt de acord,
El poate râde, dar îmi place asta,
Chiar dacă râde de mine.
Îi voi cânta lui, în fiecare primăvară, lui.
Și tânjesc după ziua-n care mă voi agăța de el.
Vrăjită, necăjită și zăpăcită sunt eu. (x2)


Hoda is a beautiful name, soul and images.
O, charming deer took my heart and gave me pearls.
O, innocence of purity, light and talks at the end of the night.
O, girl singing the most beautiful melodies of the night.
O, wild child and a marine mermaid.
O, adorn the sky and the moon.
Hoda, all gifts , heart of the story and the most beautiful breeze of a day.

Suffering and loving

Can't tell if it's old mug shot fragment,
Or feel alarmed me.
I get enough air,
You, very dear to me,
Tried to love me at night.
I'm addicted to that thought,
That you and no one else are near.
Forgotten by me, don't deceive,
Let's be with me down to the last second.
But we didn't realize one thing:
That we, as all people,
Suffer and love.
Don't deceive me, I'm with you,
No one else will be so closest.
Can't tell, if we somehow ice to each other,
Or to be nearby is my destiny.
Let's forget at sunset all, that has gone before.
I'll find you on retro shots.
I'm addicted to that thought,
That you and no one else are near.
Forgotten by me, don't deceive,
Let's be with me down to the last second.